The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 20, 1930, Page 13, Image 13

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Dividend Maintained Though
! Not Quite Earned Past
. KENOSHA. Wis.. April is
At a directors' meeting of tbe
rasn Motors company held at
Kenosha, a dividend of 1.50 per
share was declared payable on
May isi to stocknoiaers of re
cord at the close of business Ap
ril Jlst.
The balance sheet and earnings
statement for the first quarter,
which included December, 1J2S,
and January and February, 1930,
disclosed that the company had
earned $1,783,512.03, after all
expenses of manufacturing. In
cludlnr depreciation, selling and
administration, and providing for
both state and federal taxes.
Commenting upon the action of
the Board in declaring the divi
dend, President Nash stated that
the company over a period of
years had been accumulating a
large cash surplus to take care
of dividends la Just such times as
we are now passing through. He
stated that this accumulation of
Cash surplus rightly belonged to
the stockholders, and in his Judr
ment this was the proper time to
distribute a little of it to them
. President Nash also said that a
business should not . be judged
rrom a single year's operations,
At the beginning of a business,
a sound financial policy should be
established and it affairs con
ducted along lines that would
place it in a position to look after
its stockholders if there chanced
to be a short period when bus!
ness was not as brisk as it should
be. The fact that the Nash Mo
tors Company is in a position to
pay a dividend of $1.50 per share
from earnings and surplus Just!
ties the belief that the policy un
der which it has operated has
been a sound and safe one.
An action of the Board of Di
rectors that will prove to be of
very great interest to' all stock- j
holders and to the public gener
ally was the election of Mr. E. H.
McCarty as vice president, gener
al manager and director of the
company. Mr. McCarty is a na
tionally known figure in the au
tomobile business. He retired
from active business about one
year ago. He now returns to the
company to become prominent in
its general affairs.
Mr. Nash further said "that
conditions are looking much
brighter for business In the Im
mediate future. In the last week
many of our distributors deliv
ered, at retail, more automobiles
than they had in any week since
July, 1929. All of this Indicates
that the public is convinced that
the Nash Motors company is
building a reliable line of cars of
excellent value and performance."
Mr. Nash predicted that busi
ness will go forward with more
genuine activity in the future
than it has for many months in
the past.
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, April 20, 1930
fIt-iVTrp : A -C t"VV
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Army fighting pines to participate 1b speeUeilar enstratkn at Kills Field, 8aa Franelseo em
April 19 aad 20, when largest aggregation ef war eraf t ever asseatbled la peace tlae will wage aaeek battle.
Tpper strip: Kfjstoie Bembm la Mtlei; Upper lefts Kejttoae Bomber; Upper rlshtt Attack planet Lew
lefti ObservaOoa plane; Lewer rtehtt ParsaS plane,
Average Tax Per Vehicle ln
creases 13 Per Cent in
One Year
WASHINGTON, D. C. April 19
State motor vehicle taxation
continued its upward trend in
1929 and increased nearly three
times as much motor vehicle reg
istrations. At the. same time, the average
per vehicle tax for the county in
creased 13 per cent in 1929 over
The total Increase in motor ve
hicle registrations for the United
States last year was 8.6 per cent,
while the increase in the total
amount of special motor taxes
(exclusive of personal property
taxes) for the 48 states and the
District of Columbia was 32.8
per cent. - 2fcV
These figures were revealed in
the annual registration and taxa
tion survey by the American Au
tomobile association made public
here today.
Following Is a summary of oth
er facts brought out in the re
view: First: the average per vehicle
tax for the entire country was
$28.66 In 1929 as compared with
S25.24 Jn 1928, an increase of 13
per cent in a period of 12 months.
The per 'vehicle tax has Increas
ed more than 300 per cent since
1919, when it was 8.65.
Second: Special taxes collected
from car owners by the states
reached a new high peak last
year, with a total of $767,011,-
595 as compared with $624,325,
670'ln 1928, an increase of $142,
685,925. Third: Tbe states' revenue
from the gasoline tax Increased
32 per cent in 1929, the total be
ing $422,216,641 as compared
with $319,906,417 in the previ
ous year.
