HER E'S INTER ESTING NEWS FM WILL B. ELP YOU TO i. - ---- - i- -CLASSZTEED VUt-lrt leading notices. per lino . 15e Classified Advertising, per line 10c U stried Advertising. per una - X times Clas-lfSed Advertising, per line times u- SOe ) . m liiUO ,, i I 1 1 mmm -- yrtM month, dallv and ilallf .per line 1 Hit Copy for this page accepted un til :10 the evening before .pttaii catiwt for classification. Copy -eived after this time wtu fee ran wiser th heading Toe Las te HELP WANTED-iraALS Responsible young woman far awa ral housekeeping. Small family. Per manent position. References. Write Box 49. Salem, Oregon. ! - FOR SALE Misfpllaneoua POKTABLE typewTra. new mm used. Adders amd UswHtoi for rent. Typewriter lriia. 411 Court Street. TOR- SALE All kM A. TUCKER 19 39 J. fXm SALE Old pas. le ft ban die. Statesman office. fTPBCTAL prices on lung Sverytb deltvarad. JTJItDSON tractor r. u. 8. box 90. sal. Pb FOR- SALE Samson tractor Jnat overhauled with doubts Ahse. tm.). Phone X18-W. I Select Burbank an iNetted Oert aed potatoes. Puritan Cider fork. tMnos Dept., West Satan. F 274J. - FOR SALE! Corn teoa. . AT. -fTMtka, Call 104F32. eMtiWuyrrii-rrri'i .. A REAL RARQAJN S50 thoroughbred white ytefaosh fat bits. A .snap if taken itow. , M. W. HABBITEST Btp, Box 63, or phone 1TWJ1. TRAILER Cheap. 6ST? So. tSfd. 11LU)EMISCE1ANE0US Wh has 4 or 5 rm. house an lot ' hear ty limits to trade for lvx 875 State Street Thm .MI. WAITED Mxtcai WANTED Used Sbsmsl. n Chan; n Radios, phoaograadM. Sir -nirar. . L Stiff Fur-itcr eoenpaay Isad lots for early fall denvery. a a F. O. B. rauroas. , 1 -"Beac 552. Pendleton Oregon MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Used steel windmill and tower. For sale from 1 to 2 2 -aickte tanks in Rood eeaditfoa. T. Y. UcCL 4 West Staytgai FOR RENT ROOMS Faratehed rooms. C3e la. 44 N. Wtntr. 3471J. i rif stint furnished, front room with giratre. Half block from state house. girtalt for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Break fast if aesired. Tel. 10. ! rooms 412 Marion. BOOM AND 130 AUD KOOM BOARD In modern home. Twin beds. Phone 1838-J. sxjssjasisjism.i 1 j iiui.rsis - - - n jn i-i-rtj-eOJ"- BOARD ft ROOM 3 tneals daily Bet and cold water In room. S44 North Commercial UBOARD and room 1455 Lee fit, near 15th St. cannery. 1 FOR RENT APARTMENTS - - . Lru-LTLTLrij i.rii-ifi i 1 I ' "" Apartments $16 ana flT. Grocery. 899 N. ComT. I TWO and three raons apartments AMBASSADOR APT& ibnet71. t-aj --ariiiriaJ --"! f-" - sassa-as-a-a-fc-an-! BallXER APTS. under new m3rs snent. rurnlshed rooms and apts. Tel w Furnished apt $12. mo. 700 N.jHig PATTON APARTMENTS, T?1' town eJlstrlcts. Clean, i comfwrtsrbla, nicely furnished, reasonable. For in- apectlen can t-attons nw rnUJINIA aDartmentsl S nicely fur- nlsbed rooms. Clean and desirable Electrl range, electra-tesiajeat and water. Don't miss eeemg tma. PHONE 2WI. STATE apartments, 1350 State St. CesirsiMe 3 room furnished corner apt. Ceacrec bldg. Refrigeration Ideal for nmrnM- Garage. Adults $30.00 to $40. 00. Phone 2818J or 2911i ftri-'Liinisri" a' 3 A S room fur. apt frond Coot, garage. T. A. Albert. 64 MU1 Street. lOodem 2 ft 3 room sfpts. ITater, lights and garage. 1421 S. Church. fjty furnished apt. 2 rnms, e4ec refrig. hot water, heat elec stove. garage. ja. ruone Heated furnished apartments for rent at 240 and 248 Marion street. Modern room flat Phone 1351. sjwmiuui.rnnMiimi" - Threa room furnishei arjartmetft. frt- vsue bath. 545 Court Street Phone 1057J FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Houses ! furnished and aafarnMied. F. L. WOCO 241 State Street FOR RENT Clean honses $10 to $0. Also flats store bldgs., business lota RECKE A HENDRICKS 189 North High Street FOR RENT S rooTs, fully modem famished house Is g4 location, $35 per saoath. Goo room house In North Salem at $. a month. 5 room house fully modern 3n West Salem at $25.00. JT. F. CLRICH COMPANY S! State Street Phase 1H4. (, roosn modern hoese. Call 5 p. HL 197 North Winter. uu-ir r i- -1 B R. bungalow, 1248 Chemeketx Large house close in. Owner C6SR. ssaaaasji 0 00ji asasi m&am VVT tT XrrKTT C amw t M iMitt hm u t i oMpangible party. Mut refer- FOR SALE REAL EST ATE - --inn nuxnjwu-ut KKIMANN-S BARGAINS One of the nicest small homes tn town. 4 R. and nook. Strictly modem. Beautiful lot East Salem. A bargain. Nice 4 room house fh-rrrlaos hdw. flaor. 