12.:.- T CTtrrfnlrl OTATIlATf f2 ?. &! llarrffiL llsttk . 1123 . PAGE ELETETr ATTENTION 10 THIS PAGE WILL PROVE CAREFUL PROFITABLE I 6 '-A 4 i i 1 OR SALE Miscellaneous FOR RALE Oat and vetch. bar. Phone ioofs. SEVEN shares Columbia River pa per mills $100 par Talus stock for Mli; flvs par cent discount; stock hat torn on constant dividend basis -end Mill la aming steadily. Reason for ailing; desire to una money tn tx laess enterprise. Address owner. Box t(. Statesman. aj i. .. BALES ALFALFA HAT to Tons of food dean valley alfalfa, ee weeds and rubbish. Inquire FIRST NATIONAL BANK JUNCTION Crtr, Ore. WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Used pianos, ta ex ansa on Radio, nhowoajrashs. or fur. tare. H. L. Stiff raralture Company. MISCELLANEOUS PIANO left with us to sell, looks anil Is like new, $111. Terms to re sponsible party. See at Tallman's Pi ano store, 115-195 South 1 1th street Hott-.e of the Baldwin. CUSTOM hatchlmr and assorted baby snicks every week Bring eicg on SaturCnv. 2100 No. Bin. Phone 2766. FOR RENT ROOMS BOOM3 choerfuh Low priced. 441 N. Winter. ' FOR RENT APARTMENTS - Apartments $16 and $17. Damon grocery. 899 N. Cora'L Duplex apartment, 951 N. Winter. TWO and three room apartments for rent AMBA8SAPOR APT 3. Phone MILLER APTS. under new rnanoare- menu Furnished rooms and apt. Tel. T01. NICE 2 room furnished apt Phone 1939W. 2261 Hasel Ave. PRESCOTT apartments, three well furnished rooms, furnace heat, lots of hot water all summer, garage, near state house. 10C1 Oak street, adults only, $26.q. Furnished apt 015. mo. 700 N. High. FURNISHED apartment, room and board. 245 So. Cottnge. Phone ID S3 J. 3 ROOM fur. apt. (Sround floor. Gar- axe, l. u. AiDert, set ami. 612 North Liberty Street, S room apartment unfurnished. Apply Hotel Argo. a.w. - - WWMW FTRNISHED four rooms, bath and Sleeping porrh. 246 S. 17th. FOR RENT HOUSES WANTED TO RENT 5 or 6 room strictly modern house. Must be In good residential district. Mr. La- beth. Phono 1000. - rvm RENT Boe fomlftuO and axtfurnlsbed. F. L. WOOD 341 State Street FOR RENT 5 room houee. Marion street 11$$ 0 ROOM house, furnished or nnfur- atahed. 023 So. Com L FURNISHED I room house. Excel lent garden soil and tools. Some fruit 18.00. Phono 1J47-W. FOR RENT 5 room modern fair alshed house. Phone 1852 J. FOR RENT FOR RENT 2$ acres hope. Dualavy. Brooks, Oregon. Mrs, 5 ROOM convenient hooso $27.50, 9 rooms $18.00.' Also 4 buMing lots or owner. Phone 035. FOR RENT S furnished and some on furnished houses. MELVIN JOHNSON . Phone 037. House. Flat Apt Phone ttOR. win RENT Two modem hew on naved streets with garages and eonvenlentlv located. One house six rooms ; the other IS rooms arranged Into four apartments. Both tn excel lent condition ana reasonaote rwuim-i. See Owner, zos uregoa wag. Or Phone 141. WANTED TO RENT 5 or room cn 1 21 7 j. bo sAOdera. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE RETMANWa BARGAINS OWN YOUR HOME AT PRICE OF RENT. Good five room nouse witn nan acre with ground. $2700. Only $100. down and $30 month or win rent io. 1H Acres-to W. Salem. Fins view. T2 fruit trees. A bargain. . , School store. Doing fine business. o competition. A snap. Insurance. Money to wan. RTCTT T. RE I MANN Phone $65 Realtor 21 N. High Bt a M. EARLE $24 No. High St .Phone 2241 a MliihU fUlem realtor selling cltT a farm nmHrtr of an kinds. Sdo- ialist In eacbanaea of an kinds of I property any whero. Contractors and buflders, notice! Semi-modern s-room residence ano. hx alee lots with good view near throe achools. Large fruit nut and orna mental trees on lots. Two garagaa, knuitrv hnuM. naved street vs Rural and South Winter street Price $600. Will awspt eoastraetlon of new 6 room reaMeaco on adjoining bats as. part pay. See Conner, owner . . a Minn, f'SjW. FOR SALE 34 acre fruit farm with tmarovementa 300 two year- ensery trees, $ seres bearing pnnsesv to two wear peach trees, 19 walnut trees. electricity t to place. Phono lOrj. Del ia a Oregon. Route 1. Box 120. iinnnnnr-iirri-i i ' - - - , 1 GOOD acre $ room hoose soar dty limits. $1$. afl owa pajr.. saent then terms tfka rent Box f921 paro of Stsbssrnaa , - FOR SALE River tMotage preev perty. wasohoasa 40x$0.no4rtt rsst- 'deace. Inpriro owner, 1 27 onion. 10 ACRES' dose to Salem en good road. I acres in cuiuvasssa, s mi timber. $700 good teras 11 ACRES $ miles frosa Baleea. $ acres cultivated, balance) la tts&bsr and pasture. $800. Terms. lft ACRES doss, to Salem, I acres . . . . - . . wuvaiao. -bw fl pasture, room bouse, . .hMt SltfS. Terms. U ACRES on.Gardea toad, doss to eaiem. imm vuu ptaee, fllOf t ACRES close to Salem, aS as. euit. . vauon, gooa sou. xmo auuaina: place, $270 per acre. Toms, 4 ACRES 1 mile from fairgrounds, aH - in cultivation. tav. jaro S ACRES 1 mile from Salem, lOft.g-rr. -i . nUi rhn-r rras J1850V Teosta. 11 ACRES 3-4 tnilee from Salem, all cultivated, ft room bouse, good . . barn, garage, -smaii orchard. $7- , soo. wiu xraao xor.s or . house in Salem. ft ACRES 4 miles from Salem, most all In fruit S room house, good bam 76w. xerms. ,, - A. L. DARK! Sift U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone $27. m ii anri,irii-n .