The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 20, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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"The OREGON 'STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Toatday Morniag. My 20, 1930
"TTo Favor Sways-Vsrtto Fear Shall Awe.
From First Statesman, March 2 S. 1851
Chajuxs A. SraAcro, Sheldon F. Saocett, Publishers
CHASIZS A. SRACCX ... EdltorManager
Sheldon F. SackeTT - - - Managing-Editor
Member of tbe Associated Press
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good thfngn to take erlvtnttrU ttrcy-Te on. lirft food thrngr to
Dmocratic iifrspiapers were quick to. pi ace their inter
pretation on thfl results in thi Hpnblicsn )ritisiies.
The result tot the primaries ' cam be directly traced to Hoover
prosperity. As prosperity absorb a.11 criticism of the party fa
power, and makes It tmvtmclble, adterslty works Use other way It
Jres the mass of roters a grievta aad toracihlag -.ta rote against
and they take It oat at ilia polls. This la the basis reaeea far Mr.
Joseph's sacccso ha wast "agla the government,"
Oaa outcome seems certain-: t minority eamdtdato baa bean
chosen for the Republicans -and the aoaserraUra majority will met
support him wider any conditions, tor they distrust su Tk party
is spilt and torn In tactonal fights' a mover before. Despite orgaalsa
tlon and money, the chances are that Orego win "have a democratic
governor. Salem ' Capital-Journal.
Not In a generation tas a political event la Oregoa been so stg
nlfJca&t as is the nomination 'of Mr, Joseph.
It It a reTOlt of the Republican masses. In chiding; maay Repub
llcant of position, place and pOtret. It it .protest against domination
by pnblle atmtfes tn this state.
Though la bis campaign speeches Ira aarefaUy abstained from
discussion of that subject, and opposing 'candidates, - Mr. Joseph's
nomination 1 a repudiation by the RepabUeaa masse ef the recom
mendation by the committee of judges that Mr. Joseph b disbarred
for lit front practice of his profession. -
It Is a roice from the foundation. It la a condemnation of the
smug complacency of the rulership;of Republicanisms In Oregon by
public utilities, a tew newspapers, the lobby crowd in the) Oregon
legislature, the Oregon public aerviee commission and politlclaaa of
the thrifty class who are in politics solely for -profit. Portland
Journal. : ?
Editorial Aftermath
If Joseph is the nominee, what of the fall election? Can Joseph
carry with him to the polls any considerable part of the Norotad and
Corbett rote I Or will ft be so opposed to aim that It will prefer to
torn Democratic? There Is no discounrinr Joseohs ahilrtv aa a cam.
RVflHT ditnr runiallr rated as euides and judges of j palgner and anyone who thlnka that his nomination -In the Repub
KH.liU.TC eailOTS, usually raieu as e . . , i . , .-. llean ticket meane a sura Tietorr fnr th nmn.rat nii. -ulmik,,
is not glTing dae credit to Joseph.
But what are the hard-shelled Republican newspapers going to
do? Just how can the Oregoaiaa, the Oregon Voter and the Corralim
Garette-Tlmes, to mention only three, support Joseph if tha final
count in the primaries makes him the party coior-bearert They op
posed him so strongly during this campaign that they can hardly
back up with consistency. And tliea they do not count htnt a regular
Republican anyway. They figure htm about Salt a Democrat. It will
be -interesting to watch such papers.
And yet Joseph's nomination will certainly gfrlne Ulaeerats
their big chance. Astoria Budget.
public pinion, have been busy since Friday rubbing their
eyes ana trying to regain tneir reasoning puweto. o.uuj
the editorial comment appearing reveals that the editors
have not yet found themselves. They know what hit them,
but they are so busy picking up hats and walking sticks they
haven't hd time to think about where they will go from
here. The Oregonian waited 'till Monday to say anything at
all, and then its pronouncement was in effect further with
drawal into its lofty tower. The Salem Capital Journal was
quick to predict a democratic victory. The Medford News
alone among the upstate dailies proclaims that "the truth
and the right shine forth like a sparkling star intermittently
hidden from view by passing clouds." The Astoria Budget
thinks the Brady story was what defeated Corernor Nor
blad. The important thing we note is that not "a single repub
lican newspaper thus far has repudiated the party nominee
for governor.
