The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 07, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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1h9 CZZZZ'J C7ATZT ZMV Cci Jfrt-k FHJrr rrI rch 7. Utt
Society News arid Oliib
ss Dutk If. Dqak. Saeict Editor i ,. ;
Mrs. A- I7oopert
Is Re-elected
i T6 Office .
-tfm. JL. T. Woeroert
fleeted to the presidency of cbap-
jter 0 of ths P. B. 0. sisterhood
i ml the regular election of officers
Thnrsdar efterseea the boip
f Mrs. Or W. LafUr. - Other of-
Bcevs elected were Mrs. W. M.
salts, re-elected vie president;
, Bars, r. w. Laage, recording
t-etarr; Mr. G W. KMpp, eor
' responding secretary; Mrs. Bar
'. ld Hashes, treasurer: Mrs. P. J.
. ' Kant, cannula: Mrs. IX X.
. ; Beechter. sroard. '
Delegates were also appelated
1 1 for the text state conference. I
1 . addUiea t the president. Mrt A.
- . T. Woolpert who win go, Mrs. W,
H. Brrd was aosolnUd as aeia-
ate, sad Mrs. W. M. Smith sad
ifra. D. X. Beechlcr ware ap-
gointed as alternates.
. A beaatifsl floral tribute was
, sent to the member at thia meet
fas by Jerald Vetk la memerlam
to. the late Mrt. Jerald Tetk who
;u ( member of the chapter.
After the election of officers a
aorta! afternoon waa enjoyed with
refreshments served at a late
boar. Mrt. Harold
Hashes and
assisted the
.lrs.'W. T. Hiekey
bostess la serving.
Special guests for the sfter
- aooa were Mrs. N. L. , Newton,
' lira, Mary Raueh sad Mrs. Paul
Otifate of, Aberdeen, Idaho.
Mrs. r. W. Selea will be the
-aert hostess to the chapter and
Mrs. H. S-. Poisal will be asslstaat
Salem Students
Win Honors
University of Oregon Judges
; for the semi-finalists la the campus-wide
tone contest Include tiro
6alem stndents; Nancy Thlelsea.
- and Kd Plaher. Five fraternities
- are lined ap hoping to win the cup
yhlco Is up held hy the Theta
Chla. and f Its. sorority hoasea are
working In the semi-finals to win
the PI Phi cnp. This cap ! being
vnvrea oy ri ueia Phi, natiooal
sorority, in place of the one they
with ior aeeps- last year.
. Miss Thlelsen tang In the "Jan
gle idea" name of the radio pro
t ram put on hy Kappa Alpha The-
ia in me recent radio contest.
t The Thetas won the cup for the
i best prorrtm put on by any ffrl's
, living organisation, and are la the
final fire to appear Tburaday ere-
Thielsea has been prominent In
annate, being a member of the glee
club and polyphonic choir. Mr.
Fisher Is also a member of both
, organisations.
Scotta Mills Mrs. Addle Smith
yaa pleasanUy surprised .when a
dew of her friends gathered at the
borne of her son and daogaler-In-
L LT Mr. and Mrs. Itaa Smith.
tnrday. erenUg. the occasion
' being her birthday. Many gifts
ere rewired by Mrs. Smith.
The erenlng was spent la play-
f ' eosTersatloa.
fier whieh luach was served.
r.rlw.Bt ,ri: M Ltlt Broather
t Salem, Mrs. Wanda Edlaad and
small daughter. Mrs. Vina bosiag
. or.,Mrs. Rank, Mrs. Maud Myers,
Jrs..AaaetU Hlcki. Mrt. Edith
Hogg. Mrs. Chlek, Mrs.' Amanda
toir.Mrt. Lulu Scott, Mrs.
'As na White, Mrs. Carol las
, Jrouther, Mrs. Delia Valien, Mrs.
, Addle Smith, Gale Smith aad the
f , hostess, Mrs. ZeDa Smith.
, e --
' Dallas The Junior Matrons
.- of the Methodist church were
wuests of .Mrs. Forrest Martin,
Monday evening, March S. The
- evening was spent la a social good
, time, following' which, tbe hoatess
'tarred refreshments to: Mrs.
