- rXfce OREGON STATQglAtl; Sakta, Orcgaa. We&asgay Kcnxfcg. Uay 21,193a PAGE NINE WILL HELP YOV TO SA VE Reading notice-, pes Une 25c Classified Advertising, per line 10c Classified Advertising, per Uao a 9 timn 2 60 Clasrlfted Advertising, per.. e - 9 time' 1, 10 One mouth, dally and Sunday per XI D - - i , i 61.90 Copy tor this page accepted un til 6:20 the evening before pbtft. cation for cUMilicatloo. Copy re ceived, alter this time will ft rut; tinder the heading Too L te to classify. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED M Two. To lota our ales farce. Experience bo 'necessary as sales education and sales assistance part of oar plan. Call Mil-or apply 229 H. Commercial. TWO atnrle men with Hunt car, five to travel, -who are anxious t-g to werkt permaaooA poaUlon wttU goo Immediate earnings and opportunity for advancement. Call A. V. Oeoes, 113$ Cnemeketa. between T and I p. m. HELP WANTED PEMAL3 oral housekeeping. Small family. Per manent position. , References. Write iiox is. Maiem. Oregon. FOR BENT vrm T wxr-n Tbiilitlnws m a a Mn.. rhaiw. to kM a nmv . A t.iv, .J have good garden. Can work out rent ..tsr- jx-vruu w., Realtors ISO State Street - Phono IT IT. FOR SALE SEAL ESTATE T? RTTW A 9rx eiiDfiirifa One of the nicest email home ta town. 4 R. and nook. Strictly modern. Beautiful lot. East Salem. A bargain. lSflf at Owner, hraiaa MMnlak& -s - wea a as vjjmb www floor, $15. down. $25. per dm, lndud- Insurance. Money to .loan, RICH 1 RK1MANN Phone 883 Boaltor 112. M. High St THREE room hoese partly furnish ed, on back of large east front Jot. garage, frutt and net tree. Price $ V 000. Terms If taken soar: 261 N. l&tn. . EXCHANGES Kew T room farniahed daplez hoase. BOUIO li IMIllhhr vent tMr. eieas eOaitT far riMr nnhnnnml a i anywhere. s room strictly modern bonee, gnr ags. North Salem, will trade '$1699 equity for smaller boose. Service station and camp ground. $15,600. Owner want stocked and equipped fsrax not over Sjooe. OCW-JlUJX 4t BUM First National Bank Building FOR- SAX Fatrmount HiU resi de ace, with a wonderful view. Built for heme by owner. A. J. RABN, 1610 FmiraJotmt Street, phone 1227. 224 Net High St. Phone 2241 A reliable Salem realtor selling efty and farm property of all Mode, Spe cialist la exchangee of ail ita of property anywhere. Wanted at once competent women for geaerai housework. Mast be good cook and able to take care of children. Address Box 21, care Statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous PORTABLE typewriters, all makes, new and used. Adders and typewriter! for rent. Typewriter Exchange. 421 Court street. FOR SALE All kinds of wood. A. TUCKER; 1229J. FOR RAT.1C T.t a--. - - R. die. Slateaman office,' mm --- - - --VM-L-LTL"LriU" SPECIAL, prices on wood and man- tire. Everything delivered. Phone 851M. FORDSON tractor for sale. Phone 13K3. Kt 2. Box 90. FOR SALE Samson tractor Just overhauled with double disc $300.00. Ph o n e 218 5 W. Select Bar bank and Netted Gem seed potatoes. Puritan Cider Works. Produce Dept.. West Salem. Ph. 2S74J. FOR SALE Corn on cob. P. W. Woelke. Call 104FJ2. A REAL BARGAIN '350 thoroughbred white Flemish rab bits. A snap If taken at once. M. W. RABBITERY RL 8. Box S3, er phono 1TI2JL TRAILER Cheap. 557 So. tlrd. TRADE MISCELLANEOUS Who has 4 or 6 rm. house and lot near city limits to trade for Stiver foxes. H. M. EVAK8 273 State Street Phone ltl. WANTED MisreiTaneoQa WANTED Used ' pianos, fa " ex change on Radios, phonographs, or fur rlrre. H. L. Stiff Furniture Company MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Used steel windmill and tower. For sale from 1 to 20 2000 gal. pickle tanks in good condition. T. T. McCLELLAM West Stayton FOR RENTROOMS Furnished rooms. Close la, 444 N. Winter. 24T1J. Pleasant, furniahed, front room with garage. Half Mock from state house. Suitable for 1 or t gentlemen. Break fast If desired. Tel. 10J. Housekeeping rooms 422 Harlan. Steeping room, beat, bet aad cold water. KELVIN JOHNSON Phone 427 - ROOM AND BOARD WX in, - MiiUXWK ROOM at BOARD la modern noma. Twin bed Phone 12S8-J. BOARD A ROOM 2 BMeis daily Hot and cold water la rooms. 644 North Commercial BOARD and room lfti Lea St, Hth St. cannery. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Apartments ai and III. Grocery. t N. Com'l. TWO m for rent. AMBASSADOR APTS. three room apartments I9T2. MILLER APT3. Budar new manage ment. Furnished rooms and apt TeL 701. Furnished apt. $12. me. TM C. High. saisaisasssaaasa, ejaisa wat rATTON APARTMENTS, dowa--town district Clean, comfortable, nicely furnlstMd. reaeoaabie. In spection call Patten's Boo store. VIRGINIA asartment 2 aicei for nished room Clean end desirable. Electric range, slectro-kold. heat and water. Don't mlae seeing thl PHONE 2671 "STATE apartment X$2 State St rw.nimhi a rMiB furniahed earner apt Conerete-bldg. Hefriferation. Ideal for summer, fjarage. Adtuta te tw.