The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 20, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    H 02EC0N STATESS1AN, Salsn, Oregon,; Tcerfay Horning, May 20, 1930
fixtcal News Briefs 1
, Eight Arrestee Eight motor
cycle riders were arrested by a
it y . truffle officer Sunday on
. r targes ot committing a nuisance,
their offense consisting of man
ic gtoo Biuea noise oa the streets
wltfc,loaring motors. Their case
wauvxontlaued Monday. Is Record
er iark Poamen'a office, pending
lusher Investigation. Those ar
rested were Robert Tartar, 102 S
Shaping street; Tergil Kb bin. Sa
leavjroute 1; Jane C. Erans. 147
Seatfe Commercial; Mike Burger,
2t$sY Myrtle arenas ; Ckartes P.
Rice. Pratum: -Mike MeGeary.
recta 1, Brooks;-George Johnson,
lfff Sooth Snauner street: Ty li
ma?, Leurar,; 482 South High.
Dollar dinner etetr night (:4S
Banning Program A pro
gram in honor of Liberty school
children who won honors In- the
county declamatory spelling aad
ctakv contests will be held at the
Liberty community club Friday
night. May 23. it to announced.
The, rhythm orchestra of that,
icfcool, which took first plsee in
ounty-wlde eommuaity elub
chants, will also be honored.
Albmay Realtor Here C. H.
Murphy -of the Tripp and Murphy
resUors of Albany, was a business
visitor here yesterday. Murphy
says business conditions are quite
encouraging at Albany, with quite
a number of properties exchang
ing hands. including several busi
ness properties. A number ot
eastern buyers are also entering
that field, he says.
Election la over! Everything
tor window boxes; plant now. Ol
areenhouses. Pacific high
way, north.
Plans Ready Soon Final plans
are being shaped for the annual
commencement exercises to be
held June , st 10 o'clock in the
morning, at the Fox Elslnore the
atre. Principal Fred Wolf says
he has reeeired a number of in
quiries as to when the exercises
wilUbe despite the fact the time
and place were announced several
weeks ago-
I jural ta Crash R. Hilfiker.
b passenger In the automobile or
Waller Neubrech, Salem route 8.
ittftered an Injury to Ms baek
when Neubrecb's ear was Invotred
in a collision. Monday noon at Di
vision and Commercial streets
with a machine driven by S. C.
Badertscher, 1844 South Liberty
Dance Mellow Moon Wed.
hmkm. YtM-ovcrinu Word
lias, been received here that Rev.
H. b. Chambers, formerly pastor
nf the Episcopal church here, is
recuperating following a serious
operation performed at the Good
Samaritan hospital there. This
U the seonnd major operation he
ha3,.nadergone in the past six
Vw Messbers to Personnel
Mrs. Alice GlTrens. formerly of
tThe,MarinelU Beauty shopv has
been added to the staff ot the
Bonnie Dee Shoppe. Mrs. GlTrens
waa substituting for Mrs. Mabel
Fryer who has been absent be
cause of illness. Mrs. Fryer is
also back at work now at the
Bonnie Dee.
miii.f H Hirilen wishes to
thank his many friends and good
supporters for their wonderful
work In the recent justice of the
peace nominating election.
Bohrwstedts In Portland Mr.
and Mrs- A. C Bohrnstedt were
a trending to business interests in
Portland yesterday afternoon
Picnic Fleaaed The Girls
Letter club of the senior high
school Is planning to hold its an
nual picnic at Rlverdale park af
tr School tomorrow afternoon.
Picnic Planned The Girls'
Letter club of the senior high
school is planning to hold Its an
nual picnic at Rlverdale park af
ter school tomorrow afternoon.
About 4 girls will attend. Mrs.
'Grire Wolgamott and Miss Echo
Batferree will make the trip.
Salem Stands High Salem
I in better ahape than any city
In the state as tar as eoatrol of
rood establishments Is concerned.
W. D. Duncan, of the stste dslry
sad food department, told Dr.
Vernon A. Douglas, county health
officer, while - here conferring
with him yesterday.
