PAGE FOUR The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem Oregon, Sunday Blorning, April 20, 1930 WE BELIEVE IN SALEM THE FIRMS WHOSE NAMES ARE ATTACHED TO THIS PAGE HAVE COMBINED THEIR EFFORTS BEHIND A CAMPAIGN TO SELL SALEM AT HOME AND TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD. INDUSTRIAL SALEM - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow; By U. S. Page, President of Kiwanis Ciub nit '?mi ft it ,..!.. olrt 8UFKR-SKRV1CK STATION DAY NILES INC. SUPER-SERVICE STATION Cor. Hirh and Ctwmeketn St. Telephone 471 -DAY AXD NITE SEBIICE" For a complete reliable one stop serrice by skilled, courteous mechanics, oslng only the best materials Predated by Nationally Known Manufacturers GASOLINE STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS OILS GREASING WASHING T IRE-REP AiRS SEIBERLING TIRES AND TUBES SolA with an Unconditional Guarantee tor one year EerTiee Car Calls made within the city limits without Extra Charge GIto Ua a, Try and You Will Never Drrre by Grant W. Day "The Home Townera" . Rnaaona W. KUea GROCERIES AND MEATS , R. H. BAILEY GROCERY MS V. Liberty St. Phone 866S XELIASLB STOKE SELLXXO A COUPLETS LIKE Or Etsple and Fancy Groceries Fresh Vegetables Bakery Ooods of all Kinds Confectionery and every kiad of merchandise a good grocery should aoU. Prae Delivery Courteous and Efficient Help Lowest Meat "A JT0RE WHERE QUALITY AXD SEE VICE OOME FIRST" CROSS MARKET MS IC. Liberty St. Telephone 1889 rOR U. 8. INSPECTED MEATS OP QUALITY AND PLAVOS Choice eats of BEEP, V8AL, MTJTTOX. PORK Omr smoked Brats are tbe belt experienced packer can pradaca. CASCADE HAMS. CASCADE BACOX AIT kind of Ponltry. HOTELS HOTEL SENATOR Coart and High Sts. Telephone 696. A Hotel with a Friendly Welcome 111 Rooms of Homelike Comforts Modern Fireproof Building, Convenient to Theatres and Stores First Class Cafe Service We Also Operate OREGON HOTEL HOTEL JACKSON Eugene, Ore. Med ford. Ore. Onr hotels are headquarters for tourists and commercial men v We have confidence in the future prosperity of Salem and Oregon DAIRY PRODUCTS SALEM SANITARY MILK CO. 19th It State Sts. Oeartji Bros.. Owners Tetepbone 316 A KKT.TAKT.B SALEM DAIBT SKXXXKO PERFECTLY PASTEURIZED 6UERSSET AXD JERSEY MILK ATD CREAM Under the strictest sanitary conditions in aar Salem plant. Onr "Babies" Special"' will five your children a healthy "Goernsey Smile" SALEM MAID ICE CRBAM IS SO BITTER ENT THEATRE WE BECOMMEXD FOX ELSINORE THEATRE Salem's Anvutntent Cents AIwits shoving tha latest aad bast talking pictarea, newi reels tod comic subjects, Fanchea tad ilea's stage p redactions accompanied by our concert orchestra gives ear patrons tka frast entertainment that stilled artists can prasaina. Home of tha Ml okay Moose dab AVIATION SCHOOL EYERLY AIRCRAFT CORPORATION Turner Road LEE EYERLY, Mgr. Plant 1799 school or PLTora Pleasure Flights. Basinesi and Ciisjsnsr. tal Flights, Spsstal Trips To those detiiicg a thorough coorse ia bath fraud Bad air eerviee Past Serviea Reasonable Kates The 8lrtn Airport Is tinder onr msnsgeojeat AUTOMOBILE PARTS B. & W. PA".TS STORE , 445 Chemcketa St Tiltratno (84-1(1 For Automotive Parts and Supplies Wa Cany a Complete Stock of REPLACEMENT PARTS, ACCESSORIES, AXD SUPPLIES Por tka wholesale trade. WE ABE BOOSTXBS AXD BUTLOEXS TO A 8XQ0EX AXD . BETTER SALEM TOP AND BODY SHOP HAIN'S TOP AND BODY