The OREGON STATESMAN Salem Oregoa, Scaday Morning, April 20. 1930 PAGE NINE RUTH GEER VERSATILE Statesman Correspondent Adept in Many Lines ATHLETICS ONE POINT o- i Independence i If there Is any branch of ath letics In walea Rath Geer, States man correspond eat at Wood born. lis not inter ested it is only because she has not heard of the particu lar game aa yet You may be sure she win be at it as sooa aa she hears about a new sport. Riding, swim ming, tennis, bask e t b a 1 1, tolleybalL, all kinds of b. dancing and t otet all tha rest are but mere play to her. But she is not all athlete. In Ruth Geer we find an unusual combination, a girl interested in all forms of sport but who is also musical and capable in many to er lines. She plays the piano and trumpet and sings, makes all of her own clothes and finds time to do a good deal of writing. Al this during the time that she is a INDEPENDENCE, April -19 The Girls league is siring a bas ket social Ta tfte high school gym on Friday, April 18. There will be a program, dancing and a good time for eTerybody. Ross Nelson and Ray Harmon senior In Woodburn high school, made a business trip to Portland Bill and active In student affairs After graduation from hiKh school Ruth plans to go to college and study Journalism. With this she plans to take "all I can get" in psychology, political science and economics. ' urner TURNER. April 19. Those of Surprise grange vho attended Po mona grange' at Union Hill Wed nesday were Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Farris, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ed wards, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lit tie, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Titus Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Denyer and W. F. Gulvin. H. P. Jensen and children, Al bert and Evelyn are spending Eas tar Sunday ia Portland with Mr. Jensen's sister, Mrs. A. Wolf. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Thomason had for their weekend guests, Mr and Mrs. W. B. Brown of Gervais also their son, Owen and their daughter, Mrs. Paul Walker and Miss Jean Phillips of Portland. W. A. Martin has the founds tion laid for a commodious new house. The building will be on the lot east of the present home. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ball took their young son to the Salem hos pital Saturday evening, he being very ill with pneumonia. He has shown improvement during the week. James Denjer, senior high school student won third place in the bookkeeping contest held in Salem Saturday. He missed sec ond place by one point. Those from Turner attending the special dairy meeting in Sa lem Wednesday evening were W. T. Riches, Jr., Alfred Anderson ad L. D. Roberts." : .ena I -o- ZENA, April 19. The rain la the northeast part of Polk coun ty Thursday while not heavy, prov- ea very welcome to farmers and berry growers. The cherry orch ards in general will not be Injured at tnis time by gentle rainfall. Mrs. W. N. Crawford went to Lincoln Thursday to care for Mrs. D. R. Ruble, who is suffering from infection caused by fruit blossom poisoning. Mrs. Ruble was suffering Intense pain in her eyes and face. Mrs. George Boyd and Mrs. Tracy Walling assisted ia nursing her Thursday night and Friday. S. A. Henry of Salem was a house guest Thursday night at the home of his friends. Mr. and. Mrs. N. R. Holland of Zena. The Henry and Holland families were near neighbors when they resided in Spring Valley 10 or 12 years ago. Evelyn Charpllloz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Charptlloi of Zena is able to attend school again. The young girl had a mas toid operation, recently but re covered nicely. Dorothy Fredericks and Elaine Worthington were sent to Brush College