- nrt Phone 22111 er 291L , i 3 t i room for. apt ground floor, garage. X A Albert 44 Mill Street. Modern 2 4 2 room apt Water, lights and garage. 1421 N. Chtnrch. Lovely furnished apt 2 refrig. hot water, heat, garage. $22. Phone 266. stove. Heated farnJehed apartments for rent at 24 and 249 Marion street tiwr"aasmsjssasasaiea HrwtM st weawb PfefMM 1 1ll. sLsi-J KJK iJi-SaJsfaataMaajssTajTWa Three ream furniahed apartaaeot. pri vate bate. M Court Street Phone 106T. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Houses fevnlshed and unfurnished. F. L. WOOD 241 Stat Street FOR RENT Clean houses $10 to fg. Also fla.te store bldg. business lot BECKS HENDRICKS 157 jvorcn xxign ou fcriiiii',"ii t r" M r mnm modern house. Call I XL m. 1097 Nortn waiter. Xrxrrrsrw''i's'' o s S R. bmigalow, 1242 Otemeket. Larra bouse close to. Owner MSB. WWWMWWMMM FOR RENT 6 room modern house, to responsible party. Must have refer ence TeL 2202W. ' t tinii Snnth Salem en paved street $29 mo. Inquire 299 N. Commercial street niTunia hanaa lies Lee Street 2 furnished and two modern unfur nished bouse .-, MELVTN JOHNSON. Fbnne f2T I want to dispose of the 2 room house, on corner 14th and Ceater, pretimtnary to bnilains. Prefer to sell, letting buyer remove the house which te well constructed, suitable for task ing into downstairs and upstairs apart merft C A. SPRAGUB at The States man. FOR SALE New modern home of 2 rooms and an acre of good ground. Wonderful view of 8alem and valley. WIT! also trade for acreage with fruit and trees. $3200. 10 acres 2 mi. east in culti vation. House, bam and chicken coops for SOO chicken On pavement acres with store and filling sta tion. This would make a fine auto park. Only $2160. Lou of shade. HOLLYWOOD REALTY 209 North Capitol Street Phone 2807 Re 2988. MrVVrArwrVVVwVvwVVVrVwVVwwVwwV acre orchard !75t.t or trade. Box 7a nra lroe Wr.44m An leaaw -m w v a a wvivviiif you J a.4 in, fair bldgs. Fruit. 10 cow hog good team, rowi rarra machinery, crop Clear. $12,500: good terms or take mail acreage or residence tor part xsew auptex Tunisnea nouse, gooa Income $4200, also new, modern 4 room bungalow also rented. 23000. Ex change one or both for acreage. PERRINE A MARSTERS 212 Gray Building WE liave a splendid SO acre farm all the very best of land, timber, 10 acres tillable, some walnuts, fair house, on eavement. north, value $4500 and eaa use a good small, house as pay ment. A very delightful 20 acre farm on Stlverton road, equipped for poultry, nice bouse and barn, fruit for family, team, farm Implement cows, water system, electricity owner will sacri fice Price $7000 terms. A splendid duplex house in good lo cation, large lot to trade for acreage. A splendid business proposition In Salem te trade Cor residence. Good room hooae worth $129.00. encumbrance $1300 and will trade equity for rood car. McGILCHRIST & PENNINGTON 2W-10 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 140. $4299 will-buy 49 acres near Inde pendence, all in crop, fair buildings, family orchard. Term A wonderful buy at $1200 chicken ranch with aa . Income. Stocked ana equipped. Laying hens and chick H acres 12 miles from Salem, house, barn, service station with one pump. Price 94500. Will trade for house In Salem. 20 acres, house, barn, good well, wonderful apple orchard. Price $4500. Will take any clear property. 6 acres en Pacific highway, service station, restaurant, confectionery, good living room $8000. Win trade for house in good -town. A. V. WHITE with J. F. TJLRICH COMPANY $26 State Street Phone 1264. ---"" ,i , i nTiniriinnrinriniLii 6 room hooae. 2 lots No. 4th. fair awnuvg, emy eissvt -renn f room hoase. basement lkrht bath. water and garage, good location West saiem. rricea to seu at $1769. Easy term ' Very alee 6 room furniahed house for rent east 3&.e. C J. JACKSON -Room 1 147 N. Commercial FOR SALE $1 260.9 6 acres dees m. Fruit, well, earn and sotne lumber, Electricity at door. TeL 274M. STOP STOP What do you get for your rent re eeiptsT With the same metier that tm are paring for rent you caa boy your own home. Come, let us prove It We have modern and semi-modern bunga lows. $150-t2100 $1800 and up with a very -small payment down. The bal ance Just like rent Why be a rent stave? For your own Interest SEE BECHTGu or THOMASON 241 State Street Room 4. "SATr Are you looking for a snap? It a. see these 2 acre 4 R. house, barn, hea house, fruit mostly set to cfter- ne muse ettea rim fieee Term Best of soil. II A. SNAP All cultivated land, no bldg, er a non-resident $l6ee term 6 