PAGE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Saturday Morning, May 10, 1930 Churches of Sal em Give Special Honor to Mothet Announcements Give Idea Of Many Programs Planned Here in Honor of Mother ANNOUNCEMENT Everybody is interested in Mother's Day. which mean that there will be special appreciation for the large variety of sons:, sermon and music planned in deference to her. A glimpse through these notices from Salem churches- should meal some program to suit the individual taste. Here they are: OA2.VAXT BAPTIST W. Sari Oceana, pair. Mother' lay prorrta barinaiaf 'a Sunday ieko! t 8:40 vita voeal Mlo and racita fioo. Preaching 10:50 aj.. aa top fe, "A Woadarfal Mother"; special mm afe, aatama by chair, "TherVa a Prlsa fat th Homeland" and tola by Lawraaea Deacoa. At 8 o'clock, aermoa in aa tora f Hospital Day, en "Oeatle a Xjirae" and epecial choir anker, "Sol diera of Christ," SOUTH SAIXX rWETDS Boats Commercial and Waihlnton sirtaU. Chartea C. lwaworth, paiter, paoae 1897-M. Bandar services 10 .m. Saaday school. Kathan Cook, Sopt. 11 'clock morning worship. Curtis Morse wf Pacifio collet;?, Nrwberf, Will preach. Special aiasie will be faraished by- the Pseifia Collff quartette composed of Joel Bowman, Helen Whipple, Elisabeth Ott and Ilmore Jackson. 7:00 p.m. . Christian Endeavor meeting, topic "De elopiaf Good Will Thromrh the Home." Ivaaiaf worship., A Mother's Day ser vice. Senmen: MoAer Wins. The choir will sing- as a special nnasber. "Tell Mother I'll Be There." Solo: "Mother 'Mine," William Jones. Thursday 8:00 a.m. Prayer meeting and. Eible suidy in First Corinthians. l BT. MBTHODZST STIMOyAL isirurau ana Center street. P. 1. SebBeri, pUr. 774 Korth WisUr Winter (treat Phone 880-11. Saaday nawi MtH as i n. a. ttralanp apt. Jfothar'a Day aerate by she pas tor at 11 a. at. At fl a.a. the extension department af the Wemaa'a Miasieasry society will jive their annaa Brafram. Mrs. T. H. Temple,- serretarv for Ike extension work the Salem district will give address, and a smabtr ot Basicai eeieenona and readings will he given. AMEBIC LVTHESJU Chorea atreet between Chemeketa and Oaater streets. Rev. P. W. Eriksen. pas bar. Phone 1921. "Mother's Day" 11 .. sermon: "What We Owe Our Moth ers." Special musical program with Viae Arbutn. Radio in a contralto solo: eastern by the vested choir; solo: "That Wonderfal Mother of Mine," Goodwin. Marvin Johnson. Vancouver. Misa Liad ejnist presenting beautiful flower baskets to the church. Floral tributes to Mothers by the) Senior Girls Bible class. Sunday aehool at 9:45. Max Gehlhar. Supt. Xothen are especially invited. The ev ening service at 7:30 which is also es pecially planned as a Mother's Day pro gram, with Mrs. Albert J. Soholð, a contralto solo: "Mr Mother's Prayers." The Large Girls chorus, gave several umber. Solo: "Wonderful Mother of Mine." Marvia Johnson "The Silent Voice" Roma. Recitations by Iris Ut ter and Lloyd Reinwald. Address: "Mothers of the Bible." Violin solo: Mis Jeanette Scott. EiQHuurD ntiEvss Corner Highland and Chareh. Edgar P. Sims, pastor. Biblo school 10 a. as., B. M. aecaeu, saps. Classes tor all ages. Horning worship n a.m. Yeaag peo ple's C. E, 4:80 p.m. Evening service 7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer meeting laoriaay o:uu pjau STBCXAX. SSXVICZ Mother a Day service at Hollywood vneaire, n clock hands y morning, eon ducted by Robert L. Payne, former pas tef of Pint Baptist choreh. CHRIST Z.UTHEBAS Eighteenth and State t tree la. Rev. Amos E. Mianemaa, pastor. Phone 172. vices 11 a.m. Rev. Fred! Theuer will preach at both of these service. Special masie: - i was wad When They baid Nolt by the ekotr. Solo: "I'm A Pil grim." English services 8 pja. Sunday school 8:40. Martha Battermaa. Supt. The Dorcaa Society will meet at the enurck parlora Wednesday afternoon 3 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST Corner Liberty and Marion. Sunday school at 9:45, Fred Broer, Supt. Both sermons by Dr. WilKsm H. Robins at 11 o'clock, "Enoch, a Type of the Chnrch; at 8 p.m.: "The Last Prophet's Last Testimony." CASTLE UKTTED BRETHREN North 17th and Nebraska streets. L. W. Bifdle, pastor, phone 2622-J. Sun dsy chnrch school 10 s.m. Morning wor ship 11 a.m. Sermon subject, "Mother." "Contlnaing- the Fellowship" study class for all at 7 p.m. Evening worship at 'clock. Sermon, "Pentecostal Pow er." Mid-week prayer and Bible study Thursday at 7:30 o'clock. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN (Mo. Syn.) Nortk 14 and A atreeta. One block orth . af Old People's Home. H. W. Orosi, pastor. English service 9:45 s.m. German at 11:00. Sunday school 1:00 TORD OS. LAX M. B. COHMUmir Gerth avenue and Third street. Mere dith A. Groves, pastor; phone 156S-M. Morning service 11 'clock; aabiect: "Modern Mothers". Misses Martha and Bath Msarx will sing. Piano voluntary and offertory by Miss Bath Rees. Evea lag service 8 o'clock; subject: "Our Mo thers." Special musical pre gram. Sun day acboej 9:45 a.m., Wesley Warren, Supt. Mid-week services: 8 p.m. Wednes day, Ik pastor leading at the church. Young people's meeting 7 p.m. SUMMIT Orchard Heights Road. Meredith A. Groves, pastor: phone 1566-M. Morning errteo 9:45 'clock; subject: "Modern Mothers". Sunday school 11 a.m.. Lar- kia Grics, Bupt. MUX. ST. M. B. CHURCH Fifteenth and Mill streets, Leslie B. Bailey, pastor. Morning worship 11:00. Sebjeet: "God and Mother." by the pastor. Evening worship 8:00. Subject Whosoever" by the pastor. Charch aehool 9:45 a.m. Miss Esther Erickaon, Swpt. Bpworth League 7:00 p.m. Mid week knee ting, Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Th. laiiea' Aid meet Tuesday at t p.m at the home of Mrs. C. Donaldson, 558 South 14th atreet. FIRST CHURCH OF THE MAXAXENE una block south of Center on 19th street. L,. D. Smith, pastor. Phone .V4". Sunday school at 9:45 in the morning, i'. M. Lia-iller, Supt. Spe cial service for Mothers sa this is Moth er' Day. The large children's choir will sinp. Morning worship at 11. Sermon subject, "Honor Thy Mother" Mrs. C. M. Litwiller, will sing a solo in keeping wun me nay. xoung people meeting at 6:30 with Miss Thea Sampson, in charge. The Juniors will meet in. the evening at the same hour with Mrs. Smith aa supervisor. Evening service for" song and praise at 7:30. Frank Litwiller will ting a solo and there will be a special Bible message. Prater meeting Wed nesday evening and Fridav evening the young people meet for prayer and Bible study. FIR8T METHODIST EPISCOPAL Corner State and Church (-... w C. Taylor, pastor; phone 974. Morning aemce, 11 o'clock; subject: "Magnify ing Motherhood." Special music: Aa them: "Hoi Everyone that Thirtieth" Macfarlane. Incidental solo Ronald Cra ven. 8oIo "Mother V T,. John Crnkovich. Organ prelude "Fanta sia oi uu fashioned Melodies" Arr. by Prof. T. 8. Roberts. Evening service 8 o clock; Sacred concert directed by Prof. T. W. Gaw. Chnrch school 9:45 a.m. Ben E. Riekli, Supt. - Mid-week services: 7:80 pjn. Thuradav- th. n... r. leader. Enwarth T m ; . University chanter at 1 aa rini rin..k chapter will conduct an initiation ser vics for the Junior high chtptcr and new' members. Junior church will meet la the main auditorium for the adult aerviee. The church anrsery will he in charge of the ladies of the Y. K. K. class. PRAYER BAND The Salem Miseionarv nnt v.n auxiliary to County Holiness associa tion is meeting each Fridav sunine .t Bins o'clock st th Charch f the Ms- serene on mm street, one block south of Center street. Mrs. Clara Cooley. president, ia charge. FIRST GERMAN BAPTIST Xorth Cottars sad D. streets. 6. W, Ratseh, pastor. Sundsy school 9:45 s.m. Haas Behirman. Sunt. Service 11 a.m. Wmoa topic: "Th Holy Spirit As the Comforter' Choir snthem ' Praise God Jaatovah." Women' missionary society assets at the home of Mrs. ilsrguerite Berkir, I860 X. Chnrch street at 2:B0 p.m. The evening beginning at 8 dock Will b fined out with a Mother's Day BrnmH rendered bv the B. Y. P. U, Dan Behirman. president. Regalar mid week prayer aerviee at 8 p.m. Wednes day. FIRST UNITED BRETHREN , 12th mnd Miaaien streets. A. S. Hen- sea, pastor: phone 1903-w. Horning rie 11 o'clock. Bev. Walter Reynolds af Portland, preaching. Evening teme 'clock. Rev. Walter Reynolds preach tag. Sunday aehool 10 a.m. Mrs. O. N. rwv Hum Mid-week services 7:80 pjm Wedaeaday: pastor, leader; place: kwreh. Young people's ateetings 7 p.m. MiMrl Stsvenanch. Sub. De- v. tfl Will Through th Horn. . J1UHT MEMOXIAX. . ... iifid Ferrr streets. H. C. Stover, pastor; phono 1924-J. Morning service 11 'cteek; subject: "A Tribute to M thrnr." Special music: "A Flower For Taw. Mother Dear" by th young peo wtsa chorus: Solo "Yom'r th Best Ut ah Mother That God Ever Made," Olive Barnard. Evening service 8 o'clock: ahject: "Building th Home." Special masie: Chorus' "The Old Refrain. Trio "Mother Machre" Beneitta Ed Ward a. Harriett Adams. H. C. Stover. day school 10 a.m.; C. C. Harris. pt. Yomag People s meeUags T :1S. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCXENTIST Ckaaseksta and Liberty streets. Ser- rlosa at 11 a.m. tad S pja. Snbject, "Adaat and Fsllen Kaa." Baadsy eh I at 9:45 and 11 a.m. Tsstimsaial astrat every Wednesday evening at S. Ba4mg room at 406 Maaonie teav C mass tram 11 t 5:30 except San y aad holidays. Cdvary Baptist Arranges Service To Honor Nurses - Ia sdditioa to the tpecUl IXsOher's Dbj obserraace trnlBg tle Bamdjtr scbool mad MOlattna; wonhla) bmr, tkm Oslrary Bavtlst charch wCI tet aside Smaday nlfbt a FJospUAl Dxy. Thm nmraes ot the Salem Oaaorat tMhrnpitia win attead tha awrrky. whlrm wffl hi. Cm st S o'clock,' fat a body, win eoamoate a spocui The pactor. Ber. W. Earl Oochrta, wtJl preach that darfct m GentIe - as a "Jwa,". and the ehotr wfll ta the Kntbern, "Soldiers of CLrtit, Arise." FTRST PRESBYTERIAN Corner of Winter and Chemeketa ttreetsj Rev. Wm. S. Gilbert D. D sup ply pastor. Sunday school st 9:30 a.m. M; Bamsge, Supt. Morning worship 11 o clock. Sermon by Dr. Gilbert, 'Three Mothers." Anthem, "Th Path Sf f.ray" (Voris), Solo, "Ufe'a Car den (Jacobs-Bond) Miss- Josephine Al b"t. organ numbers, "Festival Prelude" (Wsllaee). "Songs My Mother Taught Me (Dvorak). Christian Endeavor so cieties meet st 8:30 p.m. Evening wor ship 7:30 o'clock. Sermon by th pas tor "My 8heep Hear My Veice." An them, "In Heavenly Love Abiding" (Browa), Solo, "The Rosa ot Mother Love" (Sturgis) Mr. Wm. Wright, Or gs a numbers, "Eventide" (Mealle) 'Postlude in Bb" tPage). Mid-week service Thursday at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. Gilbert will continue his study of the Sermon on th Mouat. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 855 Ferry street. Louise Pinnell, pas tor. Phone 5E3-J. Sundsy school 9:45 s.m. Mrs Myra White. Supt. Mothers Day message st 11 o'clock. Y. P. 8. st 8:30 in charge af the President. Elvina Oraw. Evangelistic service at 7:80. Ser mon subject: "Th Wsges of Sin." Toes, evening prayer snd fellowship night. Les ter Plants, lender. Y. P. 8. Cottage meeting on Thursday night. T.r.gT.rp MEMORIAL (Methodist Episcopal) South Commercial and Myers streets. S. Darlow Johnson, pastor, 348 E. Myers street; phone 2764. At the morning worship st 11 o'clock, th pastor will speak on "Zeruiah, a Mother in Israel." The choir will siag, "God Ia th King," (Baines). Th topic for th Happy Ev ening Hoar at 8 o'clock will be "Th Sons of Zeruiah." Members of the Intermediate league will ting "Praise Ye the Lord." (Fisher). Sunday aehool 9:45 a.m., E. D. Roseman. Supt. Young Peopbs'a meetings: Epworth Leagues at 7 o'clock. Week-day service and Young People 'a discntsion group. Thursday ev ening at 7:80. TXkST imiTARIAN North Cottage and Chemeketa streets. Rev. Fred Albsn Weil, minister. Par sonage 657 Chemeketa, Charch school 10 a.m. Sunday morning service 11 s.m. Sermon "In uietnesa snd Confidence Be Year Strength." Solo by Mrs. Truma Hasten "Mather f Mine," by Walter Goodwin. Organist Mrs. Walter A. Den ton. Strmoaette Mother's Influence (Timothy n. 1:1) By RETT. 43. W. KCTSCH (Pastor First German Baptist Choreh) The oVeserrajicw of Mother's IT has widened year after year, Ra til it is bow practically of Biilversal observance in Amer ica. It ia well that a day Is set aside for fuller appreciation ot Motherhood. Tbonsaada ot sons and daaghters today wear a white or pink carnation in honor of their mother. Let tu not content ourselves with this outward sign of honoring- oar mother hat love her In reality as the Bible commands It and all great men fulfill this. There is much troth in the saying: "Good mothers made the men of the world." for ao man ever ttred a light life who had not been chastened by a woman's love, strengthened by her courage and guided by her influence. Of the importance of a Christian mother's Influence! Uk Eunice, the mother of Timo thy used her influence for the good ot her son, and was rewarded at seeing him learned in the Scriptures and useful to the world, so many a' mother has lnflnenced her sons and daughters to find the paths of truth and render noble aerviee. "All that I am and hope to be, I owe to my angel mother," Lincoln said and Napoleon being asked "What is the greatest need of France?- said "Mothers." Yes, indeed MotherB! Christian Mothers is America's and the world's great need at all times. Out ot lzo clergymen that were together relating experien ces, 160 assigned the means ot their conversions to the influence ot their Christian mothers. "Great Is thy power, O woman! 8ee to it, that it be used for Him who thought of His mother even in the agonies of death. (Spurgeon.) We cannot speak of mother's influence without at the same time , being reminded of her boundless lore that sacrifices, en dures and outlasts all other human love. Hay God continue to give us wise, loving and praying mothers with uplifting influence. i . : I x : . 