The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 07, 1930, Page 7, Image 7

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    ' TeHa of EductIoi Hirry W. t" Toons Bojr Pica George Sing
fitene. jceaeral . secretarr of the I er. fire-year-old men. of Mr. and
Portland T. M. C A. and chair-1 Mrs. Jake Singer. ItSf North
man of the national educational
program of the- addressed ths
Thnradar elnb of the - Salem T.
, yesterday noon. He described the
work that Is being done la rar-
loua parts of the United States la
that department, v Raising; the
question aa te whether there Is a
flald far T. M f! A. odncatianal
work. fea deaarfbed tha conditions
at Boston where there are If cet-
iegee wiuun a iew awes w ui , "r" ' I . ,7 Z1
v . - r aaa I ata nra-nrwcft and a.rne Harnett.
dents ia the T. U. C. A. eonege., Beld fcy offlcers ere tor the past
Commercial street, died yesterday
louowing aa-auacK 01 pneumo
nia. Fnneral serrlces will beheld
Satarday at l:Se o'eloclc at the
Clough-Taylor ehapel. The lad Is
jntrrtred 1sa hr tlx sisters! AnSa.
Mar caret. Theresa, auuaoetn.
Kathertne and Sandina; ana ey
grandparents: Jffr. and Mrs; Adam
and sirs. Lena Linaen.
Fined. BeleauwdBes-
whirti Itaa an itidimMt nf twnr
a million dollars. Other speakers
were W. B. Hanson em the public
aneakinr elsss at the Salem Y.
R. E. Ktttredge en the aalesman
ahln elaaa: ITrnnk Nctr ai tha T.
forum; U. O. Boyeron the eitlxen
shlp ' class and George H. Alden
on the Y. M. C. A. training courses
at" Willamette unlremty. CoL
Carle Abrams presided
Rock Plants L Perennial, from
Anbretin to Zausehneria. at In
ter's Perennlar Gardens. S miles
mik it. TM fin TTlvhwav
- W v m vm w mm u " j .
TCnn r"1nVa Cnttwigtit Keen
rnmnetltion 11 noted In the DOTS
' rlNh enntesta under war at the
JX. IS. C. A. The-Blackfeet, eap-
- cained by , Douglas cnamoers, are
leading in the Cadet division witn
K2 nnintn. fallowed hr BHIt Phil
lips' Bearcats with 45 and Robert
Rulifson's Rinkydinks with 44. in
the peppers' division the Black
Pirates beaded by Robert Hill are
leading with 19 points, John Kltt
redge's Katsenjammers hsrlng 47
points. The junior high elass Is
being organized Into dnhs with
Ned Hale, Bob Brownell and
Louis Bean as leaders. .
Glut scour LXI-
Egae PmIso Is proxram ;efcair-
mam and will also ae w caarge
et the, rotational talks which will
be made before rarlous- groups
during the week; Mrs. Rose H age
don is sons: leader; Miss NeU
Thielsen baa charge of the Lan-
sanae hau reception Bantraay
night. '.. .
Legion Gaining The 800 mark
Is being closely pressed ia the
membershin eaanaicn of Capital
Post Jo. , American Legion, re
ports M. Clifford Moyninan, cnair
man of the membership commit
tee. The xnembrial campaign has
ended but the attempt to sign up
delinqrent members will he con--tlnued,
Mr. Moynlhan states.
At Marunys Saturday Only
Get the choisest large double and
single delphlnnm plants .25-12.50
doz. Also mildew resisting Pauls
Scarlet Runner rose .SO. "
wv In mnnMtlon with a liauor
raid on a dweUing located in the
TTAiivwoad -dutrtct. were reieaaea
from custody Tharsday. whem their
tinea were nald. T&e itramweu
woman paid a fine of 9200 while
f Harmon rirl waa lined ISV.
It was maderstood by the authori
ties that both women were 10
leave town. -
Ar uimlir tlOUe Raalistle
permanent waves eompleter-7
an. Capital seamy snoppe.
nr. Bailer Won't Come Dr.
Rnda nmilaT. Bated health educa
tor and a member of the faculty
at the Uatrersity of California ana
nartraler. will not be able to Keep
her enaranment to address the Sa
lem teachers association next
Monday. Word to that effect was
received here Teeterday. with In
formation that Dr. Bailey became
seriously ill in New Tor wiy ana
has had to be rushed dsck to san
Word From Superintendent
Word from Mrs. Mary L. Fulker
son. county school superinten
dent who Is on a six weeks tour
of the country to oiwerve. Tarioua
methods in health education, in
dicates that ahe is enjoying her
trfp.tne of her first stops was at
Oakland, Calif., aad it as from
there that she wrote.