A. SNAP- BEST of soil, not far out Front on naved highway. $1699. Good terra three best boy that we knew of for the money. BECHTEL THOMASON ' 261 Bute Street Room 4. $190 down. $29 per mo. 6 room plas tered nouse, beta, part basement garage. Price $140 269. Down. 226 per mx. almost new room home, large living room, oak floor, 2 bedrooms, dinette, Kitchen, wired for electric heater and Steve, basement, furnace, fireplace, lawn, etc. 2S109. $299. Down, $26 per in room Eng lish style home, modern through- outgwrege and paving pd. $209. $260. Down, almost new English style home, large living and dining room, book. Kitchen, I bedrooms, attic, stairway, double garage. corner lot ana paving pa- MELVIN JOHNSON V. S. Nat'L Bank Bldg. Phone 637 TRADE FOR LARGER RANCH 4 st- A riAiiae Ka vnnar mil In M-te e. w ewwv H ea au v. v jv". good soil, about 7 -miles north of seism wiu go up to jsooo.oo on niece that will suit Ill-Acre fair land, $100.90 per acre. Good miprovemeat 1-A. tlmeer. 109 A. plow land Close to Mc Minnville : take 82500.00 down: balance at 4 for 10 year Thie is certainly a snap. 21-Acre Good house, new dairy barn, poultry hones, dark soft, . aH Blew land and partly in crop. v ill seu for $7600.00 ; part down, balance time. Lies north of Salem on high way. Dent overlook this if yea want a gooa peace cneap. 114 Acre 2 house one barn, ser fruit some crop. Price reduced to 2C50O.9O. $ miles south of Salem, These are all rptendid buys and win Bt.inci inspection, tsee 8KAR3 A TUCKER 184 & Commercial Street If ft is a farm you want we have ft YOUNG lady finishing business course, must have money, offers good 8 acre Improved tract pa store, garden and fruit running creek, ta small town, reduced from $1200 to $1000, seaaU cash payment. eif AT.T, nous and lot excellent lo- v.t-th ftalm ta exehanre for VAWVM, Y " ' i i acreage ox same vaius areuaa t r cuiimjw nr V. J. MORTTZ EXCHANGE Real Estate 27 ACRES In hlrn stata at urnAu. tlon and new modern bouse, elec. light foil cement basement, furnace, hath. 82 A. under plow, 16 A. ttmber and pasture. Urge leu with 12 stan chions, owner wishes to retire and wants modern heme m Salem, farm free of ucmnbraaco, $16,000, WTNNTE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 17S Seoth High Street STOP1 LOOK! LISTEN I WE have an anertmamt tinw In fia. lem, well located. Income fa) $21- lIU w ume. saey jean, payaeie montlily at nave youT rll trade. What SPECIAL BARGAIN er -vu tUMic xja vuUBanjW, nCTC DSw. bat to A-l shape an la fine neighbor hood. Lot alona wartt, aiEe tttr hna schools churches store A chaace for some one to get a cheap horn Easy term Price 2S60O.90. - E E. ROBERTS 241 State Street Phone 202. FOR EXCHANGE GOOD T1& anM arm ... -v- v ew n.e s -ia aasjev jhaar A I wU city. Price $9000. No mortgage. Will accept good city property in exchange. Modern 4 room bouse te Long-view, """v . "'i. oc Pr avmtn, mort Pf 11700. Wants Sakm home. - BiTM oi i year oia xiiDerts to ttsde fer hoase in Selem. v Duplex house, en Ine-residential cet- ner to trade for Klamath Falls proo- --e twvv. ro encumDrance. N ant farm of 20 to 40 acrea not far out to exchange for four small proper ties in-Salem valued at $8000. JMiL,Ls CO., Realtors 220 State Street Phone 1727. W eesa-aaaa-taeaeaeeBaeejsaSasV TO TRADE CTlnaa fn K i,n,,a .uu v mem, furnace, flower shade trees. . f . vjo. aaao acreage close in to trade for apartment coart alt wW talie rrotmd with oM bnHdtnj 160 ACRES pasture and timber. 4 room house and aara, give good deal aad mke city residence up to $6000 on deal. SEE Gelser with ANDERSON A RUPERT 16 South Hie-h Street 9 K WOULD vnn II Ira n house for ebickea ranch? We have gooa rancnes to trade for good city property. SEE SEARS ft TUCKER 184 South Commercial trt $ Aeree 214 miles east of Salem. 1 sere jsiuiicb, v liiwru ana iz peach trees, fair barn, best of soil. A barraln at 1170ft 25 acres, fine land, 1-4 ml. off hlgh- mwun or sou, family orchard, fair building some tim ber. sSfiOn 100 acres 18V4 ml from Salem, good '' uuiiumga, an ro crop, some machinery, oo waste land, running water, crop goes with place, run ning water. Will trade for Salem 80 A. 7ft ml. from R. R. 20 A. culti vated, an renced. iqoo cords of oak. Wm trade for Salem resi deoc aTRT.VTV JrtWvenv 820 U. S. Nat'L Bank Bldg. Phone 627. MONEY TO LOAN ...... - -A-iriruxjuum Private Money to Loan FARM LOANS Plentv aM.. to loan on good farm security. City Loans We are loaning Prudential In surance company money on city resi dences and business property at 6 4 per cent plus a commission. Hawkins A Robert 298 Oregon Building, CITY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Fhoae 467 Bales flmna FOR SALE WOOD M ote nr 4 rt nr, eak and ash. No. 1 old Or bin sUh. Reduced price C U. Harbejiga, tit Highiand Ave. M UVSUBB) 4.079 , Dry 2nd growth fir 6&.00 par cord deUvered. Phcgte &UW. FOR SALE USED GARS The Home of Best "Values 1922 Bulck Standard Coupe $776 1927 Buick Standard Roadster 276 1927 Buick Standard Coach , ,, til 1925 Bulck Standard Sedan 415 i-a fnuctanqara Koanrter soo 1926 Bulck Master En teurlng . 