'J' Batsek IB mm UK PHUM TURNER, May 9 Turner M. E. church will observe the usual ser vices Sunday with a program of Mother's day in Sunday -school and at the 11 o'clock church ser vice when the pastoo Rev. W. S. Burgoyne, will give the Moths 's day sermon. Special srtusic is prepared for the day. The Church of Christ also has planned a good program for the Mother's day service" Sunday morning. The Sunday school will have specials and the pastor Rev. J. Gllstrap will give a sermon on "Motherhood and Parenthood." There will be special music and a committee will furnish white and red flowers to those who are not supplied. Banquet for Daughters and Mothers Planned The Woman's Missionary so ciety of the Castle United Breth ern church will hold the annual Mother and Daughter meetlnron Wednesday evening at the church. The banquet at C:S0 o'clock will be served by the men. The reg ular meeting and a program will follow the meal. Mothers and daughters of the charch and com munity are invited. Get in touch with Mrs. J. C. Hill, the president. week meetiag at 7:80 Wedneadav. Chair renearssi at e:33j wednesdsy. XTRST EYAXGELICAL Canter sad Liberty streets. A. P. Lav- ton, psstor. Bible school at 9:45 a.m. I- br-Whornten, Supt. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Subject: "8ecret Springe ei oirengin. Bpoeiai eaotr selection. Christian Endeavor at T s'eloek. Topie, "Developing Good W.S11 Through, the Home." Lawrence Maver. leader. Wor ship st 8 o'clock. Subject, "Baptism of nre.- rTsver meeting en Thnradar ar ening st 8 o'clock. FIRST SPIRITUALIST fraternal Temple ea Center street, be tween Liberty and High. Services Sun day st 7:80 p.m. Bev. LneU M. La Valley will be th speaker. Topie: "Where Ia Your Mother I" Messages. A school of spiritual instruction will bo held 8nnday evening circle from 5:30 to 7 clock. REFORMED CHURCH Corner Capitol and Marion atreeta. W. O. Lienksemper, paster. Sunday school 10 a.m., P. E. Erase. Bupt. Subject: "Making Jesus Kinr.'Enrlish services 11 'clock. Subject: "Mother's Sphere oi inimence. evening services at 8 o'clock. Subject: "Th Holy Spirit's x-ersonaniy ana nori. JASOV 2JBB CHURCH Fairgrounds Road at North Winter aad Jsffertoa streets. Mother's Day oh Sarvsne in th chareh school leagues ad worship services ia readings, apeetal maai aad aermoa. Charch school at 9:45 meatiag by departments. H. B. Carpenter, Supt. "Mother la Right" will be the 4hm f th morning worship. High school folk will have charge t the program at the Old People's horn at 8 pja. Charch forum for all older folk of th charch at 7 p.m. Joseph Barber, leader. Evening warship at 8 p.m. with several special mat teal a ambers closing th music week program. "Music That Baibia." will he th ttem af th even ing. On f the serves of stadias ia th Meaaiar aad Messara af Paateeast will w considered Tharsdsy evsaiag at 7:80. TJOaTAXUZX. BAPTIST Corner Haaet asd AeaAamv atrt Bandar schaola at 10 a.m. Leaaaa La- vitieae . 84. Preaching services at 11 Bat. B. Ira trill preach. Evsa iag Sortie at :45. Miss Bath Tib bits rill sreak. Ptavsr aostinr Tkursdav at 7:45 pm. COURT ST. CHURCH OF CHRIST Cowt aad 17th streets. B. T. She. akaiv paster, 145 8. Winter street. Pheaw 8589-J. Services 11 aja. aad T:SO SJB. Senses toniea: us Math. r's Day Pageant; p.m. "Th Infmene ef Mother. TU pafaaat win be givta by veral womaa ef the ehareh at 11 a.aa. day schol 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Prank Mar. shall. Swpt. Young Peopla'a asMtiags: Chxistiaa Eadeavor aad Jaaier aseetinga at S:S0. There will be a sow ths steel ruiter by Mrs. Marvia Welhr at 11 Teeal aoie JUrgar am inker. Mid- Free Methodist Market snd North Winter streets. W, N. Coffee, pastor. Phone 2296-W. Morn ing service 11 o clock; Rev. J. R. Stewart of Albany preaching. Evening service i:w ciock; me x. r. B. will hsve charge ef the service and will pot on a program ef short sddrestet by several speskers. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Her bert Hansen, Supt. Mid-week services 7:80 p.m. Thursday at the chareh. Yeaag People's meetings 8:30 p.m. - FIRST COHGREGATTOHAL Center and Liberty atreeta. Charles X. Ward, pastor. 