Tfce 03EC0N STATESMAN. Salfg Oregon, Thcrsday Morning, April ltV 1930 PAGE SIX n 8 f.- i Society Local Club Woman Leads District Discussion The local Business and Profes sional women nave been honored by baring one of their flub membership selected by Mrs. May F. Snipes, president of the Wasb lnston state B. dc P. W. club, and chairman of the program com mittee for the Seaside district convention for Jane 13. 14, IS, as leader of the round table discus sion on publicity. Mrs- Madalene ; Callln, editor of the state maga xine, the "Oregon Business Wo man' and publicity chairman of ; the local 'club, is the one to be selected for this place. The roundtable discussion will be on matters of local publicity ' and on editing state organs. Mrs. Callin will speak for 15 minutes to open the discussion and then the roundtable will begin. . Sitting in on this discussion will be representatives from Ore gon, Washington, California, Ida ho, Montana, Utah, Nevada and Arizona, all of which states re present the district meeting. Music Teachers Have Busy Meeting One of the busiest meetings of the past few months for the Sa lem Music Teacher's association was that which was held at the home of Joy Turner Moses Tues day night with Mrs. Lena Waters and Mrs. Henry Lee assisting In receiving and with the social hour which followed the business meeting. Mrs. Clifford Moore, president of the state-association was pres ent for this meeting and lead the discussion for plans and ways and means for making the state con vention, to be held here in June j a satisfactory success. j ;ne pians tor iae loc-ai ceie ora tion of national music week were presented. by the. chairman of the committee of the association working on Rood mu&Je week, Mrs. Walter A. Denton. Mrs. Denton briefly, outlined the general plan for the week which will open with special church music in all the churches. May 4. William 'Wright, is chair man of the committee in charge of this part of the program. During the week all manner of programs will be given in all man ner of place. The one unique celebration of Salem this year will be the "at home" night for music, Monday night. At this time any person wanting to open their home to as many folk as can be accommodated for any sort of music be it piano or radio or group singing or a formal pro gram. Those who can or will do this should make known their de sire to Mrs. Stephen Stone, who Is chairman of this committee. Mrs. Stone spoke concerning this work at the Tuesday night meet ing. The plans for the week are ten tatively worked out as follows: Tuesday night there will be a pro gram at both the school for the blind and at the state training school for girls. Wednesday night there-will be a junior recital at Willamette university of univer sity students. Thursday night there will be an adult concert at the armory and this promises to be one of the largest or the pro gram events. Friday night the Sacred Heart academy will give a program at St. Joseph's hall, and the Beethoven society will present a program in the Y. M. C. A. Sat urday night there will be a huge armory. Sunday there will again j be programs in all the schools. 5 Incidental to these plans will be me work oi sucn organizations as the high school Crescendo club, the music section of the Salem Arts league, the American legion auxiliary. Daughter's of the Amer ican Revolution. Business and Professional Woman's orchestra and chorus, Salem Heights band, and many more who have not yet officially signified the desire to assist. The programs i n the institu tions will be given under the di rection of Mrs. S. M. Endicott, ! chairman of the institutions de- partment of the Salem Woman's club. At the close of the business meeting Joy Turner Moses, Mrs. Waters and Mrs. Lee served. The menu and decorations for the gr.ests rooms carried out the idea of Easter in a delightful man ner. Special guests were Mr. and .Mrs. Clifford Moore of Portland, Stephen A. Stone and William E. ?.Iores. Members present were: Mrs. Frank Lilburn. Mrs. Walter Den ton, Miss Elma Weller, Mrs. Ber tha Junk Darby, Mrs. Gertrude Cameron of Silverton, Mrs. Jessie Bush, Mrs. Stephen Stone, Miss Hflen MacHIrron, Mrs. W, F. . Powers, Frank Churchill, Mrs. Ethel Poling Phelps, Mrs. Frank Churchill, Miss Elisabeth Levy, Miss Lena Belle Tartar, Miss Frances Virginie Melton, and the hostesses. Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Waters' and Mrs. Moses. Mrs. J. W. Hunt will be host esi Thursday to members of the North Salem W. C. T. U. at her home, 1374 North Capitol street. : Official papers will be considered . and other matters of importance will be taken up at this time. Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Should one put the year on a wedding invitation? . A, No, only the day; of the week, the month, and the day ot the month Is necessary. . Q. Should one ever speak of a person as "a party"? A. Never, Mention the name of the -person of . whom you are peaking. . Q. If one's coffee or tea Is hat, xnay he cool It by blowing? . A.' No; this la very Impolite. News an Olive M. Doak, SOCIAL CALENDAR Thursday Mrs. Marie Flint McCall, hostess for 9 o'clock breakfast, members of Thursday club. , Mrs. Marie Flint McCall, hostess for 10 o'clock break fast, Mrs. George M. Brown, Mrs. M. N. Cusick assistant hnerj(0 . momhprx nf Thursday club. Golden Hour club. Mrs. B. rri?:". . T-n IirXZTl Wn r,ff nrrn ' O o ewea; liuuaiion iuiu ou v"ic Willinjr Workers class, First n Mr. T?rl Wnnri. lfMS North Hayesvifle Woman's club, B & P. W. club, Woman's cial evening. W. C. T. U. North Salem, 2 o'clock, Mrs. J. W. Hunt, 1374 North Capitol street. Friday Dauehters of Veterans. 8 o'clock Woman's clubhouse. First Spirituahst church circle, George Stoddard home, 1420 North 4th Street, 8 O ClOCK. Brush College community club, 8 o'clock, Brush College rtaan Pnv ffewitt tn hPflW . ..uaIJZ u ...ui, ur.n nano reciuu, leucine vuuuuuKa, o.iy v-iv, inouBce4 y Mrs. wood Is as fol- hail. fuDiic welcome. Flair Tournament for women of Salem Golf club. t-, i j rjllgiewoou sitMUUiUliii.y huu, ,o uvjuv. uumwi . T.n n'olrlr I ... . r. . .. Missionary society, rirsi Woman's club meeting, clubhouse, North Cottage street, :i n'r nrooram. Willamette Lodge Country bers. Mrs. W. F. McCall, Mrs. in charce. Camp Fire girU meet Woman's clubhouse, between iu and 1 1 n'rlork to rehearse lor Sacred cantata, "The Crucifixion" St. Paul's cnurch, U 7:30 o'clock, St. Paul's ckoir. Statesman Pattern By ANNE ADAMS By their sleeves shall you know the latest models! The short sleeves finished with soft flares are not the only smart feature of this exquisite, afternoon frock. The flared skirt which points np to the waist in slenderizing lines, the dainty lace vestee, the very narrow belt and the bodice bow are details of decided interest. Design 1866 is charming fash ioned of silk crepe, Elizabeth or georgette crepe. In navy blue, aquamarine, opaline pink, red orange, beige or green, with ecru lace, the model is stunning. Designed only for sizes 16, 18. 20, 34, 36, 38. 40 and'42. Size 16 requires 3 1-8 yards of 39 inch material. Xj dressmaking experience is necessary to make this model with our pattern. Yardage for every size, and simple, exact instruc tions are given. Pattern will be delivered upon receipt of fifteen cent (15c) ia coin. caref atj wrapped er lumps. Bo sua to write plainly joir name, addresx. tjle Bomber and iie wanted. Ou new .pring book of pattern (tyles it now ready. Price fif teen cents, bat only tea cent when ordered with a patters. Ad dress all mail and order to Statesman Pattern Department.' 