PAGE FIVE T """" Vs? A i 1 M-m M WE BELIEVE IN SALEM THE FIRMS WHOSE NAMES ARE ATTACHED TO THIS PAGE HAVE COMBINED THEIR EFFORTS BEHIND A CAMPAIGN TO SELL SALEM AT HOM E AND TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD. 111 I rJ II I II I I ' E Salem Offers Many Advantages as a Location for Large Manufacturing Plants TRACTORS LOGGERS & CONTRACTORS MACHINERY CO. We) Believe in a Bigger, Better Community With more prosperous surrounding farms, smoother, better roads. Increased log production and greater general indus trial prosperity these alms are being reached through 'in - creased use . TRACTORS - COMBINES - GRADERS Delivered In Sales art Portland Price 245 Center Street Salem, Ore. Telephone 1780 POWER COMPANY Electric Ranges Now at 20 Discount Pacific Northwest Public Service Co. 887 North Liberty St. Salem, Ore. Telephone 85 SALEM IMAGES IU MHGIHG Located In the area that mar be described as Portland Major, the aon bounded by Salem, Cam as, Loagview, with Portland as a center, Salem ha the Initial ad vantage of location tor industrial enterprises. The recommenda tion of the board of army ea gineera that the Willamette be given a four toot depth the year round as high as Salem, will give Salem eventually water ratea on freight movements. Additional transportation facilities includes three transcontinental sailways. the Southern Pacific and the Great Northern and Northern Pacific; also a network of paved roads leading in all directions. The resources or raw materials for manufacture tftat He at Sa lem s door include products of farm and orchards, forest and wood products, as the major ma INSTITUTIONS YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION 121 N. Liberty St Telephone 1815 The Y. W. C. A. has been associated and identified in Salem's progress U boasters tuilert of greater eity by helping girls and young women te realise tkir better selves. DRY GOODS STORE C J. BRE1ER CO. Ttopa ttei-j 141 W. Commercial St. A RELIABLE SALEM 8T0BE Toa will slwajs find th season's latest fferian of reliable merchandise suitable for MEN. WOMEN N. CHILDREN THE ITOBE WITH POPULAR PRICES We am always boosting for AUTO WRECKING WILLAMETTE AUTO WRECKING COT t75 X. Commercial St. Tompnone 7e We pay ths highest cash prices for used sutemohfles and trucks. Used parts for aJl make of ara and tracks. beery tsetses lot gasoline ankers, traflers (or legging eoeintern. Vied Tiro aa Tubes AoeniaoTloa TOO WILL SAVB MONET WHCT TOW BUT TBOM OB INSTITUTION THE SALVATION ARMY 141 S'aU St. Tbene ISM Zirn -a and Mrs. Earl K. WiOiaJga, Officer Jn charge. . Jesus oatd, 'Tor ye have the poos always with pea." .... (Matthew 86:11). ' - And jat kmc will Salem noon Tie Baloatton Army. WOOLK.V MILL THOMAS KAY WOOLEN MILL CO. a i?tk strace. Telephone BS m. A aAlxM vnmmr mabttfactobino r- A reliable Hie of Woolen Product, generally recognised on the Pacific Coast as the best woolen materials that skilled operator ean product. The Thomas Kay Woolen 100 Co. have been Identified with the of Salem for over 41 years. We benoeo ta Salem. FREIGHT LINK teriala availble. Present plnnts ean and process fruits and berries. pack meats, manntaetaro flax and linen products, paper