i -? - i - ' ; - 1. : ; l ' L t - - - . Reading notices, 'pit IbW it Clf AdrertCni; tier Hn lo I tll-O - Jfe C ssifled Adaertising, far Un ' times ' gta Om month, dally and Bonder V Uh ... . ' ties U OA th evening before hll cation for cfauulfication. Copy re-- aiter Taw nm will b rue "dV dUn "Too - lAts to FOR BETnV-APAimnJnffT5 4tlvCU evening after 4. HELP WANTED ilALE State ffu srj.xr tare adui WORKERS . . Tour willingness to work with to co-operation and help we offer ou wHl uwr you of a steady )okMI a regular pay day. - This la jot the regular hlrt-pres-sure proposition and we do not want salesmen experienced In our line. What you have been we don't care, it you can follow Instruction! and S-re wtll bis to do an fconest day's work for an honest day's pay. Call at - Room 4, 147 No. Commercial 8t ' J T p. m. -HARPwMONDAT MAN with uIm miw v- ledge of used nserehandia valne with or wuaoui nvresunent to help me la a ferine proposition. Box TS, , StAtea- man. ... v-- - Enersetlc men wtth car. eat or work:. married a hustler and resident of 8a- jem. uasn every Burnt. AMrm fav lot ter only, T)E-2I80 8. High St, city. vr h"dho Tim per. Ments, large aad wett furnished room. aikisstaaoa THKU AT444 NortftVmter street envtai J 1TS4. Address Box 6. Statesman. OLTKPIC ar3La. s e t.k.j Pt 71 N. Liberty, i 1 - ,-.i-.n n h . - - . list and -2(7 ft Fnrn. lt Ctorca, VlW and $15.49. Cail i917 RKI.TRI.Ta man about 30 vr ai with tar wanted to call on farmers ta aianon eounry. -ta-e sg to lit daily. N expertenes or capital needed. Write toaay. .nrst fc Thomas. Dept. F 421 Third St, Oakland, Calif; " HELP WANTED FEMALE A middle axed 'woman without at. tachments who can cook and under stands the .cars of small children. Per manent. Apply 422 U. a NatTL bank WANTED Girl for cart time house work board, room, small pay. Phone .3176. ADDRK8 SING ENVELOPES work AT HOME during spars time Substantial weekly nay: exDertencs unnecessary. Dignified employment for honest, sincere, ambitious persona AD VANCEMENT LEAGUE. NAPER- VIIXE, 1LU MART Rose representative famous dresses, hosiery, lingerie; short hours : BO experience free etroi Tranent : can earn f 35 weekly. ROD AS I COu 80S Kodasi BWg.. Cincinnati.- O. LADIES wanted to string beads at home. Stamped addressed envelope for partu uiars. .experience unneoessary, Ivory Novelty Co., 113 -Fourth avenue. .ew zone jtcy. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED A good real estate per eon to taks oyer my office. Call at 24a5 Stats street from IS to i p. m. NEW SPECIALTY to retail Comm. daily.- (40 weekly auaraatar. Oo- portunity, -worth flSO week. BOX 18, cedar uapMS, ia. - AQENTS District tnaaarers. profit Every home prospect 1H re peater, jrree sample. baijj iu AGER. 12 No. Halsted, Chicago. - - "STOP THIEF" Shouts new mystifying, human-like auto alarm when car iq touched. En dorsed by polios . dents., everywliere, Crowds marvel at it Agents clearing 25 dally. Bxciusiv territory. ree sampls offer. Writs V. 8. Industries, Inc., Dept 493. Carver BWg., Des Rfotnes, Iowa. SITUATIONS WANTED Willamette student wants summer work. Address box 91, Btatesman. WANTED Housekeeping 'to moth erless home. American. Experienced, refined, city or farm. Add. Box 364 Vernon ia. Oregon. WANTED to care for children In my home, day, week or month. Tel. 170IM. 43 n. winter. FOR SALE Miscellaneous PORTABLE typewriters, all bakes. new and used. Aooera ana typewriter for rent Typewriter Kxcrange, 41 Court street FOR SALE An kinds A. TUCKER ' U3M. of wsod. FOR 8 ALE Old papers. 10c a ban die. Statesman cure. SPECIAL prices on wood aad msa re. Evsrything delivered. - Phons FORDSON tractor for sals, Phons 9 5 FX. Rt t. Box . IWWwwwwVwVwWwMAMMwVwWI FOB BALE Bssisna tractor fast overhaidod with double disc HHM, PhoaellssW. FOR BALD Good heavy work har- nesa lUv.ss. rao Phona lfis-W for fro of guarantsed Sit fwU pries vacuum cieaaar. , V n , m am ii a mm mmv $5.6. 1 N. 14th, CJ1 after 4 p.m. BARGAIN f Piano play- nd rolls, aa. CaU 741, Ur. Tiffany. FOR SALE On Btsadard JSeetrlc range. S piaus aaa oven, .gooa rwo tlon. Caw bo swen at 1WI N. iSth. TRADE MISCELLANEOUS VjWMSMWwVwwVwwVwVwVwwMllAMMM WJLli trade lady's beavttfoft tftmrnoad ring for poultry, hoc .abeeJPhoiie WANTED AllsceUaneOu W A NTED -User cianoa. la chango ea Radios. phweiispMss- far. FOR RENT ROOMS ii - ii ---(. ... .