District Divided"- The Salem
aud Eugene supervisors will hare
t. get together in announcing the
population of Mill City, which is
the only town in this district thst
U In .'more than one county. Mill
City is divided between Marion
aud Linn counties.
Changes Made The name or
Clara Lyons has been placed on
th high school student body bal
lot in nomination for position of
Clarion newspaper editor. Duane
Demaris's name has been scratch
ed trom the approved list of as
pirants for yell leader.
Clinics Scheduled la addi
tion, to the regular clinics sched
uled for the week at the Salem
health center, a pre-school clinic
wil be held Tuesday afternoon at
SUrerton with Dr. Edward Lee
Russell In charge.
- V&7 ! ail -JU1" m.
was sentenced to spend five days:
In taa city jail, Monday when ho
appeared In municipal court on a
charge ot drunkenness.
Speeder ! Fined Jojin . Kotka.
1 13. Mill street, was fined fS In
municipal court Jdoaday a a
charge of speeding, on which he
was arrested Sunday night."- - r
' IUgerald ta Portland V A.
Fltuperald aras reeruittnc man
kare was a Portlaad Tlsitor ye-
, To Make Savvey . Two main
objectives for the year of the
Northwest association of secon
dary and higher schools, of which
George Hug ot Salem la presi
dent, will be a survey ot the state
and priTate colleges and normal
schools In the northwest to ascer
tain bow the lower group of nigh
school students succeed . in eol-
lee; and a study of rules for
etaauardiaiag nigh school librar
ies. These nieces of work were
determined upon at. an executive
meeting acid in Seattle over the
weekend reports the president.
Mr. Hag. Both these committees
wiQ make their reports at the
annual meeting next spring.
Now the primaries are over and
your man nominated, why not
place yoar order for your winter
requirements of wood? Fire loads
16". first quality, Inside wood
$18.75. Immediate delivery. Cbas.
K. Spaulding lagging Company.
Phone 1830. ;
Officers Elected Officers
elected for the coming year f or
the Parrish junior' high school
are: Mark Powell, president; Lois
Barton, rice ' president; Jean
Gardner, secretary; Robert Brow
noli, treasurer; Vernon Don a gal
ls, sergeaat-at-arms; Lester Car
ter, yell leader; Joyce Phelps,
song leader; Wallace Sprague. ed
itor Periscope; Donald Armpriest,
publications manager; Vera De
jardin, athletic manager. Offi
cers will be installed at a short
assembly to be held this week.
Former Teches-'lirs Word
has been received here of the
death of Mrs. John E. Smith, re
cently ot Ames, Iowa, in that city.
She had been ill hut a brief time.
suffering from tumor on the
brain. Mrs. Smith was Julia Mc
Collough, for several years a
teacher in the Salem schools. Mr.
Smith Is professor of geology at
Iowa state college and was gradu
ated from Oregon state college.
There are no children.
We are now registering women
to work at Starr Fruit Products
Co. Corner Church and Mill sts.
Phone 4 IS.
Going to Tacoma Theodore
Roth and C. M. Lee. both active
In the Willamette Grocery com
pany and In Purity stores, go to
Tacoma Thursday to attend the
semi-months meeting of the Pur
ity stores of the northwest. Rep
resentatives from Spokane, Yak
ima, Bellingham, Everett, Marsh
field, Salem. WatsonviUe. Califs
and Tacoma will attend. The
men plan to return Friday.
Church Night Soon Tho last
church night of the year until au
tumn will be observed Wednesday
night at the parish house ot St.
Paul's Episcopal church. Because
It is the last get-together of this
nature, a large crowd Is expected.
The Ladies' Guild members will
serve supper st S:4 o'clock, this
to be followed by a program.
For Sale started chicks, heavy
breeds. Also custom hatching.
Willamette Valley Hatchery. 41 1.
S. 24tb. Pnons 2776W.
New Arrival Told Birth
certificates tiled at the county
knlth unit nTTicf include s. bor.
Donald Eugene, bora May IS to
Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Jiernu,
twa miles northeast of Salem:
and a baby. KatsumI, born May
14 to Mr. and Mrs. H. Tsukamoio,
445 Ferry street.
Year's Report Made A report
of the handling of the estate of
Mary A. Booth, an : incompetent
person, was handed down In pro
bate court Monday. M. G. Gnn
derson. her guardian, states that
he received $826.75 during the
year and disbursed $422.41.
