The OREGON STATESMAN, fiakeu Oregon, Sunday Morning, April 20, 1933 GOOD FRIDAY : CANTATA GIN Of Trinity Xhurch Scene Unusual Musical Program 8ILVERTON, April 19. The Good Friday cantata, "Great De IlTeranee," arranged by M. C. Johnshoy from some 61 the finest number of classical church music, was iTen at Trinity etaureh Fri day eTenlnr before a large and rery appreciates audience. The choir, under the direction of Rer. H. L. Foss. was splendid. As outstanding number was that with the choir and Alfred Jensen, tenor, as soloist, in "Seek Ye the Lord." Also worthy of particular mention were The Kyrie "God Be Merciful Unto Us" as sung in a 'duet by Mrs. AlTin Legard and Mrs. Earl S. Adams, and "Our Faith Springs Like the Eagle," sung by the male chorus. Soloist taking part were Mrs. M. G. Gunderson, Miss Frances Nelson, Miss Marguerite Satber, Mrs. AlTin Legard, Miss Magna Hansen, Mrs. Earl S. Adams, Al fred Jensen and Rct. Mr. Foes. Miss Esther Towe presided at the piano and also gare an or gan solo. Waldo Hills j WALDO HILlS, April 19 Mr. and Mrs. Edson Comstock expect-, ed to go in to Portland Wednes day to bring Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Geer home but on reaching Sil verton found a long distance call saying the doctor had decided to remove Mr. Geer's tonsils and he wouldn't be able to come before Friday or Saturday. Waldo Rue accompanied friend) to Portland Wednesday returning that night. ' A meeting was called Tuesday evening at the Waldo Hills com munity hall to talk over the or ganisation of a grange. Owing to the fact that no suitable place could be secured for a regular meeting place no organization was perfected. LeRoy Rue is again at the home of his parents after a week spent in Portland. Mrs. William Halvernick is spending the week in McMinnville at the home of her son, Ernest. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Haberly went over to Clark Warnocks' Thursday to get baby chicks. The sympathy of this entire community is being expressed tq Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hillman be cause of the serious illness of their 14 year old son, Robert. Robert wbo is a freshman at Silverton high was taken ill last Thursday with infantile paralysis. While he Is very ill everything possible is being done and it is expected he will come through nicely. ESSEX DRIVER WOULD CHALLENGE ROOF TOP, I -O v y, 'izfFis . J V ' "' r' " '" . J " o - r-- 3t , sir vCHlij?-iJwi ' aasr 1 Among the many outsUmdiajr accomplisbmeaita of Essex, the C1uJlener eara, darlaa; ChaTJeBger week were the record breaking hill climbhig feat. This yomu; lady held the Attention of quite an audience when she started to climb this difficult grassy slope. The steepness of the grade caa be Judged by the roof on the left of the picture, the driver t-tinFt; that if she could get to the roof she would climb that, too. Rickey I RICKEY, April 19 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Van Cleve of Portland were weekend guests of Mrs. Van Cleve'a father, D. A. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hager and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hor ner and son. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc Mullln and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. O. Fryslie, spent Sunday at Taylor's Grove near Mehama. Mrs. Elwood Fegler ot Eugene has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. A. B. Richardson this week. Her sister. Miss Doris Richard son returned home with her and will remain during the Easter va cation. Mrs. George Hager and daugh ter, Mrs. C. Lanke'and Miss, Lou ise Lanke spent Wednesday In Portland shopping. Allen Wallace motored to Sil ver Creek Falls Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Dick man spent Thursday in Portland. Walter Crabb won the prize of fered by Mrs. Marie Kelly, the principal for the best bird house built by a boy in the advanced room. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sheridan made a business trip to Portland Thursday. M. nr. Magee. patrolman, has a crew of men widening the road where the road known as old Sub limity road enters the Salem- Ma cleay road. Miss Dorothy Fitzpatrick ' of The Dalles will spend the Easter vacation with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. T. Fitzpatrick. Miss Margaret Fitzpatrick, a daughter who is attending normal at Mon mouth will also be an Easter guest of the Fitzpatricks. North Santiam o I NORTH SANTIAM, April 19 Mr. and Mrs. Al Bannick are the parents of a baby girl born April 10th. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. and R. L. Ha ward were Sunday dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Van Nuy's at West Stay ton. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Van Nuys and Billie of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Van Nuys of Turner. Mr. and Mrs. T. Spencer have sold their place here to C. W. Hinyle and are moving to Salem. Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith have rented the Gilmore place. They took possession Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Gowlng, Lett Bennett and Francis Round of Portland visited the C. L. Young home Sunday. Road Patrolman L. Walker with his crew of men have finish ed grubbing and clearing the right ot way for the new market road! I O- Kingwood KING WOOD,' April 19 The population of Kingwood Heights has been materially increased the past week. Mr. and Mrs. R-. K. Vincent have moved from West Salem into the Sam Feller house and Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Fitzemore and family and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Smith and family, all of Aber deen, Wn., are now living in the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garner. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. La Raut have gone to Vancouver for a vis it . with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Guy La Raut. Dr. D. A. Williams is building a two-story Colonial brick resi dence he purchased of Charles Adams. John H. McKinney of Myrtle Creek has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen La Raut. Mr. Mc Kinney is a brother of Mrs. La Raut. Miss O'Deell Peden Is suffering from a severe case of tonsilitis. Amity AMITY. April 19 The dra matics class of Amity high went on a picnic Thursday, p.m. after school hours. Miss Clara Jasper is director of dramatics. Mrs. J. D. Woodman was quite ill with a severe cold last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jenks Simpson were Sunday guests at the Frank Grable home. Little Henrietta Richter was quite ill last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Payne motored to Pacific City last Sunday to look after some of their property Interests there. The Misses Dorothea and Mary Biggs visited Mrs. Will Richter in Salem last Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Chambers spent the week-end with, her husband in Albany. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Height and Mr. and Mrs. John Warner were Portland shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Briedwell and son, Lyle ot McMinnville left .eirtwt by Dxfet BretWi Carorlfa DODGE BROTHERS SIX AND UP, F. O. I. FACTORY A REMARKABLY FINE CAR AT A REMARKABLY LOW PRICE So roomy so beautiful so comfortable $o smooth $o powerful is the Dodge Six that its very low price instantly assures you of its great value. Then consider the sturdy chassis the safe, silent Mono-Piece Steel Body the weatherproof 4-wheel hydraulic brakes and. the typical Dodge Brothers dependability. You will be amazed that even Dodge Brothers could offer such a car at such a price. And for those who want eight-cylinder perform ance, there is the Dodge Eight-in-Line, $1095 and Uf f. o. b. factory. Ask for a demonstration of both cars. AND &l B HTS upnaioiNS cveftY tradition of oonsft spfciua!Lmr for Montesano, Wash., to visit her daughter, Mrs. Robert Forbes. f Spring Valley f SPRING VALLEY. April 1$ Mrs. Walter Bros of Clatskanie has been visiting -with relatives and friends hero sines Sunday. Mrs. Brog was accompanied by her small daughter, Delores. Mrs. L. B. Matthews la Mrs. Brog'a sister. Mrs. Clara Siebens was the gnest of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wind sor Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ancel Lehman, daughter Lois and son Venron of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Hampton and small daughter, Phyllis ot Oregon City, spent Sun day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Windsof and family. Mrs. Lehman and Mrs. Windsor were former school chums but had not been together for 12 years. Mrs. Hampton la Mrs. Lehman's daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teeple and son Howard entertained as their guests at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cross and sons, Howard and Travis of Salem. SPRING VALLEY. April 19 Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schindler of the Brush college district accom panied Mr. and Mrs. Chris Yun gen to church services on Good Friday and spent the rest of the day as their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Schindler aretbe parents of Mrs. George Meier, with whom they are visiting, having come to this country from Switzerland during the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Ercel Kirk wood of Seattle are spending their Eas ter vacation here visiting at the L. F. Matthews and Mrs. Belle Simpkins homes in this district. The Spring Valley board of school directors met Friday even ing and rehired Hiss Clara sie bens of Salem as teacher of the school for the ensuing year. Miss Slebens has had very successful year here and. the patrons and pu pils will both' be delighted to hare here among them for another term. lis Ann Stratton - and Eula Smith were the two delegates sent from Spring Valley to the Brush College school Friday afternoon, where the four school districts. Brush College, Zens, Lincoln and Spring Valley competed for spell ing honors. IU Ann successfully won the right to go to Dallas next Saturday evening where she will compete with' winners from all overthe county. Ila Ann is the younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Stratton. Summit Hill SUMMIT HILL. April 19. Mr. and Mr.' G. F. Booth, from Sum mit Hill, and Dr. and Mrs. Eppley from Salem, were entertained at dinner, on Sunday, by Mrs. Turn er Davis and Miss Mary Davie, at their home in Turner. Mrs. Walter Miller, who was bitten by a cat and has been un der a doctor's care for some time, 1b improving and is reported en tirely out of danger. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shumate and two small daughters came out Salem and spent the day at the J. T. Norris home. John Shifferer, Jr., and family drove to Portland and spent Sun day with Mr. Shifferer's sister, Mrs. Leo Staddleman. Miss Frieda Shifferer is rapidly recovering from an attack of the flu. Orchard Heights Q o ORCHARD HEIGHTS, April II Mr. , and Mrs. George Strong and Miss Bessie Strong ot Salem were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cash Roberts Sunday after noon and Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Hell worth of Toledo were also callers at the Roberts home. The doctor and his wife came out to the valley to honor Blossom day. John Fisher and Clare McClan dish spent the weekend in Port land as the guests of Mrs. Marie Tommaseene. ' Miss Ethel McDowell will teach next year in the school in Prat urn. She "will have the- rirst four grades. , Sunday evening guests of Mr. and. Mrs. C. H. Fisher and family were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson of West Salem, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smart and children. Margaret and Jimmy ot Kingwood and Mr. and Mrs. William Knower with their son and daughter, Lyle and Irene. Mrs. C. S. Matthews who has been very ill for several weeks was taken to Salem Tuesday and several x-ray pictures were taken. Her condition was found to be not so alarming as her friends had feared though her physician says her recovery will be slow. , Mr. and Mrs. Zacb Eakins of Portland with Mrs. Eakins' daughter, Miss Dorothy Logan, were Sunday visitors at the J. W. Edgar home. Mrs. Eakins is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar. In the afternoon they all went to Zena where they cleaned and planted flowers on the family plot in the Zena cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Eakins returned to Portland Sunday evening by way of Gaston whers they left M1m 'iyttgasT who is a student at Laurerwoosl -aea- demy. - ' ,, . ,r'c k Friends ot Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith of Salem will be glad to hear that their ten-year-old son George la making a good recovery from an appendicitis . operation which he underwent Tuesday t the Salem General hospital. Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss Mabel Wilson of this neighborhood. She is a sister of Mrs. R. W. Clarke, Kenneth Barnwell is improving rapidly from the effects of a re cent motorcycle accident. , C. A. Clarke of North Church street, Salem, who was seriously injured recently in an automobile accident is reported to be slightly better. He is at the Salem Gen eral hospital. Mr. Clarke lived for many years on the farm whern his son. R. W. Clarke and family now reside. ' o- I Liberty LIBERTY, April 19 Stewart Crocket ot Portland spent the weekend as a guest of his mother, Mrs. W. D. Alden. Friends of Bill Berndt will be pleased to know that he is able to be around after being con fined to his home tor several weeks. Chester Seeger and Lelam) Scott made a trip to Newport the past week. Th hoys brought crabs home and a number of the younger set met at the Seeger home and enjoyed a crab feed. Miss May Sharer of Salem was a visitor at tha home of her sis ter. Mrs. Kate Holder. Mrs. Joe William, who was taken seriously ill last Sunday is leported much improved. Anti-Oxidant "f v-Vj a chemical that 7 doubles the life I" !:Pf of . Rubber in h I t'rf !' -?v.. v y-.j vs- v any - t every 111 WITH mrwwm nsM IPS wiitwui r ANTIOXIDANT YsA J Jjsut TttT& " J&. . Iflustratjon shows results in actual laboratory test of relative strength of tread stock one inch square after ageing, with and without antioxidant. The purest rubber deteriorates in time. You have seen ordinary rub ber bands grow hard and brittle. Formerly, even the finest tires de teriorated in the same way. Cracks occurred, allowing water to seep in which rotted the fabric and broke down the casing. Now, in Ward ores, this ten dency to crack and deteriorate prematurely has been virtually over cornel Ward tires are treated with "Antj-Oxidant" ... a new chemical discovery which vitalises rubber and keeps it young! Added strength and many miles of extra wear are built in. TWO YEARS of actual road tests have proven the benefits of MAnti-OxidantM so conclusively that we've increased the guarantees on all Ward Tires from 12 to 50! In spite of this tremendous scientific improvement, ' not one penny has been added to Ward Tire prices. And Remember This! In addi tion to the "Anti-Oxidant" Process, Riversides are made from the best materials by the highest skilled tire builders. They cost just as much to make as other fine tires, but they cost YOU less because our profit and selling cost are less . . . that's the only reason! Try the new "Anti-Oxidant" Riversides on your , car. Get them at Ward's TODAY. Super-Service 30,000 Miles 21 X 4.40 S9.0S 29 X 4J0O $10.93 30 X 4JS0. 11S 2S x 4.75. '.912.45 20 x 4.75 .....$125 SI X &23..... $16.95 32 x OJSO S21-00 S3 x 0.OO 919.85 " 6 Ply Heavy Duty 22,000 Miles 20 x 4.40 97.80 50 x 4.50 .S8.AO 51 Z &2S ....912.10 20 x 5JS0. 912.05 32 x O.00. 91S.45 89 X 940 ..91S.05 S3 x 6JSO. ......... 91525 SSxO.75 917.85 4 Ply Balloons 18,000 Miles SO x X. cL O. 8. 95.01 31 x 4.00 9&8T S2 x 4.00 99-53 29, X 4.40 .'.....95.79 29 x 4JtO SO-55 SO z 4.50. 9&A9 20 x 4.75 97.85 29 x 4-75 $7.98 The Low Price Leader 5 15,000 Miles SO x SK (L O. S M-39 31 x 4.O0...........S7.9O 82 X 4.00 ......97.00 20 x 4.40........... 94.08 20 x 4.50;.......... 95.59 28 x 4.75.. .90.50 29 X 4,75... ...... ..99 28' x 5.25. ...... . . . .38.15 BONESTEELE MOTOR CO! 474 South Commercial . Telephone 423 film L sw fc. fsct y Aa4 f.attw factsc 275 NORTH LIBERTY SALEM