The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 17, 1930, Page 10, Image 10

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Saturday Morning, May 17, 1930
gmnbap Ctmrxj) erbtces
Many Churches Give Wor
ship Hours Over to Tra
veling Men's Club
Rational Gideon Day will be
abaca-red in Salem on Sunday,
May IS, with appropriate Berrlces
ta a number of the churches in
ts aorning and a big mass meet
ing: laymen in the First Meth
odist church at 7:30 o'clock in
tb evening. L. Van Delinder, of
8aleam, rice president of the Ore
goa Gideon organization, has
charg of the plans for the day.
nprty laymen, who are members
eX ta Portland Gideon camp will
meet with local Gideons at the
Y. BL C. A. at 10 o'clock Sunday
an will go to the various church
es. wTtere they will speak 'and re
late their experlencs in reading
the Bible.
Harry West, of Portland, presi
de ef the Red Rock Cheese com
pany Is the state president. Mr.
West will be in Salem on Sunday
and will speak at one of the
ch arches In the morning and will
JUT charge of the mass meeting
at tie First Methodist church Ed
' the erening.
The churches where Gideons
wilt speak in the . morning are the
First Presbyterian, First Congre
gational. Highland Friends, First
Naxarene, South Salem Friends,
First Erangelical, Emmanuel Bap
tist, Castle United Brethren and
Leslie Methodist churches. The
American Lutheran. First Chris
tian and First Free Methodist will
hayo Gledon speakers in the ere
ing. On Sunday afternoon the Gid
eons will participate in the service
at 2:30 o'clock at the peniten
tiary. Music will be furnished by
the Gideon male quartet of Salem.
At the mass meeting at the First
Methodist church in the evening
a men's chorus will lead in a
praise service accompanied by the
church orchestra. Five minute
talks will be given by a number
of men on the work of the organi
sation and the importance of the
Bible. -
The Gideon Order is a fraternity
of Christian traveling men and
was started at Janesviile, Wiscon
sin, 20 years ago. It is founded
his faithful 300 men. Its emblem
upon the Bible story of Gideon and
Is a white pitcher worn upon the
lapel of the coat. It's watchword
J ""The stood every man in his
place round about the camp." and
Its camp song is "Blest be the tie
that binds" when at the close of
the meeting a circle is formed and
all join hands in fellowship while
they sing. The great work of the
order is the placing of the Bible
In the rooms of hotels and public
Institutions and during the 30
years of its existence about a mil
Bon Bibles have been so placed.
The meeting here on Sunday in
connection with the observance of
this National Gideon Day will be
f special Interest to Salem where
a Gideon camp Is being organized.
North 17th and Nebraska. U. W. Bid
It, pastor. 1748 Nebraska. Phone 2622-J
Services 11 a.m. im p.m. Sram top
ics Rpre tentative of tha Gideoaa' will
speak, a.m.; Obtaiaiug- the Crowir ,
p.m. Sunday school 10 a.m.. Was. A. thn-ait-sa,
gupt. Yoaac People's meetiars:
7 p. at. Sunday "CenUaeinr tha Fellow
ship" chapter 4. Week-day services:
Prayer' and Bible study oa Thursday at
7:45 p.m. Women's Aid society meets
ea Wednesday. The annua) every mem
ber canvass will be mads betinaiar on
Sondey. A congregational meeting to
deride npon the new church bnilding will
be held on May 37th.
Services Soaday evening in the Frat
ernal Temple. 447 Center street. The
pastor. Rev. Laalla La Valley will speak
an "The Silent Force and How to De
velop It."
North 18th and "A" streets. One
block north of old People's Home. H.
W. Gross, pastor. Serrieef at 10 :00
am. Special confirmation of the cate
chumen class preceded by tha axamina
tioa. "O Jesas I Have Premised." by
Brace Steane, tang by Selma Fisher: "O
Hely Spirit" Nieolai. and "Lord They
Are Thine" Molek, by the ehoir. Son
day School at 9:00.
Corner Capitol and Marion streets. W.
O. liienkaemper, pastor. Sunday school
10 a.m.. F. E. Krnte. Supt. German
services 10 a.m. English' services 11 a.m.
