The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 15, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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Church News .'. Sunday Events and Happenings of the Weisk i
Christ Lutheran Church So
ciety Has Successful
"Bring One" Meet
With practically every one of
the members of the Dorcas Socie
ty of the Christ Lutheran church,
Eighteenth and State streets,
bringing a guest and many more
than one, the regular monthly
meeting of the society proved one
of the 'most successful of the sea
son. A program 6 duets, solos,
quartets and instrumental music
attested to the Interest and activl
ty of the program committee.
Mrs. Bom beck and Mrs. Nets.
The floral decorations were daf
fadils and the motif . carried out
in the luncheon of the day was
white with the shamrock in
green. The hostesses. were Mrs.
L. H. BatTlck, Mfs. H. D. Wat
son, Mrs. A. Bombeck, Mrs. A.
Zamsow and Mrs. A. Wain.
Committees for the next meet
ing are as follows: Hostesses:
Mrs. H. Alhers. Mrs. H. F. Batter
man, Mrs. A. Battalion; Program:
Mrs. W. C. Miller, Mrs.. Clarke
Lee, and Mrs. Emil Hoffman;
Flowers: Mrs. J. Propp and Mrs.
A. Oehler.
A resolution -wu passed to send
supplies to Canada to support
Russian refugees that are immi
grating into Canada to escape the
intolerable religion; and econom
ical conditions created by the
present government of Russia.
Many of these refugees are of
Lutheran persuasion. The Cana
dian government extends a hear
ty welcome to those because past
experience hag taught the auth
orities that they are tho type best
fitted to develop the vast Cana
dian prairies.
A Lutheran immigration board
Is working in harmony with the
Canadian government in locating
these colonists, caring for their
needs until they are established
and providing them with neces
sary religions care. Wednesday
afternoon, March It, the Dorcas
society will meet in the church
parlors to pack the auppHes that
have been received. Until then
each one of tbe members consti
tutes itself as a committee of one
to gather wearing apparel, used
clothing being preferred that la
till in food shape for such may
be sent into the country duty
free. Donations of such apparel
or moneys from inch who have
been stirred by the stories of
the fearful persecution some of
these very people have had to- un
dergo will be gratefully received
at the church parlors or at the
parsonage next door to the west
Ford Memorial Community
Revival Services Grow
In Interest Says Report
The revival services at the Ford
Memorial M. E. church, under the
leadership of Rev. Robert Brymer,
th alnging evangelist, are grow
ing in Interest and attendance.
Nearly a score of people have al
ready taken their stand for Christ.
Rev. Brymer Is bringing some
very inspiring and helpful gospel
messages, according to the local
pastor. Rev. Meredith Groves. The
special music, consisting of many
types of excellent music is greatly
enjoyed as well as the live con
gregational singing. The meetings
will continue each night next
week at 7: SO o'clock, with the
exception of Saturday night. On
Tuesday evening a men's chorus
will sing, and each night there will
be various numbers, including
negro spirituals sung by Rev. Bry
mer and Mrs. Frieaen.
Among the subjects which Rev.
Brymer will use this next week
are the following: "The Greatest
Ksed of the World;" "The Big Ap
pointment; 'Ruined ;" "Nothing
to It; "Unprofitable Lives," and
"The Great Detective."
First Christian to Open
Series Pre-Easter Meets
March 30; Howe in Pulpit
The First Christian church la
announcing a pre-Easter. meeting,
to begin Sunday, March JO, and
continue1 for three weeks. The
pastor, Rot. D. J. Howe, will con
duct the meeting, assisted by a
large choir, and Miss Uldlae Gar
tin, the blind soloist from Eugene.
"Tht'ineetlnf An every respect
win be constructive." says Mr.
Haws. " and the purpose win be
to help the people at all churches
In the city ana to onua up spiruu
el Ufa."
Bandar Chnrrh on the Radio
OilO-lO. KPO, San Fran-
Cisco, Rer. Norman W. Pend-
m Trimitw fast DP inn.
, JCbHU -J " .
sectarian services.
11:10. KFI. Lot Angeles,
Temple Baptist ehurch.
e ii;00 .KQW. San Jose.
First Baptist church; KHQ.
Spokane, Central Methodist
church; KGW, Portland.
church service; KHJ, Los
Ana-eles. First M. E. ehurch;
" KGO, Oakland, Graee Cathe-
dral: KNX. Loi Angeles,
First Presbyterian.
11:11. KOMO, Seattle.
Plymouth Congregational.
lt-1. KG W, KOMO, KGO.
National Youth s Conference.
Dr. D." A. Poling on "Was
Jesus a ' Plagiarist?"
2 e - - l-t: : KQW. KOMO. KGO,
Cathedral boar. Dr. 8. Parses
-- Cadman, ,
' M. KQW. KOMO, K00.
Catholla hear. ' . r
' TtSO. KSL, Salt Lake City.
First Presbyterian church. - .'
a. : KNX. . Los Angeles.
I First Presbyterian chureh;
KOMO, Seatt'e, First cnuren
t e ot Christ, Scientist; KHQ;
Spokane. Now . Episcopal
i; CathedraL '
Bible Continues to Lead World's
List of Bestsellers; Religious
Books New Last Year Number 806
Fourteen million Bibles and
testaments were sold in the Unit
ed States last year, according to
statistics of the American Bible
society and leading Bible publish
ers. The estimated total for lot
purchases for the world Is 36.500,
C00v Since October when the re
vised Episcopal prayer book was
published, one end a half million
copies of the Prayer Book have
been sold, according to figures
gathered by the National associa
tion of Book publishers. In other
words the Bible is still the world's
best selling book.
