PAG2 nvc 71 1 n i JIB :,i ii M L iu-t a J a? .- U . fwaaam tl . Jr at . IX. i WE BEE EPE i 't t - THE FIRMS WHOSE NAMES ARE ATTACHED TO , THIS PAGE HAVE COMBINED THEIR EFFORTS BEHIND A CAMPAIGN TO SELL SALEM AT HOME AND TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD. 1 ? ri ywui g T i .1 . - : Supporting the Salem Chamber, of Commerce Means Concentration of Effort for Building Up the City TRACTORS LOGGERS & CONTRACTORS MACHINERY CO. We Believe In a Bigger. Better Community With more prosperous surrounding Arms,- smoother, better roads, increased log production and greater general Indus trial prosperity these alma are being reached through in- - creased use of TRACTORS COMBINE?) - GRADERS Delivered La Balms at Portland Price . IIS Center Street Balem, Ore. POWER COMPANY Telephone 11 SO March Specials Cleaners Toasters and Percolators PORTLAND ELECTRIC POWER CO. B37 North Liberty St. Salem, Ore. Telephone S5 Achievements of Permanent Nature) Continued from Page 4 Kay: head of the membership committee irhich win get into action early in the spring. Wm. E. Henson: Already sending out notices to lodges and other organizations, working to make Salem a convention city in 1931. E. T. Barnes: chair man of the Chamber's visiting committee which calls upon newcomers, extending the good will of the chamber-. James H. Nicholson: In charge of the special Salem folder to be is sued soon, telling what is to be seen in Salem and vicinity. C. F. Breithaupt: Organizing a legislative committee that will be prepared to support or not support measures that will effect Salem in the coming legislature. Wm. M. Hamilton, director of the industrial committee. has already taken up several industrial matters of interest to Salem. Eugene B. Grabenhorst, chairman of the agricul tural department, taking up matters especially with refer ence to insect and pest control. Grover HiUman, King Bing of the Cherrians. This organization will soon decide upon its year's work. Edward 'Schunke, president of the Business Hen's league. This organization especially active in urging mer chants not to fall for various advertising schemes of worth less advertising' Winter Climate Is Temperate Here Salem climate ought to be sold la large chunks to people who live in lesa favored climes. The only criticism made of Salem's eilmate la that It rains here. But that rain cornea during the win ter months the summers being un iformly , dry. Otfr total annual rainfall is no larger than a great many cities on the eastern coast or in the Mississippi valley. Even in the winter .time our compara tive rainfall. records are not bad. The. last bulletin of the Salem chamber of commerce gave some Interesting Information about comparative temperatures and figures on rainfall. This compar ison Is for the month of Febru ary covering the average of a term