The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 04, 1930, Page 7, Image 7

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, May 4, 1930
ociety News and Club Affairs
Series of Parties
Make Attractive
ONE of the brilliant series of
parties of the spring season
has been that which iras
conducted by Mrs. "Walter SpauU
dine and Mrs. Rot Mills Thursday
and which included luncheons,
brilge teas and card evenings at
th-3 home of Mrs. Spaulding.
Assisting the hostesses with
thes parties were Mrs. W. H. Dar
by. Mrs. Ray Hartman. Mrs. Lab-
an Steeves, Mrs. George R. Vehrs.
Mrs. Leonard Nelson. Mrs. Paul
V. Johnson, Mrs. K. K..Piasecki.
Mrs. Lewi3 Griffith. Mrs. Charles
Siricklin. Mrs. Arthur Wallace
an l Miss Caroyl Braden.
Mrs. Howard H. Hyiser. Mrs.
Rjy Hartman. Mrs. C. H. Robert
?rn Mrs.- Howard Tilate. Mrs. Jer-
ali Backstrand, Mrs. W. II. Dan-
cy. Mrs. Harry Willett. Miss Viv
ian Eiker, and Mrs. Ralph Hamil were awarded prizes for high
sco rp? during the series of card
The complete guest list for this
r.ri-s included the Mesdames:
". S. Hamilton
t. Whtttig
K irpn
OUVE M. Doak, Society Editor
M v
WiJli.m MeCall
('. H. Robertson
S I". Kimball
J .! -1 T. Rand
T A M.-Briile
-!; IKirliin, Sr
'I" '. ;; i Kay
Kilir Hartley
II !n..r Smith
Mireirt IFirffie Don Roberts
K Spaulding t.ardner Kii.tpp
ijeurcp K. riirs
l itv Worth
floors Arbu'kle
Janips Nicb(Nin
V. S.ritt Page
J. C. P. RTV
W. I. Nwilliam
R.lph Oiol.'v
V. V. Br., k
Tt-iy Ilirtman
If. J. Wieilmer
Guy O. Smilli
J .I t, M Nary
J- A Klliott
K P. Boise
1 Shipley
I'i.iI Wallace
I :.i:i$l.i McKay
II Maison
' Simmons
J i - !c Klliott
J !.- Younc
K-'t'iK'.h Power
i 1". Johnson
H .vjrti Blake
1 t i.I Brees
W II Dancy
S.!I- Dver
V. B. Fleming
I la s Minto
R. II. Downing
G'.int Pearce
I"'-ink Spencer
V. C. Cross
i;.is,"U Catlin
V'ji.l.) Brown
.Tiilm Simnsrin
Merrill Olilinif
W. H. Darby
Harry Miliar
Wallace Bonesteele
S. J. Bu)ler
F. G. Myers
Backstrand Sterling Smith
. ue:in1 Smith
Rolxrt Sliirin
E. J. H.xig of
Clay C. Miller of
W. Wells Baum
Asel Koff
Bert Ford
Curtis Cross
P. L. Qnlsenlw-rry
W. J. Rouliton
Knnetii Wilson
-John CaiiRbell. Jr.
of Ralph Hamilton
Inmost Thorn
li G. Spaulding or vv alter j. KirK
V.'bcrr Wallace Carson
itan .ici"uati
n.-i, A t t Z ,reB. MiiS Myrtle Smith, MUs Irene
rlCliy IX l l d 1 1 0 Breithaopt, Miss PaoUne Welch.
ilpza PAi Defta
Sorority Has
MAY DAY weekend was & time
for much entertaining at
the various sorority houses
of Willamette university campus.
Among the most busy of the
group was the Alpha Phi Alpha
Friday night the sorority annu
al "fireside," supper was made a
delightful affair with many of the
alumnae and all the present mem
bership present. Tne rooms were
decorated in flowers carrying out
the colors of the sorority. During
the course of the supper tiny
cards were passed about to the
guests and upon investigation
announcement was made known
of the approaching marriage of
Miss Velleda Ohmart. member of
the house to Paul Allen, the mar-,
riage to take place the first week
in June.
Saturday night the sorority en
Joyed a delightful banquet at the
Spa. The tables were attractive
ly arranged with flowers in the
house colors, lavender and pel-low.