Dr. A. U. MieheUon, a former Jewish
criminal lawyer, now a missionary
among the Jews, will speak at both ser
vices. 8pecial music. Anthem "Crown
Him Lord" by Ira a. Wilson.
Corner of Market . and '. Winter
streets. W. X. Coffee, pastor. Phone
290 W. Preaching at 11 o'cUjck a.m. and
8 p.m. At the morn in f service the pas
tor will preach, and the evening service
will be in charge of the Gideons who
will present a program. The T. P. 8.
will meet at 7 o'clock with Emory Goode
ia charge. Sunday school will commence
at 9:45 a.m. Herbert Hansen, Supt.
Mid-week prayer meeting st S o'clock
Thursday evening.
Center and Liberty streets. A. P. Lay
ten, pastor. Bible school at 9:45. L. h.
Thornton. Supt. At 11 o'clock the ser
vice swill be given the Gideons.
Tha Gideon quartet will give special
numbers. Christian Endeavor will give
special numbers. Christian Endeavor at
7 o'clock. Topic, "What are the causes
of war." Fred Bemington will be the
leader. Evening- worship at 8 o'clock.
Subject "The Greatest Church Fire in
History." Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock
on Thursday evening. We will continue
the study of the after effects of Peati-eost.
Eighteenth and Ktaro r.t.
Amos E. Minneman. motor Phn 37ob"
German services 9:45 s.m. Subject of
sermon: "It Ie Good For Yon That I
Go Unto the Father. Xo English ser
vices. The pastor will be absent to at
tend the meetings of the Northwestern
istnrt to be held In Spokane, Wash.
Corner Hasel and Arariemv f
Sunday school at 10 a.m. Lesson : Levi
ticus 25th chapter. Proat-hing at 11 by
Rev. B. Ionn. Miss Ruth Tihhit. will
preach at 7:45 p.m. Mid-week prayer
meeting Thursday eveuin? at 7:4S
Orchard Heights road. Meredith A.
roves, pastor; phono 15Gfi V Morning
service, 9:45 o'clock- .n.i-..
and Pentecost" Sunday school' 11 a m
l.arlun Grice, Supt.
Sunday church services on the
lt:4S KYA, San Francisco, Old
St, Mary's church services.
11: 10 KHQ, Spokane, Central
Methodist church.
KNX. Los Angeles, First
JEHJ, Los Angeles, First M.
K. church of Los Angeles.
KQW, Portland, National
Tooth conference, Dr. Dan-
, lei A. Poling, "Conserva
tion of Desire."
11:15 KOMO, Plymouth Congre
gational church, Seattle.
11:00 KGO, Oakland, KWO, Port
land, KOMO Seattle. Cathe
dral hour. Dr. S. Parses
Cadman, "Uses of Reflec
tion." S:00 KGO and other NBC sta
tions. Catholic hour.
1:00 KHQ. Spokane, New Episco
pal cathedral.
KYA, San Francisco, Old St.
Mary's senrics.
KOMO. Seattle, First Church
of Christ. Scientist.
2" 8ut n Church streets. F
Taylor, pastor; phone 974. Mnrninv
service, 11:00 o'clock; subject: "The
Challenge of the Christian Commission."
oiciai music: urgan prelude "Intermes
ao BueS, played by Prof. T. S. Ro
berts. Anthem "Cmen One if...
Missee Eleanor Moore and Roth How
Evening- service. 7:S0 o'clock; subject:
Nauonal Gideon Day. Laymen's Mass
Meeting led, by the Gideons. Special mu
sic: orchestra nrelude n.... -
Melody in F" Robi-.t.;,, v"
the Men's ehorna led h T- x. tJ
Gaw. Church school 0?e5 . " v'
E,ckli- 8uPt- services: 8:30
PJv TnrdT: Pot-luck supper, follow
ed by General church meeting. Diaens-
V propoaoo ennrcn school templet
Young People's meetings: First Church
chapter Topic: Stewardship l.A..
i "25. Km.ler- Junior High chapter Toiv
e "The Wisest Way of SoendT ,"."
day Paul Lippold, leader. Chnreh Hur-
Junior church message "At the Temple
Gate" Leader. Sails Snth.,i.. v
(Metaediet Episcopal)
South Commercial A U
''f i?ho". Pastor. 848 E. Myers'
street. Phone 274. At the 11 o'clock
hoar members of the Gideons will eon
duct the service. The ehoir will air.
tt iP 6lT'! the Ci"T'" T Ash
ford. At the evening service at 8 o'clock
.P8, wln Teak on. "My Neigh!
