BELIEVE IN SA JUL M WE LEM lS3 THE FIRMS WHOSE NAMES ARE ATTACHED TO THIS PAGE HAVE COMBINED THEIR EFFORTS BEHIND A CAMPAIGN TO SELL SALEM AT HOME AND TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD. 1 Salem, the City Beautiful in the Land of Diversity, Country of Opportunity and Gibraltar of Stability SUPER-SERVICE STATION DAY-& NILES INC. SUPER-SERVICE STATION Cor. High ud Cbemeketa St. Telephone 471 . -DAT AND KITE SERVICE For a complete reliable one stop serrlee by skilled, eourteons mechanics, using only the best materials Prodnced by Nationally Known ICaanfsetarers GASOUNB STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS OIU9 GREASING WASHING TIRE-REPAIRS SEIBERLING TIRES AND TUBES Eold vita an. Unconditional Gaaraatee for oaa year Service Car Calla nude within the city llmlU without Extra Charge Give Us a Try and Ton Will Never Drive by Oramt W. Pay "The Hoane Townera" Bmwm W. Nttea GROCERIES AND HEATS R. H. BAILEY GROCERY SM . liberty at. ' A KJUaSLB STOXX BXLLDTO A COKFLBTX UBB 07 Staple nl Fancy Creeeries ,. fresh Tecatahlea Bakery Good of alt Kind . Confectionery u4 orery kiaof a aaorcaaadiae a fMljNMn aheaM eeB. Free TMlrwy CoerUous aad BflteteBt Kelp Rawest "A STOXX WEEKS QUALITT ABD SERTXCS 0fX TXBST" CROSS MARKET J. ZOextx at. z. - Tatey-heae KM J'ob r. a. xKtncTED meats or tjalttt abd blayox - eee ntoV - ' -. - - BEEF, VEAL, hTOTTOB, FORX Our taaefcee Mtli tn Ue best experienced packers eaa predate. oascadb mamm, carcass aaCttr AH klaaa of Ponltry. HOTELS HOTEL SENATOR iWt and High SU. Telepltoae 096. A Hotel with a Friendly Welcome ill Room of Hoaaellke Ceaalorts Modern Fireproof Bunding, Convenient to Theatrea aad Stare Pint Claas Cafe Service Wa Alse Operate OREGON HOTEL HOTEL JACKSON Eugene, Ore. Medford, Ore. Oar hotels are headquarters for tourists and commercial men We hare confidence In the future prosperity of Salem and Oregon DAIRY PRODUCTS SALEM SANITARY MILK CO. ltth It State Sta. Ostria Bros, Owners Telephone SIC A Ttt.tAT. SALEM SAXXT SBXJUOra FERFECTLT PASTEURIZED GtJERNSET AXD JER8ET MILK AKD CREAK Under the strictest sanitary conditions ia oar SiVna plant. Oar "Eablaa Special" will t toot ehildrea healthy "Guernsey Saule" 8A1EM MAP IOB CREAM 11 BO BTFFEBBBT THEATRE WE XECOKMEBD FOX ELSINORE THEATRE galea's Amutment Center Always anawia the latest aad baa talking aeetaree, nave reels rat eomje subjects, Faaehon ant Marco's ataca productions accompanied by au concert orchestra sires eor patrons the finest entertainmeat that skilled artists can prodoee. Home af the Mickey Moaao Club AVIATION SCHOOL EYERLY AIRCRAFT CORPORATION Iwnsr Road LEX ETEXLT, Hrr. phone 17tt school or rLnna Fleesore FUfhts, Saslnssi and Coaunerdal PHglta, Special Tripe Te those dealt iaf a thorough eonrsa ia both rronnd aad. air aarriee Fast Serrlca EeasonaWa Bates Tha Salem Airport Is ander oar manscemeat AUTOMOBILE PARTS B. & w. PArrrs STORE diS ChaawkeU St. Talepaana CSS-eee. Far Aotomotire Parts and Supplies Wa Carry a Complete Stock of XXFLACEKEKT FASTS, ACCESSORIES, AKD BOTFLIES For the wholesale trade. BOOSTERS AJT1 BUILDERS FOX A KOOXX AXX BETTER aaLEV TOP AND BODY SHOP HALN'S TOP AND BODY SHOP SI7 8. Coauaarctal St. TeteBhena I7t WX CAW REBUILD AWT WXEOK Ante Tops, Feader aed Body Work. Xadiator. Seat Corera, Oashloaa. . , Carpeta, Aato