. 1 The OSSGOTT CTAlXSMAiygsiga. Ortgea, frrfeay gofcrc; Aprti 18, 1933 rAGE CLJKVn? nil' ddii Mr 1 ULV I IIUHL GROWERS ELECT H. S. Butz to Head Coopera tive Association Dur ing Year DALLAS, April 17. Members of the Tolk. County Cooperative Prune Grewer9 association Held their annual meeting in Dallas Monday. Officers and directors elected for the year Are: H. S. Butz, pres ident; Glen SeHaven, vice presi dent; E. J. Himes, secretary treasurer; LTW. Plunnner, T. J. Alsip, L. Ov Miller, G. A. Scbroe der, and Otto gkerates, directors. George Cnrtig is manager at the association. The association has 5 grower members repreentlng 1067 acres. About three-fifths -of the crop has been cold, with approximately 75.000 pounds still unsold. SCIinS MILLS HAS MR GUESTS SCOTTS MILLS, April 17. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Manegre and two children of St. Paul visited Mrs. Manegeres brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. tad Mrs. Lonie Schaechar Sunday. John Green who is attending O. S. C. at CorvaHis visited his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Geren over the weekend. Mrs. Jean Adams of Portland is j visiting her sister, Mrs. J. S. fvorb and family. Miss Doris Hogg, a student at e.nts, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hogg over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Billinger and family of Salem visited his mother Sunday, and looking after his farm interest. Mrs. Tony Miller and two sons of Mt Angel visited her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Dejardin over the week end. Marion Groshong aad Clayton Thomas went to Eastern Oregon near Union where they are em ployed on a large ranch. John Helvey. Jr., who has been a patient at the Silverton hospi tal for gome time has returned home. Quell Shepherd arrived home Sunday from Los Angeles, Calif.. iMng called here by the death of liU mother, Mrs. Nora Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. George Graham ol Tacoma, Washington, and Mr. Fred Kascfanitsky of Portland, via ited H. E. Clough and sister. Mrs. Walter Shutt of Noble Monday. 6E GERVAIS, April 17. Council man W. F. Gill, N. L Morrison, F. W. Sturges and the city mar shal, Fred Daley, of Sck were in Gervais Sunday looking over the water plant. Scle is planning on putting in a new water system and is visiting eereral plants of the same Size while working on their plans. They said that the plant at Ger vais was the best and moet eco nomically operated of any they had visited. Mrs. H. Gregg Dies in South TURNER, April 17 Old friends of Dr. and Mrs. H. Gregg were saddened Monday to receive the sad news of the death of Mrs. Gregg at her home in California. Dr. and Mrs. Gregg made their home in Turner ten years ago and made many friends during their stay of a few years. GRANGE MEETS TONIGHT SILVERTON, April 17. The Bilverton Hills Community Farm ers grange will hold its regular meeting at the community hall Friday eveninft bf this week. At this time the North Howell grange will pat on the third and fourth degree. r jee tm tymticRvj of ihe c2iina'ir Lands of picturesaoe quaintness on- ooe hand.... on the other hand lands 'of great industrial develop merit, enlightened gov ernments. The Orient combines two dvilfea ttans in one end if therefore all the more tnterestinft. Sail from Victoria or Vancouver vie Honolulu, on i White Empress. Ask About Reduced First Class Roundtrip Summer Fares IVHWWW ' Also ieoet An Expease Escorted Hovm Party .Tof4 (ran 7iun Get tUtoUs of 2930-19$ i 1 CdUto8eCnte f , &21X2ACCN SUA IVU IM m-AtsMcsar-fcsxi i-Wfcfixa l IN SYSTEM . tics 1 O- 1 EAGLE SCOUT VISITS HOOVER i 'X " j- .', J il llllllinil.il H y,;, i w - 5 I . - - . ' ' 3 XX. f 1" 5l J 7 9 - Jf 'f y , W:.