from the Zena school as contestants in the district spelling elimination contest held there on April IS. Miss Lillian Reynolds, principal of the Zena school ac companied them. Mrs. C. F. Merrick and two chil dren, Audrey and Chester of Zena were Thursday afternoon visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al vin Madsen of Lincoln. Wednesday. Mr. Kelson runs the Iris theatre here. Mrs. Nellie Kantner and daugh ter of Seattle are the hoase guest of ber mother, Mrs. Ada Whit aker. B. R. Crain has sold his. meat market on C street to Frances Holt, and has moved back to Idaho. Mrs. Homer Woods. Mrs. Ada Robinson and Mrs. John Donald son, attended a party given for Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Robinson at McMinnville. Wednesday night. The ladies of the Baptist church are holding a cooked food sale at Calbreath's grocery on Main street, 8atarday after noon. They will have everything to make your Easter dinner com plete. Mrs. G. O. Skeleton and daugh ter, Mary, of Corrallis were house guests of Mr. end Mrs. J. N. Jones, Thursday. Several from here visited the lily farm at Dayton Thursday. Those going were Mrs. Earl Ruef Mrs. J. N. Jones, and their house guests. Mrs. G. V. Skeleton and daughter, Mary, and Mrs. R. Skeleton and son, Robert Mr, and Mrs. Sam Hastings of Arlio were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Hedges, Monday. There were a number from here in attendance at the Rebek ah lodge In Monmouth Thursday night. A program was put on by the lodge, and a play completed the evening's performance. S. J. Hoover is driving e new automobile. Mr. and Mrs. Crossley are mov ing to Corrallis. Mr. Crossley has been manager of the Stand ard Oil station here for the last two years, and has been trans ferred to the Corvallis plant. INDEPENDENCE. April 19 Mrs. Marie Ruef had as her din ner guests Monday night. Misses Katherine and Grace Jones of Corrallis. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Jones. Mrs. A. Skeleton and son. of Grants -Pass and Miss Ber- nita Jones. Aa Easter program is to be given in the Methodist church oa Sunday even in jr under the di rection of Mrs. E. N. LandqaisL Prof. R. W. Kirk, who died Thursday, was principal of the schools here a number of years ago. Mrs. Kitchen has gone to Esta cada to spend some time with her daughter. She has been spending the last three months with Mrs. Beal, ber daughter here. Eugene McCarthy, . who is at tending the Hill Military acad emy in Portland, Is spending the Easter holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. McCarthy. Harry L. Corbett of Portland, republican candidate for gov ernor, is to be the speaker at the next meeting of the Commercial club, which will be held in the church next Tuesday evening. The fishermen's special to Valsetz is leaving at 4 o'clock Sunday morning for all points in the mountains. The Polk county track meet will be held at Monmouth on June 2. This date was decided no on by a meeting of the athletic association that was held In Mon mouth on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary Friday, April It.". . Mrs. P. H. Drerler is nit ill at her home. She has been sick for some time and had a bad spell Friday. The Easter egg bant that was to be in the grove Friday after noon had to be postponed on ac count of the rain. This was being given by Robert Craven, of Cra ven and Son confectionary, The quarantine has been lifted from the homes of C. R. Messlng er and Mrs. McElmurry, where the two little girls who had scarlet fever had been confined. So far no new cases In town hare de veloped. Rer. Gentre of the Baptist church will preach in the Parker school hoase Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George DeWitt of Portland are spending a few