Final Account Filed The fi
nal account in the estate ot Imo
gene Grant, deceased, was filed in
probate court Monday by W. I.
Grant, executor of the estate. Nel
lie Grant Pierce and Ray A. Grant
are heirs to the property which
has an appraised value of $5702.
Sale Ordered An order ot sale
was filed Monday in probate court
In the case of S. Graham, de
ceased, In whose estate oOe lot
has an estimated value or $509.
The property to be sold Is in
Assists In Services Rev. p. J.
Sehnert. pastor of : the Center
street M. E. church, returned yes
terday trom Clarkes, southwest of
Oregon. City, where be had been
over Sunday assisting In an
evangelistic service. .
Reports Filed Five counties
filed their completed officisl
count on Friday's nrimarv election
wih Secretary et State Hoes Mon
day. They were Moro. Hood Riv
er, Yamhill, Polk, Tillamook and
PossesMioa Charged Harold
O'Donnell and R, J. Gibbons of
Oreeon Citv and A. Hadley of San
Francisco were arrested by local
police early Sunday morning on
charges of liquor possession.
Automobiles Stolen Automo
biles belonging to Andrew Baker,
1X47 Sonth Commercial street,
and J. . Barker were stolen Sat
nrday sight, according to reports
made to the police.
Cwaddanjrhter XansedT loan '
Is the name given to tho first
grandchild of Mr. an4 Mrs. E. T.
Barnes. Little Joan wan born In
Rome Friday afternoon at 4
o'clock, and owing to tho diffsr
enca In time, t&o cablegram an
nouncing her arrival to Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Barnes was received
here at 1:15 o'clock the same
afternoon. Ralph Barnes is head
ot the Rome bureau for the New
York Herald-Tribune, lira, Barnes
was Esther Paruunagiaa, daugh
ter of the lata Rev. M- D. Paroun
aglan, who passed away hem sud
denly last winter. Mrs. Pareuna
gian and daughter Esther live In
Carniral Jubilee Old Time
Dance tonight at the Mellow
Moon. Former Crystal Ballroom
orchestra now Improved into a
Nine Piece Old Time Band. Mrs.
Mathla leader. Dancing at 1:30.
Gentlemen S0c; Ladles 2Se. Free
noise makers and tree punch.
Exhibit Plamaed An exhibit of
fine printing produced by John
Henry Nash ot San Francisco la
planned for next week- by mem
bers ot the Sal earn Advertising
club. Willard Marshall Is in
charge ot the committee to handle
the exhibit which will bo made in
the lobby of the First National
bank. The exhibit is In connec
tion with Advertising Achieve
ment' week.
Chamber is Thanked Thanks
to the chamber of commerce for
its help in bringing the next con
vention of the Business and Pro
fessional Women's organization
of Oregon to Sslem, were made to
that group Monday by Miss Susan
Varty. .She is president of the
local business women's organisa
tion and was one ot the delega
tion to attend the Medford meet
Dance Mellow Moon Wed. '
Directors Described Thamb-
nail sketches ot the business ea
reers of several of the directors
of the First National bank here.
are contained in the current Issue
of "The Customer's Viewpoint.'
recently Issued publication of that
bank. Willard Marshall edits the
new publication which goes td all
the bank's customers.
Meaabers Initiated Lillian
Beecher, Charles Campbell, and
Marjorie Nelson were Initiated
Into the local chapter of Tau Kap
pa Alpha, national dramatic fra
ternity Monday evening. Officers
elected and Installed at the meet
ing were Roy Harland, president,
and Lillian Beecher, secretary-
treasurer. Warren McMlnnimee
Is the retiring president.
Mrs. Alice Girrens. formerly ot
the Marinello Beauty Shoppe, now
with Bonnie Dee Beanty Shoppe.
Divorce Granted A divorce
decree wsa granted H. A. Robin
son from Ella Robinson in cir
cuit court Monday. Judge L H.
