Tkt OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, April 20, 1929 PAGE THREE Claim Advanced by Yankees Who Have Studied Sit uation Closely PACIFIC HIGHWAY ALL-YEAR ROAD I o By HAROLD P. B RAM AN -Associated Press Staff Writer PORT-AU-PRINCE. Haiti. (AP) While 700 marines, a large group of American experts of all kinds, and American busi ness men await the naming of the date when" occupation of Haiti by the United States shall cease some happily, some with annoy ance and some with fear Ameri can officials are compiling a list of the benefits accruing since the intervention in 1915. Haiti is a changed land since the hectic days of the slaying of President Guilllame Sam, which, together with strategic reasons, caused American intervention. The changes, say the Americans are chiefly of the better kind, and this will be realized by the repub 11c after the last American official leaves. When the marines landed after President Sam had executed near ly 200 political prisoners and had himself been butchered, they outlaw rule in the hinterland, no roads, disease on all sides, and chaos in the treasury. Now, say American officials, Haiti's public health service ranks high, roads connect cities and towns, Haiti's credit is good and order has been - restored through oat the island. Educational forc es are making inroads on the vast illiteracy and standards of living have been raised. Of the various departments staffed with Americans, the one which has received the most praise from the natives is the Service D'Hygiene, or public health department. Establish ment of hospitals and clinics, both unknown in preoccupation days, have meant touch to the health and happiness of the people. Hai tians are asking the Americai doc tors to stay. ' Financial order, put into effect by American experts, also has caused much satisfaction to Haiti, though some of the leaders refer to this department as "dominat ing" the ministry of finance. At least one American official must stay In this department until 1952 when the outstanding bonds are to be paid off. The Service Technique, much attacked by Haitians of all classes for its expenditures, is the com bined agricultural - vocational school with branches all over the country. Diversification of crops. Instruction in farming by the imi tation method, and vocational training of youth are the chief objects of the Service Technique It has received only lukewarm co operation since established in 1923. The Bureau des Travaux Pub lics, or department of public works, has charge of the building of roads and similar work. The main highway connects the capital with the central and northern cities on the one hand, and with the chief southern cities on the other. New roads are being con- 9-m hum ;:-.y!y!WPi DESERT RULERS 111 AGREEMENT War Torn Section of Syria - Quiet After Peace Pact Is -Effected Pi JERUSALEM (AP) Dwellers concluded an agreement with King more freely these days alone the hazy frontiers that separate Irak and Transjerdania from the do main of Ibn Sand, king of the Hedjaz and emperor of Nejd. That Arabian potentate has existed since the former declared Feisal of Irak and the latter's elder brother, Abdullah Ibn Hus sein, emir of Transjordania, Is al so looking forward to more peace ful times. Ibn Baud and Feisal met on a British warship in the Persian gulf and settled a feud which had existed since the former leclared open revolt in 1924 when King Hussein, then ruler of the Hed jaz, and father of Feisal and Ab dullah, had himself proclaimed caliph of all Islam. It took Ibn Saud less than two years to drive me family out of Arabia, Hus- N. Y. TO DETROIT - Ii. wu.i a jii i. ii mw, w -J-- J 111 - -'-11 anaMnmn r - i-: - -.X- -V? Sandy Goedmaa, ef Breekrym, M. haads a letter from Mayer will deliver It to the mayr efbetreit when the huge Fekker nakea he stop at the motor city ea rente te the West Coast 11m great 82-passenfer plane b one ef two te make the long flight preparatory to their delivery te officials ef the Westers Air Express at Lea Angeles. sein's eldest son. AH. failing to hold the kingdom after his sire had abdicated. Tribal feuds and the passion of the desert folk for raiding each other's tents and flocks have kept the borders on edge and probably will continue to do so but the conference em the warship Is ex pected to save much to do with settling Ill-feeling among the rul ers themselves. Word has come from Bagdad. rebel's capital, that Ibn Saud has sent valuable carpets, golden daggers, jeweled swords and pore-bred Arabian steeds to Feis al as marks of good faith and has also given mementoes to Sir Francis Humphreys, British high commissioner of Irak, In appre ciation for the nart which the latter took In arranging the meet-i tag. Abdullah is said to have ex pressed ' considerable pleasure with the outcome of his brother's talk with Ibn Saud. His own tears were . considerably lessened a few months back when he sign ed -a new