days here. O. B. Travis has purchased a wood sawing outfit of Mr. Olson, and Is operating it in this vicin ity. Miss Helen Knott has returned to the Oregon State college after spending a few days at home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kaussman of Portland were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Busby. Mrs. R. K. Montgomery is very III at her home on D street. Bruno Hornberger and Fearl Hedges went to Alsea Saturday on a fishing trip. Mrs. Dell Alexander and daugh ter of Albany were guests at the home of Mrs. W. N. Alexander. Friday. Several of the fishermea 'hare been out trying their luck. Some have made some good catches. More carpenters are needed to rash the completion of the big warehouse which is being built by the Southern Pacific. enta. ; J. B. Hatch and R- Paul made at business trip to New Grand Rondo, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Carey of Sa- lem attended the stunt night pro-j gram Friday evening. ? C. J. Moyer and son, Clarence and Mrs. Jennie Cobb of Independ ence, spent Suadsy in Falls City.? With the mill at Yalsets rani ning only four days a week somei of the men return to Falls City every weekend. Veldon Morris Dick Paul. Jr.. and Willard Hatchi are tmons those who were out lasts weekend. Waconda I; Falls City o o FALLS CITY, April 19. Mr and Mrs. F. J. Patton of Clats- kanie, former teachers in Falls City high school, visited friends in Falls City over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Creswell of West Fir were recent visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Muck and daughters. Yirginia and Betty, of Portland, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Muck. Mrs. C. P. Horn, recently re turned from Aberdeen, Wash., where she has been with her daughter, Mrs. Ellen Munkewald. Little Beverly and Phyllis Munke wald returned with her. Mrs. Ned Smith has been called to San Diego by the illness of her mother. Loren Hatch, freshman at Ore gon State college spent the week day going by way of the Coast end in 'Falls City with his par-1 Loop. WACONDA. April 19. Mr. and Mrs. George Lemery accompanied by Mrs. Lemery's brother. Fred Schadewald, recently motored to Oregoa City oa a fishing trip. They were quite successful, having re turned with a large salmon. Mr. aad Mrs. Ed Shartf had as their guest recently, Peter Schark of Bahl. Idaho. Mr. Be hark is an ancle of Mrs. Schartf. They made the trip to the beaches San- MICKEY MOUSE 'A Note With An "Aim" By IWERKS Jefferson -o I JEFFERSON, April 18 Mrs. George Vail, who underwent an operation at the Albany General hospital last Tuesday, was able to come home Monday, and is speed ily Tecovering. Jack Haines, a traveling sales man of Portland, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hinz Tues day. Mr. Haines is a nephew of Mrs. Hinz. Rer. D. G. Cole, pastor of the Methodist church, is suffering with an attack of septic sore throat this week. Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER I, b 3 H S 6 Bga7 18 If 10 Ml .. m Lis m u,, "I27 !fi J ML 150" Jl it?""!?!! 38 H 39 H 0 HI H2 H3 1 i I l m& I I w& I I Russian f Ike HORIZONTAL. 1 Depart. 3 Who was the founder of Eaf- i lUh socialism? 7 Who wrote "UacU Tom's Cabin"? 12 Like 13 Decline. 14 Tropical plants. 15 Seizes with the teeth. 17 Den. 19 Lieutenant (abbr.) 20 Uamboolike crass. 21 Title of former rulers. "22 Peer Gynt's mother. 2S Anger. 24 Native of Morocco. 25 Wharf. 26 Plural ending. 27 Observed. 2t What is the tfeaa screen star whose haseead is Douglas Fair books 7 2 Makes. 20 Portable beds. 32 Wkkh of Eaglaar treat Prune Muuiters weeooded WaJpoU? 53 Undulate. 54 Exclamation. 25 Enemies. 8C Main body of a cruciform church. 27 Man's name. M Printer's measures. 39 Small sum of money. 