Miss Dorothy Gordon presided
a3 toastmistress. Toasts were giv
en by Miss Helen Sales. Miss Eli
zabeth Ogdon, and Miss Marjorie
"Guests for the "fireside" party
Friday night were the Misses:
LnciU FlanEsry
Gretchen Mehl
Tell Wedding
tained in compliment to her
daughter. Miss Velleda Ohm-
art, Thursday evening, u the first
of a series of three parties to tell
the approaching date of the mar
riage of Miss Ohmart to Paul W.
Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Allen, the first week in June,
the exact date not being definitely
Guests for this evening were the
Misses Peart Scott. Mildred Zosel,
Ruth Dougherty. Dorothy Judd,
Etta Westenhouse, Lola Dasch,
Mable Wolfe. Florence Wolfe.
Frances Wolfe. Lillian Garnjobst,
Louise Allen, Florence Berndt,
Mary Berdnt, Ellen Xeuen3. Flo
rian Hrubetz, Dorothy Browning,
I.ela Fox, Mesdames Lowell Kue
bler, Harold Zosel, John Kuebler,
Raphael Bettenconrt, Albert
Dougherty, Wilbur Falloon of
Portland, formerly Golda Adams
of Salem.
Mrs. Ohmart was again hostess
for an informal party Friday eve-
! nine in comDliment to Miss Ohm
art at which time the coming wed
I ding was anrfbunced to Mrs. Lucile
j Fid'.er, Mrs. Harmon Garrett. Mrs.
i Conrad Beach, Miss Rosalie Bu-
Mrs. Evelyn Hebel. Miss Ruth Sto
ver. Miss Mary Ericksotf, Miss La
Vini airgy. Miss Loretta Var
ley. Miss Margaret Leavenworth.
Miss Elaine Chapin, Miss Bernice
Mulvey, and Miss Margaret Hogg.
The third affair at which the
announcement was made was at
the charmine annual fireside sup-
Mrs. Ada Gibler
Is Hstess
Mrs. Ada Gibler was hostess
Friday afternoon to a number of
her friends in compliment to her
birthday and that of her cousin.
Mrs. Adaline Caibreath of Mon
mouth, who it now her house
The guest rooms were beautl
fullv lrrsnni) In a urofusion of
lovely spring flower.s The after-
per given by the Alpha Phi Alpha noon wa3 pleasantly spent in con
his daughter. Mrs. Orrllle Thom
as the first of the week. He also
visited W. T. Hogg, an old friend
who he hadn't seen for about 30
Mr. and Mrs". Glenn Hayttes an
small son are visiting Mrs.
Haines' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Cole, at Winsor, Oregon
this week.
Little Jean Dixon is confined at
home with tonsilitis.
sorority of which Miss Ohmart i3
a member, Friday night.
Garden Club Will
Elect Officers i
A question box will be the fea
ture of the Salem garden clab
meeting on Monday evening at the
rhamhpr of commerce rooms, ac
cording to Frank A. Doerf ler, pres
ident or tne ciud.
There will te a business meet
ing and election of officers on
Monday. Members are urged to be
present as plans for the first an
nual flower show, which will be
held at the armory on June 7 and
S will be discussed.
Members and visitors will be j
givea an opportunity to ask qnes- j
tions in regard 10 garuen culture
and planning and they will be ;
answered by Miss Elizabeth Lord.!
Miss Edith Schreiber and Ernest I
versatlon and music. Luncheon
was served by th hostess assist
ed by Mrs. Caibreath,
Those present were Mrs. Ada
line Caibreath, Mrs. C. J. Rams
den. Miss Ruth Van Patten. Mrs.
A. M. Thompson, Mrs. D. H. Mc
Kenzie, and Mrs. Gibler.
Mrs. C. W. Boeschen has as
her house guests Mr. and Mrs. J.
K. Wikidal of Lcgan, Montana.
Mr. Wikidal is a brother of Mrs.
Boeschen. He and Mrs. Wikidal
have frequently visited in Salem.
Just now they are returning from
an extended trip in Hawaii. They
will spend the summer visiting
and traveling in the northwest.
Scqtts Mills
George- Conner of Albany visited
We give you the double
service of Optometrist
and practical optician at
one cost.
Let us examine your
eyes today.
Maxine flricd
Marion Burul
J.ula Allen
Graea Hemlrsott
Henrietta Bishop
Dorott.y Kastridt
Beaeitta Klwardt
Rotetts Smith
Kdwyna Bradbent
Killecn Cochrane
Rather MeMiuime
Rather MeMiuime
Mrs. John Orr, newly elected regent of the Daughters of iw Breithanpi
the American nevoiution.