Supreme Court Justice Gives parois board by the legiautnre
' t was? A " I . ........ . a atla
SpeeCtl All Life VOrX at ; I er uu, waiea u
been freed from ' the state peni
tentiary ea parole. In the same
verlod S70 Prisoners hare bees
pardoned. The' parole board has
nnTlilnr tn aa witn HTBOU. MM
ffnrm . e elesaeney Testtna exeln-
srrely with the eeterner. Par-
olea ire at anted by the gorernor
eahu ews motion or on
Ereryone has ' more Bataral
talent for some" things than for
others, and because this Is so, the
truest happiness la 'life will come
oalr to those- personawa hare
gone U nalastaktng effort to as
certain for themselTea what they
do and. enjoy - doiag best.
Infirm ft. P. CoahAW aaid lSSt
nlsht to addressing' banquet
tneung of tne zontaa om - vo-
Uon." . - ...
Memhers of the local FSarmuia
twaommendatlen ot the parole
beard. - '
mam w V. - nnt leftielaltU
daring the smtustmnni er cor-
eMcS8rLX ththooto rz
tratloa that the legUlatare pro-
Tlded for the aTooinimeni et a
state paroi oxxieer.
Prior to was possible
for persona conrkted et crimes
okYioIence to be paroled. This
caused danger of abuse ef the
law so tne legislature ot w
year fixed restrletiona whereby
persons eoarkted of aay major
crime would not : be eligible tor
parole. , .
a alia' tram these restrictions
any person, ander 2t yeara of age
at the me or a owa uu
sentence may ee paroiea sy tne
.ui ih tila an motion Or
Bpea the recommendation of the
parole board At any wfiw
being committed te the prison.
- An mhm over It- to wham
none ot the restrictions applies;
nuy be paroled ay see goTBrnor
on hfs own motion or on reeom-
STit tla baneaeti and tor were reconrmenaea. w.iirw- on his own motion or on reconv .B .v H
cioian wpey attrae- Uttrre by West ahd he asked tor nendatibn ot the parole board at Vemena week, m
gram'hadSnn St'?h totolti JsVfSS W U
rudgCow also ftued th7i J TlUl5ZfVl Tt ehalmaCarlotta Crea
and educational system pay more
attention to psyenoianaiysis ana
III. ilnTiilnnTncnt of tha child for
the work foiWhlch he shall be
best fitted. He advised -the
vnnnrer hnftieeu rlrls nattiCUlar-
ly to get into a position for which
they are especially aoapTee ana
one which win not smotner out
the tolUative which they have.
fused to allow aH the money West
waatad. tha mvernor aeciarea ns
would go as far as possible, but
wnnld not hare - a aeucit. io
STold a deficit he said It would he
necessary te be free with paroles
and BirHnnx' .
. Priaon records show that he
did na tha narola and nardo&lna
power freely. He signed, during
e initiative wfticn tney nave, i w ,,7 in. W.Z
First Exam Saturday Prelim
inary hearing for naturalisation
candidates will be held at the
courthouse Saturday, according to
word received by the T. M. C. A.,
which has accordingly arranged
to have Its cltlsenshlp elass meet
Friday night instead of Saturday
night as Is the usual program.
kmaHmc nraortedA case of
amaiinox was reoorted to the'
county health officer yesterday.
The patient la an adult aad is at
Silrertoa, however the disease Is
thought to have been, contracted
In another county as the family
arrived to Silrertoa only the first
ef the week.
dihm i Tw A larce nollce
dog belonging to Judge L. H. Mc
Mahan hit the arm et I. I. Mo-
Adams, 245D street; when he ap
proached the McMahaa home to
- i,w m lattar which had been
sent to him by mistake, MeAdama
reported to the police inursaay,
Lent Services Given ''At the
Table" is the theme of the Eng
lish Lenten service to be held this
even in at 7:30 o'clock at the
Christ Lutheran church, on 18th
and JBtate streets. A series of ser
rlees on the general theme of
Passion Pictures of Christ" wm
be held at the chureh every Fri
day evening during Lent.