125. down, iZvSmTiDS tot Interest. lasurar nee. Vomer ta loaa. .RICH L. R El MANN Phaaa 26 Realtor ; 21 N-HlghB ' 1 i iiri - niOaimJ . TftREE room house Partly furnisb- duck oi iarg eauK nvui tot, garage, fruit and nut trees. Price 2--yo. TeflBs If taken now. 261 K. lOth, TORAUC Fajmvwnt HHI Tsl dence with a. sroiioarfsd Ttew. Boflt for nome py owner, a. j. kahn, 1410 Fairmount Street phone 1927. . S. M. EiRLE 224 No. High Bt Phone 2242. A reftaM M3cm realtsr BeUlag Htr aad farm propity af all kteds. Spe cialist in ocehassjas aC aU khli af roperty anywhere. X want to AISBoaa nss the I house, oo comer 14th and Center. preUmlnary to huOdlng. prefer ta aelL letting 4oyer remove the house which Is well coejetracted, ecritaW -for mak ing into etewnstalra and ptairo apart SBcatn. C A. EPRAQUK at Tm wtatea' FOR "SALE Kew tnodern horae of affis ant an aero of ood gretma. WonOerful Tiew of fialosa mm ersJUey. TO also trade for acreage with fruit and tree. ItlH . 1 acres I rel east In eultl Btion. Howse, barn and hickon -coops tar Sa chickens. On poTetsent acres with store an fUUns ata tian. TM would ntaho a fin ant ark. Only f 318. beta eX "HOLLYWOOD "REALTY t09 North CapKol Street Phene 24)T Re. rt. wwMiieeMMwwMleewwwswM $350. An attract bMM. targe IHr- ng room, eax xioor, imw wm. too iit in tub. wire tor -electric stove, haoeenent, furnace, lanmdry trays, alee lawn and shrubbery. Some fruit trees, close to has aad school and pavtag pd. 1M. Aowm. A BARGAIN. C$0. Kew aeodem S rm EaaUsfc tyle stoma, Weeniont, furnace, fireplace an paring; pd. A20B down. fllOO. Nice bungalow, Mrlng roosn. Wt dven, nook, both, 2 bedroooss. gar ae. pavteg. Nle lawn, fin oa tion, price cat Cram SUo soason able tenna. KELVIN JOHNSON 114 V. B. Kan. Baak.&ldg. Phone MI. acre orchard S7M.O or s. FOR -RENT Houses far rent, f urn! shed and m fnrnlshe from $10.00 per month and i Room on 17th 8t at 4 Room oa Liberty Street . JB10.M . IS. . 2S.at js.ta fit Roosn an N. Winter St Room on Ferrr St.. farnished S Room on N. -4th 8W part torn. 2t.H t Rooms torn. Liberty St 12.00 S Room aafnrnlshe Liberty 8t IS.tt See for -housea. S Acres at city limits at f !000.tt S Room faoase an Liberty 2004.M 1 Acre with 4 room botes. May trade ; 2304.B A large number of fine hens for ami or trade, Laflar and Laf Jar Ladd ft Bush Bank Bldg. WHY PAY RENT? IT WILL BUT YOUR OWN HOME. 4 room nlastared hoese In N. Salem with large lot, eatae frait trees. Price $in b, cash fit. Da I. easj-. t room touse in E. Salem, seme piambing and lectrie llgbts, street pared "and waTks tn. Ptice $1400, cash $30, bat $15 mo. witb. 6 interest. 2 large lots facing on the highway north with a good 4 room house, large garage and woodshed. Price $1900 with $1A4 cash, bat. monthly. 6 ream oiastered 4e e In best of condition, good plumbing, electric lights, huge earner .lot 49x140 ft, close to school and bus line, streets both paved. Price $2000, cash $50, bal. monthly to suit S rm, bungalow with fireplace,. hull t ins, woodshed and garage, good corner lot Price $1100, cash $100. bal $20 per month with Interest For good buys in homes SEE LBO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors StO State Street Phone ITS? 4 acre eirer feattocn land with good ampraosnTots, 4' sores strawber ries, family orchard, six miles from Independence. Will trade for house in SUverton. Prloa $2400, t acres with afi modern Impreve tnemta, als room house, an anUe cast of Snlem. A fine complete home. Price $4000. 6 room strictly modern bungalow in north Salem, on paved street, east front. Price $359. Sasy terms. 26000 twrs tMs choice 20 acres with an new tmitdlnga, seven miles tram Salem, or will trade. A 4 room house in good condition, with large lot, east front, in south Sa lem. Price $2300.00 with easy terms. 7 roam fully noderri house in choice district an attractive home. A bargain at least. I. T. TJLRICH COMPANT 325 State Street Phone 1254. FOUR rooms and nook, fun "base ment, furnace, fireplace, bullt-ins, large lot, fruit. Sacrifice by owner, 2340 So. High. Terms arranged. 70 acre river bottom, dairy farm, fair bldgs. Fruit. 10 cows, hogs, good team, fowls, farm machinery, crops. Clear, $12,500; good; terms or take small acreage of residence tor part New duplex funlshed house, good income $4200, also new, modern 4 wwm Himiroirtw o or rented isooo. Ex change one or both for acreage. rtIKKl.SK MAKS1LKS . 212 Gray Building WE have a splendid St acre Cam all the very best of land, timber. It acres tillable, some walnuts, fair house, on pavement, north, value $4500 and can use a good small house as pay ment. A very delightful 20 acre farm on Silverton road, equipped for poultry, nice house and barn, fruit for family, team, farm Implements, cows, water system. isctriotty owaar will sacri fice Price $7000 terms. A aplendid duplex house ta good lo cation, large lot. to trade for acreage. A splendid business prop ition An Salem to trade for a -residence. Good 5 room house worth $2200.00, encumbrance $1300 and will trade equity for good car. ; McGILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 209-10 U. & Bank Bldg. Phone 140. 