- - m . m FURNISHED toosekseasna - ro kitchenette, garage. Reasonable rent Phone 1457J. " ' - - - ROOM AND BOARD ROOM BOARD fn Twin beds. Phono 1S3S-J. bsme. I - LARGE steam bested ' sf serine room, board, rnooo'issu. BOARD ft ROOM t meals dally Hot and cold water-trooma 544 North Commercial . FOR RENT APARTMENTS ApartnMRts tit aad ill Grocery. N. ConTL TWO and thrss for vetiC A1TBA&SADOR APT3. roont apartmeata SITS. uiUXR awtk. tBider new , ment Furnished rooms aad apt Tat -704." - tal-IVM APARTMENTS. fJOWa- toww -dUstrlcta.. 'Cleaa, wrfUWa. nicely furnish d. reasonable. For, - spseUoa call Pattosa Book sxsra. 1 "" "if-JJ 5 i Mil FPU SAXJU-REAL ESTATE mxoTj Want k Gobo SALEM-rTKXm HOME With modern eonvenlencea. nrfm aad tasarin trsJt eaotsrh -ta-pay the taxes, beautiful rear akadv lawn whojra your chfldieu- caa enjoy their home pmrarewBO, -m s suf Irt det--. lzkmos wcatioa, paving paid.- Price Cor. Onfek Sals t74L X700 eaah. amid ma aaalancaJ room Salam homo, MUST RELL. ties Mducad from sSOsa ta sltos tmr lute: sale,- only J-essh, Imlanes ' good terms, paving paid. Ton win miss' a 4arftR if Tr won't way this, v UK sussst sAnuAlAd ta Sales houses, suburban acreag homes and faraul SKK . , t. . i k 411 Oregon BtiUdrng . FOR RENT Tsrttfsbed makJ S7X M tltb. FOR RENT FOR TTTNT TTnna rtinMul in4 S41 Stata tiaaS , " FOR SffiSUlMl WUM tVS :n $80. Also flats store bldgs, business lota i I . . -? wSSqKE ft HEKDRIC&S - - c iss Morth High tiet j ' 'xi. S R. bunyajo. Hit Cbemeketa.' 3 furnished and . two madam unfut. aished boosea , MELTTN JOHNSON Phons C37 BUNGALOW, modern. nnfni-nlslMHl xour rooms I or two. sws K. ' "'t"S Call 7. Niasjpsjsjsa LARGE fiirntshed house. S22 month. S2 K. Front Tal. ItkUC p,r 125. nar too. 3TS0.;,4.sti acres wttb. four raaaa house. garage aa enictsa aoase, beat of soil, fjrst . cUss : atraa-berry land, all to cnltlvatkm. four- iniiea out near Pacific highway; fn eashU wuboc 0onBur. aouoeffiass pos session. -j - . , . i $2!5i Fivo acres located 4 miles east With aew unfinished bouse, drilled well, $100. down, balaoos 5. per month to include tateoset. Real Estate Fire Inmtrattce. Vfi H. ORARENHOBST ft CO, . l RcaMnra 114 S liberty Street ' TeL ItlSJ FOR RENT Ftrrntshed room jnad ern house and garage. Call 1708W Or in. winter alter p. so. FOR RENT SOU KENT Vlf.00 ser month for amaTl itnr. building on busy street to good res- mentiai aisiricr, ground floor location with Uvtag rooms in rear, wired far electric range, fine set plrunblng. rood basement Ideal location for ladlas dressmaking or beauty shop. . ctiiixs cu Realtors 0 8ttU 6treet Phono 1717. FOR BEST RENTALS SEE BECHTEL of THOMASON 341 state Street Room 4. -y i- "k-i-trnri n Morningsid homo and ana acre with rruit and berries for rent 1 1-6. OS. A. C. itUrlKIM sTEDT Tel. 677 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR BAf-JB FwTi niinnit TTfll rent dence with a wonderful view. Built for noma oy owaor. - a. d. it A tut, ISIS vairnioant Mrsec. paoos IIZT. " - -- -- -i-iiri-ii 11-n'irLTi.nAnAnji REmANN'S BARGAfKa Oa of the wlccst aaaall liaua la towa. 4 R. aad aaok. Strictly snoderav Beautiful lot East Salem. A barraln. e room housa. nrepac. hdw. Hoor, 125. down. S2S. per mo, tacnd- ing mterest insorance. Money to loan. RICH L. REIMANN "' Phona Iti Realtor 11 S N. High St 124 No. High St & M. EARLB Phone 2242 A reliable Salem realtor Selline cits and farm orooerty of all kinds. Sdo- cialfst In., exchanges of sll - kinds of oroperty anywhere. m.m,m0mjmmMn' 1 want t diSOOse of the I room bouse, on comer 14th and CeatarJ preliminary to building. Prefer to sell j letting bayer remove the house which is weu constructed, sattabi for mak ing Into downstairs and upstah-s apart-' menta v. a. snuuuii at The states FOR SALE OR TRADE 120 acres. 76 acres blow land. Good Improvements. 171 cords of II Inch wood cot old Fir and Oak. Also 104 cortfs of oak and old fir timber. 75 tnrea. 4S lambs and 300 bona. A creek on the place. Everything goes for f 75. 00 per aero, Will Salem. taks house or acreag near HOLLYWOOD REALTT f 2009 North Capitol Pfaons 2107 Res. 2! GOOD BTJT3 AND EXCHANGES Good t room bunealow. earaire. fruit, t fine corner lots; $5000 fos farm : same valoe. 100 A. stacked and ooTjIppod dairy ranch farm, Mdga, fruit, lota, good umcr, gooa location, sii.oeu, asar; good terms or taks income property. PERRINH ft KARSTERS SIS Gray Building FECIAL BARGAIN f rsosa plastered -house garass street paved walks In best of lot tlsti Oawsra. laws. Lot ta worth . IL- fcvs.oe. uouso la aot new but in good. repair ana wui seu on easy terms lor VWffV.. E. E. ROBERTS. Realtor. 