Here is a compendium of comment from the papers of
the state so far ai received at our editorial desk:
The election is orer. Orer and over and OTer.
With Senator George Joseph nominated for governor wo are
going tb admit right now that we are poor gueesers; that the political
game of today is past us, and that nominating a governor ill Oregon
in a rather complicated game which requires more political skill than
we possess.
Old conservative Oregon broke away from her moarings on pri
mary day and the result was Mr. Joseph. We believed Corbett would
wlm the nomination, but not only did George Joseph arab the elec
tion, but Governor Al Norblad was second ta the race. Klamath
Fills HeraW.
Predictions are being freely made that Joseph's election means
a dwneerali corernor In Koremaer. ant wo rather doubt if Bailey
caw defeat the Pert lander. Joseph's uttHtlee and power platform' tfll
probably eaeveise the same appeal ia Nerembor that it did fa May.
Ho wuM recetvo the rote that fs always repaaUcan, ta mattes the
ctuadidato, and aa a eastpaigaer aad vote getter, he ia far ahead of
Astoria aad Clatsop eoanty did their share toward the campaign.
Few men ever drew an eft m measure of sapport from their own com
munity as e3d Governor Norblad. aad in defeat, h ens point to that
fact with no little pride. Sleraiag Astormaw
Thla may tuna oat to bo another oao of those "Democratic
years' that we have so often in Oregon, a seBd repubUcaa state.
There ia no certainty aa thla Is written who wiU be the democratic
nominee. Sd Bailey ec Junction City and Mk. Wilbur of Hood River
are ruaaina neck ami neck. But. bo it Bailey or Wilbur land tha
democratic rot seems undecided ) ho will bare a pretty fair chance
off being elected govoraor. for it seems doubtful to thia writer that
Joseph can ceatiaue ta keV pooplo interested t the campabxa ho is
waging. gee baig Kerns Review.
Now as the smoke clear trom tap battle Joseph loom as tha
repobUcan nominee and with a good chaaeo ec eleetiaa to Oreon
highest state office, la other words, some forty thousand people bare
concluded that George Joseph b sot radical eaoagb to hurt tba
state, nor guilty of aa aecneatioa sufficiently important to cause
The "silent vote" weat to the poBa yesterday and spoke right
oat loud, and aa the thunderous echoes died away, the public sur
veyed the situation and foaad that the prophoslea aadprodleUona
imade ia the last month by peiitcal soothsayer didn't amount to
The unexpected occurred. AwMaod TUiaags.
Oregon was oa the war path, folks, no mistake about it, aad we
a it tain regardless of who finishes first whoa they ftnlah the count.
Districts far from the centers of population, where they hadn't oven.
seen Joseph, voted for him because be was the biggest radical ta
the lot, the extreme spokesman of discontent, though ia private life
he is doing rather weU as a big time lawyer and partner la the Meier
aad Frank store. It wasn't a vote for anybody in particular. It was
a rote against things as they are. Everybody whose welfare depends
upoa knowing signs of the times should get wise to that right away.
K use trying to camouflage the fact. It's as much in evidence aa
prosperity isn't. Baker Democrat-Uerald.
It is a situation without precedent, and places the supreme court
ia an embarrassing position. There were many who thought that the
court's ruling oa Joseph's disbarment should bare been made before
the election. It was not, and aow the court mast either take a direct
slap at a maa who eaa claim to have won the -vinaicatlou he sought
or repudiate the findings of the three referees who made thai recom-
All in all It looks very much as though Oregon democrats stand
an excellent chance of victory in the fall election. Edwin B. Bailey
of Junction City aad George R. Wilbur of Hood River are running
neck and .neck for the democratic nomination. Both are conceded
to be good men.
Faced with the possibility of Joseph being elected governor,
there Is reason to belieye that the "stay-at-home vote of the primary
contest will get out la November. Undoubtedly many of tbem will
forget party lines and cast their ballots for the democratic nominee.