' .Th' 71 ! 5a obserrinc. of
Goodwill Sunday. Mr. Irene Love wlU
ting. Sunday school 9:45. E. D. Rose-8?p,t-
LTn.?K People's meetings
at 7 o'clock. Mid-week a.rrt. . -J
Young People's Discussion group Thurs
day at 7:30 o'clock.
Highland Friends to Hear
Converted Jewish Lawyer
- Dr. A. U. Mlchelson, a convert
ed Jewish criminal lawyer, will
speak it the Highland Friends
church Thursday evening. May 22,
t S o'clock. Dr. Mlchelson has
een scheduled to speak In a num
her of the churches over the eity
ad those who have heard him al
' ready declare him to be an excel
lent speaker.
Installation of Officers Held
For Epworth League Sunday
Officers of the three Epworth
League groups at Jason Lee Mem
orial chnreh wUl be Installed at
ti Smmday night service. The
regmlar evening worship hour at
that church will he given over to
special recognition ef the young
(elk. The Installation, with its
eastsHe light service, to he part of
the pTwgram,
Parifio College Glee Clubs
Ceding for Program Soon
I The men's and women's glee
crabs) ez Pacific college, Newberg.
will aresent a concert In the South
Salem ' Friends'; church Monday
- earealng. The program promises to
highly Interesting and will he
pea to the pnhiie without admis
sion. - . - - -
Ladies' Aid Will Hold
- Party Meeting May 21
' The Ladles' Aid of the Jason
Lee Memorial church will hold a
p "ourarlng party . In the church
parlors Wednesday, afternoon at
z:30 o'clock.
8. CaeaaMreial aad Wasbiacioa. Charles
O. Hswerta, pastor. Phone 1687-M.
Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Wtrahip. A baad f
Gideons frees Portland will kava charge
ef this aerviee. . Anthem by . the chair.
7 p.m. Ckuriatiaa Endeavor meeting. - Top
ic: Waa are the Oaaaea ef Wart S
o'clock evening service dismissed be
eaase of ejoarterly meeting missionary
meeting at the' Highlaad Friends church.
Caroll Taaaplia, missionary from Central
America, will show pictures of the
Friends' work there and ia South Am
erica. 'Thursday, a p.m. rrarer meeting
sad Bible study ia Rrst "Corinthians.
19th and Perry s tracts. H. C. Ferry
street. H. C. Stover, minister. Manias
service at 11. Bermoa "The Coataaoa
People." Duet "I Sought the Lord"
(Alfred G. Kenya) Mrs. G. C. New
gent and H. C. 8torer. Evening ser
vice at . Sermon oa "Pentecostal An
niversary." Anthem "Love Dieine"
(Wildermere). Sunday school at 10 a.m.
C. O. Harris. Sept. C. E. at 7:15. Bales
Style, leader. '
Church street between Chemeketa aad
Center. Eve. P. W. Zrikeen. paetec
Phooe 2921. 11 a.m. "What the Holy
Spirit Establishes." Anthem ay tho
choir. Solo: "O Byes That Are
Weary!" Mr. Clareaee M. Byrd. K
ening eerriee at 7:30 o'clock Topic:
"The Gideon of Oregon." Special
numbers. Sunday school at :43. Max
Gehlhar. Supt. Luther Leagues at :S0.
North Cottage and D streets. 9. W.
Rotseh. miaister. Saaday school 9:45
a.m. Sam Schirman, Supt. Morning
service at 11 o'clock. Sermon topic:
"The Force and Guidance of the Holy
Spirit." Choir Anthem: "Praise God
Jehovah." B. T. P. C. prayer aerviee at
7:30 p.m. Dan Sehlrman. president. Er
ening service at 8 o'clock. Sermon top
ic, "TJe Perishing aad Cpliftiag Work
of the Holy Spirit." Regular mid-week
prayer serrle at p.m. Wednesday.