McMshan signing the decree. A
six-year-old son, Harold Robin
son, is to be held by the father
but the lad will be allowed to vis
it the mother from time to time.
Cownry Clerk" Here High
Black, county clerk of Polk coun
ty, was a business visitor In Sa
lem on Monday. Black was "re
covering" from, election' work
which kept him busy for fully. 24
hoars after the polll closed Fri
day night.
Want ssed furniture. Tel. Sll.
Charge Admitted Possession
of llauor cost A. Hadley, Mission
street, Salem, $25 on Monday
when he appeared before Justice
Brazier Small, admitted the of
fense and paid the fine. He was
arrested Saturday by Traffic Of
ficer Mai key.
Work Held Back Several road
projects which were to start Mon
day have been temporarily de
layed, Broadmaster Frank John
son said Monday, Showers during
the weekend made working on
some projects not' feasible.
Officers to Be Chosen Nomi
nation for officers will be made
Thursday at the regular meeting
of the Salem Ad club In the Mar
ion hotel. C. M. Lee, manager of
the Purity stores, heads the nom
ination committee.
Adams Here Paul C. Adams.
editor of the Pacific Homestead,
is la Salem today. He will con
duct a sale this afternoon at Ger
vals. Mrs. Adams accompanied
him on the trip.
Improper Brakes Expensive
Improper brakes on his car cost
Wayae Baker $10 Monday when
be appeared before Justice Brazier
Small, admitted the offense and
paid the fine.
Dwelling Started Construc
tion of a new dwelling for W. A.
Cladek at 1938 Hazel avenue has
been started. The nermit IudmI
Monday, shows a cost estimate ot
szivv. '
; j -
Local Ueh to Be on Hand at
27th Annual Session of
Sclera dentists will bo wall rep
resented at this 17th annual meet
ing of th staU dental assoeiatku
to bo held li Eugene boghtntng
tomorrow morning and cent inn
ing through Saturday, May 14. At
least 2 a local dentists are plan
ning to attend, with 11 ef them
scheduled to take, part In the pro
gram Wednesday afternoon to bo
given over to; a series ot clinics
by members of the Msrlon-Ysm-hfll-Polk
dental society. .
Moro than' 119 dentists from
all part of the state are expect
ed to b present for the sessions.
Highlights of; the annual conven
tion will bo the speeches of Dr.
TJ. G. Rlckert of the University et
Michigan, who will discuss denUI
diagnosis, and; Dr. J. C. Geiger of
the university of California, who
will talk on diet and its known re
lation to the derelopm-nt of th
Members of the Marion-Polk
Yamhill society who will partici
pate in tho clinics V ednesday aft
ernoon are: Doctors H. C. Epley.
L. B. Schmidt: Fred Burger, L. E.
Barrick. B. F. Pound, Carl Miller.
D. X. Beeehler Ward Davis, David
B Hill, F. D, Voight and O. A.
Olson, all of. Salem; L. Foster
and Mark Hayter of Dallas; and
R. W. Van Valin of Newberg. Dr.
Epley will led convention singing.
Other local dentists who will be
In Eugene for all or part of the
sessions include: Doctors D. C.
Burton. W. H; Darby, Fred Ellis,
W. A. Johnson, G. E. Lewis. Max
A. Moon. F. L. Utter, EstUl L-
Brunk, L. R.: Springer, Kenneth
H. Waters, W; S. Cole and H. H
Chief attraction Wednesday
morning will bo a folf tournament
and Saturday, the dentists and
their wives wfil bold a big picnic
at Swimmers' Delight, near En
Alleged Thief
To Appear Upon
Charge Today
Mrs. L. Parseglan. charged with
theft or 9 pnonograpn rec
ords and a sold watch chain, was
to appear today Deiore justice
Brazier Small : to answer to the
information. Complaint was made
by Albert Minaian. a farmer who
lives In the Oceville district, near
Hall's Ferry.
He says Mrs: Parseglan and- her
husband committed the theft last
February. The woman. In a pre
liminary : hearing Monday, strong
ly denied the charge. Her hus
band is an 'Armenian by birth;
she Is an American.