7 Toetn house in South Salem on paved street $20 ma. Inotrire 299 N. Commercial street I GARAGE house 15 Ie Street FOR REKT "V- FOR RENT 24 acres, fair house. some fruit and berries, 4 acres good garde oil. bL pasture, and you can pay at arith labor on the place, KcGO-CHRIST ft PENCTNGTOX 308 P. R Bank Building "WANTED TO RENT -V 1 WANTED JtT ONCE" ' TTa leas Ti tme-well tocated strtctlr modem-father ' ttirnished mi luairnlsbod caii us today. . LArARAdAFtAR Ladd ft Bush Bank, Bldg. -4e a.tiv as 4a war hik. pendence. all tn crap, fair boildiogs, family orchard. Terms. A wonderful bur at $4200 chicken ranch with an Income. Stocked and qtripsed. Xaying teat and chieka. tu acres 12 miles from Salem. bouse, .barn, setwie Station with on pump. Price 4500. vu traae ior house In Salem. ?9 acres, hotrse, baTti, good weO; wonderful apple orchard. Price $4500. Will take any dear property. S acres on Pacific highway, service station, restaamat. confectionery,, good Uvfrjg roams. SW90. , Will trad for noose m sjosa A. V. WHITE Wtthv J. F. ULRICH pOMP ANT S2S State Street Phono 1J54. aasasassssSWNsssWvKavsA S room house, 2 lots No. 4th, fair condition, only $1300.- Terms. 5 room house, basement, lights, bath, water and garage, good location West Salem. Priced to aeU at $1759. Easy Very Ulce f room 'furnished tsr ent. ast, tM9n- Caosal -141 N. FOR SALE $1250.041 -i acres close UK. '"Sssa?aRt''"saWl",lWI Electricity at floor. Tel. 1T04M. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE STOP STOP What do you get for your rent re ceipts? With the same money that you are paying for rent yon can buy your own- homo, (tea, let -mm pro it We bay modern and scml-modcrn bunga low. $l&e-$218t $ nd tip with a oat anal) payssemt down. The fesd anen Jant like rent. Why a rent atereT For ytjtrr own interest SEE . BECHTEL or THOMASON 241 State Street Room 4. ' Are you tookiog or a snap? It so, see these 2 ncrea, 4 R. house, foara, has house, xmit mootlr act to cber ries. SV, miles Salem. Prlc l$tt. Terms. Best of aoii. 1 A. SNAP. AU cultivated land, no bldgs., own er a non-resident $1500 terms. S A. SNAP .BEST of soil, not far out Front on paved highway. $1500. Good terms, throe beat bays that vv know of for 3BECHTEL3rB50MASON 141 State Street Room 4. SMALL house and tot, excellent lo cation, North Salem, to exchange for acreage of me value around $2,000. . Building not required. Would Uke t' hear from asuoae rwlth a good dairy ranch, stocked andSequipped who "would coooldar aam dear property and balawco jcaah or tsrssa. . MODERN lioaa and lot In Salem, to exchange tor acreage, 6 to 25 acres. Oo an high a tSit.t0. 1500.0i cash, rho hone and lot Is claar. H, cl 4mretis r P. J. MORITZ 22$ Orece BuiMiag Tel. 1784. EXCHANGE--ntta Estate OT ACRES high state of produc tion and now snodern house, elec lights, fall ccMstat basement, furnace, bath, $2 A. tinder ptosr, 15 A. timber and pastora, tars ten with 12 stan chions, owner wishes to retire and -wants -modern homo la Salem, tarsa tre of tncaBBbCBace, $15,Oo: WINN IE PETTYJOHN, Realtor -175 South High 8treet OWWWIMMMWWMtWMVWWMSOM : -RXCHANGES New 7 rossn farnlshed duplex hoaae, tncom $45 monthly. WIS trade $lttt equity for -dear nn improved acreage anywhere. 4 room strhrtly tnoaera house, 4rar age. North Salem, orill trad 150 1 equity t or amnller house. -. Servteo -station aad camp g i onad. $15,00. Owner wants atocked and aejuipped farm not aver $8000. . SOOOLOFSKT ft SON First National Bank Building FOR EXCHANGE Immediata iieinusaliia est 80 acres 4 aailen eat on sjed road, scaall set bldgs. with syimg water piped to house and bam, well fenced, 20 acres cleared and part in crop, bal tn soma timber and Wat of pasture. Ideal place for poultry and stock. Price $4800. Will take Sa lem homo or email acreage up to $3, aae. A IS acre tract dose to city limits, value $200 ; two vacant lots, value $740 and a $1090 mortgage to trade for Salem heme. Three houses, two of 4 rms. each mad one of A room, value (or all $6, 4MM. Will take one home of equal value. LDO N. CHILDS CO Realtors S3 State Street Phone 1727 FOE SALE FARMS FARMS FARMS 2 00-ACRES 12-mi. east of Salem on paved highway, all fenced, 180 A. cultivation. 60-A. crop, 10-A. tim ber, gooa Improvements. "Will be sold at about Its vaian. Better look this over before yon buy. 22-Acres. 5 R. house, barn, 25-A. In crop. Extra rood dark aoii, run ning water. For juick sale, $4, I0.0e ; win aive terms. 200-Acres. 70 A. cultivation, 30 A tim ber. 5 R. house, good bam on good market road. A real buy. Only $3, 450.00. $1500.00 down. 5 -Acres, close in on Silverton road. Good 4-R. home barn, large poul try hease, electricity, good well. A sacrifice sale, $2950.t0. My what a buy. 10-Acres close to Salem, fair house and barn. AU In crop cherries, walnuts, filberts, apples and -good garden. 