OUaa Upftelsteriaa, Cvrtalaa. AD klada of expert aaaasaabOa trtmmini; tkiHad wparatora OTJX nZOXS WILL ILXAIB TOO" LET OS ESTOCASX TOOB aTBXT nm GROCEUV: SIMPSON GROCERY 185 Xetth CeaiaaercUl Street Ttlnftraw AS-tt A XETiTdETiE XHBEPESBEXT flBOCZXT r-rr? Faay and Doasestls Groceries. Fresh PrwMt and Veretaelos, Freak Balerr Geoda aTerjr dep. end Dairy PreAaeta. WUm fmlmf at iaapeoa'a m set roll weight, best quality aad eenrtceae aerriee at all alaee, FREE PELTVERT SERVTCB TO ALL PAINTS XT THE CTTT BABY emexq THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY HATCHERY . dl S. Sdth St. EataWahad Itll Pheae tTf-V HOSTS OF HTGIZNIO DAT OLD.CHICXS Chieka aala everr day except Saedar Xoaday. Aak aWt enr darfal saw breed at Jersey White Oiaata. 0r e paete axartoaa ha w eaafal katehinf gBarsates kytteafa end healthy tMeke. WE ARB BOTLDEXS ABD BOOSTERS TOX A attOOXX AXD - fBTTFR SALEM ALOVES. XXST XX CARTAS BLOTXS foe raa - E3WO saa Axil caxtax xxock tm IzATHZxainb ; f Iteamfeetwad t -' - GLEASON GLOVE Cd LrX. OREjKTf ' BAisLh! - SM BENSON'S BAKE3Y COMPANY tsedel .-: . - Bensea. tea, . WheaataTe aaA ReHU PVt gf Sit "muted wrr.ic aisiwT "BSJCSOM'S IRISH XXXAB -PIIS r-.CAXJ AQLLS i JPASISX ,. Our ProdaeU era predmead aader the strictest aafeitary eoaAitWaa by , M , olerieaeed bakers .SHOE SXOm By B. J. HENDRICKS Salem is rem set in sur roundinea of ' tmsnrriassed beauty. It has the right to be and the duty to become The City Beautiful. Bat that is sot enough. t Nature has endowed this valley with a diversity of re sources tnat, ruiiy put to use, will render it the richest sec tion of the entire world. This is the land of diversity. Jt is the country of opportunity-It is by nature the safest da- main on the globe; it is capa ble of bein bunt into a Gib- nuter 4rtabuity. There is no like area that mar de vekib aut nunv vin tn converf its soil and . sunshine and thowers' into products bringinr ail annual and per ennial stream of new money from far. places. Most Jreaders know the writer has for nearly half a hundred years been taUrinc of Our franehisfl croni. and mu sible franchise crops, and our other franchise advantages. A recent anrver of eoncti. tions in California has con firmed and strengthened his convictions concerning -the franchise character rrf niinv things our people are doing or attempting to do In large and small waysbut for the most pan not doing them in as large ways as they deserve, nor attempting many- things that have the character of franchises Meaninr bv franrlifw something that we can trrnw OP do better tTian "f Vio Af V,a. feHow." Take our potential cash re turns for our fruits and nuts. They are prospectively enor mous. Some day, they will be great almost beyond present reckoning. In strawberries and all bush and several tree fruits, and in walnuts and filberts and chestnuts, we have franchise crops. California cannot com pete with us on anything nke an equal footing in any of these. She la short on quality or lame on expense of produc tion, or both. She can com pete In canning; reaches and apricots. She can compete in canning pears; but our Ban letts are better and we grow them on cheaper land and with less overhead. Bhj .can compete with us on canning tomatoes. In most vegetables for canning -or ohydratiflri we have it all over