V" paTGON STATESMAN, gafcn. Oregon. Friday tloraUr, Miy , WO PAGE SEVEN I..' V Local News Briefs lestra n tar Sending Out Exame-Materlals iprjllie May state eighth grade ex- agnations vere being assembled at tie county superintendent's of fice" yjesterday and will be mailed (Hit before the first of the week. The examiBations will be held next Wednesday and Thoraday, May 14 and 15. Ordinarily these examinations are held on Thurs day and Friday, but they have been set ahead a day because pri mary electioas fall oa Friday and many school nooses are used as voting places. There are as yet no figures on how many pupils will write. Yeomen There will be. dinner at C:30 p. m. Saturday. May 10th, followed by lodge and entertain ment at Fraternal Temple. Visit ing Yeomen welcome. Outages Made Two changes have been made in the roster of candidates for the Girls' League elections at the high school, the names- of Kathleen Phelps, who had been nominated for president, and Rath Chapman, who wag scheduled to run for rice presi dent, having been taken from, the list because these girls chose to run for student body offices. The name of Derothy Kellogg was sub stituted for Kathleen Phelps and Doris McCallister for Ruth Chap man. Invited to Talk Alfred C. Schmitt, head of the department of finance and administration at O. A. C. has invited A. C. Bohrn- stedt, local real estate dealer, to give a talk before his real estate finance class this morning. Bohrn- stedt will tell the pupils something of financing real estate transac tions and the method of procedure relative to the Federal Land tank. All Indications to point to large attendance Monday night. Crystal Hirjlftn Tirl nTafoAH An lite viaiui.u. luu auvu cklili ins LCL i niiiua nlrl-timp dnm orrhpQtra I Admit Charges Charge s placed against Sarah E. Myhee, an incompetent person, are admitted in an answer filed by the defen dant's attorney in circuit court Thursday. The plaintiffs, W. H. and E. H. Barendrick ef MeMinn ville, allege that $415 is due them for medical services. The defen dant's attorney seeks the appoint ment of someone by the ceurt to take care of the defendant's prop erty and to settle the claim. Dad Watson, Monday, CTystal Garden, Mother's Day. Real old time dance. have prepared Day program. special Mother's Uniform Observance Set Seek ing uniform observance of Me morial Day in the Salem schools, a committee led by Miller B. Hay den from the federated patriotic societies, yesterday conferred with the city school superinten dent. As a result, the superinten dent announced that all schools will hold their programs at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, May 23. Programs Repeated The Girls' Numeral club of the high school ha3 been invited to repeat its Jym Jamboree at the bays' training school near Woodburn next Tues day night. The group presented the performance at the deaf school last night. Both programs in the state schools were under the auspices of the Salem Woman's club Insti tutions committee. Dad Watson, Monday, Crystal Garden. Mother's Day. Real Id time dance. Departments More The state motor vehicle department and the state traffic division which have occupied quarters in the state priniting office structure for the past two years, Thursday moved into the new state office building: The two departments will occupy; the entire lower floor of the new structure.. Vagrant Released Roy Olson and Carl Hendricks were released from the county jail Thursday tit er being committed there en a vagrancy charge. -The young men were accused of being "Idlers" and of spending their nights "in barns, shops and ears." In the complaint filed in the justice court April 23. Dollar dinner neiy night S:45 to 8 at the Marion hotel. Payne to Preach Rev. Robert L. Payne, former pastor ef the First Baptist church here, an nounced yesterday that he will preach a Mother's Day service Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at the Hollywood theatre. Arrange ments for special music are being made. Junior Group Elects Earl Reinwald has been elected pres ident of the high school junior chamber of commerce for next year. Other officers are: Enola Johnston, secretary: Esther Huns- aker. treasurer: Frances Lane, sergeant-at-arms; Lillian Peters, advertising manager. Dance with Novak's Girls' band Mellow Moon Saturday. Meets With Club W. W. Fox, rural school supervisor, was in Woodburn last night to meet with the JUG dub, which held a picnic as the final event la the club' year The club, of which Lillian Shaner of McKee is president. Is com posed