The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 04, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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-:- Events of Interest in Social - Musical - Club Circles -:-
Olive M. Doak, Society Editor
Church Wedding
was that which united
Miss Prudence Patterson,
daughter of Mrs. Edward G.
Patterson, and Frank J. Chap
man, son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Frank J. Chapman, Sat
urday night at 8 o'clock in the
Fsr-it Presbyterian church. Rev.
D V. Poling Of Corvallis. officiat
ing The dignity of the formal lines
of the Presbyterian church was
etui mingly accentuated with the
tnrnal lines of tall ferns, and
Eavor lillies which flanked the
al'-r and back of which burned
aluler Ivory colored tapens in
t Jit I camlalabra. The use of many
o'!j,j flowers in delicate pastel
Bl.Vies and massed In lar?:e ar
r.:i cements In the church made a
dimming atmosphere for the im-pr-'-Mve
rieceeding the ceremony Mrs.
"Carlton Williams of The Dalles
s ins, accompanied bv Prof. Frank
Chirchill. Following this Prof.
( " 1: !i rchill played the wedding
pi torsional and the bride entered
or. the arm of Karl Steiwer who
f;r. j her in marriage. They were
p;--. -eded by the matron of hon
:ir. "Mrs. fiolph Craig, sister of the
brt le. and the bridesmaids. Mi?s
J i-.rphine Baumgartner and Miss
UnSaia Chapman.
Mrs. Chapman wore a gown of
e-vhell satin. priucess style.
wi'Ii billowy ruffles of chiffon set
on the skirt with tiny silk rose
fm U. Her cap was of lace canght
af the back with a chiffon train
veil. She carried a bride's bou
quet of ivory shaded sweetpeas
aitl lillies of the valley.
Mrs. Craig, as matron of hon
or, wore a gown of peach chiffon
with horsehair braid hats, and
ai:pers to " harmonize. Miss
Biumgartner wore turquoise blue
chiffon and Miss Chapman wore
aft yellow chiffon. Kach wore
horsehair braid hats, slippers to
c :npiement their frocks, and
both the matron of honor and the
brilesraaids carried shower bou
nit of pastel shaded sweetpeas.
an 1 roses. Mrs. Patterson, moth
er or the bride, wore cream lace.
The bride and her attendants
m-t the groom and the best man,
A;l C Eoff, at the alter, and
h-M the impressive single ring
c-i-!nony was Beautifully read by
It -v. Poling.
T ie ushers were Milton Stein
er. Dolph Craig. Frank ,Decke
Jnch. Jr., and Herbert Darby of
P i tiand.
Following the wedding cere
mony a reception was held at the
h .-ie of Mr. and Mrs. George Wa-t-n-.
During the first hour Mrs.
I.viin Chapman of Dallas and Mrs.
t?orge Waters presided; Miss
B-nlah and Miss Prudence Pat
Urictn of The Dalles, aunts of
Mm. Chapman, presided the sec
oi I hour.
Those who assisted with the
serving were Miss Eunice Robert
as. Mn. Milton Steiner. Mrs.
Wallace Carson. Mrs. Frank
D-vkebach. Jr.. Mrs. Rex Adolph,
Mr. Kenneth Powers. Mrs. Ken
niu "Wilson. Mrs. Wolcott Buren,
anl Mrs. Herbert Darbv of Port-
i:id. ;
Mrs. Karl Steiwer. Mrs. Merrill
M oores of Portland, and Mrs.
JoUu Canghell assisted about the
Mr. and Mrs. Chapman left
Saturday night for a tour of the
south. They will be at home In
th Royal Court apartments after
tin first of June.
Mr. Chapman Attended Oregon
State college where she wm affi
liated with the Kappa Alpha Tbe
ta sorority. Mr. Chapman attend
ed the University of Oregon
where he was a member of the
Pht Gamma Delta fraternity.
Both young prople are graduates
of Salem high school and have
b :i very popular in the younger
a-vietr circles of the city.
Mrs. Russell Catlia and Mrs.
Fraak Speara will be hostesses at
th-!ir home 1309 Chemeketa street
to members of the Thursday club
Thrusday afternoon. Mrs. H. B.
ThiUen and Mrs. K. C. Cross will
!e assistant hostess?.
J.T'iJ V ( . "r. - .1 :t
Mrs. John Orr
D. A. R.
Mrs. Walter Stram, nee Thehna LaDule, whose marri
age wajt a recent event in Mill City.