Whether or not this detect tea wsl bo external re onough to give
Oregon a democratic governor remains to be seen The Dalles
' Abeve the din and the ery of Friday's primaries, could be beard
tke voice of a great people demanding that Justice be done in a
righteous cause. That prayer for Justice was answered, when George
W. Joseph, candidate for the Republican nomination for the corernor-
satp. was electee: ay a tremenaeos rote which Indicated dearly the
confidence retained ia the Portland attorney by the people at large.
There cam be so doabt that the election at George W. Joseph
was a stunning New sad a surprise ta many who had beea blindly
coofMent that Governor Norbtad would carry the- state without much
difficulty. Corbett, toe, waa held te have bad a wonderful follow?
but the fact that Joseph triamphed ta that hour when the voice at
the people asserted Knelt, speaks more eloquently than anything that
can be said, written or done. Traly, it ia gratifying to realize, that
when Justice is enshrouded by darkness, the truth aad the light same
m.a ... ....
iwrca wee a sparuung star intermittently aiaaea from view by pase-i
At one time during the progress of the primary election cam
paiga it waa predicted in thewews columns of this newspaper that
the republican nomination would ro to the candidate who received
15 per tent of the vote east. The prediction bag bees fulfilled. The
percentage ne total wete tnat waa cast tor the aseeeeeYul aeenmee,
George W. Joseph, waa alaeosi oxactry IS par cent. ,
There waa illustrated there ia how at times aader, o?iecUT0
system a. minority ewmeai or p, political patty mar thrust upon the
party a candidate who la unpopular with the mtlaritT
There U atrong likelihood that the republican primary last Fri
day named the next geremor at the state at Oregea-porVland Ore.
goniaa, ,
!.. U m .
oui, u ww naa oDservea. tnero was, aad as, throughout tke
a vague oat unuenuoie unrest SBd OimtiSfaeuOh. On ma atda
were ia as wao were reasonauy coatent with thing a they
are; on the other were tha 'Out- who weren't eoteut at all
Thin dissatisfied rote, not only in MnUnomah. but tbrouxheut
cne state, waa ewneeBtrated behind Joseph; the aatlafred tvte waa
Ta .1 la a Mfe. m ... . . v evesksai
Xv" Tw-wa7a w oeuMsy, snwtm fiersjae rnetl, BaJl. Be
nd Jeffrey.
And now, "Watchmaa of the Night, what of the morrow? We
b trat1i toe- aiar eaapalg
w pouueat asppenings a nan year aaead. Between aow and Novem
aWewt ah syrama t mT na tKSMMaw ' ja.V.a . - P . am
"r1?1 faP'Jfa, 5JIi7t like other juthologleal epiemlca;
Army, nary, marines:
" I
In his work as supervisor of
the census, the Bite man hat eome
into neighborly relations with, the
three men who represent the three
branches of national defense fa
the city of Salem. He has found
them able and upstanding men,
each doing credit to the branch
he efficiently serves. No doabt
most thoughtful readers would be
iaterested in a few brief Items
concerning these federal servants
and the departments they repre
sent ra this territory' In short,
what it Is all about. So the Bits
man proposes to tell the story
briefly, beginning with the United
States army:
The start will be made witb Ser
geant Irrin A. Fita Gerald, ka the.
adjutant general's department.
United States army, whose ofTfee
1 ta the postofflce- building, fast
ream to the left, second floor, and
who, with Mrs. Fits Gerald. Is Br
ing ta the Hollywood apartments.
075 Fairgrounds road. Sergeant
Fks Gerald first enliated In the
United Statea amy ia 1911; serv
ed on the Mexican border under
General Funston and Pershing, in
the eavaly. Them ho went to Pan
ama with the engineers engaged In
topographical survey of that
country, for tha defease) of Uw
canal. Warfare fa the Jungles fa
charge of a pack train when called
in, aad sent to tba United Btateev
then to France. In bis time ta the
service be has visited the follow
ing eouatiiea Scotland. liagUad.