While New York reported reg
istrations well over the two mil
lion mark, seven ..other states
showed registrations in excess of
one million. These are: New
York. 2,230,430; California, 1,
974,341; Pennsylvania, 1,766,
241 Ohio 1.738.000; Ilinois, 1,
615.088: Michigan. 1.574,496;
Texas, 1,343,307 and Massachu
setts. 1,016,916. The latter state
was the new addition to this list.
In state fees, drivers' licenses
and gasoline taxes, the highest
five were: Pennsylvania. $65,
141078: New York, $55,639,
734; Ohio, $46,950,000; MlcihK
gan, $43,310,860 and California,
Pennsylvania led in the amount
collected from the gas tax, with
$35,970,388, while other leading
states were: Ohio. $34,200,000;
California. $32,932,159; Michi
gan, $21,309,009 and Texas $18,
373,772. New York collected $16.
585,868 from the gas tax which
feature ne
Wood-Wheaton Joins in
Demonstration Campaign
For Sixes
stration will be limited to a turn
around the block er will be. ex
tended to a drive of several
Every day during the period of
the demonstration, the Red Rock
et Pontlacs will be available un
til 10 p. m.
"According to a compilation of
the official State Registration fig
ures at the close of 1929 the total
number of passenger cars in use
in the United States was 22,599,
701. In this connection, and as
emphasizing the growth of the in
dustry, it is interesting to note
that ten years ago there were on
ly 6,471,000 passenger ears of all
makes In use in this country.
Total passenger cars in use:
December 31, 1924, 15,350.038.
December 31, 1925, 16,887,250.
December 31, 1926, 18.915.260.
December 31, 1927. 19.410,175.
December 31, 1928, 20,673,852.
December 31, 1929, 22,599,701.
New series Pontiac Big Sixes
will be placed at the disposal of
Salem "motor ear fans" on April
20. the first day of an informal
demonstration campaign which la
to continue through April 30.
The demonstration Pontiaea
are identified by large red rock
ets painted on their sides. Dally
these ears will be stationed la
front of Wood-Wheaton Motor Co.
ne., with a driver at tbe wheel
ready on a moment's notice to
demonstrate tbe eager response.
exceptional flexibility and Im
proved Tiding comfort of the new
series Pontiac.
Messrs. Wood and Wbeaton
who sponsored the plan jon the
theory that the average motorist,
although greatly Interested In
the capabilities and performance
of various automobiles, hesitates
to ask for a demonstration.
The average motorist fre
quently Imagines that he is con
tracting some sort of obligation
when he accepts a demonstration
ride," they said. "That of course,
Is not the case. And In order to
prove this fact to such individ
uals, we have placed the Red
Rocket Pontiacs at their disposal
All they are required to do is to
step np to a Red Rocket driver
and say 'I want a ride' in this
Red Rocket Pontiac big six.
"Cheerfully the drivers will re
veal to them the new features of
acceleration and performance
which the new series Pontiac big
six has introduced Into the field
of low-priced sixes. At the pleas-
11 POET in
MANTUA. Italy (AP) The
year 1930 being the 2000th an
niversary of the birth of the poet
Vergil, all Italy is preparing to
celebrate tbe btmillenary. Dele
gations are expected from sever
al other countries.
The United States is sending
a number of its classical schol
ars, so far as known, however.
there are no high school seniors
in the party to chant praises of
the man who wrote the epic be
ginning "Arma virumque cano."
April 21, the birthday of Rome,
has been set for commencing the
observance. The ceremonies will
continue at various places until
October 15, the actual date of
the poet's birth. They will have
three centers, Mantau, where
Vergil was born; Rome, where he
worked, and Naples, where he
Mussolini will take part in the
Rome program on April 21. The
head of tbe government is giving
official recognition to the blmil
lenary because this jear is being
celebrated as making the turn to
wards victory in Italy's struggle
to make herself independent of
foreign wheat. Vergil was a great
poet of the farm as well as being
chronicler of the advantures of
Anaeas. His pastoral poem, the
Georgics, was in fact written to
encourage farming at a time when
SOFIA (AP) Bulgarian au
thorities, having found that me
thods of persuasion have failed
to Inculcate ideas of hygiene
kmonr the peasants, are about to
institute a system of fines for of
fenders. '
Before putting this into effect,
however, a two weeks period of
"clean up" was proclaimed with
mayors, tax collectors, school
teachers, doctors and priests do
ing their best to induce the peas
ants to heed the government's de
sires. As a starter, police stations.
public libraries, cafes and othe
public places were given thoroegV
scruhbings. With these exasa
ples before the peasants, the cam
paigners went after the latter's
yards, houses, wells and -cistern.