of teachers in the section of the county north of saiem. Kewberg Makes Big Gain Preliminary figures give Newberg a population Of 247 ah tecreaae of SSI over the 1920 enumera tion. This gives Newberg S3 more inhabitants than McMinnville, as preliminary count for McMinn ville was 2.84. A recheck tj be ing mad la Jlctyiannile. Club Phuu Picnic The Latin clh of the high school will hold a picnic Tuesday at Hager s Grove. Arrangements for the event are In the hands of Howard Teepic Blanche Reeee. Bessie St. Clair, Margaret Smart and Martha Kumler. Census Count Give Four hundred and seventy-one names were counted In the census enu meration as of Mar f, with 348 of these coming from Marion countr: 48 from Polk and 75 from Yamhill, according to fig ures from the district office. New Arrival Reported Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hart of 1244 Ferry street are narents of a seven Donnd rirl. born yesterday morn ing at the Bungalow Maternity home. She has been named Billy Lou. Girl to Hoereths An eight pound girL Ruth Joan, was born Sunday morning at the Bungalow maternity .home to Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Hoereth of 1149 East Nobb rJPerefJ aletriciasv No Licenses Issued -Thursday was a shut-out as far as marriage licenses were concerned at the county clerks office. Judge Siegmuud across the hall, was not pessimistic about the outlook for the marriage business, however, casually remarking that his office performed nearly one hundred marriages a year, taking 12 months together. j Stock Ordered Change Per mission to change five shares of preferred P. E. P. company stock to five shares or an e$ual par amount or the stock of the Cen tral PnLlie Service company was issued by Judge John Slegmund in probate court Thursday. The First National bank has the stock as trust office for Lydia Yokley, an incompetent person. Want used furniture. Tel. 511. Makes Cross Complaint An answer and a cross-complaint was filed in circuit court Thursday In the case of the Gabriel Powder and Supply company vs. Benjamin W. Randall, et al. Nelson Bros., one of the defendants, seek to stop the plaintiff from taking any prior claims against the defendants. Decree Issued A decree issued Arie E. Snook freeing her from her husband, G. L. Sneok, was signed Thursday by Judge L. H. McMahan. Twins, about five years old, are granted to the cus tody of the mother who Is also given alimony ot SIS a month with which to support the chil dren. . Is Oncaoalia. When the St chosen member of the orch leave Wednesday for Lebanon a concert, two of the members are Bertha Aim, of Silrerton. and Dale Rohhins, ot Salem, and from Marion county. Miss Aim has played in the orchestra for several years, and has gone on similar or chestra tripe. She is a member of Phi Beta, . national professional music honorary for women. She plays the violin. Baby chicks. Special sale today on Barred Rocks and Reds. Open evenings. Salem Chickerles. 284 North Cottage, Mist Creech Busy Julia Creech of Salem, is directing the choruses for the feature acts to be used as intermissions for the annual can 'e fete at Eugene. She is also a member of the chorus. Miss Creech was the secretary of the freshman class this past year, and was recently elected to Kwama, sophomore women's honorary. She is affiliated with Kappa Kap pa Gamma. License Suspended The driv er's license of George H. Smelling was suspended for ten days when he appeared in municipal court Thursday to answer a charge of taking the right of way from an- o trier motorist. is. V. ralk was ned $5-fpr speeding. Experienced shoes and clothing man wanted at nnpp DirAtnr'a. CITY MAY BUILD ITS FIREBOXES Council Members Urged to Abandon Contract Plan For Local Job Remember The Falls Loop drive. Silver Creek i Keenan Home Rev. Thomas V. Keenan is home this week aft er a fortnight spent In California. Rev. Keenan went as far south as San Diego. Much- rainy weather was encountered he said. "Busi ness and pleasure" was the mo tive of his Journey, Keenan said Thursday. Named Guardian D. R. Ross was named guardian ad litem for Relvn Downing. Donald Down ing and Daniel Downing in circuit court here Thursday. The three young people, all minors, are de fendants in a suit brougnt Dy m J. Haggerty and Dercy Haggerty. Let us De Moth your davenpoi or rugs. PestlesB gas is positive protection. Imperial Furniture to Tel. 1142. Sells Mother's Pine Maxine Glover, of Salem, will have charge of selling mothers' pins In the Gamma Phi Beta house at Eugene. These pins are tor the Oregon Mothers, and will sell