France, Beigfum. Holland, Gen.
many, Luxemburg, Panama, tome
of the West Indies, and almost ev
ery state In the union. Before
coming to Salem he was tn Lot
Aageles, Cat, tor tour years. Be
starts on his fourth year m Salem
neat fall. He hopes to stay here
as long as it is possible tar htm
to 'do, for bo Hkee this etty. Ser
geant Fitz Gerald, under the head
ing, "Our Army. fives the Bits
man the following:
"a "a
Tou should bo interested la.
and proud of, your army. The
smiy and soldiers have had much
to do with the growth and devel
opment of this natron. From our
first great general, the father of
bis country, to the present tuna
you will find the army always giv
ing service to you. They went be
fore the pioneers and foil"1' t
redmea and helped the people to
establish their homes. The:. u
ships and sufferings were terrible.
Our history contains many namea
trom the army, Washington, Pike,
Lewis and Clark, Grant, Sheri
dan. Custer, Walter Reid. Gorgas,
Goethals, Wood, Funston, Persh
ing, and many others.
"Tour army today numbers
about 123,000 men. They are eft-
Bated for three years. They are
given choice of the breach and
station they desire. The men hare
many excellent schools that they
may-attend, and are given an the
chances to better themselves in ev
ery way, for In easa of emergency
they are to be the foundation for
a great military -machine, aad it
most bo good foundation. They are
stationed from the tropics to 109
miles inside the Arctic ctrcta.
There is much youth tn the army
today, aad they bar the same
spirit aa the youths whose bands
clasped those flint locks fa 17IC.
Tea, yoa should bo proud of
TOUR ARMT; they; bare merer
failed you, they never wCL
- . .
Sergeant Fits Gerald furaiabes
the following about the Washiar-
ton-Alaska, military cable mad tel
egraphic system: Tk4a system Is
The army fa C&rtntr The first
battalion of the :15 th Infantry,
stationed at Tientsin, China, is
one ot the prise battalions of the
army. Mem cent to this batallion
must be of the highest type, must
hire not less than three years
service la the army, and, with ex
cellent character, they are station
ed beside the best of troops that
Europe can send. They are good
representatives, these soldiers in
the Far East, i
a V w
The army schools, that may bo
acteaded by enlisted men: The
present army may 1m likened to a
great university. There are more
opportunities for educational and
vocational pursuits than ever be
fore. This It the ago of specialis
ation. Affnurcement is more rap
id. Briefly, they comprise West
Point, flying cadet school, the
school tor lighter than air crafts,
the engineer serrool, the Infantry
seaool, mounted service school.
signal corps school coast artillery
school, field artinery school, mo
tor transport school, chemical
warfare school, the army veterin
ary school, medical school, school
for cooks and bakers, finance
school, school tor clerks aad sten
ographers, and several schools ot
tha quartermaster corps, which
clothes, feeds and really provides
the necesaitiee ot every day life
The army also teaches mental
and physical cleanliness and self-
rettanea, which are decided assets.
It also teaches thafbruUl ft blunt
quality known as I frankness. It
altuaa sham aad aambsjiaaness and
makes a man act a he ft, and not
as something else. These traits of
character era also admirable qual
ities. Morally, physically, and
mentally an enlistment In the
army la a raloablol eaperioace.
) -
"Army engineers blaxe new
trail: Once more Undo 8aat Is be
ginning an engineering project
which will be vastly Important to
world eommeree smd aa added ad
vantage tn our system of national
defense the building of the Nic
aragua canal, and the United
States army has been assigned to
the Job of makings the necessary
preparations. The army baa han
dled many non-military Jobs, some
of them extremely? large and im
portant, but this project is unique
in that it will be he completion
rt O wkl a n war TK Ak WfOS lani a.
vl - .,u "UII.U no UIH BUS5CBI-
jed almost four centuries ago. at
( the birth of modern, American his
tory. Recent a rmr ttrifer nmvM
for the organisation of an engi
neer battalion for'sarvey work in
Nicaragua, They wUl bo under the
command of Major; C. P. Gross,
and an of the personnel of this
battalion hare been selected of
particular fitness for the work
contemplated, The republic of Nic
aragua has ta area of 49.200
souare miles and a' population ot
746.000 of which 71 per coat are
a mixture of Spaniab ami Indian.