of years. Here are the figures; study them for yourselves and see how Salem's winter dim ate compares favorably with that of other cit ies. . "It you want to snow the av erage rainfall and average tem perature for February of other important cities in the world, be tides Salem, Jest read tbe follow ing;" Average iwui . Tapr, Stimuli SALEM .. ...... above 4..ln. Memphis .....44 " 4.4 in. Oklahoma City 40 " ' 1.1 la. New Orleans ..17 " 4.3 in. New York City 31 " S.8 in. Chicago ......27 " S.l In. St.' Louis SB " 2. In. Washington ..IS " S.S In. Jerusalem 4 7 " 1.9 In. London ......40 " 1.1 In. Paris ........IS " 1.1 in. Rome ........47 " I.Jin. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP BABY CHICKS INSTITUTION! pa s Hlgrade Baky Ckiek llatcbce Off MOVDAT8 AND TTJI SPATS 07 EACH WEEK SALEM PETLAND WB EKLTBVB TJV SALEM S7S Stat St. YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION isa v. uttrty at Tikea ism Taw T. W. C. A. ktt ka ataeclBted tad ideatified ia Stint's prgrtts ' kmUn tad kail.r Ter ity ky kelping girl Bad yeoag womea t realia tkeir tetter Mb. NOQTH END OF BUGINESG DISTRICT DRY GOODS STORK " C. J. BREIER CO. 141 W. Commercial St. A RELIABLE SALEM ETOM Ta wiU ale-art find tka.tetaoa't latest offeriagt ef reiiabl mercktodiae awitakle for MEN. "WOMKNN. CHILDREN THE STfsBB WITH POPTJLAB PRICES We an always beoettag lot Stleai BOLLYWOOD: The heart of North Salens, a thriving center of variowa karfBeesea and laklastriee. Some yean ago a 7rrU7 "T'.1W"J2 L" bIT ,or " water Baton. Hto drear have come Ante. Here to a live, thriTimg. active sec tion of Greater Salem. Many of broiiieae are represented h ere, a theatre, store, offices. Here. too. are tndwstrles which are suaklBs; Salem aa Industrial center. ' Wateh Hollywood grow; inves ia Hollywood; help bmUd it np and tbme make SaJeaa a Bigger and Better City. Triple XXX Thirst Station Brisff Jur tfcirtt to tfc tic Ortar Stttiea fr trtttaicnt. Loacatt. Bar , e Sandvickea. Snappy ame ky taappy (lria. Kartk Pacifit Higkway. oaa s:ae aai. M i:vo AUTO UHUCKINO WILLAMETTE AUTO WRECKING CO. 7S X. CauMrclal St. Telpaa 117S Wt par tkt kigknt rttk yricea for nttd tatoaMkilca tad tracks. We Mil Vmc aarta far aQ ttaket at cart aa track a, aaavy maUra far ftaona aonkcyt, traOara for loftinc aaeratara. Used Tim and Tabea AMtaaariea TQTJ WM. SAVE MOWBT WHEW TOP BUT TBOkl VJ8 1NHT1TCTION THE SALVATION ARMY Ml Stata St. 2 Ensign and Mrs. Earl M. . Williams, Officers in charge. "Give strength to the hand that, helps tbe mtt&j. Ross Goodman Grocery H it rd we tare it. U a kava H. H'a good. S ratrcraaaa Ed. (Alaa raada.) Fkaaa 1447 Bnrk'a Service Bution EkkfleU Pradacta Waakias and Oraaalag aess jr. Capita Smith and Gilbert Oil Co. Biekiiald IUtribaara Satest, Ore, fkaaa lltt-J Modem Ibrication System Da 70a kaav wkat Madera Labri ra tio