for a dol lar apiece. Candidate to Speak George R Wilbur of Hood River, candidate for the democratic nomination for governor, will be the speaker at the Lions club luncheon at noon today Dance with Novak's Girls' band Mellow Moon Saturday. case Dismissed The case of W. C. Orcutt vs. George Smith and Marie A. Smith, was dis missed without prejudice to either party from Judge L. H. McMa- han's court Thursday. Case Dismissed The case of the Homer H. Smith Insurance mented on the fact that Gamewell representatives taking council- men north to Everett did not stop I to show them the system in Ta- coma. An Informal poll of the coun cil Indicates that the bid of the Gamewell company will probably be rejected at the next meeting owing to opposition of the council to spending that much money at Oaardbui Changed Permission to change the guardian of Henry Sehmidbauer. a minor, frem Anne DiyIs to Marie R. Simpson was ianed In nrobate court here Thursday. Mrs. Simpeen is sister of the lad wno now uvea with her. BdMurr Named Fred A. Roo- ney was named administrator of the estate et Marine ooaey w nrobate court here Thursday. The estimate value of the estate is 3900 in real and personal prop erty. Dad Watson. Monday. Special Mother's Day program. Real oia time dance. Crystal Garden. A ways enjoyable. Highland Evet Today The pageant. "Every Child's Heritage which Highland School has pre pared for May Day will be held on the school rrouhds this afternoon at 2 o'clock if weatner conauions are favorable. Asks More Data More defi nite information as a basis for lawsuit is asked by defendants Merle Ramp and Clare Fuller in a reply complaint filed against time Ramn. nlaintiff. in circuit court Thursday. Clinic Is Held Seventeen chfl dren were examined at the Engle- wood pre-school clinic Tnursaay morning. Three ot the children were graded perfect: Verneta Bat son, Doris Hill and Roy Case. Drill Tram Bleets All girls In Dr. H. C. EDley's Melody Maaers drill team are to meet at the Y. M. C. A. tonight at 7:10. wnen Mrs D D. Olmsteaa mm ne pres ent to assist with the drifting. Marshy Yttt H. E. Mur phy, formerly 'of tkis city but now Of Newport. Wash., is spending a few days In this section. He owns a farm at Lyons and is nere cniei- ly to look after IU Visits Schools The rural schools at Hayesvllle, Middle Grove and nearby points were vis ited yesterday br County Super intendent Mary I Falkerson. Doctor In Portland Dr. Ver non A. Douglas and J. E. Blink horn, dairy nd food Inspector, spent yesterday In Portland on business. Reflreed Mas Here J- H. O'Neill, traveling passenger agent for the Unto Pacific, was in the city yesterday from Portland. A saving of approximately $15.- 000 can be effected through the city's installation of Its own fire alarm system was the assurance offered by Lewis Degen, indepen dent engineer for fire alarm sys- tor 85 cords of wood. Miss Alice Creasy is staying et the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brock. She is now working at the woolen mills in Salem. Ben Creasy et West Salem re cently left for Eureka, California, where he has, joined his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Creasy, who recently went there. - is a ; a j um lines are rcing eiieouett . i . r f into West Salem. Work is being LOC4I OlUUCIIl dl U. O. u. iu SJ"JLJf.re Take Course In Retailing It is thought that later the town will be canvassed and gas will be put is the home of those in West Salem tha wish It. ElVEIiEJEBB At N. Y. University an&A grandchild, Thomas A. Rob erts, Jr. Tha following step children also survive: Mrs. Carrie Prince ot Grand Island. Nebr.; Mrs. Will D. Forbes ot Paso Ru bles, Calif.; Sam Roberts ef Jef ferson, Iowa: W. W. Roberts of Hermosa Beach, Calif.; Ell Rob- ; erts of Qulnlan, Okie.; and Mrs. Sarah Brackett ot Seattle. Ezra S. Webb, son of T. 7. u t..,j Webb, route 8, Salem, has won a 4JBir??rre scholarship in New York Unlver- and baby daughter went to Aub urn Sunday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sntter. Mrs. Leonard Burgoyne was e tems, in talking with members of j Wednesday visitor at the home ot the city council here. Mr. Degen returned to Tacoma, his home, yesterday, after going into the lo cal situation. A meeting of coun cilmen is expected to be held some evening next week when Mr. Degen will return and present his case. Baker ot Third scholarship slty school ot retailing. Ezra is now a student at O. S. C, finish ing his course there in June. News of his appointment was brought to Salem by Prof. H. T. Vance of the School of Commerce at the state college, who was In Salem yesterday. Webb is a grad uate of Salem high school and has won high honors in college Mrs. Waldo street. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Fox, Jr., of Longview, Washington, spent the weekend in West Salem. Wbll hrA the? visited at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Leonard t Corvallis. He was manager of Bureovne and at the home of Mr. the Barometer, student daily, for at nnnt th enunrii ha the I Pot. nrnu Mr. and Mn. Con-1 nearly two years: president Of Al bid ot the Gamewell company, the rad Fox ot McNary avenue. I Pha Delta Sima. advertising non virtual monopoly in the field, of- j Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Fox and orary; and was recently voted the fering to Install a 50-bex system son. Jacob, attended a birthday most representative man in me for $39,000. Mr. Degen says that I party at the Frank Stevens home senior class. He is a member of under his practice he prepares 1 in Salem. It was the birthday of eagma Aipna tipaiKja, bocibi ira specifications, calls tor bids for I Mr. Stevens. the supplies, and superintends the installation ot the equipment. The result, he believes would be that the work could be done for around 825,000. Degen is now superintending the installation ot a fire alarm system in Tacoma which will come within his esti mate of $180,000 which means a saving to Tacoma of $70,000 ovSr the estimates made by the con tractors. Accompanying Mr. Degen was Mr. Olden, a former member of the Portland fire department in charge of the alarm system, now retired and residing south of Sa lem. Mr. Olden is an old ac quaintance of Mr. Degen. Mr. Degen Is the only indepen dent engineer in the country mak ing the planning and construction of fire alarm systems his special ty. He works the same as any other engineer or architect, on a fee basis. Degen Invited mem bers of the council to visit Ta coma and view the new system re cently put In there. He com- REGHECKING LOCAL SI CM S CM 10 agency against A. O .Anderson was dismissed f ram eireult court Thursday without prejudice to the plaiutiff or the defendant. Auto Hood Stolen Lite Wat ers, 1658 Court street, reported to the police Thursday that the hood was stolen from an automo bile parked in front of her home. Hike Postponed T he hike Work of rechecking is about finished in the down town dis trict. But It Is going on In several other districts. And names are coming In from all parts of Sa lem, and from other parts of the county, and other counties. In an swer to the cards running in the newspapers. Also, the rechecking of the managers of industries and mercantile establishments is bringing in names, by mail, phone and by personal calls, all hours of the day and evening. It is important that families where students are away from home make recheeks, in order to have as few of these as possible missed, because Salem does not get any university students whose homes are, not here, And some are bound to be missed, the best that can be done. It is safe to say that if all the students away from Salem could be found and counted, the popula tion figure for Salem, when It Is announced, within the next few days, will run above 28,000, or about a 50 per cent gain in 10 terntty. The scholarship In tha New York University school of retail ing is supported by the large de partment stores ot New York. It gives the holder opportunity to enter store service and take uni versity work, which leads to a master's degree. The remunera tion amounts to $680. . On the board ot trustees are such men as Samuel W. Reyburn of Lord and Taylor; Benjamin H. Namm of the Namm store; Percy S, Straus, of Maey's; Bernard G. Gimbel of Glmbel Brothers, and others, "We are greatly pleased at the selection of Webb tor this schol arship," said Dr. Vance. "He is the third O. S. C. boy to win it in the last three years. Webb is one of our outstanding men on the campus and this gives him a won derful opening for an excellent position In big mercantile organ izatlons. There were- 70 appllca tions for the scholarship with only fire to be chosen, so it is a rare distinction which Webb has won.' NffiS ROBERTS the present time. Whether any- eitnM. Mrt1t Y-va A in a In the planned by the Y. M. C. A. Cadets r.T. . . Lm J" fc..: years, for Saturday has been postponed 1 ! 