341 Stat Street Phone 303 or SMB. EXTRA Owaer DL affsra brand new home at bargain pries iftOOO. . Located on fins corner In Bauta Jnlsat It will pay you to invoaugaM. SEB Mrs. Bills Wl LEO M. CHLLD8 CO- Realtors 120 .State Street Phons 1T27. SUBURBAN hons, free acreage; good T-roora bouse, semi-modern, trutt of all kinds, smtawfldlngs suitable sr emcjeens or cow. Basniicing to leave town. tt0t with torma East Salem real estate. D. M. Jones, 1455 State street Phoa 177IJ. We hare 1 clear Salsm propertlas t trade for a cans. A well equipped poultry ranch, splen- oia locaaan, waer wm sxawct. , A rplmdid duplex tor 4 or S room cottag r wsuU oenstdet sssaU acr age. A spleadid S3 acre farm worth $. 500 with nice improvoeaaats tor Bsisai home. McOHjCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 100-10 V. & Bank Bldg. Phono 140. Ill acres dose Salem, good tarprovo ments, good taad, wttt trad for laifae puss or would go to eastcjw.vrcsqn. st. svaks; - Pboao ItCX. H. 175 State Suwt f 3100. New rem English style doom, oak floor In living and dialog room, f lreslac. aammsat Curnaoa, garage, light XUUtrea, ta- fits. oowa. 3300. Mew S root floors in living aad dining room, nook, S bedrooms,- run ptaes. lasutdry trays, avtng. on ra and -navlnari Tersaa. 11810. Bungalow. 4. rooms and ales brsakfast rooss, bath, garage, pav ing, tawn,' sta. i&o aown. . 3l7o7Naw Snslishi style bom. rooms and ath. garage and par mpd. 1100 down. k.- - ' 00. to loan. Fire Insurance. KELVIN JOHNSON t I ISO V. a Nat'L Bank Bid Tel 1ST 0m0mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlmmmm4t0mm JOTCrtlT A beaaUfal flvs acr tract jbet' far mP sod plastor ibswss, bath- ;"" a rage, aara, nan Priced, to sB Snick UlaO iitth n wnciH aowav ac 3 A. 40 under euttlvatloa. balance odr tlahtr for wod. . WeH bated. cloea to schooL alar trie lia-hta avail- aoie, mc stvsv. wiu trade for bouse;: in Salem., '.z.. . - 11000 buys a good 4 rm. house, gar- re, -xine iot, in west saiem. ' -ltd acres river -bottom. ' IS A al- faUa, family orchard... balance open pasture, some timber- 4 mi. from Sa lem. WD! accept some trade. , a rm. pause lor sate or trade, come' ta aad let as gv you.-h, details. ; ,. a. v. White-with - til Stat Street , Salfinu Ovrgon 8UBURBAM HOtlfUk 3K50. On cr of spieadid sofl wtth tnre rsosa nooso tocateddOse In oa grarel at 5 down: .babuic . unmdiate FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE A RKAITTTKTTT.T.V T. r r TP n GOOD SALEM RESIDENCE. EAST FRONT, LARGE CORNER LOT S5x 180. PLENTY ROOM for AKOTHKR HOCSE ; nice slirubbory, TWO LARGE! suAuis TtutBB on south aide. Plentv bearing cherry, and pear trees. House ha t rooms, and full baaemant- nwar 1100 furnace with sawdust burner, hotj water coil, also electric watr beater. launory irays, iurnac neat to DOtQ iioors. nrst floor has K Tooma. r1r. plaee, hath bad toilet. . one rug and electric ranee, whutow 4rnn i first floor goes with bouse. SECOND FLOOR 4 rooms, sleeping boreh. BATH AND TOILET AND Tl.Hinl TRIC RANGE AND OTHERWISE! KUKN'ISHKQ AKD HEATED, MAKES -v vnuiuc secona zioor apartment wltk nice private front bal! entrance, and back stairs to basement The me. ond floor; apartment has rented almost sii.axiil.1 at xrom sr to 135. A MONTH, WHILE THE OWNER at the SAME TIME EJ.JOTS A VERT PLEASANT HOME on the first floor, all independent of tho second floor occupants. The present owaer, an aged. uLiuctea may. not ania n not arrar the property, therefor ta making a r- auction in price Irom flies to -ft 750, which Includes the xurnlshinara that ieog aad will take a good modern all house If Driced lisht same cash and good terms on balance. NOW IP rtU An LOOKING FOR ONE OF THB i ohT UUMB AND INVEST- suiKiT AAAAtUAiNS ta Qaletn. you should Invest lrj.te this AT ONCE, as the" reduction in pries fs made for a ytlUh. AJISttJSAlA, SEE WUiLN TAUiHAff 411 Oregon Bailding 8700 will buy a S rm. house, wood shed, good lot Pay like rent 72 A. Polk Co.. 35 cultivated, balance pasture, running water. SUtV. Will trade fbr house la Salem. 158 A. river bottom. 50 cultivated. running water, stock and- equipment. 130.000. Will take soma trade and give easy terms. 7 room modern house, large lot. irun trees. oargam at sauuv. J. F. DLRICH COM PA NT 25 State Street TeL 1354. GOOD HOMES PRH7ET. TT ern. $3850. Nearly new modern six room bom with three bedrooms, break fast nook and dlnina room. - mod ern with oak floors, east front oa pavement, 3io. cash : balance , monimy. a real BARGAIN. NRW HOM19 - $3100. Modern five room bom .ne arrlsr high school, finished In snakes oa outside, full cement basement furnace, fireplace, gar age, pavement, IS 00. down, balance menmiy, immediate possession. . KrtRTW SlaT T 11(50. FIv room house with tme lot. waring iruir. trees, pavement 30 " cash, balance mortgage to be as sumed. WORTH MORE MONET. NEW HOUR H 8AT.T7M fS50. Modern up to date seven roons noma wnn eiecvrlc remgeastlon, hardwood floors throughout three bedrooms and sun room, large liv ing room, wKh beautiful fireplace, east front lot doubi nrtn 11 . 00 dowtii r wner WUI consider gooa lot u part payment DO NT Neglect to see this Hn&n REAL ESTATE ft FIRE INSURANCE w. n. UKAASlSMnOItST St CO., Realtora 134 & Liberty St TeL SIS. RARGATVa 7 acres of fruit and near Salem Helarhta. nod Ommm arn would make fine chicken farm, $3300. T acres on aavinar uu Mni.m tv4ctty, 4 acres walnuts aad cherries 4a bearing, 31850 ; must sals moaay ; wuicrertae wuuja not cut on o lam. Beautiful corner nt mnnnmit Rm l"ti1c.t;.r2od V1M by ISO, srloed v wr seauy casn, some terms. , WINNIE PETTTJOHJf, Realtor 175 South Hhrh Street w Jktmm "ior JW .Joacy'a worth. sub, im py an appouitiur ni 141 Stat Street I r. :: Roam a. ON NORTH PACIFIC HTGHWAT r-ACii-5stw - f 'room house, tare bAnt. nnnTtrv fd-o koua. ft ers ta emlnau and "barta. . years eid tt-wcres 4n clo ver. 8-A. rape. tS-acres oats and veatch right WW. 33-ACRES 84500.00 4-R. house., targebarn. ss-acrea la so and 1 sroaA alee " - i . toroagh aiae, -extra coed dark' a4i; wmiT.terma ( . - Oe-ACBES tssoe.M . - STOCK AND .EQUIPMENT : J-Coosa good noussr. baca, gatag . IS'T bousa, 1 heltera, ntr colcksnd, twohorse. brood now aad all eojiipuMmt, txade for amall Pboe. -.. ' , i-i-i iii rrnrjsTq itaUiui puA S amaa. -mtnmTl mMim l-, tm.i t mile from Salem, all rtvar bnttatS ,F0R SALE USED CARS MMMNMIMitaM Valley Motor Company New, t tow prices on all' used 43ars effective today. Come in and see the Bargains of f ered at Valley Motor Company Center and Uberty Pfidnc99v, 0mmmm4mmmmmmfm9mfm0mm0lm-mm I S III iyasl8ssBneji .The Home of Bet Values V MARKET ROW QUIETi ON i 9 ACTIYITBES LACKING AT Egg and Butter Prices Remain Unchanged -Is Report ooo, as exasptesnal boy. Alee t4acres mini xrom caiem owner haa nnd sawn for want hi r 4a 4ava tiuriin. tryt wIB sacrtfioe hie place walcfa te nt Tf thn hflt mm. 1 mmm.mm, atjout either of ; these placea. And be surprised, at wtnttlhey caa b boerht L C 6B?TEUS nr W UflTJrw Orsgoa Bufldtag - " Tel. 174. SMAIX, ACREAGE ON EAST TERMS I sere ra oearlna; apples, dose. ., oowa, sis. per snoeait' - . 11000. Oae acre all In cultivation on - travel st not far xrom bus line ; 125. (town; II m llfrOO. FIv acres located 4 mOea east near, paved road, . dowa, 8tA xer ma. 91850.- Five acre 4 miles south with 00 Mack walnut tree ready to graft best of sou, well located on grarel road. Mtr larnii 11500. Fire acre ieeated en paved rsad miies east , near Swegl school. SS- down. Its . n-Tt. REAL ESTATE ft FIRE INSURANCE iif.n. GRABENBORST ft CO., T14 8. Liberty St. " Phone 515. Business OptMrttButies y aarsSeBa0aa SPLENDID BUSINESS OPPOR- - TtTNmr ..WELL aulped- ceofeoUonary aad light luach roosa. -Fountain - ali-Mii worth mora than prloe asked, Located hi campus of college town fn good building. Price 83700.M. SIMS down payment, balance easy terms. . We have other business oDbortnn-. SOCOLOFSKT ft SON First National Bank Building - SERVICE STATION SNAP With good paylnf buatnet. Has two gas pumps, air, repair shoo, rest roonM, good S boobs house, eat bustaea lot in the heart of a arood ihrivinv town near Salem. Prtc 4S0(. Worth more wioney. SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON S41 State Street - Room 4. Shown by appointment ............... . . n-irninimaju FOR SALE CHEAP Eatahllah fuel business including truck and wood In yard. CaU 1382M. MONEY TO LOAN Private Money to Loan . FARM LOANS Plenty of money to loan on good farm security. City Loans W are loaning Prudential In surance company money oa city resi dences and business property at &V& rr cent, plus a eotnmlsslon. Hawkins Roberts. 105 Oregon Bailding. CITT AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATS SAVINGS AND LOAN . ASSOCIATION T0S-8 First National Bank Bid. ffione 447 Salem. Oregon. ON FARMS AND CITT REAL ES TATE, LOWEST INTEREST RATES, BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDU. CITT AND FARM losns at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Oar insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service in all lines. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS (Inc.) Tat 1427 308 Oregon Bldg. To finance your new home or refl mnce yem present home, ate P, H. BELL. 108 tf. 8. Bank Bldg. Tel. 80S. --' ii'i'nnnnrio'iiriniiainrtri PERSONAL. tlUKS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly. When In financial awed res oa before closing a loan. . GENERAL. rNVESTXEKT CORPORATION First Hatlatial Bank Bldg, Pnene ISM Federal Farm Loans, iU per coat, T. L. WOOD, til State Street. r.fc, S-AMJVr iom sdwotea. furtaV MtnrylftauV LOANS TO SALARIED PBOPLhW wa DiaUl DAT08JL fjnillOTVBfaT tare, ulsnes aad ether o erry. turpgy. tn satan tnoatmy raeata, Prompt ovod coarteeus servloe. All txatrsaettoa strictly copfldentiai. STATal JJDAJi COatPANT til Oregon Bkbx. Second Floor Corner Stat and High Office Hn. 10:00 a. ta. to :St p. ta. Telephoae Oil Licensed by State. EXCHANGE Real Estate 1"lAesVr4fcai- EXCHANGE I Jiave Income property la N. Da kota free of debt Will trade for acre age near saiem and pay ei mjute aiuerence. - LEO N. CHILDS CO Realtora 32 State Street . Phone 1727. j , EXCHANGE 1ST acre near Turner. 50 cultiva ted, hex pasture and timber, several springs. Large bouse and barn, about 4t cherry trees, good crop, abont 4, 000 cords wood. Only $50 per acre. Win take value in trade. " 147 acrse near Mario, fair build ing, good soil and on arond mad ts . M0. eW. Will take oas la Salem i etwss. , : , C XiJACKSON wtth W. G. KRUEGKR ', 147 North Oowwnetclal ACREAGE EXCELLENT xbus north, buy 41 acrea IS Utfuway. Call 1712. GOOD RANCH BTJTS acres of Prunes, family n. 41b miles , . VIRGINIA aparoneats. 8 nicety Ter tilshed room. Clean and -desirable. - Electric rang, sJectro-kold, .tiaat aad ' water. Doa't miss seeing tats i im;.018 47. i ; .ii ' " STATS apartments, 11S9 XUrt St i Desirable t room furnished -comer apt - Concrete bldg. Refrigeratiosw Ideal for ;. summer. Garage. Adults $10.00 to $4 ; 0. Phoo S118J or till - r- Attractive S or 4 rooms furaUbod, - J20 coon. ... VfTrft hPDMtTITUITV-- 18-Arrea. tnodern R. iMWse, bath, teilet, lighting systesa and water system, plastered home, bearing walnuts, pesahes, arunea gad tsA. nrafted R A. berries ; the pest - o aotL Prtc only s4).t; will give tenawi A rail eff ef N. Pa cific highway, t miles of Salem. ' - , - f-ACRES; 42M.t : I' I -Acres en Silrerton road, 1-mae front -?alem, 4-room house, large bars, " t poultry houses, s-acre crop, a ' ana at lis.. WUI snv sued SEARS ft TUCXXR. Re40taT- -1S4 South Commercial Street . , BeaatKBl Jsam overtooWag Salem. I room modern bungalow, - garage, chicken coops and fence. I acres full bearing fruit tree. Frieed 85300.00. 1- On thousand cash. CaU J493J, 10 acres. acrse orchard, bouse and barn. from Salem, 2104)-2& cash, balaac easy xenna, ' M SMrea, d acre basTfaur eherrlea 4- acrea.walnnU and filberts. Fair house.- 15 acres timber and casrura. tttkune ta cuftlvation. Ok good, rood ft mues xrom eaiem. wm pen for $13.00 $0$ acres, all eared and traced, t room aeuse wxn not ana com water, S barns, S alios and milk bouse, water system, S miles from school. WIS sell TC,7-rCCSTftSO.Ni . v ' First- Katioaal Beak Building 5 Acj;e S-4 tnl east of Salem, ta crop. ' gm sou, A. lermsv . . 28 Aj mostly In cron. fair farm bufld lngs. just off in hlghwax, ttortl). ta.700 , si ins' ' 8 A. t mnC aast ef Woodbura, creek.' well and spring, mostly all ia crop. t lias sou. l-i crop, ces wnn fiaee, - $130 ner acre. J 1$S lAeres, ft sat from Woodbura. $0 ' A. cottrrated, fiae etH1."falr farm ' - 'buildings, 10 acres alfalfa, family - .orcnaro, per a. ; - - MELVIN JOHNSON 320 TX. & Naf L Bank Bldg. TeL $$7. . .ia MONET LOANED On AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your paymenta, Too keep the car. P. A. KtKKR Cor. Xibertr St aad Frrnr Phoa i$l Ssisja, Or. lOSf Bufck Sport Roadster Ii37 Bulok Coach '.- , u r T..i-k. - n m . If It BuMk Master Touring: iJZZ37 1 -$795 . 716 soo .4K 1025 Buick JsastervEae. tearlosr S4 ISSA Ttn 14r XT. mt Trmtrimm - ' a 1!S Btrlek 8edanT run 15.000 aedsn . JJ5 235 fntlea 132 CadilJaR S 1121 rhnl, fmmt-tr l27 Chevrolet Roadster Itlf. ClunrMta. imm I Arilw - 1K 1021 Chevrolet Cowpe Jts 13 Chevrolot Touring - 150 12C TJoevTolet Sedan S 1017 Chevrolet ton track 116 izs cnevroiet track aad -lumber trailer 850 127 Chryster 4 Cylinder Bedan 4 1924 Dodge Sedan ' 375 ISIS Ir 'Tanril. BK 1025 Essex Touring is izi Essex 4 Touring - 60 1021- Ford A sport Roadster 490. 