440 Crater street. Ser vices li s.m. snd 8 p.m. Sermon top ics: "Oar Debt to Motherhood," s.m. "Th Mother a Oirl Needs." p.m. by J?ne Ki"a. parol officer of th Girls' Industrial school. Sunday aehool 9:45 a.m. P. E. Neer. Bupt. Becaus of the i aessions of the atate conference at Corrallis, May 18-15 our mid-weak meet ing will sot b held this week. FTRST CHRISTIAH High and Canter streets. D. J. How, pastor; phono 1933-J. Morning aerrice U elock; tnbjeet: "Th eiory of Motherhood' Epecial music: morning l?1.. P!,'.'' L My ShepT la ' Shelley. lacidental solo: Wsl ter Ksafmsn. Solo: "Mother of Mia." Burleigh, Walter Kaufman, Evening ser vice 8:00 'clock; subject: "ChrUUaa Hemea." Saaday school 9:45 a.m. J. ProUman Supt Mid-week services 8:00 p.m. Wednesday. Yoaag Paopki's awotiagg 7 p.m. Several groups of C. E. st Is their respective rooms. Cheir rehearsal Tharsdsy 8 pjs. wtjt.t. aasTwarr. Corse 17th and Chamehatm bi rl Uwls Kaa. pester, 1765 State street. Phase 90S-M. Services SaaAay at 11 -aj- aad S p as. Sermoa topics: asorning: "Faithful Mother." Evening: "8uff riag W Jsa,' Iaa 8S.S. Saaday aehool ! a-at. ?g People 'a aseetiaga Satar day rrniag. Week-day terviee Toes ay, Tharsdsy tveninn at chnrch Wed nesday ersalnff Cottage Prayer BM-ticg. BTAJrSBIJSTIO TARXRVACLa a yKPr. Service Safer-. y; 7:4S p.m. Toang Popls aaeetutg. The assUtsat district Sapi. wiU be pres- Bive Ua message leg th evea iag. r Saaday aehool at 1 :45 sjl . Chareh wvte at Ij EvangeKttie service at Taaay: BlbU ttady at f:44 pjt. WsdaU.y; YarPopU's pray "r 7:80 p.m. t a held this at th. home f Mr. aad Mrs. B. W. ?.. .forth 18th. Rev. Wilaoa U1 give a leetar a Psnoaal Work. Thartdayi ( regalsr charch prsysr meet ing t t:45 pja. - Dallas Plans Special Exercises for Sunday In Honor Mother's Day DALLAS, May 9 Special Mo ther's Day service will be observed at the Methodist church Sunday morning, when six girls from the Junior department will give an exercise entitled "Mother's Help ers." Other appropriate readings will be given by the department. Rev. J. W. Warrell will give a special sermon for the occasion. Sunday school will be held at 9:45 a. m., Epworth League at 7 o'clock, when J. Schmidt will give a talk on China, evangelis tic services will be at 7:0 p. m. with special music by the choir and a sermon by the pastor on JSternai Life." Christian Young People Sponsor Skating Party To Be Held Monday Night The Salem Christian Vmmr People's society will sponsor a skating party to be held at Dream land rink on Monday evening. May 12, from T until 10 o'clock. All young people belonging to any so ciety or Sunday school of any of the chnrch are invited. There will be a small charge to cover use of the rink. Anyone desiring; further infor mation may telephone Miss Leah Fanning, at 1153W. Former Pendleton Pastor Will Preach at Baptist . Church Twice on Sunday Dr. William H. Robins, consid ered one ot the best preachers in Oregon, and tor five years pastor at Pendleton, will preach both Sunday morning and evening at the First Baptist church, it is an nounced. Dr. Robins is coming to Salem from Hoquiam, Wash., where he has just finished a suc cessful evangelist campaign. Dr. Robins will preach Sunday morning at 11 o'clock on "Enoch, a Type ot the Church" and at 8 o'clock on "The Last Prophet's Last Testimony." Business Girls Schedule Meet for Tuesday Night The Business Girls Bible class of the First Methodist church will meet Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Augusta Brelthaupt, 297 South 15th, at 6:30 o'clock from a Boston Bean party. Miss Brelthaupt will be assisted by Miss Violet Hoover, Miss Minnie Miller and Misa Edna Miller. Polk County Pastors Set Monday Morning For Monthly Meeting DALLAS, May 9 The regular monthly meeting of the Polk county ministerial association will be held In Dallas Monday morning, may iz, Beginning at 10 o'clock in the Presbyterian charch with the Rev. James A. Smith nreafd- ing. Rev. R. p. Genter of Indenen- dence will bring the message of the morning dealing with the coming primary election. Other business matters will be consid ered also. Foreign Missionary Group Will Meet on Wednesday The Women's Foreign Mission ary society of the First Methodist church wll meet Wednesday aft ernoon la the church parlors at 2:20 o'clock. This will be a tea meeting with the president, Mrs. M. C. Findley, acting as chairman. The devotions will bo -presented by Mrs. Mettis Schramm. Mrs. Paul Edwards, assisted by Mrs. G. E. Lewis, wm give the lesson. KLAMATH GROWS FAST KLAMATH "AT.T.ei Or . vr. t (AP) Final figure In the census count available " today showed this city's population as ia. i in tne city limits, it re presents an Increase of 243 per cent since 1120 when the popula tion was 4,J01. SACRED MUSIC TO SUNDAY Mother's Day Concert at First Methodist Climaxes Better Music Week A sacred concert will be given in the First Methodist church on Sunday evening as a fitting cli max of