I Attend today the tree Cooking
arTtoM and Mnaarch ranse demon
stration at C. S. Hamiltoa's Furni
ture Store.
Coffee In Seattle Rev. N. W.
Coffee, pastor of the Free Meth
odist church of this city. Is to Se
ti tnu week attending the
Bible conference being held at the
aoattla Pacific colleee at that
place. The board ot trustees of
Mine, af which Rer. Coffee
is president, is scheduled to hold
Its annual meeting also.
Free Aluminum Cooking set
j with every.Monarea Electric range
sold by C S. Hamilton s furni
ture Co. , ' -, ,
was the dancing. and Singing ef
ltttia Paulina Zoe Chambers aad
a line dance given by students of
Barbara Barnes, who is a mem-
ha Mf th Zonta, elnb. Misa Nel
lie Schwab sane; two solos, with
Mm Tiai TTnsn accomnanlat: and
group singing was led by Lena
Ralia Tartar. A one act alar was
riven by members ef the Kaet-
nltla elnh
Members of the Enelnltls club
present were: Mildred Jndson,
mira Barnard. .Bessie Tucker.
Betty Elofson, Mabel Currle, La-
vaiis carter. Mar rare t jrarmer.
nalen Timm. Eileen Gllson. Ellen
Tflwtr. Dorothr Sawrer. Lora
Earker, Anona Welch, Leila Park,
Lavada carter, Elizabeth weicn,
Maria Pillette. and Erelm Paul
son. Other guests were: Judge
O. P. Coshow, Mrs. -Sarah L.
Schwab. Mrs. Hal Hoss. Miss L.
Mar Ranch. Rath Mae Lawrence,
Helen Richardson, Mrs. L. C.
Liedstrom. and Mrs. Elisabeth K.
rlallaher. zontas were: Mrs.
Ella Wilson, president; Mrs, Ora
Melatyre, Miss Kerne bcnwae.
Mrs. Grace Crater, Mrs. Laverne
Winkler. Mrs. Rnhr Morris. Mrs.
Roberta Bntler. Miss Haaal Ceok.
Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn, Mrs. Wll-
helmlna Gleason. Lna Bella Tar
tar, Miss Helen Tockey and Miss
Janice McAfee.
oles and 1S1 pardons. This sort
of tainr waa new to tae siaie
and oanaed considerable nnfaror-
able erltlclsm of the administra
when Cnrernor Withrcombe
Mm into offiea in 1111. he de
termined te be less lenient than
his predecessor. But la a year
the priaon .population became
congested.. Records show that
dnrintr his administration OX
mere than four years, CS3 prison.
era were paroled ana iz para on
CftMrn or olcott. who sncceed-
ed at the deata or witnyeomDe,
paroled 488 prisoners and par
doned onlr 42. It was at the
latter end of the Oicott adminis
that ha lift the state and
the governorship for a few weeks
was lert in tne nanas oi fioy w.
Ritner who created a sensauon
by-paroUiag t and pardoning 27
in a few days.
Governor pierce, who was tne
first democratic governor since
West, signed the paroles ot 43S
and tne pardons of 13 z. uover-
nor Patterson sigsea paroies tor
443 prisoners and held the par
dons te Jf. Governor Norblad.
dnftn hl short time in orace.
has signed 17 paroles and no par-
It waa In 1S1E. at the begln-
alng et the Wlthyeombe admrnla-
nravtdad that a. record of . JCOOd
conduct. Industry and evidence of
general , reformation eenuiea to
by the warden snail enuue sucn
prisoner to a deduction ot five
days tor each month of th half
maxim am sentence if the half is
s year er less.
te tha half fa mora than a rear
hie good time entitles him te a de
duction ot 10 days tor eacn
month of his half maximum.
With the restrictions on paroles
provided by law and the many
applications rejected by the -par-
. . .... .V . A A
OlO DOsra, it S cuimea uuAt, w
per cent ot the prisoners paroled
...v. .tAd tt 1a rnrther claimed
that sentences under the parole
System are longer than unoer ine
old indeterminate seeienm w.
