PAGE ELEVEN 'SATISFY YOUR WANTS: RESPOND TO THE ADS ON THIS PAGE The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Smday Uoming. April 20. 1930 TOR RENT APARTMENTS LARGE beautifully furnished 4 room down stairs apt Electric range, frigid-ire, piano. 153.00. - Attractive 3 room upstairs apt $18.00. 1209 Court street. APT. inquire 12 IS Chemeketa. NEWLY furnished S room apt, gas, lights, water, garbage and garage free. Pleasant JounK landlady. Adult. 240 Division. 2 blocks north of market. CLOSE In. clean home like furnish ed aDartment 2. 3 and 4 rooms, first floor. Garage. 1017 S. Com'L Phone 54iw. FURNISHED apt with heat. SEE Janitor. 24 S Marlon street. VIRGINIA apartments, 3 nicely fur nished rooms. Clean and desirable. Electric range, electro-sold, heat and water. Don't mtas seeing this. PHONE 2678 4 room apt., garage $20.09. Includ ing light and water. Phone 12J- J room apt. Phone 1845 W. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR 8 ALE BT OWNER NEW modern fire room house, two more rooms ran be added upstairs. Owner leaving city and will sell on good terms for 4.404. which Is $1000 less than rout. 860 Oxford Street PhoneUISW. BEACH COTTAGES FOR SALE: At tractive five room beach cottage, fully furnished, with fireplace, plumbing, garage in basement Price .for QUICK BALE, 100. 4944. cash, balance term. Located at Neskowin. Four room beach cottage, furnished, firaplae e, plumbing, lot WxlOo. Price $1450. Tms. Located at Neskowin. 6EE W. H. ORABKVHCTRST A CO. REALTORS , 134 South Liberty Street a- NICE furnished first floor apart ment. 640 Union. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Bouses favMstaed sad unfurnished. V. U WOOD Ml Stale Street FOR RENT 5 room bgalew basement, garage, fruit. Inquire Mrs. Cadwell, Statesman office or phone 1WJW evenings. FOR RENT Furnished 6 room mod ern house, fireplace, full basement, breakfast nook, electric washer and garage. Close in. Phone 2478. FOR RENT 8 room furnished l.ouse close in, for $40.00 on a year's lefwe, rooms can be rented to nearly pay all the rent. a M. EARLS Phone 2242 224 North High FOB RENT nice 6 room modem l.rwise. basement. garden. 1 block from bus line. 20'jO W. Nob Hill. Phone J575M. BEFORE YOU BUT SEE this neat - room sliaka bungalow located In North Sa lem full cement basameat furnace fireplace hardwood floors garage pared street large sonny breakfast nook Price $3154. SEE THIS BARGAIN AND SAVE RENT $108 down. OWNER LEAVING AND will sacrifice his modern "4 room bungalow lo cated in East Salem and close -tsv school and ems full .nimtuit-'-Vtsetnent furnace . fireplace, hardwood floors garageM-paved street a s t front-strice for Immediate sate 83m. INVESTIGATE THIS SNAP BEFORE TOU BUT a small payment down will handle. SAVE TOUR RENT AND buy on rental terms this modern 4 room English typo buaejalow located in northeast Salem among manr fine NEW homes full ce ment basement furnace -fireplace ftaraxe hardwood floors breakfast nook largo corner lot with east front paved street Price reduced to 43SS0. BEFORE TOU BUT SEE THIS BARGAIN $200 down. SEE L. E. Oberer WITH EXCHANGE Real Estate MONEY TO LOAN FOR SALE USED CARS TRADES FOR LOT I Manufacturlna comnanv over a mil NEW. modern bunaalow. 4 rooms. I lion dollars real net assets and tf hardwood floors, beautiful fireplace. ! years successful experience, has n'lMolTnif'e tr ITsaf rare nook, kitchen, all the built Ins! Bath, I usual money-making opportunity with I -'avs-.-.j' - ---'- rull cement basement, furnace, sta. I its patented, automatic, money-eaninar I WTS4-tm . " tc irn n 4- laundry tubs, a-raae. pavins sata. i macnines in balem ana aajacent ter- 1 i sva v -- Price $4000: take lot as first payment Iritory. I down. Balance monthly like rent I No perishable, gambling, or question-1 UOUfllS kb 4i-.L.M I .!--1 tiuiAjf i a nie reatures. irese macnines now on- 341 State Street Room 4.eratbnaT in almost every state, take in , .iii . . I lin f ft BIBB nor mAnth M r,,- In l.Mt GOOD BUTS AND EXCHANGES locations, most of which is profit. One p(1jin 24 A. tract. Dart Lake Lablsh land. I operator can take care of 40 to 50 5 room bouse, enough timber to Day 1 machine. I isis Ford for place: 13500; terms. " I Party must Invest about $1,664. part f 128 Chevrolet Landau 1 A. tract near town, a acres Mew I payment on machines for fair start. 1 19.4 Chevrolet Landau 1928 Star rles. family orchard, timber, fair I More as chain is extended. bldgs. $5500 terms. I References required as to respon-1 I92i Overland Acre tract near Salem, I room cot- I stouity, address Oregon Statesman, tage garage, fruit 1 OSS. inox 4, yalem. Oregon. Good a room bungalow, partly fur- "wTerm ,ot &nap MONEY TO LOAN PERRTnG HIRKTITIIS I -Mw.w,i 212 Gray BIdg. $1000. to $2400 to loan. Gertrude .$510.00 . 