T .m Galloway
i: It Kennedy
1- X Beechler
li'. Patton
h .vni'Mir Jones
A V. N'orblad
' A. Sprague
Huiy Belt
S i a Laughlin
J M. Doughton
J :!; Orr
V. K. Bragg
II .1. B"an
Kr! Kugel
l.-i!.u.i Nelson
I ml V. Johnson
lur!s Galloway
K. S'ockwell
W. .v Downs
W. L, Phillips
Ronald .Jones
lb-Is i r Pierce
Karl Becke
iJolnh t'raitt
David Bennett Hill
azier Small
'eoree A. White
T. K. Rile3
Frederick Iamport
K.l Law
Roy Keene i
Brevman Biis
Lewis Griffitii
E. K. Piase ki
A. N. Jarnian
rlst j John Grifritii
I., ',i.i St'eevia Frank Spears
K.-.viu Smith The Misses:
r. ; Sanford Zoe St.xkton
j i Humphries Dorothy Livesley
V." J Buelck Mary Schultz
li'iirv J. Willett Kathryn Hartley
Il- ry V. Compton Vivian ElUer
II L Stiff Dorothea Steusloff
l; '-j tit Duncan Caroyl Braden
Woodburn Matrons
Woodburn Mrs. John Muir n
irtiiiipd at a eift shower In hon
or of Mra. V. D. Bain and Mrs.
Roaaid Burnett at her home on
Thursday evening.
The evening was pleasantly
tp?nt in sewing and conversation
at the coaclusion of which Mrs.
Muir served dainty refreshments,
agisted by Mrs. L. S. Mochel, Mrs.
Mabel Bollard and Mrs. Daven
port. Those present were Mrs. V. D.
Baiu and Mra. Rnald Burnett, the
honor guests and Mesdames
a m . n r
ar Mothers rerrect
Carnation Day Plans
Mrs. A. A. Lee, president of the
Salem chapter No. 1 of) the Am
erican War Mothers, and general
chairman of the national carna
tion day sale which will begin May
10. announces that 14 stations
have been selected by Mrs. Carrie
Beechler as chairman of her com
mittee, from which carnations
will be sold. These stations are
Hollywood: Pade's Grocery; Sen
ator hotel; post office: Mutual
Savings and Loan; Southern Pac
ific office on Liberty 6treet;
Skiff office: Cross market; Ham
ilton's furniture store; "White
House restaurant: Xeimeyer Drug
store; Boock's furniture store ana
the public market.
The following War Mothers will
serve in these stations; the mesdames;
J. G. Reigelman
Norma Terwilliser
Augusta Hixaon
Ocoraria. Shearer
J-aura CJeorg
Laura Clutter
Myrtle Littlefield
Susie Delipp
in Salem. Mrs. H. R. White
troop leader, with Mrs. G.
Sherman as assistant.
A troop of 25 girls Is now work
ing and plans are to increase the
number of troops as rapidly as
trained leaders and facilities can
be secured
The local troop will make Us
first public appearance at the
Salem armory Saturday evening.
Mav 10. when the eirls will give
two of their drills and sing scout
bov scout will act
Marion MicheUoa
Helen Curry
Margaret Warlike
Helen .Stilea
Helen Hanke
Josephine Cona
Klien Jean Moody
Kthel Chaney
Elizabeth Ogdea
Irene Breiihaupt
Marr Cianfield
Mab'.e Flatt Kafourj
Mary Kaloury
Helen Ka'oury
Dorothy Taylor
(iladya Taylor
Marjorie O Dell
Mvrna Bonney
Muriel White
Dorothy Koae
Velleda Ohmart
DorothT Gordon
Done Hildeshe
Sarah Poor
I.eona Clothier
Alrina Breithaupl
snoclal e nests at tne Aipna rm
Alpha house for the weekend were
Mrs. William Gauntlets ana me
Misses !
r.r,. p,n4h,i Htiel Newboate
Krelyn Zink Maricaret rom
ta . v. f..nAtiidM.rv rura
lflliwuj " " ' w " i
Kuth Warnke tieatior miiHrmi
nivrnthv. Swansoa
Th Wnman'a Foreign Mission
rv snrietv of the Jason Lee Meth
odist church will have a silver tea
an miiA box nnenine at the Home
songs, a ooy acout win act. as -
i i u. i. rnv- .1.1. Vnrih 5ih street. Wednesday ait
. .... .... , I .5ft nVlork. Mrs. V
wuo nae eaiueu lucn unn uiu- - r T
... , .. , I ix' I'LoHa iflr and Mrs. V . Li
rorms win appear in tneui wniie - vu.. ----- -
the newer members of the troop Lewis wm he tne assisting uti
will antlear In ramn linllorm.