-j-.. " FATING apartment bouse, dose tn ......ii,. 641 Mill St Income $75.00 . awaTrK. ran be made) 4 sweatee FOR 8 lean 2rr. i - aaA wbl St. $6$00.0ft. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE OM OF THE BEST BUT! IK - BALKM NEW strictly faedcen T room house, beautlfull- tiled drain board, oak floors in living room and dining room, lot of closet room, garaio, paved street, a tucAb 8UI. ITJce B..e. arrange term. HOOOLOFSKT SON rat National Bank Building 35 A. farm near town all in cult. New modern bides.. $$.90. Take 8a lem residence for part. New all modern 6 room bungalow. Eng. type, nice location, garage, lawn, a-rubbery. $309 : easy terms. Good 7 room home, fine lot on 8. Com. St. Snap, 03000; terms. GOOD Mom home, fine lot oa S. Com. Ft Snap, $2000; terms. TWO Rood Portland homes to ax chnnire for home in Salem. SEE ua for bargains. PEHRINK MARSTER3 212 Gray Building NEW S room house not been lived In. Owner 2S74 North Church. 0 ACRES of fins soil. In nearby t'vn, 6 A. mixed fruit in bearing, ap ples, pears, walnuts and prunes. Urge house, clec, city water and bath. chicken house and bum, $2500. Will take Salem home. $1 A. with 40 A. In rron. E A. nas- ture with all year creek, 5 A. timber, family fruit, fair buildings, $6500, will take city property. WINNIE PETTTJOHN. Realtor 17a South High Street MTTRT KEIJ $240. Attractive room bungalow with electric range, fireplace, cor ner lot, both streets paved, located 1125 N. ltth St. $100. down bal ance $35 per month, Immediate possession. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 South Liberty Street FOR 8ALE By owner, small poul tr' farm, close in. CaU at 2370 State street, Salem. A clear 100 acre farm with larcre dairy bam, 5 room house, 65 acres til lable, $5 acres timber and pasture, 7 head dairy rattle, team, hogs and chickens, equlmnent. valued at $11,- 000 and will take feaiem property. A good farm, 17 H acres, spienaia improvements, $0 acres tillable, bal ance goud timber and pasture, 3 miles good town, 1-4 m!le to school, good road : will exchange for Salem bus iness. WE have a splendid business oppor tunity, owner must sacrifice on ac count of health, $3000 will handle, no trade. A splendid H sere with good house. close in, essy terms. r . s good clear houses wortn ssooo to trade for farm and will go as high as $1'M0 If farm I equipped. Mi-GILCHRIST ftr PENNINGTON C09-10 V. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 140. WORKING MAN'S CHANCE HERE'S a chance to own your home with easy terms. $? down, $12 per month int. at room nouse on corner lot 60x142 ft. both sts. paved. Some shade trees. C lose to school and bus line. Prlre only JU00. LSO N. CUILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 8ALE or rent Owner. Rent furnish ed. 4 -rooms, breakfast nook, full base ment. Canute, naved street. Chicken boose, large lot. $25 per month. Sale easy terms. Tel. 73F14. CAN TOU BELIEVE THIS? ON Fainnount Hill a good 5 room house, basement, furnace, large liv ing and dining room, 2 nice bedrooms, built tn kitchen. View lot 50x150, street paved. Place easily worth $3,- 750. Can be had tor lew aays for 02, 000 with $400 down. Hurry and see this. SEE" Airs. Ellis With LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 329 State Street Phone 1727 THIS PLACE SHOULD BE TOURS GOOD modern 7 roam bouse, witn bath, electric lights, own water sys tem. A oanay home, 1 6-Acres gooo soiL I A. strawberries, 6 -A. young peach trees, coming Into bearing; ZK A. royal ann cherries, 2H A. fine prune trees, all ta cultivation, only a I short distance from Pacific highway north In fine location. This place is worth $2000.00 more than they ask. For oulck sale. $7600.00 for all. $L- 500.00 down. Balance easy, st-j my agents 1S4 South Commercial Street ISO. DOWN and $20 per ma C room boose la f. Salem, class to mss and school, garage and paving, S2.000. $200. DOWN, $30 per no. I rooms. basement furnace, wasn trays, fireplace, oak floor tn living room, wired for stove and heater, paving rd. 03250. $200. DOWN, $ room EagUab. style, I yrs. old, modern in every way, large lot and caving nd. $3800. $100. DOWN. 9- per mo. Nice home. S rooms ana noose, oatn, paving ad. $1000. Private money to loan. Insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. & Bank Bldg. Phone 037. ONE ACRE HOME lisso. Three, room house, good soil. ..-I X7A ... T A-- 20. per month. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ACT NOW. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 184 South Liberty Street OWNER LEAVING And wlir sacrifice his modem 6 -room bungalow with full ce ment basement, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, paved street. Garage, east front, close to school and bus line. Price reduced from $4500 to $3900. Immediate possession. A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN WILL HANDLE. A SACRIFICE Offered by this widow for Im mediate sale of her almost NEW S-room bungalow, lo cated within walking dis tance of statehouse. Full ce ment basement ruinate, gar age, east front lot Price $2, 500. THINK, OF IX I $25 down will handle. WANTED A small improved suburban borne with one to five aeres in exchange for a modern C-rootn home. Full semes basement, furnace, two large lots, on a corner with a number or fine bearing fruitjrees. East front, paved street located near Lea lie junior high school. Price $3200. SEE L. E. Oberer WJTI W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtor 1$4 South, Liberty Street Call or phone for our select Bat off SPECIAL BUYS, list ing tha j?rlce, terms, location. t5 WOI BIT P nr- linn -argil laimuiaa go aero isma, Win traae gsr Place. . it. s, box es, juoasx. vra FOR SALE OR TRADE A $20000 eaulty tn say stew. strictV ly modern hdrne-f Five soosnasssdaoofc -.nam ama-LwuMB ai or-. vuaK ilVaL Lawa and.snruba Privat (Real bargam Phono 1685. I ui9. Buys a good comfortable house witn tnree oeorooms, email oa ment paved street Only $25 down, balance $25. per mo. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Located 108ft Fa st. LOOK IT OVER. See W. H. GRABENHORST 4t CO 124 South Liberty Street BARGAIN PRICES . 7 ROOM house 1st oao of the beat locations In Salem, modern with fur nace, fireplace, cement walks, aaa MrMii mM mrfitrwA - ti nrlM ta I $se0.00 ; arrange good, tanas or coo ts! der smaller bomse. I room house Hazel street, base-. ment. bath. lights. Sisoe.ee: list down, $16.00 per month and assume I paving. 1 t ' d). JACKSOM wkb . t aa In Dinu a; m 1 Its North CDnrmerctal Street FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL hemes In 8a Urn to ex change for acreage or large farms. Easy terms, as low as 110.00 do wo. Give OS your listings. JONES Phone 1777J. or $704M. Office 2455 Bute Street FOR SALE OWNER of new I room home la leaving city and will sell at a bargain, if you don't believe it, come and look for yourself. Two mors nice rooms can bo finished upstairs. 110 ACRE farm, well Improved with seven room bouse, largo barn, woven wire fencing, spring water, CO acre to eron. 25 acres more cam be. 15 acres timber and paster, on rood market road, price cut from $7500.00 to $5500.00 and terms can be arran ged, FINE hone in Los Angelas, to ex change for small farm, value near $7000.00. Will assume reasonable amount PROFITABLE hardware and Imple ment store for sale and will take part In Salem property. Value near $10, 000.00. Priced at Invoice. $0 ACRE well Improved pear orch ard, tine 7 room homo, 12 acres tn full he-i-lna- and eron very Drofitabla, Price $7500.00 and will take Salem property In exchange. LET us write jour property and auto insurance. JOHN W. ORR No. 123 New Bitch Bldg. Salem. Oregon Phono 245. FOR SALE Several houses taken on mortgages. Want orfera. F. U WOOD $41 SUto Street A NICE acre with good 0 room house, family orchard, city water, lights, barn, and chicken house, in good small valley town, price $1,500. Terma 1925 Nash coach for clear city lot SF!E TITT 3 nlo 4 room house, cltv water, bath, fruit nice shrubbery, all assessments paid, only $1700. Email cash payment $20.00 per month. See this and quit paying rent. 20 acres near Eusene. clear of en cumbrance, will trade for Salem re ldence, will pay cash dlirerence. TT C SHIELDS Oregon Building Tel. 17$4. TT?f FOR EXCHANGE 100 ACRE farm with buildings, all plow land, clear of encumbrance. will consider cissr resiaenco in Salem as part payment time On balance Bt 8 interest. FARM BARGAIN 90 ACRES with 60 under cultivation. buildings located on main Pacific hlghwav north of RIckreall. Price for QUICK SALE. 176 ner acre cash. A REAL BUT FOR BOMB- ONE. FRTJIT RANCH 4$ ACRES with eight acres In bearing nrunes In fine condition, two acres bearing cherries, some young fil berts, seven room nouse witn ce ment basement fireplace, balance of land under slow. Price for a few days only $7000. Will consider residence in Salem as part pay ment. Write or phone 515 for select list of small acreage ana rarms. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors U4 South Liberty Street NEW A MODERN $4200. Six beautiful rooms, lower floor in oaK, tne Dam, tue arum oon.ru. good looking, near Lsue scnooi. OM NORTH WINTER $S$00. Living room, across front of house, hardwood floor In living and dining room, lots of built tns, fnTl basement modern. $500 cash, baL terms or take vacant lot as part payment $2150 BUT a classy 4 room and sun room. nook. 2 unfurnished rooms up stairs, oak floors tn living room. fireplace, garage, sxee casn; $2$ per mo. Sao Gelser with ANDERSON RUPERT 169 South High Street EXCHANGE Real Estate FOB EXCHANGE 4300D $ acres, not far out. to trade for modern home in Hollywood dis trict 10 ACRES 9 miles from Salem, to trade for larger Sarsn place. iiOOO Oo. 25 aerea I miles out room plastered house with basement, about 4 acres la fruit. 1000 cords wooa. Will take a house In Salem or small acreage. rem SALE Kaw. modern I room home. $50.00 down and $30.00 a month including interest. HOLLYWOOD REALTY 2009 North Capitol Phone 2$07 Rea 29$$. FOR SALE By owner well im proved 40 acres Linn county. Consid er Salem house about 0600 for equity Write 94C, Statesman. EXCHANGE Portland residence for Salem home, or acreage, owner. 