This country has a history that
can be compared with no other
government aa the American con
tinent. Established by the Spanish
soon after Columbus discovered
Central America. In 1502. was bad
and coatianalry became worse.
Klearagua revolted agaiist Spain
with other Central1 American col-
eaiea is 1821, aad tn the follow
ing 16 years was blessed, or curs-
ed, with 39S pretldtata, and up to
the preeent date the government
baa not boom sound. The first In-
terest shewn, ta thli project by tha
uartea states was; ia lsz. ana
several agreements were drawn
between the two governments, and
the last ta oe 1918 when Wood-
president, It Is
am wvuura ibk 'ue icaraguo
trii i ill mi i-i in i i i ' l .i m i hi 1 1 1 . , -
tP!yi-fr : ---:-y, 1 -
Today. Talk
Dy R. S. Copeland, If. fj.
army. It has it stations from
Wrangel, southern Alaska, to the
Lit tie Squaw, a small village of a
few people who live 400 miles in
side of the Arctic circle. These far
flung radio stations have many
times helped the people ot Alaska
at la the time ef Uckness or dis
aster, and anytime they could be
ot service. This system affords
many chances at wonderful train-
rag, ia Us una. There are over 4,-
HaBei at oraarineeeible,OTer
te mueo of ma Tmieaynnm rrao,
11 radio autloaa, 17. telegraph
stanons, ana xi enm itatnnt.' A
cable mytag ahip also blaags taitho
tnis system, caoable of makinr
all kinds ot repairs, and -to earry
tad lay, It mfret of deem mem ca-
ble. A young man of the right type
earn get uaMk traialng- ta tbfar ayt-
win..- . -XUry task.'
operated and maintained by rbe-l canal shall compote with the Pan-;
ama carnal, hot shall supplement it;
as a trade route and shall provide
another route channel of defense
communicatlori between the Allan-
tic and Pacific It Is believed, howf
ever, that the preJejet will produce
a- profit, tats -r tusposlriem being
based eu Ue tact at tie Pana
ma eanal ft paying an annual div
fdend of 7H per cent oa the
tr!SMa ocislaally tavested
In it It tma; mtlug ,that thi
array;1 after muccessftrny completi
tor tha lawsms cemal. -dhonld be)
entrnated wtth tbi gigantle pro4
Ject wnlCh will so rgreatly benefit
at lergoiaad which mai
la the future prove so valuable td
oar .orm.-matiam. It It-iamrely an
other Instance I nuTtary knowt
ledge and training being of serf
vim to thm -mat!o to m toa-eailif
"I'm not tare I belteve yoa Cra
ven, bat I want to- believe you,'
said Sayre. "Now listen; the pro-
potftloa, of your oriental friend
and client, la blackmail, pure and
simple, and will be treated as such
If carried one step further. Tell
him this, and teU yourself the
same thing. Moreover, it doesn't
at all rest with me. It would be
better for your two precious
scamps if it did. But if it is men
tioned again, I shall take it
straight to the trasteea ot Mist
Duane s fortune and if you ask
me, I will tell you that you'll not
fare, very weu at their hands.
They'll have a la tor yoa fax
worse than I should ever dream
at. Kow, will yoa advme the Holy
Hindu of tbia phase ot the matter,
or shall I?"
111 took after ft. Mr. Sayre,
aad dom't think I bad "
I'm mot going to think any
thing about you. You're none of
my business. Bat tt ta my busi
ness to see that Mlaa Duane is not
blackmailed, whether at home or
absent, and I akall look oat for
her Interests ta any and every
way X have a right -to,
Craven departed, and Rodney
sat far a long time thinking. Not
about tba Swami; he waa be
neath notice, so was Craven; but
about the situation, the hopeless
latnomiesa altaanoa.