W. Earl Cochran. pastor. Sunday
school t:45 a.m. W. T. Jenks. Supt.
Preaching " service 10:60 a.m. W. T.
Jenks, Supt. Preaching service 10:50
a.m. aad 8 p.m. B. T. P. U.s 7:00.
Morning sermon by tha pastor. Anthem
"Sinful, Sighing to Be Blest," Huerter.
Solo "Jen Lover of My Soul'' Mac
Don gall, R. W. Dirk. Evening sermon
by th pastor. Anthem "Glory and
Praiso and Honor." Aahford. Duet
selected, Josephine Evan and Zelda Harlan.
Fairgrounds road at Jefferson
North Winter. Harry E. Gardner, pne
tor. Phone 2234-W. Church school ses
sion beginning at 9:45. H, B. Carpen
ter. Supt. Worship at 11 a.m. Special
musie by choir directed by Prof. Herman
Clark. Morning theme: 'Saint or 01
tiien' and . the observance of Interna
tional Good" WiTI Day. The church forum
in eharsre of Joseph Barber meets at 7
p.m. snd the Intermediate league, coun
ciled by Mrs. Cord elf Black, high school
lea true cancelled by Mrs. H. B. Carpen
ter snd t he Yonn People's leajrue will
meet at 7 p.m. The evening praise ser
vice will be in special recognition of the
young people of the church. Devotional
iesson aad Bible study on Thursday er
ening beginning at 7:15, Donald Douris
in charge assisted by Kajmona -Miner.
Luman Srj, Harold Leeper and Bill
Corner North 17th and Cliemeketa
streets: C. Lewis Rounds, pattor. 1765
State street. Phone 903 M. Serricetr
Sunday at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sermon
topics: "The Church" a.m. "Suffering
of Jesus' p.m. Sunday school at 10 a.m.
Young People s meetings Saturday er
ening at 8 p.m. Week-day service:
Tuesday. Thursday at church at 8 pjn.
Wednesday evening Cottage Prayer
Salem Churches Sending
Delegates to Annual State
. Meet in Portland
Local Baptists are looking with
Interest to the Oregon; Baptist
state contention to be held In the
First Baptist church in; Portland
from May SO to 23. Hruii tn
Calvary Baptist and First Bap
tist churches here will hare six
delegates at the annnal meet
ing, and a large nnmbef ot lay
delegates -are expected; to be In
attendance. ;
Gaping as official delegates from
the First Baptist church will be
Mrs.' James Smither, Mrs. Lilah
Meeker, Mrs. F. A. Erixon, Mrs.
TV C. Mackey, Mrs. James Ef
Foster, and C. O. Rice. Those who
will be official representatiTes of
the Calrary Baptist are; Mrs.
Earl Gregg, Mr. F. B. Vail, W. T.
Jenks, H. S. Oile, Robert Alexan
der, and Hiss Lois Cochran; al
ternates are: Miss Nina McNary,
Mrs. .W. C. Pickens, Mrs. K. H.
Pickens, Zelda Haiflan, Ed
Schnnke and S. Willis. fRer. and
Mrs. W. Earl Cochran, will also
be in attendance.
The convention proper will not
open until Tuesday nighty when
Dr. Willers of the White Temple
church will give the keynote ad
dress and Dr. F. E. Matthews of
Corvallla will give the annnal con
vention sermon. Tuesday morning
and afternoon two groups, the
women's state society rand the
Oregon Baptist Ministers confer
ence, will hold 'sessions. Mrs. O.
H. Pickens of Salem and secre
tary-dire tor for the central asso
ciation, will give a ffve-minute
report in the morning session and
in the afternoon meeting of the
women. Mrs. Earl Gregg of Sa
lem will lead the song and praise
service. f
Devotions, business and an ed
ucational program will occupy
the Wednesday morning hours,
and in the afternoon announce
ment will be made of J the win
ners in the reading congest which
has been held in the churches
over the state recently, Calvary
Baptist church of Salm jis expect
ed to put up a strong bid for hiph
honors in this contest. ' At 2:35
o'clock that afternoon an address
on the missionary work' with the
Piute Indians of Nevada will be
given by Miss Eva Fewei, mission
ary there. This will be followed
by an address of particular inter
est of Salem persons, wbjen Dr. W.