1,. w " " All who have er one week, it is announced by Ivan White, boys work secretary. Dwelling Planned Emma Mur phy Brown took out a permit Thursday for construction of a $1000 -dwelling at 1630 South Summer street. Order Issued An order of de fault was issued in circuit court Thursday in the case of Cleo Mc- Morrls against Vivian McMorris. Duncan ia Portland Fred ing with Mrs. Degen. THREE SUITS RIED IU CIRCUIT COURT not made re- checks, firms and individuals, are urged to do so today, for the Sa lem census should be closed up and the tentative total announced, very early next week just as soon as the office force can make the final checks. Three new complaints, origin ated actions in circuit court, were filed here Thursday while a fourth anMided a comnlalnt nre- Dunean of Miller's men's wear de- yiously placed with the county paniutrui, aycBb luursusy in roilr I clerk. land on business. The Parker Stage lines com menced action to demand that the Girl Reserves 6 To Spent Week Upon Santiam About 20 members of the high school Girl Reserves wJU leave this IS CALLED BY DEATH Mrs. Sarah Jane Roberts, moth of Thomas A. Roberts, died yesterday morning at the home on Marion street at the age of 80 years. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o clock from the Rigdon mortu ary. Rev. W. C. Kantner offi ciating. Although Mrs. Roberts had been in ill health for some little time, death is attributed to shock as the result ot a fall suffered three weeks ago. She sustained broken hip la the fall. She had lived in Salem since 191S. coming here from Iowe following the death la 111 of her husband. . She leaves, besides the eon here. a brother. H. hC Baker ef Salem, Have An Attractive Read how you can get it! JAP-A-LAC Bluebird Waste Basket and three Bluebird stencils are FREE with every purchase of a pint or more of Glidden JAP-A-LAC Enamel, The Quick Drying; Finish. The graceful wastebasket (a 50c value) as it comes in this offer is unpainted, permitting you to finish it in any color scheme you wish. It is made of durable fibre in four pieces which lock together quickly. The Bluebird Stencils (a $1.00 value) are made of the finest waxed stencil stock, and can be used in deco rating the wastebasket, and many articles in your home, such as drapes, pillow cases, and walls. JAP-A-LAC Enamel is made in 18 attractive colors, these colors being expertly selected as the popular ones of today. All of this is yours absolutely free with the purchase of a pint or more of the famous Glidden JAP-A-LAC Four Hour Enamel. Wo Paints, Wall Paper, Pictures 455 Court St. YES WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN STAMPS VISIT IX ALBANY AURORA. May S Miss Estell Imlah and Claud Morelaad drove to Albany to spend the week end with their respective families. Miss I tha Hnnt who accompanied them, went on to Com Ilia where she was the guest of Evelyn Grim who lives at Waldo Hall and at tending Oregon State. ii" i i ii. i n Obi tuary Fairfowl Died at the residence, 2479 Walker street, Wednesday morn ing, Thomas Fairfowl, T4. Sur vived by one brother, James. Fu neral services Friday at 1:30 o'elock from the dough-Taylor chapel, concluding services at City View cemetery. ReT. H. C. Stover of Knight Memorial church officiating. English Died, at the residence, 26S0 Cherry street, Wednesday morn lag, Frank A. English. 74. Sur vived by widow, Mrs. E. M. Eng lish, and following children: Pen noyer F., of College Station, Tex as; Felix A., of Carlton; Bryan J., of Portland; Mrs. Catherine R Garsou of Salem. The Rosary will be recited at 7:30 Friday evening at the W. T. Rigdon and Son cha pel. Funeral services will be held Saturday at t a. m. at St. Vincent de Paul church. Interment win he In St. Barbara cemetery, 'Koberts Died, at the residence. S4S Mar fan street. Hay t, Sarah Jane Roberts, 90. Mother ot Thomas A. Roberts of Salem: sister of H. M. Baker of Salem; grandmother of Thomas A. Roberts; Jr.,' -also of Salem. Also survived by tbe fol- We Rent Vacuum Cleaners ' s tAi 3elJ 193, Cee4 Itvmitso 151 5. HJgfc John K. Leander company return 1 afternoon to nend tha weak end to tne piaintiu me sum oi 25 whleh is alleged to have been paid the defendant May , 1928 en advance and without any goods being received by the plalh-tiff. A divorce and a lump settle ment of alimony for $500 la ask ed by Bertha Loske, the plaintiff In an action against August M. Loske. The couple was married August 23, IS 25, In this City. The defendant used rile language In speaking, to tbe plaintiff, she al leges, and in addition had an un governable temper and Injured her health. Foreclosure of a mortgage on property owned by Gertrude J. M. Page is sought by P. i. Biacter by, plaintiff in an action begun Thursday, Blackerby alleges that he loaned the defendant $3500 in 