And then the telephone bell
rang, and his friend in New York
toM aim that ho bad managed to
corral Fleming Sto&a aad engage
aim. and that he would arrive
at Knollwood Sunday evening.
Sayre was decidedly cheered nn
at the thought that the great de
tective wat re any coming to take
up the case.
Himself a good organizer and
am Indefatigable worker, he could
accomplish wonders in his own
business or ta fielda with which
he waa familiar. But as a detec
tive he knew absolutely nothing,
and he didn't fool himself inte
thinking be did. as so many ama
teurs are fain to do.
Pete Gibby had Taunted his own
powers a little, bat of late he had
subsided, for hm found he had no
practical knowledge of sleuthing
ia any of its phases.
Saturday evening, the evening
of the intended wedding day.
fiut after dimmer tome Hilldale
people had telrphonrd over for
such of tho yeaagr people as eared
to come to a small duct, gsd
Betty and Nell' wanted te ge.
Gibby aad Burtea Lamb went
with them, and Rodney seat; re
grets, saying be would stay with
Aunt Judy.
She smiled at blm. well know
ing wild horses could not drag
aim away from Knollwood.
The two tat alone aad talked
after tba other hod gone. He toht
ber of Stone's coming, and aha,
vuu. waa aiau.
"What do you susDoae ke'tt aW
Rod?" aha asked.
I havent the least Idea. T
Idon't "know whether he worka
aione or. nua a corps ot
ants. I don't evem know what sort
f maa he is. But heg recom
mended as the beat In tho country.
oa ben the owe for us.
"He.11 want to kaew
tliagyot coarte.-
Ere rything. Hold Ttaufe notb
ing. Aunt Judy. If tnerea the
least suite of information yon To
beam keeping quiet, oat with tt to
Stone. You caa't osrpeet mtm to
get-anywhere it we mold -oat am
aim. These Atlantic City nlcturea.
whatever they are, matt be shown-
to arm. Get that? Never mind tae.
bat take stone right 'Into your
taU confidence. "WU! yor T
Tes, Rodmey. tbww tbemv
'"Never mind Just now. Tbey
donVwwxry toe- ni
they're not really eompromfstng
or that old heathen ecu si would
nralfe more Of them. He teat
Craven here to dig ap some mon
ey for hie silence about them. Oh.
how earn the HUldale people stand
for that old fraud?
"And I think be set Lawror on
the hunt in Emily's room to find
the pictures."
"WeU, of course, Lawlor had a
right to search her rooms In con
nection with the Pennington mat
ter. But, yes, I think the Swami h
pat a bee in the police bonnet
about It, Haven't seen Lawlor
since, have you?"
"No, Mr. Collins told them to
tied Entry before they began toH
suspect her of any wrongdoing of
any sort."
"Collins has a way of putting
thlnga emphatically, hasn't be?
Aunt Jndy. teaight ril go back:
to my own bedroom. Now that;
the wedding day is peat, I'm can-
vtooed that something hat hap
pened to Emily. J hoped up to the
last minute that it was one of her
pranks, bat if it had been, she
would have been back here today.
So tt'a toeUaat for tae to keep upr
this farce of staying on the sofa
aatn tha returns, I hare a Httla
common tense, If I can't ferret
out what has happened to ber.
"What do yoa thick. Rod?"
"I can't think. I've thought
until my brain is mush. Now I'm
going to wait for Fleming Stone
aad let him think for us. Ho must
have had experience with myster
ious disapparances and abductions
of grown-up people."
"But if It Is abduction, wouldn't
tho demand for ransom coma to
us by this time?"
"You'd think so. Aunt Judy.
But it hasn't, aad that makes, it
look as if abduction isn't the ex
planation. I hope it Is, tor then
we could Just pay the price and
be dene with it. Let's do all we
can to help Mr. Stone, aad noth
ing to bother or binder blm,"
"Yet, of course, and rll girt
him tha pretty green suite, so
bell bo comfortable and well fix
ed. Noll leaves tomorrow."
"Just aa well. She's a dear girl
la tome ways, but it the took a
notion to make up to Stone, she'd
pester the Ule out ef nun. Lamb
has to go home tomorrow, too.