Of the 10,187 new books and
new editions issued in the United
States during 1929, 80s were re-
India Theme of Special
Film and Sermon Given
Sunday by Chas. ETWard
"Lifting Life in India." will be
the subject of the illustrated
service Sunday evening at the
First Congregational church. The
theme will be illustrated with pic
tures showing the living condi
tions in Madura, India, and other
pictures illustrating the native re
ligion and the work that is being
done by American Christian work
ers there.
On Sunday evening, March 23,
the Wright California Players
will present their Biblical play:
"The Feast-of Belshazzar." This
Is their most spectacular drama
and has been enthusiastically re
ceived wherever given. The Wom
an's Union will meet for work and
business Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Robert Fleming
785 Court street.
xxmajtobx roil gospel
Corner North 17 aad Chtmrktta
streets. Sundsy school at 10 a.m. Wor
ship and .preaching at 11 a.m. Sermon
object. "The Bible a Bloc Print." Ev
ening services at 7:30. Sermon subject.
"Broken Vessels." Mid-week terrieet
Tuetdtr, Thursday and Saturday eves
.inft at the chnrrh at 7:30. Wednesday
evening- cottage prayer meeting. C. Lew
is Rounds, pastor.
Corner State and t'hurek streets. P. C.
Taylor, pastor; phone 874. Morning ser
vice. 11 o'clock; subject: "The Chris
tian's Concern for a Converting Church."
The pastor, preaching. Special music:
Anthems: "The silent Ken mines;
"SsTior, Thy Dying Lore Berwold. S
p.m. round table discussion groups ior
church school workers snd Epworth
Leaguers, led by Dr. Kirkpatrick. Even
ing serrieo 7:30 o'clock; the ReT.
Blaine E. Kirkpatrick. D. D. o tho
Board of Education, Chicago. 111. preach
ing. Special music: "Anthem "O Sweet
ly Breathe the Lyre Above" Chopin.
Solo O Divine KeOeemer trouuoa.
Miss Ilea mire Moore. Sunday school
9:45 a.m.; Ben E. Rickli, Bupt. Mid
week services 7:80 p.m. Thnrsday; tha
pastor, leader. Teung Pooplo'a meet
ings: joint meeting wim ur. Aiimimr
riek. Junior church "Rafael and Con-
sueto" Mrs. E. C. Miller. Church I wi
nery in Epworth hall.
S. Commercial and Washington streets.
Chas. C. Haworth. pastor; phoae 1097 H.
Mornisf service. 11 clock; saBjeet
"Borne Mora Essentials ot a Buccessiui
Chwreh." Special music: Anthem by tho
ehoir: "Whew Jesus Fond Me." Ev
ening Service 7:04 o clock; suojeet:
Who Is God and Mow can msn ma-
cover Him!"; second of tho series of
illustrated sermons. Especially for chil
dren and young people and at tha spe
cial hoar for their convenience. 7:00
o'clock. Duet by Miss Rachel P ember
ten and Alfred Haworth. Sunday
school 10 a.m.; Mrs. Marguerite P. El
liott. Sunt. Mid-week services: T.av
p.m., Thnrsday in the C. E. room. Young
People's meet tags are combined with
the special evening services.
nxsr raxsBTTZXiAJi .
Corner ot Winter and theme kets
streets. Office phone MS. Snnday scl8xi
:0 a.m. L. M. Ramsge. Snpt. Morn
ing worship 11 o'clock. Bv. William B.
Gilbert, D. D.. of Portland has been so
eared as stated supply, and will begin
his services here this morning. Music:
Anthem. "Sing Aloud Late God"
(Peace). Organ numbers. Cloister
Scene" (Mason). "Slumber 8ong"
((Schumann). "March In V" (Capnol-
en). Christian Endeavor societies meet
at 6:30 p.m. Evening wersjiip 7:30
o'clock. Dr. Gilbert will again preach.
Masie: Duet, "The Lord It My Light"
(Buck) iMrr. Henry Millie and William
Wright. Mid-week prayer service on
Thursday evening at 7 :30 o'clock.
Corner of Marion and Liberty streets.
Robert L. Payne, pastor. Fred Broer,
Hunasy senool inpr, Sunday school
v:5 with five departments. Morning
preaching service 11 o'clock. Sermon
topic. "Tho lamb in the Thorns." Also
sermonette far children. Tha Baptist
ionng f eopie s unions meeting at 6:30
Snnday evening. Evening preaching ser
vice 7:30. Sermon topic "The Sin That
God Will Kot Forgive." Special gospel
musle at both ssnlres. Teachsrf study
class Tuesday evening 7:80. Prtyat
meeting vieanesdsy evening 7:10.
Corsn of Haiel and Academy streets.
Bandar school at 10 a.m. will study Le
viticus Its 14 9tk chapters. Moralng
sermons at 11 o'clock by Miss Isuth K.
-riDoiii. at i :so p ja. miss lum n.
Hart will sveok on "Tha Two Bides
of tho Seal." Mid-week prayer meeting
rnursosy svsaiag st 7. so.
miT TnrrrKD iutrui
llth and Mission streets. A. I. Hen
derson, ps tor; phena 1901-W. Mara
lag service 10 o'clock; subject: "Maa's
Uberty." Evening service clock;
u os pel Messsro. Sunday school it a.m.
Mrs. Alice M. Hendoraon. Hapt. MM
week services. Teung People's meetings
7 p.m.. "Peter Groat Evangelist.1'
bender Ml lt red Btaveaaagft.