276 Chevrolet 1926 Chevrolet Coupe, aa is 1926 Chevrolet Tooting 1924 Chevroltt Wedan , , ll Chevrolet Oonne 19tt Chevrolet tea track l7 Chevrelet deUvery . 150 . 225 . 260 . IS . 60 . 829 Dodges 1124 Dodge Sedan ss iMogo sedan 1922 Dodge touring 1S2 Dodge screen tide deL Essex 1928 Essex Coupe 1926 Essex Touring 2T? 226 66 169 498 86 iaiaai' y,'.',M'ias McKay's for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts 1929 Ford 292 Ford 1928 Ford 1828 Ford lltFrd 1927 Ford 126 Ford 1924 Ford 1926 Ford 1928 Ford 1926 Ford 12A Ford llPords A Standard Coupe A i i OQQT A Business Coupe a bport coupe 476 426 4SS tas A SUadard Roaeetar 696 -j. urape, new ures Z3 T STudor l0 T Jtoadster 96 T ,touring 116 T (Coupe -.- 100 T j-Touring , ,. 75 T Coupe '2? motor 115 1924 Hudson Coupe - 1828 Hup Tofflrtng ,, 1814 Jewett Coupe . .. . . Z 1927 Oakland Spt Roadster r-oniiac v,oacn .180 . 15 . 110 . 575 1921 SfudAhatro- llirht a ,i llli -SUdebaker Special Enc. tour. 16a Stadebeiter Tight coupe 169 1927 Star Roadster , ... 196 1926 Star Touring . 12s 1924 Star touring jj Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED BY VALLEY MO TOR CO.. FORD CARS, O. J. WIL SON BUICK CARS. - Marion and Liberty Open Evearaga n Sunday Phone 1027 Late Models of Good Used Cars 1929 Nash Special 400 1827 Nash Special 1928 Essex Town Sedan 192? Bulck Sedan 1924 Chevrolet Coups ias rh.ir o.AtJT ' ...IMVCl 1926 Overland Coach $1:50.90 . 750.00 . R5oa . t46.ee . zea.oo 1S500 246.00 wa,v vivitaiiu; VUOtil x. , Other models as low as $60.00 F. W. Pettyjohn Co. ! Inc. Valley Motor Co. - Buy With Safety - si Us?ed Fords rirv rinarg Aim mrm TATE. LOWEST INTEREST RATES. -- a. (imu FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. CITY AND MRU ls. rOtea Saat (a aa K,-lkl a teauraaco department offers yen ex- HAWKINS A ROBERTS Ia 1 TeL 142T 206 Orean bW I To finance toot new hams r fi nance your present home, see P. H. BU IPs U. K. Baak Bldg. TeL 892. PERSONAL LOANS MATJM en tnnt Ihii mi - ' or other good security. Repayable monthly. When la flnaaMidsee a before dosing a lean. nftsanainnu First National Bask Bldg. Phone 1200 Federal Farm Loan l per eent T. L. WOOD. 141 State Street MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payment You keep the car. . P. A. ETIKER Cor. Xlherty St aad Ferry Phone itf Salem. Or 11 AOS ti t naa , J. M. Pag IXtAKa TO Rlt.lPTm smnn on plain note endorsed note fund. vm ura uuoer person! prop erty. Renav In small tno-tvi ri. nanta, Prompt and court eoaa servic All transactions strictly csnfldenUaL lit O aon Bldg, Second Floor finma fit aA uw no Hr 10:00 a. m. to 6:20 p. m. .,. i maim w t . a jl . --cn-- ,M I dl.llimill oy tKate. .Hje 22990 private money to loan at 7 city or county. . LAFLAR A LAFUI R Ledd A Bush Bank Bldg. LOANS WANTED awMiaiwai 1 1 1 i.ail-nju WANTED Private money for Tare n MMW XIT Kw .it . i e brad. Hawkins 4k Robert Ine ir avn otua ... . . , - - - ' " iiTnrrirmruuuuwuL WANTr-Taat lie eaa - i estate. Ooad anot trftv PA t preferred. Box 96. fftates en. UVE STOCK and POULTRY CUSTOM hatchm. setttngs every Sat and Tne Se per egg. Baby chicks 13 varieties. Phono 122F2. Lee's Hatchery. FOR SALE 22 horses, from Mr. Km sow wheat farm will be tried and tested to buyer's satisfaction. No fair 2"r refused. At Elrpy Nash Auction Sales Deftot Salem. IMoe 8864. TATTtV MW4I i- rn.2.-. -.. or carload. .1-4 dew. Terms te ev eryone, one year to pay. Nelson Bro. dealers In livestock. Red bars at Co mmbla aad North nsniesii mm Kee- son Bro market. 185 NortHHIgh. FOR SALE WOOD QOARANTEED PRY Woo, oaal Tel 11 Salun 9Mei C. 761 Trade THE best money at TraeTe delivery. Phone 266. h tb city for the Fuel Yard. Prompt DRY fir and oak wood, coal and fuel otL Call on us for price We give good measure, good Quality aad TRANSFER A STORAGE Tetspnstjo giu good service. LARMKR . WE have 16" wood on hand all the thn Prompt delivery. 848 & 12th. Cobba A Mitchell Co, phone til GOOD 16 in. old nr. $7.89 cord Phono 2IF21 Four Comers Garag 2t old ftr. fT.eo. 899t Model A Standard aioaei a Business Model a Sport Coupes 1926 Model T' $175.99. tfS Mrwl-I T rx. l. ,!!! "-T. ww IPatat" i9tm our t i new Hunt 1922 Model Roadsters .$475.90 425.00 . 395.09 195.00 . 135.90 . 190.90 . 96.90 . 