Btetait It will pay 70a t allow as ta asplaia it tSSS yartlaad Ed. TelepkaM SdSS-w F. 01 Lata, Nnrsery and Florist Oraaaaaata) tkraka aad rtwk plaata. Wa alaa aad piaat free of ckarsa. Vlaral Denraa a Specialty. Yiaitora Alwayt WeWaaa 141S Market Fiona S1S4 a Marr'g Grocery and Meats Owaod tad operated ky a Baleat Taipajer ST. 17tt ft Market. rrea Sattvaiy Pkaaa 1SS4 St. Vincent do Paol Catholic Church -EeT. Tboa. T. Keeaaa, Pa.tor Carnei HlgMaad ft Myrtle Ave. Pkoao 1374 Holland Fnmac Co. Speeial Bprias Hsoae OieaaiBC Teras 123.00 witk erdrr Balance ia Beat. ' or Teras T. E. Jakaataa S6 Taaatiack St. Paoaa STST HoDywood Theatre Hatae af S6 Talkie Tie Beat Batartaiammt Tkat Moaey Caa Bar at Any Priaa. Matinee Each Sat. 3 p.m. Coatinaaaa Performance Baaday la 11 a.B. Oregon linen Milk, Inc. Maaaiactmeri af Tlaa Tarat and Twtaos Fresh Cider and Apples ! E. OavtU) Ttlepaeata S6S0 T. af. Orecory, Mgr. Hollywood Realty Specialist ia Farm aad City Property 8009 V. Capitol Telepkeaa S807 Hollywood Radio Shop Creile j aad Aamd Dealer Sales aad Expert Serriea 160 . Caattel Telepkeaa S7S7 a. IStk Street WOOLEN THOMAS KAY WOOLEN MILL CO. Cherry City Cottages Saleat't Popular Aato Camp, CoaVea ient, ModoTa, aad Cearteoao Serriea. S490 Ptlrrrouada Ed. . Pae. Hwy. Telepboaa 1S41-J A vraattag Satfla will aeceaie a kaktt at Harbison and Owens Service Station Capitol at Market Pkoa 2517 Hollywood A 0X0 Garage Body and Boat Works CoaaaH aa for year Body, reader A . Badiater work. Pint Clata Boat Bailding 904S B. Capitol Pkana 40 Triangle Service Station If year wiadtkield Is dirty, yea ktvta't salted witk aa. Cottage aaaV Pairgroaad Ed. Eayaoa ft BUaa A aaXEM XaTDVSTnT MAiror ACT uaxaro Talapkaaa SS S1S0 Paargsaaaa BVaad MILES LINEN CO. S1SS A nliabls Mas l Woolea Prodofta, leaeraHy mogsized sa tka Pseifia Oeatt tt tkt ktt waolea auleriali tktt skilled cparstors tta pradaea. Ska Tkaaaaa Kay Woolea kUB Co. aa-re keea tdeattfied wrtk tka pracraaa Of BOJ I or OT ei yeata. we wmirrww m MANUrACTUKQCO LI5IN PE0DUCTS MATT0NALLT KE00KIZED FOB THEIR QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP Wo ketteva fct Salem aad are always wflliag aa a-arato vrltk an forward aiBTeaiea'j for tap telUiiet of aar dty. FRKIGHT LINE MIL And crbaM " SALEAI-PORTLAND FREIGHT LINE Salem Office A. C. Aadenen ParUaa Offlee dSS kfarloa- St. Pkoaa 62S Owner 177 B. Water St. Pkoao ES01I AJLV DEPENDABLE BBRVICB BETWEES SALEM AKD POBTLAHD, VS1SQ IN&UBED-AND BONDED CABBIEBS. MASHED BT LOCL MEK' We make caaaaettaaa witk Baas gaiag to any poiat an the csast. 