425.00 295.04 200 00 185.40 Coaches 1921 Chevrolet 1927 Chevrolet 1817 Bulck FOR SALE USED CARS J. U. Page. 1924 CheiTolet 1924 Overland KAT.TR nr tiifa Sift ' r fvlr I )imamwwi(WW)Ww ranch, eastern Oregon, $1400. Take Private Money t-0 LOStl small house. I ' 14 acres close in, paved : highwayrf- FARM LOANS Plenty of money 1 nmiW fAa house, take car or house. Price to loan on good farm security. City ,, Chevrolet One acre, six room house paved I suraaca company money on city rest street, $2544. Take car or what hava tdeooes and business property at tVi you? I per cent, plus a commission. Hawkins Two houses- for suburban" home up 1 Roberts. -- Oregon Winding. close in for good city property. I ON FARMS AND CITT REAL F.S- Good 7 room bouse lor smaller liAitj, iwntffr im rM.r. i xuixiui. 395.00 345.00 SS5.00 245.00 248.00 Coupes Your Dollar's Worth . Always Our prices and merchandise are right. If not right we. will make it right Come in and loot! oar stock of used cars over before buying. 129-Essex Challenger Sedan. Trunk, food tires, finish in side and out like new. Motor A-l $723.00 lUT-Ctirynter 44, t door se dan. This car la in a very good shape throughout 655.00 l)25-Hudson Sedan. Best paint, rubber good and motor in A-l condition ' . 530.00 1127-Essex Coach. A small car reconditioned turougnout - "" l24-Ford Roadster. In excel- lent aaape , l:-Clievrolet Toarlng. Com- pletery recondfuonea 1 ' FOR SALE USED CARS 12 8 Ford Buainess Coupe 12T Chevrolet 14 Ford 1415 Chevrolet 1433 HaxweU houi 604 acre valley farm for stock ranch, i eastern Oregon. F. L. WOOD 311 State Street WILL TRADE Small house valued $700 : take good team, harness, wagon, and plow as first payment. SEE Gelser with ANDERSON RUPERT 144 South High Street $78 month Income large house, 4 furu. apta Two lots close in. 2215 Carter Street BAKER, OREGON W. H. GRABENHORST CO. "REALTORS FOR RENT Good 5 room modern 1 134 South Liberty Street Phone 51$ NICELY fur. house. 1120 Lee St. Umgalow. 590 N. 17th. FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES HOUSES BECHTEL-THOMASON 311 State Street Room 4. $10 to $50 per month. FIVE room fine modern house close in. $45.00 per month. J. LINCOLN ELLIS 487 Center Street FOR RENT Phone or call for our select list of SPECIAL BUYS giv ing the price, terms, location, etc., of each house. ifsifjti-fsvj rxx'-'-T'j f r inrin r r -i- SNAP: 15 acre tract with running stream, in old stumps, easily clear ed, paved road. 6 miles east. Price $1900. $100. down, balance $15. per mo. plus int. at 4. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 South Liberty Street SPECIAL A . .4-. 1 trvok FOR RENT44 acres. 1 hour drive .Yi level and In ?lem;" crop. Price $1700. See from five room liouse, barn, chicken house. II seres seeded to pram. 6. M. EABLB 224 North High 4 Km. furn. bungalow, garage, base ment. $23.50. . i, Rm. house, garage, $18.00. 2011 Maple avenue. this at once. Here Is an opportunity to trade in that used car or truck on 10 acres of fruit in full bearing. Price $1000. We have a nice selection or rentals. A nice residence on Nob HilL 4 rooms. Priced to sell $3200. Fin summer resort all ready to open. Took in $6000. last summer. All equipment to go with place. Electric light plant. Five room house. i3 acres in ail. Owner has to sell on account WANT to rent farm this fall. Write I of sickness in family. Price $15,000. H. It VVolcott. Star Route, Roseburg, Oregon, concerning particulars. I A. . HITE witn F. ULRICH FOR SALE REAL ESTATE State Street Realtors Phone ,1354 WANTED TO RENT lRTCED TO SELL 34 3-4 acrei btehly improved frnit and chicken ranch. 3H miles north of Salem on road to Chemawa Indian school Rt. , Box 84C t M. CARLE l!l Ki Uuth St. Phone 5142 A reliable SaJenr realtor selling city .nl farm nrnnortv of all kinds. Spe cialist in exchanges of all kinds of property anywhere. NEW MODERN HOME : Consisting of seven nice rooms, complete In ev ery detail, hardwood floors, three nice bedrooms, sun room, ainmg room, kitchen and nook, nice Inrirr livinsr room, east front, dou ble garage, electric refrigerator. Price 685t. iiuuq. aown : uni ance terms. SEE THIS HOME AT ONCE. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street FOR SALE FARMS GOOD FARM HOME FOR SALE 80 acres 4 miles from city limits. comfortable house, barn, good chicken equipment, younc orchard, crop in. Price 36390. Will accept house In town or small tract dose to city lim its, prefer east. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1717. BERT T. FORD FTRST NATIONAL BANK BLDGL CITT AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION T43-4 First National Bank BIdg. Phone 487 Salens. Oregon. Federal Farm Loans. 