products, woolen products, and lumber. f flnnttnti! from MM 4.1 that can produce a fine qua! rtxt nf Inner fihr flax. The linen Industry is in its infancy here as most of us re alize. Recently the Barbour Thread cfimrjanv. one of the largest manufacturers in the country of flax products, ac quired a substantial interest in the Miles Linen comoany. This plant comes to double its capacity within the next year or so. ' The Oregon Linen Mills doubtless has a great future m . Il in - manuiactunng special goods from our own , flax products. The State of Ore gon is in the . ilax business under the name of the Ore gon State Flax Industry, with an invested capital of $500r 000. Just a few years ago the state contracted for 2.000 acres of long fibre flax. In 1929. the state contracted for 4500 acres and in 1930 .con tracts will call for 6500 acres. Chances are that within the next year or so, there will be 10,000 acres in flax, and this is just the beginning of an industry that no city or dis trict in the United States can take away from Salem. In dustrially speaking, the next ten years will see wonderful developments along this line, with Salem as the linen mill city of the West. Hence, the industrial de- velopment of Salem is assured in three ways: First: Can ning industry along with cold pack and shipping oi xresn fruits and berries under re frigeration. Second: Develop ment of industries where um ber is required. Third: De velopment of the ilax ana linen industry. Yesterday, V generation arm. it was iust nlain farming. Today, we are just beginning to develop our fruits and oer ries, oar lumber interests and nnr flax nnd linen industries. Tomorrow: With all that na ture has done for Salem and the Willamette river valley, wa will urlrfiAs n Trpimeridoiis industrial development as we have the three great raw nrnHuets for industrial de velopment, and all these along with a most desirable climate and an Ail-American citizen Rhin that makes Salem and vicinity a most desirable country in which to live. NORTH END OF DU8INES3 DISTRICT Hollywood Leadership. It means something to live In Hollywood. Hollywood is alive because its residents are live people. The Hollywood community dub launched the initiative for municipal ownership of the water. system. Its committee prepared the amendment and circulated the petitions. Hollywood is a part of S alem the live part. Set yonr tent stakes in Hollywood. Buy a lot; build a home here; then take your coat off and work, that's tire ticket in Hoi. lywood. Watch HoUywood grow; invest in Hollywood; help bolld it tip and thus make Salem a Bigger and Better City. FoCNbRl And machine kiiop PACIFIC STEEL FURNACES W. W. ROSEBRAUGH CO. MADE IN SALEM Phone 886 DtPARTMKXT STORE Marr's Grocery and Meats Owned and operated by a Salem Taxpayer ST. 17th ft Market. Free Delivery Phone 1054 Ross GooGman Grocery If It'a food we hare it. if we hero it. it'a good. 2448 Fairground Id. (Also Feeds.) Phono 2467 Bark's Service Station Richfield Products Washing and Greasing ' 8086 V. Capitol Triangle Service Station If your windshield ia dirty, yon hares' t caased with ns. CoMafe and Fairground Xd. Eaynoa ft Kim Modern Lubrication System Do yam know what Modern