T. Mllliken of Portland, and form
erly ot the First Baptist'here, will
speak on the "Westerr Baptist
Seminary." -
The evening service Wednes
day will he given over to the lit
Olivet Baptist colored church of
Portland, when that choir will
furnish a program of music and
the pastor will give the address.
Thursday mornings principal
Interest will be a business ses
sion, and In the afternoon two ad
dresses are scheduled, one by
President L. W. Riley ol tan
field college, Baptist educational
institution at McMinnville; and
Dr. Q. O. Laughlin, state director
of evangelism. In the evening,
the annual banquet will be spon
sored by the laymen's state council.
Temperance, from the angles of
the anti-saloon league, the W. C.
T. U. and the federal prohibition
administrators, will be discussed
Friday morning, as will also the
progress of peace. Final adjourn
ment will he taken at 12:15 Fri
day noon.
The First Church of the Nara
rene is closing the church year
with this eomlng Sunday and have
had a year of marked increase.
Since coming to Salem church, the
pastor. L. D. Smith has seen the
church grow in membership over
100 per cent and each department
of the church has had a like
growth. The Sunday school and
the young people's society has en
Joyed a growth of about ISO per
cent. This last year has been one
of marked victory till at the pres
ent time the Sunday school is at
a standstill for lack of room." re-
n,a Vnrtti PsuJflA district as
sembly will ha held this coming
week at Vancouver, Wash., May
II to 25. This is the church's
jreat yearly gatherins with Dr. J.
B. Chapman, or amsh wair,
general superintendent, in charge.
From the Salem church a large
delegation will go to the assem
bly, Including the pastor and Mrs.
Smith, Rev. A. Wells. Frank Lit
wlller, Miss Thea Sampson. Mil
ford Stull, W. B. Hardy, Mr. and
Mrs. L. Van Delinder, R. T. As
bury and Mrs. John Friesen.
Knight Memorial Planning
For Monthly Supper Meet
The monthly supper meeting of
the Knight Memorial church will
be held Wednesday evening at
6:45 o'clock, when reports will be
given by conference delegates.
Emmanuel Baptists Expect
Special Meeting Guests
Rev. C. Lewis Rounds, pastor
of the Emmanuel Full Goptl
church, reports that his congrega
tion Is looking: forward with in
terest to having as special gu??ta
and speakers on Sunday, May
two missionaries. Brother and Sis
ter Vonga from Honolulu.
Women's Club Plans Meet
To Be Held Wednesday
The Woman's Union of the Firtl
Congregational church will hoic a
business meeting Wednesday at;
ernoon at the home ot Mrs. H. K.
Stockwell. 135 Washington Btmt,
Fifteenth aad Mill streets. Leslie B.
Bailey, pastor. Maniac worship 11:00.
Subject: "Berrinr the World." Eveniac
worship 8:00. Subject: "Faith." by
the. pastor. Chnreh school S:45 .ai.
Mis .Esther ErlcksoB. Bupt. Enworta
leagues 7:00 p.m. Mid-week service.
Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.
Center and Liberty. Charles E. Ward.
pastor, 440 Center street. Berviess 11
m. and 8 p.m. Berssoa topic: "Tha
Work ef the Gideon" a.m. "The Fries
of Vanity." p.m. At the evaninf aortic
tha last half ot tha awTtavs; picture: "Tha
Satin woman win he shown. Bnnday
school 8:45 a.m. T. E. Heer. Supt. Toaac
People' nuetinft: The Teams People ef
the rortnlfhtly elab win give a play
Tneeday at 7:30 o'clock tn the chnreh
anditariam. JL email harM will ha
made (or thi dcllcatfal comedy. Mid
week Bible stndy and prayer meetiaf
Wednesday st 7:30 o'clock.