Better Mnslc Week and the observance of Mother's Day. Prof F. W. Gaw will have charge of the vested choir and Prof. T. S. Roberts will preside at the organ, -Several numbers will be given by the church orchestra, di rected by Ralph Morrison. The following program will be given : Organ Prelude, "Slumber Song" Booth, Prof. T. S. Roberts. Processional Hymn No. 021, "Hark, hark my soul." Orchestra numbers directed by Ralph Morrison: "Dawn," Cad man; "Oasis" Grunn; "Midsum mer Night's Serenade," 'Albenis. Congregational Hymn No. 540, "O, Could I Speak the Matchless Worth." Invocation, by the pastor. Anthem, "Open Our Eyes," MacFarlane. Solo, "Little Mother O'Mine," Burleigh; Miss Eleanor Moore. Motet for Chorus "By Baby lon's Wave," Gounod. Solo by Richard D. Barton. Offertory, organ and piano duet, "Canzone Amorosa," Nevil. Prof. T. S. Roberts and Robert Magin. Chorus, "I Waited for the Lord," Mendelssohn. Solos by El eanor Moore and Ruth How. Solo, "Lullaby," Jakobowskl; Miss Ruth How. Motet for tenor solo and chorus, "The Sorrows of Death," Cooms; Incidental solo by Robert Craven. Benediction. LESLIE GETS PICTURE see Portrait of First Pastor Hung- in BuUding e CHURCH HISTORY TOLD A great amount of interest has been created at Leslie Memorial charch by the appearance of a picture of Rev. John H. Roork, the first pastor. For a number of years the picture hung in the church, but following a time of rebuilding, the picture wag put aside and ' probably would have been destroyed had it not been saved by a friend of Rev. Roork. The picture has been returned to Leslie Memorial chnrch, through the kindness of Oliver Jory of South Salem, who has been safe guarding it for a num ber of years. The picture was "or iginally presented to the church In 1904, by Mrs. J. D. Lee. Rev. Roork was the first pastor of Leslie church, then South Sa lem, being appointed in 1868. He was In charge of the erection of the first building that same year. The original building is still standing, but there have been (many changes made to it. The lumber for this building was se cured from the South Salem mills, which were located at the west end of Miller street. It was under the direction of Rev. Roork, that the present building of First Methodist church was completed. He again served Leslie church when he was appointed as pastor in 1891. MISTER 1 LEAVE MONDAY F GERVAIS, May 9 Mother's day will be fittingly observed at the Presbyterian church Sunday when the pastor, Rey. H. L. Graf lous will preach on "The Mission of Motherhood." There will be appropriate music by the church choir. Rev. and Mrs. Grafious and their two Bona, Louis and Arthur, will leave by motor early Monday morning for Cincinnati, Ohio, where Rev. Grafious will attend the General Assembly of the Pres byterian church and the family will visit relatives and friends at their old home. They expect to be gone about two months. Rey. Grafious has arranged the following programs for church services during his absence. On May 18, a group of students from Albany college will conduct the service; May 25, , Rev. D. A. Thompson of Portland will occupy the pulpit: June 7 a Children's day program will be given by the Sunday school; Jane 8. Rev. Wal lace Howe Lee of Albany will be nere; June IS Rev. Large, church missionary of Eugene, will speak. Red Hills Convention At Liberty Hall Held With Entire Success LIBERTY The Red Hflla Sun day school convention which was neid at the Liberty hall last Sun day was well attended, with dele gates from Roberts. Salem Heights, Pringle and Rosedale. An interesting program was given. In the morning Prof. C. M. Keefer cave a talk on "Rnral Church Schools and Their Needs." The afternoon sermon on "Arte sian .Lives" was given by Rev. C. W. Hatch of Salem. The Dresent staff of officers wan reelected: John Van Lyndegraf of Prlnele. n resident: Mrs. Zinser of Salem Heights, vice president; tsui uerna ox Ldoerty, secretary-treasurer. SERVICES Ti T Sunday church services on the radio: 10:30 KPO. San Francisco, Nonsectarian service, Dr. Newton Moats. 11:00 KHQ, Spokane, Central Methodist Episcopal. KTAB, Oakland. Church serv ice; chapel of chimes. KNX, Long Beach, First Pres byterian. KHJ, Los Angeles, First M. E. church. KGW, Portland, KGO, Oakland, National Youth conference, Dr. Daniel A. Poling, "When shall I stop?" 12:00 Same stations, Cathedral hour, Dr. 8. Parkea Cad man, "Doubt and Progress." 