5 per cent. if. Lk wood. 841 stats street. CITT AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offers yoa ex pert advice and service In all lines. ha w rvi.NS & mj.tjr.ii la i inc. Tel. 1427 205 Oregon BIdg. PERSONAL LOANS 1IAK5 on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly. When in financial need roe us before closing a loan; GENERAL INVESTMENT fYIRPfTRATTON First National Bank BIdg. Phao 1244 MONET LOANED ON" AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payments. Ton keep the car. P. A. ETKER Cor Libertv St. and Ferry Phone 121 Salem. Ore. Sport Coupes ,1429 Chevrolet Six 142$ Nash 875.44 425.44 445.04 335.00 225.00M 225.40 145.40 485.00 545.00 44.4 100.00 Roadsters 1423 Ford 1923 Maxwell Commercial 1424 Chevrolet Six Sedan De livery 835.00 1425 Ford Panel 145.00 1924 Ford Panel 125.04 SEVERAL GOOD TRUCKS AND TOURING CARS AT PRICES YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company Three Locations Uana other bargains to pick from. Priced from $25.00 and up. State Motors, Inc. HUDSON-ESSEX High Clemeketa Phone 1044. Open Nights and Sundays. ESSEX coach '27 cyL motor com pletelr overhauled, body in excellent condition. Owner must sell. Call 2715W. Good Will Used Cars 1414 Cher. Cabriolet 1428 Pontine Cabriolet Ford Rdster. with wire wheels Dandy Cher. Touring, cheap Good Star Touring . Essex Coach. 1921 model, with A-l tires, a bargain. . Hudson Coach, 1927 Just sea lt.A-1 snaps all ways. Hudson Brougham. See it to appre ciate value. Chrysler 8 Sedan Pontiac 1427 2-dr. -sedan Ford Coupe 3925 See these oars. All reconditioned In side and out. Wood-Wheaton Motor Co., Inc. 384 N. High St Phone 2125. 45 Chemeketa Street . Balem. FOR SALE USED CARS ....b.. --J.riJ-1J.J. - ir i -uuirijLiijfl Reo's Cars and Trucks 19I9 Ford Roadster 1927 Reo Sedan 192T Oakland 2-door Sodan 1927 Pontiac Landau Coupe Other cars ranging from $50 up. TP.UCKS 1929 Ford Truck, 3900 miles 1928 Chevrolet 1927 2-ton Reo 140 1H ton Reo long wheelbase, 354 miles a buy! Reo Sales and Service . ' 339-347 North High FOR SALE Star touring with li cense. 1923 model. $35.44. Phone 2185W. LOCAL WHEAT DOWN 2 CENTS MORE BUTTER MART NOW OVER SUPPLIED Egg Rates Show. Some Strength Due to Easter General Markets 4S0 N. Commercial St. 534 Chemeketa St. Phone ISO: Phone 1425 PORTLAND. April 1 (AP) Butter prices opened weak to day, following excessive supplies Thursday and Friday, and many quarters further reduc tion were anticipated. values sirenBiucuru - poultry (horiug prices) DRESSED FOTTLTRY TORTLAND. Ore.. April 14 (AP) Iresed poultrv turkeys, fancy torn. 28ft 30c: liens 22Sc; No. 2. 20 a 22c; npont, 30c lb. PKODUCE rrRTTVn Orr Anril 13 (API in (Milk rw milk (4 pr cent). 4.S0 2.40 cvt., delivered lortlna. lesa x nrr rent: erde B milk. 32.65. batterlmt. station. 3jc; trscs, sue; aeuiwiei m Alive ACREAGE - i- Q n i-i n.rLjij-u- A choice 37 4 acres, fine Improve ments, on Silverton highway. Near Salem. Price $7500. Terms. 14 ACRES at Tillamook. A fine lit tle dairy ranch. Will trade 'for large stock ranch. 20 acres with new buildings, good black loam. 7 miles from Salem. Price $6000. or will trade. 10 acres well Improved, good soil, on good county road will trade for house in Salem. Prefer south Salem. 10 acres. A choice place on the Portland highway. You will like this place when you see it. Price fsooo. WE ADVANCE MONEY TO SALARIED PEOPLE Loans on personal note, endors ed notes, furniture, pianos and other personal property. Repay in monthly installments. Prompt and courteous servico. All transactions strictly confi dential. STATE LOAN COMPANY 213 Oregon Building Second Floor Corner Ptata and High Office Hrs. 10:04 a. m. to 4 :39 p. m. Tel. 932. Licensed by state. LOANS WANTED Lot Next to City Hall on High street. lt of n Easter season, but over Tu... 25&2$t: --- - I advances Were announced. I dium hen, SH to 44 lbs., 24 -5e; - i - I i a. m. v OO 09 Keat ara 1 la Reviewing the fruit and vege-lo lb. ieChorni 22(S23e. colored 30c: tnhla altuatlnn. tha Portland DM- I Pelcin ducks, 4 reau of the United States depart ment of agriculture says: "The first carload of Texas Bermuda onions received prompt distribution at Portland Valley Motor Co. - Buy With Safety - lbs., and over 38c, eld 11n-1f colored ducks. l3W20e. v,ntM( bl No. 1 erade. 43.25 4.25. New potatoet Florida, 9&10c lb. DAIHT PORTLAND. Ore.. April 19 (AP) and Produce exchanfe, set price: kntter: ex- Seattle. Portland's quota of the : A: . car wits tieaueu up iu suuh (s, medium 23 24. t; nsf c:n.1K orata Futnro rn-1 1924 Model A Sport Rdster. $39S . . to. tvlr ahould be I .5TV HAY? ?p.s. mi d.... 14a - " r 1924 Roadster Roadsters -(AP)- 25fi30c: Coupes 1928 Spt. Coupe WANTED Private money for farm 1 1424 Spt. Coupe loan a We have several applications 192 g Model A Coupe Remember we write all kinds of ImH CooouoT!!L!fl surance. Protect your automobile as 1 05 Bldg- r r - g SKIJSS rS WANTED PRIVATE LOANS ON 1 1926 Ford Coupe RHIAL ESTATE. Will pay seven j 1975 Ford Ctmpo .. Insurance. well as your home. J. F. ULRICH CO. 325 State Street Phone 1354. Real Estate Loans Insurance. STOCKED & EQUIPPED RANCH 55 ACRES $5000.00. 5 room house. per-cent. $:?500. and iuuu. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 South Liberty Street 1924 Ford Coupe 1923 Ford Coup i 1920 Ford Coupe taSLrttr7-ho. SSrtaS UYB STOCK and POULTRY soli, river bottom, 3 A. straw berries, z-a. peppermint, z cows, i POULTRY wanted Handle any Sedans PnBTt.lVn Cln Anril 1 75 1 less expensive, as smpuirms ""I Nuts walnuts, Oregon, nnv Iimtt with 162 carloads I nionds. 25&t30c: peanuts. . , , i , i. i mmhi ... i a i r xuDeria. i u ik rrom inai siaie yusieruay. H.;LhB hrlae nrieos. deliv AsnaragUS is in light Supply I ,,ua. ..stern Orecon tinotby, . . , . 1 wltt.1i I ac... rAfi n. in. J. .-11..- tlQAlQ n iqr I an lo COOI rainy "Winer nmvu ju.iivd .ii., o delayed cutting; and additional f5J's WVi 4-3 I onrlnt Inailinr for eactpm Shin-I 7. v... . V - I i o moi r, m, , a. i t t ,nrn .. a? in. 25 I mem. ine nurtci was iuti i nop 425 Portland today. 12? "The potato market is slow lu 40 I maging us expecieu aumucvo. o Tprminal markets are well sup plied, and some primary points 45 May Jul. Texas for example report lower Sen. 9 olfr 9 pi 1 v. 9 linrupR All I . H. ; c.1m. DniiHri. I UOdl A lUtlOr machinery and some household I Co.. 399 S. High St. Phone 2490. Night r61 i oraor Krooda This is a real buy. I 2615M. I 19?I .o"dor 15-ACRES. 5 R. house, poultry house. I wwoav. . ... .,w.w. I 127 xuaor . 2A A. timber. 1-A. strawberries. I wwitr ij-nwnnv bilious of hleh-1 Fordor 5-A. losrans, L A. cherries, 2-A. I eat aualitv 12c peaches. 2V4 A. Rrain. Trade for Custom hatching chicken eggs 3c v larger acreage, price zuu.vv. I turkey eggs 5c. 0-ACRES. 3-R. house, barn 30x40, I RUBY L. WOODWARD garage, 2 poultry houses, 4-A. I Rt . Box 49B. Phone 44F31. strawberries, V, A. gooseberries, I ....-..- 1-A. logans, z cows, l neirer, l I BABY chicks Rhode Island Reds 500 535 2S5 Bayne BIdg. ntrij vnmf TO VP AT PRICE OF I trees, sightly location, paved street and OWN lOUK HUMb Al rKir. w , , kwu-q nut fiu-niT rimm 8, RENT. Good five room house with nair acre with ground. 43700. Only o.rn and $30 month or will rent $20 nnnth 4 room house. Iireniace, nan, floor. 425. down. $25. per uio., includ- iw Acres In W. Salem. Fine view, II fruit trees. A bargain. Insxirance. Money to loan, nm-H TtKIMAXN Phone 8C0 Realtor 219 N. High St EASTERN man instructs me to sell brunce. his creek bottom larm oi z acres ai price that will make it worth your WALNUT GROVE 16 vears old. right on Pacific high way at $150 per acre. CHERRY ft WALNUT GROVE 5 ACRES V, mile from city limits. coming second crop, usable old build ings. Will trade ror modern House wun 3 bedrooms, 5 acres is clear of incura- 10 ACRES BEARING APPLES 20 acre tract, good btiildmgs except ipii.v ..... . , , acre ira-cx. fi'f uiuiuiiiKa vAnin A0'":'!,;1 house. 154 mtgS. trade for modem urpiuce, wis" . " " ; Salem house. KUJ uc 1 1 lira CAici'i " t mv.- - - is eoual to beaver dam land. All equipment, including Cletrac tractor and centrifugal pump. WINNIE PETTYJOHN REALTOR 175 South High Street FYn HALE i nfiv new modem house. Garage, chicken coops, all kinds of fruit an wonrterrui view. A good BAKERY for less than St $3004. 13 acres, almost new, build ing, une-natr in irun. a cr umun. Tills will mage you a nir noiue. HOLLYWOOD REALTY sees Korth Canitol W-finn 2807 Res. 296S. 34. DOWN. $20 per mo. buys an acre home all under plow,-three room house and garage, close in. -Price $1650. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 South Liberty Street SaaaeseasSBSSiSwaasaSagSisStassP 300 ACRES Choice Waldo hills land all under I plow ecett 44 acres timber. A choice I piece of ground for cherries walnut or straaberries at $55 per acre; no trade. SEE GEISER With ANDERSON RUPERT 169 South High Street -SNAP IN SMALL HOME: Located 1335 N. 14th St.. combination liv tag and dining room with fire place, one bedroom, bath and built In kitchen with electric range, garage, paved street, cor ner lot. Price $2454. $144. down, balance $30. per mo. IMMEDI ATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 South Liberty Street wnea aweionea would make a valuable fatoosse srooerty. 122 North .;onumai street. i 1924 Tudor 192X Tudor 192$ Chevrolet 4 -door sedan Trucks 225 horse, all farm tools. Ford truck lunri Rnrnut Rnolcav Exchange for good I Model A Truck .. and drag saw, price reduced for I wood or heavy hens. 1 1924 Ford Auxiliary trans. quick sale, $4750.00 for all. A I 21S0 No. Fifth Phone 2766. 