ISS Court street. C. R Jnhnua ....
tar. Sundae school It 3 an SmlM.
at S aad 8 n.n. If; n r j
Thursday and Saturday cveninc. Good
vomer Uirhland anl nli va
F. 8ims pastor. BiW school at 10 a m.
. , . ,Bekett- SP- Morainr worship
at 11 In charfe of the Gideon. Ercn
jr ervlee at 8:00 p.m. At th ven-
m- service, reer. carol e. Tamplin. a re
turned Jtlistionarr from rntrt
VT?1' "J B8i" Plctoro slides ef
that field. This will b an obssuIIt fai
tareatina; aerviee. Ton or People's CL E
A :0 .p'm- -eek prayer meeting
vu Auureuay ( o p.m.
Tha Salem Missionary nnt,,
auxiliary to County and Stata Hollnau
ssofliations, is meetinr at the Chnreh ef
the Xasarene. oa 19th street, one block
south of Center street, Friday mornings
at o'clock. Mrs. Clara fiuil..
aioeni, in cnarfe.
CorneT of Winter and Chemeketa street.
Bible school St 8:30 a.m. T. VT
fe, Snpt Morains; worship 11 o'clock.
oome oi toe member ef the Gideon hand
will have eharce of thi
ehoir will sine; sine; "Be Glad O Ye
rucnteons ; (spenee). Orcsa anmbera.
Lrso misaeii, -'The Sandman"
(Alden). "Alia Mareia" fOilhralthl
Christian Endeavor at 7:80 o'clock, Bev
J. Uncoln EUi will preach. The ehoir
win sin. "Welcome Sweet Grace" (Ms
ey). Or can anmben. " if edits tUm"
(Kinder). "Mlfhty Uk a Ho" K
eia). "March in Bb" Pae.V km.
week service st 7:S0 o'clock ea Thnrv
rrnsT cmubch of thb VAXansnB
One block Soath ef Center ea ltta
street. It. D. Smith, aaater.. pheae 1940.
Snnday school at 9:45 a.m. Frank Idt-
willer, Sept. The moraing service will
be givsa over to the Oregea Gideon and
there will be three special speaker for
the service. It rs known a National
Oideoa Bible Snnday. Mllford Stall will
sing a solo. Tonng People's meeting ta
the orceins at 6:80. Mrs. C. M. Lit-
willer ia charge. Tha Jaalora will meet
in the evening at th same hear with
Mr. Smith as leader. Evening service
t 7:80 with a happy aoag aerviee aad the
Clyde Holier family singing a special
number. Bermoa snhjeet, "Absolute De
pendence a pea God." Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening at 7:80 and yonag
people'! prayer meeting Friday treaiag
at 7:80.
Gerth arenne aad Third streets. Mer
edith A. Grove, pastor; phone 1568-M.
Morning Service 11 o'clock : subject "Pe
ter aad Peateeost." Special musie win
include voluntary sad offertory. Mr. Fred
Blake will alar. Evealag service 8:00
o'clock ; subject: W. F. M. 8. treTk. Mr.
Paul Edward. Vocal tol by Mrs. New
gent. Vocal duet by Mr. Oosser and
Mr. Blekaoa. A number by Epworth
Leaguer from Dallas. Sunday cchool
9:45 a.m. Wesley Wsrren, rjupt. Mid
week service S p.m. Wednesday : Tonng
People' smeetlag: Epworth League social
aejur 0 p.m. Devotional meetings of
senior aad latsrmediatea 7 p.m.
Chemeketa aaeV Liberty streets. Sundsy
serrieet st 11 .m. and 8 p.m. Subject,
"Mortal aad Immortals.; Sunday
school at 9:45 aad 11 a.m. .Testimonial
meeting every Wednesday evening at 8.
Beading room at 400 Mason I o Temple
pea from 11 to 8:30 except Sundays
and holiday.
1288 Ferry street. Berrlee Saturday
7:48 p.m. .Toung People's meeting Sun
day 1:48 p.m. Sunday lehoel 8:00 p.m.