Salem Airport Described
In Aeronautic Bulletin
Given Out by Government
Th Aeronanttcs Branch ot the
Department ot Commerce has just
Issued aa Airway Bulletin describ
ing tho Salem airport.
, The Airway bulletins which are
sent on request to pilots, aircraft1
operators and others . concerned
with air navigation facilities, are
published In loose-leaf form,
punched for binding, and are be
ing Issued on aB airports that
have been developed, to the, point
where they can be so character
rsed, and on which the aeronaut
ics branch has sufficient data.
The front page of the Bulletin
embodies two line cuts. The first,
or upper one. Is a general may of
the city and vicinity showing the
location ot the airport with refer
ence to the city and all outstand
ing land marks such as principal
railroads, rivers, lakes snd high
ways. The second, or. lower Illustration
is ft close-up sketch or the airport
showing the dimensions of the
usable landing arcxt; the positions
at hangars and other buildings;
the location and character ot the
night lighting installation; the lo
cation and nature of obstructions;
airport markings; and any other
data which might be ot assist
ance to those using the airport.
A wind rose Illustrating the
Mrs. B. Domaschofsky ot Dallas
was fined $25 In municipal court
here Monday on a charge of reck
less driving which resulted from a
collision between her automobile
and one driven by Paul West, 995
North Winter atreet, Sunday aft
ernoon about 3:3t o'clock at Cot
tage and Union streets.
E. O. Patehell, who was a pas
senger In the Domaschofsky ma
chine, was fined 910 on a charge
ot drunkenness. Both Mr. and
Patehell. as well as Mrs. Domas
chofsky were Injured and were
taken to the Salem General hospi
tal. Mrs. Patehell suffered rib
fractures, cuts and shock; Mrs.
Domaschofsky less serious rib in
juries and cuts on her head, and
Patehell numerous bruises.
West reported that the other
machine took the right ot way
and apparently waa deliberately
driven into his path.
frequencies of wind directions and
forces front eight points of tho
compass to placed on tho lower
sketch when observations neees
sary for the compilation of a wind
rose are available.
On page two of the bulletin sp-
peare a condensed summary of
the facilities Installed, the owner
and operator of the airport. Its
latitude and longttuds and magn
etic variatiom and a weather suna-
Baary for the district prepared by
the United States Weather bureau.
The Airway Bulletins are pub
lished primarily as aids to air nav
igation and as seek are used ex
tensively by pilots flying cross
country over strange terrain and
who may be desirous ot locating
suitable landing areas. Air line
officials, aircraft operators, and
pilots use these to determine the
routes to be followed in cross
country frying, stop-over ' airports
for servicing, night stops where
storage is srvailable, airports pro
viding weather Information aad
many other important features
required in the systematic opera
tion of aireraft..
Alleged Disorderly Leslie Lib
by and Otto Peder graft, both, of
Jefferson, were arrested Monday
night by Salem police en charges
of disorderly conduct, aad re
leased under $19 ball each. It
was reported their alleged offense
consisted of the use of Improper
language on the streets.
Robinson Promoted M. B.
Robinson, connected with the lo
cal Union Oil: company distribu
tion plant as .manager" for some
time, has been promoted to man
ager of Industrial sales for five
counties with headquarters In Sa
lem. Willis Talbott of Emit
will come local manager. - J
First Boa Arrives Mr. .and
Mrs. W. A. Beeves, 11XS North
llth, are rejoicing ovsr arrival
of their first boy, born early Sat
urday morning at the Salem Gee
era! hospital. The new arrival Is
the third child; Reeves is with the
stste bridge department.
Girl to Keuape A baby girl,
Terry Gay. waa born Sundsy night
to Mr. aud Mrs. A. Kemp of 513
Bellome, The mother and Infant
are at the Salem General hospi
tal, ii i
8ale Confirmed Sale of prop
art by tbe Eena company In its
case against: Robert Culver was
approved by an order Issued in
court Monday.;
Births Reported Mr. and
Mrs. V. D. Mcmullen, 805 North
Capitol street, , are parents of a
girl, born May 15. The child baa
been named Eva Marie.
