: . . -,. The OREGON STATESMAN." Salem. Oregon Friday Morning, May 2, 1930 PAGE THREE f: BROOKS 11 GOES DUTCH Unique "Dutch". Program and Refreshments Featured BROOKS. May lA Urge crowd attended the program and upper at the Brooks community club bouse on Friday evening. The program was opened by musical selections by the Middle Grove orchestra, the personnel of which Is, Miss Irene Olson, piano; Me Win Van Cleave, cornet; Wal ter Grnenftolder. saxonhone: The odore Wakln,. trombone and Ken neth Van Cleave, saxophone. A dutch reading by O. O. Epley; vo cal solo, Wayne Harding, playing his own accompaniment on his guitar; Dutch reading by B. T. Ramp; vocal solo, Mrs. Cecil V. Ashbaugh, with M13S Irene Olson playing her. accompaniment; mu sical selections by the Middle Grove orchestra. After the program a "Dutch" upper waa served by the refresh ment committee, Mrs. Dollie Ramp, Mrs. Cora Otto and Mrs. Hammock, assisted by several club ladies. Other committees were Miss Ella McMunn, Miss Gladys Otto and Miss Emmaline Sears, decoration committee. Mrs. Etta Banyard. Mrs. Georgia Ramp; Mrs. Maude Timm and Mrs. Cecil . V. Ashbaugh as the advertising committee. The program commit tee Included Mrs. Anna Dunlavy, Mrs,. Fay Loom Is and Mrs. L4Uiaa Raamassen, , . . A slant-malm waa aTMo annnifirfd bv the clnh On Fridav aftarnonn. - - , which proved a success finan cially. Aurora Observer Changes Hands AURORA. May 1 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hendrix this week took charge of the Aurora Observer, having leased the plant from George, E. Knapp who has been editor "of the paper for the past eight years. Mr. and Mrs. Hendrix, who are from Dallas, have for the past year been employed in the me chanical department of the Can by paper, but will make their home in Aurora. Mr. Knapp has not announced his future plans. Firemen's Dmnce - At Aurora Recalls Days oi Long Ago AURORA, May 1. The Firemen's dance Saturday night was a very colorful af fair. The boys appeared for the, first time in their new red sweaters. Those who have long since ceased to dance s.nf attend the fire- i wla urn a uii mu iuiic as gyuu a time as those who do the latent stepping. The size of the crowd, the hall filled with our own peo ple from the bead of the house down, reminded as of other days in Aurora before the advent of the utomo bile. Then oar dances were attended by oar leading citi zens' mm! their children. Then erery " one knew every one else, the youths and the maids became better at qnalnted with those of fath ers and mothers friends, parents went home with a glow la their hearts after a good talk with Bill and a dance with Mary and the children were babbling over with happiness at the fan- of It all. The Firemen's dance de serves the patronage of every citizens for miles around as the department responds with its new well kept fire track to all calls even to other towns. K. OFG. GLaSS 'IS NT TED of May 6, at t o'clock at the Tur ner high school auditorium. ; F. E. Jackson, field man and organizer of Portland will be present. All who are interested In dairying are arged to be present. MENTAL HY6 1 ETJE IS All Day Program at Mt. An gel is Well Attended Recently uin sura GERVAIS. May 1 One of the largest classes " in several years was initiated into the Knights of Columbus at Mt, Angel Sunday. Several from Gervais attended nd seven men. Andrew Miller. Martin Schlechter, John Messer, Joseph . Maisotrf Albert Pr&ntl. John Adelman and Michael Rauch. all of Gervais were .in the class. The service began with early mass and communion at the church, then breakfast at six o'clock. Rev. Father Orth of Ger vais waa a -prominent speaker at the banquet. About 80 Knights attended a smoker at the community hall in Gervais Monday night among whom were members from Salem, Mt Angel, Woodbora. St, Paul and Gervais. Fred Hecker, Peter Miller and A. DeJardin were the committee in charge and Fred Hecker was worthy lecturer for the evening. Brooks 4-H Club Is Entertained BROOKS. May 1 The'4H sew ing club of the Brooks public