102s Ford A Business Coupe 435 isis wna a .. - ... tat IMS Ford A Sport Coupe - .- 80S zs- i- ora x v;oupe-roixtii . 105 1024 Ford T Coscb , 190 1SS Vnnl T rMtvtlr wSr.v,ni i . c uw. ..UA.Oll j 12 rd f IWtny - - ' . - tig ; ora x Koao-ter delivery 125 102$ Ford .T Roadster . 95 lllK VtmrA nvl - c 103 Ford T Coupe 1M IJ24 Ford T tto--r-- Sm tr, 13 Hudson Coach -T" $5 isis Hudson coupe- ' ISO 1023 Hup Touring 85 1025 Hup Touring 326 ltt Jewett Coupe 105 trio uiasxaeoue sedan 276 1M7 Star Roadster , 195 IStS Qf Tmim .e 1S15 Star Touring ZZZZZ 1 i4 war Touring T 1928 Star Sedan wUl trade for wood en IsSS Star Touring : 40 ascs eaaea-er Hgtit ,S. Coach In 1924 Studebaker tight 4 coupe 1S5 1914 Studebaker Special Enc. Ttmr- ' ttnT ISS 1934 Studebaker light 4 Touring . 15 124 Wniys-Knlght Touring 145 138 WHlys-Kntgat Touring 75 Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED BT V ALLEY MO TOR CO, FORD CAR O. J. WILSON. BUICK CARS Marlon and Liberty Open Evenings and Sunday Phone 10S7 sseAAssfbks"sbesss4ssgs McKay's Por Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts 192$ Chevrolet Coupe $450.00 129 Whippet Coupe 175.00 117 Paige Coach ; IS.6 127 Essex Coach , ISS. SO 12 Ford Sport Coupe .t 485.00 1929 Chevrolet Coach 650.00 192$ Nash Cabriolet 26.00 1917 Pontlac Coach 826.00 1930 Chevrolet Sedan T4I.0O AO thoroughly recoBdltJoned and guaranteed. Also a nice line of used trucks Prices reasonable and conven ient terms. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company TWO LOCATIONS 430 N. Commercial St Phone 1801. 530 Chemeketa St Phone 1425. Reo's Used Cars and Trucks 1928 Oakland. 2-dr. Sedan 127 Ree 2-dr. Sedan Reo Flying Cloud, 4 -dr. Sedan 193T Dodge Roadster 19X7 Ford Sport Coupe 115 Willys Knight Sedan .These cars sold with our regular Used Car guarantee. ; Used Trucks 17 Ford Model A, 488 mflea, 54S m.wm9 v.nvruiei, s-speea rransmis- 375 j?d. Jamb traasnUssson 176 1914 Reo, 8-4 ton. . 300 Reo Sales and Service 339-347 North High Street PORTLAND. My 11 fAP) Ia Ui absence f any session ot tn prodnco exekk ngB since last Tnarsday, the omclsj f pricey, ot better remains tht suae todkr the ms tkeT vu west irUh; futfpMes teiftifaL . No changes were announced In e reprices, with receipts' resorted more than, libersl. a , , , ' - - - XQTICK OF LNTKNTIOX TO Df PDOVE IKADE STREET BK . TWKEN TWENTY-FOURTH STREET AKP-: j TWENtT- tth firnct-KT. ): :'. Notlc Is kereby sires that the Ctfnaoo Conacli nt tbia City of 8Ja, Oresom, dooms it necessary and expedient and hi4bt declares its p-Tposs ami tataattoa to fm prarre Trade Street between Twen-ty-fo-rth Street and Tweaty-ttfth Street in Um Ctf -Sxlem, Ore gon, at the expense of the abnt tlag and adjacent property, ex cept the street aad alley iatersee tlocs, the expense ef which will be assaBed by the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion ot amid street to the established grid, constructing Portland ce ment concrete carbs, and paring said portion of eaid street with a stx-inch Portland cement concrete pavement, thirty feet In width, in accordance with tho' plans and apodfjoetlona therefor which were adopted by the Com mot Council, on May 19, 19S, now oa file in tb office of the City Recorder, and whieh ar hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The) Common Conncil hereby declares Its purpose and intention to make the a bo to described ixn preTemeat by and through the Street Improvement Department f tho City of Salem. Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil the 19th day of May. 1930. If. POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first publication May 21. 19S0. Date ot final publication June 4. 1930. M23J4Inc. BITS Of General Knowledge """By W. L. GORDON A various phenomenon that is very common in tropical regloas is a shower OX fishes. It is caused by ft strohf upward draft la .the center of ft whirling column of air. This stick, up the fishes rom a body ot water, carries them through the atr and drops them at some distant point. General Markets - ri'i fi SATURDiif H. r jy y PORTLAND. i i 1 f ' DAHtr si PORTLAND. Ora May 89 ?) Prodsee excbs.re. net prices: batter, ez- trai S3, standard 81. prune frntt 80. Cists t. :. resk sxtra 44 gj 96, (sash, atediaan 22 tf 24. : . '', .b-JSSSED POULTBT' " TORTAST,' Ore., My 20 (AP) Dretsei ponltry, . aominal. TnrVeyt, fancy laws. S5; kess. 35: Xs. 8 SS 28a. , -4 FKTJTTS, TSOETABUS PORTLASD, Ore.. My 29 fAP) traits ssd vegetables. Fresh fiait or sasas, Talaacias. .00 8.50 : ' grape traits Islperial. 