49 Impartial. 41 Above. '42 Elongated fish. '43 The whole Jury. 44 Transactions. 46 Leave out 48 French definite article. 49 Country ef the Near East 0 What aaaw tor team is derived frees the aaas- bar of players? - U Steamship (abbr.)". VERTICAL. 1 What angel was boliorod by Mohammed to have dicta tod the Korea to the Prephott 2 Willows. 2 Was indebted to. '4 Existed. &YTalf an am Wboc Cret Ea&dU daUrall P- Trafalgar ia 18651 ' lcWWlJ 7 Move to action. 8 Sailor. 9 Either. It) What EngtUli cartBaa aad statesman was opposed to too divorce of Henry VIII? 11 Chemical compound. 16 Artificial moaai. 18 River in Switseriand. 21 Digits. 22 Melodies. 24 Come upon. 25 Top of the bead. 27 Habitual drunkards. 28 Change one's position. 2d Expires. 80 Hollow 'place In the earth. 31 What EaglUh King was bo- 32Wl with Caosar and Cra as foraaod a trmavrirata ia 59B.CT S3 Who Is the chief oxpooeat of Bohaiesiaa la psychology today? 24 Bay windows. 25 Quarrels between families or elans. 36 Nothing. 37 Man name 39 JTable land. 40 Destiny. 42 High priest of Israel. 43- 3-Peg te fasten articles te eelher. 45 Suffix: pertaining to. 47 Note ef the scale. 0 6 4 444 d 'Wo 1414 5 0 oTffT Herewith ia the solution of yes terday's puttie. 6 jHQAxypllTTl EE 1 2b oMt inS?! D T A I L rlsiE RfoRO fete t dS? Rlf IBFEftfel DM faM Mak I ' ' 15 F aaiiuKllC l"T YDO MIGHT" AS WGUL MAKtrJSk SIMWk fT SHE'S NoT in HERE GlTW-Ar"lilrt ' INHERITED- """"S jl f V VtTS!f 1 y StDGSC fVQ1 7PM DISAPPEARED "THE MOTOR Or Art OUC JjJ.fw cx J rfi ! J lN ! S i 7 (?) I 1HI KlS ' j l I "POLLY AND HER PALS" 'His Fleeting Childhood' By CLIFF STERRETTj A FINE FIX HyPMOTM GOTIH FAMltV Vh4TO. .SvUJ URL first vmake paw TUiMK WB A UTTV&; TURN BLMtR h4TO A CAVE--MAM . n I .... ... w h UPrKCQV fc- ,.hiLwl r Ctc it- I J I I r . . .. l I, ACcroEMTbaa yoo lay ofp- - - m it Trr' 1 GiT-tUiS WECK'S happened? J a mv 4wlv ioba j seos. ''ZTM K .. . .V. 7 S otRK. y II C wmere ami? ; iASTOMAKBA Hue MAM TiAAw "I: ' J If JT -f DOLU?") I I WHAT W 15 f v m. am a t-? sc a, a i v vtrk-rv kji r rsa w ani ir " c-r- waA x i -w j . . A m H I TILLIE, THE TOILER A Title That Pays" hOH, MR. CEINe&AU HANAQbe . I'M GOMMA BB OFF ALL. cysy . VAilt-V- you fauEAfe TAKE CARS -"""J x "5iOP BSEgTH I fsS MS f Tr K3jT Tt Go' fJ feKSHT AHEAD NA4HO TOLD SHe coul1 fee ofp 5EMB2AU Maw age 2. MHA"T I SAV GOES VAiWEE'S THE GENERAL MANAQETR ,OP THIS "THAT lOFPK NE)Crl ICE s$m. l push? iiaa i i By RUSS WESTOVO MiSS Here's a Co. p. piom Miss tomes- svm TOPJ3g " ME TO COLUElCTrfffl tt? LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY "The Reception Committee,, By BEN B ATSFORI Come on. SPHlNTt - LET '5 SHOW M ALBERT YOU'RE A REAL TAVKIMGi PICTURE I ONL.Y WANT YOU TO , sfict owe, woap Our if you a LEARN TO JAY IT RIGHT r'Lt-f euv vou A CPt ACKER i factory r r40W YOU VE HAD YOUR.' DINNEU Ve'Lt. SNAt INTO, OU Lf-JSON AGAIN .COMfi . ON $K - WEIXO Mff mvm W0IXOWI? 1. -jil nil. ig ""j" tar;-., jf rut. r tint CMmi SfitMbx W.-CwM Wrlato rtaV ) AX TA BAY. MY. JUST KE"P MVINft tWEtXOMe -WtkCOME AN V YOU'LL JUST PULL THAT SPEECH VHE MR. ALBERT COHES HOME PR0H TWS HOSPITAL - YOU CAN BE A OUM9 A5 AM OX FOR THE" RUST Or YOUR UFK. k1, 1 COURSE. YOU 0OHT KNOW VHAT THAT VKHC& VtfLCOrW MCAHS- pOT IF YOU1 KNEW VAT A KVCIC HtAL9ERT i LW(U. CET WHEH KB HEARS, IT XOU'O, LEAKN TO 5AX WFIXUMI? Iff nrTY-SSVCff IfWwnatj f n 1 --w., TOOTS AND CASPER "The Dancing Instructor By JIMMY MURPHY. I DON'T WNOYV VMAT rTtBUT THEBES OMB- ANtTHATOE& VWOtB FAMaY THESI i ' , -La t- aji t V'V ' . . I I '. '.uvfoIlIKMill J-WI&lfc t f II WW" HOOFER. J 1 "rir Z Lrrr. I LJ tiaJ cu IT ruun to II KAAOQVFTv i FT Al nwT? be I YtJLTRE. A I I YbUFDLMA WILL BE F LT5 I H aaiaBMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaa - ( .--..-5 'I,,-: -V. t: