The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 10, 1930, Page 10, Image 10

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Tfce OHEGON STATESMAN. SaJaa, Oregon, ThnrsSay Horning, April 10. 1333
XL C. T. U. Chief Denies
Gossip Against Organiza
tion Told by Woman
, SPOKANE. Wash.. April
CAP) Miss Lettie Jourdao, self-
confessed author of 200 obscene
and poison pen" letters, barri
eated herself in her home today
while the U. S. attorney who had
freed her on $500 bond moved
to release two Innocent men in
dieted through her activities. She
tm secretary of the Spokane coun
ty Wman'i Christian Temperance
uion and though action of that
organisation was expected, Mrs.
EHa Beal. president of the W. C.
T- U. hero, refused to say what
would be done. She did comment
a one of Miss Jourdan's state
ateats'to officers. In ber confes
sion tbe secretary said she ob
tained "ideas" for some of tbe
improper and scurrilous letters at
meetings of the W. C. T. U. and
a church ladies aid society, add
ing "you'd be surprised at the
things that are talked about by
these women whn they are
Mrs. Beal said today: "She
sever said that. I know she would
not say that, even If she were
District Attorney Roy Fox said
James M. Rainey and his Fon Ar
thur would-be freed as soon as
tbe attorney general could act.
Miss Jourdan. after addressing
obscene letters to herself, went
before the grand Jury and swore
.the Raineys sent them to her. he
.stated, adding that perjury ehar
gs might be filed, among others.
' Fox declined to give out any
intimation of the subject matter
of the letters, saying "no decent
newspaper would print them any
way." It was known, however, that
oe of them threatened death to
an officer and others accused pub
He men and private citizens of
law violations. Including bootleg
ging. B rower, with whom Miss Jour
dan said she liked to confer about
the letters she "received" express
ed the belief that she was the vic
tim of a psychopathic condition
and should be In a sanitarium.
She told officers she was sane,
they affirmed.
Tbe sheriff obtained her con
fession after two years of the
letters by going to her home and
borrowing a typewriter. It was
found that typing on several of
tbe letters was similar to tbe work
done by ber machine, he said.
Bnrinsr hate that rm &
fv different from tfv. rank
jk in men's headvtaz. Styles
are rmsrl anility and work
manahrp is above the average
A varied selection at this
Pure Silk
.Dor No. 701 hose is an
Handing hosiery vain
lor Kaster and any ether
i the year. Oar special "
rTS added atieugUi
Is Bloat seeded.
The Little
Green Car
Patrick (the green car) and I
started out early this morning to
go places and see things. We
beaded for Mill City and as we
neared tbe mountains tbe threat
of rate passed over and the sun
came out gloriously clear and
Spring was in the air Indeed.
Three ears of sportsmen were In
front of Harry Hobsons shop near
Lyons and a small boy was testing
a new fishing rod nearby. He
swung it with the easy and sure
cast of the expert.
Tbe smoke of many small mills
rose straight In the air as we sped
along the mountain roads. Tbe
country along the Santiam Is so
much like that along the McKen
sie highway that it . made me
On the far horfcon glistened
small patches of snow and nearer
tbe whitened trees, gaunt ghosts
of last year's forest fires, stood
out like warning sentinels.
A puff of different colored
smoke appeared for ahead and
was finally Identified as coming
from the freight train cllmbine
laboriously up the grade. Patrick
leaped ahead in pursuit and soon
we over took the toiler and beat
it into Mill City by several min
Here cornea youth and age A
tottering white haired man and
a little girl, not more than four
years old. Grandpa has the morn
ing paper under his arm and the
kiddie is enraptured with an ice
cream cone.
The mill of tbe Hammond lum
ber company at Mill City Is going
full blast, the screech of the saws
and the noise of the water as it
flows over tbe dam can be heard
a long way off.