1 1934 Ford, Auxiliary trans. dandv buv : V down: bal. at 6. I I 1934 Truck 0 A n A tri.a R.rnnm tirtiKUk larff. harn. I f ITDTAU k.filM. ..Htnff. af.pv I T Q9 T Tri IPK" am Is all fenced, sheep tight, aome tim- I gat. and Tues. $c per egg. Baby chicks I Roadsters, ooxes, av, Der, tu-A. cuitivatea una on gooa 13 varieties. Fhona liit z. J-ee s market road. Most all paved, I Hateherv. Drice3. Daily loadings approxim ate 700 cars, of which 200 cars are new potatoes. On thousand crates of straw- Ul berries from California mark the 110 heaviest daily volume of recelptt 13a this year. Demand is rather slow. 450 resulting; in an accumulation of stocks, and resultant cut rates for over-mature offerings. "Apple shipments from Wash ington average about 60 cars poutlakd GB.AIK PORTLAND. Ore.. April IS (AP) H Wl fntnrsc: Opea High Close 109 104 108 H 109 109 108 wheat big Bend blue- atem. hard white 41.19: soft watte, welt ern white, 41.08; hard winter, northern apring, western rea, fi.oi. vaia 3A lh whita 438. Bsrley No. S 45 lb. B. W. $29. Corn Ko. 3 eastern yel- law. ahinment $37.00. Millrnn fcUn Cash msrkett: E00 LIVESTOCK r-ORTLAKD. Ore.. Anril 18 (AP) Cattle and calves. Quotably steady; re ceipts eattU S5 calve IS. Ktr. 1 100-1300 lbs.. ll.S56ill.S5 good. lLAQfe 12.00; medium 10.50 11 r.ft: rommon v.uow iu.m. xuiicr. Fancy Hams, Young Lambs Find Ready Sale Here Wheat hit the toboggan for another drop of two cents on Saturday, bringing the price of red to 92 and white to 94 cents. Oats dropped one-half a cent, on the local market. No other price changes were recorded oir-Salem's market row. Spring lamb and fancy hams found ready sale 1n the retail market all day Saturday and docks offered were of exception ally good quality. rrssa Fratt (Wholesale Quotations Apples, locals 1. 2 j to 2.00 Rome Beauties . 1.50 Yellow Newtoas 1 Bananas, lb. 07 Dates Dromedary. 88 10 os. pkgs. . Cone'a Pittedd.d ease Calif. Crapefruit , , Itls of Pins , Tjemona Calif. Orange. Kavels 80"a s SO .4.50 -T.00 .8.54 .8.00 126's 150's 176'a 200's 21G'a 25;' SSS'S 324"l Pineapple, crate Stran berrint. tr f I? vefetsblei (Wholesale Quota tiont) Asparagus, per lb. Calif. Loral, doz. - , Broccoli. Roseburs; .4.59 -5.00 .6.25 .T.00 .7.75 .S.04 .8.00 B.7S 00 .0O 8.6S .3.00 .14 .1.90 Celery. Calif, erate Don. - Local .1.25 t 1.60 4.00 J 1.7 f 10 03 lin I 4(lff m tin nr Mnt dvrreaso frrtm I 1 (1 SO (,i 1 1 00 1 common to medium 100 I V Aallrr rnlnmo Snm Wash- I 4.00 Q' 10.50. Cowa. itood 9.50 a 10.00 1; I Loe,i OBionl 65 "r""- . . " . - " I common to medium 7.otjs.o; low eoi-1 bettnee Parsnips. Ib. RuUbacaa. Ib. Bunched vegetables, per des. bunches Carrots .80 Beets oa 1 Turcipe ea f Radishes rM 1 Parsley , " 1 Onions f.a i Garlic, lb. If I California Tomatoes, lot S. 75-4.0 1 s . I CU-JUIU11 iisttwi lngton shippers' stocks are en- Ur .3.2. J Balls tyesrlings ex- California, Imperial Vslley 3.50-4.50 priced at value. $3750.00; H aown ; balance eaay. SEARS TUCKER 134. South Commercial Street - WMWI I LOOKING FOR A SHEEP RANCH? 457 acres, extra good improvements, 300 head of ewes, horses, cattle, hogs nEH"RrKYS trannested While Leg horns. Quality May chicks, 41L00 per 100. GEHRINO BREEDING FARM SILVERTON, Ore. Valley Motor Co. Center, and Liberty Streets Salem, Oregon Fhona 1495 tirelT deDleted. while many Others I eluded I7.50fi8.00; cutter to medium neBn,B, kothosse 2.25 t 8.00 o- tlr.- on a Pratlv reduced I8.007.50, Cirret .50io.o; euii xo Oabbacs, b. . - .1 .na f r r2 n r r , llr fA I ti , t v , , ... ... 1 meaism i.uuHf.jv. . -, - - , jinuuaro, ioc-u numDer or Tarienen au- siauuo. j2 00 18.00; medium iu.uusji .v . Fees. Calif Prices are firm, but without re cent advances. WAVTED Cheao earden horse and and all farm implements. If you are I nillcli cow. Pay cash. Clyde Ebbert. I awovwKwwi v looKing ior a real proposition l nave Rt 1, Box 171. Salem, Wallace road. it in tins piece ot property, win con- B III IK sider a trade for something easier for a widow to handle than a sheep rancn. I am going to trade this for income FOR SALE WOOD Vr-JXijunjnjTj"Vui r-hri-vs - -- property of some kind. You, perhaps, I r eT r. 1 n ?s ST will do well to see me about It. Will TaL li. Salem Fuel Ca 7.2 Trade. ) nnr ei mnt Mk mmL eoal and fuel oil. CaU en us for prices. W; I giro good measure, gooa quiy sell on reasonable terms, subject to a small xeaeral loan. house In Salem, will saorlfice or take ?5..?trZc Tv-4 taf rli. '!7 cluh sedan. in-. -- rvt over SSIOO.OO. Will sell for less than half price. Terms and tF STATE MOTORS INC. TiOnGE DELIVERY Here is a special buy. fine tires, new . W. . n1(r, ariMtnl vtT hat X AfV. Vmnc us. vattTCB svfuui 1 - j . . 1 A , u 1 v mi. ' i- f good oooy. etc. A reai 8ervrari; imuaa onions recvivva piuuxyt uind coranoa z.oocaa.oo. IRE DISTRIBUTED . . ... -i . n nr 1 a . cull to common i.wih ureea reppers, id. Hogs steady; receipts 900. Hubbard Sqnsib, lb. Heavy weights,; . ""'"'"i? Msrblelisad sqass- weichta. S.7a(ft iu.10; nui "vioj. i-nmprina, 10. .ma-:. lie-M lirhtl 10.000 10.85. 