A special meeting of the Bus
iness and Professional women
was called at the eaamber ef
commerce Thursday sight te dis
cuss the sjuestiea et the erganls-
attitnda .toward Joining
with the American legion auxil
iary In sponsoring the Girl Scout
movement ta saiem. -
A eommlttee from the auxiliary
rtit with a efimntttee eaeoiat-
ed from the Business aad Prefea
atoaal Women Thursday sight as
an edrisery board for the Gtrl
cmiu Halaw Leniae Crosby was
aada .ahalmam of the Business
women's group and Irene Harring
ti aad Grace A. Gilliam eom-
Bleted the eommlttee.
other anneoneemeata were
taada.MneareJaar these te hare
aM r -the arraajrememts tor
v. nattmai Rasieeaa aad Prof
ataxcn a
t.atrmfmw Carlotta. CTOWley -haS
charge of the public relations ban-
nnf lesenniae snaae h coau-
man ot the reeepUom committee
We Rent
Used Furniture
3tll S1BS, Used Fmmitnre
Ttaalhr. V tiavrnt had time to
think the matter over and since
tt came as a surprise, I bare nom
ine te aar now.
Mrs. Emma Marpny Brown.
nreneead locally aa a Candidate tor
the ominatiaa tor jesuce et ine
tnaaea. thna &elmim her eositien
late Thursday after press reports
had mentioned ner as a possuM
Mrs. Brown ' admitted that
tviMida had Iteen rerr tlal'
their atatomenti ; twcemtag he r .
qualilleatlons tor the Job, Che dii '
not Ideay that' she woald possiblj
be a "candidate. - x
Mra, Brown la weU . kaowa is
Salem. Her husband was to bus'- :;
ness here tor years and foUowlrs
his death, Mrs. urowa nerseu en
gaged to the business ot - re'l r
estate holding and home construe
Uon. i-:--,
JTor a mumber ot years ahe wat
court reporter and for atx years
she eerred as secretary tor Sena
tor Charles McNary to Wasalnr
ton. D. C She has never held
political orace. -
mrm. MBdtdatea are new to th? ,
field tor the Bossinatloa xs JoaK
lee et the peace, au are mee mw
lawyers. - -:' - ' - '
Thxirtday Speciab
Hock-ceaage, hosysacaJe
Spirea Vaa Bewtse aee
3 M $1.00
regular Ite sixes
Large else blackcap,
end gooeeoerry
Weeping willow trees
50c - each
lender trees S ft. high
Week-End Suir ruo
; Old-fashioned
Assorted Flavors y
Regular Price 35c a 1
Saturday only at
f 22c a
Only at -
The Original Yellow Front and
Gaady Special score ei c
1SS N. Commercial
Phone 197
Penslar Agency
AS 'MW Hl,1
arKnni nit Til Marv Gertnude
ttnttAT. atndaat at the Leslie iSt-
tn hirh achAol. has been eonfined
to her heme for several days wun
severe ease et the lagnppe. sue
la the daurhter of MK ana mrs.
Erte Butler.
in noil
Dance, Hstel
. Carnival
Saturday. !
T Jfeer Kamed Roy Neer of Port
land Thursday was reappointed
by Governor Norblad a member
of the state board ot barber exam
i..rd tt win aerre for a term of
three years. Neer was captain of
company M, saiem naiiouM uuauu
tinit in the World war.
Speeder Fined Paul Grieben
ow was fined 15 Thursday In mu
nicipal court on, a charge et
speeding.' Albin H. Lorlng of
' Marshfield. Josephine Nlbler of
1 tWoodburn and Teddy Snyder ef
Salemwre arrested Wednesday
night on similar charges. t
Returns to Home Mrs. Mada
leae Callin. of -The Statesman
news ' department, returned to
vaateVdar after speed
ing several days undergoing treat-
ment at a local hospital. She ex
pects to be back on the Job Satur
day. Want used tnmlture. Tel. 511.
r nma RnoaVav J. Lrman Steed
was the speaker at the Ts Men's
GeorgeSiager, age 5, died
March 8 at the home at 1855 N.
Com!. Son ot Mr. and Mrs. jaxe
i singer; brother ef Anna, Margar
et, Theresa, susaoein, vswuw-
ine and Sandina; grandson ot x.
and Mrs. Adam aad Mrs. Lena
Linden. Funeral services av
arday at the Clough-Taylor ehap-
1 at 1:30 O'clock. Rev. V. 4.
Howe officiating.
Gardner ,
Died, In this city Msrch 4. Ar
thur M. Gardner, S2. Husband of
Mary Gardner, son of Mrs. Theo
dore Gsrdner ot Fort Cook, Ne
braska. Brother of Mrs. Albert
M. Malone ot Minneapolis.. Minn..
nA Mm Albert G. Chase ot Fort
Cook, Neb. Funeral senrlces
Saturday at 1:80 p.m. from the
Rigdon Mortuary, iter, uewrg
Swift officiating. Interment City
View cemetery.