117 Ferry street Salem. THE BEST T.TTTT.ll furm. eloasj to Salem. HI noss demands sale. $0 acres, family orchard, good chicken equipment large para, gooa nouse, rncs soauo wiui $2000 loan at $ 1-4. Can use small boose or aero tract SEE Mrs. BJUs with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors $20 Stats Street Phono 1727. A bargain two Improved, 10 acre tracts. Priced ta sell. Will take a good hui a. aaail caw. a Hght truck, sheep or cattle. In part Get busy. One of tneas is your place. JOHN H. SCOTT Phone 622. - TRADE Canity to house, for Calif. nouse or lot. Hooao and tot for borne Jn Spokane, 6 acre tract close h for larger place. 10 acres doss to for house. 10$ acres near the coast for &a lam. BuMrnaa bmsbo Otoe in lor wt- S6 aero farm for home la Salem. SmeUl stock groceries and cash for bout. Good seven room -house, what have roar : . . . uooa noasa aouta eaiem ror ron- F. I WOOD 141. Stat Street ACREAGE ATTENTION I 1 ACRB tract to school and town, good I room hooao with oleetrtc Ugh tn barn and edrickea bonse, CaTBfly orenaro, x noras, a cows, x.o- legnora ctuckena and all farm anoleeneats. sisa household gooda. All gees far $o W. Q. KRTJEGER 147 North Comroercial Phono 217 FTTE acre a good Improvements ex sept house, ali tn fruit, 20O large wal- traes bordering; to place, pavement two sides, electrio lights available, f oor-rooaa house ; awaer must move to town, aad offers a real bargain! Will akaaaa 4ra I II ila-S m tr-Ma n H. C. BGJ8 Oregon Bonding . TeL 1734. CHICKEN RANCHES t ACBX3 oa paved road H mile oat, S room house, bath, electric lights, water systam. -poultry nouse, barn. Price tsfooTsrma, lft ACRES oa paved road. I mlles frexa Sadeav food f loom house, elec tric lights- and water system, chicken house with 1000 hen capacity, 160ft chick brooder house, barn. Price $$ 600. Terms. Would take Salem rssi- as aanrwwuL aOXUM X m BJOrt f uel Natsenai ACREAGE TKB jots or cotnrrmr LTTDfO 1 ACRE tract not tar ant Jm Tt Oerdea Road rosea house, telephone and electrio light service available. Price $1050 with $21 down and $1$ per month. - auk is not far out on paved road. new I room boose, woodshed an garage, drove well, electric lights and ?lumbing roughed tn. A real snap for 1275 with terma ANOTHER ONI Car 12400. ea- $160.. baL monthhr and Int 4 room house, electrio lights, good drove well, double garage, new chicken house. 1 acre of rich productive soil, 1 H miles out on paved road. I acres with no bunding igos. 2tt ACRES for $1000. down Dav- ment 12$, bat 410 per mo. int i or cioae in acreage, LEO N. CH1LDS CO- Realtors $20 State Street Phono 1717. U 1-4 ACRES $5760.00 NEW 6-R. house, barn, garage, river bottom, sandy loam soli. This place Is well located on good market road. Any reasonaote paymentt down. Balance time. aooa team. cow. cream separator and all farming Implements go with place. Hurry this place will soon sell. 13 H ACRES $5000.00 4 R. house, barn, as rase, nonltrr house, 16-A. cultivation. Some good neaver aam sou. running water, onur OH miles of Salem. $760.00 downi-bai. time. 124 ACRES 6820.00 6-R. house, barn 20x20100 A. cul tivation 10-A. timber, running water j true is a gooo ouy. li-mues or saiem. SEE SEARS TUCKER Realtors 1$4 South Commercial Street PRICED TO SELL SC S-4 acres highly improved fruit and chicken ranch. $H miles north' of Salem on road to Chemawa Indian school. Rt 9, Box 34C. 1U ACRES. 1K ml. from Salem. 4 room house, double garage. Price " .,17:::;, T,. 10 ACRES S mi. east of Salem, 6 room orwsa tmv wiuiuillft Blteyv 49 X t vv, nouse, ramiiy orchard, gooa sou, $3500. $9 A. 7 mL from R. R. $ room house. good barn, estimated timber for 1000 cords of wood. Will trade for a houea in Salem. 190 A. all In crop, good farm build ings, fine sou, running water, lays fine, on good road, will trade for house in Salem to $5000. MELVIN JOHNSON 0 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637. BEST FARM BUYS In the Valley for the Money- Fine farm. 160 acres all stocked and equipped. Crop In, 60 A. rich river Dottom. sanay son, balance rich, oarx loam soli. Good bides., stock S3 cows, and heifers, milking 18, mors coming iresn, good horses, hogs, chickens. tractor, au Kinds oi machinery, beau tiful $ A. of timber, running water. This Is one of the best dairy farms In the state. Owner not able to run i farm any longer on account of health. rnce S19.ZOO. good terma Invest gate. stay taxe some trade. ANOTHER GOOD BUY 152 A. farm. 115 head of sheen, srood land. 66 A. cult., 60 A. oak and fir timber. Good pasture, soring water. JMdgs. are old, located only 10 miles saiem. priced to sell quick, $6500: terms. Can yon beat HT Hurry and BECHTEI. OR THOMASON $41 State Street Room 4. Might Consider Some Trade WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Fifteen or twenty acre cherry orchard. Trees around ten years oeo. ANNA A. ANDREWS $07 Penn Ave. LaGrande, Oregon. iiiMstairMwJsrWnjjVriJjTjr W ANTE D Best unincumbered ' stock ranch, for 12,00ft. Clear trade, mosuy in isaiem. uwner. Business Opporttmities FOR SALE OR TRADE A real op portunity, the Ocean side Gen. store. Beasoa for selling, cannot ham self. MRS. O. A. EASTMAN Ocean side, Oregon SUPER aervtos station so lease for term oc years, raiy equipped in every detail Including high pressure washer. mgn pressure greasing equipment and battery charging equipment Outstand ing location. Write Box 42$, Salem, Oregon. 