46.90 Model A Standard 1926 Model 1924 Model T 295.99 109.99 69.90 Tourings 128.00 90.00 1928 Modal T lit! -fl m J" Model TV-Ruxtsl Axle T6.09 1924 Model V. 60.90 nil xr. . ..II ---- ' " ii. ,.,v ISavaral ma., ,w.. v It- . . . .v wiutfi., wvum in .1111, -us a.s vuai wiu run. Trucks ModelAA Rowo frame ext 17 Chrvrole eab and body . 1824 Model TT-Uunole Traa iwt atooei ' 192$ Model 100.00 Z6.se 115.00 leO.eO 06.00 Pickups 1920 Model T eteel box jeoaei T 1928 Model T-weod box . Deliveries 192? " ,J- 122$ Foedster cioeed body 1924 Cleeed panel 1924 Open delivery - . - 260.90 T6.09 60.99 216.M Win 75.90 16.09 Tanna-Tradeo 3, Valley Motor Co, Authorized Ford Dealer Cee t er at Liberty eetem. oregoa .aM amwwaiaiiANVww Dodge screen delivery, everhauled, first class oondtUon, bargain, 1698 atar-n nreet 1 St ISadal IVmL nt, eeo mW, $400 cash. O. , Morgan, Btatesraan. 600 er e n. iita. jroene i BITS... Of General Knowledge By Wa L. GORDON Woodpeckers eggs are pare white sad are so highly polished It hat thoy roijnmhlo yrroUia. . FOR SALE USED CARS . Good Will Used Cars 1928 Whlneet Sedan 2475.99 1928 Durant Coupe , 475.09 1926 Hudson -Brougham , 595.09 1928 Pontiae 4 Dr. Sedan 695.00 1929 Ponttac 2 Dr. Sedan 696.00 J-any others to choose from. Fishing Cars Ct. Tiuwln STt rtKsi V. 1 nmTTm Riilf-k A Tanrtna- Chevrolet Touring CUdsmobUe Touring 125.09 86.00 115.99 96.00 23.00 Trucks 1929 Rugby 1 1-4 ton 1924 Ford 1 ton with Jumbo trajiMiniagioq ., ia.fg Wood-Wheaton Motor Co-, Inc. 2S4 Norm High 646 Chemeketa St Phone X1ZI Sedans 1929 Chevrolet Six 1927 Chevrolet li Overland 1922 Studebaker 1928 Ford Coaches ..$7S, 896, - 245. . 235. . 116, 1929 Chevrolet 1927 Chevrolet 1926 Chevrolet 1927 Pontiae . 1929 Ford Tudor 1927 Essex 1927 Star Sport Coupes 19S8 Nash Cabriolet 1929 Chev. Six Conv. Cabr. 1930 Chevrolet Six 450, 315. 265, SOO. 450. 395. .315, .. 625. 615, 750. Coupes 1929 Whippet . 1928 Chevrolet 1927 Chevrolet 1926 Ford 192. Chevrolet 475. 435. 25. 225, 235, Roadsters 1927 Star 275. Trucks 1939 Chevrolet Six. dandy stock body, seven Inch balloon tires In rear, all set for that heavy baullnar Job . 1929 Chevrolst four speed trans mission. Just what you peed for general larra work 1929 Model A Ford, dual trans mission, in A-l shape and guar 696. 450. ... 650. 69t Chevrolet Stx Sedan delivery. Closed car comfort in a dandy delivery for grocery, florist or laundry 665. A nice assortment of tourings from 926. to. $800. Now Is the time to make your selection while the stock Is complete. A small down payment will hold your car Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company Three- Locations 430 N. Commercial St Phone 1802 530 Chemeketa St. Phone 1426 Let Next to City Hall on High Street. State Motors, Inc. For the best values In Used Cars- many late models to choose from ' Dodge Butcke Hudson Chrysler Pontlacs Essex Chevrolet Some priced as low as $26. State Motors, Inc. irrmsoN-ESSE- distributors High. A Chemeketa Street TeL 1000. WANTED USED CARS aaMMrfi CASH paid for Ford Klker Auto. NOTICE OF FINAL. SETTLE MENT Notice ta hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court ftf the State ef Oregon, for the Connty of Marion, her duly verified Final Account, as Executrix, ef the last win and tes tament and estate of A. J. Basey, deceased, gad that said Court has fixed Tueeday, the 24th day of June. It JO. st the hor of ten 'deck A. ef. ef said day. as the time, gad the County Court Room la the County Court Hoase at Sa lem, tm Marion County, Oregon, aa the place tor hearing said fi nal iccoant aid all objections thereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 21st day of May, 19S0. . N. A. BASEY. Executrix of the last will and tes tament and estate of A. J. Basey. deceased. RONALD C, GLOVER. Attorney for Ezecatrix. Salem, Oregon. M-21-28-J-4-11-18 BUTTER FAT DROPS ONE CENT HERE PORTIIANDAjONOTES REDUCTION Sugar Goes Down as California Refin eries Cut PORTLAND, May 20 (AP) (AP) Commodity prices hit the down-grade today. Batter and butterfat declined le each, making the price of ex tras ia bntter 36c and of butterfat delivered Portland 34c. The price ef an gar was reduced 20e following a similar cut by California refineries. This makes cant, fruit aad berry tagar tt-90 and beet sugar $ 4.7 5. Egg prices were weak, but un changed, Reviewing the frait and vegeta ble tit nation, the Portland bureau of the U. S. department of agri culture says: ' "Portland's wholesale fruit and vegetable market opened the week with active trading and general firmness In asparagus, peas, strawberries, apples, and ei trua traits. Local asparagus and strawberries were in light sap ply. Peas from The Dalles wore more plentiful, gad moved to re tailers at t-lOc Pr lb, California peas are decreasing in volume. "Lettuce supplies are almost entirely from Oregon points now. At Brooks, Oregon, where