Lubrica tion tneaast It will pay yon to allow as to erplain it. tSSS PorthuU M. Telephone S459-W Triple XXX Thirst Station Bring yonr thirst to the hlg Orange Station for treatment. Lunches. Bar cue Sandwiches. Snappy aerrke by snappy girls. North Pacific Highway. Open 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 ajn. F. C. Lutz, Nursery and Florist Ornamental shrnbe and rock planta. We plan and plant free of charge. Floral Designs a Specialty. Visitors Always Welcome 1S2S Market Phono 2124 St. Vincent da Paul Catholic Church Rer. Thoe. V. Keens n. Pastor Corner Highland Myrtle Are. Phono 1374 Holland Fnrnac Co. Special Spring House Cleaning Toms 925.00 with order Balance la Sept. r Term T. X. Johnston SO Tamarack St. Phono S737 HOLLYWOOD THEATRE Home of 25c Talkies The Best Entertainment that Money Can Buy at any Price. Matinee Each Saturday, 2 p. m. Continuous Performance Sanday 2 to 11 p. m. Smith and Gilbert Oil Co. Richfield Distributors Salem, Ore., Phono 2129-J Oregon Linen Mills, Inc. Manufacturers of Flax Tarns and Twines Fresh Cider and Apples 1099 K. Capitol Telephone 3580 P. BC Gregory, Mgr. Hollywood Realty Specialist in Farm and City Property t009 N. Capitol Telephone 2S07 Hollywood Radio Shop Crosloy and Amrad Dealer Bales and Expert Service 2090 H. Capitol Telephone S797 Cherry City Cottages Salem's Popular Ante Camp. ConTsn ient. Modern, and Courteous Service, 2190 Fairgrounds Ed. V. Pae. Hwy. Telephone 1941-J A Greasing Smile will become a habit at Harbison and Owens Service Station Capitol tt Market Phono 25ST Hollywood Auto Garage Body and Boat Works Boat Building our Specialty Tlvo under construction now. Auto Repairing 204S V. Capitol Phono 40 "XINKN MILL EHtTjne" &ALkM.W)RTLAl4D ') Balaam Office A O. Sodseaon vosejaaa omes 455 Maxiwa. at. Phono 829 Owner' 114 B. Water 8. Phone ESelP Voucs oar new Portland Address, la Aate Track Terminal DAILY. DEPENDABLE BERVICE BETWEEN SALEM AKD POKTLAKD. VUIXS IX8C&ED AND BONDED CA&BIXB8, MAKKKD BY LOCAL MK Wo make eonneetioBs with linos going to nay nwtnt On the coast. See na for Long Distance Hauling BrASOVABLR KATES CAREFPL EMPLOTES PAST BEHT1C1B. " MUiLLNKKY . MILES LINEN CO. IIS Fairgrosnsd Bowl Telephees 2139 A ProgresslTe Salem Xndostry MANOTACTUBiyO LINEK PRODUCTS NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED FOB THEIB QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP We Miovo In talent and at always willing to eo-oporaU witk an forward sMvtmosts for the hetutmont ef eat city. NriLk an'd ckaUk CURLY'S DAIRY 48 2490 at. Bamo Hofstetta. "SALEM'S LXADI5G INDEPEfDIXT DAIRY" rot Perfectly Pstteeriied IfOk an! Cream It will safagaerd yomr health Dairy Delireoieo to all Bastisna ot the City WB AKE B008TEKS FOB A BIOGE&, BBTTEB AMD HXALTHTEB SALEM" HOME FURNISHERS MACK'S S9S High St. TelwpaWBS 768 Where Art and Propriety combine to create smartness In suits, coats, dresses, and hata for fashion-wise women WE HAVE CONFIDENCE IN THE FUTURE PROGRESS OF BAXEM BRAKK SEBVICH C HAMILTON FURNITURE CO, S40 Comxt St. SALEM'S COMPLETE HOME FURNISHES Selllnf quality merchandise for tbs homo Including many won pranas i national prominence. FURNITURE CARPETS DRAPERIES CROCKERY