3.00g6.05; limes. 5 ios. esrtea. $2.50; taatnst, 5Vg6c lb. ' LemoBt-CsTifornis, $8.S09.25. Cb.' bsce California Winaestasd. 84e lbj Oacaaibers botrioase, Oxefoo. 60s f.50; aew Texas crystal .wax, -8 2.00; Cahorsia. $2.00: saw 4ektn- reds, $8f45 satk.- ; ' Letace Otreros, 91.55 l.SO : per tnsfar Ss. Asparsjrai Oregon, f 1.25: ,4r 4aza baoches. - Spissck laeaU 50$7m orsngs box. , .'; ',' i Strawberries Ortjon, $3.58 ; 4.00 4r Sts. ' " CelT htorn ia, $2.00 t-a, $5.50 S 4.9Q tor 54i. Calery Cslifornla, t2.00. dotes, $5.50 4.00 'crate; hearts. 82.2S 4en bunch es. Peppers Bell. 20e lb. Rasbirb local, outdoor, SUQk;- CSalifloirer Califoraia 83.00. Table potatoes Deserinies rerss: $4.00 (94.50; Takima, 3J04.00; westers Oretos, $2.252.50; new Text. 64 7c lb.; California. 74J 7a lb.' Sweet potatoes sontftern yams, 83.75 per hamper: California, It Tb. Peat Qret-oa. 11 12c lb. Beans California, $2.15(22.30 pr 23 15. hamper; 10c lb. TOETLAND GRAIN PORTLAND. Ore.. Mar 29 (AP) Wheat futures! Opes Hith Close Bay 103 103 108 Jul. . 104 S 104 Vs 104 Sep. 104 104 H 104, Cash msrkets : Wheat : big- Bead bhoe- ateai Sl.tT ; saft white, westers whits $1.04; hard winter, northern aorinc, western red, $1.02. Oati: No. S 35 lb. white 829. Cars No. SET ahiomeat S.S0. Btillrnn standard 82. Barley 428.30. LIVESTOCK POBTLAKD. Ore., May 29 (AP) Cattle 40O. ealres 15. aboat steady. Steers. 1100 1300 lbs.. Sll.00ll.50; t-sed 11.50 12.00: medinra 10.50 11.50; conmoa 9.0010.50. Heifers, road 10 00 10.50: common to -dinia SOO 10.00.. Cows. Rood 9.00 9.50; common to raedinm 7.25 9.00; low rotter to cotter 4.007.25. Bnlls (Tear liars exelsded), 7.75 8.25; cot tar to BBodinaa 6.50 07.75. CalM S.50 B.50; call U nedinm 6. 00 (S 8.50. Vealers. milk fed, lO.OO 11.50; medium 9.0010.00; call to common 6.50 (S 9.00. Ross 600: steady. Heavy wehtht. 9.IS? 10.75; medium wcisht, .754f 11.25: light weight. 11.00 011.25; Krht liehi. 10.001125. Pseking snwa, "00 9.25. Slaarbter pigs, 9.75 & 10.50. Feeder and atockor pits. 1 1.00 13.00. (Soft sr oily hors and roastinc pig relnded is sbove qnotatioss.) PORTLAITD. Ore.. May 29 (APV aCHk -otterfat a cent lower. Esw milk (4 per cent) $2.80(52.40 cwt, de livered Portland, leas 1 per esnt: rrade B milk82.65. Butterfat, station 27c. track 23?, delivered in Portland SOe. CHICAGO OEAD7 CHICAGO, Msy 29 (AP) End of-the-ssonth deliveries ot wheat en a big scale proved to d0 a decided handicap todsy for friends ot higher prices. Ths market at times made strong rallies oa aceosat of anUinh crop reports both do mestic and foreign, but ths gains failed to hold well. Today's delireriea oa Chi cago May wheat con tracts aggregated 1. 627,000 bushels, with further large delireriea looked for Saturday. Strawberries Become More Plentiful in City' Unusual uet prevailed along market row o ga tar-ay, with de mands normal and no nrica changes recorded. - Strawberries were more plenti ful aad tor the first time this season the supply seemed eoual to ine aemane. sTsaa rrsft Annies m. Arkansas Blsckt Kansas. HV ', . ite .1.75 ts J.7S OT ---.50 to Jt9 Oromsdary. . lO-aa. pkga. Cnaa's PUUwIA A .... Cailf. Grspetrai Tml a! Pi& K Ls-Kns, Calir. Oranges. Jiavsts v m i - , ,, 100'S - 126'a - "O's . I74's 300's lie's 252'a . SsS - S21'a -4-SO .7S 8.25 -9.00 Strawbarries s.o 5.5a -.OiS'" -7.SS s.ee -S.35 -S.O -S.SO S.5 -S.50 -.9.50 Vsgataales 'U'holesala Quota tiona) vaiir. -6.5 Cclerv. Benched regrtablea, per des. banchsa Carrots go Beets " ..8 To mips " to Kadi shea - ; 10 60 . 40 ...... .15 5.00 3$ Parsley Onions Oarlic lb Calrfemia Tomatoes lug.. Eothesss Let tree - l..v, T..b;.s Coeambers, bothaaaa Cahbaaa. laea 1 Khasarh. leeal. Peat (Ths Dalles) . rotator-, local Artichokes, daxea New potstoes ... .1.50 1.75 ta S.OO na 'asis ..IS .a oo SO to 1.10 ...04 H to .05 reads (.Retail testations) Catf meal, 35 lbs. bciatra, ton Corn, whole, tea . Oracksd aad grotind Mill van. ton Braa, toa Err tnaih .. WUb milk 1.2S -50.00 .44.00 .44 0 aa.oo .83.09 .54.00 .60.00 Extras steeinms Eggs (Bvyl-S Prica) -It -II Stags Roosters. eU Heavies Pealtrr (Bayiag Pries) Broilers Lagnoras Others Butterfat PriaU . Cartons - Wholesale Batter (Baying Price) 18 7 ts S . 