,'Uey Carpenter, Mrs. Florence
Hunter, Mrs. Homer Brown. Mral
Louise Jepson, Mrs. Ruth Norrls,
Mra. Miriam Murray and hostess.
The group will not meet arils un--'
til after the close of the orangel-
Istle services which commence
March, .
SUrerton ; Mrs. E. Oeder was
the Inspiration of a handkerchief
. ahower Wednesday afternoon.
Those attending Included Mra, E.
t Holdca, Mrt. Carl Bpecht, Mrs. M.
Leatsca, Mrt. Snider, Mrs. John
Ray, Mrs. Gas Bock, Mrt.- Bert
Creea, Mrs, Joe Hopfiafer. Mrs.
,' Beasoa. r
' Mrs. Oeder will leave for Aut
hor Washington. i the sear f.
' tare to Join bar husband who Is
; employed there. Mr. aad Mrs. Al
bert Oeder are moving fatto the
borne Tacated by Mr. aad Mrs. B.
Oeder. w - . ,
e '.
. GenraU The Kldrledge "it ft"
dab baa held two meetings dnr
ing the past week. On Thursday
OTeniast st Jast we: Mr. and
Mr..F.,Buneorsi were hosts for
., . the dab meeting, prises for high
, scores coiaf to D. Casmard and
Mrs. 'F. H. Cannard. At the F.
; H. Canaard home a Taesday er
aiat; sf thU week, Mr. and Mrs,
Joe Wargnier won for high leorts.
- ' P. A. Mangold aad. daughter Miss
- Marie, were additional gneats at
-ths Taaaaay ejresUg aeeUng.
Both Mrs. t Rtacora . aad Kxs.
Caaaard aerred saaaonahto iaseh
. ea after the semes,
-i-v"- - , o ' :. ' .
Brookjslf. nA jfri. Cectt V.
Aahbaurh an tarts faed at dlaaer
, Sunday.-Mrs. Ashbaagb;s aisterw
, la-4awvKrs. Qertmde MeCbMd
and .aoaa, Malcolm,' Donald sad
... Francis. McCleod of Albany. Mrs.
H. H. .Bosch , was also recent
, guest, at the Aahbaakh boata.
Outs IX. Doax,
CoobcO of Church women,
10 o docs, First rresbrtcriAa
AQ-Gransre nitrht. 6:30
CoQesre school house.
,r Sflvcr Ben Circle; Neighbors of Woodaft, mectiiijf
r. A. R. meetintr with.
Salem Heights Woman's
ball! Mra. Emma WheeldDn
Hal Hihbard auxiliAry, United Spanish War veterans, 2
o clock, armory for regular business meetm?.
Ensiewood community- dub, Mrs. CKf Hn 633 North
20th street 2 o'clock: election of officers, crozram.
AQiarsee of Unitarian church. Z o'clock. Emerson room,
Miss Maude Covington to review book. v -Marion
county P. T. A- 8 o'clock, Aumsville high school;
Mrs. W. Brice. state president, main speaker.
T.M.C.A. program, 8 o'clock, Y. M. ImSdinf;.
Salem Woman's club, clubhouse, 2 o'clock board xneet-
imr: 2:S0 o'clock business meeting; S o'clock program. Mrs.
Sadie Orr Dunbar sneaker.
L. T. L. club, 2:39 o'clock,
tion of officers.
Salem Heights Club
To Hear Recital
Salem Heights The Women's
elnh of Salem Heights will hold
their monthly meeting Friday the
serenh at two p. to. Mrs. Emma
Whealdom Is leader for the day.
Alter the rsralar business of the
meeting baa been transacted, Mrs.
Whealdoa win giro a biographical
sketch of th life of Stephen Fos
ter and to facilitate her talk she
will haT on exhibit a facsimile
of Foster. The other part of the
program wfll be followed by a re
cital by Mra. Whealdon's pupils.