From Sun to Sun . . . NELLY DONS
iome Wear, Beach. Active or
ectator Spcrts, Business, Shopping
and Afternoon.
Carrie O'Xefll
Judith Boock
M irv Rim
Oarrf Lindsay
W. S. Jtlder
F. A. Krixson
If-na ChPrringtotf
V1.r-i Ahbot
i;iiabeth Waters
V. Skiff
KliXiibeth Dleffen-Matilda Nadon
Ida Traclio
Asnea Bobb
Iva HiiRhes
Ida Shade
Rose Schaeffer
Mae Meyers
FYances Bates
Anna Brokman
Minnie Humphreys Laura ieorKe
Sarah Ifobson Hill
Veiled Ohmart
C.ra Prlm
Mabel Lockwood
R issel Catlin
Myra Sawyer
Neva Johnston
Minnie Gabrielson
farrte Beechler
Mae Salisbury
'arrle I-owle
Klla Wilson
Hattie K-ennen
Antoinette Bennett
Maria Wilcox
Jessie Crossan
Metta Schramm
Margaret Klliott
K. Bradford
Jennie Vincent
Mary Rausch
I. L. Patterson
Mary E. Wallin
Minniedel Baker
Catherine Low
Jennie Landgraf
Kjmna Beckett
Mary K Watson
William Fltta
TxHilaa Krap
Bertha Vieeko
a e
Bridge Afternoon
Pleasant Event
Mrs. Fred Hester and Mrs.
Charles Standish delightfully en
tertained at bridge Thursday af
ternoon, at the home of Mrs. Stan
dish. The guest rooms were attract
ively arranged with tulips and
blue iris.
Three tables of bridge was in
play during the afternoon. Hon
ers were won by Mrs. Henry
Wolfe and Mrs. Roy Shelton.
Dainty refreshments were served
after cards by. the hostess.
Those enjoying the afternoon
were Mrs. Bert Smith. Mrs. Joe
Beck, Mrs. Roy Sheltoa. Mrs. O.
L. Scott, Mrs. Max Gunter, Mrs.
E. A. Donnelly, Mrs. William
Rioss. Mrs. Ernest Fredrickson.
Mrs TTenrr Wnlfd Mrs V. D. Ga
briel, Mrs. Heater and Mrs. Stand
l.rj Clark
I. a. Mochel
l; la. Oalfi
Jt. k Hanaoa
K.v O. Wolf
It '-: Waahbnrn
Aii.ey Wienckea
Rath Mitrhell
Virz"mi Meson
Margaret Tumplas
Kern Wadaworlk
Kulh Holt
Hary Scellard
Pearl Kmery
Georgia Albee
Lois Xewmn.
Tlia Thursday clnb members
were guests at the home of Mrs.
Hollis Huntington with Mrs. Hunt
lugtini and Mra. Lawrence Wood
......i. haatesfes Thursday.
Bridge was played following
luncheon with high "core held by
iin Gua Hixson as guest ana Mrs.
t n aniaenberrr as club mem-
i,r Vtnoeiai euests for the after
n.'mn wera Mn Frank Spears, Mrs.
Wavne Loder. Mrs. Roy Keene,
Mr. Rrcl Kar. Mrs. Arthur
Rahn. Mra. H. G. Maiaon, and Mra.
Gus HlXSOn.
Girl Scouts Will Aid
Music Week Program
Salem Girl Scouts, aponsorea
jointly by the American Legion
auxiliary ana tne Business
Professional Women s ciud, are
nrncressincr raDidlv in the work
rvf nrraniiallntl. according tO MrS.
. ' n . . -
r- a charman enairman oi iub
VJ . " - .
nnmmttteA in rharce.
k traininr school IOr SCOUl
Icsdpra will be conducted In Sa
lm nn Mar 7. 8. and 9 with Miss
tarv McFertuson of Portland
aa instructor. Miss Fergusoa as
lnil Alrai-tnr nt aCnUt Work IB
vninr meetincrs of the train'
ing school will be held in the
Presbvterian church and are open
to th public. It is hoped that
many will take advantage of the
opportunity to attend these meet
ings and learn of the work of the
Girl Scouts.
A Joint committee from the
n.iliar and the B. P. W. C. is
directing the work of the scouts
Mother's Day
Next Sunday
She Prefers
Old Fashioned Chocolates
v 1 fx f
v? v "'I
j jLkJ
i kril iTM For H
a -M wm aj a f w w.