Sunday Wedding
To Be Pretty
daughtiff of Mrs. Mary
Mosher, will become the
bride of Charles Beolen. son of
Emll Boebin of Graybull, Wyo
ming, this afternoon at 2 o'clock
in a quiet wedding at the McCoy
avenue lrome of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Roner. Rev. C. F. Mosher.
a brother of the bride, officiating.
The ceremony will oe perform
ed before a large double window
on either side of which will be
tall baskets of swowballs. Between
the baskets and against the win
dows will be tall palms. A profu
sion of tulips in many shades will
be ured about the gust rooms to
give a colorful note to the pretty
Preceding the ceremony De Vere
Penholler of Dallas accompanied
by Robert Alexander will alng
"Because" and "All for You." Fol
lowing this Mr. Alexander will
play as a processional Mendels
sohn's wedding march and the
bride-to-be attended by Miss
Ruth Clark as bridesmaid, will
meet the groom-to-be, attended by
victor ones as be3t man, before
the improvised altar of flowers
and palms.
The bride-to-be will be gowned
in an Ivory satin made in Princess
style self-trimmrd with deep
flounces and reaching to the an
kles. She will wear a bandouz of
rhinestones and carry a bride's
bouquet of Butterfly roses and
white sweetpeas.
Miss Clark will wear a pastel
green frock of crepe and will car
ry a shower bouquet of pink and
orchid sweetpeas.
; Tie guests, fifty in number, will
dc seated by Carl Mosher as
Following the ceremony an In
formal reception will be held. Mrs.
Mary Mosher and Mrs. Frank Ro will greet the guests. Matrons
who will assist in serving are Mrs.
Otto Bertram. Mrs. Frank Roner,
Mrs. Mason Chappelle, Miss Thel
ma MtWillUnss. Wee little Patsy
Schneider in a bouffant peach silk
frock, will pass the wedding cake
favors In attractive lace baskets.
Immediately following the re
ception the bridal counle will
leave for a six weeks tour by mo-
ior r California, Arizona, Colo
rado, and plan to return to Sa
lem at the end of that tlm
Miss Mosher has been for some
time past connected with the Pa
cific Telephone and Telegraph
company In. an Important capa
city. Mr: Boelen has been on the
staff of the Oregon Pulp and Pa
per Co.
Girl Reserve
Committee to Meet
Mother's day which will be May
11, will be observed by all the
grade school Girl Reserves in
various ways. Some of the groups
are planning for Mother's , day
teas; others will entertain with
special programs; and some are
preparing special gifts for their
The Girl Reserve organization
as a whole will observe music
week. They will appear as a unit
in the Thursday community pro
gram and in other music week
The outline of the week's work
is as folio ws:
Monday the Richmond group
will meet with Its advisor, Mar
garet G&roniley, and there will
be a continuation of the study of
the Philippines and further pre
paration of the treasure chest
which the group is preparing to
send to the Islands.
Tuesday, Leslie and Parrish
will both meet and each will con
tinue work of the Gypsy Patteran
which will conclude In a day In
camp May 17. Advisors assisting
the girls in this work are Eliza
beth Atkinson, Louise Brown,
Minnie Shrode, Florence Mar
The Highland group wilt also
meet Tuesday with Us advisor.
Mrs. J. Bennett; and the Wash
ington Reserves will meet with
Louisa Sldwell and Olive Jones,
Tuesday the kigh school group
will meet for dress rehearsal at
7:30 o'clock at the armory to
practice dress rehearsal for the
community?- program Thursday
night. This group will also mee
Wednesday at the high school at
2:10 to plan for a weekend at
Camp Santaly, May 9, 10, 11.
Wednesday all the grade school
reserves will meet at the T. M. C.
A. for a swim. The Prlngle Re
serves will meet with this gronp.
Thursday Garfield will meet
with Its advlor, Helen Brlethaupt;
McKinley will meet wit Mrs. J.
E. Bllnkhorn: Pringle with Flor
ence Berndt: and Silverton with
Sybil Well.
Sunday eveninr the Silrerton
Reserves will take charge of the
evening services at one of the lo
cal chnrches. The Salem Reserves
will meet at the Y. W. C, A. at
:45 o'clock and motor. to Sil
verton where they will assist the
Silverton Reserves with music
for this evening service.
. Miss Edith Findley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. C.