Cahfornla, California cannot grow fit berts commercially, and she cannot grow walnuts at as low a cost or of a high a quality as our neonle can. In fact, many of her walnut or chards dire being grubbed up, J because her land Is too high and her water table and other irrigation supplies of water too low, and getting annually lower. She cannot compete in walnuts in her own state with her oranges, lemons and grape fruit It costs too much for irrigation, and the cost is growing greater owing to the lowering of the water table, and for other reasons. This condition will never improve. It will grow constantly worse. We have no competitor for the American nut growing primacy with any fair show of attaining It In cold pack fruits, no oth er section of the country can compete with the Willamette valley on an equal footing. This means' mounting millions for our people. It extends what amounts to the picking Season for the best the world grows or can grow to every point on land and sea, every day in the year. These things alone would make this a rich and great country ; would make Salem a lanre city, the central point for the industries' ihey repre sent for wbich they furnish the raw materials. i Bnt these make oinlv a be- rinning of our tiirersity. T nature' nas nonnnaiea oa !m the- Belfast of the new world. The fjaxind hnen in djustrfef that, chiefly, mike Belfast a eity of liatf ainillioB population, have only a start here, with Salem the central , point the pioneer. We will out-Belfast Belfast in time, because we have here all the natural advantages that Irish city- has, with the addition of the fact that we can grow au the raw supplies almost with in eyeshot of the factories, While the flax fields there fur nish only about 15 per cent of the raw materials. And we have also the protective tariff, j In due course, the Willamette valley will be competing with cotton, with her flax manu factures, and on more than equal terms. That is we will be able to sell flax manufac tures cheaper than cotton manufactures can be sold, in any country, with or without cheap labor. This one thing will make Salem a big city. It is bound to come. We will be the mint center. along with some 60 other es sential oils of commerce. Na ture has given as franchises in these. We will have the largest first class dairying section o: the world; the same as to the poultry industry, a compli ment, and the swine industry not far behind, Some day, Salem will own her water system, with gravity supply from the mountains, furnishing power on the way down that ' will sell, at a low competitive rate, for enough to justify and wipe out the cost of the pipe line.' . The only all the year paved highway over the Cascades, through the Mhrto pass, will soon connect this great valley with the Inland empire. There win he several more paper factories in Salem, drawing their raw supplies from the forest reserves, in harvested timber growths that wfil last forever, and there will be more saw mills and furniture factories using the part of the timber -not suitable for pulp making. We will see a constant line of boats and barges on the Willamette, rendering' every foot of both banks of that stream a possible wharf site, as good asbne on a deep sea port but for a low transfer charge to ocean going vessels in the Portland