And all ether fsmiahtngs a good furniture store should sen at the best conronient terms. BRICK AKD TliiK- WE RKCOMMKXD GREENBAUM'S DEPARTMENT STORE 240 N. Commercial EL Telephone I7S. A reliable and responsible Salem firm selling a onality line of well known brands of merchandise for MEN, WOMEN and CHJIJ)RKN AT PRICES THAT WILL, PLEASE THE MOST CAREFUL BUYER Greenbaum's Department Store have been serving the people of the community for over 30 years and we are always willing to cooperate In any forward movement for the betterment of our beautiful and progressive city "WE BELIEVE IN SALEM BUILDING MATERIALS CHAS. K. SFAULDLNG LOGGING CO. ' Front and Ferry Sts. Telephone 1830 WHOLESALE Lumber and Building Material RETAIL This is the time of year to build your new home Consult our Mill Work Department for Prices on SASH WINDOWS DOORS and all other kinds of Interior Trim We appreciate the confidence the people of this community have placed in our products and we are always willing to cooperate ia any worthy movement for the betterment ot our City AUTO TOPS McALVIN TOP SHOP Bin n. Church 8t Paean 2152 RELIABLE FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING and all kinds of top and body work. SEAT COVERS CUSHION'S UPHOLSTERING CARPETS GLASS REPLACED FENDERS STRAIGHTENED We employ only skilled mechanics and guarantee first class workmanship at reasonable prices WB GIVE GREEN TRADING STAMPS LIFE INSURANCE WE RECOMMXITD EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OP U. S. 463 Terry Btroet Clifton M. Xrrtn Telephone r THE BALE If BRANCH OT THIS NATIONAL ORGANIZATION for (ho atraoat ia dependable Life Insurance Let as help yon plan yonr Lite Xasnrance Needs . Lat as help yon own yonr homo, through per Life Inewranco Loaau BUILD A BEAUTIFUL AND FIRE SAFE CITY, USE BURNED CLAY BUILDING MATERIALS 7 All KaTVh Ton 9n en KOIBT, DO Hour, Fridays. 7:00 so 8:0. We're bolsdac boost Salem that way HOTEL HOTEL BLIGH "A HOMB AWAY FROM HOME" TO Rooms of Good Cheer. Comfort and Rafiaeaeeat AT PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU In the center of the bosiness district, convenient te theatres, stage aed railroad depots, atoees MAKE THE HOTEL BLIGH YOUR- HEADQUARTERS WHEN IK SALEM 448 BUte 8. Trod B. Tiffany, Mgr. Soleam, Ore. "WB BELIEVE Ihf aALBBT GARBAGE COLLECTOR CITY CARBAGE COMPANY LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR ISM B. ptreat TOamhoae 220 A RELXABUt SALEM FIRM FOB PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SESYICS In say part oi tke city on short notice for the collection of all kinds of garb O and trash oa daily or weekly p tracts. A CLEAN CTTT HAKES A BETTER CITT "WB aVRB BOOSTCKQ FOR A BIOOBB, BBTTBB ABB SALEM" . BUSINESS COLLEGE JOE ROCQUE 211 Center St. Telephone 2221 StleaaU Lending nnd Reliable Brake Serrloo Station BBAKE LUDfG BBASX ADJUSTING DRUM TRULNO Xrery job is dona by a careful experienced mechanic witk an an conditional guarantee of satisfaction. WE ARE BOOSTERS TOR A BIQQEB AND BBTTBB SALEM LAUVUUX HOTEL MARION HOTEL Telephone 2012 Terry and Commercial Bis. lausn s nuvisui kuiixs A modern and complete hotel service whore yon hare real comfort without extravagance. EXCELLENT DINING BOOM