They also urged personal applica
tions of the principle that la gen
erally recognised as next to Godli
ness. ' But the task is a big one, be
cause generations of peasaals
have lived to ripe old ages with
out going through what the couaw
try folk consider a lot of unneces
sary fuss. Family wash days are
rare and Saturday night is just
of the Syrian desert are breathing:
SHANGHAI (AP) Shanghai,
less tha nhalf the site of New
York, consumes as much rice 1
a week as the American city usee
in a year.
the agriculture of ancient Rome
ure of the passenger, the demon- was on the wane.
gian treasury closed the 1929 fis
cal year with a surplus of $49,
000,000, an Increase of about
$20,000,000 over the surplus at
the end of 1928.
wen1 Into effect for the first time
on May 1, 1929.
The fire states with the high
est per vehicle tax were: Flor
ida, $50.10; Arkansas, $46.73;
Oregon, $44.25; Vermont $43.53
and Virginia, $42.67. The District
of Columbia, with $13.28 had the
lowest per vehicle tax levy.
cross n
Wley it's wis it eUnosass a
Have Your
Service That Satisfies"
Joe Williams
Cor. High Jk Cemtor Sc.
Phone 198
1929 A
1929 A
Sport Coupe
1929 A A7Z
Standard Coupe .. PrfJ
1928 A A C A
Business Coupe PtaJJ
1928 A tlQX
Sport Coupe pO0
1928 A Sport QQC
Roadster $OuD
Why Motor Go
Corner Center and Chemeketa Tel. 1995
NEW YORK (AP) Sometime
during the early part of the sum
mer a 57-ton bird, man-made and
driven by 12 huge motors is to
hurl over the Atlantic to America.
The "DOX," world's largest
heavier-than-air craft with a 7200
horse-power, resembling a torpe
do boat rather than a hydroplane,
with wings "made in Germany,"
but engines "made in U. S. A.,"
is preparing to span the ocean.
The seaplane has carried 169
people in flight and its normal
rapacity is 80 passengers and a
crew of 11.
Starting in June or July from
Friedrichshafen. home of the Graf
Zeppelin, Dr. Claude Dornier, de
signer of the flying monster, ex
pects to come by way of Spain and
the Azores.
The load will be distributed in
three decks into which the hull
is divided. The upper or "control"
deck contains engine control, ra
dio and auxiliary motor roolhs.
The middle deck is designed ex
clusively for passengers. The bot
tom deck or "hold." will contain
fuel, provisions, freight and lug
gage. Its wing section is so thick that
it is possible for a person to walk
almost the entire spread of 157.5
feet while tbe ship is In flight.
Above the central wing is an
all-metal upper wing which sup
ports the motors, mounted in tan
dem so that six pull and sU push
the craft in flight, without In
creasing the lift of the main wing.
Stub wings, which strengthen
the structure, are divided into
four water-tight compartments,
and the hnU is divided by bulk
heads into nine compartments.
In flight pilots will be relieved
of the supervision of the power
plants, which are tended in the
engine control room, but 'may be
operated from the pilot's seat.
A separate gasoline engine sup
plies electricity to the boat, and
the entire gasoline supply Is car
ried on the floor of the hull with
a capacity of 4,227 gallons.
Performance testa with the
new engines will weal the boat's
speed, which now Is rated at 13S
miles an hour maximum and 109
miles an hoar cruising.