1 rl m- Paeking' sows. 8.00 4.40. Slaurbter gosUisra Tsm 50-lb. eel pigs, f 10.00 reeaer sua iwv p0utoes. local er pigs. 11.0012.00. Artichokes, dasea (Soft or oily hoza and roasting P'S I Kw Potatoes excluded in abovo qnotationa.) I Feeds Sheep and Iambs. Quotably steady, re-1 (Retail Qaotstisat) eeipts low. , I Cslt eL 25 lbs. libds. gooa to ciio.o '-' r I Berate-, ton ! " L 'V- "?:!: Cera, .ole, to. a SO. Tearlhur wethern -o. 19 03 Vf .13-14 49 f 44 -0i .4 M , 440 1.00 40 -13 The first carload of Tw fr5 Cracked sad grsd Mill . MS ! .50.00 j .44.00 I .48.00 I in small acreage near town. Good to- 1 LARM EH TOru tnict lf thls wee, only 1145.00. tribution at Portland and Seattle With milk .13.00 .54.00 -60.00 rations. H. C. SHIELDS or P. J. JfORITZ 2!8 Oregon Building Tel. 1784. ieepnow . I Will rive terms. THE best wood In the city for the I - - money at Tracy's Fuel Tard. Prompt 71 A. coast property to trade for prop- I delivery. Phone 29 85. ertv in or near Salem. IS A. well improved, to trade for se Tlce station, or bouse In town. IL. I - ' . " II A. Fine fruit, and out buildings. Cobba -fatcil pnone ei-. nr . ,iipmii fin TTV g A Y0 faTV ia -rwvi rm hand an the! WAIM-J-l UO-bJL v-ivo thne Promot dellvenr. 214 8. 12th. 1 swww., . - r . a rtinri i a m . r rn aiirn ;OH PCUIsl A K VKVft-s. -Haaaa 4s-s- I m I ThTTTTJI VKUCIAAi-i Phons 54. yesterday. Portland 3 Quota j ine Portland. Ore.. April is (AP) car was cleaned up in snort oruer Jroi -en-stables. . tr a a KftTS era to Fntnre P h fm it orancet. nai. ea.ouia receipts of Texag .tock should Eztrss Msdiams Sggs (Baying Pries) 21 1 14 lem. 5 A. for $750. to apply on Salem home. SEE Forkner. Phone 437. With MELVIN JOHNSON. 220 U. a Bank. EXCHANGE Real Estate BUSINESS PROPERTY -La rae trt angler across the street from city fire station on Fairgn irods road at a bnr- i sain if taken rlsrUt away. Room for MUST sell on account of poor health, serrlce station, and tei- which room bungalow, with lull basement. 1X5 E Luther street. airmouni aooi- tfcm. P!wne 1739J. Part terms. 4sSbjSbWba44m FOR SALE Modern 4 -room house. awk-t-d to suit. Call at l-t . Win. Phone 249 IR. WWWWWMMIWWIWM I TTV"iT TP a rMea M . Im. FOR SALE Kiaht room furnished I nmT,m.., 4 tn tr. t rr H ew mll nouse ai a. ass irK-. viiww iw- i business or clear lota. tfon. I Phone .744 M. 15. w. MA. x , AssinimraTor 202 Gray U- WILL sen or trad my Tie home W' WWW .i , -ii 1 V.lrr nm.n mr Atr K4n, tt Vamm WK have a strictly modern home on I n. h.,,.1 in itks rt paved street, 6 rooms, garage, furnace I aw ntreet. Salem. ana iirepiace, snuw ow v cAuawac i i-.-i-n-i-i-i-ii-----rMiri-iii-i-n rn.q-.- nn for a small svereage. ie a. dairy ranch close 4 Soto. . we nave two a room nouses 10 i - k. .- trade tor 44 or 50 acres BuUxWrtor I $109.04 per A. Will take timber wiry snra i im . aoa stums na or river bottom " w tiav 7 r. n,ar Kiem to ex- i a : DRY 18-in. old Or. 4 ft. fir. eak and ash. Cord measure. C. U. Harbaugh, 838 Highland ave phons 1994. 1" old fir 17. Tel. 2736J1. FIRST class seasoned second growth fir cord wood. Direct from timber to your door yard at a saving Call 44F4 Salem for prices. C. J. LEHMAN, R L Jefferson, Oregon leas exnensiYe. as shipments are.. sa'so: kansn'ss.' strfts lb. Lemons 15"?! -m now npaw wun io cariuauo iniiurun, i that state yeaterday. Poattry (Baying Price) 1H ACRES small house, double (tar- age, well, all cultivated, 1-4 A. logana $14S4. $104. down. 321 A. 2S4 cult! rated, running water, large house and barn and other outbuilding!, 14 mL from Baleen. 24 head of cattle, 8 good horses, an farm equipment Will trad lor smaller farm. A. 2 ml. from Salesn, 1H cleared, 2 room house, garog. 4.250. Will trade for house tn Salem. A. 1-4 mL front bus line, fine son, V room bouse, garage, electric Urfata. close tn 427SO. 44 A. T mi. east eg Salens, 14 A. cul- tiratM, s a. timber, ramiiy orch ard, farm bulldtngx. $5254. Will take bease fas Sln. C A. 4 mL E. oaj SaUas. 7 cherry trees. jrm. vau, ii s wen, room nouse, electric lights, garag-e, chicken Iksm. eleetrie- liehts. s-nrsro Chicken house; $2404. Will trade I wwwia eiw TT , . . n,1OT late liewea. -.- I" .t . Mediums Anarau ia in light supply tO- L U,.iM " Tonits4e.I hot- Medm-s LOST AND FOUND to .coolf!ln' .T:e,,ir I -r4?ri-?T-tS.fc5 M'" BoU'rt n avan cuLLinc. sua auur i .-- r .:. . . . ... i LOST String of 4 keys. Reward, tional carlot loading for eastern! ffi-?nfwI-lnin4i.5oa 1.75; new Tas! 1 '"'"Q i sninmpni. i ue ui-i ci - -a i cttsib. wm. .vvr rc " - -- . ..,- -j. I Tttnr Imnerial Taller. f.ou: er at rortiauu iuj. . ,-;. -TiMflstfl-). An.T-l NOTICE FOR BIDS The DOtato market t slow In "r,ni. Ta rfcik Orege-, Prinu TI J - 111 . ... W. fllA nT- I 4. 1-, . 4.vmffu1 hi Pfl. I V .a Jn.s ks--ihaM Kmn.clt loCAl I fiOQi - niUS WIJLJL lfP A SU 4WF V-- - I LUdalUK i.4,4 w . ux g.uv uua-a- w ...- r 1 -OT 2 (Bnylsg Prices) w'aeesai Batur" Batter (BstsB Qaotatte-s) .1T-20 .16-14 .40 .49 -44 .44 .45 - - - i . . tsi. I . wll I a' rr. t C . . hnsr m mm mmm - -- -- -- -- . J gl a T g asnTBI II1M- TAtmin41 4M Ci Y W R T MTP W U a BUITI VUIU ISP Viastsw ....-- cord, i O1o"c . . r . i -"- - - . " I Str.wH.rrif Fresne 20s. 3.ootff ..I.. t mm v. , iAnnrr iirp. 111.4 . .nm nrnnirr tmiibln 1 . . - mnnn Grain and Hay (Baying Price) western red change for more acres, good improve- 14 acres small Improvements, good for' chickens for $750.00. A lot on Stats street between Isl and 14th at a bargain. McGILCHRIST A PENNINGTON 249 U. S. Bank BIdg. mAAAmmmmmmmmmTmm $140. Down. $24. per mx for a -lew hesnew 4 rooms and nook, bath, garage, sue lawn; a bargain at 09- . $$$04. Nice EnglUh styls hoeos In S. Salem. 