Hick and Cantor etraota. D. 2.
Howo, pastor; phono 193S-J. - Morning
serried II clock; nbAeet: "ExaJttag
ChrUC" Bpoeial musU: OferUry solo.
"lief ore tho Crucifix. ' rranK ronro,
Miaa Josephlao albert. Morning anthem.
"Awake My Soul I" T. Field BuUaad. in
cidental aolo. Miss aldeaao Smith. It
aaist terries 7:30 o'clock: subject:
"America tho Soul of Mi-stonc" Spe
cial masie; Solo, "Were Ton Tnerat"
(Spiritual) Burleigh, Walter Kaufman.
Sunday school t:4S .n J. B. Pro ts man.
snpt. xia-wooc services : l :ao pja.
Wednosdav. Tounsr PeanU'a meet less:
6:10 pjau err oral groups of C K, meet
In raanoetlvn rooms. Prefosaor X. W.
Hebson. dime tor at ansid. Miss Ui$
Plummor, rgaaist.
mmm wiiwnaw ncn tn.)
North 16th snd A .streets. Block north
ef Old regie's Hosm. H. W. Groee,
sattor. Xnclltn awrsisff urriee, t:5
'lock. Germns st It. JCaglUh LenUs
asrrice W ed needs y evening st t:sv.
' mitiminiiiiri
rraUrnal Tempi on Center street.
between Liberty and High. Borvledw thi
Snnday veainff at 7:80 'eloc. The
regular pastor. Bow. Lnelln M. La VaUey,
will be the speaker. Topic: "Indepen
dent, sad Antenetld Writing.' Messsget.
A school ef spiritual instruction etli be
bold at o'clock and circle (ream 1:80
I Htmbap iktjafreg in talent Cfjurcfjcs
llgious books. The only two
groups which exceeded religious
biography, which is recognised as
one of the most popular classes of
literature at the moment, totalled
8 less than the religious book
total. Exactly 43 1C religious books
have been published in the last
five years, and religious titles
have been either second or third
on "the list of classifications each
year. It is interesting to note that
in 1920 and 1910 religious books
stood fourth on the list in 1909
One reason given for the large
sales of Bibles is the modern
church teacher's insistence on
each member of the household
having his own Bible. A recent in
novation in Bible publishing is
the substitution of colored bind
ings, rich reds, purples and blues,
for that sombre black which was
considered the only suitable bind
ing for so many years. Another
striking change is brought about
by the use of bold face typo In
some editions, which is considered
more readable than the lighter
Saint Patrick Party Set
For Monday at Jason Lee
A Saint Patrick's party will be
staged at the Jason Lee ehurch
on Monday evening, March 17. It
will be presented by a cafeteria
"Jitney Supper" from 1:30 to 7:
10. A feature program will follow
this in which Mrs. Clifton Mudd
will appear in a series of readings.
Booths, fish pond and other spe
cial stunts will be of interest to
all. Games will also be played by
old' and young.
Fifteenth and Mill atreeta. LmH Bl
Bailey, pastor. Morning worship 11.
Subject: "The Home, the Allv ef. tho
Chsreh." Evening worship 7:80. Sab
ject: "God in Our Uves." Snnday
school S:45 a.m. Miss Esther Erickaon,
Sept. No Epworth League Snnday
sight this week. Prayer netinr Wed
nesday, 8:15 p.m.
(Methodist Bpoacopal)
At South Commercial and Mrera
atreeta. & Darlow Johnson, pastor. 848
Myers street. Phono 2764. At tha
11 o'clock hour the pastor will spook on
"Facing tho Facts.' ' The ehalr will
sing, "Praise tho Lord, Your Cod."
(Horwood). At the Happy Evening st
30. tho topic will bo "Conies of God."
Sunday school at S:45; E. D. Baseman,
Sups. Leslie (Younr People). Francis
Asbnry (High School) and Intermediate
(Junior High) Leagues will meet at
6:30 o'clock. Ko fellowship hour for the
young people on Sunday evening, be
cause ef the meeting at First church.
Mid-week service and Tenng Pooplo'a
discussion group Thursday at 7:30
W. Earl Cochran. poster. Sundor
school S:4S a.m. W. T. Jeaks, Supt.
Preaching services 10:50 a.m. and 7:80
P-m. B. Y. P. U.'s 8:80 p.m. (Br, Int,
and Jr.) Tuesdsy orchestra practice.
Wednesday Prayer mooring 7:30. S:SO
Lie aeons and Deeeoaeoseo snootinc.
Thursday Choir rehearsal. Fridar nirht
t 7:80 o'clock the senior B. T. P. U.
will hare a "poverty party" st the
church. Sundsr services A. M
"First Love Lost." Solo "One Swoetly
Solemn Thought" AmbMsa. Mm. J aha
H. Baglcr. p. M. "Anchored" Spe
cial music
Conor Highland and Church. Uur P
Sims, pastor. Bibla school nt 1A mm.
E. M. Beckett, Sups. Preaching at 11
a.m. and 7:80 p.m. Message by Rev.
r. J. Cops who It conducting special
meetings. Serviced each evening
throughout the week at 7:80 p.m. Mrs.
Hanoi Porter of Portland will novo
charge of the singing and children's
I meetings.
Comer Market and Xorth Winter Stn.
w. H. Ctoffee. pastor. Proachjag morn
ing and evening by tke.pattor. 11 a.m.
ana i:so pju. Sunday school at f:4
with Herbert Hansen Snpt. Y. P. at
6:80 p.m., Emory Goode, leader. Bong
serviee preceding the evening meeting py
Edna Hansen. Thursday evening, prayer
meeting 7:30 o clock.