Stum bo iaPortUnd Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Stumbo were Portland
business visitors yesterday after
noon. I ;
Died, near this city Friday
night, Theodore J. Esser ot Port
Isnd, 47. Survived by mother,
Mrs. Christina M., sisters. Mrs.
Joe E. Baker, Mrs. Minnie Smith,
Mrs. Mary Labrache, all of Port
land; two brothers, Ben of Con
don, Pete of Portland. Remains
ahinned to Portland for services
and interment by Clough-Taylor
Eagene Daviana, 27, late resi
dent of Portland, died in this city
May 19. Announcement ot funeral
later by Clough-Taylor company.
iiiiie cmrai III
Second honors for large fami
lies In Marion county apparently
go to the father and mother of
nine children, all born In less than
12 years, the census returns show.
A family at Donald waa reported
Saturday with 18 children.
In the family ot nine, besides
tbe father and mother, are: a son
of 12. son and daughter ot 10, two
daughters of six years, sons of
five, two daughters of 30 months
and a boy of six months. The
family includes three pairs of
One of the down town Salem
districts showed about three and
a half to the family, including
roomers and boarders, in-laws and
other near relative by blood and
marriage, according to survey of
the census books.
The population of Salem stands
at 26.057. But it should be more
than 2C.108, and will be If all who
have failed to give la absent stu
dents, workers and others, will
communicate with the census of
fice, postofflce building, or phone
Three new Jobs are being
wished onto the distribution and
manufactures branch of the Salem
census office the completion of
the special hotel census; for ho
tels with z 5 rooms or upward, tbe
census of contractors aad build
ers performing work running to
125,000 and above last year, and
large irrigation districts, serving
five farms' and upward. Full in-
stractiona are not yet oa band.
Bm"i"g In spite of the defeat
which he suffered at the polls In
Friday's primary election. Govern
or NorMad waa back at his desk
In tho state house Monday wade
ing through a mass of mail that
had accumulated during the last
week ef the campaign.
"I still have eight months in of
fice aad expect to give tbe people
ot Oregon the best that Is In me
while I am still governor," he
declared today.
The governor admitted his dis
appointment over the defeat of
his hopes for a return to the gov
ernorship but declared that he
did not propose to let this defeat
interfere with the duties ot his of
fice. He found much eonsoiatiou
in the overwhelming vote which
he received at the hands of the
people ot his home county ot
-I am told." be said, -that
this Is .perhaps the biggest vote
ever given any candidate tor gov
ernor In the history of the state."
3 Salem Men
Now Aviators
At tfearby City
Mrs. Lake Atchison, wife of
Earl C. Atchison ot Portland, died
at 1136 E street, Salem, May 19,
at the age of 33 years. Daughter
of Mrs. Arilla J. Fleener of Salem;
sister of Lloyd and Helen Fleener
ef Salem and Guy Fleeher of Colo
rado. Notice of funeral later from
W.T. RIgdon and Son inotruary.
Vacuum Cleaners
3aTJ 21&3, Used Fnmltere
Avr-- ' Oepertasent -
Books You'll
Want to Read . .
i j
You'l find them in our Literary
Corner - - Every few -clays new
and interesting books 'frorn the
best authors are added to our
circulating library.
: r Iteal Pleasure for :
a few cents a day!
.. - 1 ' -it.
!465 State SL
Phone 340
' Lahme
Mrs. Ethel Sophia Lahme, 72.
died at the residence, 843 N. 20th
street. May It. Mother ot Mrs.
Lydia M. Mnrphy, of Aberdeen,
Wash.; Mrs. Eras O. Day of Sa
lem; and Panl W. Lahme of Boa
ton, Mass. Funeral services Wed
nesday it 1 . a, at the W. T.
BIgdon and Son chapel, Bev. Amoa
E. MtnnenUn officiating. In tor
ment City Tiew .cemetery.
G. S. C. Sharp of Portland. ,
died at a local hospital. May 17.
Survived by widow, Emily; five
brothers snd sisters: Mrs. Mild
red Stlmpson of Corvallis. Mrs.
Alice Lyles of Portland, Mrs. J. H.