2-A, ata aad veatch. Price re duced for aufck sale f 2204.00. See SEARS ft TUCKER Realtors 184 South Commercial Street ACREAGE STOCKED AND EQT TIPPED RANCH 6 8-Acres, R house, barn, garage, twniltrv tmiiRA 1aw arA 91 A ImiiiIi.ii S mt , A A aoartag jrones and looks like a good BflBaaT AasSB4l AlsaaSBdABB lasri rl a nvtl Am & A rheat 11-A. oats and veatch. S cows. all farm tools. 7-miles of Salem good road. Price for alL $8000.00. $3000.00 down, balsace long time, ebe crop aboafal pay a good payment this year. 30-acres, good i-R. house, large dairy ham. silo, 2 poultry fcousees, pumpln? plant 11 good cows, 4 heif ers, 1 brood sow, good team, harness and wagon, all Implements and tools. All In crop, a wonderful country home. Prlc $9000.00 ; will give terms. SEE SEARS ft TUCKER 184 South Commercial 40-ACRES With good bldg. AH stock and equipment aw with this place, and will take house m Salem or small acre age for part This is fine valley soil and near Salem. 8 Acrea good toidg, gravehtl roads 100 A. timber and ash swale, pasture bal. A-l clover land.-Estate must be settled. Look at the price $42.80 per A. -M IxsUfil Tl II SIM sa-sshaa "am aka,a. etT asy terms for $100 down mnd MA. VU PIUIU E. E. ROBERW, Realtot . Phone gtT -m aw Atvi til State Street WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT VMBt Mr age, for weU iooat, saoderatoly priced Write C H. PICKETT, Eugeae. Or. WANTED. MORE SALKM HOTTSES AND FARMS FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE J1 RECEIVING INQUIRIES EVERY DAT for Salem house from persons steadily employed, who want to buy houses on a small down pay ment and balance monthly. Another das of inqairies are from chants wanting to exchanjj tbatr farms or therefor X sjeod mora Bstinaa of for saie ana exenange properties to match the iaqalrie reaching me every day. Please call at my office and submit your offerings. See WELLS TALLMAN. 411 Oregon Building WANTED Good farm Bear Salem fJofl mast be' good clear of -debt see LAFLAR ft LAFLAR Ladd ft Bush Bldg. MONEY TO XO AN aabaahn Private Money to Lroan FARM LOANS Plenty of money to loan on good farm ecnrity. Oty Loans We art loaning Prudential In surant company money on city resi dences and business Drooerts- at Ett per" cent ptn a eonsmlsetow. -'rsawfthai Roberts. zu tn-egon tsuiiamg. CTTT AND TRACT LOANS Ttsaoonable Rate - Wo ' Polar SXATS AV1NG8 AND UtMJg ASSOCIATION tod-d Flrat Aiallaaal Baal gldg. A Fhona 5T Baiem, uregon. ON FARMS AND CTTT REAL ES TATE, LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG, CITT AND FARM loan at lowest rates. 3ost term obtainable. Our insnra-no dpaiiiaaut offers yow a part advice and oerrlce in nfl Hnea. lWiaNa fifffiKBra dtncl TeL 1421 - 105 -Orogo Bldg. TBTHiaisca'ejf-ojaw s?escn aanc jrour MONET TO LOAN ww iiaasii.iwMwaiiMawai PERsnvjt. tniKs MaDB on furniture, cars, salarle or other good security. Repayable monthly. When in financial need re us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT . . CORPORATION First Hatloil Bank Bldg. PWOQ.12M Federal F. lTWC OOOTtdl State Street MONET tOANEO ON AtTTOS Cataracts Refinanced Axraace to (reduce your aaymentA Tou keep the ear. m. 'a Vi trtrD Cor: thirty St and Ferry in, saiem. ore. $1000. to;: $1000 to loan. Gertrude J. M. Page, - i ' - - - " ---- - -- -up -n-inr.-irii-irir-fiiri ion njkj LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE on plain notea, endorsed notes, furni ture, pianos and other personal yiwp. erty. Repay lrt small monthly testai. menta Prompt and courteoe aei ea All transactions strictly confide uttal. STATE LOAN COMPANT 212 Oregon Bldg, Second Floor Corner State and High Office Hrs. 10 ;00 a. m. to 4 :30 p. am. Telephone 9 $2 . Licensed by Stat. Have $2000 private money to 1 at 7 city' or county. LAFLAR LAFLAR Ladd ft Bush Bank Bldg. LOANS WANTED WANTEB-Prlvnte money for farm loans. W hare several applications on' hand. Hawkins ft Roberta Inc. sua uregon tsiUK- WANTED Loan of $10,000 on real preferred. Box; 95. Statesman. LIVE ST0CE And POULTRY CCSTOM r bartcniag, settings erery Sat aad Tie. e star gg. Baby chick IS vartsttes. Pben 133F2, Le Hatchery. . .FOR tULS 2 . tiorsea, tram Mr. KruseVs wheat farm wlU be tried aad tested to buyet' satisfaction. No fair offer Tefssed. At Kkay Nash Auctie Sales DepotiTSplem, Phone tfta. DAIRT cow1r tale r trada. On or a carload. 1-4 down. Tema to ev ryone, one year tm -pay. tMsra Br, acolers n livestock. Red barn at Oe Tarubta and North OstnmrctaXr NI- aan ttros. marget, w Narot tugn. Elroy Na'sh burs and sells dairy cows, beef cattle, hogs, etc. All stock guaranteed as represented. Phone 2844. Rout , Box 2CC 1 ii . F02 SALE WOOD 4T.TT ADA SSfSJ Sl!Sji.s-aj T-kI 1 Cl .raa T2VAI rt TC J IT a vs. ua)i;Hi VW. taf A IgUQ, THE bestf wood in the city for the money at Tratfy's Fuel Yard. Prompt delivery. Phftnef 2985. fuSStCaMpn tr'r4cel We giva voad sftpsimta, aad tjnaaty and A ATORAGE good arvlcej, i . LABMCT TRANSFER tm WE have 14"! wood on hand all the time. Promgt delivery. I4 S. 12th. Cobbs A Mitchell Co, phone lit. GOOD 1ft in. old fir. S7.E0 cord. Phone 26F3I2. Four Corners Garage. 