SHOP SI7 S. Commercial 8- IL . Telephone S7S wx cax xxxuild axy wreck Anto Tops, Pender and Body Work, Roofiatora. Seat Cevers, Caihlons. Carpets, Ante Glass, Upholstering. Curtains. All kinds of expert aatomebile Uimssring y skilled operators OUR PBICXS WILL PLEASB TOW LET US XSTXMATX TOUR KEXT JOB GROCERY SIMPSON GROCERY IBS North Commercial Street Telenhoaea dS-dt A RXT.IABTiR ZHDEPEXDEXT OBOCEXY BELLIBO Fancy and Domestic Groceries, Fresh rraita tad VeretsMos, Fresh Bakery Goods every day. and Dairy Products. When you boy at Simpson's yon get full weight, best quality and courteous terries at all tinea. rBEE DELIVERY SERVICE TO ALL PARTS OP THE CTTT BABY CHICKS THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY HATCHERY 410 8. 84th St. Established 1911 Phone 877 W HOME OP HYGIENIC DAY OLD CHICKS Chicks ea sale every day except Son day aad lloaday. Ask about ear wen derful aew breed ef Jersey White Giants. Oar 40 years experience ia snc etrful kstehing geerantes hygiwaia aad healthy sjkieka. WE ARE BUILDERS AKD BOOSTERS FOX A BIOGEX AXD BETTER SALEM GLOVES FOR THE BEST IX CAXVAS GLOVES Call for the koto xnro all caxvas - and XXOCK OUT LEATHEX LUTED Manufactured by GLEASON GLOVE CO. SALEM, OKEOOX BAKERY Fiona Mi BENSON'S BAKERY COMPANY SS4 X. Commercial St. L. V. Beaaon. Mgr. Wholesale and Retail Eakera at saAs,Tti0 MJJA BREAD ' "BEXSOX'S IRISH BREAD" PIES CAKES ROLLS PASTRY Oar Products are produaed eader the strictest saaitary .conditions bv ovperiovced bakers ' 97 SHOE STORE dlS State St. FOOT HEALTH SHOE CO. x. w. Acxxnr, Mgr. Talspkotte lit A Saleis Plrsa Tea Bhsmld Kae They recommend, ftt aavd eaU Waft-Over Main SatTax Arch Skesa Por kfea aad Women olrow CAXTILEVEX TXXXIXLXAXCHJHOES POX MEX, WOMXX CEMETERY1 " ' CITY VIEW CEMETERY- U T. Xeynolde, pretldent, Mrs. E. P. Headrlck, Secv.Treaa. Xoy Boaaanoa. Saperlnteadeat It 4 tka Bias of the officers of this association to maintain and operate tke City View Caaetery ia keeping with the progress of ear beaatifal city. COXVKXrXXTLT ACCESSIBLE, Ax, PERPXTTJAL CAXX XXOYI9SD "f011 J TslssksMltu GROCERY CARL AND BOWERS6X' SIS Thenae sav a. turn a ;sTTJar.T.n rron arxLLixa A COMPLETE uarsj ' mwvmn vesviaoios la Bsassa m niis atvaa -"BTl aV V Paacy aad 6taplo elroosvioB, Pi aba w. t T TT. . wwo os au &.iaaa ana ovoryuiiDg bis a gooe grocery saoold sell. 1XA80HABLS PRiCXS COCRTEOOS Ad MCIEfT HELP PR EE DsLrrxxiza TT a. y..lTp f!S aaarty for years. LOANS INVESTMENTS - INSURANCE HAWIUNS ik ROBERT INC. Oregon Xafldntc " Tla S7 -' f ABM AX CITY LOAXI . CmSTHESTS nrSURAKCX "A Pexooaal Xozvlee for Every Cltoa' May wo kelp yea nlaa jotor tasvraace aeds aad assist la solving yer .. . f oeQT4ol prabla. A few years aso there were only mud roads in Salem, same in the country surrounding and life was easy as farmers raised grain mostly. No one tnougnt or tne Willamette valley as a treat fruit and v. ' , v ' :: WvWvYIs y :Axoss'v :c.w-x:0(-Ta.