8h aa fa Long Diitaate Baaliag EE A PON ABLE BATES OAREFtTL EMPLOYES PAST BEBYICE S4S Hood St. Pkoae 1430 CURLY'S DAIRY Baas Hafstotttc, Prop. "SALEM'S LEAD 1X0 IKDEPEKDKKT DA1EI" Pear Perfectly PatUarlaed MHk aad Greaat It will aafegoard yawr kealtk Dairy DaUariaa to aU Bettiaae at tka City 'WE ABB BOOSTEES POB A BI&OEB, ESTTEB AJfD HEAXTHTEB MIIX1NRY HOMB FURN1SHKRS MACK'S Ml Bifk St. TaltpaaBe 7S . Where Art and Propriety combine to create amartnesa in suits, coats, dresses, and hats for fashion-wise women WE HATE CQWPTPEMCB I THB PPTTJBE PBOOBBSS OP SALEM BRAKE HKRVICB C. S. HAMILTON FURNITURE Ca S40 Camrt St. Telepkeaa M SALEM' I C0XP1ETX BOMB PVEBISHEES Bellii g awaMty' aMrckaadita fee tka .kaaaa taeradiag1 maay well kaewa kraada af aatioaal ptaatiaeaee. PUBJOTTJEE CABPXTS DBAPEEIES OBOOKEET Aad sB atkar f anuaatags a good raraltara store iketld sail at tka keat eoBTealOBt terma. JOE R0CQUE S41 C eater St. Talapkaaa SStl Balem'e Leadlag aad EeliaUa Brake Barrtea Katloa BBAEE UKIEO BRAKE ADJT8TIS6 DRUM TEtTTJfO Ivary jok is daa ky a rarefat axperieaced moekaaie witk aa aacoaditieat gaaraataa af tttiataetioa. WB ABB BOOSTEES TOE A BI0QEE ABT BETTEE BALEM HOTEL) MARION HOTEL Talapkaaa 101 Parry aad Commercial Sta. aaiiBai a aovu vuiKt A mod era aad complete hotel earrice waera ye, kave reaA comfort witaoat oatraTagaaeo. EXCELLEMT DIMIXQ BOOM SERVICE HEADQDABTEBB POB THB A. A. A. BOTABT El WAN 1 8 LIONS 'Itaka tka Barton Tear Hatdaaartare Wkaa ta Saltm" "WB BELIEVE TJf SALEM" . LAUNDRY SUPBR SERVICE STATION SALEM LAUNDRY CO. ass s. Higk St. (Wmdar's Laaadry) Talapkaaa IS Salem'e reliable aad ai aerate laaadry oi pereeaal eerrico teaderiag 4 aer ieea WET WAA8H THBIPT-T BOUGH DRY 1PBISB PAAMILT WA8B Oar Bates ara Battaaakla We Call far aad Deliver wb have ooirrTDiarcE nr the utobe pboobess or salem CHEEK AND ASHBY Oaart ft Otpttal Telepkeaa t2S THB OBE STOP RATIOB Per a eompleta earrice by earefa, eoarteoaa aad (killed attendaats. aaiag aty Aha beat -grade of tagredioBta. A SHELL A5D OA8CO OASOLIKB f9 AA Sttadard Braads af Oils aad Oraasts - 4 MeCLAREB 'AND AIAX TIRE8 OTLINO ' OREA8ISO WA8HIK FUNERAL SERVICE W. T. RIGDON & SON F17NBBAJ, 8EBVICE faattliatitTi peraeaal direct iem kaa eaakled aa ta Perfect a aerrieo tkat ia wertky af- year caaaidaratiaa THIS EBTABLISHMEXT BAR BEEN IDESTIPIED -WITH THB PBOGRES8 OP BALEM POB OVEBJ TEABS nr BAit OkemekeU Street at Cottage' BEAUTY SHOP MILLER'S BEAUTY PARLOR Oaart ft Liberty - Emma EaOce Haley TaUaksas 147 POB BEAUTT OTXLTTJEB IB ALL ITS BEABCHE8" FACIALS INDIVIDUAL PEMIKINB HAIBCOT MAH1CCBJX0 Three eompleta mack i met for aarmaheat waTiag Beetle ClreaHaa Wara .-New 'Dwarf Waader Wae aad taw mmmlar aataral ''Craa-alawola WtTB" Wa employ aajy graAale Keaatod epcratera aad giea yaa aatiafactore wark - at prtceo that win pleaaa yaw. ' - " pii.i.idRn ROOM tit State orey and Wagner Belliag a eompleta -Mao ad all -way laeyt kraada af Olgara. , CIgaroWea. -Irr " Tebeceo aad BILUABB8 J . POOI CABD TABLES . MMriiMaLiHm .it aaamlaa arlaea .. pgr haet aawntar. Wa totwa aaiy tka keat saaUty foody preyared ky S-10-25 CENT STORES WB zcoW5 