. Senator Charles Hall of Marsh-
field Is the latest contributor te
the state "conscience fund." nan
Is one of the candidates tor the
republican gubernatorial nomin
Tha "canseienea fund" reare-
aanta tha rafnnda from Teenbera
of the 191? legislature who ae
eented the tS a dar exsense mon
ey provided tor by the legUlatire
resolution in aaoiuoa te tne reg
nlar ner diem Af IS a dar.
A alTailar recalntlAa nf the liZS
aeaslon waa reeentlr declared br
the supreme court to be unconsti
tutional, and, while the decision
had no application to the 1127 act
three members of that session
hare naid back the money. Sen
ator I T. Reynolds of Marlon
countr was tha first to refund the
earmenL which amounts to 323
for each member. Representative
A. M. Collier of Grants Pass was
the next. '
Was Ut apeaacr - 1 niuwn tmwu,
clsb meeting Thursday morning. 4 Quiaey, Oregon, died In this city
telling ot the work which Is be-1 March 4. Survived by bis father,
. - . . v .f.t. arnnl for 1 t r -m A.!.. IV.
lag aone a mo - -
the deaf, of which .he Is superto-
Carlson, age
mat a Mlm-tnn A toxin-
antixtoxln clinic will be held at
Silrerton today. This Is a follow-
up on the clinic neia last weea,.
I when 80 school children were im
Cla&sett Files Ben Claggett,
I state game warden, Thursday
tiled his candidacy for -republican
oreclnct-eommltteemasi for .the
unemawa oisincx.
Nineteen characters, constltut-
tog the Rickey minstrels, will en
tertain the people oc tne uiear
Lake community Friday evening
at 8 o'clock to that community's
school house. N
Besides the mala,
there are two skits, nertormed by
Mr. aad Mrs. W.'G. Flood and Mr
.nit ur w. Horner, utaer at-
t actions are harmoaiea playing, ae
cord ion musie, ana cieg
also a comedy song by Mc Flood.
vtnlta and niana musie is piayea.
t hflaa Venlta and Mrs. A. B.
LaB ranch. Robert Brown will play
the accordion.
Elmer Lowell Griepentrog acts
i.triMflf w aad announcer.
Knd men are L. Lee. Kennetn
RhorMan Arthur &eiie7; s.a
dancers, Orvra rryslle, A. E. La
Branch and Harold McMilUn. Ia
the circle are Billy McAdams, Er
urniier Paul Lee. William
Wrnnlfn O. W. Flood. Hm7
King. The e.aartet songs
McMilUn and Harvey subr.
An Improvement of Vital Interest to Salem
Thi w,t,r for tbi later BtotwDlbe otoined from lsand d gravel fflte beds, will be coBecteJ ,ta thb nnder-
the Willamette River, through a combined totake towerM Cr do'wn through the sand, the gravel and
low lift pumping sUtto tocued l hd owned .by the e- Jgtte ter fl, be p,ped U g-
gon-wasnmgton waver W1",v rr" ZLTZm tVio latino device which will maintain a conswuu, raws j. una
Spposite Salem.- The water wm be.teken totly from the Ibto. t"" rSSators will be 10 inch Venturi
main river channel on the iairner awe ox effluent controllers. From the controUers tne iuierea
yond jfte point where j now obtained. .... type M will drop into the clear waterin locatedUy -
low water to the operatm fW level. Tto operatmg -fto Jof glftelf 300,000 gallons. , M
is set well aoove tne mguest vr: -jr - Durino; operation, when the loss oi neaa inroup uic
tion is very substantially cons ted of roMor con- fft feet, the filters wUl be washed by revers-
crete, with a Enforced concrete and in?the Sow of water through the underlain, and f ordng
dation. It wiU be visible from th -Wert. Salem road and mgwj i o and unders (5 in-
when lighted at night Will nave a ime 1Rft0 each filter) discharging into a dram channel along one sioc
There.will be three pumps in this station two I8OO1 g Whfer. The fittered water for washing be8up-
lon per mmuxe ana ou -- Ato "ZiZZ Thi Dlied by a hydraulic ejector type, pump anaaiier i?
driven respectively Dy two wur suu im unward through the gravel and sand win. oe waiea iny
pumps are of the vertical, double suction wet pit tyr and "PJ"1 MafUter washing process thoroughly
SrV Sven by enclosedumn shafts connecting the xnotors thwaste and Uter bed is then ready
on m opcxawD Jr . .s-aIM fmm the to be put into regular operaiion agam.