harbor. In time, all the available water running to wastedown (Continued en Page Fire) dl State SU FOOT HEALTH SHOE CO. - W. ACKLIaT. ICtr, , v ntiia'nmT'iw,iir.2. they receeid, fit en pau FlfcOm hUJ ajrjay Area lm 1 1 ttm i MtM iiisiihi.s awb SEOEj TOX SfEB, use ' Lt SeFaelii 'cii y View ceae j W e ---- "- - i It la the alsa of tha officer - .vf riristifra . ta lata la aaA - ear baewtiral ik . ' . . "COXVZXXEXTLT 'ACCZSSXSLB, AJTD FSAFETTXAL OAXX BROylDfa Salea'ortiea " - Taleybewe ItM " ,vAiajdiD&tz$nri ; "7 MS Oeart St. '. rhsosa 37 a-Asa A XXTJAXT.K STOXS SXXXna A COkFLETX LXXS Taaey aad Staple .ereeerles. . Freeh Veftsblae la fftiissi Bmtktt Jleata Bakarroods of 1 P" aad awerytliiae; else a rood proear. aewald md(L " XXA80XABLK XXUCLS COCRTEOUS AKD SFFIOXEST SELS We hsrt h j a--rtw yr ot u eowwy feeToaet-r - LOANS - INVESTMENTS - INSURANCE Orcgea Xaftdlas -.! . : . . Xeteaheaa JSST r Fersssial Serrfce tor Xmy Cat- ; lUp ve help raa plae rear lasaraaee hoods aadeulat la lelriaf paw Quality United IPtyjISnW Stores sAXBst Mwisxoir Lov Prices The word "LNDEPENDENT" doesn't describe our at titude against our neighbors1 who buy at our store. Heavens, No! That Word "INDEPENDENT merely means that we are net a corporation, that each one of us own and ran our own "PURITY GROCERY STORE" right in your neighborhood or around the corner from your office. We each have an owners natural interest in serving yon so well that you win always come back. We take special pains to wait on your children promptly when you send them -on shopping errands. We are afl ex- perienced merchants which qualifies as to serve you well. If you like sincerity and human-ness in business, we .thhtk you will find it pleasanter to drop in at a "PUR ITY STORE" for many of your household needs. The "PURiix" symbol on our stores proves that we can give you fresher feed stuffs, and better values, plus a personal interest ia each customer, and the ad vantage of CREDIT and DELIVERY SERVICE. PURITY GROCERS BUY IN SALEM, DO YOU RECIPROCATE?" mLLMANS PURITY CAKES SNOW FLAKE BREAD BUTTER NUT BREAD Baked In Salem by the Cherry City Baking Company CHERRO VALLEY BUTTER A Salem' Produce Mfg. by Attdresea and Son, Inc. F. R. Bailey 525 S. Winter YY. H. Clark Z290 State Pick Out Your Purity Grocer ; He's in This List Capitol St. Grocerr Canitnl and Union -a WW ok a m mm .-T . - a. n. raicneu 1Z75 n. unurch. 563 670 .1220 Pure Food Grocery 341 Union. Dan Sheets 2265 BIffl St -209 A. Dane & Son 1003 S. CommerciaL J. & DeHarport 05 S. 19th Street C. M. Eppley Co 1900 State t. ejacoo jsisasser boo Ulghtmd -817 -J935 JL286 Rich's Grocery 17 and Center St Roth Grocery 134 N. Liberty u. m. KODerts 7Z0 d St. .1978W .2400 W. F. Foster 339 N. CommerciaL Greene's Grocery 1590 SL Commercial v. u. iiau 1864 N. Capital 93-4 893W 59 W. A. Sampson 975 Market . C. W. Standish 2095 N. 5th. D. L. Shrode 705 S. 12th. -1885-1886-1887 387 338 , 1395J Sloper's Cash Market West Salem. 