The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 04, 1930, Page 14, Image 14

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salens, Oregon, Sunday Morning, May 4, 1930
Philippines Demanding Futl
Independence More and
More Vigorously
(.UMdatfd Press Correspondent)
MANILA (AP) A growing
spirit ot natloaalism bu become
inereaslBgly notleeable la the
One of the outstanding eviden
ce of this was the strike in watch
3.00 nigh school students partic
ipated to forceche dismissal ox an
American teacher. They accused
her of baring Insulted the Fili
pino people, won theh- point and
obtained ber dismissal from the
. service.
To older Filipinos, the striae
was a revelation. One said that
-when he was a student he and his
classmates took, what they con
sidered insults and never even
thought of protesting, much less
striking. He attributed the walk
- oat not to a greater degree of as-
sertjveness on the part of present
day. youth, but to a greater ten
dency en the part ttf Filipinos to
think in nationalistic terms.
Other evidences of the growing
national feeling include an at
tempted boycott of American cig
arettes, a move to obtain the ap
pointment of a Filipino as vice-
governor general, nww that Ka
li; ne A. Gilmore has resigned, and
ti.e recent Philippine indepen
dence congress.
The cigarette boycott is still in
progress. A Filipino seen smoking
an American fag is asked by
those supporting the boycott to
throw it away. If he refuses, he
is assaulted. Numerous such cases
have occurred, but no Americaas
have been molested.
The agitation for a native vice
governor is not new; political
leaders have long aspired to have
a Filipino in that post. But a new
and nationalistic, argument has
been added that a Filipino
ould be Just as good for the post
rs an American. Heretofore, their
cliief argument has bees, "If you
wish us to learn to govern our
selves, how are we going to do it
if you keep us from prominent
positions in the government?"
The Philippine Independence
roegress was called primarily' to
demonstrate that the Filipiae peo
ple is united ia the desire fori in
dependence. Although the speech
es at the congress showed no rad
ical attitude toward American
sovereignty they disclosed that the
Filipino leaders would rather see
their country a poor one, but pad
dling its own canoe, than a pros
perous one under an alien power.
These displays of nationalism
folhjw in the wake of the anti
Filipino riots In California, the
efforts to restrict the entry of
duty-free Philippine products in
to the United States, and the ef
forts to stop Filipino immigration
to the United States.
They also are regarded W-
W4 smSm : (
. . . ,., .Z, . -.,,.!,, j ?&t 5.. 3a2 brrr.:.---.
At the instance of Vilhajalmur Stefansson, noted explorer. K. Lor en KniehL lldlinn-
yille, Ore, youth, with four companions, remained on an ice floe 260 miles off the tl"vn
coast for eight months, subsisting on bear and seals they shot. Purpose of the strange
expedition was to study Arctic currents and feasibility of subsisting on the floe's natural
food supply. Knight is pictured in inset. Standing beside Marquette sedan which brought
writers to McMinaville are Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Knight, parents of Loren, and Joseph, a
brother. Other illustrations reveal exploring party in bear quest, and map showing locale
and drift of the floe;
ing doe in ae small degree to the
liberality of the Americas admin
istration. Under the Spanish, na
tives were constantly told of the
uncomplimentary views the Span
iards held toward them and any
sign ef protest was dealt with se
verely. Today, Filipinos are lim
ited ia the freedom of their speech
"only y the laws en sedition and
criminal libel, while their acts are
limited only by the laws against
violence. This enables them to ex
press themselves freely as Filipinos.
-President Hoover today re
quested congress to make avail
able the unexpended balance of
aa appropriation of $35.00raade
for the current year tor the im
provement of the Oregon cares in
Siskiyou national forest during
the next fiscal rear. - w
In Security
Iff Growing
NEW YORK (AP) New se
curities bought by the American
public last year were equivalent
to $100 per person, according to
a statistical survey by Lawrence
Stern and company.
The surrey showed that the
tll,6Q0,000,O0 Invested last year
in stocks and bonds represented
IS per cent ef the national in
come. This was contrasted with 5
per cent put late securities In
IS 2S.
Figured ok the basis of recent
estimates that there are 1T.O0I,
00 foresters la the country, their
per capita aaare, according ta the
survey, is about SIOO el the
amount bougat last year.
"Avauame income ux iigures
ahnw that while onlv 936.470 Der-
sons in the country have Incomes
vt $5,000 or mores almost 29
times that number hare had the
vision and confidence to lend
their savings te the furtherance
of the nation's Jadastrial sal
commercial impertsaee.
The survey showed that S7z.