16 ts l .10 to IS -23 to 23 Impressive Service Held at Belle Passi Cemetery Friday WOODBTJRN, May SI Despite the cloudy skies and eool wind Friday a large n-mber of people were present in the Belle Pass! cemetery to honor the dead buried there and to witness the Woman's Belief Corps ceremony. The regular ritual, of the Corps was used and tho speaker was Rer. John T. Myers. Jessie Sims read Lincoln's Gettysburg ad- Sattaa (Retail QaoUtioot) Prints Cartoaa SO 36 36 -88 ..S7 Oram aad Hay (Baying Price) Wheat, welters r4 ; 99 Soft whit 03 Oats, bn 47 . Bar. ex. ton S29.00 Hay. retail price Oat aad tetea , Clover Alfalfa Spriag Lamfe Lira Hogs Dressed boga . Iresaed veal . -Teat 'Baying Price) -18.00 to 23.00 -l'S.OO to 93.00 .25.00 to 28.00 Coarse Median Old Kid West .--07 -10 14 IS Hah air .16' -30 .23 .37 dress and Ines Elliott tad Rath Gear sang "The Star Spangled Banner- followed by a saint by the O. N. O. firing squad. Con cluding the ervic8 at tho monu ment, Rer. Myers offered a short prayer. The Boy Scouts, Relief Corps aad National Guard were preseat ia a body aad Comrade William Church, reteraa of tht Civil war, lead tho parade t the aoaumeat. LOANS WANTED WANT Private mans for ft loans. We hav several applicatioaa on hand. Hawkins ft Roberta. Iae 809 On aim Beds. . LIVE STOCK Aad POULTRY WANTED Frrrt mifUnd 1K Iba. and up. Top market price paid. Odt 133F-. Leo Hatchery. FOR SALE WOOD Viri i i 'ii iiri-r-i -i -1 ii ii i-.-iini.-n aji GUARANTEED DRY Wood esal TeL 13 8alm Fuel C IU Tta THE best wood In the dty for ta money at -Tracys rwsi xard. ProQkpt delivery, -none sssa. DRT Or- aad -a wood, coal and fuel oft C 11 ssm ns Car nrlcea. Wo give sood nieasur. good Quality aad good service. LARXXR TRANSFER S1S1 8TQRAQ WE have is wood wn Soad'aB the time. Prompt delivery. l$ & 1SU. Cobbs A Mitchell Co, pbose til. GOOD 14 to. old fir. 87.6 Phon- 24P3. .Tou Cot ni av Caraga. ir M Or. $7.00. Phon $669. 16 In. old fir, 4 ft fir. oak and aSh. No. 1 old fir hill slab. Reduced prices. C V. Karbangh, 638 Highland Ar. ro ipso - - Dry 2nd gTesrth flr $1.0 delivered. Phoa 1712 W. . LOST AND FOUND VWWWWMWWWMWMMMMMaMMWWWt LOST Oa steel llwulsttiB toBer tweon Stat tra$ aad K. 23r4L IHU-ler notiry ; i-smiiton MTAir -VO an couoct rawara. i ; . -! DST -New red seoeter. taken from yard on Thursday night Reward tsa rs tar t s-oemsrs-v - , t 0T Bl-e pewdant aaa ring, ward ftr ree-m. Tet 514 114. Be- PERSONAL " Tf you are lonely send 10 cents for tofonaaUso ' toPprUsnd Crrespa denes clan. (baa. 94L Csottai Station, sruano. - . ,- , - i ; Qood Will Used Cars Sf With a aranfv iszs-i-onnae neaan . I.7-Nash Cabriolet irzs-Durant Sedan 1928-PonUac Cabriolet ITST-Nash Coupe 1924-Hudson Brougham ...J saany others to c boose from. .$s$5.ee . 4o. . 485.00 . 595.90 . 445.00 - 585.00 Fishing Cars 1923- Dodge Coupe 1924- Essex Coach l25-star Touting ii5.se I ,5.0 tut illlhevmlet Tnnrlaa- Good top curtains, rubber B-sehsar ically O. K. ; , t. Wood-Wheaton -f Motor Co., lnca $19 North High TeL Jilt. 445 Chemeketa Qood Used Cars 1927 Butck Coach 1 1927 Studebaker Sedan 1927 Nash Spec Sedan 1427 Ford 'Sedan i I9S Overland Coach 1924 Chevrolet Coupe 192$ Chevrolet Roadster educational Experiment Hailed by Youth j o fsence of xain and Homeworic, Cconbined with Inter Outdoor Sports, Makes Makes Paradise for Pupila Z ft(We! a a .: i . "MT-L- t . '.-:'-. . - --r "'" . $ X fv 4 4 ' , !'i r' j . K- $415.00 . 645.110 . 750.00 . 285.es . 245.04 . 245.0 . III H We have other models as low as 60.00 Come m and look them over : we will try and please you. F. W. Pettyjohn Co Inc. " Tel. 1240 J . FUNDS REPORT MADE The state land-department turn ed over to the state treasurer dur ing the month of May a total ot H25.104.7, au-a.t(LJ re port prepared Hero Saturday by George O. : Brcrwn, ler: of the state laadJeQanL i . , . TV &4nErT'MEET pjnrE- ' Governor Norblad has called a safety meetlBg te be hejd ts Port land June 7. when plans ,wiU bt aiade for s state-wide safety eova eil to be held ta Salenr next D eember or duTjaC-th inLlt&h latnxe, .. ; i v . .. , - . 1 If " 1 ; i Ur Tin: Luinn Qoat - ..Ths, three Xs ar her as rJ. sehool dad used to rtt so senti- -me rpr1r4 -taLTy clasa rayavbat th ia student's t tb rl tzX iT-1s 9-9:1. rooprs. Part sf 1e edueatioo t OL1 Sotxth Fiald, L. X, li c 1 r' -i tt rr). Vts I eocs fa i "st 4W-b-V WtJ fi tmblet the T&JA i -Z A l tt'J ta s txzj t Uj T "i Afi-te-. Jwtvi--Soe goas I tn Ca aro ao txsz&k t l-jto4wi.tu V..,... .rf i .-r- T ; ........ .... .,.. . . .. ' .. f . .., ... , .,-'.. j ,. i ---'---,.''''-' . ' - 0