2:00 Same stations. Catholic hour. 8:00 KOMO, Seattle, First Church of Christ, Scientist. KSL, Salt Lake City, L. D. 8. service. KHQ, Spokane, New Episcopal cathedral. Marion Pastor Gives Brotherhood Address TURNER. May 9 The Men's Brotherhood of the M. E. church held a very Interesting meetinr Tuesday evenln- at the church. Rey. Robert C. Smith of Marion gave the address on the "Bene fits of Community Work In Gen eral." S. H. Bond entertained with a short talk. Special music was glyen by the men's quartet, F. C. Gunning, Ivan Hadley, D. B. Parks, and U. E. Denver A mlttee was named to arrange tor some needed gravel for the street in front of the chnrch. Official Board to Hold Special Meet Wednesday The reeular monthlv meetln- of the official board of th Flrt Methodist ehurch will be held on Wednesday evening in the church parlors, with W. C. Winslow, chairman, presiding. Regular matters of business will be taken up. and a preliminary report of the Judicious committee will be fiyen. Women of Lutheran Society Will Meet Wednesday Afternoon The Ladles' Guild of the Amer ican Lutheran church will hold its regular meeting Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock, wben hostess will be Mrs. John Dryland, Mrs. G. G. L. Bartelt and Mrs. A. C. Mey ers. A mission program will be given, with Mrs. C. M. Byrd In charge. The Central Boosters of that church will hold a hard time party Wednesday night at 8 o'clock in the ehurch social rooms. Henry Aherns, president of the .Boost ers, will be In charge of the ceremonies. Younger Folk to Attend Church Program and Party The Mother's Jewels and Home Guards, Home Missionary auxil iaries of the First Methodist church, will give a party and pro gram In the narlors of the church on Saturday, May 17. Mrs. E. C. Miner, conference secretary of children's work, and her commit tee have the plans in charge. Children from the beginners de partment through the Junior are eligible for this afternoon ot stor ies, games and refreshments. Dorcas Society to Meet On Wednesday Afternoon The Dorcas society of Christ Lutheran chnrch, Eighteenth and State street, will meet at the church parlors Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. L. E. Barrlck, Mrs. F. Bush and Mrs. Louise Abry as hostesses. Mrs. H. F. Batter man. Mr, irrsnk Siebens and Mrs,' Anna Wain will serve as the program committee for the meeting. Catholic Young. People Invite Woodburn Society GERVAIS. May 9 The Younr People's club ot the Catholic church held its regular meetinr Tuesday evening at which time it was decided to invite the young people of the Woodburn parish here for the evening of May 12. Games and refreshments filled out the time after the business meeting. AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH Church fit. Bt. Chemeketa A Center. A Downtown Cfcnrch. 11 A. M. "Mother's Day." What W Owe Our Mothers. Special Mothers Day Musical Program, The Vested, Choir. Miss Arbutus Rudie. Marvin Johnson singing solos. Floral Tributes to all Mothers-Senior Girls. 7:30 Mothers of the Bible. "My Mother's Prayer," Mrs. A. J. Sholseth ' "Wonderful Mother of Mine. Kenneth Abbott, the Girls' Chorus, and Marvia Johnson, "The Silent Voice Roma. Honor Tewr Mother by Attending Omrch Mother's Day s Rey. P. W. Eriksen. Pastor. Mothers to Hear Sermon From Book Over Century Old Wheat mothers aad oth ers congregate at the First Methodist charch at 11 :0O o'clock Sunday morning for special. Mother's Day pro gram, they will hear ser mon on "Magnifying Moth erhood," the text for which Rev. Fred C. Taylor will read from a mother's worn Bible, now more than a hundred years old. The members of the Sig ma Tan fraternity of Willa mette university will attend ia a body, accompanied by their mothers, and will oc cupy reserved pews. Special masie will be given by the vested choir and John Crnkovich will sing "Moth er O'Mine" by Tours. Recognition will be given to the oldest and youngest mothers, the oldest MethodV 1st mother, the mother of the largest family, War mothers, and Gold Star mothers pres ent. The service will open with an organ Fantasia of "Old Time Melodies," which will include a number of charch hymns which the mothers nsed to sing, and win close with the hymn "Blest Be the Tie that Binds. The charch auditorium will be decorated with floral tributes to mother. cny BAPTIST PROGRAM IS GIVER The program for the coming week at the Calvary Baptist church is as follows: Monday evening at 7:45 at the church the board of trustees will meet and the W. W. G. eirls will meet at the home of Alma Willis, 680 Oxford street. Carol Stod dard will have charge of the lat ter program. The Married People's class will have a banquet at the church Tuesday evening at 6:30. A fine program has been arranged. Wed nesday, prayer