14" old fir. $7.00. Phone 3659. 1 14 ha. oM 'Ur. 4 ft fir. oak and ash. No, 1 M fir hsH alab. Reduced prices, a U. Barkaawh, t$8 Highland Ava. Phono XttO Drr to jrrowth fir f 5.00 per deUvr4L Pa 2712W. FOR SALK USED CARS MHMweum Dodge actwen deMvery. overhauled, first class i condition, bargain, 1691 Market street The iiorneof Best Values 192$ Buick 'Standard Coup f? 1927 Buick Standard Raadstar T5 1927 Buick Standard Oseeh , tlf 1927 Buick Standard Seaaa 4S 1925 Buick Standard .Toasn Alt 1925 Buick Standard Roadster . Se 1925 Buick Master Enc. taurine . S7 Chevrolets li$ Chevrolet OMQss, as Is . 1927 Chevrolet Roadster 1925 Chevrolet Touring - , , 1924 Chevrolet' Sedan , , 1923 Chevrolet- Coupe 1927 Chevrolet ton truck 1927 Chevrolet Aeltrery IS 224 15 V. tit lis ; Dodges 1924 Dodge5 Sedan 1925 Dodge Sedan 1922 Dodge . touring 1923 Dodge screen tide del. Essex 128 Essex Coupe 192 Essex Touring Fords mt 1921 192$ 1929 192$ 127 1926 1926 1924' 1924 1925 1921 Ford A Standard Coup r a VOaer 275 235 85 150 49." 45 474 426 435 895 295 Ford A .Business Coup Ford A Sport Coupe Ford A Standard Roadster Ford T Coup, new tires 334 Ford T Tudor Ford T Roadster Ford T fearing . Ford T tjoope Ford T Touring . Ford T Coupe '27 motor 190 95 116 10 76 115 1924 Hudson Coupe 1921 Bun Touring" 124 Jewett Com 150 95 19t 7S C5t 1927 Oakland DSpt Roadster lttl Pontiae Coach 192 Stedehtcer light coach t5 is 4 Btuaebaxer special Enc. tour, lai 1924 Studebaker light 4 coupe 150 1427 Star Roadster 195 1124 .Star Touring 125 1924 Star touring 75 Used 'Car Center : CONSOLIDATED BT VALLEY MO TOR CO, FORD CARS, O. J. WIL SON, ; BUICK CARS. Marion and Liberty Open Eyeaings and Sundays. raono ivzT State Motors, Inc. Far the best values ta Used Cars oaay late modem to Choose from Dodge Buick H iid Sana Chryslers, Potittaca Essye Oseeralets. Some priced as low aa S3. State Motors, Inc. m k' HUDSON-ESSEX TJ48TKTBUTORS High ft Oheme-aeta. Street TeL 1000. Late Models of Good Used Cars 1)23 Nath Special 409 t9tr Nash Special . IV 2 Hssent Town Sedan . lttf Suick Sedan 174 -Chevrolet Coup U2J Char, j-oaoster , 1924 Overh-adOoach .11250.0 . 750. . 485. . C44.0 246.00 J95.4 145.94 Other models aa low aa $50.9. P. W. Pettyjohn Co. Inc. 244 N. Comt Street Phono 224A Wtys-Klgtit sig- sswugna-a. Far at ie, Apaiuiient a. -H Made AFatd- a T $44 cash, O. Morgan. Statesman, 400 ar dtt tC tfth. etmm I, FOR SALEUSED CARS McKay's for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts Sedans 127 Chevrolet You won't find On In better condition 12 Overland , TU Coaches 1921 CheTX!et (tro of these) 45. 1927 Chevrolet (two nice ones) .He. 1926 Chevrolet (three to choose from) : . 26. 1926 Essex 165. 1927 Star Ji5. 1927 Pontiae $25. .Sport Coupes fffA s 1s filw 2 jChorfclet Six 142 Cbevrolet six 1924 Nash . tt. . 16. .dli. .&. Coupes 192 Whippet . 22$ Chevrolet 1927 Chevrolet 12 Mesblet 143 Fern iRo&dsters ,A7I. . 25. 346. . -45. , 25. 127 Star 275. Trucks 1929 Ford '.. 192' Ford ' - - 1928 Chevrolet 192 Chevrolet Six livery - . 550. . 245. .410. 5. "A number of cheaper track as we II as some good buys la touring oars from $35. to $250. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company Three Locations 44 K. Commercial St Phone 1802 630 Cbesaeketa St Phone 1425 Lot Next to Gtty Hall on High Street Goodwill Used Cars 1929 Chev. Crop $575.00 1927 Nash Cabriolet 600.00 1928 Pontiae Sedan 695.00 1926 Essex Coach 160.00 1MT Essex Coach 295.0 192T Nash Coapo 445. Fishing Cars Sedge Tearing gl.a Star Touring . 13 5. Stude Lt Touring 85.00 Buick 4 Touring 145.00 Dodge Coupe 115.00 TRUCKS Rugby 1 1-4 ton like new. Wood-Wheaton Motor Co., Inc. Oakland !cttac. Complete Body Repair. 350 N. High Street Phone 2125. - - 11 uLffffxr Valfey Motor Co. - Buy With Safety - Used Fords Coupes Mode! A Standard Model A Business Model A Sport ,,, 1924 Model T $175 0. 12 Model T new paint -1926 Model T. new paint 124 Model T. new paint 1923 Made T Roadsters .$475.00 . 425.00 . S95.00 . 195.00 . 135.00 . 100.00 . 95.00 . 45.00 Model A Standard . 