school was entertained at the home of the leader, Mrs. II. H Bosch, on Saturday afternoon This club has completed their work. Refreshments were served by the hostess to the following members: Millie Tschlda, Hattie Asplnwall. Addle Colyer. Arleta Wood. Clara Umemoto. Minnie Ogura and Evelyn M-oisan. Miss Ellen Hackit and her nepfr ew Hobert Glover, are spending the week at the home of Miss Hackit's niece near Spokane Wash. O. O. Epley had as his Rues over the week and Mrs. Joseph Lent of Middleton, Idaho. Mr. Lent visited Oregon about 13 years ago. Mr. Epley's daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Rollle Ramp have moved to Salem, where they wil make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Epley of Jef ferson, were also guests at the Epley home over the week end. Melvin is a son of Mr. Epley. CUB IS OPEN SILVERTON. May 1 The Silverton Historical society held a called meeting at the offices of Robert Goetz in the Eugene Field building Tuesday night. Report from the constitution and by-laws committee showed that everything was progressing nice ly. The motion was carried to set the second Tuesday evening of each month aside as the regu lar meeting night of the society. This brings the next meeting on the evening of Mat 13. No mete bersbip list has as yet been made out and the charter will be open tor members for sometime yet. Everyone is urged to turn out and become a. charter mem' her; ot this organisation. PROFESSOR S TOPIC Falls City P. T. A. Hears 0. R. Chambers From Oregon State PALLS CITY. May 1 Dr. 0. R Chambers, professor of voca tional psychology at Oregon State college, addressed the Parent- Teacher- association on the topic "Mental Hygiene" Monday even ing. Other numbers on the program were two readings entered in the local division of the coanty ora torical contest. They were "Ken tucky Bell" given by Jane Saun ders and the "Bridal Cup" given by Rozella Frink. Special plans have been made tor next month's meeting which is the last for this year. The pro-jrr-a will include numbers from the grade school and an illustrat ed lecture on the game of Ore- aon by Stellmaker: of the state game commission. Rains Hold Back Work Of Farmers CENTRAL HOWELL, May 1. The continued rains keep tne farmers from their spring sowing which they are anxious to be do ing. The weeds are getting so high in the newly set out Etraw- berry yards so it is hard to find strawberry plants. Henry Bye, father or K. H. Bye. and Mrs. Chris Lt'cbty. started Monday on his return trip to Can ada where his borne is. Mr. Bye has been visiting his children here and elsewhere In Oregon for the past four months. Central Howell In Spelling Bee CENTRAL HOWELL, May 1. Lucille Hall and Edgar Nafieiger from the Central Howell school. who went to the spelling match at Salem Saturday, were among those who had perfect written pa pers and had the privilege ot spel- 1 ling la the oral match. BEAU HEADS f !EW GROUP OF LEAGUERS DALLAS, May 1 District of ficers elected at the Epworth League contention held in Dallas last week end are: Hayes Beall, Salem, president: Odessa Grant, Dallas, vice president; Lois Ben jamin. Salem, second .rice presi dent: Maxine Peterson. Corvallis. third vice president; Gladys Nis son. seholls. fourth vice presi dent; Esther Erickson, Dallas, se cretary; Wesley Warren, West Sa lem, treasurer; Mildred Marcy, Dallas, Junior league superinten dent; Percy Miles, Salem, inter mediate league superintendent. The convention next year will be held in Corvallis. their way to Everett, Wash., where Mr. DeLay will haveem- ployment for a short time, during a lay off from his employment in California. Guests Enoy Lincoln Visit LINCOLN. May 1 Mr. and Mrs. DeLay and baby daughter of California were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Wilson of Lincoln, fa ther and mother of Mrs. DeLay. Mr. and Mrs. DeLay wera on El CORN KDl IS GUHEED W31 Stop Fain Instantly As$ Bmove Con or Money Refunded 6 WAFERS FOR 10c NOT LIKE THE REST If ytmVe tried aU sorts of wn remedies without getting the