4 rooms, basement, fur nsrt, aiea tew n. Hay tena. S4404K C room Knxllsb style home in east Salem, H acre eg land, on paving. Easy term a MELVIN JOHNSON 14 U. & Nat'L Bank Phsma 437. an$ia1aasas-isM m m mm sbtn-afaansaf4s, CLOSE TO CITY LIMITS 12-100 acre Joining city limits of Balem in growing district for sale at the remarkable low price ot $3240. Place has good 7 room house, barn, good poultry buildings, electric lights suid telephone service available. Liber al terms. . LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors $24 State Street Phone 1727. ss4aaaM4j4as-k-k4 EVANS 275 State Street Phoa 1441 FOR EXCHANGE NEAT little home in -rrrerton. Tame sxzvo. wssste nrto-ern man in -aura f I or 4 rooms, prefer east or north. Win pay $2044 or $3404 cash differ ence. ALSO 4 room house in Oswego, val He $3064, and ssnall house- in Salem, valae $1904; Will trade both for good hotae tn talea er aauU acrsagt aot far out I.KTk t CtTTLDS CfL- Raattovw 124 Stat Street P-ocm 1727 SUCH PRICES NEVER AGAIN $1800.00. 4. room modern home, base ment, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built ins. Paved street Vt block N. off of State street. Fine location. $500.00 down. BaL time. -11 000 se. l.Arra rronnd. I R. house. new garafre, drilled well, on paved road, s miles rront east or saiem - $500.00 down : balance easy. . SEARS 4 TUCKER 1S4 South Commercial Street FOR sale at a real banrain 4 acre tract call and see It at 15 19-4 th St.. King wood Park, West SaUcca. GOOD TRADES In Farms' Aercajs City Pronertr $12,400. Fine 145 A. farm, all stock ed and -qu lppa A Want city HO to $& eue. 44 A. FARM 43404. STOCK, cron and imniements tak small closed car. Sum cash. Babuics) -S per year. uititj: cosher iajt $1000. trade for a home. 44600 HOME TRADE, camn around, service nta. located ow highway. What have yon? tojiji rKurKTi Southern California for Orecon nron. If You Have Property to Trade - S BKCHTL-THO-LASON 311 State Street Room 4. FOR BALK OR TRADE On small improved place near Salem transfer tmsusesa, true, a ray, eta Th onrr ana ia town). Also $ rm. house and 4 lota and hnhnid fur. for a 10 rm. house. A bargain for anyone wanting a trans fer business. W. B, EGELSTOK lsxauBOutb. Oregon rtru-kT-k it In nld fir. 47.50 -v'" r. " ' -., ttrM fin ti uanrtn i:ounir. ore- i niipd unit anma nrimarr Dousts ... . t i. iomiS'ts. i -ne. fnone zor.z. r our v-ui uci uta ..... -, . . , - - i ij.o ,a . . j , , i a, uiiit k. ST"!:..," . . , . up to 5.6 o'clock P. M.. I Texas for exampla report lower X9 MtT7 cahforaia. ti.4oei.ts dos- U.y1' .frL-cJasI.-in:J,I April 22. lfW. tor thg furnishing prices yesterday. Daily hup .-: 4-.- "r. I r. 1541. BYed IT Weila inc, 2M South I of No. 1 bit; fir slab wood lor tue approximate 199 cars, ot BliVYrV-Vocal eatdeor, ?; H': "J - i . - i . . k iHarnir mr i onn . m r MiirnL i -.. km wh si ui lib i v... ... .. 92 94 47 H ,r ,t ev tt.- mmmm. tm ho 17W- a n drr fir wood I ae year -, " : . 1 ' . mS up and seW ill Tfle road. I delivered la qaaaUtiea as itttea berries Cram rtoriua mwi ,3.,Y.j5riaiimi, 3.5o3.75 cwt.; i imvm uui i.. ----- . . , -. i .th.J Ivn Hoes. "V f7 "drr 2nd growth fir" .oo4 ft lt30. bidder to submit bids ior thta year, to fla e. uemanQ rw.-m P, Dogt old &Xvl Phoae wood to be deliTgred at the er- Ur .low, resultin in an . acetimu-1 g '..-foo mt 8 1 Dressed Veal. S7i jw. Phor.ia. av as an aitgniato I lation ef stock, and resultaat cut I iT nw. " Fr. 041P fTgPn rAR4'tbe School Board will accept bid rates for orer-mature" offerings, j . o their daughter. Mrs. Harry Pat- an at a a a m - - a . . s n n a si jfi-j anrs ninmanTi t rum mm aasa-ii - . . . iT MiriiL -i -ii-1. 1. 1 s I approximately u-sv ...-' - . tka same wood F. O. cars wa average sdvui -" i Ldllos r t4 rata- if af raw-1 r nu: Cnlifarala. 41.00 !a 1.50. v- ""- - ' I . . r,.,,t.. rema. !! .. . .. , . . Clover Alfalfa coma Phone If eat (Buying Fries) 420.00 .18.00 to 24.00 .14.00 te 24.00 .25.00 te 10 OS top torn 4.7$ .ltt 14 as a, nV ' 1"?:,, m. . .J i ..we..4 4-AfAr4rnn of It. ntds will also be re-fa 50 per cent decrease from re-1 yon. "running w fari 71, r""- "1 Sired i tor thg. transferring ot cent dally rolume. Somt, W.hlBg-l if.AU those I and her return to her home la tersoa, who has been in Pal Alto since tha first at March for med- Ileal treatment, is not Tery weii Inaa a iwlm m tlia nf a $2044. to loan, MBLYTN JOHNSON Used Cars in Salem tol f mr f oot gIab wpoi cros. th s. p. rUnna PrrMtl tracks to the several scnoow. ma CnOOSC rrOrn Lrg to U enclosed La a sealed eo .,Jrfiope and marked "Wood Bid." WANTl-D-ill. Itt ll I cant ot ia wm- - - ttf TT. B. Natl Bank PTyme $$7 Rnt- Roadster 1427 Buick Standard Coach riuin m m m . I m .k i- ii i i rnk 425.44 1 . . 