12 Model T 124 Model T Tourings 12 Model T - 12 Model T 1924 Model T Ruxtal Ax , 1924 Model T 1923 Model T 395.00 100.00 50.00 125.00 95.00 75.00 50.00 35.00 Several more tnuriars with licenses tar $25. that will run, Trucks Model AA-Row frame ext 500.00 127 Chevrolet cab and body 225.00 124 Model TT-Mnacio Trana 125.00 1914 Model TT - 100.00 1922 Modal TT 95.00 Pickups 192 Model T steel box 1924 Model T 1923 Model T wood box 150.00 75.00 60.00 Deliveries 1927 Chevrolet closed panel 215.00 1926 Model T closed panel 1T5.00 192 roadster does body 125.00 124 Closed panel , - , 75.00 1924 Open delivery - 35.00 Terms-Trades SEE Valley Motor Co. Authorized Ford Dealer Center at Liberty lemOrejo WANTED USED CARS CASH raid for Fords Elker Anto In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion Probate Department Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Brace Yergen has been appointed Administrator of the estate of Alice Tergen, de ceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Multno mah Cotmty, sad baa qualltied. All penen fearing claims' Against said astate Are hereby notified to present the game, duly verified as by law required, to the under signed at the office of his attor neys at 515 Pacific Bldg., Port land, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Hated And flrat jmblished April 29, 1930. Last publication May 27, 1910. BRUCE TERDEN, as Administra tor of the Estate of Alice Ter- ger, 4ecased, PENDERGRASS, "WIGGINS, BAR ZEE HOEHR. soncE i fealad bldg tor BAle of First angelical church building "with OT"het pew, trill be received up until 7:30 p. m. Saturday, May 24 th. Trustees reserve right to re ject my T nUT. iMb r -nail bid to J. T. TJLRICH, S25 State street. M-1S, 20, 21, 22, 2i. WATER PLAXT fiOrGHT -.AP) Voters la the eJty of Graai Pas 4at -rotad If0 t Tiseln Tproiat-g ATBamlcl pall oarned water system. HIGH GRADE STRAWBERRIES HERE BUTTER AND EGG RATES YET SAME Egg Surplus Still Is Being Placed in .;, Storage PORTLAND, May I-(AP) Egg and butter price were un changed today, following the fair week-end trading. Receipts. In creased Ibseug 4ha -a?eek, . sriUi the anrplns coing fatb itafaga. Despfte the heavy . oiuone f ann plies, laanr tellre that eggs Tjsfre toucaed bottom, aUleait for some time Im-'pmne. Frctt ad iregetable prices wen about steadf- apd . nchaid. Moist, ad cold weather is report ed te be Aping tmueh 'damage to the srsrberry crep aad in conse qneaee rs rea high. WHEAT MAflKET IS HI M A firmer tone developed im the wheat market daring the week ending May 17, largely as the re sult of less optimistic reports con cerning the new wiater wheat trot both in the United . States and is Europe, and a "belter export ia qulry for North American W-eat, according to the ' W-wklr-'Qraha Market Reriew .f tte United States bureau of agricultural eeoa-' omics. Feed grains were 4eady. Corn planting was retarded by rains and wet soil. Weather tn many areas was too cool for best plant growth. Offerings of both corn and oats wire smaller, but demand was active and prices were quoted slightly higher than a week ago. Barley held firm while rye and flax were higher with wheat. Weather aad crap conditions continued to be the dominating influence in the world wheat mar ket. Reports during the week were rather mixed. Domestic win ter wheat was benefited by raise tn the southwestern and western Areas with seme improvement U the south central states, but dry weather eontiaeed to retard the development in some eastern sec tions of the best. The crop is heading out as far north as south eastern and south central Kansas, and is in the boot elsewhere ex cept in the extreme northwestern part of the belt. Tfce crop in Okla homa is heading; short with stands thin. Spring wheat made good pro gress with generally good stands and color with cool weather fa vorable for stoollng. A Blight de crease in wheat acreage In the Canadian Prairie provinces from the record of 2i,27,t00 Acres harvested last season, was indi cated by A report te the rianito da free Press. About $5 per eent of the crop -4 eeeded, end Ti to 80 per cent is one to three inches tall and well rooted. Moisture con ditions are more satisfactory thaa early reports Indicated, but there is tittle reserve tmb-eetl raqfature is some areas, particularly is Al berta, aad good seasoea! rains wtil be required for tar erable-f crop growth. European crop conditions con tieee generally good, Although rumors of local damage Are slight ly more atfmerona tbaat is recast weeks. The weather as been toe wet reeebUy re part of Italy ml France, hut the rainfall hat been beneficial Im Bngland and Rntna ala, Haagary and other Balkan countries. Cool weather Is retard la; growth. In Germany and Rus sia and In some areas of the lat ter country the weather has been too dry for normal development. The condition of the crop is Po land is much abov average as compared with a condition below average a year age. Austrian crop hare improved materially end are better than last seees. Prepara tion, tar seeding the aew Argen tine crop were interrupted by winds during the week, but condi tions ta Australia were favorable sad record acreage It la pro spect, according te trade reports. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Ore.. Mv 19 (AP Csttl 1275, ealree 200. She itock gen erally .2 eeofci higher, steers 50 to 75c Mgaer wit eems le dollar higher. Steer 110O-1500 lb., tll.50Ca 12.00: rood Sll.TS(g 12.35; medium 11.Q0 11.75; eeauaea 9. 50 11.00. Heifert (rood ie.7S11.00; common to medium fS.50M.T5. Covt good 47.50t9.50; commas te medium $9.5010.00; low cutter to eatter 4.007.50. Balls (yearling excluded) 7.73c? 7.50; cutter to medium 6.50(g 7.75. Calves 0.00 6 10.00; cull to medium 6.0009.00. Veal- erf, milk fed, $10. 50 11.50: medium 9.SO10.50; cull to common 0.50629.50. Hogs: Heary weieht $9.50(211.00: medium weight 10.00(5 11.50: light weight 11.25 tll. 50; light lights S10. 50011. SO. Packing aowi 4.25(9 9.50. Slseghter pigt $10.00 10.75. Feeder snd Mock er piri 411.00 12.75. (Soft r ailr bon nil rsastiaK nigf excluded tm abors qvetetioaa.) bep SOSO. iadnUair 25 direct: leeks steady. (gbera basis, sxeept In print hisibt). Spri&g IsaiM teed te ehoiea S 8. 5 Off 10.00; aMdhtai 6.50 8.90; enll aad com- on B.e0&i.50. Lambs 84 lbs. dawn S.50 0.00; 4 to 92 Rm. aS.OOfi 6.00 ; 92 lb, down medium 94A5T5.50. Tear- lingt wethers 4.00g5.50. Ews fS.OO 4 00; 120-150 lbs. W.756 3.7S; all weights eesiman 91.0Ofi2.75. 7BOOUOX PORTLAND. Ore.. May 19 (AF) Milk raw milk (1 per teat) 42.80 2.40 ewt. delirered PotthiBd left 1 per cent: grade B milk 41.65 butterfat ta tion Sic track SSe deliTeriea in Port land 35c. Poultry i' buying price) alirs heayy hens over tVt tba. Sic rnedesm hens 3i to 4H lbr. 24e light hen itc; broilers. m to - H lee., leghorns, 18c. colored 28c, Pekin doeks, 4 Ibc. sad ever 30c. sli 2Sg I3e. colored daeks 1(5 -Oc. Pettes cems Ke. 1 srrada e.7o 'ff f.00. tew potatoes Florida 613c lb. Talbot School Closed Fr iday 6IDKEY-TALB0T, May II. Talbot schoel cteeed Friday. A very enjoyable pro gram was given la the morning after which re port earn were given the health honor roll was as follow.: Zens Slept), Olive BUnston, Marjorie Cole, Percy Roland, Robert Cole, Neva Emmons. Ethel Olson. Phyl lis Cole, Loisel Mathews, Billy Aa- stia, luclae OLtoa, Pauline Steps, lames Jergenaxm, Eileen Olaoa aad "Ruth Olaoa. Certificates for perfect atten dance were awarded -lames Ibr geason, Sthel Obsaa. Cldoa Tars Uge, EOeea OUon, la the erealng the commua tty t)lab mad womea't elab twe Aa taterrtif; stN tain-aeat la the school Tiouae. lee ere-m and ake were awrrei mt A tAtehour. Kehtee fs Wreby girea that the aoflBTtifhed was dniy ajinteii txeeotor f the lart wfll snd es tate f Dora Wa-cer. deceaeed. try order t the Oeaaty Ceart at the Stat f Oregon, for lUrtoa Coun ty, oa the 11th day ef 4?H1, 19 and that all yersena bSTlag dAfaBS agalaest said estate Are hereby re quested to present, their respect ire claims, with jt roper eoehers, duly verHIed, te the aadaraigaed executor, at the office of John Bayne, 141 State street, Salem. Oregon, within tlx .months from the date of this notice. pated April 22, lfS. h wiLirrmvi- iBaeentar -t the WU1 And sEs- tate XWTA waikAr, ieeeae joha name, AuCsraey coT ecutor. A-22-29-M8-13-20. General markets Ore, May J AF) PORTLAKD. Wheat fat: May July Sept. Cash marketi stem 41.16H: toft whit, wettara white. 41.03 Vi; hard winter, northern anring; -aten. r fl.OlU. Oata: Kn 2 S3 . whita t.50. Corn: No. 2 45 ihip- tt S.S0. Millrun: atandard 28 ic. Today'a ear receipt! : wheat 45, flour 19, cora 11, ats 2, hay 1. O-ea .102 Vi 104 ..104H wheat : High Ctea 10SH 10 Vi 104 H 109 H 104H 103 big cesa bine' Supply Not Expected to Equal Demand at Present NUTS, HAT. HOPS PORTLAND. Ore., May 19 (AP) Nuts walnuts. Oregon CSfi 80c. ahaeada 530c. peanuts 9ViQ10We, peeass 25 filberts. lT18c. Hay wholesale boykir prices, teKv- rd Portland: eastern Ortfoa timothy . 50 23.50: do valley, tll9.50; alfalfa. 910 (it 20; elwer, si: aat ear. 914: straw, 7 S tea aching prices 1 te 92 more. Hops 1929 crop 6(3 9'ie. DAIRY PORTLAND. Ore., May 19 (AP) Produce exchange, net prices: batter, ex tras S3, standards 84. prime firsts 33. firsts t. eg, freak extras 55 26. fresh, mediams 5S(ffS4. PASTOR SENTENCED FOR MSI OTTAWA. III. May 11. AP) Judge Frank H. Hayes today sentenced the Rev. James E. A. Wilson of Mendota, 111., to serve one to 14 years In the state peni tentiary for shooting Amos Elliott his church eexton. The ease will be appealed to the supreme court and Judge Hayes -granted stay of execution to September 1. Wilson's attor ney tmtd bail would be furnished in a tew days. Wilton has Veen la fail Biae January tl, the day he shet Elli ott tnH'Mrs. Elliott in a tjunrrel ever poaeessioa ef a Jotter Wilson had written to Mrs. Emma Wag aer oat of hi partshoaers. - He said the Elllottt had been showing the latter around the parish end putting a wrong interpretation on it. After the shooting the minister went to his home and fired five shots at his own head but inflicted only slight wounds. J teal grown strawberries nt exceptionally fine quality - were ouerea on tne salea market Monday at two boxes for Si cents. Rain Will Blow tha rinAnln F berries somewhat so that it la not expected that the supply wtU equal the demand for several da vs. rreaa Frails (Wneletel Qaotartost) Annlei. !w.!a . - a- m Rome Beauiiea Yellow Newtona I TS Banasaa. lb. m Dates BT Uremedary S 10 0a. pk-,, s.s Cab.'