6-B. HOUSE. STORE BUILDING FIXTURES 4t STOCK WELL worth $700.00. This Place Is well located In Salem. Doing a good usinesa. w ui traae sor rancn ex about sqnai value, see 8EAP.S k TUCKER Realtors 184 South Commercial Street UlASgi for seven years oa It rm. betel. Including furniture and bedding. s4eoe.ee. wui taxe residence. sVAMl 276 State Street Phone 1961 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS AND CITT REAL ES- l TATE. LOWEST INTEREST BATES. ; B RT T. JTORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. 21000. to $2000 ta loan. G-rtrade J. M. Page. Private Money to Loan BA ki W ST AA-fO aBt.4 . - to loan on good farm security. City Loan-We are loaning Prudential In - su ranee' coropany money on city resl- aenees an eajstneas property at t per cent, alas a coarrmlaalon. Hawkins St Roberts. 206 Oregon Building. Federal Farm Loans. 6 per cent. ' r . , wwu, sit Btate street. .CTTT AND FAR loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our mavraa oe derjartme-t offers yon ex pert advice and service, tn all lines. HAWKINS A ROBERTS (Inc.) Teh 1427 205 Oregon -Odg.' JCITT AND TRACT LOANS Xw9$$K7llAbtt RfCng aHfr aOsj4s ST TB SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION TftS-l First National Bank Bide. Phono 467 Salem. Oregon. . awwwinii ii -,-. MONET LOANKD OK AUTOS ' Coati a ma auflaemeed Arrange to reduce your payments. Zoo keep the ear. P. A. EI ftUt Car. X arty St. and Ferry Phaaa 121 Salem, Ore. PERSONAL, LOANS KaX X en rurnKara. cars, aalarlesJ oths jmut aecurrty. tniy. vr n sa rraa i financial fcefore V3r J"n. GNERAL IN INTKSTKENT ' riORFDRlTION First National Bank Bldg. Phone UtOft LOANS CJN ltl aTOTZS TO SALARIED PEOPLE TOO aa get the- easb In a fees minutest. Repay tn email weekly or monthly payments as you get paid. Also loans on endorsed notes, furniture, pianos and other personal property. Our service ia quick. Courteous and confidential. STATE LOAN CO. ' 218 Oeagoa Building Ssceud floor, eoraer 6tate At High. Office hours 10 a. m. to t :30 p. sa, I I TeL 922. Z-ced by stata. LOANS WANTED WANTED Private moaay for. farm we have avverai applications band. Hawke 4b Baberta. In l Qiwm pife, LITE STOCK and POULTRY POULTRT wanted Handle any CotTm aVS ftelt, sa, LITE STOCK and POULTRY! BARGAIN I harass, awatla. stnala. free trial allowed. Will feeds for oat- Ola. ROUIO 0. BOS ICC. PbOM 2604. - ---- - -i-,-,-,-inryriiii-i-irtni-iruLnj-ivA I CUSTOM hatehlnsr. Enrv Thurarfav. osdt cnicsa is varteuea mono 133F2, Lee's Hatchery. . WANTED a golden- broaxe torn tur keys vearlrnst. FOB 8ALB 4 Kelaon strain Whits svsgnorn reoetora. Exhibition stock. J. V. BEACH. Toner. Oregon 12 head horses t young mulee for sale or trade for cows. 1710 Mission street. FOR SALE WOOD DBT fir and oak wood, coal and 1 fuel oil. Call on us f or prices, Ws 1 give gooa measure, gooa quality ano I good service. LARMER TRANSFER A STORAGE Telephone 3131 GUARANTEED DRY Wood coal. Tel. 13. Salem Fuel Co. 26$ Trade. MeAwwaaMNWWW THE best wood In the city for the i money at Tracya f-uai xaro, prompt delivery. Phone 19 $5. FIRST elaas dry old fir slab, sac- una btowxh ana oia iir corn Screened hog fuel and nromnt deliv ery. Phone 1542. JRKU IS. WELLS, 280 South Church WE have 16" wood on hand all tha time. Prompt delivery. $40 S. 12th. (JoDoa Mitchell Co., phone sis. DRY l$-ln. old fir, 4 a fir, oak and ash. Cord measure. C. U. Harbaugb, 838 Highland ave phone 1990. 16 In. aid fir. T.60 cord. Phona 2CF29 four tjornera garage. PERSONAL l l0j00j000 seed wnereaoouu A, b. -arnnoits. adver- tfslhg, formerly of Omaha. Wire E. W. Merkel, 684 Vs Al vara do, Los Angeles. ARE rou lonely? Write Laura Lee Correspondence Club, 450$ Gramercy fiace. IO Angeles. FOR SALE USED CARS fVVVVVVVirsiVVV-bfa9i " ri r ri -irTilXXUXri Largest Selection of Used Cars in Salem to Choose From 1928 Bulck Standard Coupe $825.00 1927 Bulck Standard Sedan 635.00 1925 Ruick Master touring .. 350.00 650.00 95.00 60.00 875.00 895.00 635.00 250.00 220.00 130.00 565.00 495.00 42S.00 410.00 190.00 . 125.00 . 100.00 . 685.00 . $65.00 , 650.00 , $75.00 , 675.00 . 425.00 1926 Bulck Standard Coups lst BuicK 4 Roadster 1922 Bulck touring 1927 Chrysler Coach L 1926 Chrysler 68 Sedan . 1926 Chrysler 52 Coupe 1926 Chevrolet Coupe 1926 Chevrolet Coach 1925 Chevrolet touring 1929 Ford Sedan 1929 Ford Coupe - 192$ Ford Coupe 192$ Ford Roadster , , 1920 Ford Tudor 1920 Ford Roadster 1924 Ford Fordor , 192$ Ponflao Coach 1927 Pontlac Sedan , ., 1927 Oakland Sedan l" 81Sli2Sw 192$ Studebaker Coach JJsed Car Center Consolidated Marion and uoeny Phone 1037 Open Evenings and Sundays 'IT 'I'riVi'iViYVVWWMWMWlfWIAC Your Dollars Worth Always 192$ Hudson coupe, wind wings. trunx, many extras, run less than 11,00ft miles $1050 1929 Chrysler Sedan. Original finish. An exceptionally - good one , . ' 09$ 1929 Essex Coupe. Original fhv isn, reconditioned and guar anteed $50 1920 Hudson Cust 6-paae. Se dan. Exceptionally good f$0 192$ Hudson Tipcsa Sedan. Ov- erfasjyled. Ideal ear for largo $60 19IS TTnnmnhrto Sxfan rtrfrfnaf luuao. Motor reconditioned, $$$ 1921 Bulck Std. 4-dr. Sedan. IU. built front stem to stem. New paint and tires 4TS 1937 Hudson Coach. New paint reconditioned 192$ Essex Coach 1924 Dodge Special Bedaa izs Hudson Coach . 