243 West 17th street. Kew York City. Englewood Club Plans Evening The April meeting for the En glewood community club will be held In the Castle United Breth ren . church Friday night, There will be served a 1:10 o'clock pot luck dinner. Following the dinner there will be a program of community sing ing, special music and a lecture by Prof. W. H. Hertsog of Kim ball collega on the subject of "Christianity ia America." This lecture will be illustrated with slides. , The . community is welcome to come and be a member of this ev ening entertainment, Mrs. George H. Carrey ot La Grande,' Oregon, and Mrs. E. R. Farley, of McMinnville, - were guests Wednesday at the borne of Mrs. Tom Wood. . - ' ' l . The women of the Salem Golf club-will engage In a nag tourna ment Friday at the golf coarse. Playing will - begin at t o'clock. 1866 dClub Society Editor I E. Sisson, 1 o'clock luncheon. Paul'; Episcopal church to be MnJfant I O. O F. haJLlgiven April 12. at Caettlllan hall. , rT of cnnstian cnurcn, at. nome Winter. alWay meeting with Mrs. J clubhouse, 8 o'clock for so- C.OA V.lAAlr Ai. nm. -xf. x. tt, a capusi cnurcn, cars, xi. a, e. Satrtnlav Jefrrw dub, dinner for club mem- f S. P. Kimball, Mrs. L. Imlah I music wees. Sunday v Oh These Women! . By LEOLA ALLARD A Broadway girl who has a bit of grape fruit juice In ner eye, I-.r. -I 1 vn- .nMnii iZZiSlS they have-to be is beautiful i it . oei vm rcuiy away with tne one ine waniea. lt A 1 1 a. .AaeAllaiM I weii. in wi you .umiiui.. the hom. of and Mrg Court "F. R.". men Hkeneautles to im- Und Boot on Saturday evening. presa iiiur irienua wuu, out win If eomes to settlinc down for the 1. tvall - KaI Uva wn ma I iney picic someone wno cn uua and listen and make them hap- Vr. Not that some beauties don't . w . , j fi..( uu urn, uuv c De reauy aownrigni oeiuuiai, rr ii tn rive, ao mnrh time and thought to it. she hasn't any left for anyone else. Take the average working rirl. She gets up. gets breakfast. primps up a bit, goes to work. Mall Piled hlgn. People to see. I ftthsr nnnl'a miataVsa to Correct. 1 .7 " .v. wont be bOtnerea. 1 Before she knows it lunch I time. She's lucky if she doesnt v . 1, ua,e vu "an iuc wiuvc uvj utue 1 in a ham sandwich so she can fin ish tying her letters At five o'clock she is so tired that it is with very little enthusi asm that she goes before the mir ror to put on rouge and lip stick and arrange her hat. Horn more than likely in a packed sub way or a crowded elevated. Hang ing to straps or iron poles and be ing stepped on and jostled about doesn't improve the facial expres sion. It doesn't give a merry gleam to the eyes. Then dinner and the chances are she is dead tired. Perhaps she sees a movie. Maybe she dances. .now win someone tell me when, where and with what money a girl like this can get prettied up to the point where she looks like a Peggy Joyce? The woman who can give her time to massaging, beauty cul ture, hair tonics, scalp treat ments, water waves, and eye rests, can look like a picture out of the advertising section of a magazine. But it takes tiirie. And it takes money I don't blame men for falling tor something that looks like that But when he marries it and ex pects it to wait upon him, and be content to sit before the fire with him while he reads the papers, and no longer be paraded before the eyes of men, and to make cherry pies for him or see that ! they are made, and entertain his 1 friends at dinner, he has a terri ' ble fall coming, and only Lucifer could tell him what it's like. Copyrighted 1930 Premier Syndicate Inc. Prof. T. S. Roberts Gives Program Prof T. S. Roberts will give a concert at the school for the blind, in the school chapel, to night beginning at 7:45 o'clock. Miss Ruth How and Miss Mil dren Gehle will assist in this pro gram. The numbers to be presented j are In compliment to the school l students but those of the public who would like to attend are wel come to do so. Aurora The annual meeting of the Ladles' Aid of the Presby terian church, met Friday after noon. Plans were made for many Improvements for the coming year. Officers were elected as fol lows: Mrs, Lydia IxTin, re-elected president; Mrs. Retta Evans, vice president; Mrs. Clta Ottoway. secretary; Mrs. Anna Wnrster, treasurer. .' Aurora Mrs. P. O. Ottoway