. Plrt-.i a Calif. Grapefruit' I.eaona. C!if. Oranges, Navels 80 100S 126's . ISO's 17 see . m 85' T. . tr 924't .d.se .7.00 -S. ..oe .5.0 .5 JtM t.2t S.O S.!S Brrswsarriat.tray of C0 a oa 8.5 I .8.5 8.50 l .8.5 1 .8.5 ' vaaar t-f mat WhoI?U Qnotatm) Aiprfcra per c!if, IiOCilt, icl mm 1 f t Bror.eal. &neStir a Ar I .VVWB i , Celery 43.1if. . ., T.7S ' faraoipa, lb. n Retabaaas, lb. nU bscM vagotsbles, per des. banchsa tm I Bt aa I Tsrrtpa j xaaiaaa 60 rrs y t ' Otriie, lb. . 1 anrernat Toaitoet L.ocai onions Ittace California .1.2 I..lf. ThUh Cucumbers, hotbouta Cabbage, lb. Rhubarb, local, r-eas. Calif. -.2 I 4.5 -SUM -L7S a B.ftS , OS otv Green Pannar. Ik Hubbard Squash, 'lb. Maroiensad aquasa Pumnkina. Ih. Danish Squash -OB SS I .S 1 Southern Yama, 50 lb. box i-oiaioet. local Artichokes, doten .. ew potatoes . I ii vw 0 i'.Od , to SMtefa (Retail Onotattnmi Calf meaL 25 lbs. . Scrsteh. ton Corn, whole, taa Cracked and ground Mill run, toa Braa, toa - Eg maah With milk .0T Extras . Mediums Efea (Baying Pries) . l.tt . -SO. O I -44.ee ! .46.00 ' .23.00 : 8S.oe 64.oe i -80.OO Highway to Be Widened as Far As Rickreall WEST SALEM, May it. The highway starting la at West Sa lem will be widened three teet en each side as far as- Rickreall. One bench ef workers have al ready started from Rickreall and fa working towards West Salem. The other bunch will start from the Polk county llae en the bridge and pnt a covering on the part of the bridge which has been recon structed nnd will work towards Rickreall. The work is being done by the state. The men at West Sales would bare started la Mon day, bat the rata prevented. BITS... Of Genera) Knowledge W. L. GORDON""" By llll; :" ' UJ1JISU, - John 4dABu tM been oxr nly aresl.eot who hm ttswd to see ais son nlso president," Stars Roosters, old Heaviea Mediuma . Medium i rotry (Buying 1'rka) -21 ' IS i -14 0T Bntrft Wl- Prists . Cartons .. Wholesale Battel (Buying Prion) lT-"2 i-ia -91 .49 t Batter (Keuil Quotations) ..e Oram and Hay (Baying Pries) Wheat, western red Soft White, ba. Oatai ha . Barley, tea t 41 .-8H -91 47 , Hay, retail price vattaaa vatch . Clever AMslfs f29.ee Lira ilomm Bpriag hambs TJrasaed -an . Xtretsad seal . Ceart . Atadlum (Baying Pries) -.14.04 Is 22. - I. 22.0 2a.ee 8.ee Wool Old -Id Mohair -1 ..to .2 -IT HI MAflKET mi SLIGHTLY SPBTTEfl Developments in the wool mar ket hare been rather mixed dar ing the fast week. A fairly steady demand was received on a few tines of domestic wools while oa ethers demands was slower and bids were lower thaa prices aetu allrpAid during the preylou week. This apparent inift In ten timent regarding wool values oa certain lines came ta the face of an adrance in price at the Lon don opening and occasional re verts of a better oatloek In the goods market Th3 lew rate of act ivity of some mills continued to exert a bearish infbaenee en the prices. Some well Informed ob servers, however, were freely pre dicting an improvement In the wool manufacturing industry. Fleece wools were rather slow. A few small sales were reported oa 64's and finer and On el's, 10's strictly combing wools. Price were inclined to ease on seme grades. Bids were lc to 2c n tne "grease lower en 48's, 50's fleeces, bat most dealers flatly refused to con sider these bids en new wools, Demand for western wools was confined largely to tft and finer ejoalltias at about steady prices. Original bag territory lines of bulk French cojnblng aold mostly at tl to 73c scoured basis. Grad ed Pretich combing C4'a and finer moved at prices in the same range. Good 12-months Texas wools bretrght 75c scoured basis. Choice staple graded Texas 1 --months wool were held at ,TS to 0e icoored basis. Territory 6 8's, 0' strictly combing sold in the rsage ft to 72c scoured basis. Lower grades were quiet and quotations were' slightly easier. t Foreign wools werealet with Quotations unchanged. Some-mohair mills were repotted to be a little more active bat as yet no demand had been received from manufacturers tor additional sup plies of mohair. I . ' . -tTRIOUS urm.-mntmeaitu wi into a Great Kortlrern iOcemoUve At a street ersilnetbnltht And wns possibly fatally injured.