Church service. 7:45 p.m. Church ser
vice. Dr. A. TJ. Michelson, Jewish Crim
inal Lawyer from Berlin, Grmany will
speak both afternoonand everiine. Mon
day 7:45 pja. Special concluding ser
vice with Dr. A. TJ. Mlchelson. Tuesday
7:48 p.m. Bible study. Wednesday 7:80
p.m. Toung People' prayer meetiag
which meet st the Tabernacle. Thursday
7:45 p.m. Church prayer meeting.
Gospel service Sunday morning for
everybody who doe not attend elsewhere.
Robert Ia Payne, preacher. :
Court and 17th street. B T. Shoe ma
ker, pastor. 845 S. Winter street, phone
2589-J. Service 11 a.m. and S p.m.
Bermoa topics: a.m. addr mission
ary work la Africa by Mrs. Gertrude
Shoemaker. Many eurio will be en dis
play aad eele ia native topgoe will be
sang. Sunday school 9:4S .m. Mrs.
Frank Marshall. Supt. Car Is tie a En
deavor and Junior meeting; at 7 p.m.
Song service aad sermon at 8 p.m. Mid
week meetiag Wednesday 7:80 p.m. Choir
rehearsal Wednesday 8:80 p.m. Aid so
ciety meet an day Wed. T
Oeraer Liberty aad Mariea. Saaday
" a.BB. rrsa Broer, njupt.
Both aermeee will be preached by Dr.
wailast H. Robins, aoted preacher.
Morning worship at 11 o'clock aad crea
ms at a clock.
High and Center streets. D. I. Hows.
patter; phone 1838 J. MaraUg serviea
11 o'clock; snhjeet: MlsaieBary Addrea
by Miaa Grace Faraam, re tamed mle
sienary from Japan, Offertory sola:
"Grass nd Bees"-J. a Bartlet. Mr.
B, D. Barton. aAaUem: "The 6e4 ed
Abraham Praise." D. Back. Iaddtatal
eeks. Miss Aldeaae Smith. Zvealng aer
iee e'atoek; the Gideeaa will hava
charge faralahiag tha speaker. - Saaday
sehoef 1:45 in. Mid-week aorTice 7:80 Wednesday; Loyal Women' ejass Is
eharge. Yean People' meeting f jl
with eereral group ef O. E. saeetlag ha
rsspectiv roems. I
tost xmixux !
Kertk Cottage aad Chemkta street.
Ber. Fred Albea Weil, minister. Fareow
aga 837 Chemeketa. Telephoate S67-W.
Church seheot 10 f.m. Sunday morning
service 11 sjb. Sermoa "Whal la
Year Life Worth!" Bel by Mr. Tre
as Hostoa. Organist. Mrs. Walter A.
400 PEOPLE i
Attended services at Hollywood theatre last Sunday
morning. If you enjoy Gospel Service and do not at
tend elsewhere, come out to Hollywood theatre next
Sunday morning.
Chnreh St. Bt. ChenoekeU A Center, A Downtowm Cbnrch
Anthem Vested Choir
Solo: O Eyes that, are Weary, Mrs. C. M. Byrd
Anthem Chnreh Chorus
Special MbbIcsI Protr&m
Rev. P. W. Eriksen, Pastor. 1
- -
Cor. XHcb and Ferry fits, Boders BUf
BnwOmj 8dool 9:40 A. M. "W. T. Jenks, 8aptv
Preacbiac Bewrieea 10:80 A. If. and 8:00 P.
If. B, Y. P. U.V 7:0O (8rn InW ua Jr.)
A. M. Sermon by the Pastor
Anthem 'Sinful, 8ithin to he-Blest,"
- Huerter
Solo, rjesui Lover ot My EouV R4 W. Dirks
, P. 1L Sermon by the Pastor
Anthem. 'Glory and Prslss and Honor,
Ashford I ,
Duet, Selected, Josephine Erans and
Zeioa Harun
W. Earl CocHram,
9 p. m.
9 p. m.
75 high grade Men's and Young
Men's Suits. Regular to $30.00 val
ues. Special to close out
36 Odd Suits and Overcoats. Broken
lines of high grade makes
Alterations at Cost
S '-4'
Can't Boat 'Em CORDUROYS
Refoltt ISjOO alaadard ertam eolarsd
oards so much la favor with th young
men of today now oa sals at A Qfr
hll aaTinc. All shM. Sals Vh&0
Bavohw tj&BO. VIM srBah an wwl pasta
to yonac nun's aosmaaUis patterns.
atnpM and plain, aa ritZ
wonderful ejallty als
Retular ItM ooallty. strllsh cut Hk atria.
asat psttetns a-i a
Bale, a for
Renkr $LU ties la aikaettra ikattaras
bsauttful sflka. 9)C
Regular tiso ties, finest Qaatity cot sSk
invorted. sew Sprite peterns A-s j
and eoaora. aals ol.47
Broksn lines of refoar $SJ0 to $1140 Bos
tonlaa Oxfords tn popuar shades, fine
ealakta tethers, stylish huts fnduded in
this sale at a sacrtfloe QM f
price ef-fials vlVee7D
The famous Knox, Bebol-Win and other
standard makes of high grade saps m
popular tweeds, herringbones and Unen
materUla. Regular $X50 to $30 t nf
nines Bale v9laQ7
aerolar tUJO arrlta in taaJ ami
mere rnatarlals sMed luat llk ta'm
mar. TaMUnf patterns, new (A Qf
Spring eolora. fiala d7Cn)
The lrw red bottom toreador style made
with the knit waist. AO.
Jkfular 1109 popular polo ahlrts in the
wngnia eoaora whttav tfm, or-
popular rrn.
shades Bale, each
Dress Shirts
GROUP 1 tegular to $2.00
STZ $1.00
GROUP 2 Regular J2.00 to
800 valuet . J j gg
GROUP 8 Regular $3.50 val-
SaJT $245
Beautiful patterns In collar
attached and neckband style.
Fine materials.
Men's Sweaters
Regular to $5.00 values, Pull
over and coat 0 ACT
style. Sale t4).6a7c)
Regular $5.00 to $6.50 Pull
over and coat (JQ QC
style. Sale tPUsOt)
Regular $6.50 to $11.00 Poll
over and coat d 4 Af
style. Sale tPealD
Regular $7.50 to $9.50 heavy
back bue and ljQ Htt
shaker style. Sale VU I D
Men's Hats
Regular $5.00 to $7.50 Lee
Aetna Felt and Straws. New
shapes (10 AP
Sale tPO."D
Regular $8.60 and $10 Knox
and Bonar Phelps felts and
straws (Tf JET
Sale tPUwUD
ARATXX SOIT OCXt.kHH- Broken lines
ef these famous Arrow colllars. tl1 AA
Ret. 35c Yalue-fiale, I for....wlUU
OOLP BALIJB Siahop Special Quality.
8 90, 31 only. To doss out, pr.dleVll
Broadcloth shortB In flaured and atrtaed
patterns, mercreised shirts (M AA i
tn white-Sale, t for 911111 A
Regular 60c, 75c MJ3TS DRZScI UO&&
Broken lines of high grade AA
make. Sale, S pairs dleUU
ffuality, red knit wrist. I pairs..
gauntlet and wrist style. f AA
Durable and good fltting-Valr vDl.UVI
UotUed tan colorfr-d pairs ....Sl.UU
Regular $7.80, saso styUsh tweed and flan
nel materlala tn plua four and plus atx
sr.: $4.75
Regular $13.50 to $180 flannel, rayon and
silk materials in striking patterns and col
on. Don't miss this chance to sare on a
dressing gown. . or
Sale 97eOD
Men's and Ladies' RAINCOATS
Regular $7.50 to $9.75 tan, black and other
eotors made by the D. S. Robber Co of
their famous Naugetez material, sacrtliced
for quick selling. vpr
8ale, tacb. 5.7d
OOLP HOSE-egular $U0, $100 Taluet.
A special group to close out M AA
ulckly. Sale, each Ol.UU
iwiB frvrffflTaTn nrrnisr tm. na
denim, made by Cant Bust JTm factory,
wt fun to ataa. Btandard a-e A
aaaty. epeelala pair dlaUll
' .'i
i!.cttE3 cy:3 T7cc2cn C2C20