4 -t tfia mpptilir naii,u uow or i nwn noase, I - ; . STj -ca aa I aw v - wire " 5 & J2mX?&y lAlli Hitt r 2eS Z Milt the Board. Tumd erwnlrO- Ksausman. muK w goo Aaoress uox S4S. lnf ST 5TT;r ioo il,n 99 Rlht is reserved to ac- v,vr-T- . i. i . " 4412 vHTli To bear Iron owner of 1 1921 Batek Chrys Laadard Tour. aier 44 seaaa farm or hnhnproved land for sale. 0. 1 141 Ctaysier 44 Canpa K. Kawley. EWdwlis, Whs, . I lIt Chovroist Cong - 1425 Chevrolet Toaringr WANT land Cor cMekaiui ! ta H- I llll Dadsi Sedan lea and cioae to htjrhw r. 1 1424 Dodge Coup BEB J. SCOUf ELLXS : 1 1921 1 WlS, scrneai nt- . Phone 2227 487 Center Street 192$ Essex Sport Coupe . 19ZS aex porxy-- 124 Ford Bport Coupe . 1424 Ford Koaosxer !!!! leant or reiect any or all bida. 9s:44 Approximate amoant ot wood needed: "lie Highland 55 cords 145.44 Grant 60 ' Will Balewood , 5 . " Richmond Z 445.44 Park I Washington lib n - lmj XUincss isppununilies last Ford Coune. RuxteU $15.44 1". ts Am-mmr0m.m0'mm-mm0m0m0mmm.'mAik I . avwit WoadSr. BttXtell - I -Stxviuicj ............-- S-tPEIt service station to lease for I ia vnt Coafh. Rnxtell i Ltncola term of years. Fully ew-ipve4 as every I iss Fnrd ftedan 154.4f I nich 214 detaft Including high pressure) washer, 1 1924 Ford Roadster Iriar field .C ammo piss-um ai asmv -quipo-sni, mm j jjis For. Tourmg I , . , . m battery charging equipment. Outstand-n9j4 Hudson Coupe 150.44 JParrish Manual TTalning.lB mg location, wnte box tza, oaiem, 1 1924 Jewett Coupe . iSrill W. H. BURG H A KLTI a. Oregon. i19jt Oakland Bpt Ksaaster ' I .A riork. ,.. TV - Sniai I M . A. S Am V - S7B - XWUIUiai mw ------ 450.04 FOR BALE Cot tare court site and I 1S Overland Sedan estaMtane- auto pata; a s-s acres 1 1911 Pontlao uoope beantrrul Manaanlta Beach 144 fx, 1 Pontine Landau Sedan 40Q,fl frontage on main street. - I studebaKer uoacn BEN 8. LANE I 1924 Oldsmobile Sedan .. - 14 -tnnsanlta, Oregon 11924 Star Touring . 125. 44 Btrsnizsa opportunities Rarvlrw dolnar : rood . business. In splendid location, will sell, will I tar S71S nnnllv. Oisxerg store with meat market and equipment, siioe. SOCOLOFSKT at SON " First National Bank-Bid Used Car Center. Consolitiated Marion A Lrherty Phone 1427 Open Evenings and Sundays. ROUE (AP) Free courses in era languages art) offered te betel waiters and other employee by tha taseist Dopolaroro (After- work) orianLtaUon. T claues are designed to enable Italian be tels to deal mora easily with tour ist a. PROMPT SPUR OF CHERRIES URGED ton ahiDPeTs stocks are aatlrelyl 4 .,- . I rr-vallls ta not known. depleted, wbicb many others are 1 7". iX, .i . Tues-1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eakia and ouotinK on a greatly reduced num-In""" T- s nf . .eemnnanie-t by Mrs. Robert her of rarlettes and grades. Prices, r . " . T- 1 laft lata Wednesday .r -, batt witbeert recent sd-llne Penul.K ui lu" "Tv" 1 ","C. II . Aarelea ""A"" IMany ot those who iisnea up ins-. - "r. rr; , - iRickreall west ot town were tor-where Mr. Eakta will tUn . a. i. -4.tM. a Hmft minf 1 4tiiTA (foil . wn. UrCBBVU wa by noon others by mid afternoon, risit in Palo Alto. They will ba Many It to 15 inch trout were away 10 days, to ba found in the various catches. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Fw1 r ,. . .- trin win anend the Easter holidays la Ti -;f..'n Z JSt it-. jiaaaAi that mnm a nn nia I F uik ujlu 4. .: . broken into his house and gotten ler of Portland and brother. Era- . vi. Mihinf mi win loin them there. away wii an vi - 1 . ..v.- Tha ateaost baste U necsary Uckle aad b.dyident t. cope with the Syneta beetle in mgn cabin t -en MDe for tba gaerry orco. ws s ?r : OTa"" T at tb. rear the opening of the fishing season. area nave not aireaay ih-u w 11- D ,m r-itv The finals of the county wide to llmiaato this pest, it was in- t the ',8ored dteated here Saturday. Local can- resiaenta repon w nVEarle Richardson of the Item- .-. n.rfioni.r that fmit I thieving there this spring. by fcane Kicnaruaou . . i Mtort-to them beunatfected. Mr. Roy Donahue "turned j Ia spraying, four pounds of ar- Thursday from Tacoma where she las, 4 Saturday BhorBmJld: senate is used to erery J0 gaUona, wa, , eaiiea fnV PrTeTin This contest are ai in the case oi ousting, a iefiru, . l.K-iit.di xrahater'a dicuoaery - cent arsenate dust ls used. Treat- killed in th. coa a1" c "b . ..ahU bam been effected I near Taeoma the. first of the week. I for iwwpfw. .- .. hf ova aow. It U already too late Mrs, ? W. Crnson niade . a a. - a k - a artr aw . ai anna nnai nn twi rm s ., aaasawa . - - to COpe wun orown v. m I""" 7 . .C . i . r.rH velv. Th4 DB4I where no measurea hare yH been Beck also accompanied tm .prt a goodatS- take. by tt. grower., . lyWt . her parent, at HS22 vi. . - - - nl Hn.iEiinn. I .. - . . rvuisauvs -.,---- , .-. Hiotrlrt or none susa worn nas neen receirea oy w - . . - ,