METROPOLITAN CHAIN STORES, TNC. Id! B. Ukarty St, aAixBrc ixAsiBw s-ia-ta CEXt rroEB Talapkaaa 1T4 It. fclMt. mt mbbIw uUii maiibaadlae te meet Maw every aeoda. a vim at taia etere at. raw n. uaerty -win aoamawa yew, em wm waaaiy. ajaa sad- aaaiaga wkaa yaw toade witk aa "tfB ABJBALWATB BOOsTfBw POB A WE AJTO BBTTKB AIBM" NEW AUTOMOBILES LSKD" INI. Ja- W2 BOMMSSS StrBmBT-BTABwBEBVIOB w .... w a a .n a I m er aeiiaam mww ne wwwm sara 1 POURS DCBABT BIZEB oa Tkat'a TMfli pari' " Oar aaed ears ara priced far awiek talee. Wa eaa sav yaw staaay. . WB ABB ALWAYS BOOBTTWa POB h BISCBB ABU BUT TAB SALEM 17S B. BET AIL . RADIOS AND SKitVICB RADIO HEADQUARTERS - a. gjoxM nSTTTDTHm ' - Amfberiaed Bttil Dealer . far - -dPtOSLET - BOLA - r-- - AMBAD lota- a tack af raplacemewt parte far alt bum MSI BBBYICB Wa ataiataia depoadakia aervica fa all makeo ed sadlaa Caaventaat Terma aa 0a mrraaged -AXWATS BOOSTDVO POB A BICWEB ABT BBTTEB BAIEM" NEW - AUTOMOBILJC8 - USED Taleykaa 1SC0 - STATE MOTORS INC. BBS Caemeketa BL . .BVDS0B . SSSBZ .' - PACKAID . MOTOB ' . ' - Wa ara ale afferiBf ' -" . THB BEST VALVES IK U8ED CABS IB THB CITT - v -rery ear wa tn ia kacked ky tka aama tad rerotottoa af tka v .. . ., ... . ; Stat Motora. Ia. -.-j . " Taa vat tara money by aoattug aer ftxat. tat aa kalp pan aeiwt- f QUI Bnnrmm. jiwwiw -- BINDERY CjAWTAL CITY BINDERY 47S V. Pet St. Tatafkeaw llff DOUGLAS MfrUV CliE VltOLLT CO. Ctder Kew Mtotgwaeat - - A Wtt,-twt.w YTMM POB . BUTDTS t WORK IN ALL ITS BBA5CHES ' , Beak Bindia V " . '- ' . Paper ' BaBaa ' - ta Lett Drricea ' . " weM teat EmaaMiaa. awKfridiziva ss ehitios ajtd catalogs bibddio - ALWAYS BOOHTPWl POB A -BIOOEB. AKP BETTBM BALEM" TaleVkane ltOS - r . Dittrikutor tka tmaar .:.-' - - CMBVBOLBT SIM - ft BIX IS THB FKlt tuts W ivvt ; . ; "eka ,vr U w featar- aaA k aaariaMd'' 7; M tmw'arltn Tkat tfaaato ' ' ' ' dSt W. CeawmatW. Alowe Bide City Hall damekota St. BOX MANUFACTIUiUNG ALEii BOX WTTT Pkaa TU (flarh - Aaav ' tPtemarr WaOac Baadl . T -it aT.wma TMITU . . J C r Maaafaetartair All' Willi . f- - - - . . . !wooDEir,n.noxzs ABB tCRAVXA.' - . 1 .v nun TBAT-i-r:--i,.-v - BEBT eAjtBiiiS'-.r v - - - Aad aU etber-kiait of MiaS to sait year; aeedA , r..W Was nahetaatlal matwrmla, aad earn mak proaapt dolreery am Bay, aaaatwr. tOAP-MAN UFACTTUiilNO KiiANGlIAl CAFii - . . 1 - - mi. - - ' amm- mmm WM '. -i'-' : iixa ixjaw cmxssn bebtadbabt' l'lrt$UMM aa Amtricaa MmKU wry fta Wt qJ i faaia, - WEST COAST SOAP MFG. CO 541 Market St.. ''- kroDKm kcAn pownEnm soap -v ' - - - MedwaMaid Powdered- Bead 'Soap - , , . - ----- r; , . - -V.ltAda ta Baleaa , . ' ' - , , . Wadrrfal Claaatiag aedV gaagy; Batps' , . X " ' WiJltkettaa Grocery. DhtrOmtOTt . -' era ask gsadncto a triar. aad ya aaA.ear. tatate' wCl baan ; aa eaa BUILD A BEAUTIFUL USE BURNED CLAY BtUcK And TaLi AND !FIRE SAtE