The recital program win be as
Dance en the Green -William T(udca
Seng of the Drum (Duet)
Nell and Irene Fischer
Lightly Bow (Vocal aolo)
uertriMM Broom
Dmm Walts I re a Fischer
Quartette from RIo!etto
jner Bonannon
Minuet In O (Beethoven) Duet
Mra w hAidon and Gertrude Brooks
Theme from Mozart : ErUca Ohm
Cloe of School (Duet
Dorrla Battles and Jack Boliamton
Dream Pictures Dons BarUes
tichuberts CraUle Hong (Vocal)
Irene Ftocber
Minuet In O Major (Rarh)
Dance of tho Gnomes (Huch)
Oertrude Brookx -Tn
the day of He Hubert (Dtiet)
l'orris Battles and Mra Wheal don
PrV. C. T. U. Meets
For Program
Mrs. Almtra Heed presided at
the W. C. T. U. meeting held
Tuesday as the president Mrs.
Nunn, was in Portland attending
an executive meeting. Mrs. F. J.
Tooze gare a splendid talk n law
enforcement, from the standpoint
of the Bible. Mrs. Nellie Rhae
gare a fifteen minute talk on Sun
day obserrance, which was of
much interest to all.
Mrs. O. A. Condit read a point
ed article written hy a Canadian
womaa telling of the denlorabla
alcoholic conditions in that conn
try. Mrs. Mary Charlton spoke
Mrs. II. F. Shanks reported sat
Isfaetory progress In the organ la
ation of the L T. L work. The
next meeting will be held March
IS. Guests are welcome.
e e
. Oerrsls. The St Rita Altar
society (are another ot Its 1a-
ltShtful card parties at, the new
parish house on Monday evening
wua more than lo present. Pe
dro and "600" oroTlded amuse
ment during the early part of the
evening and after the card games
an old-time dance was enjoyed,
music being furnished by a com
bined Mt Angel and Gerrals or
chestra. First prizes in "500"
went to Mrs. C. W. Cutsforth and
George Gent and the consolations
to Mrs. A. Nlbler and Rex Cuts
forth. In Pedrp Mrs. Joe Doran
aad Joe Schlechter won for high
scores and Mrs. V. MUIer and
Frank Prsntl the consolations.
Mrs. Fred llecker received the
door prise and Mrs. Joe Zellner,
the beautiful quilt the ladles had
Valsets A bridge party waa
siren by Mrs. Paul Wiggins at
her home Monday evening. The
rooms were beaatlfaUy decorated
wUh pussywillows. Cards were la
lay at toar tables. The guests
vers Mrs. Georgs March, Mrs.
Claude Brown, Mrs. D.. A. Groat
Mrs. J. L. Harris. Mrs. Antonta
Crater, Mrs. L. A. Gates, Mrs.
Dick Leferer, Mrs. Floyd Barley.
Mrs. Cleo Wells, Mrs: WlUiam Mc
Donald. Mrs.- E. Mixer. Mra. J. V.
Berreman, Miss Kara Dallas, Misa
Ellen Pfletfer, Miss Vera Ryaa
and Miss Betty Clark. Mrs. March
and Mrs. Grout wvaK the card
prises, Mrs. McDonald the.' cut
Valsets Friday evenlag par
ty was siren at tbs borne f Mr.
aad Mrs. Ward Baravett lh honor
ft the ltth birthday aaustrerasiT
at their , sob, Warnje. wTbs csssts
FRCE-A Tkbt to see
''r; yajriwy -'t V
' .'YsSaais It v ?
redated Beslsr mt Iw DsV
aore Theatre, XIar. 11 ts IS,
arfU be gtvem wis eacb tzirxt
Pardiased dsntax tbe 4 daya
Miss Zaaka. U Swart '
. , Ssstater XXotel XUdg, '
;f- 14 V. Hb Et, . - .
Sorfefy Editor
All-day meeting, commencioe;!
church. Iectum ox oiucers.
o'clock TXtlock supper. Brash
Mrs. C. C. Clark, postponed. '
club, 2 o'clock, community
in charsrt ox BTOiTTam.