Church of the FaU GospeL Rer. C.
G. Weston, pastor. Services: Snndavi
1:45 p.m. Sunday school. Church serviee
8 p.m. . EvanrclUtic serrieo :45
Mendsy: special meeting of nil dannrt-
mont heads with trustees and deacons at
tns parsoasge, 1196 Marion. 7:45 p.m.
Tuesday: 7:45 pja. bible stadr. Wed
nesday: young people a prayer mooting
i :oa p.m. meets this week at tha homo
of Misa Dorothy Gutekonst, 1358 Che
meiem street. Thursday: regular church
prayer meeting 7:4 p.m. Saturday: 1
bernaele service la charge of tenag
roopie i :ea p.m.
One block tenth of Center an llth
street. L. D. Smith, paster, pheae 1940.
Sunday school 9:43 a.m.. Mr. P. M. Idt
wlller. Supt. Junior choir of svar Aa
ve4ees wiU . ting. Morning worship st
it. sermon subject, "Why is the
Hesse ef God Forsaken I " Mr. P. M. Lit.
wilier, will ling tele, Tepsg people'
mooting n ten evening at e:to. Hits
Then Sampson, preaideat In shsrge.' The
Junior young folks will meet at S:3
with Mrs. L D. Smith. Evaagelkstlc
eervioe si 7:80 p.m, lire sang serviee,
special antic and tinning. A. 0.
Schroder will sing a sole. Sermon euh-
ject. The Lord gave the Word." Tnee-
day there wiU be ea sllday see ting
with atvsrsl speakers from cities - of
Waahlngton and Oregon here, hours will
be 10:80 ja 8:80 p.m. snd 7:80 is
ibs evening.
Corner ot Liberty snd Center ttroota.
- r. iaytoa, paster; phone 991 -J.
Morning service 11 o'clock: awMeeti
"Monntsla Peaks of Prophocy." Con
stance Fisher will alng s special num
ber. Evening aervlee jjSO e'eloek. Bar.
Edward A. Fogg will spoak st the eron
ing eorvleo snd the orchestra will furnish
tbe nraaie. Sunday aenool 9:45 sa, I
L. Thornton. Supt. Mid-week terrieaa
7:80 suss. TkarsdaT! 6. X. Tbamwaan.
leader t place: at tie charek. Tceag
Pooplo't aseetinga on Bandar evening at
:s o elaek. Topic "Shoring Onriet
wa vtsevt."
OASTU TISlTKn ujifun
Porta. 17th and Kohracka atroota.. 1l
W. Blddle, vaster: phone 86J3-J. Mem
lag aerricc 11 e'eloek s subject: "God's
CaB to Service.' Evening serrieo 1:80
o'elaekt subject! "A Soul Winner'a TJn
trorm.' Saaday school IS a.m. U W.
Btddio, Sups. Midweek serviooa TtSO
B.m. each nlrtt Xrantslistlc aervlee.
Rer. T. W. Pentist, evsagelist - Tessg
reomie'i neeuage s:io am. Sunday, in
dice Aid
tiag ea wedaosdty at the
n i .
somrniT -
CVsamakaU and Libertr streets. Ban-
dap serriees st 11 ejs. sad 0 p.m. Sup.
" Sa bet snco." Tecttmoalal asoet
g trery- Wedneedar at 0.. tesday
teheol 0:40 snd 11 n.a. Beading room
at 406 Masonic Temple. Opea from
11 to :80 oaeept Sandaya aad WldagSr
Business Women
To Hear Gilbert
Preach on Sunday
Members of the Salens
Busineatj and Professional
Women's elab will attend
tbe Presbyterlaa cnerch in
a groap on 8nnday morning.
During National Badness
Women's week it Is tbe eas
tern of the 64,000 women
members of tbe national
federation to attend some
church service in a body and
tbe Sates slab wffl follow
tbe plan.
Chaplain James Gilbert
of Portland, who baa been
secured as tbe stated sap
ply pastor, will deliver tbe
sermon. All members of the
club are asked' to meet in
tbe foyer of tbe church at
iO:5 that the grown may
march to their seats In a
All the Endeavor societies of
Marion county will meet in Salem
for a rally, at the First Evangeli
cal ehurch, Friday, March 28, at
8 p. m.
It is desired that each society
bring an original state convention
booster song. These songs will be
Judged at that time and first and
second prises given.
A fine program is being arran
ged with "Jimmie" Henderson,
state Christian Endeavor presi
dent, and Ross Guiley, state Chris
tian Endeavor field secretary, as
glad Tnmros kiisiov
258 Court St. C. 8. Johnson, pastor.
Revival meetings are in progresa, con
ducted by Bev. James Burrcll. well
knows evangelist He will speak Sun
day afternoon and evening. Tbe meet
ings have been well attended and tho
interest kaa been increasing. Yon will
wast to sear Brother BurrsU aad wife
ting and proclaim the truth.
Corner Capitol and Marion streets. W.
G. Lienkaemner. pastor: phene S6S-W.
German service, 10 o clock; subject:
Parables of the Kingdom." English
serrieo 11 o'clock: eubieet: "Let Us
Also Go That Wo May Die With Him."