000,000.000 has been Invested la
new securities in 19 years, and
thA annual amount has risen al
most steadily from $4,000,000,-
t0 in 1129 to $11,000,000,000 ia
Biota bonds than stocks were
Durcaased each year until 19 2 f
whea the feverish activity In
stocks surpassed bonds.
If your copy of The Statesman
is not delivered by 9:t0, phone
601 and S copy will be sent to you
at once.
Bosphorus and 4 Black Sea
Regions Injured by Late
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
PARIS AP ) How water
freight routes, using canals and
rirers affect the inland commerce
of Europe and also tend tcr divert
freight from the orient to Mar
seilles Instead of sending 1 1
through Basphorous at Istanbul te
Black Sea ports, was one xf the
things explained to Walter XL
Edge, American ambassador, in
his study of the economic struc
ture ef France.
A tunnel from Marseilles to the
River Rhone, that coat 160,000,
OM francs ($Mc,000) and was
inaugurated last y&ar. Is one of
the chief means relied upon to
make the French city the success
or of the dead and decaying port
of Istanbul.
But that the French are not to
gain and hold this commercial ad
vantage without a struggle has
been made clear by announce
ments of various other projects,
connecting the Danube with the
northward flowing rivers of Ger
many the Oder, Elbe, Wesser,
Main and Rhine.
One of the most ambitious of
these projects has been proposed
by Czechoslovakia. It would tap
the Rhine at Bratislava just east
of the Austrian border. Running
north to Prerov, it would there
branch, sending one arm north
eastward to the Oder and the oth
er northwestward to the Elbe at
Pardubice. The first braneh would
give access to the Baltie at Stett
in; the other would reach Ham
burg at the meuth of the Elbe di
rect and, by means of Germany's
'Mittlelaad" canal, would give
access to Bremen' and Rotterdam.
Then there are 'German plans
to connect the Danube and the
Main, via Ratisbenne: also the
Danube and the Neckar. ria Ulna:
to say notainf of another ambi
tious scheme linking Ulm with
Lyons by means of a traas-Switz-
erland waterway through lakes
Constance and Genera.
But Marseilles, already connect
ed to . the French canal system.
and tlrough Lyons with the Rhine
At lSulhauaea. is eaTisaglna
something greater than mere in
land commerce. She sees aot only
diversion or central European
ressel freights sat also the trans
shipment through her gateway
tunnel of ocean borne cargoes that
now go tnreugn the straits of Gib
raltar and around to Rotterdam,
there to be redistributed by canal
and river.
Marseilles hopes that the new
scheme ( things will double her
present port traffic, which last
year amounted to s.000,000 tons
of coeds and S0.t0 travelers.
But full realization of this de
pends upoa building a canal aftmg-
- A r fx---
Invite Us 'to Your Next Blowoui
car? Cei?viiGG 5cr?
wDBfl cooca Hps UShozo
Complete One Stop Service
Gasoline, Oil, Washing,
Polishing, Alemite Luhrication, . .
Battery and
Ignition Service
Brake Department.
the Factory
the Greatest Tiretne world has yet
produced - - FIRESTONE
' - " : m
Slop r VJ
Service Cy
The statieo witli eiock
I ,
t Phone
tw Lv
Coloaei Gustavo G. Leon,
nost Mexican aviasor, b wnov
ln series of tests tm Mexico
City which will culminate in as
iMt tA reach Paris on a route
from Mexico City to New Tork,
over the Lindbergh route xrem
New York to Paris. Leon plans
to use a single-motored biplane for
his Ilieht.
Is Versatile
(Associated Frees Staff Writer)
BYRON. 111. (A P) R u t h
Hanna McCormick contradicts the
old contentlea that politics is no
place for a lady.
. She demonstrated In the Illi
nois primary that a woman may
play politics as capably as a man
- and won the republican sena
torial nomination over Senator
Charles 8. " Deneen.
" " Conferees of her father,' Mark
Hanna, ''the president, maker,"
held a "lady! had no business vot
ing or running for office.
And Ruth Hanna McCormick is
a lady if environment and edu
cation and wealth are measuring
She was born into wealth, edu
cated in select schools, married a
wealthy man of prominent family.
Her farm with its rich acres,
its blooded cattle, its baronial
home, is near this village, not
many miles outside the bustling
Industrial city of Rockford.
Farming is Mrs. McCormick's
vocation, but she does not spend
much time on her farm. She owns
a newspaper ta Rwckford and her?
financial Interests are extensive.
In ItOS she mar. led MedUl Mc
Cormick of the famous' Chicago
newspaper publishing family. He
was a senator from 1929 to 192K.