-: :;:: ::-:::: 1 I , ' r ' I N. - I U. S. Page, berry district and industries were only a dream. But some one began plant ing prunes and cherries and pears and even loganberries and then something had to be done in packing, and prior to 1911 there was only one can nery known as the 12th street cannery because it was lo cated on 12th street. The pack in 1911 was 30,000 cases. Of course in the early days, Salem was fortunate in hav- ing the Thos. Kay Woolen mills, Salem Iron works, Sa lem flouring mill and Capital Lumber Co., bat the idea that Salem might be an industrial city, did cot prevail any more than the idea that all streets in the city should be paved. But the acreage of .fruits and berries grew and there was need for more canning plants. And the industrial section of Salem continued to grow to care for the great fruit and berry acreage until in 1930 we have in Salem seven large canning plants. with an annual output of 1,- 500,000 cases. In fact, Salem is now the center of the greatest fruit and berry section of the northwest and Salem is a great industrial city from the canning standpoint alone. Es timates have been made that the value of the canning out put in Salem in 1929 was more than $5,000,000. But while the city developed industrially from a canning standpoint, the strategic loca tion of Salem attracted other industries, and not only the woolen mill prospered but along came the Spaulding Logging company, the Glea son Glove company, Rose braugh Furnace and Boiler Works, Salem Brick and Tile Co., two gravel companies, baking companies, and all these inaddition to several smaller industries. And then as time went on. other industries found Salem suitably located, such as the Valley Packing company, the Western Paper Convertincr company and the largest of all, the Oregon Pulp and Pa per company. Incidentally, with the City of Salem taking front rank as the leading canning center of the northwest, the cold storage facilities of Salem grew until now the city ranks second in the northwest for cold storage. This industry grew as the fruit and berry business -demanded storage and facilities for handling the rapidly growing fruit and berry cold pack business. Then the long fibre flax business attracted attention and industries grew along these lines until now Salem is The Linen Mill City of the West. In Salem there are two Jinen mills and the State of Oregon is in the flax busi ness, with an invested capital of more than $500,000 in the city of Salem. Hence, as we see Salem in the year 1930, we view an in dustrial city located at the head of navigation on the Willamette river with the ad vantages of water transporta tion. Future Industrial Development In considering the future industrial development of Sa lem there is naturally the question, "What is there to make Salem a great industrial city?" The answer is that nature made the Willamette vallev the great fruit, berry and veg etable center of the north west. With the advent of the cold pack whereby our fruits and berries are held under re frigeration until ready for delivery to the customers, the time is near at hand when greatly increased acreage will be necessary and with the in crease in the cold pack comes naturally a greater demand for our canned goods. All this development is due to the fact that the quality of the fruit and berry grown in the Salem district is far superior and our methods of canning 60 modern, that with the demand will come additional plants for Salem. When nature has done so much, it naturally follows that modern business meth ods will do the rest and Salem will continue to grow as the great fruit, berry and can ning center of the northwest Another advantage of Sa lem - for industrial develop ment is that it is located al most in the center of one of the greatest