First Metbodist church; elec
were Miss Neva Dallas aad Miss
Mary Walker and AUeea Bund-
strom, Beulab Woods,- LUs Lay,
Myrle Potter, Jnne and La Vera
Marquis, Doris Massie. Ruth Fosh
ang, Doris Weber, Bernlce John
son, Margarete- Lefsver, Boyd
Long, Alvln Zurer, Melrin Weav
er, Donald Marry, Edward Potter,
Joe McDonald, Donald Ferguson,
Robert 8aadstrom. aad Merle
King. The evening was spent plsy
ing parlor games. Miss Walker
and Bernlce Johnson wosi prizes.
Mrs. Chancey Ferguson assisted
Mrs. Barnett In serving a dalaty
luncheon. . . '
.Woman's CluK
Program Announced '
frs. Sadle-Orr Dunbar will be
tbe principal speaker on the Wo
man's clab program for Saturday
afternoon. The program Is la
eharge of the public welfare de
partment, Mrs. B. E. Ling, chair
man. Ia addition to the talk by Mrs.
Dunbar on public health, Mrs. T.
G. Brabec, chairman of the nail
ing list of the Christmas seals
sent out the past Christmas time,
win giro a report of the progress
of the work. Mrs. Adrian McCal
man of Portland, will explain the
system of aeadlag out the seals.
Mrs. Gordon McGilchrist will be
the soloist for the afternoon. ,
Monmouth Mr. aad Mrs. Del
mar R.. Dewey entertained the
Monday evening bridge clab at a
merry "hard-times' party Monday
night nt their borne on East Main.
"Haa-Umes', costumes were feat
ured, and the rooms were cleverly
decorated with like suggestions
Including Iamb shades of comic
news strips.
Bridge was In play at three
tables.. High scores at the con
clusion of play went to Mrs. J. B.
Lorsnce, and Mayor H. W. Mor
las. Mrs. Larry Wolfs von a
prize for the most characteristic
costume. Supper was served ia
"hobo" style, done no la red
bandanas tied to tho end ot
Those present were Mr. aad
Mrs. H. W.Morlan, J. B. Lorencc,
John J. Fuller, O. C. Chrlstenten,
Mrs. Larry Wolfe. Alfred Cox.
and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey.
Dallas The Dallas Delphian
chapter met at the home of Mrs.
Earie Richardson, Monday after
noon, March S. Tho study for the
day was o dramatists of the per-
ioa immediately following Shakes
peare and with a review ot two
plays, Philaster and The Maids
Tragedy. Members present wereY
Mrs. Walter Ballantyne, Mrs.
Maurice Dalton, Mrs. Erie Fulg
ham, Mrs. H. A. Webb, Mrs. A. B.
Starbuck, Mrs. Oscar Hayter, Mrs.
Harry Pinketon. Mrs. J. G. US-
low, Mrs. Roy Donahue, Mrs. C.
N. .fiilyeu and Mrs. Richardson.
The next meeting will be bald
March -17 at the home ot Mrs.
Fulgham. .
e e
The meeting, for which Mrs. C.
C. Clark was to have been host
ess at her heme Friday evening to
members ot the Chlldrea of the
Americas. Bevolatioa win Mt be
held at planned because: there
has been each a few of the cre
deatiala returned from Waahing
tom. As this was to have been s
permanent organisation meeting
It is necessary to bars all tho ere
dandlals ia the hands of the or
ganlttrs. As sooa as the papers
Do you see wharfs left out
of this 3v- 1
'-'. ?1 "05 TtM Trrkmt sagar ia stewed.
i7i SL.W, V-&r&Mtn'MmH-k
v ail cotalf of a cnp yoa wO fSef that cereal spriabled
casb Uicnf. ev exaxr-la. - r-- -.f-.. - r
w fresh Tretatto, also
uauswan muca mora
-.J. wbes Carorcd Usa
it ;.arpetkj
A ff
1 Formal Banauet Is
Compliment tO
One of tha large affairs of tbe
spring semester U Willamette
nnivtrsity circles wu the formal given by the Beta Chi
aorertty la tao Oriental room of
tho Mariot hotel Tharsday night.
ias event was la compumeat to
the following initiates, . Caroyl
Braaew, Ladle Brows Holes
Beardaian, Lont sidwell and
a Mtues were arraaged ia
tbs shape of s urge U wllb
spriag flowers earryinx ooi a sre
desatnaU yellow color scheme ia.
three low baskets. Bight large
canaaiaora nni"ng: yauaw tap
are were arranged at Intervals
aloas tea center or the TJ.