Deneen defeated htm tor re-nomination
and McCormick coon died.
Mrs. McCormick learned to
speak in pubUe daring years she
advocated child labor legislation
and legislation for women. She
was ia progressive headquarters
during the Roosevelt rebellion.
She spent a term as republican na
tional committee omaa. In 1928
as a candidate for congressman at
large she ran away from her field.
Mark Hanna's daughter Is as
thorough in organicatioa as he
was, and more capable as a stump
speaker. She has vitality and en
ergy incomparat; with her slen
derness. She can bandy words
with a heckler, and is as much at
home talking to the tenement
crowds as addressing the small
town audiences.
She makes several speeches a
day and corers every county. Mrs.
McCormick retains remarkable
freshness during the campaign or
deal. She keeps the nose powder
ing and the hair fluffing from the
Campaign styles for her are tai
lored suits, usually of tweed. She
apparently Is not afraid of bow
her hair looks as she tosses oft
her bat, and sometimes her coat,
when speaking.
side the Rhone and converting the
stream itself into a source or :
power. j
An immense dam is to be. con- j
structed in the Rhone at Genis
siat, near the Swiss frontier, cap- ;
able of developing 250,ee0 horse
power of electrical energy. From
there down to the Mediterranean
there will be other plants total
ling 15e,00 horsepower. These
plants would electrify the Paris,
Lyons and Mediterranean rail
road, light Paris and many other
cities and furnish power ror industries.
The cost of all this has been
reckoned at somewhere around
si.eee.eoe.ooe. but "The Nation
al company of The Rhone" al
ready exists for the purpose of
building the plants. The depart
ment of the Seine and tbe city of
Paris have Invested 5 3. $0009 In
the stock of this corporation; oth
er cities and towns hare dupli
cated this subscription and the
railroad and other private sub
scribers hare put in equal amoaats
making a total working capital of
SK.400.000. The rest of the r,
quired money is to be raised by
bonds, guaranteed by the govern
George Marlowe and John
Ketch, Gerrais youths, were pick
ed np by the police at the South
em Pacific passenger station here
Thursday night and held fending
communication with their par
ents. They said they were 17 and
It years old, respectively, frst
the police thought they looked
considerably younger.
ready for the trip?
Dont wait until the morning
you intend going on a trip and then
find that your engine is halky
A new set of Champion Spark
Plugs increases power, speed, and
quicklj pays for itself in gasoline)
and oil Bared. We reconunend and
eell them because we know they
are better for.
Day and Night Service
235 S.G
Tel. 362
Spring Showing
to tell you
what Graham means by real Value-Giving
p -
Abovt the commonplace
in quality but bdd
down in price
at factory .
The Graham Standard Six
Town Sedan alone offers
these value- and performance
6- cyllodrs.66 horsepower engine
3Ha4H.widi 207 cubic
aches displirrnvof
7- besrias creek-shaft, 81.4 square
iacaasedaisen hririna; area
Adjustable scats; sdustsMs
Internal asyeadlwa taarwactt
ay&asauc krakes, wfch
IXdacSt drams
r m
Sepnrati marie ucyoi ii let ij mi
0- 0,
And, ia addition, shatter-proof
safety AlsSr jlsss tacoasaees as
the lowest extra cost ever placed
aa sndi expupnient
TVjO'W, ia a year when ralne-per-dollar
Xl aaeaos so much to the motor car
boycA &e Graaaffls excel all their pre
vious accowplish tncots ia raJaa-giviag.-
The entire Graham llac of Sixes sod
Eightsvlrom the four-door Town Sedaa
atl85actor7listoa opto the tbcJugJbest
priced raodcls, aaesents aaaSr which
day joa drive, and ariakh we siocerely
befiete to be the greatest value ia die
history of the motor
any one sad all of them offer more foe
your money at their prices.
Yon sorely feet that you art entitled to
the best buy yots caa get for yoar money,
ia an automobile as in all else; and the
fdCt Is that io any car yew are perfectly
wkhia joar sights ia ejairiag k to
Va are Inviting yoa to this Spring Show
-4aim order to afford yoatheoprortuiary.
fccaart 700 decide on aay carvto see tha
yapaltr Graham modda to study them
asdostly as yon like, awl. to cooiac
yaarseH by comparisaea and contrast that
See these Graham cars now, and select
for a perf ormance-trial the one that meets
the aeeds of your family aoi foarsd
Standard Si Uvccaal SJawiadow
Staadard and Special Sires, tMS a
Prices at factory
445 Center SL For Marica cad Polk Cocntbs
I W ..f"
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