meeting at 8 o'clock. The women of the Lebanon Baptist church Missionary soeietv will be here Thursday to give a program to tne women of this church. Twenty five or 30 wom en are expected, and it la honed the Calvary Baptist group will nave a nunarea per cent attend ance. Choir rehearsal will be held at 7:45 o'clock Thursday. General Aid Makes Plans To Conduct Rummage Sale The General Aid societv of the First Methodist church will eon- duct a rummage sale and paper unve in tne Bilgn block Friday and Saturday. May 16 and 17, the proceeds of the sale going toward the society's pledge to the church school temple fund. The presi dents of the seven circles are a committee to arrange the affair. They are Mrs. I. L. McAdams, Mrs. P. J. Kunts, Mr. William Yarnell. Mrs. E. C. Miller, Mrs. A. A. Underbill. Mrs. E. B. Mil ler, Mrs. A. A. Underhill, Mrs. E. B. Millard, and Mrs. F. A. Legge. The president of the General Aid is Mrs. W. C. Young. PBOERlifflLD Ford Memorial Community Church Will Give: Recog nition Sunday Night At the Sunday' evening; aervi. e at the Ford Memorial ehurch a special musical program will U given in commemoration of Moth er's Day. The following number will appear on the program: Piano duet, Luella and Rtn'r Rees. Vocal solo. "Mother O'Pearl. Maxine Ferguson. Vocal duet. "Mother's Bible.' Ada Clarke and Helen Gosser. Vocal solo by Josephine Alton. Vocal trio by three girls. Vocal solo, "Dear Little Motfc . of Mine," Curtis Ferguson. Vocal duet, "A Flower for Toj. Mother Dear." Mrs. Briakley t.. Mildred Gardner. Vocal solo. "Songs My Motlr Used to Sing," R. A. Raymond. Special recognition will be giv .i to the oldest mother present, i the youngest mother, to the moth er of the youngest baby, to the mother of the largest famllw na to the mother who has the largt-t number of children present. Boy Scouts of the church wi-1 meet Tuesday night and the Wom en's Foreign Missionary socltty afternoon at ths aome of Mr. Grace Bliss. OFFICER TO TALK Sill!'!' A special address and sbow i; of part of a moving picture :) feature the Mother's Day evn,1 services at the First Congrn. -tional church Sunday. Mrs. .lu . Nisses, parole officer of the m -' industrial school, will give thf . r dress on "The Mother a . Needs," at 8 o'clock, this 'o followed by showing of the mov . "The Satin Woman." The film features Mrs. Wsil. Reid of whom it I said: "Evu- Woman's club in America 6taruis ready to cooperate with any screen venture Mrs. Reid is in terested in." "The Satin Woman" fs Mi. Reid's own production and is the story of a mothef who is so en grossed in being the leader of fashion that she forgets that st. is also a wife and mother until it is too late. Her life is then spect in trying to atone for her past negligence and In watching over her only daughter. Then- crme a critical situation in which th mother seeks to save her daugh ter from the wiles of an adven turer by herself becoming her daughter's rival for a man who worthy of neither of them. Trt. outcome is both dramatic and cir p rising. Aid to Meet The Ladies' Aid of the Court street Church of Christ will hold an all day meeting on Wednesday. WTO napoitirelyrcwd yeurtaWa,rirturi and faults m the erarwrngs, worts ark what note that you scribble when Jloel n thought. 1 Bend yoarcrlbbQncswor signature Uacwt fro a be af Cloado 9mum 1AGU PENC& CO. MEW TOUCxW Mothers Day Ocrvico SUNDAY MORNING 11 O'CLOCK HOLLYWOOD THEATER Conducted by Robert L, Payne former paster ef the First Baptist Chareh Salem has a population ef over 26,000 people, S.OM persons will more than fill every charch baflding in Salem Why not the remaining 18,008 come ea eat to Hollywood for Mothers Day Servicer 7 On B - rl CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Corner High and Ferry Rodgers Bldg. Sunday School i:40 A. M. W. T. Jenks, Supt Preaching Services 10:60 A. M. and 8:00 F. M. B. Y. P. U.s at 7: F. M. A WONDERFUL MOTHER Anthem, "There's A Friend in the Heme land, Havens Solo Selected, Lawrence Deacon GENTLE AS A NURSE Nurses of the Salem General hospital la at tendance and will furnish special music. Anthem. "Soldiers of Christ, Arise,- William W. Earl Cochran, pastor (note chaage ia thae of all erealng; service) First Methodist Church Jfred C. Taylor, Minister MOTHERS' DAY. SEDGES :45 A. M. Church School Session. 11:00 A. M. Sermon "asAjying Motherhood" Anthem "Ha, Every One that ThiTstethw Mac Failanc Solo "Mother O Mine' Tour John Crnkovich 7:00 P.M. Youno; People's Service 8:00 P. M. Sacred Concert by the Choir and Orchestra aTtVaL "A - af"V ' - , vwne u nrrrcn on Smday bt Honor of Mother