-Hjiiii 1 1 rni 1 1 ill 1 f J William L. Brady, Jr. (left), eagle Boy Scout of Atlanta, Ga being congratulated by Senator Waiter F. George, ef Georgia, after the bey's visit with President Herbert Hoover. Brady-is making m ton f Eastern -vniveraes, spealda; for lh Boy Scouts erganii. tion. en si is E FLUNK MY GERVAIS. April 17. The sen ior class of the Gervais high school had their annual "Finak" day Wednesday. They left early in the morning accompanied by two of the teachers. Miss Hermann and Mr. Stewart, for Silver Creek Falls, where they spent the day picnicking. They stopped at Woodburn on the way home and witnessed a baseball game be tween Woodburn- high and Salem high schools. The ctvtcs class visited the state institutions at Salem last Friday afternoon as a part of their class work. Miss Hermann, the teach es, chaperoned the gronp. Silverton Hills To Stage Comedy At Central Howell SILVERTON, April 17 The Silverton Hills community club is taking Its play, "The Adventures of Grandpa" to Central Howell on Saturday evening of this week. The play is a s-act comedy and lasts for a period of two hours. Last Saturday the play was given very successfully in the Silverton Hills community hall. On the evening of April 24th it will be given in the Brush Creek district to replace 'Cyclone Sally" which was scheduled for a return en gagement which had to be can ANOTHER BIG 35c SPECIAL IfJ POMEROY & KEENE'S MAMMOTH 35TH ANNIVERSARY OF HIGH GRADE JEWELRY V With $55.00 tUsgs mt $275 S3 Jdie niee hesel rinss, solid cold donnU lacs, Cameos, Tojazr Amethy Jade or Ttmiwolse, svreaar5X0 Talac, ttfj oae nt the W Sale price of 4273 then tiie yti cicic of ne 14 cf 1C3 Rings etmsislln? of rewpslracied: Knbies, smd sorted atooes itfc toU tooWtnzs, values to $1S.C9 f or only 55 centi. SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY ONLY S7a.f?(ateEL X n iiimii ' - wi if 1 ,smf'rmt. celled because of illness fa the Hillman family. The cast of characters in "The Adventures ef Grandpa", include: Monte Ray, grandpa's grandson, Virgil Tschantz; Tod Hunter, a young dancing master, Lawrence Carpenter; Officer McConnack. "who seen his duty and done It," V. L. Larson; Lucy Hunter, our little wife, Dorothy Neal; Mrs. Pansy Hopscotch, fair, fat and forty, Josephine Sunde; Marie Rebeu, a girl from Paris, Eunice Maulding; Kloomy, li days from Copenhagen over, Thelma Sunde. The play is being directed by Mrs. John Tschatns and Mrs. Lawson Hadley. I CLUB IS 10 WEIL MARION, April 17 Miss CheBlah. Lake, teacher of the North Santlam school entertained the Marlon Community club . at their meeting Tuesday evening with a program of "Darkle" num-: bars participated In by members of her school. The program was: very much enjoyed by those pres ent and a vote of thanka was tendered Miss Lake in apprecia tion. The inviting of surrounding communities to participate in our meetings Is a step in the right direction aad should bo continued as It helps to build up a -better understanding and friendship with out neighbors which Is vno of the purposes of our dob. ' Special for Friday, April 18 $15 BOTES EK MO SHinUES IE BEING CENTRAL IIO WELL, April IT. Johnny Steiner, who with his strawberry planter, has been J busy for some weeks In this neigh borhood, Is still busy in adjoining communities, waiter Haverson Is helping plant ind furnishing a team to haal the planter. Aileen Tweed who Is taking nurse's training at St. Yincent's hospital in Portland, ts planning to spend Easter 1 her home In this community. John steelhaamer. r wbe suffered a relapse after having the influenta, is convalescing slowly, being still confined to his bed part of the time. Norman weinbarger of Port land, who has been a guest ol his sister. Mrs. A. A. HalL tor a few days, returned to Portland Monday. Mrs. John Tweed is Installing two new' electric brooders for her little thickens. Or. A. W. Simmons is. having a new well drilled on the. Shannon farm. During the dry season the last year the two old wells on the place hardly supplied sufficient water for the livestock. MARION PEOPLE GUESTS AT TURfJER MARION. Anril 17 Marion the Turner Community club's meeting th .Turner "Monday eve ning and all enjoyed the program whtth was presented. ' Turner has n very much aJJte cluh and the people Of that eom- munlty show their enthusiasm cor PLANTED -O MAY QUEEN Ethel Ban, Mne-eyed end Monde, was chosen Queen of the Hay ol Ashland College by Urn student body. The notable part ef the se lection was the fact .that Hiss Bawm is a native of Ashland, Ohio. This is tke first time tha$ a heme town, girl has beer picked fee tke ooronaaoa. their clubs welfare by supporting their meetings with a packed house. If there is a civic community enterprise wortn while it .most assuredly is the community elub and the Turner people are show lag that they have "It" by their enterprise in this direction. . VISITS IN CORVALLIS , GERVAIS. .April 17. , Cecil Manning spent . the week-end, at Corvallis. Cecil was a atodent at Oregon State college last year. f ;-1- . fx ;- -K rS'y8 HOSIERY Wondrously fine chiffon with narrow French heel and Picot top, or sturdy service weights lor sports wear in beautiful new spring shades. RICKEY irJTETlESTED TH CUUOE B R I M M RICKEY, April 17 This com munity is intensely interested in the glider exhibition that is to be put on Sunday by Claude A. 