1924 Hudson Coach . 192$ Essex Coach 1926 Ford Coupe 192$ Hupmoblle Touring i9z rora ncx-up . 1924 Gray Touring State Motors, Inc. Phone lOfto. Hfarh A Chemeketa Hudson Essex Packard I The NeW Oakland andiln which the high TeCOfd Of 111 1 1 7 carlot unloads was established- Ptmtiac Are Here ru rs ..M,4.-.2AM Vll IV! ISClllUllSbl dill VIS eirir nm e-v - mri.iv-rln-. a? a-a4 v- a w a vvsa va." V v.' .f' a sr cs ed pars mrwrp. ixnirpxifivAi. bargains. '34 Ford with Delivery .Boa '23 Ford roadster '25 Ford Coupe '24 Chevrolet touring 'tft Ford Touring Raja Head new tires. '2g Btg t Stnd with enclosure '20 Jewett Sedan '26 Pontlao S-deoi '27 Hudson Coach '2$ Chrysler 62 Roadster CadUu 61 Sedati '26 Stndebak er Cat Top '27 Hudson 4 -door Brougliam '2$ Pontine Sedan '2$ Durant Coapo '2$ Whippet Sedan '28 'Rugby Tnisfc '2$ Essex Coac COMB IN AND GET ACQUAINTED. WE WILL SELL FOB CASH . TRADE or give terms to reliable parties. - raONB 113. Wood-Wheaton Motor Co. Inc. 350 N. High 8tU Salem, Oregon. Ks'seTcoci- t- ne'w! It is a bargain at 8400.00. Cash and terma, . Phone 2415 or 116 4 W; baaskaaastaVe ACT auxCK. XO& THIS, 0 . i STAR TOURIKuen It' away 'Monday for $i6.oe.rouid bo A good buy at 9i.ts. lfv a. utmi. . unnrT ivn a rt i e istl t truck. In splendid eofUto, equipped wtth large body for creaat hauling, Ilk I. . W . - . k. I., Terms. VICK BROSL, Old SUneV F. G. D LANO, Aaaignee SHMN $45.00 '25 Olds Touring Buas but needs soma motor work. Baa fair ttrea,- ttcsnsa. body Is net bad. Call at McKay Chevrolet Co. 41ft K. ar TeL Itti FOR SALE-USED CARS Valley Motor Co. - Buy With Safety Roadsters 100 Roadster 1934 Roadster 140 7$ Coupes 192$ Model AsCoupe 1$2 Ford Coupe, ruxtell axis 4$$ $2$ $2$ 42$ 200 125 90 75 46 iz cnevroiet uoups 1929 Chevrolet Coups 1926 Ford Coupe 1926 Ford Coupe , 1924 Ford Coupe , 1923 Ford Coupe 19Z9 Ford Coupe Sedans Model A Fordor 1927 Fordor 1927 Tudor 1924 Fordor 1924 Tudor $65 285 226 150 110 66 192$ Tudor Trucks Model AA Truck $30 196 140 100 FnriTiran, iJll VJ,,,AU,tll,ar7 tnaa' 1926 Ford Auxiliary trans. Valley Motor Co. Center and Liberty Streets Salem. Oregon Phone 19$ WHEAT DOWN HERE: BUTTER FIRM EGGS ARE NOW GOING INTO STORAGE Lettuce Market Now Is Steadier in Portland PORTLAND. March 22 (AP) Egg and batter prices both ap parently have become stationary for the time being. High score butter was still in demand and somewhat- short of trad wants. Eggs were coming In liberally, but the eurplu is being taken care of In storage. Reviewing the fruit and vege table situation, the Portland bur eau of the United States' depart ment of agriculture says: "The lettuce market has stead led, after severe days of firm ness, at $3.25-3.50 per crate, to Portland retailers. Although im perial valley shipments of let tuce have declined from their 2 CO-car daily level of last week. to about 150 cars daily now, Arl- I toaa is making up the deficiency. with neavy loadings, in excess of 100 ears daily, from the Yuama and Salt River districts. "A shortage of spinach from Walla Walla Is causing higher prices, $L.go-l.Tb per 20-lb. crate. uaiuornia Bplxvaca shows very wide variation now, from poor to excellent. "Potato movement from all northern producing sections Is ac tivo, ranging from S00 to t60 cars daily. Shippuif-poist stir- kftts hare been firm, all this week. "Many onions now being grad ed In Oregon storage hoaaes are showing heavy shrinkage, do to unusually largo percentage) of sprouted stock. This will contrV I I'uwe tuwara smauer total TOinmt Of shipments than was formerly eatlmated." Trading la fresh 'fruits and vegetables bn the Portland whole sale market, as measured by vol ume) of carlot unloads, reached its greatest activity In many months during the present week. carlot nnloads was established. Weekly volume of carlet nnloads during recent montha has ranged -n-r.11. fr 1 X 1 0S r- Bvuviwm sva vut assy , gw wa m rwef-t- - f . a a d r M a l au we lol-1 lUClUUCS: I sa , , , . Sb V .... , I pies I cars, asparagus 3. bananas lit, caboage a, carrot , cauli flower '4, celery 9, lettuce II. mix ed vegetables 14, onions 1, or anges ft, potatoes zt, sweet po- tatoaa 1, spinach 6, tomatoes g and other commodities 4 earn. Increased movement Is, noted, In nearly all lines of arodace, with the exception of banasAa. sjrpiag, carrots, cauliflower and sweet potatoes. Greater Tolmma aad greater tariety of product are now available with approaching warm weather, rust carlot sp irals of aspankns mat wi good demand and moved readily to re tailers, fjartet arTtral of Btized vegetables were more than, doable their usual volume. Depletion, of local potatoes resulted In inAteri aTTy Increased arrtvalg ot T- stock; while Flacida, . aLtov. cojttrt- buted 1 or 1 cars ot now potatoes. Sninieh arrivals fro CaUtorn I increased, dut