PAVIA, Italy (AP) Mussolini
as minister of the Interior, has al
lotted 80.00 lire (about $1,110)
as the governments eontributloa
toward restoration of tha cathe
dral here., Private subscripting
have covered halt of thV 2200.-1
00 needsd tor the work. - - I
for Smoothness . .
The only way to get satisfactory
smoothness in a low-priced car is to
choose a car with a six-cylinder
motor. Six cylinders save the whole
car from the destructive effects of
vibration. And they make motoring
far more comfortable. In the new
Chevrolet Six, you get every advan
tage of six-cylinder smoothness.
for Beauty ......
Chevrolet brings yon the greater
beauty -of bodies by Fisher styled
by Fisher's famous artist-designers.
Long, tow and properly propor
tionedand complete win every
feature of modern automotive coach
work Chevrolet-Fisher bodies in
troduce a new measure of quality and
beauty into the low-price field.
for Service ......
Chevrolet's owner service policy
calls for free replacement including
both parts and labor of any material
that may prove defective within the
terms of the standard warranty.
Chevrolet's flat-rate charges are the
lowest in the industry on many serv
ice operations ana, furthermore,
Chevrolet service is available at more
than 10,000 authorized service
for Rp-Salr Value
From th standpoint of re-sale value,
if s especially wise to choose a
Chevrolet. Tbe big swing is to the
Six. And when you buy a six-cylinder
Chevrolet yu are assured a car
that will b mrdern tomorrow well
as utdat This is important to
rememb". l-r obsolete design
always lowers re-sale value.
at the
nowhere else
Choose CHEVROLET rfII?vnni
for Economy Choose CHEVROLET
ivr,i4w wva- . . . .
Priced as low as $495 at the factory,
the Chevrolet Six is one of the lowest-priced
cars in the world. And
this low first cost Is emphasized over
and over again in gasoline and oil
economy, in inexpensive service, and
ia the low cost of replacement parrs.
The new Chevrolet is just as eco
nomical as any car you can buy. It
costs no more for oil. It costs no.
more for tires. It costs no more for
service. And, ia a recent officially
observed economy test, a Chevrolet
won first place averaging over 20
miles to the gallon of gasoline.
-P -
nM ii
TU Sport Roadster.. 3 53
Th4 Coach 565
VCos ....'565
n Sport Conpe. . . .$65 5
TU Cfamb Sedan. .$62 5
n Sedan.. ..t...;,$675
TU Special Sedan .'. .$723
TU Sedan Delivery. .$593
light Delivery t
Chassis 365
iHTon Chassis 520
I H Too Chassis
wttb Mn
Roadster Delivery . . ;M40
420 N. Commercial i Telephone 1802
BaA Brofc, arae
p. j. Walter
Asaodate Dealer
Hardy Chevrolet Com WeodTmm
OalnmbU Games, lit, AaceL .
F. a Brown, JHa
If alladay Ctoaga,
Price at factory f lJ?
6AAMAM gives you a sedan with four wide
doors and patterned broadcloth upholstery.
fiAAMAM alone in its price class has a 115
inch wheelbase.
fiAAMAM six-cylinder engine alone in its
price class develops 66-horsepower cylinders
3Hx4H 207 cubic inches displacement.
fiAAMAM alone in its price class has a seven
bearing crankshaft with 81.4 square inches of main
bearing area.
fiAAMAM alone in its price class is fully ad
justable both seats and foot pedals.
fiAAMAM alone in its price class has hydraulic
internal expanding four-wheel brakes with 12-inch
drums. Separate emergency braking system.
fiAAMAM alone in its price class has cam and
lever steering gear.
And fiAAMAM now builds its own cars com
plete a quality body and a quality chassis. ,M
Graham Standard Six Universal Six-window
Sedan, 895
Standard aad Special Sixes, $845 p
Standard and Special Eights, $1445 p
" Faces at factory
Special Sixes and Special Eights equipped with Graham
time-proved four-speed transmission
Men tbm this, Graham provides this
car snd every ether Graham model
with the security ami protection of
shatttr-proof tafoty plate glass
throughout, at the lowest additional
tost ever placed en such equipment
445 Center St
Graham-Paige Sales and Service
For Marion and Polk Counties