several cars ef lettuce were expected for shipment at this time, blight has so red seed the. yield that there will be few If any. carlots shipped. "Local beets, turnips, ete are displacing California's offerings, and will soon domlaate. the mar ket. "Total potato loadings of 9t0 to 1000 cars dally are discourag ing to-holders ef old potatoes, in storage. Prices are generally 26 see per rwt. lower than prevailed a month ago, both t narUvweet era shipping points, and at Paeifle coast terminal markets. Twenty- three ears of new potatoes passed northward through BoeevLUe Sat urday and Sanday. aaenring the northwest ef liberal supplies in the immediate future. LIVESTOCK PRICES BECOME STRONGER General Markets PROPOSAL FOB STJPPLIES Sealed Bids will be received up to 2 P. M. Jnne , 1910, at the office of the undersigned for fur nishing to the various state insti tutions and departments supplies consisting of drygoods, clothing, furnishings, groceries, shoes, hard ware, brooms, drags, stationery, crockery, plumbing, etc.. for the semi-annual period ending Dec 31, 1930. Specifications and schedules will be furnished upon application to the undersigned also from the trad and commer cial bureau of the Portland Cham ber of Commerce, Multnomah Ho tel, or from the Oregon Manufaet turers Association. Oregon Build ing, both located In Portland, Oregon. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check representing ten per cent of the whole amount bid, 'made ' payable) to Carle Abramj, .Secretary Oregon State Board of Control, or where the lea per eent amounts, to. $600.08 or more, a surety bond from some company authorized to do buaK nesL tn Oregon will be accepted la place of the check. The. same shall be held as a guaranty of the faithful performance ofthe con tract. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. CARLE ABRAMS. Secretary Oregon State Board Of Control, Capital Bldg., Salem, Qjregoa. MJtl-24-17-31 With an unusually small vol ume of open market supplies for the cattle and hog divisions at North Portland Monday the sell ing aldfr had things much their own way. Slaughter swine class es advanced 60c with feeder pigs uneven from 60c to 11.00 er more higher. Cows and heifers gained SMo SOo generally and steers 66) to TSo with even greater gains ap parent ia some of the sales. Sheep trading was slow and uneven from barely steady to 60c lower. The railroads, brought 69 cars and with liberal allowances made for drive-ins estimates were posted aa 1.276 cattle. XftO calves, 2,399 hogs and 2.060 sheep. Of the hogs 379 were on contract, 176 direct and 197 billed through and 254 of the 8 beep were on through billing. The bulk and practical top price for light butcher hog classes for the week's opening was 911-69 with one double deck at $11.76. This was fatty 50e above last week's elosing revels. Sorting was unusually tight. Many of the loads gt 911.60 included varying numbers of slaughter pig- and tight light weights as well as strong-weights sealing in Instanc es op to 220 lbs. And better. The over and underweights- when sold separately ranged downward from $11.26 with rough packing sows at $3,60 to. 38.76 and smooth Hghts occasionally from $9.00 to $9.50. A very few slaughter pigs were weighed separately, mostly: at $10.59. Feeders found a run away market. Fairly good feed ers averaging up to 139 lbs. brought $11.60 with the bulk of the really desirable weight at $12.00 te $12.76 and two out standing lots scored $13.09 and $13.59 respectively. Although the extremes ef quo tations do not show It most of the cows and belter and steer sales were on a 25 to 60c and 60 to T6c higher basis respectively while even greater gains were uncov ered in gome of the sales. The bulk of the good steers cleared from $12.09 to $12.36 with less desirable kinds $11.59 down but common grade seldom had to stop below $10.99. Strictly good grade was absent in the .heifer and cow classes but high medium ta fairly good grade sold readily up to $10.50 and $9.50 respectively and the bulk of the really desirable she stock scored $9.00 or better. A few thin shells in the low cutter class sold as low as $4.09 but the majority landed at $5.00 or bet ter and common grade in instanc es reached $7.50 and higher. Bulls were steady to strong with cutter to medium grade largely $7.00 to 17.50 and butcher type at $8.26 and above. The calf and renter trade .was mostly on a steady price basis as compared with last week though the top quotations took a 50c cut. The bulk of the desirable light vealers .went at $10.50 to $11.00 and calves sold from $9.00 down with off grades largely $6.00 to $7.50, mostly $6.50 or better. , She sheep and lamb trade was fairly active with pricee bareiy