'Grimm as Mr. Grimm with his parents, Mr. . and Mrs. Charles Grimm and brother Howard made their home here for several years. While here Mrs. Grimm served several terms as president of the Woman's club and Mr. Grimm served en the school board. The family were ardent com munity workers. Riekey Is glad i to see another one of her boys make gooa. Macleay Regrets Resignation of Mrs. Af . Af . Magee MACLEAY, April 17 A num ber of the Macleay people attend ed the Rickey community club Friday evening, April 11th and were very sorry that Mrs. M. Ma gee ts resigning as president of that club ma she had made great progress in her elnb work and had the old as well as the young on the dirt' rent programs. They will all miss her very mueh. M. F. Kepbart has disposed of his entire dairy herd this last week. H. O. Taylor was a caller at the Harry Martin home Saturday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell M. Lam bert and son, Lawrence Lowell were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mra. Earnest Roth of Pra- ttua who are the proud parents of a eaby' girL Mrs. Blanche Albright who Is the teacher of the seventh and Charming shoes for dress or sports, in colors which denote the very spirit ol spring. White, eggshell, beige and combinations of color in a wide varie ty of patterns. eighth grades at the Ansasvfile school sponsored the Aoasville pQpitsrfco live fa and around Macleay to their homes Friday evening as the regular school bus was transporting the grade base ball team to Hazel Green. A number of people from Mac leay and Shaw attended the base ball game held at Anmsvtlle dia mond between both the Anms ville aad Hubbard girls and boys. Mr. Emmett Mason is working the large cherry orchard near Macleay with a John Deere trac tor. Anne Engbrecht was absent from the Aumsville high school Monday. Mrs. Fry and hef two grand children, Stella and James Mason were the guests at the Martin Nelson home Sunday. The farmers .who hive grain farms are rejoicing Over the rain, which we had. IS CURED FDH 10 CHITS TrTiy Suffer With CotBs-Pft Dime Pain Stops And Out Comes Corn . BESTJLTS GUARANTEED NEWEST, BEST REMEDY No talky doughnot pads et borningadde get aa envelope of O-Joy Cora Wafers for a dime Hun as paper press one en the corn 'with finger aad ft sticks there, Shoes dent hart. Fain is gone immediately. Dance if you erish, no bother, fan or danger Later, in the bat, eat comes core, callous, roots and alL Like acagie. Everyone Is goto wfla -ever O Joys. Broadway was overjoyed; rou will be, too. Six O-Joy Wafers for a dime at druggists. Adv. BAGS Tapestry, Tweed and Leather Bags. New9 smart and pric ed within reason Lowell at. L.MW4 fc. working tor Oscar Chapman. Mr. and Mra. Jaeh TTn t of Portland visited with Mr. sad Mrs. Feter engbrecht Monday. These New Salts Are Wonderful That's Just What She Said Just What He Said AND A BULLION FAT FOLKS CAN'T BE WRONG When yoa take vitalising Knu chen Salts for a few days that old Indolent arm-chair feeling deserts you h doesnt matter how fat yon -are the urge for activity has got yon-end you're stepping lively. And best ef all you like this ac tivity yoa walk a couple nf mites and enjoy ft yea thought you'd never dance again bet yoa find you're getting as spry as ever the eld tingling active feeling reaches even your feet. Kruschea is a combkution ef the six salts Nature has already pat into your body to keep yea alive if it were net for these vital salts you eooM not live. Why not try one 86 cent bottle of these rejuvenating salts a bot tle lasts 4 weeks and one bottle ts ' enough to prove to yoa that Krns chen will make yea feel younger spryer more energetic yoe'D en joy life-re very minute ef it. As one stoat woman wrote: "Kruschen Salts are worth their weight in gold to me." A half teaspooaf ul in a gust of hot water every morning is all , yon need to keep healthy keep your stomach, liver, bowels and kidneys in splendid condition free , your system from harmful toxins and adds. Parry's Drag Store sells lots ol Kruschen Salts so do good drug gists' everywhere. Adv.