relief expected, risk a dtae sod. "O-Joy Corn Wafers, the wander fol new remedy guaranteed te stx pain at once and Quickly Temeva corn, callous, roots and all er money back. ... , as papr water, rrcss eorawlth anger and It sticks there. kwtj roes pain, shoes aont hart, lance if you like. Noincrra- nience. worry or bother. satNty Cora Waft stores. iers for a dme at Adv. DALLAS HIGH HAS nra DALLAS, May 1 Th weekly assembly was held Wednesday with a program in honor of Ore gon day. May 2. The program was given at the regular assembly in stead of holding a special one Friday. There were two songs, one by a boyg quartet, and the other by a mixed quartet. In addition to this several students gave talks on various things of interest in Ore gon's history and the history of Polk county. The feature of the program was a short play given by the fresh man .English classes showing something of the early life in Oregon. Dairymen Will Meet at Turner TURNER. April 30 The Ore gon Dairy Cooperative association will hold a meeting the evening i - i i i i 1 1 in r 1 i wvw JL.:m9 V-:CaT- - -SV - "V S--0 V'ssUmAutd's S' linsctocfl 1 1 SparkPlug and Ignition with fVeftiSet of AorMiate IMham. during V (CM kUKmMticM (ShangeWeek yhis Offer ends Saturday, May av : ' Give Your Car "Champion" Spcrk Plug Assistance Save at"Western Auto's" Special how Vrice of 67 f ecuh in sets of four or mme.., and alsotdurirChm Saturday, May 10th. ..get your Spark Plug and lgnitionTester FREEi The FIRST 10,000 MILES Are The Hottest ....after that, especially with modern high -speed motors, spark pings lose their "pep." Replace your old, beat-weakened plugs with new SiHimanife-Insu-lated Champions today. Your reward will he new ZIR..smoothcr engine oper ation.. .less gas consumption... reduced crank-case oration. ..and better all around satisfaction from your motor. Singfe pafs, 75c each. Where CHAMPIONS are Used Champions arc Made Winners of most important airplane, automobile and marine events use CHAMPION Spark Plugs because they know that erxlusiYe Champion features assure longer life and greater satisfac tion under any and .all conditions. Out standing Performance in ezoptionalrj difSmle service proves Champion supe rioriiy for everyday service in your car. ForAioWT'FonC55e Persn'rtc Ignition Cables Increase Motor Efficency Too Often, supposed spark plug or battery trouble is traced directly to old, heat-cracked. power4eddng ignition cables. Paranite cables are heat, col and moisture proo They . hav thick rubber insulation, are sheathed mhigh-quahty braid, and axe heavily coated with the finest flexible lacquer. Each set is complete wh terminals, rubber caps for t&tributor top r"riTVgr". and full instructions for quick and easy installation, According to cor . . . per set . . to FREE Tester vts set a flsfs i locates instantly defec tive plng or ignitioa cables. Bright liht oeans they arc O.H. wcmkhht.BickaTorno liBVtiaM to changa,' 159StcraintfcsT.fet- Salesa Store, 201 K. Ceaal . Telephone T9C f SPARK PLUGS Uuuutd FREE Driva to yowr acan NOW, and let as po fa newChamp Spark Flats- Uw, prompt GREATER VALUES FOR "'"''-'"' IP I I I I in the Home ' Never before has Spring brought a more fascinating array of suits See this MEW SPRIKG CRE&IOt! v a BER 7 'a year uff wear the Suit with Price Appeal! STYLISH and WELL MADE! That's our idea of a Spring Suit and it's probably your idea, too. You want the best styles, expert tailoring, superb fabrics; you want a lot for your money. The "NEW YORKER" WILL FILL YOUR WANTS AND MORE Dress up for Spring! GET YOUR NEW YORKER TODAY. FURNISHING GOODS THAT . COMPLETE THE OUTFIT HATS: 4The WESTOVER" Gaaruter 7.M valae. These HATS hsvs real style sad ars la all tks new eolorm. Qf-ITDTC. Ida "ACE" Shirts SOX: wS 9tM nhK. StTlisk mm eotoHmJ ko Um a4cat fabrics. Rayon and Silk Sox that are tfca 1 wors la itjta $ 1 35c S rstn fwt LM ONE DOLLAR DOWN BUYS A COMPLETE OUTFIT- take advantage of Charge It! s Smart to be Thrifty! 456 STATE : STREET THE NORTHWESTS LARGEST CLOTHIERS The more we sell the less you pay!