timber sections of the west. In the Cascade mountains and also the Coast Range mountains there are vast timber tracts that are rapidly becoming ripe and should be cut withm the next ten or fifteen years. With cheap railroad trans portation to Salem, or the floating of logs to Salem, the city naturally will develop mto an industrial district where these vast timber re sources may be used. For shipping the finished product, we have river transportation which means water rates. Looking not so very far ahead, we must consider this one fact, and that is: Salem is in the center of the Willam ette valley and this is the only section of the United States (Continned on Pago Five) Quaity United IPttJEUIW Stores km hm raikm Dirisxoar WEdst Asm Wgs affil! The word "TNnvrPKMTmKT- A.. JVa 9 " " - " w w da WVmm7U OVS asV"S VHA sV titude against our neighbors who buy at our store. Heavens, No! That word "INDEPENDENT" merely means that we are not a corporation, that each one of us own and run our own "PURITY GROCERY STORE" right in your neighborhood or around the corner from your office. We each have an owners natural interest in serving you so well that you will always come back. We take special pains to wait on your children promptly when you send them on shopping errands. We are all ex perienced merchants which qualifies us to serve yon well. If you Eke sincerity and human-ness in business, we think you will find it pleasanter to drop in at a "PUR ITY STORE" for many of your household needs. The 'PURITY" symbol on our stores proves that we can give you fresher food stuffs, and better values, plus a personal interest in each customer, and the ad vantage of CREDIT and DELIVERY SERVICE. 'PURITY GROCERS BUY IN SALEM, DO YOU RECIPROCATE?" TOLLMAN'S PURITY CAKES SNOW FLAKE BREAD BUTTER NUT BREAD Baked in Salem by the Cherry City Baking Company CHERRO VALLEY BUTTER A Salem Prodxce Mfg. by Andresen and Son,. Inc. F. R. Bailey525 S. Winter w. ti. Clark 2290 State Caoitol St. CrnrprvTjinitAi anrl YTniin . J - - VUIVU i. iraicnei, xza in. fjnurch a. uaue & son 1003 S. Commercial. J. C. DeHarport 05 S. 19th Street. C. M. Eppley Cov 1900 State L jacoo Eiisasser suu Highland Pick Out Your Purity; Grocer; He's in This Last .565 Pure Food Grocery 341 Union. Dan Sheets 2265 Mill St. W. F. Foster 339 N. Commercial. -.670 .1220 .817 935 1286 93-94 ..2893W .259 22 .2493 -209 Rich's Grocery 17 and Center St. Roth Grocery 134 N. Liberty J. M. Roberts 720 D St.. W. A. Sampson 975 Market CL W. Standish 2095 N. 5th D. L. Shrode 705 S. 12th , 1978W 2400 .1885-1886-1887 387 338 1395J .9 Greene's Grocerv 1590 s rnmmaTJ C G. Hall 1964 N. TWfftl Lee's Whit limfrV 1 RZ Vatvmun.J DJ O04ATBV Moore's Grocery 2280 S. High .2396J C. A. Tatura 2395 N. Front J278 Pickens & Haynes 456 Court SL. 256-257 WE LIVE IN SALEM WE BOOST FOR SALEM ROOFlK'd Sloper s Cash Market West Salem 1748J seug-s U & C. Store 254 N. Commercial 560 Associated Store No. 52090 N. CommendaL494 Associated Store No. 6 Roberts Station 127F2 Associated Store No. 8 1705 N. Cottage 305 Associated Store No. 15 Salem Heights 3018J Associated Store No. 25 13th and State. 