en tertained at an informal dinner, honoring Mrs. Estella Imlah on her birthday and the going away of Miss . Francs s Staley. Miss Ca rlne Wnrster, Miss Dorothy and miss Eioise Hurst were additional guests. Friends from Portland it the Ottoway home were Mr. and Mrs. H..R. Lathrnp and. son Jack. Lloyd Hersdale, Mrs Phillips and airs. uiiion. A : fil airs Plans For Guild Benefit Dance Told The plana made for the spring dance of the Junior Guild of St, PromU. to make this affair one the most brilliant Informal eTettU of thm KpTlng m,, Mrs Tom Wood Is general chairman. - i., J. grttat; Mrs. AC. Lachmnnd, treasurer. Miss Sarah Lansing, chairman of the punch committee, Has an nounced Mrs. J. E. Law and Mrs. Russell Bonesteele as her assist ants. Mrs. Wallace Carson, chair- man of the decoration committee. announces Mrs. Frank Deckebach, Jr.. an Mr. Rex Adoiph as her assistants. The ticket committee as an- lows: Aimie bm r. e. shipW Kr Boeko WHliaas altoa h. jl. Canoyn Homer Smith Jhn Caaghall. Sr. Alton Barley Fr.nkDeekeb.cli W. P. Babeork h. Kenned? Georft Arbarkl W. W. B.BDI Clifford r.raier Cnrtis Ore, I-aa Steer. MiIiob Steiaer. A. C. T. Perry Karl Daat, Ra.sel Bonetteelo V. E. Kahn D. C. Robert. Harry Hawkin. Ed. Vitsko Walter Kirk Frederick Decker bach Rex Adelph Vary Ch.dwiek Frank Dnrbin, 8r. J. H. C.l.h.n John Cancbell. Jr. Carl Ann.troBC Wallaea Caraaa H. Worth c; j." I iiw" w. muii e. v. MtMAn T.t,i"V, st Florence Gonld. jfe.dame: R 6. Brady Dancing will begin at o'clock and continue - until midnight. It will be informal. Mrs. R. L. White Is planning some feature dances from her students and other spe cial events may 'be developed later in the plans for the evening. There wiH -be many dinner parties- and out-of-town' guests In compliment to the occasion. a Aurora Mrs. Frank Miller at tended bridge luncheon given Dy Mrs. Sidney Spurllng at the Campbell Court Hotel. Portland, rrtday WM a lunCheon guest of Mrs. Miller Babbitt and attended the Oregon Oberlln association at KO. II gynoptU ! the Aniraal SUtewent the Hon Orawer.' Fire Relief A.Mci.tion ef BntWTiUe. Oregon, of Donald, in the State OregoB, on the thirty-firit day of De- rember. 1929, made to the Imuran re Commuiieaer of the State of Orefon, rpurso.nt to law. I CAPITAL mld vv- Kone- yet premiami receieed dnriBf the year. $10,557.59. . Inf iTidd.,'.,r"t, ""nrce. receded during the year. $32.50 Total income. $12,826.76 D1SBCR9EMEXTS eludinr adiattmrnt expenM.. S9.098.BS. DiTidead. paid on capital atock during ""'"'i "e , - . Com.iw.on. and ulanes paid dunaf the year, $1,192.00. Taxes, lieeases and fee. vaid dnrinc the year. 188.98. Amoaot of all other expenditures. 1755.30. Balance, charred off. Sl.442.00. Total expenditure. $12,577.17. ASSETS Yahio of real estate owned (market value). SI, 412.01. Value of stocks and bond owned (mar ket Talue), $23,250.00. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc. None. Ca&h in banks and on hand, $37,721. 63. Premiums ia course of collection, writ ten since September 30. 1929. . Interest and rents due and accrued. fl.977.08. Total admitted assets, $64,360.72. LIABILITIES Gross claims for losses unpaid. None. Amount of nnearned premiums on all outstanding risks. None. Due (or commission and brokerage. None. All other liabilities. None. Total liabilities, exclusive of capita stock. None. . BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received during tbe Tear, $10,537.59. Losses paid during the Tear, $9,098. 89. Losses incurred during the year. $9.