You see, he expected to leave oa
Sunday, after after Emily and I
bad gone away. Aad he has imr
portant business engagement.
WeD, he could be of no use here.
When we get Stone we, won't need
amy other help."
Sunday was another beautiful.
bright September day. another day
of mocking emptiness to the hearts
that yearned for their missing
darling. -
The girt hat coffee In their
rooms, but the men came aown ior
breakfast and Annt Judy was
there to greet them.
Abet Conr&t drifted in. Joined
the group at the table, and then,
to their surprise, Jim Pennington
"Thought I'd stop and say good
by," he explained. "I found I was
all ready to start. Mi. I fidgeted
about so, waiting, that I conclud
ed to go along. The house is all
shut up and I can't sit around all
He was very nervous and look
ed worn and weary, aa if he had
had a sleepless night.
"You poor boy." said Aunt Judy.
I think yoa are wise to get away
aa soon at yoa can. Now, you
have a good breakfast, and then
get an early start before all Hill-
dale is craning Its neck after you.
To Be Continued Tomorrow
ts ran
ran io ms
... Of Old Oregon
fewm Talks from The Statea
aaaai Oar Fathers Road
May 20, 1805
Uoreraer Caamberialm has ap
pointed Job H, Lewis ot Port
land to the. efflee of state engin
eer. He will assume bis duties at
Colonel C. U. Gattenbem ef
the third infantry, O.N.G., was In
Salem on legal business. He says
the guard to looking forward to
ta exceptionally good encamp
ment this year.
Governor Cnamberiata a n-
nounced appointment of new state
regent of the University of Ore
gon am follows: Judge R. S. Bean
of Eugene; M. A. Miller of Le
banon, and J. C Ainswortb ot
Petitions for referendum ot tho
general appropriatiom bill were
placed on file with the secretary
of state. They bore a total of T920
sigaatureo and were presented by
M. B. Headrlck of McMinnvilla
and J. P. Irvin of North Yam MIL
Nutritional failafe and how
to avoid It, Is a subject to which
more thought should be given.
The fid ef
"Stay thla" is
still with us.
oat that there
Is danger In it
cannot be de
nied. The dat
ger te these
over zealous
dees lies ia the
fact that many
of them are
headed for a
short Itfe ia
stead of a long
undernourished body.
I know many a man who Is so
busy makinr money that he has
no time f or deiibetajte eating. Peo
ple who rush through the day's
work, those who snatch a dough
nut and coffee for loach time, not
stopping for rest and real food,
are not fooling the undertaker a
Since the delicatessen diet has
become so popular many persons
are beginning to wonder Just how
far we can go in being fed from
brown paper bags. Let us be sen
sible about our eating.
It is a long road back to the
home-cooked food of our mothers'
and grandmothers' time. Those
were the days when tho house was
filled With the appealing odors ot
long rows of newly baked bread.
pies and cakes, twice a week.
Home was a real place In those
Our forefathers were a sturdy
race. They ate more of the home
ly but nourishing foods than we
do today. They lived a more lei
surely life, and life was not the
strenuous pace that it Is now. We
should take more care of our diet
and ways of living today.
There win never be a time
whea unsatisfactory substitute
can replace real honest foods for
the average family. Good health
and Strength depend upon meat
and potatoes, good bread and but
ter, fresh and wholesome cooked
vegetables aad fruits, and the
milk products. You Just cannot
get along without these foods ff
you want to get well.
The average American diet oft
en laeks in the necessary vita
mins. It Is a simple matter to se
cure an abundance of vitamins ff
mflk or the Brisk products, such
its cheese,- fruits and tomatoes, as
well as the leafy greem vegeta
bles, are taken in large enough
amounts. When wo speak of tho
leafy vegetables wo mean such
vegetables as spinach, lettuce,
cauliflower aad cabbage.