CITY- FURNACES Last Winter tested out yours. Was it satisfactory? We can correct poor installations. We know how. FREE INSPECTION W. W. ROSEBRAUGII COMPANY Phone Office 680 S. 17th Mrrct bfcpARhiKNf ArukU WE RECOMViED GREENBAUM S DEPARTMENT STORE S4g N, Commercial St. Telephone IIS. A reliable and responsible Salem firm selling a duality line of welt known brands of merchandise tor MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN ' AT PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE THE MOST CAREFUL BUYER Greenbanm'a Department Store nave been serving the people' of the community for over 30 years and we are always willing to cooperate in any forward movement for the betterment of our beautiful and progressiva city "WE BELIEVE IN BALEM BUILDINO MATERIALS CHAS. K. SPAULDLNG -LOGGING CO. Front and Ferry Sta. Telephone 1890 WHOLESALE Lumber and Bailding Material RETAIL This is the time of year to build your new home Consult our Mill Work Department for Prieea on SASH WINDOWS DOORS and all olbcr kind of Interior Trias We appreciate the confidence the people of this community have placed in our products and we are always willing to cooperate In any worthy movement for the betterment ef our City AUTO TOPS BUILDING MATERIALS - ru DP" 0 Tub as an KOTB, Salem Htwr, Pridaya, T:0 t 1:00. Wt'r ktlplsg koeat Salem that way LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR "" KAY'S COAT AND DRESS SHOP 40 BUto St. . Ttlepkoa It SALiarS STTLB CXBTEB POB WOMBB Tea will alwaya flad the lateat ereatioaa ia woarlag apparel AT MAT'S Oaate, Dreeeea, Miniaery Oar Qatlity, Sty lee, ferric aad Price win pleat yaa. "ALWATS BOOSTTBW POB A BIOOEB AMD BBTTEB SALEM" - PLUMPERS SUPPLIES MESHER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO. SIS CkmkU at, Talapkaa S7tt A BBT.TtBT.B ABD BESPOVBIBLB BALEM PXBM , WHOLESALE 8ELLIBO BET AIL PLCMBEB8 SUPPLIE8 POB BVEBT KEED Wa kare tk largeit ttock of ap to dtt prombiag roppHe la tie state oath af Portmad. AB rdrt flBod promptly at tk leweet carreat arloea. FOOD STUFFS JOE' MARKET 0 Mark Ttlepkoa t7S A BBTJdBT.B BALEM PTBMt SELLDrO Stable aad Pancy Graeeriea. frtifc Pralte A Tecetaklea la Seaaea Dairy Prod acta. Bakery flood ef aU Kinds, OaafectioBery Cteiee Cato f Prest and Sacked UetU A Kgrt. "ABB BTBBTTHTJrO ELSE A PIBSr CLASS MABKET SHO0LD SELL" OOUBTBOUS SERVICE BEA80NABLB PRICES PBEB BELTVEBT aStk A TVBBEB WHOLESALE MEATS" GUY E. IRWIN Talepkoa ISIS A Beliakia atiem Meat Paekiag Plaat CUSTOM KXLLXBB OBXT Tk Meat w tell are from tka kett.Hra ttock ottaiaatU aad ery aaimal we .aae ia predaeed la Oregaa. - . t WB ABB AXWATS BOOSTTBO) POB SALEM ABT OBEOOkT" FUNERAL DIRECTORS McALVIN TOP SHOP MS V. Okarck.8t. Pkaaa tlaa B LIABLE FTJRNITUBB UPHOLSTERING. aad all kind af top aad kody work. BEAT COVERS CUSHIONS UPHOLSTEHINO CABPATS SLA8S REPLACED PEBDEB8 