A Lenten sermon. Special music: An
them: "All Love's Excelling" by Will
Y. Ruebuth. Sunday school 10 a.m.;
P. E. Kruse. Supt.
V. Cottage aad D streets. G. W.
Butsch, pastor; phono S927-J. Morning
service 11 o'clock, Rer. G. Seknake ef
Salem, preaching. Special music: choir
anthem "Tha Spirit ef God'-' Evening
service 7:30 o'clock; subject: "Linger
Not. Bat Floe For Thy Life." Special
music: Mixed ousrtet. Snnday school
9:45 a.m.; Sam Sehirmas, Supt. Mid
week service : 7:80 pjn. Wednesday;
Pastor, leader; place: church. Young
People i meetings: 7 p.m. Dan Sehir-
man, president.
count sr. CHumcH or orsist
Court aad 17th atreeta. B. P. Sheo-
asaker, 346 g. Winter St. Phono 3S80-J.
morning serviee 11 o clock: subject:
"Qod't Love sad Salvation." Special
music br the choir. Evening serviee
T:30 o'clock: subieet: "Tha Wandrena
Cross," closing sermon br Evangelist
Mortimers. Special musle er the choir
and the evangelist. Sunday school 9:4ft
t. Mrs. Prank Marshall. Bant. Mid
week services 7:80 p.m. Wednesday at
tho church. Young Pooplo'a meetings:
Christian Endeavor and Junior meetings
8:80. Aid Society Wedneedar all dsy.
Orehard Heights road. Meredith A.
Orerea, pastor; phono 1568-M. Morning
service 11 o'clock. Theodore Witham of
Prat urn win speak. Sunday school 8:45
a.m.; Larkin Qrieo. Supt.
romo mzmosiaIi at x. tommtjbttt
Corner Berth avenue and Third atreet.
Meredita A. 6 roves, paster; phone 1S8S
M. Morning service 11 o'clock ; Rer.
Robert Brymer. tho singing evnngelist.
preaching. Specisl music: Bev. Brymer
win aing. evening serrieo 7:80 e clock.
Bev. Robert Brymer preaching. Special
usic: The John rrwsan- family known
at tho singing Priesana will sing. Bun
day school, 0:48 am.; Mrs. J. L. Aus
til, Supt. Young1 People's meetings:
Junior, Intormediste and Senior Leagues
0:90 p.m.
Center and liberty atreeta. Charles
E. Ward, pastor. Morning service. 11
clock; subject: "Would Y Also Ge
Away!" Special Masie: Anthem:
"Love Kot the World" (Sullivan). Solo:
"Prayer Perfect" Mr. Glaisyar. Even
ing service, 7:80 o'clock; subject: "Lift
ing Life in India." with pictures of liv
ing conditions, native religion and of
work done by American Christian work-
art -at Madurs, India. Snnday school
8:45 a.m.; P. E. Keer. 8upt. Mid week
services Wedaosdsy 7:80 DJSU, "Coming
to Terms With Life."
Charek street between Chemeketa and
Center. Bv. P. W. Erleksen, pastor,
telephone 2901, "Christ aad the Bor
derlend." 11 a.m. and 7:30. tbe sector
will preach on "Tha Charts Which Was
called to BepoBtesee. . Aauets "(rod
It Mr Ralvslioa" Pefrlc SoUl "Ivory
Pal scot," Bereeclaugh Miss Martha
Doer. Evening seas' eervtee. Willie
MeOileariat leader. Anthem by Church
chorus. eaki Miaa Dorothr Koran.
'Trees.' Sunday eebcol si Old 5. Mas
Oeklher, complete graded rretem. Le
ther leegne st 8:80, Ward Ben lender.
JatOX in mTWMlt,
forth Whiter sad Jefferson st Talr
grounds read, Barry E. Gardner, post or.
Charek school session at 0:48 by da
psrtmenta. H. B. Carpenter is the super
intendent. . "The High Commission" will
be the theme ef the morning worship
st 11 am. Special arasic by the choir.
An our yowng people will attend the dis
trict mono tallv at first Methodist
charek at 0 pa. Dr. Kirkpatrick will
bo the leader st that lime. The Lea rues
Is session st 0:80 aad tho evoniag partse
serviee being the slay "Tie Color Line"
presented by tbe missionary class, direct
ed br Louisa Benjamin add Leah Pan
ning. Tho offering will jw Tor tho mis
sion work neisr tnnutrtsd sr the
nartsseae represented. The miaweek
dovoiiona ane Bible study en Tbnraday
evening at 7:80 the study beginning with
acta, 7ta enaptcr. Svoture prayer maev
lag will be ataenced sasdsy,
Chureh aad Oaomthota atreeta. Bev.
floor ro H. Swift, reeter. Eolr Com-
:io ajB. . vennmeuoa, aa
sermon ay Bishop Sumner 11 a.m. Btsbop
Sumner nddresssn Sunday tubeel 8:48
am Wednaoday, Holy Oiasmunlom t
and 10 am. Friday. Berrien TtSO pat.
. TtnfllY wmttiwit.
, ltth sad rarrv atreets. B. 0L f lever.
saetor: ename isld-o. Mernisg ssrvioe
It o'clock: subject: "Adorn lag the
Spiritual Idle." Special asusist "Lo-
dies aorta ' U detat, Mrs aa arnvwr
(Lowdeul. Eveniar sanies f :80 e'eloek 1
tnhjeett - "The Nature ef e - Cbristlaa
Man." Spoetal music: Cborna "Wait
Than on Sod" I AUford). Sunday school.
10 am.; O. d Harris, Sspi, , Mid-week
tervleea. Tonng People 't moot in gt st
8:48 p.m. Monthly Church Klght Sapper
wesneedar M
Noted Presbyterian Mission
ary Will Visit Local
Church Wednesday
Sir William James Wanless.
M. D., retired missionary of the
Presbyterian church, will be the
speaker next Wednesday evening;
at the First Presbyterian ehurch
following a 6:30 o'clock dinner
in the dining; room of the church.