steady for all eiasees except oM drop lambs and yearlings which ruled 35 ta SOc lower. A very Urn filed number of strictly choice tprlsg lambs reached 110.09, the big bulk of the good to near choice kinds stopping at $9.00 to $9.60 with off grade kinds How to $7.00 and below. The best old crop lmb3 and yearlings appear ing scorea . wun ouig xrom 16.50 down and off grades down te $.0r and below. No ewes beat $4.00 with $2.50 to 3J.09 euin tho bulAs4eun dowa to IL09. PORTLAKD. Ors Xst 20 -(API Waeet fatares : Opea Hick Claw May 101 101 ll Jaly 10S 102 , 102 Sept. 10 J 102 J026 Cask sjarkets: vbeat: bir Bead blue st $1.154; toft white, western vhite. $1.02 H; hard winter, norther spring. western red Sl.OOH. Oats: So. 2 18 la. wkite $29.50. Cora: No. S 45 tkip- aent S3,so. Mill a: staaearg Z9. Tsdsy's esr receipts: wheat 45, floor 10, con 11. saU 3. hay 1. LTVXSTOCK PORTLAND. Ore, May 90 (AP) Cattl. 17$. ealvet 15, steaey to stxoac Steele 110O-1S00 lbs- $lL50t2.O0: teed fll.T5ia.S5; mediant $11,0061 11.75; eanunea f 8.50 a 11.00, Heifer seed $ 10. 60 11.09 ; eoomea te -tedium 8.85 10.50. Cows gsod .S0 10.00; eoamea te medio 7.50 0.60; lew eattor to catter. $4.00 7.60. Bulla (rear lines axclaaed) 7.75 8.26: eutUr te nwdhm 6,50 7.75. Calvst S.50 & 10.00; call te stediaa 9.00 8.00. Veal- ere, nUlk fed. $10.20811.50: mediam S.50; eetLlo sksdiaa s.50&o. vai er milk fsd, S.OOt? 10.50; medism 9.50 610.50; enll te ros-oa 630 0.00. Hans 509; steady. RasTV. weicM $9.50 11.00: medium waicht 10.OOU.50: light weight 11.35 911.50; licat lights S10.sowil.su. PsckiBf sews $8.25 9.60. 81aeehtr sir 910.00 10.75. Feeder tod itock ST pibs 11.00(2 1.00. (Soft ar ally hogs sad roasting pic xcladad Is above qaotationi.) Sheep 400, eaotabry steady. 8eriag limbs good te ehsiee $8.50(f 9.S0; medium a.508,50; call aad eoev tea 5.0ee.50. Lanka 94 lbs. down 5.00(a) 5.5; 94 92 lbs. 95.00 8.00; t lbs. dews media- 4.000 5.00. Yer liags wether $3.73 5.00. Ewe $3.00 QI.OO; 110-150 lbs. $2.75 8.T5; all wttrfeti common $1.00 5. 75. jnoD cs PORTLAKD. Ore, May 20 (AP) Milk raw milk (4 per cent) 62 S03 .40 cwt. delivered Partlssd lets 1 per cent: grade B milk $2. $5 butterfat sta tion Sle track SSe delrreriee la Port ias Sea. Poultry (haying prices) aliv heiTj bent over 4H Ibt. 24e medium heat 3H te 4H Ike. 24 Href hens 19e; brail are. 1 te 1H lb., lefhoru. 18c. colored 38e, Pekln dnrkt, 4 Ibr. snd ever t9& SO-, eld 92&2Se. cotored deek l(S20e. Pottfa cems Ne. X rrsde $8.75(9 4.00. New potatoee Florida 6ffl6Hc lb. inrra, BAT? -TOPS PORTLAJfD, Ore. May 20 AP) Kntt walnnts, Orecon 23($80, almond SSQSOe, ptssaU OKOlOHe. peets 23 I7e. filbert, 17 18e. Hay wksleasls bsyisg prieas. delir. end Per Usnd: setters Oregon tistothy $22.50 $J 28,50; 4o . valley, $18910.50; JUIta. $18 20; clover. $18; eat hay, $1S: straw, $7 S toS tetliag price $1 to S2 more. Hop 1929 crop 68tje. XAZBT POBTLAKD. Ore, Msy 20 (AP) Proenea exchenre, set price: batter, ex tras 85, staedsrd 84, prim firsts 82, first 22. Egg, treth extra 2528; frek median- tS24. CHICAGO ORAT CHICAGO. May 20 .(AP) Ossting s preeedeet. eets today iemporarUy becaaM th price kader ef the rrajn trade, end balled valve down all arensd. A ten lag flerry te 'step lotse ea the pert ef tee beidsrs ef eats fat-res xssuUae ta sew bettom pricee fer the seaeea ea every oat future except May. Stop lo teluar (sretd from eats rate wheat. Sad had a beerlah inflasees on corn, favorable crop prospects for eat started the selling, sad revealed the eats msrket ws without say sxrressiv tup- port from buyer. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice la hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion, as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament and es tate of James W. Taylor, de ceased, and that she has daly qual ified as such executrix; all per sons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 203 Oregon Building, Salem, Mar- ion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 7th day of May, 1930. EVA E. TAYLOR. Executrix of the Last will and Testament and estate of James W. Taylor, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executrix, Salem, Oregoa. M7-14-21-28-J4 White Wheat Is Given Tumble Upon Local Markets A drop of one cent in the price. of butter tat and white wheat were the outstanding events om Salem market row on Tuesday. Local strawberries are more plentiful with the retail price down to 15 cents per box. areas Irata (Wseltttls Qnouttoat) CALL FOR IMPROVKMKNT BONDS OF THK CITT OF SALEM, OREGON. Xbtica ia hereby riven that on June 1. 