Findley, who will play her junior recital, Wednesday night
at Waller hall.
Miss Florence Power, daughter of Mrs. Frank Power.
Miss Power is a prominent member of Willamette university
campus life. She is vice jyresident of her sorority, the Beta
American War Mothers, at city library regular meet
ing; important plans to be made.
W. C. T. U., 2:30 o'clock, Union hall, Mrs. Kate White in
charge of devotions.
"Edith Findley, Junior recital, Waller hall, 8:15 o'clock.
Public invited..
Woman's Missionary society of First Congregational
church, Mrs. E. C. Patton, 833 Court street.
W. F. M. S., 2:30 o'clock, Mrs. Walter Barham, 1735
North 5th street; Mrs. W. W. Chadwick, and Mrs. W. L.
Lewis assisting.
Thursday club will be guests of Mrs. Russell Catlin, 1309
Chemeketa street.
Salem Arts League
Plans Unique
Salem Heights
Club Elects
SALEM Heights The Woman's
cfur of Salem Heights on
Friday afternoon held their
regular meeting and election of
officers for the coming year. A
pot luck luncheon was served at
1 o'clock, for which Mrs. Myra
Sawyer acted as hostess. The ta
bles were beautifully decorated
with spring flowers. Following
the luncheon a program was held.
Mrs. Gordon McGuchrist and
Mrs. Iran Stewart formerly of Sa
lem Heights and now ot Hubbard
appeared as soloists. Following
this Mrs. Ivan G. Martin spoke on
the program of the coming state
federation, and extended a cordial
invitation to all the ladles to at
tend. After the program the fol
lowing officers were elected: Bell
Donglas. president; Mrs. D. D.
Craig, yic president; Mrs. A. C.
Borhnsted, secretary; Mrs. Alice
Edmundson, treasurer; Mrs. Em
ma Whealdon, parlimentarian.
A long business meeting of the
reports of the delegates of the
Aurora convention, reports of va
rious other committees and dis
cussion of next year's program
followed the election.
One of the activities set forth
was the renewed supplying of
canned fruits for the children's
home at Corvallis. This club last
year furnished over 150 jara.
This meeting was the largest
held this year, there being over
55 members present. Mrs. Ivan
Stewart, Neva MacKenzie of Hub
bard and Mrs. Ivan G. Martin of
Salem were luncheen guests.
The heads of the different state
club organizations met Friday
night at the Y. M. C. A., and com
pleted arrangements for the "all
state and Canadian picnic" to be
held Tuesday, May 20, at the fair
grounds. There will be a basket
dinner served between the tours
of 11 and 1 o'clock. The after
noon will be devoted to a program
which will be announced later.
om the standpoint of In
terest to the members and
public as will be the open meeting
to be held Tuesday night at 8
o'clock In the auditorium room of
the city library. Miss Kathryn
Gunnell is In charge of the pro
gram which has for its topic, pho
tography both old and new.
This will be the last meeting of
the year and is of great Impor
tance to the members because at
this time the officers for next
year will be elected. It is urged
that all be present at 7:30
o'clock In order that the business
of the evening may be gotten out
of the way of the lecture period.
In the program hour there will
be in display an interesting stndy
of both old and new photographs.
The old work will date back as
far as 50 years ago. The new will
bring out all the new effects and
from this display Charles Butter
worth of Portland will draw his
lecture which will be explanitory
and creative. Mr. Butterworth is
dean of the Pacific particularly
fitted to develop the subject of
photography, for the layman.
The balance of the evening fol
lowing Mr. Butterworth's talk
will be taken up with the showing
of the unusual work which can be
accomplished with the small mov
ing picture machine in the home.
Intimate pictures will be shown.
The public Is Invited to attend
this open meeting which prom
ises to be one of unusual interest.
Mrs. Irene Johnson entertained
with an informal evening of
cards Thursday. j
2 to 4 p. m.
Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday
Salem Heights Community Club
Well known food specialist demonstrating.
Featuring Crown Flour
t " , .-
Cherry City Milling Co.
Crown Flour Mills
Local Representatives.
& a if s u isnr s
New Store 255 N. Liberty St.
Miss Edith Findley will be pre
sented by Frances Virginie Melton
Wednesday evening at S:15 o'clock
in Waller hall. In her junior re
cital. Friends and the interested
public are invited to attend this
recital. Misa Findley has won dis
tinction for herself in the manyM
programs which she has played
as accompanist for many musical
affairs in the past months.