22 SehVs C & C. Store 254 N. Commercial .2493 1748J 60 Jes White Grocery 1635 Fairground RdV- 2330W ciuure a jrrocery Z25U m. High TffttflJ C. A. Tatum 2395 N. Fronts J27S Pickens & Haynes 456 Court Si WELIYE LN SALEM WE BOOST FOR SALEM Associated Store No. 52090 N. Camtwerrfal aoi m . mmM e a . s SB aa I I am ar est Associaiea diore no. Kooerts station 127F2 Associated Store No. 61705 N. Cottage- 305 AM0C!aS if0!! fc ifSf01 3018J Associated Store No. 25 13th and Stnt nop JNYEST IN SALEM WE BELIEVE IN SALEM CARLTON PIONEER ROOFING C& XX-XOOr BOW OB EAST TERMS . Applle hp Roof Spbeialista Fheae 417 at Cease ta for Free KatJatate en fiaeinr OopoeiU Xeetlat Fheae dtT-jA . Chdatteaeia. Ifgr 17S Treat St. . Aathorised ApplieaUoai AaeaU 'Wl BTETJEvTB fit aAT.HW CONFj FLCliOhERV AND r.mcx:nv" PALM CONr ECTlONEkV AND GaOC5T f7S X. Chdxch Bt. ' - , . ' . - y -TIeakesU SdRA A Xwi Wheew itjoality aA Serrlca Fxavaibi V7T- '- :.Pwwa. ratr teeriee -- Freak Frolu ead VogataMoa. BAXFjrr oooss , paibt fboi)ucts noxxn icxats aw.. vonecuoaery. TRACIOSAKd FARM Waeletale. letaa A.CHAAG&CO. xuoi BAaetk Coefideace . v juvrxuwa Getrse Crawler Tnetars Are Kaar Mad. ta Six fiiaaa 4li, - so1. - ,ao, uo" io-so5 tIM- - Tfhe Bart Farr ia Te Siioe "lMdf 1S-SS' Js-SO' mm ia eeaspwa w etc Woarl Tana slachlaery. aad large stock P"e, ww ca ftra pro, pfncteiit sorrtS! SSf .'.WX mJvn-irjr . '--- THE BEAUTY -BOX 1 Taa Bsralia na a a tj. -m m.J!&?AM XBJUXX5TS ITBaEB WATIBO - BfABCELLDre - ' Pichl mmM BLmSb TIiiI.i.i. 61e Ce a Trial aed Be CoaTiaeoA icliitb rr salfm" ACCTIO. rrV bt ti s..1 r F rQOAit'1 & SON ' r -BJfLSf kJi. XX AUCTL.V aitTJ 1M !! We But aad Far Cash Ut aU klada at - , "s PoH Fwrtiirtre, Store. Tools, Ete. AOOTIOSS COXDOCTrt) CKtEX OUR, PERSOHAL- DIRXCnOX . WROBXSSAT R2iJ SATUROAT . a -. Sole Areata for Le Itins - . TS ox hicXcEES I JL, XeUahto Salesa Flrai SelUaa A eoarplete aa jsp-to-eato Rao at -woti 4-aw ataVoV e- . BIOTCLES AKD WHEEL OOOOS FOR CHIURE!T xiriiBiKa xx-ranro . rxfaix iTSvToatauoxrxs - Clre TXa a grp. Oar Sersiaa. aad Trieee WOJ Floaeo Tea. "WB BBIJgTBv TB EaLEtd last norxxx sabdwicses see DIXIE -QUICK LUNCH lit XVHU Haabarser Saadwichee So Joe TUJiATKiT The Dnau GRAND TiiEAliUS - " I'helaaesM Rasahotaoat Wirhwrt JC suatasjaaea arar -r amv nwr w an Qeaiee TWklaf Tewg . t. aad Other Shert Saljeete BTWtj rpoj JUfa U rasaQp Xlfht . OaeOeTfekot Aasaita tboattre Faarilr ws axx loetTEts rox a fioofi atb b& ttex salebt litse. A reliable. laJepeadeat KitUEGEit Git( EJCEL ' Tslepheae tr7MITI sdepeadeat groeeer aaOiaa tmme hI liurih -...j . i. TifrasiH, iu umi aolurr (oeda aad dairp predacta. Wa alas ta giro yea Uo boat aaaUtp ta food prodaete that Vki aaarkatVeaa ' faraish aad at tha lowest possible Prioaa. - f - . Cwtxw dTt ' paroe ywej Fre 1 eaiee way tfe - SaLEaI tikAis Vou siluliLb UUOvV dtt - sixxac xAaoAnr souxa Tatawhaaa see SALEM 4TUBX C0KFABT Whalaaala aad BetaU Daatara ta asetele, aerap iroa. r , Kew aad ased plpa, pipe Ctttaia. aidea. abeep aalta. aad eaeeera - 1" sTtoajT ..."S X- larTn. Wk" S4.? ahlaorp. HOME SITK8 Salem's Beauty Spot ToDay Two araro fceaatifal kwtt aeoriae eoeapletloa. Drlra ap. we tarito Ti taapoe tion o Uoso waaaerCat bootee wkUa taop are botar eoaiplosod. Opea Itr rear Isspectioa all dar lacludicr Suadsys. The asUinc ia msirtious. areriookhif the Capital City, Mt. Hood, WllUmetU Wtw, Valley and Mountains. A potential taadseape of insplriaf boaatp ae tar aa tha risioa win carry. Watch Klasvoei Eelshu srew tt'i Ue water ke riew the air Xfetre era. CITY WATER WORKS HOURLY WATER TESTS In our laboratories here we give bacteriological tests every hour on the water which is supplied to