STRAIGHTENED we employ only tkilled mocaaaict tad gearaatee firtt elata workmtatkia at roaaoaaal price . . WB BIVB OBEEH TBADTBO STAMPS LIFE INSURANCE WB RCOMMND EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF U. 8. dSS Parry Street Cliftem BL Irwto Telepkoa tt THE SALEM BBAKCH OP THIS BATIONAL ORGANIZATION fat tka vtmoet ia dependable Lif latartae Let at kelp ye pita year Lif latnrtae Ktcdt Lot a kelp yea- owa yoar aome, tkraagk ear Lif Inamranee Leaa. BOTEL HOTEL BLIGH "A BOMB AWAT PBOM BOMB" 10 Rnbi of dood C".r, Odaafort aad Betiaeaaeat AT PRICES THAT WILL PLEA SB - YOU Ia tk eeatcr ef tk kaereeea dwtriet, coaTenirat to tbeatrra, tttga aai rtrbotd dptt, stern - " BAIB TBE HOTEL BU6H T0UB HEADQUARTEB8 WHEN IN SALEM 5 Stat St. Fred BL Tiffany, Bffr. Salem. Or, "Wl nBIJgVTt ZM BAXKld" GARBAtiE COLLECTOR CITY CARBAGE COMPANY v - - IMS B. Street Tatepkra tit A BETJIBLK SALEM PTBM POB PROMPT AND EPPICIEBT 8EBVIOB la aay part ef tka airy aa ahert awtie for the eolleeti ef ail kladt el garbage aad traak aa daily- ar - weekly - eeatraetB. -A CLKAB CITT MAKES A BBTTER. CITY "WB ABB BOOSTXVO- FOB A BIOOEB, 'BETTEB ABB CLBABXB arjract - BUSINESS COLLEGE CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Sta V. Blgk St. Ttltpkaae SSt THB SCHOOL OP DOUBLE 8EBTI0B Pint to it pupil; aeeead, to aatiaaaa men who employ Ha graduate. AU kiada f fie kelp feraiahed. - W alaa d . Pakna ateaegrapal Work AB Blade ef Typiag MtmeefrapaiBf - kraltigrtpkiaa WB BELIEVE IB SALEM FURNITURE IMPERIAL FURNITURE CO. dY COTET ST. TELEPH0BB Wit Boaaatilats ta Paraftar Caa faralak year kerne completely with jatt the kiad ef good eaAfertakl faraitar taat wiB pleaee the entire family. Cewveaieat Term Oaa-B Arraaged- - Tk Imperial Paraitara C. ar atwaya MeaUfmd wttk every forward aowmeat for tk kttrttat f ear i fsallf . "WB BBLIETB TJt SALEM" - ARCHITECT - LYLE P. BARTHOLOMEW ABCHTTECT B la as faadtm tal to pita year kafldlng as tt fa paar katlaett. Proper pi ana lag ky aa arcattect aaaaree aaeciee I koBawa ta Salem aad taat tbe ce oworaUoa ia ciTie aarremeat far tka kettermeat ml ear ity it tbe critorim by wkiek ftitk sad laytlty .. ia kert Jadgad 811 V. B- Baak Bnlldlng Pkoaa tt -. Balem. Ore row. til Oeart St. PAINTS KENNEDY PAINT CO . Pkoa m w P. B. BAaaady. Prop. ttlTtif tk Bast Oaality - . - - - PAINTS ". TARNISHES 1 ' EBABABLS ' " Parpoeely made fee rrary parpaaa . la da practical Bemae paiatiag, iaterier paiatiaf, eaameliag, . kcle SalalBg, tiatiag,. aaA wterprfiag. aerric tad warkmaatkip. " TOW WILL LEKB AT BBASOWABUf PBICBS -- WB BELIEVE EM SALEM" -.- Aad tkat tk aa aperawaw-aa fee- tk kettermeat of ear iimmaatty Is tk criUrwa kp whlek faitk aad loyalty ta aae'a ity aaa A. M. CLOWGH . 