Republican Candidate for
FeirlKa and imnartial Admiais
trait Ion of Justice and nforce-
ment f tile law. A IMtlte of
Marion ronntr. 41 vearn ia Saiem
18 years prmctice in tbe comrtsw
f 'Itv AttorneT of Salrm. ltl-
9ri. Pd. Adv.
These chdrraing prints re exclusive with Nelly Don, and even
the silks can be tubbed an important point in hot weather.
The styles are delightfully feminine featutins the new sil
houette with its hisher waistline and longer flared sicirts,
yet retain that youthful simplicity which Is so flattering.
Embroidered dotted Swiss m posi
tively fast colors. Lace collar and
cuffs Princess line. Four
Sheer beAfrta, fine diatities and Dooettn
prints, la lovely colorful designs. As
due and GarcJutty adc as ppeniwt
silk dresses.
Gey, swagger trouser ooshaaes (or
happy outdoor hour. Son beck linen or
broadcloth overalls, and nautical effects
of plain or coin dot shanturtf.
For any but dec atost foraaei wear.Linena
wtshablc 1k crepe, hhos, critp dot
tod swiss, exquhitciy iKecr voiles wkk
atpes, boiaroi, and fUrea.
nAverness and Eloauence
Promised The MayBorn
la tfrHft Msavf fieeHaf faeafa
Am mmnm MmanU l la i
li. - fl
Conde Coats
for Summer
The name Conde, stands for
all that is new and smart in
coats. See the New Models on
display now.
New Shipments of
Dresses Arrive
Shopping for dresses ia al
ways interesting at the Fash
ionette. So many new frowns
are received nearly every day
that one seldom sees the same
garment twice.
nix mat realise
It by aer bat,
Qvaea Mary oC
EagUad to an -tramaty
eJevar wo
u. Bar tates
tA-law. tke laU
Klaa Bdvmrd. dJaajUTajraJ Ue Xaat
o tatav aa okarrlst wteS ajhi
only a mile M whe ma aoa wi
ia Aai ha eonmaaoeo. ana
tseB'tt iu boaas amaani u
t, mm sjsanboay wao
MBovsat ta Qaeeaw Ufa
trety aat how far they eaa rlek
lortlas a paraoa's f aaUnga,
The aoaamia te u earw
oat Car Us meat eC Kar. aad
tte Sowar la Ue hawthonu Am a
tailamaata atona the emerald waa
hlchly regarded try the Max! ef the
Ifjuie Acea who claimed thast It
helped taeo to foreteU event. It
hevamiaa known aa the Oen et la-
taiuoa. ajtd also enjoyed a repata-
ttoa for Ittsplrin eiooaeaea.
SaTaJry. tet2aataal du al tti
aatfiae rated tty fha -ttaaat Metv
Ui uma aad laata amta Jane tSJ
onarfling t aatrototy. are
r wna
aaaala. Ba laaft t aWkOy 0X001
- e o - -
The, Fashionette Shop t
U. Biazxe oaua-
42 Cotirt, Salesm
aa eUaaeat aayXalaa
- atleaaeti
thatr taraata are rapUe-Uaa. aad
bates, aatacany W wmy. j-'
wit ta aoaaaaaaa recti am Aalaaaff
a mia taar saast la fcasw tataa
Wo carry a fall llae mt Birtaat
Aa loos as aa aeopatra'b
esaaraloa wart) wora aa
9CarvHHan oeAXIltS'.
waaaerar aa wasaaai a
honor Uaayaf
alaa wtta aa
in i Illsaiaa Taa
raarsaala hattared. Oaat U
aa ta wttar atraexthea ta
ar aad taaasw nutl
ad ,aa ataai aa wait - tawayaa
bal at atanst afrta
a Blags and Coa aaae . Jewelry
fiYia 2? -h tlQi;
a I ea- av j bbbbw a am er a i aw Bar a a a a. a r mm . t. - ia i r a a
''aSTta. " IMMXlW utM
aaalaa I layiUJrkAl l 11 1 f I , 1 -
a m SMaaa m aawmm ar a ai a ar
I aa I rail eevi I I v I ULh -,11'AI II 111 I
i i x i.-ur' m it Lr in i .
aaaatald I I I MAli ,J,:lt V U U . If
hirafa41 I i r -li ii ii ff-dtea rp rrm Vfl I UA , II LP M I
aaal I I . i falMkbiL. - -M11L' IMaJ -A I