security agreement with Great Britain and was accorded a 21 gun salute by the British. The sons of ex-King Hussein have much in common. Both dis tinguished themselves In the world war when, with Lawrence of Arabia, they fought the Turks. Feisal is especially noted as a horseman and crack shot and as a strategist. At one time, when the spirits of his followers was low, he loaded his almost empty treasure chests with stones and ostentatiously packed them on the backs of camels which gruntingly protested the heavy burdens. To day he is a poet, cotton grower (and aviation enthusiast. Abdullah, who distinguished himself by his capture of Talf from the Turks. Is also wise in the ways of his people. He has a new and stately blue and gol home in Amman called the Pal ace of Eden, but when he enter tains his tribal chieftains he meets them in a great black tent of goats hair fitted with almost priceless Persian and Turkish carpets. The parents of the brothen were cousins and each of tbeis married a cousin. FeisaPs wif was the Sherifa Huzayma and sht has borne him a son and thret daughters. Abdullah's principal wife, the daughter of a prince of the Hedjaz and a direct descend ant of the prophet, is the mother of Prince Telal, now at Oxford. She also has two daughters. She shares the emir's household with a second wife who is the mother of a daughter. This second wife served the queen as a slave for l-several years. The Mexican government has included $5,000,000 in its 1930 budget for further irrigation de velopment. Canadian raw fur production in 1929 amounted to !18,54.499. a four per cent decrease from 1928. Encouragement is being given. glider flying in European coun tries. There are 200 clubs in Ger many alone. 5 It's easy to make the trip from Mexico to Canada over the Pacific and Redwood Highways just about as easy as driv ing down any street in any city. This view shows a Viking V-8 sedan on the road to vacation land. The map shows the routes available for north and south travel all year 'round. Thousands of cars are making the run at this time of the year, ancj the motorists are hiving a deal of fun doing it. Til PRINCESS IS TO LI IN 1 LONDON, (AP) Princess Eliz abeth will leave her hobby-horse days behind on April 21. That will be her fourth birth- structed constantly, one of the most spectacular being to Ken scoff, atop a mountain 6,500 feet high, and formerly reached only by horseback. day and King George plans to surprise her with the gift of a real, live pony. It will be the first lire pet she has ever had, for the Duchess of York, her mother, has never al lowed her to own a puppy or a cat. Soon Princess Elizabeth will be riding in Rotten Row. Hyde Park, with the other society riders, for she is to take riding lessons at the Buckinham Palace Mews. It was at this school that King Edward, King George and the Prince of Wales learned horsemanship. FOR AS LITTLE AS $495 DOWN Delivered Completely equipped you can buy a seasoned Studebaker Eight costs less than 14 different sixes but will be. worth more than a six when you trade it in WHEN you turn to cxtey&ndcr power widxits smoochiiess,fes Ba ability and its bigger tesak value, let die eight you choose be sure sad seasoned Scudebaker, Bthlder of Qjajmpeom, has built 100,000 Eights. These Eights bold the greatest world sod mtcr rl records, and mace American stock car records than all other makes A small down payment grtcs you Tfrl Jtrr Eights Cost no More to gay sr CjpawSr Dictator Eight Qub Sedan ?U99 Cnmmandfr Eight 4-Dooc Sedan Dictator Eight 4-Docc Sedan 1129; Prexkleat Eight -Do Sedan 1793 . Swirflrcf ho ofiaa diwi Uammf rliMn ioa umm fpmm fty t tyyy Pria m Am faflacy MARION GARAGE CO. O ki r3 i 'i U) 11 Mileage .... KELLYS are noted for ineir unusual mileage you'll get more than you bargain for. Safety .... WITH KELLYS non-skid tread design you need not fear wet and slippery roads. Economy KELLYS are no higher in price than ordinary tires. Its real economy to use them. Keep Smiling with Rellys s ervice The following dealers are ready, and willing to serve you. We do not consider the sale a closed incident until r.fter X you have had your moneys worth. GUARANTEE Regardless of Age or Mileage We agree to Replace any Defective KELLY or BUCK EYE Tire on a Service Rend ered Basis. Obtain Our Prices Before You Buy Tires WE WILL GLADLY TAKE YOUR USED TIRES AS PART PAYMENT Valley Motor Co Ford Sales and Service CENTER AND LIBERTY STS. , Douglas McKay Chevrolet Sales and Service CENTER AT COMMERCIAL ST. 5&ssociate Dealers in Sale ( Prim & Caspell 24th and State Street Hopewell Motor Co. B.F.P.N. Smith & Townsend Center and Commercial Triangle Service Station Cottage and Fairgrounds Road Edgewater Service Station West Salea Overgard's Service Station K . Slat at llarket Street V Cherry City Garage 170 South 12th Street Newcomb Tire Shop, 540 Ferry Street Smith & Townsend Fairgrounds and Capitol 235 S. Commercial St Telephone 362