to ahortaga and ordinary. Quality or mcu nasi wns I Hi REACHES 1 UEWIBBECOB 1 U WaUn sUkk, .BwiAha, An letl I tuca eacn movea at lur cuaujni- 1 arv rata of abht 4rg.4UUy. A slow demand tor Oregoln onion lia Indicated In this week's sola eatw ii.. . Hrmr I1 ,u Yl. 7 wZl -Zmm t unloaded here In several vteks. High prices of certain eomnte- jt.i. A n a w rre snn. t sumnfloa very creatlr: - for" In- I stance, cabbage nt tc DOT lb- to I . .. . . retailers was receive in eonaiaor ably greater quanutiee than la re cent weeks when it was cheaper. Tha week closed wita the mar ket steady to firm on nearly all commodities. BatESLATJ. German (AP) Another attempt to scale Kunch injungn. a Himalayan peak, will he led this year to Darjeeling by Ptef, eaeatag DjhxenXorUL aUW U$. FOR SALE-USED CARS The Popularity of the New Chevrolet Six Has Made It Possible for us to Choose Our Used Cars and Buy Them at the Right Prices. A vlstt to our used car stores will convince rou of the Quality of our O. K.'d cars. Model A Ford Spt Coupe. In excellent condition. It has been thoroughly checked by our service dept. and everything replaced that showed the slightest wear ftlS.OO 1929-Chevrolet Standard Se dan, only been run 8000 miles "party leaving town" 633.00 29-Chev. Coach, tip-top 695.00 27-Chev. Coach' O. K. d thru out $45.00 27-Chev. Coupe, O. BL'd through out S39.V0 26-Chev. Coach, O. K.'d thru out 265.00 2 5- Essex Coach, late series - 4 85.00 26- Chev. Touring . 195.00 23-W. K. Knight 1SS.00 23-Overland Tour. 75.00 26-Ford Touring 125.00 "Remember" that the truck seasdh will soon be here. Now is the time to select yours. Our stock is at Its best Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company Three Locations 430 No. Coml. Phons 1802. 630 Chemeketn Street Phone 1425 Lot Next to City Hall on High Street General Markets HAT PORTLAND. Ore- March 18 ( API Hay wholesale buyisg pric.i, delivered Portland, aaatara Oregon timothy, $22. SO ft 23.50; So vaUay, 01910.50; alfalfa. $1020; clovar, $16; oat hay. Old; straw, 97(38 ton; selling prices 91 to $8 mors. 2oouc PORTLAND. Or. Marca 18 (AP) Milk rsw milk (4 per rent). $2.80(2 2.40 cat., delivered Portland, leu 1 per cent; grate B milk, $2.65. Batterfat tatioa. I5e: track. S7e: deliranaa ia Portland. S. Peslu-y (baying prieea sllve kesvy tans ever 4ft lbs., as if Z9c; ateainsi bens. iH-iVt lbs.. 2223e: lirbk vnder SH lba.. 20c: aprinxs. S4fii25e: feaia daeks. iba.. and over, xsc: col ored dack, 18220c; tnrkerl, Ko. 1, 28(f80c; X: 8 25c; sulls, 20e; lira, 18Q20a. Potatoes LigUcr: gems, K.. grad., $8413.50; sew potatoes Florida, 14 a 18e pound. rOlT-AKD OBAJN PORTLAND, Ore, March 18 (AP) Wheat futures: Open nigk Close Mar. 105 105 106 May , , io 10814 100 JuU 107 . 107 10T Sep. 107 10714 I0T Cask markets l wheat big Bead blne steaObsrd white, $L10; soft white, westara white, $1.07; hard winter, BortierB spring, westers red, $1.05. Oett No. 8-7$ lb. white. $33. Bar leyHe. 2 45 lb. B. W. $$L Cera Na. ft eastern ysllew. aaipmant. $85. LTVXSTOCE PK)8TIIXI), Ore, March 18 P) Cattle and calves, Quetably if to 60s tower for steers: steady te 60s lower fer calves aad veelers; recpts eettle 76, calves is. Steers. 1100 1800 lbs. $115Q12.00; rood ll.5012.25: siadrasi 10.50O ilbo; ao eaaea ivwiuju. amrs. good 10.50 10.85; commoa t. madras T.75( 10.50: Cows, good 0.60 10 JO commoa 'to ratdiooa 6.75 9.90: lew cut ter t caster 4.00 8.75. Balls (yesr liars esc laded) 7.75(525; cottar to sae- Sinat 0.0097.75. Calves. .00(ai0.to; evil to common ff.OO 09.00. Veslers. milk fed, 11.00413.00; medium 0.00(311.00; call te common 7.00(j'S.oo. Hogs. I6e lower tkaa Monday's clot.; faaa'ar oiaa SSe lower: reeeinta S76. Heavy weigbt. 9v.oOt-il.OSt aissrsai weights, 10.00 11.25 s light weight 11.15 0 115: lisbt lights. 10.00(911.25. PaetdBg sews. 66.25(39.50. Slanghtet pigs, 10.00 11.00. Feeder aad stocks pigs, ll.M 12.26. tsott er ouy aegs ana rosst pigs cladad la- a bo v. ouotationt) ). ShMP aad Iambs. Talking around steady: reealsta 60. sm ea, ge te eseice ss.Tsiaie.oa; B4 to S3 lbs, .50)10J15; M 1M., dewa 0.OOQ9.75: all weights. T.60 ft-.ftO. Yearling wethers, 0.60 (39.50. Xwec S.0a0.50l 120-160 IBS. 4.00 e.00; sM weights, cull aad eommea t.Oft 4J4.O0. BKESSED POTTLTST PORTLAND. Ore. March 18 ( Drsssas poaKry turksys, fsaey toaa t: hsaa 88 he. t. 28u24e: espoas. see is. raTTTtS WEGZTABU SS PORTLAND. Ore- Xarek 10 (AP) Preits and vegetables: - sreea rr.it eraages, aavei: se.xsia 8.60; grapWruit, imperial, $8.25 8.75; $0: MS. ft-doe 'eartoS, $2.50; baaaaaa, 7a7V6elb. Lemeas Calif orma, $5.00 9 7.00. Craabarrlea 1.U Howes. 