The American War Mothers will
meet at the city library Tuesday
for the regular monthly meetln .
There will be important business
concerning the coming carnation
sale for May 10 and for the din
ner which will be sponsored for
the young maids assisting in sell
ing the carnations.
THE members of tha
Daughters of the Amer
ican Revolution met in the
lecture room of the Y. M. C.
A. Saturday afternoon ami
adopted the report of the
nominating; committee, head
ed by Miss Ruth Rulifsou.
This action placed Mrs. John orr
in the regent's chair; Irs. Wil
liam Fordyce Fargo, vice rcgeti-.
Mrs. U. G. Shipley, chaplain; Mr-.
Lewis D. Griffith, recordiu
retary; Mrs. C. C. Best, corres
ponding secretary; Mrs. I". c,
Shipley, treasurer; Mrs. C. r.
Turner, historian: Mrs. R. C. .V
ken7"registrar; Mr?. J. R. All?'o..
librarian; Msr. Herbert J. o
lind, musician; Mrs. A. A. Under
bill, director.
The program for the aftenntv;
came as the result of a rotine-t
by Mrs. Mary A. Denton that tl:
D. A. It. should obervp 'music
week." The three children of
Mrs. J. Lyman Steed, wee Virgin
ia, Elizabeth and Wallace, pre
sented two piano solos each. Mrs.
Winifred Looney presented Miss
Clandian Roland in a vocal so!
and Miss Elizabeth Ljoney in 3
piano solo.
Mrs. J. E. Sibley of Dal'...
chairman of the genealogical u
search committee, read an inter
esting paper on the pleasure of
scientific genealogical study.
Mrs. C. C. Clark gave an' inter
esting report on the organization
work which has been accom
plished with the new children"!
organization, the Champoic chap
ter of the D. A. R.
The next meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. Seymour Jonei
in June and at this time the new
officers will be installed.
An attractive tea was served
Saturday afternoon with Mrs
Russell Catlin as chairman of th
hostess committee. Mrs. W. H
Byrd and Mrs. John Orr presided
atthe urns. A gay assortment ol
spring blossoms decorated the tea
table and the lecture room, rose
tulips as the predominating color.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hendricks
and Mr. and Mrs. John Carson
are enjoying a pleasure trip into
California. The date of their re
turn is not definite.
You Can Afford to Live in Prints
When Frocks Like These
cost only
$895 to $1975
Exquisite lingerie touches, fine
pleatings, intricate cuttings,
dressmaker details and a pro
fusion of the loveliest of the
new prints ... all bearing the
unmistakable signs of higher
priced garments. Large or
small designs in beautiful col
ors on dark or light back
grounds. Since you -will need
many printed frocks for your
summer wardrobe, choose
among these and save a great
deal on every frock.
$Q95 to $1975
1 ts Crvnnrni
New Store 255 liberty St. TeL 877
Prize Contest
Closes May 10th
Where is the Loveliest Mother and Most
Attractive Child in all America? Maybe
htey live at your house.
to (SacBa
Salem's Loveliest Mother
1st award 11x14 Portrait Paint
ing on canvas.
Ind award 3x10 Portrait .Paint
ing on French porcelain.
Salem's Most Attractive Child
1st award 11x14 Portrait Paint
ing on canvas.
tnd award 8x10 Portrait Paint
ing on French norcelain.
America's Loveliest Mother
First International Award $1,500.00
Second International Award 500.00
Third-International Award ; 250.00
198 Sectional Awards Totaling.....'.... L 6,900.00
21 Canadian Awards Totaling T 850.00 .
America's Most Attractive Child
First International Award ...:1.$1,500.00
Second International Award 500.00
Third International Award 250.00
198 Sectional Awards Totaling 6,900.00
21 Canadian Awards Totaling 850.00
How to Enter Contest
Obtain free official entry blanks at the Gunnell it. Robb
Studio of Salem, who are official member of the Photograph
er's Association ot America.
Aik for assistance, if yon wish it. In filling out the blank.
Don't lose this golden opportunity to enr. Decide now to
benefit by this offer.
Photographs from farm, smallest town or largest city re
ceive equal consideration.
Cash awards mado for loveliness and attractiveness. (Not
a beauty contest or artistic photographic contest).
Honor and tame awaits those whose endearing qualities, so
greatly admired by peopte eTerywhere, win them the awardt.
& El5BB