' " .5 " . - ' Tfea 02EI50J1 STATESif AM. fidm Oregon. Ttawlav Ifamins. Haw IX 1453 i.rr" r-urw renina tee"MT2'i!fc- C4H 9 Pec$ Enjoy Musical racfcro cn Sunday 'OTIl Hay 11 One of liidnMi ver rath. pTenoa; as t at the if iadttorlnn Sunday twen the local Music week f jraje iae final concert si jansie wee oDser iiiierton. The audl- gaeged the Eugene arffrDo tnd oTerflowed corridor, was estimated J). Mjwh fajotUe comment was ttaftojl the&auty of theetage flgpwna which were planned tEl jjffiB,e youthful f--toffofte. Jane Opsund, and raceq gtewart The large bas "s. otained the rose Jtjffifflia sad the tall "orchid lBjaea. ere ljjaned hy the Adams fffiraj, ihop and the irises were OjwgyMed t'opi the Kruschke gai 4hj E?ar Silverton. The Girl JserTes, headed by Mrs. Lee Al fyo. ANy took- charge of the The Rev. H. L. Foss acted as chairman .of the evening, with ooa Comsjtock, pianist, aker, -violinist, and W. E. fliwell, flutists, accompanying ' community singing. At the 89 of the ewning's program ie "audience, at the suggestion of we Rev. Mr. Fess, gave Mrs. Ger trude h. Cameron, local chairman or Music week, and her commit tSe, Eearty band of thanks for toa week of tplendid1 entertaln nTegt. The program for Sunday even lutstroTsed Mother's Day and all Real ehur'ches dismissed their evejiing services to Join in the ob seryance. The complete program was as follows : All Hil the Power of Jesus Name,j6ung by the andlence. Invocation by the Rev. Thomas Hardij. Piano solo by lola Bureh. Vocal solo by Marguerite ga ther. Instrumental selections by the Thompson, orchestra composed of Jtjarbo Thompson. Clifford, Paul and Alvin Anujuist, Orlando and Wlldo Rue and Cuyler Thompson. A group of readings by Mrs. L. Deftyke. Piano solo by Violet Herring- stad. Illastratfed music talk by. Rev. O. Livingstone. Selection by the Methodist choir. , Selection by the Harmony Quartet of Portland with the fol ISwhig personnel: W. A. Wood ruff, D. E. Venden, J. C. Colcord, I. J. Woodman, and Mrs. Wood man, accompanist. Colcord, I. J. Woodman, and Mrs. Woodman,, accompanist. Doxology by the audience. Benediction by Rev, J. Scher beriag. O- O Silverton r '1 7 SiLYfeRTON. My 12 A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sl&rj at the loeal hospital early baday morning. Both mother on are getims along spieaa and 1 Mrs. Gertmde L. Cameron was at PortlandcAllad Uondiv. Mrs. a A, Fuller of Amity was guest at tha W. 8. raller home on Jalnea avann lt Wmv GaeaU at the W. g. Fullr home Sunday for Mother's Day iael act ed Paul Rowley and mothet, L. J. Rowley of Turner, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Newman and daughter, Helen Jean of Salem, buy ana Mrs, George Thomas, da i u. a. rniinT ami um Frances, Arthur and Paul of Am ur, ana Mise Bean of RlckrealL ' UK and Mrs. W. Lang of post- were Sunday gnesta of Mr. ana Mrs. g. t. McFeeley. Miss Ethel Larson of Portland spent the weekend with her nar. enls. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Larson of Silverton. Mr. and Mre. Alvin Legard of vicBuu vny were sunaay guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Laraon. Miss Peggy Goplemd went to Portland Thursday morning to as sist temhporaHly at the Marie shop at the Benson hotel. The shop is managed by Mis3 Marie Quail formerly of Silverton. Miss Goplerud Just recently completed a course in beauty culture at fomann. Mrs. Jtf. G. Ganderson reported juij umy ai oaiem Aionaay. Young Speakers to Be Heard by Club At Perrydale PERRYDALE, May 12 Tues day evening, May 2j0 Is the next