the homes and Industries of Salem. There Is no guess work; by scientific tests we determine the purity of Salem water. This is a responsibility we gladly accept Oregon-WaaJiington Water Service Co. 804 S. Commercial St Salem, Oregon TXRJB SERVICE ONE STOP FOR A COMPLETE SERVICE Oar serrlce Includes Firestone Tires and Tobee, Firestone Brake Lining, Firestone Batteries and ! Accessories GASOLINE OILS GREASES LUBRICATION SPECIALISTS CAR WASHING HULL SMITH & WATEINS The Station With a Clock BABY CHICKS The 8S Husky Hisrade Baby Cbicfca Hatches Off bfOBDATS AJTD TUESDAYS OF EACH WEEK SALEM PETLAND WB 'BELIEVE DC 8ALEH ITS State St. SELF SERVICE STORK WILLIAMS SELF SERVICE feT 3RES S7S State St. Telephone StS tolling standard Uaea of mea'e. women's and cbildrea'a aoderwear, hosiery, work clotMnr, robber footwear, wash aressea, play atiits, ate. Oar eell-service method af aierekaadisiac asakea It possible to cell atadari Ilnoa at lower prices. Serra Tearaair aad Saae irg-gB BOTXPEB8 ABB BQORTEBS for A BTOOEB aad BETTER 8ALBH TAILOR 118 S. Liberty St TelejiheBe sit JOHN SUNDIN SALEM'S- LEAnara tatlox Detbep lrttl aet make tte Mja, but a well tailored nit each at wa mala, will make a maa feel well arestsd aad increase hit baataett efficiency! We are now ahowiag a eemplete Uae ef aprlaf patterns of finest eaantF. BEVERAGES faU kook oniGEk ale Sabt by n taod tealera. XathatUsUeally accepted by tmn raekot eottleslihaaay cartaa 9! . tl.00 suBfia ooTua, eaca - - - - m Salsss. Qrefoa 'Mf a. bv GIDEON STOLZ COMPANY FLORIST AND DECORATOR TS (11 liRFitTHAtlP SALEM'S TOSTIMCTATX ZXORLTX Far Out Flea-era, Pot Ud P1nfs, Decoratioai aad Flatal petit as at all klada. Bird Oegea jai Bird SappHea. Gold Fish nl iSai WB OVARABTEB QTAUTT, FXICX ABO OOOO SEXTICX -SAT XT WOT FLOWERS" afemhar ef the Fiorist Telatraah Delinr lwdrfU T. eil State St. - , TRaSSm ana UfDEPEXDENT E. W. C66LY GROCERx1 til S. OwauaarcUl St. Bet Chain Store aoeao awaed store, peraoaaU: aoDsasUa araeariae. bttk frmii. ' 'ivmi v. exra and ehaeia. makii Aai eraTythtag else a saet tadeTendeat frocery ahaabt eeS. Wa era aoostera tor Baleai tad apyraetata year trade. FLORIST im-Lm aaany operated. Vaaiber Affiliatad Bayon. iCoeley'e Grocery. Ooase hera for faaey aad Jaitt aadt Tere tables, bakery feeda, batter OSCAR D. OLSON SALEM'S PROGRESSIVE FLORIST Curt aad High Streets. Tel. 801 CONTRACTORS UakMiW A TI'ITI li sUBsa. Oragan Talephaae lftfJ coxarxwcTxcar ooxtxaotoxi Dixnra, suaifABCrr vnvta mm excavitiot, nrx LAtnre WTCHDiw. FILX DRITISO 1 j Waearplay Italy local help. WX AXX BOOSTERS ;AXp XwrLBEXS TOX A BfOeXX AX .lies aajisa tie A .-tV7QBXS. rrea, QHES A trT.THTS AXP XXSFOSaTAXB FTABt j FersSs3r ff S??rT!S",,"",,eBaa GROCERY PAD1TS GROCERY FaU UaS af Bahary Oeodr. cheiee steek. af Sefcel tfestt Uaea a aU tackt4 saecary ekaald aoU. TtaAaatFaAaV ...'taaxrasi an fcittwr hu.xAL i.QjJZF FREE FURTIACE UlB?ECTiON JTaat rhona SSTBJ for a expert tm call TSZZl ' - ' CAPITOL SnrZT ICTAL -A MoatagFnritaces atayCL hAAi- ax aJai . '.."T ; ";'oy;; 'n.iM:o33 . 't , 5-fJDANS AND IXSURANCn it S. CaanBterdaI ' J - - - - OtdejOkOBa) Sit ttSaT. .Caal Lxw.; i..tM.P4jM --A. A. CasCy. rtta : ai -mnm' WUMe f'.-a First LUt ---a- fir- TATio2T" L Ir&irs Tea TpTf?a-op--ae--ywwy -yv-t TX' - iBBBBlB"BBSwXWBBaxaxa JLWATS t Tw r-"-- --; SLSOlae :