1930. there win be funds on hand and applicable to the pay meat of City of Salem Improve ment Bonds, Series "2T", Nos, 1 to 95, both inclusive. Holdera of these bonds will B re gent them for payment at the of fice of the city treasurer, as in terest will cease after the above date. C. O. RICE, City Treasurer. M-14-21-2S NOTICE OF FINAL KBTTXJE MENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed la the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Marlon, her duly verified final account, as executrix of the last will and testament and estate of M. Bat talion, Deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 27th day of May, 1930, at the bour ef tea o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in Marion County, Ore goo, gg the place for hearing aaid final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 23rd day of April, 1930. MINNIE BATTALION, Executrix of the last will and tes tament and estate of M. Bat talion, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executrix, Salem. Oregon. A2 3-3 0-M-7-14-21 -1J5 te S.0t j.se -L.TS 9T Annl. tjual. Rom. n.inili. leuew hewtsae Baaaaaa. b. - Data Dromedary. s. 10ee. pigs. s e f3o'a Pii LAA a , . Calif Ortpefrmit V e itfi Of Pine fif Lemons, Oahf. f 'ft Oral res, haesla v . Ii i ii. 200s I29e ISO's ., 176's 800's sis 35S' ass's 234' Pineapple, rrtt i Strawberries, tray ef 80 Local -5.09 5.se -6.15 7. -8.09 8.2S s.oe A59 .959 -8.50 -8.69 -.8.04 . a.s Tegetaeia (Waslesal Qu static A ereraa ear la. Calif -. - . lyOC caji, det Broccoli, Boeebarg Celery, Calif. f'.rftiti a Ih Rnttbegaa. lb." -1.98 -JJS .1.81 -T.TS OS i)$tf Buneled vegetablae, per doe. knacks Canst - aa Beet fn Turr ipt aa Radiabca , Earftley Oaiaaa Garll. lb. Califersst Tsmatee Ijoeal onion Lettaee llferat -8f -6 ll .ei T. k. I.Ki.l. Cacwieers, hetkoas UaObage, lb. Beeberb. IseaL Pe, Calif. . rotates. loeat Artieheke. Saxes Hew pststee -8.S3 ta -1.21 -1.75 te 8.00 .OS est -US -s.ee 9T retdj (Befall Qnotttfoas) Calf meaL 29 tne. l.SB aaastch, toe . 60.ee Cera. hoi, tea Crieked sad treind Mill tee. tee " Brae, tea C-e mash With milk 44.e -4809 9s.ee ss.oe .oe o.oe Extra Medtams (Baying PrJc) -21 -1$. Star Rooiter. aid Heavies Medhuns Medium Ponttry (Beyieg Price) Jr Bettsrtet Prists Cartes - Wholesale Bnttsx (Beyieg Price) -lTld .16-11 -84 .88 ..28 XWJFUJE Sealed bids for sal mf rtrst Evaxgelleal ehureh building; with or without pews, will be received up until 7:39 p. m. Saturday, May 24th. Trustees reserve right to re ject any or all bids. Bring or mail bld to ?. 7. 2JRXC2X. ' 21 Stau street, i M-lt, 20, 21, 22, 23 Prists . Cartoss (BeCan Qua talis na) Oram aad Bay fTtaylsr Price) Wkest. WMtera red Baft White Oats, bu. Barley, tea -41 -48 -8 -90 W -47 Hay. retail price uat ana vetch Clover Alt If -229 90 18.00 to 22.00 18.00 to 22.00 25.00 te 36.09 Meat Lfr Voce (Baying Pries) Bering Lamb koe - Drewsd veal . Caere - Median Wool 20 09 -?m .is 3 Old Kid htshaU- .18 .20 ..33 ST now looms Die E NE WTORK, May 20. (AP) Tomer President Calvtn Coo- lldge 'a disinelinaUon to be criti cized for the acts - of another brought out the fitt that his 609 word history of the United States had been altered by Gutson Bot glua, sculptor who is to cut the history intd the granite of Mount Raahmore, Sooth Dakota. Mr. Borglum, who is chairman of the committee publicity and de signer of the mountain memorial, aa well aa Its sculptor and engi neer, himself invited Mr. Coolldge to write the tabloid history, the first chapter of which Is to be carved beneath the granite port rait of George f ashingtoa. Some time ago what was said to he the text of this chapter as Mr. Coo lldge wrote it (but was not) waa mads public. TheretWas no comment at the time, either by Borglum or by Coolldge. It is not known wheth er Mr. Coolidge was then aware of the changes and wtlhheld pub lic remark pending discussion of the matter with Borglum, or whether he had not been notified and did not read the published text, taking it for granted that ft was as he wrote it, but recently something happened whtek brought the whole affair into the open. John Corbin, veteran news paper man and author qf "A -nay or Washington," in prepar ing1 which he had tor four yean studied the period of the declara tion and the constitution, wrote a letter to the New York Times, ea which he was formerly an editor ial writer, challenging the accur acy of Mtot-l parts of what Pd supposed was Coolldges text, "Knowing nothing of any changes." Corbin told the Asso ciated Press today, 1 called Mr. CoorMgo to took tn that letter politely. I hope, but rather sharp. If for ll -. Borglum took no immediate ac tion, the Corbin letter presumably not Bavtor come to his attention but Mr. Coolidge wrote, Corbla that tho text as eritici-ed in th .Times letter wax sot Ms. his orig- Laal havtsr bees altered withow (any consent" on hie part. . i 1 -, y t 1 - - : -, . - ,