The AreratHn of tha station is to W controlled, irom tne w u:tr .jT-ir,; win TirdraulicaUv oner
pumping station oy w x, w - - " tration and a loss of head gauge. ; , , I
than Jury i, . tn be After the filtered water is collected by tne unaeroraia
From the piimping .station, the raw water Is to De lFSL uwffl fkrw to thepTesent
pumped through a 25V. inch ?erto a SnnS pum son wWch U wiU be pumped to the distri
cast reinforced concrete ESfaUtem and reservoir. The present suction pipes
tion with a 24 men weiaea siew piyo ws jr- ICIhw frtm Mlnta's Island to this pumping station win oc
SSof the Willamette River. and thence through "fteS Lie so ofwatSf or the present
20 inch steel piper tnaiowcn Conrcbtl malumphig station will come from the filter plant. A
Service P' "lSB6! f t vuL;nraf I hew TmnwiR probably be added to the present pumping
Eyeglass Insurance and thor
ough examination included
ia V. GoaunercUI St.
20. ot
sunman ia East Otto Blllman,
. c.iam huaineBa r man. la
now In Milwaukee, Wis., accord-
ing-to word reeeirea y in. om
r A rfmn tha V. Of MU-
-Av".in which Mr. HUUnan-is
taking an aettre Interest..
Visit P-r-Und 1. N
ncra. nreaident. and C . Wlloa.
manager ot the Salem ehamber et
-mmavra - were In Portland on
V VJ III " -y - , - i
Thursday oa hasiaesa ta
Uo'wlth the eraiavw.-
i tfct leear rrAl aiaie.eeMrt mm
seen ent et the rettieecaad eoa
Z77t via hom the east two
nwttM eexoeeta' to he
able'to return to worar Satarday.
Dollar dinner erery night :
te at the ICarloa hoteU
rharlaa Car It of QulnCT. Fu
neral serrlces at t p.m. Friday at
Quiacy under dlrectbn Clough
Taylor. t . .
. Pllkinrtoa
Jeha Fllklngton, 11. died la
tkia dtv March S., raneral ser-
I rkee Friday at 1 p.m. at the Big-
don mortuary, miermem uny.
View cemetery.
- - - - - Beyer
Carl Beyer, tl. died March S at
the home, 710 North lta street,
Hashand tA lira. Carol toe Beyer
aad father-ex aaest f Salem. F.
et Bhame, K. D., Herman of
vaimm v Ti and lira. La. ML
PMitn or Ralem. rnneral serrlces
Monday at 2 o'clock at UsXezist
i Titraji anrca asu aae. w-w
fnat Tfr ifflM e.' Mlanemaa
officiating. Under direction Big-
doe aad ' Sea. Iatenaeat i iwj
View cemetery.
.'asn a A. Moll
-v fined $2.It ta mualcipal court
Thursdiroa a-ehargept talltos
to stoV et a throashrslreet. His
home is on Salem route one, ,
"Wheel MeleB Repert waa
made to tte police Thnrsday by
Hri" tceltfA-th ltth street.
tia wire wheel aa tire had.
atolw from alt antomobllo;
Oty View Cesacttryi
BstahUahed 1SOS TeL 12aM
Coarenlently Aeeesatale .
Psrpetaal care BTorided for .
Prkes Seasonahle .
I -v - Expert Motor - ;
Care, Tracks and Tret tors,
ertta tko Boost nsodera aadt vf
U date Isdssaeaa
1 G. A. nxyxaend tcilsa
A Pcrlx Cemetery-
wth nerDet&al icare
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1 -----! Ill
II - :
II "4 tttT?arnntTfi Haw II
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7 rin rrrirs h
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I OoaaUtiag otitte Leshera beas, ,gq-vl
1 I k.m haaai teraoesise. etc. 1 ems aore atoci, I !
III v - aavthlaar tM tiarv tO BeU. BSGT . 1 1
SiraAtagt een s-aytMng sm ceamaolselesw Jftf T g
II . and I WiU coarert is sate caaar we J- ZrZr-r r
I each aad erery .Satarday, 4 :SO P. IL, aad waery wedaea.jr
I .Nesromd weed Tazattare. mngea, Hf1
eorering. We are eeaitero iJV S!