On the way back we went out
to West Stayton to see how the
work Is progressing on the irri
gated farms there. More acres in
beans and cauliflower are to be
planted here this year than ever
The beans are canned and the
cauliflower Is shipped to the Port
land and Southern Oregon mar
kets. As we came through Turner we
noticed the roadsides blue with
camas blossoms. Wouldn't the In-
rm Buying My Easter Outfit
at the J. C Penney Company
Mori's and Young Mens
Spring Suits
The new ... the smart . . that's
what you win find in oar new Spring
election. Fabrics are Taxied, tai
loring is of the kind for which all
J. C Penney Co. wirfwg fj noted.
The man who wants imc bet
ter than be has erer been able to
get in a suit at this price, should
come to the store that's got it,
Smart New Oxfords
strles in either
right for Spring. Stordy soles and heels
is werj
10 i a ft jr. M i. ttj A o
160 North Liberty Street - - Salem
Four and Half Cents is Not
High Enough in View of
Conditions Now
Recent sales of dried prunes
from growers at 4 He for 40's rep
resents an unnecessarily low price
is tbe view based on a study of
tbe present status of prune sup
plies. While the movement
through packers has been slow
during the past quarter. In that
period a lot of old crop Califor
nlas have' been cleaned up, leav
ing tbe way open for an early re
sumption of buying. From all re
ports tbe eastern markets are now
well liquidated. Last Sunday's
New York Journal of Commerce
received yesterday has the follow
ing; report on the situation In tbe
dried fruit market and gives spe
cial mention of the eonsumption
of prune stocks. Here is the quo
tation from the New York paper:
"The leading; jobbers her
stated yesterday that their week's
sales In dried fruits has been
highly satisfactory In the major
items and that in spite of pessi
mistic talk by some brokers bus
iness seemed to be shaping up
very well for the time of the year.
One Jobber stated that bis sales
in the past two weeks showed a
substantial Increase over that of
the same weeks In 1929. Spot
stocks of dried fruits were gener
ally reported low for the time of
"Prunes were reported by these
Jobbers to have moved out In ex
ceptionally good volume, and It
was stated that with the exception
of one relatively unimportant
holder, that the old crop prunes
that have been disturbing tbe
market have been cleaned up.
Peaches have ruled rather quiet
all week, with prices Inclined to
be easy, but at approximately the
levels quoted below."
The following summary obtain
ed from local sources gives a pic
ture of tbe situation which ought
to be encouraging to those who
are still holding their prunes.
"There is not to exceed 7,000
to 8,000 tons now remaining In
all hands in the northwest, while
in California there Is about 33,
000 to 35,000 tons In the bands
of packers, associations, and
growers. Speculative stocks in the
hands of eastern dealers in all
markets Is said to be practically
dlans have had good picking of
camas roots here. Too bad the
youngsters of today do not know
how delicious these roots are.
nothing. The trade la general be
lieve that the present tonnage
available could bo easily moved
Into consumption before new erop
Is ready tor market, la fact there
has In the past been as xoach or
mora tonnage on hand at the time
of harvesting new crop than the
present available tonnage, which
has to supply the world's demand
for tho next six months at least"
The pruno crop In tho north
west Is now estimated to have
been one of the largest 'on rec
ord. Already tho water shipments
have totaled around tt.000,000
pounds, to which most be added
the rail shipment to domestic
markets, and the present stocks.
This would giro a total produc
tion of around 100,000,000
pounds. The volume marketed was
heavy during the fall months, but
the financial and employment con
ditions especially In European
centers retarded sales la later
months. Spring Is expected to re
vive the movement. Packers are
all carrying fair stocks of prunes
and naturally hold off buying un
til stocks begin bo sell again. This
period of suspense depresses the
market price below cost of pro
duction, Tho danger of accepting
such low prices lies not only In
getting less than cost for tbe 1929
erop, but la Its effect on the crop
now coming on. The prone ton
nage now on hand is very low
considering the fact that there are
six months . consumption to be
eared for before the 1930 erop
reaches markets.
Oregon officials Wednesday or
dered an Investigation of reports
that gasoline bootleggers are op
erating along the lower Columbia
river and deriving large profits by
evading the motor vehicle fuel tax
laws. Both Oregon and Washing
ton are affected by the alleged il
legal operations, It was said.
Secretary of State Hoss said
that while similar violations were
reported previously along the
state borders, the major viola
tions followed the opening of the
Longvlew bridge a few weeks ago.
Reports indicated that the op
erators secure the gasoline in
large tanks or drums on the
Washington aide of tho river and
convey it to their pumps In Ore
gon. In many instances the re
tailers of the gasoline fall to qual
ify as dealers or distributors. This
makes It possible for tbe violators
to escape both the transportation
tax in Washington and tho motor
fuels tax in Oregon.
Several truck operators are to
be investigated.
This price groap "Jlt of
eUrta mat lepctatul distinct
Tabes and savings. Patterns
are varied and smart, mate
ziala are the seat obtainable
at the price.
chides the mutt n hMm
in patterns sad colon to sail
wvery taste and . iocSnathn.
Some new nmlwesi can do
yonder, for roar Sister oaV
SPOKANE. April t. (AP)
Three thousand edacators of Ore
gon, Washington, Idaho, and Mon
tana. Utah, Nevada and Alaska,
the first uota of a contingent of
4,000 expected, arrived here to
day for the annual session of the
Inland Empire Edacatlon associa
tion, which opens tomorrow.