- 098.89. Name of Company Hop Grower' Fire Belief Association of Butteville, Ore gon. Name of President-Jobn Murray. Name of Secretary Fred M. Gearin. . Statutory resident attorney for service Fred M. Gearin. -Bad Breath Cheats Yon cf Elements Like These w Every Stomach Sstf crer Das It Tazlac Corrects It YOU can't hare a clean, sweet breath a your stomach is out of order. The tongue and mouth is not hint; more or Jew than the upper end of your stomach and intestines. When the condition be low a upset and badly dictated food in these organs your breath tells the story and all the month washes and antiseptics can't mask its off enchns: odor for more than a few That tepwa. dtsnstinc BsrBin row BBOHth, a coated toncoe, arecov &.5V07r demands attention You need Tansac to correct this cxmditionT .kn befece aseal. Tasdse prevents torsaa. tlosi of so and acids .ao there ia bo w.biihs Masai or suatrcsa. jntac adna regulate the wk row eystcsa fre of sslOTiiwand add. at how yoar breath K isanaedBsseijr WUUat Get bottle of oeayowoaasis'a. It saaat adn lieu Afterribbri Tea rVK F 11 1 llllflUUV ULUfl HI Event of Friday Mrs. George B. K. Moorehead will be hostess at the homs other mother. Mrs. H. H. . Vanderort. Friday afteraoon for an Informal tea between the hoars of two and four o'clock. Guests are being asked to meet Hiss Zada French. of New York City, national Girl Reserve secretary, who arrived in Salem Wednesday afternoon and Is meeting with Reserve officials and members for three days. Miss French will speak Friday afternoon daring the tea hour on the subject of Girl Reserve work. Any one who is Interested in the work with Salem girls is welcome to come in for this lecture tea and meet Miss Freneh and hear her talk. Line Party Is Jolly Affair A Jolly party for Tuesday eve ning was the line party given with Mrs. .Kenneth Dalton and Mrs. Ed Law as hostesses, at the Capitol theatre. The special occa sion for the party was the ap pearance-of the Salem choral so ciety la concert at the theatre.. Following the theatre perform ance th party returned to th home o Mr. and Mrs. Ed Law and enjoyed a social time and re freshment hour. Mrs. Law and Mrs. Dalton were assisted in serrr lag by Miss Sarah Lansing and Mrs. R. H. Robertson. Those enjoying this party were Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Law, Miss Mary Kafoury, . Miss Helen Allabough, Mrs R. G. Brady, Mrs. Kenneth Dalton, Norman Purbrick, Robert Nelmeyer, Frank Shafer, Jr., and Thomas Lark in Williams. Sacred Cantata To Be Given The sacred cantata "The Cru cifixion" by Stainer will be sung Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock by the choir of St. Paul's church. The soloists will be Tom Tat- tum of Portland, R. H. Robertson, tenor and director; Marguerite uajion,. organist, ana jeaneue Scott, violinist ACCIDENT -FATAL DALLAS. Tex.. April . (API - Burton F. Ralford, 48, engineer on a Missouri Pacific train which was In a collision at Alvln this morning;, died of his Injuries here this afternoon. J. r Guyton of Galveston, tug boat company man ager, was slightly Injured In the collision. NO. 3 Synopsis ot the Annual Statement of the Minnesota Implement llatoal Fir !a- enrance Company of Owatoana. im tbe Stat o Minnesota, on th . thirty-first day of December. 1929. made to the In surance Commissioner of th. tat. of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount ef capital stock paid Bp, Nose Mutual. INCOME Net premium received daring th. year. S3, 430.899.40. Interest, dividends and rent, receiv ed during the year. S141.673.22. Income from other sources received during th. year, $4,677.15. Total income, $3,577,249.77. DISBURSEMENTS Net losse. paid during the year in cluding adjustment expenses, $990,297.- II. Dividend, to policyholder during th year. S489.12I.Z7. ' Commissions and aalarie paid during th year. $489,121.27. Taxes, licenses and feea paid daring th. year. $48,254.30. Amount ot all other expenditures. $214,222.41. Total expenditures. $3,071,982.38. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value). 9396,690.99. Value of stocks and bond owned (market Talue), $2,381,965.00. Loans on mortgage, and collateral, etc., $152,478.03. Cash in bank, and on hand,' $215, 686.45. Premiums in course of collection writ ten sine. September 30, 1929,$652, 202.38. Interest and rents due and accrued, $41,560.61. Due on Paid Losses, $9,864.77. Total admitted assets. $3,850,448.23. LIABILITIES Gross claim for losses unpaid. $217,- 078.48. Amount of unearned premium on til outstanding risks. $2,180,343.68. Doe for commission and brokerage, $4, 375.97. All other liabilities, $139,331.19. Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock of $0 Surplus $1,309,318.91, $2,541,129.32. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received during the year. $28,813.21. . Losses paid during the year, $6,328.45. Losses incurred during the year. $6,- Name of Company Minnesota Im plement Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Name of President C. I. Buxton. Name of Secretary C. E. Twitchell. Statutory resident attorney for st-r-Tjee h. li. Msrtin. Tittock Bldg.. Port land. Orefon. Every Goitre Sufferer Invited To Test the Marvelous MUNICH METHOD Free of Charge New hope Is presented to Goitre victims through the astounding Munich Method. Originating In Munich Bavaria, the "Goitre Cen ter of all Europe," Its surprising success in correcting and ridding people ot Goitre has been ac claimed throughout Europe. This new scientific method for the cor rection and control of Goitre has just recently been introduced Into this Country and the proprietors hare so much confidence in the merits of the Munich Method. that they will be glad to send free of charge a week's test of this Meth od to anyone who needs It. No matter bow long yon have suffered, no matter It your Goitre is of long-standing or recent de velopment, no matter It yon hate tried everything under the Sun in search of a cure for your Goitre you should investigate the latest scientific Method that bids fair to remove this-disfiguring and dan gerous scourge. Do not delay. Simply fill out the Coupon below and the week's test ot the Method will be mailed you postpaid, free of all charge. FREE TRIAL COUPON MUNICH METHOD, inc.. 19 Munich Bide. 494 Frank lin SU BnRalo, N. T. Send free trial of your Method to: I he Beauty By HELEN "Qw FOLLETT DOX Five minutes of calesthenlcs la the morning, followed by a quick tubbing, provide one with a sense ot well-being. Especially if one is a restless sleeper, awakening with a heavy bead and a what's-the-nse despair. During sleep the circula tion Is not as active as during wakeful hours. The heart action slows up slightly. Breathing is slower. A little musculas. activity chases away the cobwebs, sets one on one's toes. When a woman stops being active she begins to get old, no matter what her age may be. Muscles that don't work go flabby and soft tissues make for bad posture stooped shoulders and triple chins. This Is a warn ing. In case any ot the paper friends seeking beauty may be curious about the snail ctfrl we will in form them that it is the flat beaucatcher covered with a piece of three cornered paper, pinned securely and left to dry, A good Directors Are Ordered to Pay Bonds as Due The state supreme court, in a peremptory writ Issued here Wed nesday, ordered the board of di rectors of the Wallowa Valley Im provement District No. 1, to levy a tax sufficient to pay 112,000 bonds which are overdue, S5.500 due May 1 and Interest. Mandamus action against the directors was filed by Louis Sond heim and other members of the bondholders committee against Charles McClain and Bonds of the district aggregate $150,000. PRISONERS MTJTTXY MEXICO CITY April 9. (AP) Dispatches from Torreon to night said 20 prisoners taken to work on highway construction be tween there and Saltillo had mu tinied, mortally wounding two guards. -XO.-sa Synopsis of the Annual Statement of th. Wit, s ir . i , am mn jsasoai irm insurance vo. of Iowa, in th Stat of Iwa. on tha thirty-first day of December, 1929, aaad to th. In.nrane. Commissioner of th Stat, of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital atock paid Bp, Mat- aai. INCOME Net premiums - received during the year, $2,082,221.44. : Interest, dividend, and rent received daring th year. $116,883.50. Income from other sources received during th year. $1,556.06. Total Income, $2,200,161.00. DISBURSEMENTS Net lease paid during the year in eluding adjustment expense. $834,887. 