Scott ot Tangent, W. A. Sharp of
Albany and M. L. Sharp of Cor
vallis. Funeral services from the
M. E. church at Tangent Wednes
day at 1 p. m.; Interment Tangent
cemetery. Arrangements In charge
ef Salem mortuary.
Just Phone
For Quick Sen ice
Tour phone Is nearer to our
store than you are. It's so con
venient to phone your orders
In. We assure you a service
unexcelled on your Drug Needs
of highest Quality. Courtesy
Is our watchword.
Dr. Caldwell loved people. His
years of practice convinced him
many were raising their health
by careless selection of laxatives.
He determined to write a harm
leas prescription which would get
at the cause ot consttpatton, and
correct rt.
Today, tbe prescription be
wrote la 1&S is the world's most
popular laxative! He prescribed a
mixture ef herbs snd other pure
ingredients now known aa Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsia. in thou
sands of cases where bad breath,
coated tongue, gas. headaches.
bflionsness and lack of appetite or
energy showed the bowels of men.
women and children were slug
gish. It proved successful fax even
the most obstinate cases old
folks liked it for it never gripes;
children liked Its pleasant taste.
All drugstores today have Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin ta bottles.
Three Salem young men, George'
Douglas, Emil Williams and My
roe Butler, have made arraage
ments to conduct both short
flights and flying lessons from the
municipal air field at Albany. The'
boys, who have obtained most of
their experience through the Ever-.
ly aviation school here, are leas
ing a ship from Lee Eyerly and
have already launched on theie
new program.
Several Albany fans have al
ready signed up for lessons, aad .
in the nice days they have been
there, the three yonng men have
done s good short flight passen
ger business.
Every Wed. Kite
7:30 P. IL
F. N. Woodrys
Auction Market
1610 N. Sommer
That Wed. thrusts are
aad rersraa,' drop
and wcfcUac task. 1
naased bed. hackney
vanity aad beach, electric
in ran SzS mmt txt new
vaeal Jt flare rats txXL sew
all spring filled mattress, new
aad used felted
gsed used dressers, oak reek
en, gahr. tubs, breakfast us
fctes, etaetrts heaSera, chest
PriTate Sales
New and used furniture
SSttrdt-mtt davenpert end
chairs, radios, linoleum rugs,
west rugs, fleer eevertngs ef
aS Binds, hiwn mowers, gar
dee hoses, garden tsots, traaV
sure. In fact yea cea get
anything yea want to turn
fcth your basse si T. N. Wead
ryu and the Prise Is far leas
all mercbandfse guarasdecd.
Tbe Auction oa Sat.
1:30 P. M.
Only at
Drug Store
Tbe Original Yellow Front d
Ca..dy Special Store of Sal
Phone 197
1SS N. Comsnercial
QaalMy Pue Coari7
City View Cemetery
EstaMished 1803 Tel. 1206
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
r i
Pelcrtst iBemodal
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
Jest tew annates from fee
heart of terra
Enjoy on yoar trip to Cali
forma tbe speed aad com
fort of train travel. New
roomy coaches with Pullman-like
Tickets good oa ail ttaies 1
carrying day coaches; also
in Tourist sleeping cars.
Vfe1-.' - -y.
' - zr
WilSain H. Re&ns
. AH Welcome
Brififf Ymt Bible
Erangelistic Sorites
Speaker j
I- William H. Robins,
Th. D
l KvMkgrlie eed BiM
if Teaher
Selena, Oregon
Beginning May 19, 1930 '
Evening Subjects at 8:0O '
ES. -
Special Music
Aa unusually low tare also
ea sale eery day to Los
Angeles. Through service,
direct to Los Angeles oa
"West Coast." Ttekets
" geodmcoachri aeJTi
steepinf cars. I
KbMsT s0BseeT0
makt ymr Hif f
City Ticket Office, 184 X. LiW Sc.
- - ' Pasaewger Btatioa
ISta anal Oak Sts-. TeL 41
in Syrup, 2
19c can
klb Ovals
3 cans 25c
Full slice 2
in syrup -
2 cans 39c
in syrup, 2
19c can
full pint 27c
t BACON"" "J
4N. CWISU ::
.Jk. - i -. ,
- PheuM- S