SERVICB HEADQUARTERS FOB THB A. A. A. ROTARY KIWANIS LIONS "Make ths Marion Yonr Headquarters When tn "WB BELIEVE TN SALEM" SUPER SERVICE STATION SALEM LAUNDRY CO. 263 S. High St. (Wicdcr's Laundry) Telephone 28 Salem's reliable nnd considerate laundry of personal service rendering 4 services WET WAASH THRIFT-T SOUGH DRY ITKISB FAAMILY WASH Our Bates are Jfreasonablc Wa. Call for and PelircT WB HAVE CONTTDENCB TN THB FTJTURB PROGRBSS OF BaXBlt CHEEK AND ASHBY Conit ft Canttol Telephone 228 THB ONE STOP STATION Tor a complete oerrieo by careful, courteous and sk filed attendants, nsing only the best grades of ingredients. SHELL AND GASCO GASOLINB AU Standard Brands ef Oils and Creases KeCLARKN AND AJAX YIBE8 Aniva Ckriarwa WASWTNO F VlUliiU FUNERAL bKUVICK W. t. RtGDON & SON FUNERAL SERVICB Conscientious personal direction has enabled us to perfect a sorrfoo Oat is worthy ot your consideration THIS ESTABLISHMENT HAS BEEN ID EK TIF I ED WITH THX PROGRESS OF SALEM FOR OVKB tt YEARS WB BELTXTB YBT BAXSht Chcmcketn Stmt at Cottage Telephone 18S BILLIARD ROOM HE LXEJ BEAUTY SHOP m BEAUT P, Ooart ft Uboxty Bsntna KaBte Haley Telephone loty TFOB BBABTT CULTURE EB ALL ITS BRANCHES'' FACIALS INDIVIDUAL FEMININE HAIRCUT MANICURIN8 Throe ooaapieio nsnchines for permanent waring Kastlo CirenUno Wsro Now ''Duart" Wonder Ware ana aoo strw a iiiiuaw " . At only gndwate llronsad operators and giro yon satisfactory worn a pre era imi wm pir We KAY'S COAT AND DRESS SHOP ft. TeUnhcae XM saLfin a BTnE oaurTss run wwnuvar Yon will always find the latent creations in wearing apparel AT KAY'S a Coats, Dresses, Millinery Our Quality. Styles. Service and Prices will please yon. "ALWAYS BOOSTEffO FOB A BIGGER AND BETTER SALEM" CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE SSS BT. HJfh St. THB SCHOOL OP DOUBLE EERTICX First to its pupils; second, to business men who employ il All kinds of office help furnished. We also do Public Stenographic Work An Kinds of Typing Multi graphing , WB BELIEVE IN SALEM Telephone 28 ta graduates. PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES MESHER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO. 288 Chemeketa St. Telephone 270 A BBXIABLB AND RESPONSIBLE SALEM FIRM WHOLESALE SELLING RETAIL PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES FOR ETERY NEED Wo hare too largest stock of up to date plumbing supplies in tho state south of Portland. All orders filled promptly at the loweet current prices. FURNITURE "-"a IMPERIAL FURNITURE CO. 287 OOTTBT BT. YBLBPHOBB Hit Economists In Itenltnre Csn furnish your home completely with Just the kind ot good comfortable furniture that will please the entire family. Convenient Toms Can Be Arranged The Imperial Pnrnttnre Co. are always Identified with every forward movtment for tho betterment ef our eentmunity. "WB BELIEVE T8 SALEM" ARCHITECT FOOD STUFFS JOE' MARKET 80S Market Telephone STS A RELIABLE SALEM FIRM SELLING .Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fresh Fruits ft Vegetables In Season Dairy Products, Bakery Goods of all Kinds, Confectionery Choice Cuts of Fresh and Smoked Meats ft Eggs. "ABB EVERTTHXNO BXSB A FIRST CLASS MARKET SHOULD SELL" COURTEOUS SERVICB REASONABLE PRICES FREE DELIVERY LYLE P. BARTHOLOMEW ARCHITECT XI Is as fundamental to plan yonr handing as tt is yonr business. Proper planning By as architect assures success I believe in Salem and that tho co-operation in civic movements for tho betterment of ear city is the criterion by which faith and loyalty b best Jndged 211 U. 8. Bank Building Phono 242 Salem, Oregon. WHOLESALE MEATS PAINTS 5-10-23 CEN T STORES OREY AND WAGNER 258 State Stmt Yelenlsau tS Selling a complete line of all well known 1rands of Cigars, Cigarettes. Tobacco and Smokers Accessories BILLIARDS POOL CARD TAZLXS Try our lnnca conneet. Wem ry ve fcost NEW AU1QMQ..1I1 v USED eoality gooes, onooeioa; wf METROPOLITAN CHAIN STORES INC 141 X. Liberty St, Telephone 174 UUjLvn taAKBO S-aMS CENT BYO BoQing aU kinds of popular priced merchandise to moot yonr every needs, a visit te tUs store at 148 N. Liberty will convince yon, as te duality, Tsloos. and enetnge wnen yen tiwde witk on. "W2 ARB ALWAT BOOSTTWQ TOB A BIQOBB ANTJ BaTl IBB, BV-W rnrBABT-aTTAB SBBYXOB 4S5 jr. Cemmosclal Bt, . -. . Tew XaltaMo SToar man ase vare TOURS DUBANT SIXES . "A Oat That's Different" In appearance, performance, comfort and tnlne 27 Our used ear aro nneed for quiek sales, wo can save yon WB ABB ALWAYS BOOSTDfO FOB A BIOOBB AST BBTTFB AALBM aoney. NEW - AUTOMOBILES USED StATE MOTORS INC. Its 23. wjgk St. BXTAXL RAIlIOi ANiTkLaiVICB RADIO UAirrLks 111 8BBTKJB A aALEM ZN2T1TUTIOB i ! 1 1 S hitiB Daalaio taw CROSL1Y KOLA AMsUD Complete stock ef awpiaeenaeat parts for aU atakos Wo ataUUin dependable aerrieo tor all makes el radios Convenient Terms Can Bo Arranged " always Booarnro fob a bioqeb abp bbttsTB saxebt.. SIS Chemeketa St. hudson Baanx tackabd itotob W are also offering THE BEST TALTJES IN USED CARS IN THE CTTT Every car wo soil la backed by tho name and reputation ef the State Melon. lac Ton win save money By eeestne Bore first. Let no help pea serve yonr trrasyorramen proweme lftos) KEW AUTOMOBILES - USED DOUGLAS UeKAY CHEVROLET CO. - BINDERY CAPtfAL CttY iilNDEU GUY E. IRWIN tKh TnxtM Telephone 201S A Reliable Salem Moat Packing Plan CUSTOM KILLING ONLY The Moats we aoU are frost the beet live stock obtainable and every animal wo use is produced in Oregon. WB ABB ALWAYS BOQgTINO FOB SALEM ACT OBBQQW" 258 Court St. Phono tti FUNERAL DIRECTORS KENNEDY PAINT CO . J. K. Kennedy, Prop. BalllnaT the Boot Quality PAINTS VARNISHES BNAhlAELS Pars as sly ntaao for erory. pnrpooo Wo also do practical house painting, interior painUng. onasseling. noue mining. tinting, and waUrproofing, service and werkmanahip TOO WILL LIKB AT BBASONABLB PBICB8 I RUQ AND MATTRESS FACTOttZ trn MT.rEvn rw nAT.F.M' And (hat fbo co-oporatiimi ia ell eivio movetneata for the bet lei meal ef ear immunity Is the criterion by which faith and loyalty In one's city can best be judged. . A. M. fAOVOB 9AU YAYLOS CLOUGH-TAYLOR COMPANY FUB3RAL DLBBCTOBS LADY ASSISTANT tM B. Church St. . Teiophono 12 ROOM Salem Fluff Rug and Mattress Factory 7 TB6M FAOTOBY TO YCTW B. 12th ft WUber SI OttO F. E wicker, Prof, TeUpneae Ilea A, SALEM FXFBM TOO SHOULD aOTOW EgTABLLlHED 1211 New mattresses made to order, old asttmooi ro-meAe. eotnos Plnlf