11. Dividend, paid on capital stock dur- inr the year. Mutual. Commissions and aalarie paid daring the year, $610,739.72. Taxes, licenses sad feea paid during the year. $48,911.62. Amount of all other expenditures, $019,018.70. ToUl expenditures. $2,111,557.21. A8SETS Value of real estate owned (market value). $485,806.03. Vain of stock, and bond, owned (market Tame). $1,852,240.00. Loans on mortgage and collateral, etc.. $569,658.61. Cash in bank, and on band, $114,559.' 22. Premium, in course of collection writ tea since September 30, 1929, $226,806 46. Interest and rent, due and accrued. Slug, 308.20. Other Assets. $8,045.92. Total admitted assets, $2,866,484.50. LIABILITIES Gross claims for losses unpaid, $95,' 936.22. Amount of nnearned premiums on all outstanding risks. $1,285,899.72. Due for commission and brokerage. f2Z.O68.0O. All other liabilities, $152,145.91. Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock. $1,556,049.83. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOB THE TEAR Net premiums received during th year. $12,461.53. Losses paid during tbe year. $1,S04. 88. Losses incurred daring the year, $488. 98. Name of Company Mill Owners Ma tail tire Insurance Co. of Iowa. Name of President J. T. Sharp. Name of Secretary H. B. Carson. Statutory resident attorney for ser vice H. H. Martin. Portland, Oregon. Prepare them NOW for vigorous hair at thirty,' The easiest way to care for a child's hair properly. Is with Danderine. Put a little on the brush each time the hair is ar ranged. Then as you draw it through tbe strands, it supplies the natural oils removed from bair and scalp by Washing with soap and water. "Train" a child's hair with Danderine. See how this keeps it orderly, lustrous, clean. - The na tural' curl is accentuated. A girl's waves "set" with it stay in long er; look more natural. idPv derine isn't sticky or oily; doesn't show. When the use of Danderine be comes a daily habit in your home, longer, thicker, more abundant hair Is sure to follow tor every J memoer. Danderine helps stop falling hair; dissolves every particle of dandruff crust; keeps the hair and scalp dean , and 'healthy; Changes dull, brittle, lifeless' half Into hair that la sparkling, vigor ous, easy to manage. Five million bottles used a year proves Dan derlne's effectiveness. ThtOmttiiouUtllmirteaatifm At AM tans Mme-TMrty Five Cento Danderine sized strand of hair is used, and the curl Is not combed out; mere ly softened a bit by fluffing with the fingers. Like the sculptured curl, it Is daughter of the water wave. A beautiful back Is - rare, beau ty point. It must not be tat, neith er should it reveal the hinges of the back bone. More than any thing else, it Is accessary that it ahould be atralght with a lovely Inward carve at the waistline. Throwing the shoulders or hips forward will ruin the most per fect back: a back Isn't perfect unless the carriage is regal, the head held splendidly. A brush or small string mop should be used when dishes are washed If the lady fair would keep her hands In good condition. Rubber gloves should always be worn when heavy work is done about the house wiping up the kitchen floor or cleaning shelves on which dust -has accumulated. A bottle of hand lotion, made of two ounces each of glycerine and rosewater and half a teaspoon of boric acid. Is a soothing comfort to little mitts that are subjected to much housework. NO. 85 Synopsis of th Anaaal Statement of the Lumber Matual Fir Insurance Co. of Boston, ia th Stat of Mastachasatts, on th thirty-first day of December. 1929. made to th Insurance Commissioner of th Stat of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid np. None. INCOME Net premium received duriag th year. $1,112,803.93. Interest, dividends and rent received during th year. $153,267.45. Income from other source, received during th year, $50,838.68. Total ineme, f i,bib,7uh.. DISBURSEMENTS. Net losses vaid dnrinc th year in cluding adjustment expenses, $372,$80. 