290 WE INVEST IN SALEM WE BELIEVE FN SALEM CARLTON PIONEER ROOFING CO. RE-ROOP XOW OX BAIT TEEMS ... Applied b Roof Specialists Pkona dlr or Come In for Proa Esttasat on Pioneer Conpoattioa Booting Pkoaa A. X. Cktssoosjaea, Mgr 170 Front St. Authorised Application Agents "wx believe vt ikxmr ' CONFKCTlONJgRr. AND CUtOCiaJtW d7 X. Ckdrek It Tsltsk a S4SA A Store Wkero Quality aad Serviea Prevails Domestie aad Taney Groceries Freak Prates and TagstaMoa. BAKERY GOODS DAIRY PRODUCTS " SMOKED VZAT8 ,, and all kiads of CoafecUoaery. "Wa Sen Svorytaing a O004 XstgkboTkooA Stata SkoaM" Opsn Every Bvenfag TO 9 O'tlocx ,, --, TRACTORS AND FARM MACHINERY A. C liAAG &XO. VWsstt 4ssaSsy Stsssa .Ceafldenea' POR PARM MA CHESTER T AXD TRACTORS aV" .Crawler Tractors Are Now Made ia Biz Bisoa 'JL "dO" "SO-no" "100" Tko Hart Parr ia Threw tHiee "XS-U" "'lS-M" Sl-Ss)" With tka ooatvloto Ism of OUvar Paras Maehiaory. aad jasg atoek at larriea n w. m n rrsn.r fii ttitns S3SU. via Btsvarir js Stt WE XROOMMRXP THE ESAUTY BOX Wkero Tea PEBHAXEXTS tss tat fn AS Ltnaa est Xoaatr Work irxoia WAvrxo . MABCXLLIXO y octal and Scnlp Ti sal sisals Give Ua a Trial s4 Bo Coaviaeet "WE XEUXYX rx SALEM" Ml AUCTIONEER . . H. F. WOODRY & SON XTX at CiasssifHoi St. ' , XHo awntawa" Plsane TS "XPECiALixnro rjr xucrrzox sales axtwhexx . Bay nn Fax Cask far U klads of 'r.A I?4 Pv"'HivS Stoveo. Toole. Ete. AUCTIONS COXDtrOTKD UNDER OUB PERSONAL DIXXCTIOX OX - WEDXESDAY AND SATDRDAT Solo Agonta for Lea Xaaeve ItWiTe vonrnva SS7 Ooon St. BlcVCLbs LLOYD E. RAMSDEN A aUUakla Salssa Pina Sariins A complete aad -up-to-date Ua of well known antes sat , . TJCLES-Ail2.,HEE. "PD9 FR OH1XDREX XEPAtRIfiO BX-TIRINO REPAIR PARTS AOCUSOXXXS iv Ua a Try. Onr Service aad Prices Will ptoaao Ton. "WX BELIEVE IX SALEM" LUNCH BOOM XSST DTXXXB SAXXWICHES tOa DIXIE QUICK LUNCH 121 V. High aaaakerger Sandwiches So Ice Creesm. Soft Driaks THKATRK GRAND THEATRE Tke Rosso of Salem's Boss Soand Pletnres Por Cleaa, Wkoleaoaso Ajaasosaoat Witkont Kctras WE AIX TO SHOW ftVT.V trav m Draaaas Ooaiedies. Talking Sows aad Otker .BKert Subjects Zvory Prlday Xlgha Zs FsnUlv Blaht One SOg Ticket Admits tbe Entire Family . XKTTEX) "WE ABB BOOSTKSn ma A STIUin aim INDEPENbkKt GROCKftV use a. eaisiiiii st. A reiieMa, tadewoadeat ii Wa KRUEGER GROCERY Taleykoao t70-2m aoiloalo, tadenoadeat grocery aelllag fancy aad d oaves tie aroeerlae. (mk fraiu aad vegetahles. aU kfado of Ukary good. d toltywonas a aiss to give yea tko heat aaality In food nrodoets that tksj BsafaTtjen aTasaKlABW J a it n . .... s.wwsaj sgjaasonf so avwoai poasioio prlnos. swct o awrvn yon rroo QeUvery oervteo gwp SaasnsBsaanaajananans anaanansnanassXan Qllr.i1a f iitM!) SALEM FIRMii V6U SHOULD KK6V t Tsisnhona at I XAXQAIX HOTJIX eo sisvj?a rrrsnr imwviw Wkolesale aad Betail Dealers In all kiada kf aaetala. aast trm hides, akeop Pelts. 4 eeeara " rrAVll x. aafrta Wrk "w. xm liTJJBffi 1H Varth Caa aaoaslal . . . . aV.XlinO . SALEM aEt Xt AS . . rr;'a.wTT m ctaags. HOME SITES GoTo Ringwood np Salem's Beauty Spot foDay Two more kesutiful homes aesrinf completion. Drive Bp, are iavita ystrt nupecUoa of these wonderful homes while they are being completed. Opea for your inspection all nay inclndbig 8na4aya. The setting is marvelous, overlooking tko Capital Oity. Mt. Hood. Willamette Riwr. Valley and Atoantaiaa. A potential laadacape of inspiring heaoty as far aa the vision will carry. Watah BUagwood Heights grow it's tha water the view the air Drive np. CITY WATER WORKS FILTER PLANT PROGRESS Steady progress is being made on the new filter plant which is to be installed at Trade and Liberty streets. Drive past the works and see how extensive and expensive a proposition it is. It is our best proof that we "Believe in Salem." Oregon-Washington Water Service Co. 304 S. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon TIRE SERVICE ONE STOP FOR A COMPLETE SERVICE Our serrice Includes Firestone Tires and Tubes, Firestono BrakB Lininx, Firestone Batteries and Accessories GASOLINE OILS GREASES LUBRICATION SPECIALISTS CAR WASHING "JEt" "BILL" SMITH & WATKINS I The Station With Clock I BABY CHICKS ' Husky Hlgrada Baby Chicks HaUkee Off MOXSATS AXD TUESDAYS Or EACH WEEK SALEM PETLAND Phone ess 173 Stats St. WB BELIEVE TJT SALEM SELF SERVICE STORK 1 WILLIAMS SELF SERVICE STORES 70 State nt- . SelUag standard Baas ef men's, women's sad children's naderwear, hosiery. . . a I a . . . . . worn ciowag, ruDoer root wear, wssn cresses, play suits, etc. Oar self-service method of merchandising makes it possible to sell standard lines at lower prices. Serve Tour self aad Save WE'RE BUILDERS AXD BOOSTERS for A BIGGER and BETTEB SALEM TAILOR " JOHN SUNDLN 1 S, LfboTty St. Teleyhona tat SALEM'S LEADUra TA1XOX Clotheo win not nuke tke man, hot o well tailored salt sock "aa we make. wiu amko a man feel well greased and ranees his business efficiency: Wa art now shewing s eonipleio Una of spring- Bitterns af finest f aWT- BEV'ERAGKS PALS MOOX GIXGB ALB Sou hy all good dsslers. EnthnalasttcaSy aecptse! by eensnUvonn. Packed bottles in handy carton Price per carton , i f i ft uii svtus, oaca , , , o Salesa. Oregon Vff. ky GIDEON STOLZ COMPANY FLORIST AND DECORATOR" Phono M C F. BREITHAITPT SALEM'S DI8T1KCT1VX PLORXXT Per Cut Plewera. Potted PlsnU. Decorstioas and Floral Designs of all kinds. Bird Csges and Bird Supplies. Gold Pish tmAAerinmF. WB GUARAXTEE QUALITY, PRICE AXD GOOD SERVICE "SAY XT WITH FLO WEBS" Bit itJSTm" tt riorirt T-Pk delivery Asnoelotion, Iae. 0 ntaso an. ... INDEPENDENT GROCERY E. W. COOLEY GROCERY an si. oomasorciai nt. Eat a Chain Store Phonos l71-llTt i7?,i'mi?hT G'7. Co.. hero for tnacy'aac aomestse groceriea. fresh fruits and Tegatablaa. bakery sraode, batsss- afga an eheeao, smoked sseats Anj overyuang also a faod laWUvendent grooary ahonM aeO. Wa are hoostera for Sslem and appreciate yonr trade. FLORIST OSCAR D. OLSON SALEM'S PROGRESSIVE FLORIST Court avnd High Street. ZeL SOI CONTRACTORS HARMON & TITTLE COXSTXUCTIOX COXTRACTORS WrnctJ, gCBMABINE ! WTIKO AND KXCAVATIOIf, PIPI LATIKQ BITCHING, PELX DRITINO ' Wo employ only loeal help. aXX BOOSTERS AXD XUTLOEEX BOX A BIOGEX AXD BETTER SALEM MONUMKNTA CAPITAL Mbzsl U AIUKtaL Vvjoril3 v a, truaxja, JTSwa, Stlf a. Cnratrelal St. A XXT.TXT.X AXB XESPOXXtXLX XXRM TsUsnana fit ? .atsamfaetaswo at Xfiaaamii and Meaaovtahi sn SaW Using iHOCEMY? uu stntos. PAD2rS GROCEQT A naM.aS. -- - w ' PaB Ban af Bkr .a s. . aw weU otockod trooory akowld oali. Trad at PM? Qaallty and Serviea Prevsil - 1 B acker wkero MJCTAIs W'OBScT FREE FURNACE INSPECTION efatot Irion SSTSJ tmr am cianm t gn WKTSi CAPITOL SHEET METAL WOIES Matng Fnrnnce. Wrwygt, LdlAAS AND 43.SliBAJ.Ck R. P. BOISE LOANS AND ZNSTJBANCB tae m. 19 lOsT. COMMER St. A BOOH STCalla - JleUsble Bslem Pirsa Sallia mmi iv oaiesa ITSB sMIUaa? BOOKS . 8TATIOXIM nrrmT . Of Coo SoppUas - PtBat Cahiawta TTTT T aarry everythiag waQ smlppod SUUeneW TeJ WM Boon TMao awd aanney n,