9. DALBTATLOB CLOUGH-TAYLOR COMPANY , ..... PmrBBAL DIBBCTOB - LADT A8SISTAST. . . . IwB I. Ckartk Sa, - ' j. . .. - TwlapJwaa lta LlLUAkb room . : - Tllfi COlliiERCtAL .ClAB- STORE- 1U B, We akw POB SXBAM us W.. B. BAaa, Prp. ' ' ABB WHOLBSOMB ' ABrOBBBTBVT aias ' " ' POCBET BILLIABDS .CABDB all eamplato Baa at taadard kraadr tf Cigars. Cigarettot. T- aie amekera tn aaetiln.' Qaallty Baa at eoafectieaary, hackee, aad - . . H tk latt maratiao. i . - -- - GRAIN DEALER: - - Farmers grain warehouse Ukarty A Trad Sta. A Beliakia Stlna firm- SelHaa arwr-r-awa - DAIET BATIOKB ' Tatoakane SSA , r - imtaaa.aiui PBODDCEB Ta iatraat pradnetioa aad faaUry. foedV tke kraadt regtrdlo f prle. . . ' Eaaa. Btetaa. - - - - -i-' -TEED ""SEED " - '"-' ' 6 BAIN' - . " ' detom. Crladiair. ? TgariBr.. B)alHaK.AaV Mtatoa dOS Caort St, ' 3ARBAGB COLLECTOR SALEM GARBAGE CO. A Snlaaa Plrm Tea SAaM Baw." - - PB4)MP ' AND EPPM'IEWT- -if"' " , . DA1LT -AND WEEKLY . . sebvicb .... 4.. . i-' '''ri"in Typ r t , Pkoa ltd Tear Local ttmln Haa Per -Prodwet Per T . STATE SAVINGSAND , LOAN- Abi0ClAT10N v A Battakto Balaat latllatwa . - " Oweaated-ky UMaoaaikle local taeraeoa' taea' 4kk.'iawBr yea Z r aATBTP POB . YODB -i SAJKeS - . r . , ,ii ef ear I flaaa .wiU atest j-taT.ptaalrsitatB ., ,.: , : Wa BUke KatUy TaMArawat Ltana B Baai Xttoto Ttoat Btatigsges ' ' ' Pax Par Tear Keea Da Beat . j 1 1'. ' la - B.'Mla St.'- - -- - -r-; . -- - r . j ' ToloakoB PfS RUO AKD MATTRESS FACTORY v Salem Fluff Rag and Mattress- Factory PBOM- PACTOBT TO TOW , S. task ft WHkr St Otto T. awtckfL Prep. ' Tttepkaaa H ; A SAXEX PXPBkt TOT-BBDJU BBOWBATABXIBHED m- id- arderrald matBieaeae a made f amUa , aaaweatraar. 'Vt PtarJ rags made at d Bay kiad of old earpota. aaw ao or cato . .f, BB St 'aatimato aa rerta- cJaalt .- ttttofatak'a atoaraatoa - : ' v dOABB- GEORGE E. WATERS , 'jy. SANTA FB CfGABr- V . -' ' , - . r. - $ j : . ltST FOOD STOKE , . R.&B.FOOD &HOP& WC,, stapxb abd'pasot boctries. itlekbI ttj$ r.f a, nvm, - r;: MEATS. BAKEBT BOODB P ALU B.1BDS Wa a to yea a evryr parrkat tk profit at wr- oo-aeeratire karlagf sa M M aot aeceoeary t spead ttm tooktag to a - dowa tewa kargmai" ; Aa laapeadaadlyOwad Ckato tMnJtmi.fcf. x "BOMETHTa- SAVED Of pnrPBT PXTBCgAty att JUk .. nAIJCR CAPITAL DARGAIN AND JU1 Ca VLDZST XSTMStJSSEO mx stobb en THB aixbt- lSMaS Swatar St. Jr.-,. . BL mMtokae. Prep. Z.ZT : '. A BXLLiBBB BALEM TIBM WHO BUT ABB SELL. I, - t AB almla ef Jnak- sal iSatoaa-EtaA waadsv ad,1 OPtkM, TV Bvkalf, Para, Taltow. Peypermnt Oil. Ca tear Bark. Orap kWH, aad Pi tea. , , Tea maTrw. at aer wwa tow tPL aad aawa mowoy wwcw roa key from r. ;iUl Cnter St.- . .U wpfcae ltk ; A wwr.tawt.w BALEM- PTBM .' M ANTJPACTTJBTSei AND SELLIBd- lOM. , - . - -i COLD STOBA6B , - ' s ' Xatlaaal asMlawaB at -tee bdaatrtos. pled rU-to parity, fall wallU t4 " - aarrioa at twaaoaabl pric. . WTt Arm POOSTPBS rew, 'A V3 tftm yrr . , i a 1 1 ; ;v. If . , A- --) fi- ir a-m. o atae-a-ay. f 41