One of eur eminent nutrition
ists, Dr. H. C. Sherman, has of
fered the following family budget
plan for securing the necessary
vitamins. "To spend at least as
much for fruit and vegetables as
for meat and fish; also to spend
at least aa mueb for milk as for
meat (or for mtlk and cheese aa
for meat and fish)." This is a
very good rule to follow.
You cannot enjoy robust health
If there Is a nutritional lack.
Each day tht diet should contain
at least a pint of milk for adults
and a quart for the growing
ehlld, two salads and two liberal
helpings of the leafy portlta ot
green vegetables, oae small help
ing of meat, and oae or two eggs,
besides bread and butter, fruits
and other vegetables.
From infancy to old age, diet is
the chief source at energy aad
growth. On the whole, people
are becoming eaHghteaed te the
great dangers ot nutritional fail
ure. Our girls are being trained
in both public and private schools
more and more ta the art of
home-making and cooking.
A Problem
For You For Today
Three men start a business The
first puts in 1-3 of tha capital, the
second Vt, and the third the bal
ance. After I months the first
buys out the second. If the third
receives $4,000 aa his share of the
year's profits, bow mach should
the other two receive?
Answer to Sunday's Problem
(a) Sum 9 2-3. (b) 1st, 1:
2nd 1 1-6. Ezpttaattoa: Subtract
7 from 11; divide 4 by 2-2; sub
tract 1-3 trom S 2-3; divide Yj 2:
andd 1-3 and 1 l--
lUD 1 lUGO
las proves Condition of Scarp
Drinrs Gray Hair Back
To Youthful Color
tinned todaB oat aad tara gray to
emito af eatlsBt . orenaratjiBw I
aaed. nalll eaa happy day I Icaraei;
aboat tila ttaederfal Ua Balri
Tonic.- deetared Mrs. W. 8.
Bride ot Ramaiae. aticb.
After toax Lea Hair Tbaic aJ
HanT m man and wnman fham
tialmcd O-Joy irian lixj txaj
pain gone land mboet biirtrngT tap
xnore. Pay a dhroa- tor an envelop
cf six O-Jey Con Wafer. Presg
evwsefrrv tbia papar a the
aura, slip on shoes, palm to -gome
Later peel off wafer aad out eonset)
corn, callous, roots and alL. Ahso)-
Jtttety guaranteed. He buity anis 1
tam fmds or btxrafeg acids. Just tvl
vrniar, t&in at pc?c& avu tazsat
ertoatl - Hart Hit fJmm .
the thstrt lit til fhaaa stbtI
1 e4 letUai ta? ww tack toll! reader daslrea to teal Lea't oa
tmetr wataral color aad my aurirlesmall aped of pro ec eUadruK.
oasMS-lor give ft the fair trial It observes.
Otor Jt Lka
aoteaVttaJa the taalav aer ttoferg
at year bats aw the bodainow like
wtaet wrtfuT - g
4eaa rmrtalal- to
ftwa whs wanl to -leek
waJ kitlm limit try U" ceaitoaei
4SJ amcasasua Aadp ,
Lea' for Oaadrab? or
bat of coarse the i
salts came to gray haired -
Tea eaa ase aacm a
meat, vet not ee
oeticee oae ia emua it. BaaatP
speetalkrta rbarge fancy laama to
larger eitiee fee apply fug Lea's.
bat aayearaiay mooly it at
joat as urea. LeaVaert f
liaaUrt bock eta the tola aad of
tba m seas git g eT the teak
into the aealp with the inrer tips
Mo4btoga the bleed to taoewHaee aad
-tae hair veata to a
hu&kj, eeasfirisl way
abort thmd atp aatr atoppei faTffaiMatsry npert tkek bjO -growing
gamaanyan iray mi
parteti a tppearaacp
4iom. t Naay fusft eaa aceaasianal aaJtho ebwrrista- mare 4L
pTieatUm to -tba mcato witb taeWlar biU cheek or atotapa to Lea'e
last write
whoa it
If desired
few. It-pay mostsaaa
Ctwelve ccata extra)
aad1guartoteca-txsm wCLplnto ami
ru tter xr.zt kx wsm vm
er'money LacTk tram, them ar year
nmraL asu arzumeat at