Community club meeting. At that time, instead of a varied program as usual the district declamatory contest will be held. Contestants from Balhjton, Enterprise -and Broadmead will be present. Come and enjojr these children's imper sonations. Our newly organized orchestra of seven pieces will ap pear at this meeting also. Mrs. Lorento Gilson, who has been sick for a week is better now. Mrs. J. E. Yoakum was in Mc Minnville on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Guthrie and Mrs. Wifliam Gilson of Dallas spent Sunday at the C. L. Gilson home. J. E. Hauk local groceryman has just installed an electric re frigerator for meat. It is in a lovely case of plate glass and tile top and ends.' Mr. Honk Intends to carry a full line of fresh meat at all times now and the com munity is glad to patronize such an up-to-date store. Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Lee of Mc Mlnnville spent the week end here with relatives. Miss Doris McKee who teaches In Salem spent the weekend with her parents here. Mrs. Orvllle Kurtz accompanied by her sisters, Mrs. Herbert Ro berson and Mrs. Ed. Howard of Amity drove to Portland Sunday to be with their mother, Mrs. Gas Yon Qaerner. Mrs. Winifred Scott of White Salmon, Vn., has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Zylstra the past week. Goryais Couple CelebraieGolden Wedding: Day GERVAIS. Kay 12 Mr, and Mia, Martth Ditrlch celebrated their golden .wedding .at their homi ob East Third street Ger vala saaday afternoon. May 1. The home was beautifully dec orated with flower apiTonriate to the eccasioa. Martin and Taereaa Ditrlch were married in Hungary on May f. IS, bat thr celebration did not take flace mttt Sunday so that all the ehUdrea oald bfl present. They came to Oregow is 1901 and to Gervaia tn 15. la, eating on a farm three miles east of Gerralsv wiiere they ware uc ceeafnl farmers for slxteva. years. moving to town at that time wftert fher hare eemtinued t lite, Many friesds called during the afternoon to congratulate the ImppT eeeple poa their comple tion of fifty yearg In connubial happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Dftrich have eight children. 21 grandchildren and three great grandchildren, and til live In this section." Thai sons ajd daughters are: Katie. at bemej 7ahn and Mrs. AmnaJ Kuan of Gemis; Maria of Port land ( Mrs. Theresa Pratt, Mrs. Lena Birn, Mrs. Mary Koaak, and Xra, Cfilia KfiUo of Gervais. The immediate family with Mr. eM Igrfl. John Hhyptman. Rtr. Father Orth and Jobs Pratt made .up the party Sunday. Dinner was served at noon. Tulips, peonies an aaowballa were tied aa table decorations. Schoolchildren Enjoy Picnic MIDDLE GROVE, May 12 On Friday May t, the pnpQa of the primary roem of Middle Grove school, went la to the Bartruff wooda and had a picnic The ehn drea had a delightful day and wtslKvwrjj atach to fo acabt. Present wera. Viola tatter, Mary Barker, Marry Dow, LuciBs Harms, George Bartruff, Geneva Hammer, Charlotte Roek Harold Scfcewslager, Earl Malm, Iee Wa rere, Loyle Setter, Doyle SatUr, Otis Bock. Roy Barker, Betty Da vis. Mamie Jewett and their teach er Marie Kihs. One feature of the' picnie was a much enjoyed weiaer roast MICKEY MOUSE "A Hero On The Rebound" BrIWERKS I si One License to Marry Is Given Out Saturday . Only one license to wed granted in the county clerk's of fice Saturday. Wilbur Gravea, Z4, a resident of Elk City, obtained permit to marry Alice Crites, 18, Stlverton girl, whose mother gave legal con sent for her to marry. Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEEFER s I J2 3 15 g6 17 I & r I IO I ::Z UUi tVL : 21 Pw1 WW mi wl ; ZWlZZZWZlltWZ.' n 1 1 xmA I n i tORlZONTAL. 1 freed t--ansolo 11 reacue 12 greedy 18 proceed 15 poQnted IT alterna tive 18 land measure CO form of fortifica tion 41 male offspring tit one of the several tropical plants of the ansa fatally ft - slender ! shaft Z5 destroy 5 overjoy 3 ranted 19 half M 0 size of S .. type Kl lm$rs is around ' JfftT t4 com- l menced . 17 -young1 C . aalmoa ill 8r the cassi ' 0 network ' 41 frozec fl r-i- water tS--recesses b In a1 1 'wioimtalii : 44 drunkard i e5 note of the scale 4$ hesitated t dish highway (abbr.). 19 fetter 62-com- maader II epistle VERTICAL. 1 envoy 2 bone t sorry 4 always 5 yield respect fully of green herb? T etove 8 cover t-Hrefix like carnivore If one who 10 cnerited 14--ertai-bgte speech lff--4maSe of worship lt-leak oat la-anything; . erased XI endvilfzed people , . Herewith Is the aohrtionte jet-; terdayVpttaak? 9-m mm. si AM AKviAiif i W 4 no i. - ..n 01 M 17 ?reek Xoddess of the daws . CT merk with ridges Jl wiading and ad- vaacinE S3 interlace tf eadat 85 ntnots partide iiteated at the lowest part ft KsgeT 19 4aBger 42 be coa eerned ' about- something dtwfiher 41 rrrTame tlea et TOLLY AND HER PALS" Grtrode Gets A Playmate By CLIFF STERRETH 50 r?fe FEtCH A LrrTLB PLAMAlh TCR SERTRUD6. H? Wgogz pJwSht.' M I V&r? oirre: Sure ) 'Sl Iwwle ufefe U iZ I & 6&rtrude ini ( aess My souu U f TILLIE, TOE TOILER ''Dressed For The Occasion' By RUSS WESTOVEU rota, w ro vmb ryr KLOTZ. Ck.DLi& . M API- tst -THAT'S rUMMyl 1 HOvXDTi 1 vme had oinlrvi Sjinn. las. (nl nui. rkMa mmt I I KtakkwrMUN AUL VvJE HAVE IS w Ifd "THE BANK AMD THAT vMOWT COVlt tT -V- r 1 -SHOULD wonr - all -me MowETl JQo TOT tr surf 1 SJ I KMOW WHERE XOM'T KMOW VNHEKE) lYS COMtNS OPTO ME. MAC- OUT VikJO tec UJrVKT CAW OO .;n:u:,i::ivi;;:3 HAVTB TO MEET L R 'err ofeDeesL I'i-u HAve to 7 LOOK ATTRACTlVfifl AMD THAT OecXS I CEKTAlM-V 71 looks smooth; I j. i. at: hst - c i I comtimued1 yy a i. TO' 31 -''-I I hi: I w .'iC-1 est::. ::::::::a x JT-'"' V- .XjTTV i LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Secrets Of Her Pust" By BEN B ATSFORD TH4.U OWE THlAJC- IP I HAt HOME AJU POLKS to take CARE. OP MUl TU&kl 0JOUl-t VOn tfft OAJ TUAT TPP ACil DP HUATfAi TiaP turm SAILOR B1LL- THAT CSE I tUOOLD GO-' PUT MOD HAVEA'T- 4 ill) WRtJUEAWV5 ORPMAAJACE A?S. JWFAUW 1-4 ATP f AL1 4ie ur lisrret) AAf im74T- OP ALL. r SHE UWS SO MBAX$ fikl iCCU&L X HAD TO fcUAJ A AT A SNASLL COP POUAJD AAE- W6 .SHE 1 TEAJl I -Air THE COFfe AJAME WAS WDV CFUAAI-WE TOOK M6 HOME. TO S W!T&' 'GEE. WAS 7EAAJD 1 USED TS PRETEAJ& SHE. tUAS kAV REAL MOTHER AW X PELT SWELL AW THEAJ W2S.MEAW SAID SHE (OAS MM LtOAL 6UACPJAAJ AA- SHB SA1 THE JUDGE m a J 1 &1DAJT U1AAIT lb CO BACK TO HEtt.AW I OlDJU T-lUAAIT TO HAVE THE O'PUWAJS CET IKJToA 0AM, SO I AAI AWAV- AXW. MRS. H4$ PORCDT ALL ABOUT AC. AA1' Tf O'FUAiAlS IfAWTME tb CCME HOWE SO ALL X AJEED S G4iLCOAt PARE- I'LL CO BACK tub on laiiiv: ur nii ai siir IHAJD THAT SHIP FILLED S WITH MOWEY- 7 TOOTS AND CASPER The E-Champloa"1 , By JIMMY MURPHY. I THAT - 7) !TBI&.TOQTS eiYCTEQ4 vf-AgSfS LOVE LETTSTC TOtCFLfLTDCfTSi?" VACns AJ53 THOSB. t H .... m. I. t . . 4 TDOT&WfHEN I a Ht-WSTHSV- aOTm At 1 TltST UP V ' RlCBOMta i VE3, 1ROTB THAT TO TOCTPl P7SAD IT OUT LOUD Jiaron vM WADCT M4 LOVB. I AtJORCbur ALL PWf Loair tnuitu ncVrn. 3lNr TOUD uaam. AKlTk CVekl TMI CA9PER MU6-XHAVE COPIED TUajr OUT OF A IM FACT vweoNce Ol-blU THS OB OF V rtOTRO4AKTlCT POO". pool 5 jflBji y5