run do out of any kind ef eld carpets, any oiso or color Cnspot Oonned. BefmeS and , Lei en oettmoto wwhl oJoomtne n do. BattafaoOtee tyenrnntooA B CIGARS 'THE COMMERCIAL CIGAR STORE 18 SL Oonsmordal St. -FOB CLBAH V. B. Xaae. Prop. ' WHOLESOMB AMUSBMEBT AIM POCKET BILLURDS CARDS We ale sell a complete lino ef standard brands ef Cigars, Clgarettee, Te boccoo, and smokers accessories. Quality lino of confectionery, loaches, nam all the tateat magatinee. GEORGE E. WATERS SANTA FE CIGARS GRAIN DEALER FOOD STORK Under "New Management T8 BT. Troat St. A aVBTiISBTiH liln XQH EI5BINO WORKN ALL ITS BRANCHES Boole Blndiag . Paper RnUng Loose Lent Devtco " - OoM Lear Eesiir BPECIAUZINO IN XDITIOK AND CATALOGUE BINDINO ALWAYS BOQ8TINO FOB A MGOEB AND BBTTBB SALEIT. U27 dSO v. Vf flan nrtthv na O. BE. Tha 49 , Commercial St, Al f -ctT yq laHrfhsstore t the senoattoail atYBTW V nT.amTF BIX A SEC I TS0E PBJCB RAX OB OS A Cheek rw the new snroo and be ess - ' " - 2e aloe sU Telephone 1S0S POUR IMVs BT. CUIiLj llLSTAlJiaANf" SilANGllAJ CAFaT 84 Chemeketa St, BOX MAN UFACTUR1NG SALEM BOX CO. Phono T2S n.,a, la IPm.iili W.riBM Baadl. M. SfiliHSlin mmnnm aawawas , Mannfscturtrg AJl Ban4a .el-. WOOES BOZXa ARB CHATEt. TBUNX TRATB - , . . v r BBBRY CARRIERS And all other kinds ef beneo te owH yone nda- Wb Vm aabstantlat matoriala, and cam naaka prompt aottvesy est any Sjaanxivy, SOAP, MAiNLs-ACTLRLNg" fSA """ FARMERS GRAIN WAREHOUSE lAbwrty m Treao atn. .;. js netiaoie o. irm in. tr-ihqk MLLLKRS DAIRY RATIONS MLLLRRS EOO PRODUCBB Te tnerease nroduction and ouaUtr. feed these brands regardless of pries. None Bettor. . " FEED - SEED GRAIN Custom firindinr. aeewrwr. -RoHing sad Mister R. & B. FOOD SHOPS, INC. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, nnH wrnsua, '" MEATS. BAKERY GOODS OP ALL KINDS We rtvwte ye ea every pnrskas. ths profit f ao it ia not aeeeeaary to spend time lookiBg for down towa awrgnu. An Independently Owaod Stocn Strong foe anloan 'OMETHINQ SAVED OW BVTET POBCHAtB 27 SAlZiri IXAMS Ptf aCSTriAlT Bervtnw Chlnooe mt Aanrtem Bstet nadaer ewTy 2B enality of looen. w-- Spetial aWsnrioa nad aorttee ejva Je nTtraes po ifrwio) 11 e-nt. te lt a-sa. rTEST COAST SOAP MFG. CO, 641-Market hU Modern state reweeres nann ' Made in Baleen --- Wlllaaaette Groeory. Dtatnlmtersr . . 0 predncts a trial, asm yen ami ear fntoiro WlB ttea b as eat etty'a, brighter nnd bctgatec. ' 408 Court St. tzAYiliAliK. iiiilAiKCTOR 'SALEM tiARBAEi (JO. 1UNK DEALkt "A Salons rtrnt To PROMT AND ETFTCTENT DAILY. AND WEEKLY SERVICB a if wm. mt TtttSH AND GARBAGE Phone 184 "' SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 'stAtIS bAV ING ANb - . ASSOCaATToTT CAPITAL BARGAIN AND JbNk CO. OLDEST BBTABXIBBXD PUBaC WUBB JM iss-ifs WALLET sts A' BXLIABLX SALXM TIBM YfHO B1TY AND SELL Toe an Thllov. lake money when sea, end save money when yon bare from urn. Operate V tesnenslMe WSfM T" SAFETY a FOB IJOV '- 'UYYliGB Omo of oaar fflsas win naoot yeee seeaiewaeato - We itt b. ir. ea Beet Pay Tn Y twmibeae tt. ICE ' " Tiliahms 2121 1881 Oonese Btv ' A bjxliblx ialxm iTRM vktVTxervm m ttUIM ICM ov AKn COLD STORAt . . rstlirsl ssocmtlon wtrumKr' sawn yon ywe?Tt rn A r"-n rTTrB f'i 'H'