Dr. Wanless began his mission
ary career in 1889 at Saflgli. In
dia. He remained there two years
and was then transferred to the
Miraj hospital where he served
until his honorable retirement in
January, 1928. Young medical
students from all orer the coun
try went to him for instruction
and guidance, and he became
known as the "Wizard of India."
Through his skill eyesight was
restored to 12,000 persons.
In 1920 the Indian government
bestowed a most significant hon
or upon Dr. Wanless in giving
him the Kaiser-I-Hind (Empress
of India) medal. This recogni
tion of his public service to In
dia shows the esteem in which he
is held by the rulers as well as
by the common people.
The Men's Council of the First
Methodist church with Ralph K.
Ohling aa president is sponsoring
a benefit dinner for the support
Of the Mill Street Methodist
church with Rer. Leslie Bailey as
pastor. The dinner will be serv
ed in the First church dining
room on Friday, March 21 at C
o'clock, and will be followed by a
(lno program ot pictures of wild
life In Oregon with an address
by Mr. Gabrielson ot Portland.
Rot. and Mrs. Bailey and their
family will be guests of honor at
the dinner and O. W. Emmons
will deliver the presentation of
the Benefit Fund to them. The
meal will be prepared and served
by C. Edwards, an expert chef,
of Portland. The event will be
open to the public and all mem
bers of the congregation and
friends of the Mill street Metho
dist church will be welcome.
The committee on arrangements
is Paul Acton. D. H. Mosher, W.
T. Righj, J. B. Crary, B. E. Sis
son and F. C. Taylor.
Bishop Walter Sumner
To Visit Parishes Here
And at Woodburn Sunday
Rev. Walter T. Sumner D. D.,
bishop of the Oregon Diocese of
the Episcopal ehurch, will make
his annual visit to St. Paul's par
ish Sunday morning. The bishop
will address the Sunday school
daring its morning session, and
at 11 o'clock address tho congre
gation of St. Paul's and confirm
a class presented py ue rsexor,
Rer. George H. Swift.
In the evening, the bishop will
visit St Mary's ehurch, Woodburn
and preach and confirm a class
presented by the rector or St.
Paul's, who is in charge of the
mission in Woodburn.
Young People's Meetings
Meet With Much Success
The special meetings of the
week conducted by the leaguers
ot the Jason Lee church came to
a successful close Friday evening.
The Jason Lee baksetball team
will play a quintet from the Cen
tenary Wilbur church of Portland
on Saturday evening at I o'clock.
Leslie Missionary Group
To Meet Friday Afternoon
The Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society of Leslie Memorial
church will meet Fridar afternoon
at 3 o'clock at the home ot Mrs.
W. J. LInfoot. SfO Fawk avenue.
This will bo Instead ot the Wed
nesday meeting. Mrs. L. C. Me
Shane and Mrs. Eva Rasmnssen
will be assistant hostesses.
Standard Bearer Society
To Meet Monday Evening
The Standard Bearers society of
the Tint Methodist chureh will
moot Monday evening at Till
o'clock ot tho bomo of Mrs. A.
A. Lee, 1611 State street Esther
Cook and Dorla Armstrong win
nresent the lesson on "Mexico."
There will also be initiation ef
new members.
Central Boosters Club
Wm Meet on Wednesday
The Central Booster dub ef the
American .Lutheran chureh will
bold its Mareh meeting next Wed
nesday evening, beginning at s:v
n'olork. in tha social rooms Of the
ehurch. Edward Aherug president
of tho club ana miss unanoiis
Lindquistf Is secretary.
MONMOUTH, March 14. Jim
Pamber, 10, . a CorvaUie high
school student underwent a suc
cessful operation this week ot n
Salem hospital, and it reported to
be making satisfactory , improve
ment. Jim lived In Monmouth pri
or to -last September, whom bis
mother, Mrs. Alice pcmb-r moYca
to Corvnllis. ,
A sweet potato weighing It
pounds was grown by M. O. Mal
aria, of Fresno, cam.
A Week's
Mystery of Godliness
(Pastor Market Street Free Methodist Church)
Text: I Timothy. 3: 14. Perhaps the Apostle is acquainted
with the celebration of the Eleusinlsn mysteries, and may refer
to them here. Evidently he is aware that many are attracted to
the mysterious, and he here sets forth the fact that Christianity
has Its mysteries greater than any celebrated by the Greeks. How
ever he does not speak of them merely to arouse curiosity, but
to stimulate investigation. He speaks of six mysteries associated
with the Christian religion.
1. God manifest in the flesh. Here we have the profoundest
mystery of the gospeL The Incarnation, perfect God and perfect
man blended in one personality, spoken of as the hypostatic un
ion, seems inconceivable. Yet when we read John. 1:1-14 and I
John 1:1, this is the doctrine.
This is inseparably associated with the virgin birth, pre
supposes the divinity of Jesus and illustrates an indwelling
Christ for humanity. Without this every other feature of salva
tion is powerless.
1. Justified in the spirit. The spirit of prophecy in Genesis.
Isaiah, and a hundred other places as well as in the types and
shadows for 1500 years, at the baptism of John, and on the Mount
of Transfiguration, in his many miracles, and in the resurrection
and ascention, all testify to his justification In his claims Mes
siahship, Sonship of God, and the deliverer of men.
3. Seen of angels. Herald angels announced his coming to
earth,, others ministered to him in the desert, and In the garden
of Gethsemane, were present at his resurrection and also at his
4. Preached unto the Gentiles. These were excluded by the
Jews. Their spirit and practice were opposed to all righteousness.
They were accounted dogs and outcasts by the Jewish people,
considered hopeless and hostile. How could the gospel be preach
ed to them? Would they receive it?
5. Believed on in the world. Consider the character of the
world; remember the reputation of Christ: crucified or executed
as a criminal, his gospel destructive of the spirit and policy of
the world, asking no quarter and giving none, there was little
liklihood that he could make headway in the world. But it of
fered deliverance from guilt and sin and death eternal, and of
fered peace and Joy. and hope beyond this life. It made its way
6. He was received up into glory. There sre no facts bet
ter attested than the death ressurection and ascention of our
Lord. This is of interest to us as it Is the ultimate estate of the
These are the mysteries of the Gospel, and will always hold
a fascination for him who prizes tbe welfare of his soul, and are
thankful for deliverance from sin, and admire him who wrought
that deliverance.
TURNER, March It. All of
the services of the Turner Chris
tian church are being well at
tended. The special series ot Sun
day evening sermons by the pastor
E. J. Gilstrap. are attracting fa
vorable attention.
The young people's Christian
Endeavor society is planning to
send two delegates to the state
Christian Endeavor convention,
soon to be held at Coos Bay. They
are also planning to plant a "C.
E." monogram in the church lawn
in conjunction with the landscap
ing now in progress.
All are Interested in the project
and are offering their help and
plants and bulbs are being donat
Ladies' Aid Schedules
Meeting at West Salem
For Wednesday Afternoon
The Ladle' Aid of the Ford
Memorial community church will
hold Its monthly silver tea at the
home of Mrs. E. Breckenrldae
on Skinner street, Wednesday aft
ernoon. The program committee,
consisting of Mrs. J. R. Bedford,
Mrs. J. L. Austin, and Mrs. E.
Breekenridge, has prepared a very
interesting program. The refresh
ment committee Is Mrs. George
Steward. Mrs. J. R. Brown and
Mrs. M. A. Groves.
The Boy Scouts will meet on
Tuesday at 0:30 p. m.
Choirs practice for Easter mu
sic will be held at 0:45 Wednes
day evening.
Circles of Methodist Aid
Will Meet on Wednesday
The Circles of the Ladies Aid
society of the First MeChodist
church will meet Wednesday af
ternoon as follows: South Central
one o'clock covered dish luneh-
xo. is
Synopsis of the Annual Statement ef the
lowa watlenai Fire Ins. Co. ef Dee
Moines, is the State of lewa. ea tho
thirty-first dsy ef December. 1820. mado
10 too insnranes commissioner of tho
Stale ef Oregon, pursuant to law:
amount ef capital stock said us. 1500.
Kst vromisms received daring the
rear, 82a4.llS.81. . -
interest, dividend! ssd rests recti t
ed darts the rear. SS3.4S3.7i.
. Ia come (rets ether sources received
euriac the rear,
Total Income, 88 10.088. 4C.
Vet le tares said durias the rear In
eluding edjuatmeat exaeasee, $118,811
Dividends paid an eapltnl stock during
Oommitsieas aad ttlarisl paid daring
the rear. 1S0.814.01.
Taaes, licenses and feet paid during
the rear,
amennt ef all ether expenditures.
Total arpeadltaree, 8S01.TSt.ll.
Value ef real estate owned (market
value) 8814.200.00.
Tstno ed stocks and head owned
(market value). 8SS8.84S.7S.
Leans on mortgagee sad eellatcral.
ete3 ssos.ioo.oo.
Coaa la hanks and aa hand, 0S0.SS0.
Premiums ia course ef ootlectlon writ
ten since September SO, 1820, 840,780..
Interest and rente One aad aeeraed.
Total admitted assets,
Greet s la lms for losses unpaid. Sls
Amount of unearned nremlnmf ea an
eotstandlag risks, fiis.oso.TS.
Duo for eemmltsiea aad Vrekeraga,
9 a, 000.00.
am .ka n.ntuuofl-
Total Hahilitios, sxctesive ed capital
Vet rem turns received . daring the
vetr. Sl.lSS.6a.
Lessee said during the year. 1.878.8s.
Leeess uemrred daring the year, a
ntf ...
Kama ef Cearpany lewa Vatioaal fire
litnve ef President Chas. I. Taaee.
Kama ef Saaretarr a. Ck Malta. .
Statatery restdeat attorney for atr-
Tice insurance uemmietienor.
eon with Mrs. F. C. Taylor, ISC
State. East Central, Mrs. Frank
Myers, 810 Chemeketa; West
Central, Mrs. John Robins, 042
N. Uberty; Southeast, Mrs. J. F.
Cook, 14S4 Ferry; Tew Park,
Mrs. Emma Brasher, 975 Leslie;
Naomi, Old People' Home, 102S
Center and Lucy Anna Lee, Mrs.
A. A. Lee. 1515 State, with Mrs.
B. H. Smith, assistant hostess.
Castle United Brethren
To Open Two-Week Revival
Campaign on Next Sunday
The Castle United Brethren
church, located 17 th and Nebras
ka streets. Is beginning two weeks
of Evangelistic effort on Sunday.
Rev. F. W. Pontius of Vancouver,
Washington, superintendent of
Oregon U. B. conference, will
bring the messages during the
firstweek. Bishop Ira D. Warner
of Portland, will sound forth the
gospel truth during tha second
week March 34 to 20. At the
opening of each service he will
also show stereoptlcon pictures of
the Holy Land, Egypt and Europe.