In a pro-convention session this
afternoon C L. Harlan, oresident
of the Lewlston, Idaho. State Nor
mal alinn1 arm! a revision Of
standards In education; F. I Stet
son gave a statistical summary or
high schools.
Thm Anenln session tomorrow
will be held in the auditorium of
tbe Lewis and Clark high school
with A. C. Hampton, of Astoria,
Ore., presiding.
Tr James T.. Rorers. nresldent
of the department of school health
and physical education or tne na
tional Education association, said
that man's maddeninr machine
age pace is driving him to an ear
ly death, ana mat tne man or
woman of 40 has less life expect
ancy than those of 100 years ago.
Although tho United States, tbe
iWtnr said, is a nation of bath
tubs, diets, ventilation and sani
tation, ana aitnongn communic
ahi diseases have been coouered,
and child mortality decreased, still
75 per cent of Its 26,000,000
school children ahow defects that
create disease and impede the abil
ity to learn.
Now Being Held at this Store
All Types of Ranges Shown
Wood, Coal, Electric, Gas - - Natural, Flamo or
A complete ten piece set of Porcelain Enam
eled Kitchen Ware (Ivory with Green Bor
der) included, free with every Universal
Bange purchased during this demonstration.
Battle Lost
To Officers
By Recluse
SPOKANE, Wash.. April 9.
The one man war waged by Will
iam Mullen, aged recluse, against
the census branch of the United
States government, ended today
in a barrage of brickbats and sta
tistics. T h e white bearded hermit
struck his colors to a federal mar
shal after defending his shack
down by the "gas works" for
three days, using barrages of epi
thets, stones, a broom stick, a
club and an axe. Reports from the
battle front described tbe action
as follows:
Saturday lady census taker ad
vanced. Repulsed with heavy loss
of dignity, Mullen forces using
Sunday government forces took
strategic rest.
Monday lady enumerator charg
ed again, getting In one question
before Mullen troops opened fire
with axe.
Tuesday heavy shock troops of
government, in person of hard
boiled male enumerator, attacked
discharging one question, enemy
hurled heavy barrage of blue
blue words and club.
Second engagement Tnesaay.
Newspaper observer crept up for
picture but was met by fierce vol
ley of stones, bricks and epithets
of "government grafter." Observ
er damaged, also camera; attack
failed. Enemy threatened shot
gun. Mi
Ranges in one,
THE Universal Simplex with its automatically convertible
oven, which a "twist of the wrist" changes from coal to gas,
its elevated broiler and gas ovens and top burner equip
ment is a gas range, complete in every detail
Embodying every feature which is to be foundon the finest
coal range and with its generous sized firebox compartment,
which burns with equal efficiency and economy hard or soft coal,
wood or coke it likewise gives the complete services of a coal range.
Combining in one compact unit all the conveniences of a gas
range and the advantages of a coal range, the Universal Simplex
enables you to cook or bake with gas or coal with every assurance
of success.
Of cast iron construction, it is a range of dependability and
long life and with ordinary care is practically indestructible.
Its trim, smart lines and lustrous white and French grey por
celain finishparticularly the new and striking Ivory Porcelain
finishmatch modern ideas of good taste and assures an im
maculate looking kitchen at all times.
We would be pleased to have you visit our Stove Department
and personally inspect the many, new and improved features
which the Universal Combination Range oilers.
Trade in your old Range - - Liberal Terms on the balance
Third engagement Tuesday,
Deputy U. S. Marshal A. U Dilley
executed flanking movement, cap
turing Mullen, by surprise, with
out bloodshed.
The ancient was lntered in pri
son until ho had fulfilled the
terms, full answers to every
single question. The government
demanded no indemnity.
Then "good day, gentlemen,
said the patriarch, and departed
not exactly with all the honors
of war, but at least with his mo
rale unimpaired.
Happy days
Ethyl 23c
Frank Doolittle
Master Service Station
Telephone 66 Telephone
North Commercial at Center
Complete Satisfaction with. Every Transaction
Coal-Wood- Gas
(APr-Mayor James Rolpb. Jr.,
of San Francisco, today announced
that he would be a candidate for
the republican nomination for gov
ernor of California.
BERKELEY, CaL, Vprtl 9.
(AP) A slight earthquake wa
recorded on tho University of Cal
ifornia seismograph hero at 1:57
p. the quake was believed to
be near.
are here again