1920, taking a note due In five years. This note is now overdue five years and he seeks to take the mortgaged property. Walter W. Wolf has amended his complaint filed some time ago fn which he seeks divorce from Veda Wolf. The couple were mar ried May 29, at Dilley, Oregon. On at least two occasions, Mrs. Wolf left her husband, he alleges, go ing on one occasion to California and being absent for two weeks until Wolf was forced to go south to bring her home. o -o West Salem X Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Baldwin and two sons ot Rosedale recently moved to Skinner street, where taer will make their home. Mrs. Baldwin is an aunt of Mrs. Allen Craig of Skinner street Mr. and Mrs. Allen Craig and several friends went to the Alsea river Saturday and Sunday en a fishing trip. They had very good luck. Roy Stevens of Second street lowing etee-chUdren: Mrs. Sarah I has purchased a new two-ton Brackett of Seattle; W. W. Rob- Chevrolet truck, which he will erts of Hermosa Beach Call!.; Jsit ase tor hauling wood which he at Camp Santaly, above Mehama. Accompanying the group will be Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher, general T. W. C. A. secretary, Mabel Sav age and Mrs. Watson. Plant for the short eaap trip Include a Mo ther's day program and service ef worship. .Girls who will go are: Theresa Ulrieh, Virginia Wassam. Hate! McElroy, Nad in Cameron, Mar garet Ross. Lucille Rolow, Eileen Moore, Gwen Gallaher, Agnes Moore, Ruth Crites. Grace Skin ner, Charlotte Carrow, Delia Locke, Kitty Gary, Raehel Gard ner," Harriet Page and Charity Watson. Chaplain oi Old Oregon Regiment Will Be Speaker Col. W. S. Gilbert, has been flamed speaker and Col. Carle Ab rams grand marshal for the Mem orial day observances in Salem. Colonel Gilbert Is former state chaplain of tbe American Legion and is now supply pastor for the Presbyterian chureh here. 8elec- lion of epeaker was made by the council of commanders. He was chaplain" o! the lC2nd Infantry Oregon regiment, during the World war. The Memorial day parade will be held at 2:30 o'clock. Colonel Gilbert to speak Immediately fol lowing tela event. All members f the O. A. IL W. TL C, and War Mothers w4u be furnished, trans portation for the day, these ar rangements to e-ln charge of Dpuglaa KxKay. The W, R, C and ladles of the G. A. It. will serve luncheon te all Civil war Yeter ans on that day. Expert Motor ReeoBiiUenog Oars, Tntcks and Tractor, with the meet modem ead ep to date Equipment G A. Raynond Machine Sfcop 4Uttl Chens. SC. Pbeae Market Drug Store ' C L. WELLMAN, Registered Pharmacist Phone 474 In "The Market" 50c PEPSODENT OR PEBECO LIFEBUOY4" SOAP, 3 FOR - $1.00 COD LIVER OIL, 1 PINT CREPE TISSUE TOILET PAPER, 6 FOR 75c HEAVY MINERAL OIL, 1 PINT - $ 1.00 HOT WATER BOTTLE 39c 20c 69c 25c 49c 69c FOR MOTHER Bath Powders, Perfume and Incense Burners Box Candy . 1 59c to $1.50 Stationery 49c to $1.25 $1.00 Melloglo Face Powder with Compact 98c $ 1 .00 Djer-Kiss Talcum, 60c Djer-Kiss Face Powder, 75c Djer-Kiss Perfume, $2.35 value for $1.15 Roberts ot Quintan. Okla.: Mrs. Carrie Prince of Grand Islands, Neb.; Mrs. Will D. Forbes, Paso Beblee, Califs Sent 'Roberts, Jef ferson, Iowa. -Funeral services Saturday at 1:30 o'clock frem the W. T. Rigdon and Son mortuary, Rev. w. C. Kantner officiating. sells. He sells to the paper, mill and private homes and has sev eral orders from different places City View Cemetery Established 1809 TeL 124 Conveniently Accessible Perpetual, care provided for - Prices Reasonable FINEST TOBIO - $ ftf READING LEXSSS eV Eyeglass Insurance and thor ough examination included. THOMPSON-GLUTSCH OPTICAL CO. 110 If. Commercial CU i JSeltregt itUmortal A Park Cemetery with perpetual care last lea inmates from Ibe heart el ton ' .WANTED 100,000 lbs. Green and IDry Cascarm (Chittem) Bark. I We boy all kinds of Junk. I 145 Ceatee BU Fhoae S9S I B. Steinbeck, Prep. 1 Week-End Surprise Chocolate Covered Dollar Mints Regular price 6Ge the lb. Week-end 36c for 16 Ounces Two Lbs. for 59c Only at Schaefer's Drug Store The Original Yellow Frovt -d Cady Special Htore or ai FbOM SWT 1S5 N. Oomseerdal Quality Pie Coeateay 1 Final Closimg-. If OF THE Chambers & Ctiamlbeirs Fu&wfiiTO' Stare ON HIGH STREET TODAY and Saturday Afternoon and Evening 1:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. High' grade furniture and furnishing, rags, linoleum. Everything new and high-grade. This is the finish so be there Friday and Saturday of this week. "This Will be a Bale cf Bales" Salem's lading Auctioneer, fa ChastnrTUcm 511 1 (