Highland Friends Church
Starts Special Meetings
Rev. F. J. Cope, pastor of the
Second Friends church In Port
land Is conducting special evan
gelistic services each evening at
7: SO o'clock at the Highland
Friends church. These meetings
will continue lndefinitey. Mrs.
Hazel Heeler Porter has charge
ot the singing and children's meet
ings during this campaign. Miller
Porter will assist in special sing
ing. Salem Man Will Preach
At Oak Point on Sunday
OAK POINT, March 13. The
Oak Point choir met at the school
bouse for rehearsal of anthems
that will be sung at church Sun
day. Mr. Bell of Salem will deliver
tbe sermon. Sunday school is at
10 o'clock and church at 11:00
Hughes to Preach Both
Sermons for Turner Folk
TURNER, March 14. E. A.
Hughes, evangelist, will preach at
the two Sunday services at tne
Method 1st Episcopal church here.
Sunday school opens at 10 o'clock,
Iron Hadley. superintendent.
Morning service at 11, o'clock A
song service at 7:10 opens the
evening meeting. Rev. W. 8. Bur-
goyne Is tho pastor.
Church St., Bs, Chenteketn s Center. A Downtown C&uTrch. .
11 A, M. Christ and Th Borderland. ' ,
Anthem: God U My Salvation Petrio
Solo: Ivory Palaces Miss Martha Floor , -
7:30 The Church Which Was CallH to Repenltnet.
Anthem: Tho Lord Command Nevin and Tho Man ef Galileo
Solo: "Trees" Misa Dorothy Rogan
Song terries led by
BEV. , XT. tRICXSOir, Pastor.
Dr. Blaine L Kirkpatrick to
Address Conference at
First M. E. Church
Dr. Blaine E. Kirkpatrick, sec
retary of Toung People's work on
the board of education of tbe
Methodist church, with headquar
ters In Chicago, will hold a con
ference for Sunday school work
ers and Epworth league members
in the First Methodist church here
on Sunday afternoon and evening.
The sessions will be in charge
of Dr. C. 1. Andrews, the director
of religious education for the Ore
gon conference. All Methodist -
churches in Salem and surround
ing territory will have delegations
tto this meeting. A round table
discussion ot methods ot work and
problems of personal workers will
be conducted at t o'clock.
A luncheon will be served la
the evening to be followed by
fellowship hour and young peo
ple's meeting.
The evening session will be
merged with the church worship
in the main auditorium, presid
ed over by Dr. C. I. Andrews snd
the address will be by Dr. Kirk
patrick. Special music will be given ty
the church orchestra and Miss
Eleanor Moore will sing "O Di
vine Redeemer" by Gounod. Dr.
Kirkpatrick was formerly pastor
of the First Methodist ehurch
here and plans are being made
tor a large attendance at this con
ference on next Sunday.
"The Color Line" is the name of
the play to bo presented by the
Mission class ot tho Jason Lee
church on Sunday evening at the
hour of worship, beginning at 7
SO. Loll Benjamin and Leah
Fanning are directing the play.
The scene Is of western college
setting and depicts the struggle
with Ideals and western and east
ern conceptions of civilization and
of Christianity.
A Chinese student and a soldier
In college axe trying to reason out
their respective views of life.
This elass has recently com
pleted a study of the book "Blind
Spots." The offering ot the eve
ning will go to defray expenses ot,
the play and to help support the
missionary projects of the depart
ments having part In the play.
Stanley Williams is stage man
ager while Harold Lee per. Elea
nor Berth and Jean Andrews have
charge of wardrobes. The charac
ters of the play are: Dr. Lawson
played by Paul Carpenter; Esther
Black as Barbara McKean; Edgar
Rodgers- is Fn Chun; TTharlea
Oustafson takes the part of Stan-'
ley Preston; Gwendolyn Hubbard
acts as Wanda Williams while
Wanda Gambles plays the part ot
Miss King the secretary to Dr.
Calvary Baptist Groups
Announce Two Gatherings
For Next Monday, Friday
The W. W. O. girls of the Cal?
vary Baptist ehurch will meet
Monday evening at 7: SO o'clock at
the home ot Lois Cochran, 9 C
North 10th street, and Doris
Pickens will have charge ot the
The Women's Missionary socio-,
ty of the ehurch will meet at 2:30
o'clock Friday afternoon at the
home ot Mrs. W. A. Barkus, 1115
North Wintei1 street. Mrs. P. O.
Pratt will lead the discussion of
the topic. "Medical Missions" aad
Mrs. G. E. Ross will have charge
of the devotions.
Retired Salvation Army
Workers to Speak Here
Major and Mrs. A. McCurdy,
retired Salvation Army officers,
are to have charge ef the meet
ings at the local Salvation Army
Corps Saturday evening, Sunday
morning and Sunday night. "Na
tional prison" Sunday will also be
observed by the Salvationists and
a special service le to bo conduct
ed at tho Oregon penitentiary by
tha Major and his wife. If eCurdy'a
have served 19 years la mission
ary serviee la India- for tha Sal
vation Army. 1 i '.
William KrflttehrlsA
Cor. Big e Perry 8ts. Rodgers 13d.
Graded 8. 8. OtdS a a.' W. T, Jenks, gapt.
B. T.P. TJs p.Va. PreaeTilng 10:50 a. as.
aad T:10 p. m. WXLCOME to all serrleee.
U. Ttrtt Loit Usi" : .
... Solo: One Sweetly Solemn Thought by
Ambrose Mrs, John H. Bagley
R II. ?e Thln
, Ipeclal tnusio Chorus choir .
. W. SABL COCITOAX, Pastor .