43. Dividend paid daring th. year, $324,- 659.39. Commissions and salaries paid daring she TMr, $1,43.5L Taxes, licenses, and fees paid daring the rear. S18.871.C9. ABsoaat r ail tker " expenaitra, Amount of all other expenditure. $78, J32.M. Total expenditures. $1,180,807.10. ASSETS Tain f real eatat own4 aarket value). $284,464.91. valu of atek and bonds owned (market vain). $ Loans oa mortgages and collateral, ate.. None. Cash ia bask and on hand, $60,251.- 54. Premium ia coarse of collectim writ ten since September $0. 1929, $43,157. 15. Interest and rents due and aeerwod. $38,663.94. Total admitted assets. S2.893.822.2a. LIABILITIES Gross claim, for losse unpaid. $87, 163.58. Amount of unearned premiuma oat all outstanding risks. $562,848.08. Da for commission and brokerage. None. All other liabilities. S19.103.07. Total liabilities, exclusive of Surpla. Of $2,274,707.53. $019,114.71. BUSINESS IN 0HF.G03 FOR THE TEAR Net premium received daring tk year. $5,401.85. Losses paid daring the year, Sl.155.OS. Losse. incurred during the year. $321.- 6. Nam ot Company Tbe Lumber Hi' tual Firo Insurance Co. of Boston, Masa. Nam of President H. E. Stone. Name of Secretary George E. Brlgr. Statutory resident attorney for service The Martin Ueaeral Agency, U. tl, Martin. ragrant cups lemon added. tew fi plete when you serve this flavory blend. ... , --j - v ; MM. SAN FRANCISCO, April 9. (AP) Homer P. Brown. - a wealthy Placerville. Calif., quarry operator who for several months has resisted efforts to return him to Aberdeen. Wash., to face a bank fraud Indictment today lost his appeal to tha federal circuit court of appeals here for a writ ot habeas corpus. The court's mandate will not come down: fef another 30 days. however, ana In that time. If he chooses. Brawn-may tike an ap peal to the supreme court. Brown was arrested here last year on a 1928 Indictment charg ing him with filing a false state ment of his financial condition with Hays & Hays, inc.. bankers since defunct. Gov. Toung honor ed extradition and Brown unsuc cessfully appealed to the state su preme court. He then went into federal district Judge Kerriean's court last tall, with . a petition for a writ of hate corpus. Judge KerrtgaA denied the writ and today Circuit Judge Curtis D. Wilbur affirmed the order of the lower court, ruling that "the indictment ia a sufficient charae of crime foe extradition purposes." ROCKXE CHEKRFTIi CHICAGO, April 9. (AP) Tanned by two months on Flori da beaches, an expansively cheer- rui, Knute Rockne. Notre Dame's famous football coach, tonight left for the Mayo Brothers clinic. MOTHERS now learn value of MAGNESIA. Because it is so helpful in keep, lng babies and children healthy and happy, every mother should knew about Phil UpwMilk of Mag wesla. rirlsTtrarmless, al tttfsT tasteless preparation Is -most effective In ts UeviaK thM sywcms of babies and children generally caused by souring food in the Utile digestive tract, such as'sonr-belchfng, fre quent vomiting, fererishness. col ic. As a mild laxative, it acts gent, ly, but certainly, to -open the little bowels In constipation, colds, chil dren's diseases.- A teaspoon ful of -Phil Hps Milk of Magnesia does the work of half a pint of lime water in neutralis ing cow's milk for Infant feeding, and preventing hard curds. Its many uses for mother and child are fully explained in the interest, ing book "Useful Information." It will be sent you, FREE. Write The Phillips Co.. 117 Hudson St, New York, N. T. In buying, be sure to get gen uine Phillips Milk of Magnetia. Doctors have prescribed It for over 50 years. "Milk of Magnesia." has been the U. S. Registered Trade Mark of The Chas. H. Philll; Chemical Co., and Its predecessor, Chas. H. Phillips, since 1876. adv. of tea with a bit of Tea pleasure is com