I rvrtaim Teed aad Pabce Lteolenni and the Btexdi-Diit Drea-
-111 porta aad Chain. . - . - : ill
It - " ''Csx Paid fcf TJcsd Furnituro : 1
' 7 Tia m-cstxiiishei mis : - .
pTpe waylaid a year ago. Water in this pipe willbeunuera .Oftion basin there ,
noCTressureheadat apnr and
cannot be deuverea irom mis river v uv t :aZ.I Um;mt Water works materials for all tne systems in
SS rfant without the pipe beinf; under this considerable 1 equipment. Water wwnij , 2 t J and
ps, there need never be anv fear that river water wm I rSMb tolhe otheVplants inlnll quantities as ,
WWS3 iwa intmtpti tm the rjresent I they may be reouired. . . . .
at Liberty ana iraue ow, JXr KJL Tt- wifl receive necessary. The second floor of the coagulant nouse over
plant .via a channel to theclantho mixing tank3 is designed for ttestorag ot
a continuously ?UJ!"" machine The aluminum sulphate. The railroad siaing on iraue
rJt fh? cSt n3S tank' alongside thwarehouse wiU afford nvenient access for
fnefe a cTtans f&eter and 20 rail on f flt new 24 inch cast
feet 3 Indies aeep, connecweu ui a . . . j delivery main will be laid from the present mam pump-
. The water in passing through l,thesetanks is ven a SlTyade Street to Liberty Street. On Liberty
rotary motion by means ,0 Really drive VViA fhSon main wiU belaid from Ferry Seet
tank. The water enters at v a hat at to a confleetion with the present 14 inch cast iron main near ;
out at the bottom into the second; tank. tPJmSStt the hewPconcrete bridge on liberty Street
the fop of the second tana: jnio a cnamic r p-q " this point south there will be laid an 18 lncn cast iron
imentition basins. The time of detention in the twq .tanks Fnm get, on Lefelle to John Streets, and on
at noSal operating rates is 20 minute Th thorough mam struts where a connection
mixing of the alumtoum srfphate withj a water io be W jam irr t .Thelarge gate valv
tered conforms to tne very n the for this work are here and distributed to tne proper pomw.
quired amount of aluminum sulphate 1 to be ded to tte 450 tons of cast iron pipe and, fittings,
water will depend nponthconditton of tte rivet tjter. and the baJance of250 tons will arrive later.
will be constantly unaer me cumyt vi - -ontract for installation of these mains nas oeen iw u
lahoratory. . . ot,v- where Harmon and.Tittle of Salem.-f ,
After leaving me cobumiw L'z1a I tk nronf r-sprvoir at Lincoln and jonn sreexs wiu
imfAutm of the altinunumte iaol
the "floe" with ito armpanymg 188J1LT has Bever lnuVedin Salem and it will be interesting wort,
tte aedimentaUon U&x. f'ItSrecf '
inKft hv 94 feet net inside i width, and is ict aeep neijicj" u Winor lined with nilniz and
raving attention Period, SWho rloins this
of cleaning Mn
"floe" m that there vm M uiuajeH n.w r "rfBSTrfi fractures are to be atroMlytmitt l
th. aedhneitatiott iln tt. WedWU ear: JWJmK
posed to be piaceow Rpwauw T1 : SaattrmetifB t cr&zz
cA ftvofc and inesnrt 14 feet by 25 feet Llttperi iciai aana fw -.tTWii. m nmrslsted. 7itn
area.' The filter boxes are 12 .TLt
lery, ;ine inxrau,
lery. ne 2"twnV ftrt aluica tates. 10 milion galloss daily maximura capacuy cpw "
dters are controlled by hydullcally; cw
Sters ced byto toullc
- The sandUyer to tha fntera U to be 4taches deep, of abU on e gSgStSjt
B?er?i Alre f mwe1 mded froza 121
of lines 01 5-tccn orass ptpa uruiwt s" v"w
ZST' five inches anart alC22 thd Utcrab.
r!"havln2 Passed down through tte 43 inches of ICaLiornia, na ctea. T" 7 1
iaV aMB ia IMaMI
,v2a J
- 5B -a. .--f.-: v.-----r-v J' 1 i t : - - " T I t,t,,,BBmejaeaejsssaelaa
IM j aae tt Oe ttst waa aX :'r'-. - :
twart f
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