88.4038.50 per box; Cape Cod, $1.00 busk el box; eeatera, yia.uo oarrsi. ieMes aouenae, ursges, gi.sooi Brassels sprouts Oregea. ll.IiaUS '"VoSMtlii local kotkonse, tTHOSfte lb.: Maxicaa. $4.50 leg. ispinVal. Onions selUag price to retailers: sets. IHi ftj fte; Osegoa, $1.0031.50. Jreaa oegetsUas stlliag priest tet ate. Imperial vftUey, $t3.26; peas, 189 lOe aaaaraias 'axerma, up i us. t 8piaaek Walla Walls, $1.8531.50 fft-lb. bes; California 40s, S9.SO crate. ' Calerr CalifaraJa. ftlAOtl.rg iMta. $5,5046.00 crate; Ostgea besrts, $LU oi em beaches. - - Akaa-ib ketkeaaa. extra faner. .10: ibalas. $1.80 er 80-lb. box. f.ppars Own, sossae is. OsaUf-nrer Besebarg broccoli. SLfft 2.76 per crate; Cattforaia, $1.76. Tabes petatosa Deerhates gems, ftSjre A25t iima. $2.7538.00 cwt.: weet era Oregea, $3A541X60; Hew rioeida. i-osase v - gweet a stale n CaUforaat, aemlaal. Ss. tor ss ssetbara yams,- aa SAZ-T POBTAKTJl (km- Msi-k IS fAPt-- rrsiats .as are. net atlesst batter extras- so. - sbsadanda 88. prims firsts te, firsts 88. Eggs: -fresh extras 13 a M, xrasa saeamma xsoxew . CHIOAOO GXADr CHICAOO. March 19 (AP- 4Ssra M all araia apward ta price today aad finished at virtaally the top level reach ed. Iadiestieaa were that the season's maia uevesaeat of eera to market tor miaala aaa reached an ead. witk pros- pests ot ttber-l oat skipaaeato ahad at the epaatng ot aavigsUea ea the 4reat Lakes. . . Aaaeaa eemeat ot S, 2 45.000 btls disiissi at the world's wheat avail able sspfty teased fartber to strearrk ea Wkeat valaea. aad so tea did axnee. teaeo oft eeid. wave FrkUr ov.bc-tre ever aemeatie snater wseaa tutta. Cieeiag eaetatieaa both oa eera sad Wheat were firm with eera to 1 6-Se s baabol birber tkaa yesterda y!s Nateat BjOsJBOs 2-4T fts T-OS WANTED USED CARS aw owwH Marion Qarage Co. Used Cars 193$ Studebaker Coupe, overhaul ed and sold under Studebaker pledge $750, 1937 Studebaker Dictator Sedan with trunk, $ new tires, guar anteed and sold under Stude baker pledge 71$. 1925 Willys-Knight 2 -door sedan, a good buy lots of unused ser vice 11$. 112$ Studebaker Coach In good running condition, good tires and battery, eold under Stu debaker pledge Studebaker pledge gives I days driving time or your money back to be used on any other car used or new. Marion Qarage Co. 235 S. Commercial St. Telephone $6$. WANTED USED CARS CASH paid for Fords. Eiker Auto. MOTORCYCLES USE TRANSPORTATION YOU CAM AFFORD. RIDE ONE OF OUR REBUILT MOTORCYCLES Special buys for this week 125 Harley, rebuilt $145.00 1927 Rarley-Davidson 116.00 192$ Harley, rebuilt , 226.0t Harley, good condition 40.04) '26 Har-Dav, rebuilt 176.0ft Every machine guaranteed. Will give terms and trades. HARRY W. SCOTT The Cycle Man. V South Commercial 8treet 14T No Other Changes Recordtxl in Salem A drop of one cent In both white) and red wheat was the only event on Salem's market row on Setup day. The butter and egg market remained steady and was quoted strong although no price change was recorded. trash rroits ( Wholasal. Qaatactoaa) Craaberriea. box 4.04 Appies, lersls 1.00 Q 1.76 Rome Besuties 1.50 Jonathan i s taiiow KawUns 1.7S Oelicieaa, extra fancy Spitseabergs. extra fancy . Baasaas, lb. . Uatas Dremedary, S8, 10-oa. pkra. . .2.78 .3.76 o7r Oalti. Arsparr WH I. ..W. ill. or Fin. Lemons. Calif. Orascaa, Kavels ww m lsfta ItS'e iso'e 170'S 200's sift's 852 s .4.3$ .4.TS S.SS .60 .6.60 .41.76 .7.00 -t.7S SSS'S .8.00 Cocoannta, sack .6.60 TtrsUblse (Wholesale QoeUtloas) Asperagaa. per lb. . IS BrMcoli, Roaabasg o Celery. Calif rate 5.TS lo. Spiaaeh, Walla Walla L65 Parsnina lb. 0$ RsUbasss. is. o$ar Basekad vegetsbtes, per des. baaekes VSSlXtyW ea-SJ-aBjaBBBaaaaaOB w99 Basts Tnrclps . ft urrlps Radiakea aiona Oarlie, lb. .... , , . . -1$ Uaiilerals Tssistoes, lag Local eerieas Lettaee California. Imperial Tall.y S.25-S.76 Caeaaibers, kotkonse 9 Csbbage, la. 10 Bh-bar.. ket aeaae 2.00. 3.89. t.se - feas, Calit .IS as Qma Pafaata, lb, Hsbbard SaaMb, fb. laarblchssd saos . Pssrstise, rb. .. -OS -OS Jwt Daaiih Scrtiaah .04 Seathesav Taaaa. 60-lk. box -s.se Potatoes, local Articsokos. dosaa .03ft- al Jsv0 , Taxtea, per ewt. -8.00 to $.60 Hew Petotoee Peoas (Ketatl Qestotleaal Calf steal, aft Urn. LIS tWratck, tea " Cora, wbele , tea , Cracked aad grewl Mill m, tea Bran, toa Err mask ... WTtb ssQk 46.00 - . S4.0O 3AftO touie (Bsyag Prtee) Extras' Mediaaas 1 PeeJtrf yUg rrissl CBs yiag Stage - It-lg Rasa tare, obi Hesrlee . Msdiaau . ev t0-3t Ji-te Saitterfat tBayuig Prices) Whciesaie Battes BsltstfsO Prists .417 ut JBetftD QeeUti'eat) Prtau : ; 40 Oarteas , 4d; oas eaaasir CBsrtsg Prlcel Wbeet, westera red 04 - Sets. w-Ua. be. 0 x WbHa. ba. - AS Bertay. tea .. . , , $81.00 Maai Oarg Pttee) Uve Bert r SwWste JS tS.ttUS COXTKTT CGVKt G7 XECE BTATB OF OrUCOOX FG3 tot cotrirrx of maki oh In the Hatter of the Estate of QED. tL DAVIS, Deceased rKO TICE OF rTNAi, ACCOUNT, i NoUce : U hereby - glvem tha the nndenigod administratrix cdT tho to oc -ooo, b. Dans. ie ceased has filed aer t u ne- eoirnt sad report of her adminla trttte oc said eauu, la Maxlea Co-aty, Oxotoa. - a above en uued Court, and that tha list day of -avrek, it Sty nt It o'clock A. M. In the eotft room of s 1 Court at Salea. Oregon, haa beoa by order of said Court designate - aaa , mm $0.50 to 97.00 as sa an. as the two and place for the set tlement of said account and rn norti and all persons, if anr, haw. Lag: objections thereto are not-'U ed and retuired to present t an o tn writing to said Court toa or before said day. V.'- ' Dated And first auhttsbed tlit r$rrtrt 'Uutltrl9l9; Date of last publication, March 11, II 10. r Lilian Darig, Administratrix ef is jjsttte oj tjeo, e. Davis, c.