Toestmistresaes far the evenUg
were Mrs. Charles hTaan. see
Rath Bewttt, and Miss Florence
Powers. - Responses were made by
Miss Katherine Everett Miss
NorabeUe Pratt. Miss Fav Cor-
nut and MUs Luclle Brown.
Patronesses who were present
were Mrs. Connell Dver. Mrs. Panl
Wallace, Mrs. Frank Erickson,
and Mrs. Alice H. Dodd. hense-
e e e
Joint Birthday; Dinner
Pretty Affair
A delightful dinner party cele
brated the birthdays of Mr. and
Mrs. William Neimeyer Monday
night at the borne of Mrs. Ida
Godfrey at 7:10 o'clock. Tho ta
ble was centered with a caadala
bra containing pastel shade las
ers on either side ot which was a
low basket of spring flowers. A I
brilliantly lighted birthday cake
for both Mr. and Mrs. Neimeyer!
shown on the table. 1 Mrs. Nei
meyer was presented with a love
ly corsage by Mrs. Godfrey.
Following tbe dinner hour the
party went to the Neimeyer home
am is street wnere cards were tn
Plsy for the rest of the evening.
Guests for this affair were Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Jewett, Mr. 'and
Mrs. Harry Crawford, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank War. Miss MlnnU
MOOlIer. Mrs. Susan Vart VI..
Grace Babcock, Mrs. Ury John
son, Miss Lela Johnson, Mrs. Mar
garet Montgomery, Mrs. Ida Bab-
cocg, airs. Ida Godfrey, and Mr.
and Mrs. William Nefmeyer.
The home of Mr. and Mm rrt.
Otto was the scene of a merry
edM VUf a.
xriaay evening when a
group or their friends ef
celebrate the birth A av r arM
Otto, Four tables of see !
ia piay curing the evening, after
reiresnmenta were served
brMrs. Otto.
TbO guest STOOD inelndad Vr
aad Mrs. WlQard Ramp, Mr. aad
Mrs. John fiasco. Mr. and Itn
A. H. Sears. Mrs. Mary Martin,
Mrs. Jeha Dnalavr. Mrs. Vfrn
Looals. Miss Gladys Otto, MUs
buawuae sears, Miss Bewlah
Otto. R. D. Vibbert Irviaw fiaars
OrrlUe Otto, and Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Mannins? and daiita xttmm
Lucille Manning aad Miss Cea-
staaee Manalna of flemu. ni
the boitesses, Mr. and Mrs, Chris
e e -
SUrerton MUs Emma Adam.
soa bad Miss Sybil Welle were
hostesses Mender erenln'. t.
Tryphena girls. The oocaaloa was
mads a handkerchief shows
Miss, Catherine Oay lord.-The ore
nlng was spent rerM enjoy ably
with cards. Miss HerVie SUrer
winning high score and, consola
tion prise going to Miss. Caylord.
Mtos Gaylord will toave aooa
for Klamath Falls wherFshe will
he for a number ot months tn the
Interest of the Keanel-EUls stu
dios. e, e
Mrs. Cliff HUr will be hostess
to members of the Englewood
community club at her borne CIS
North SOth street Friday after
noon. -The business session will
start promptly at t:S o'clock
and will include an election of of
ficers for tho coming year. Fol
lowing this will bo given an In
teresting program.
: -
Waeoada A birthday dlaaer
wu glrea Sunday at the Kleaskl
homo la honor ot Mrs. John Klen
skt A cake with IS candles graced
the eeater ot the table at which
covers vers placed for Mr. and
Mrs. John KleaskJ, Mr. and Mrs.
Pete XwbsIcL Mr. aad Mrs. Tom
Klenekt. Lee Kleaskl, Mr. aad
Mrs, Joe Klcnski, TUUe Zlmhal.
8ylraster Klenaki and Luclle and
Margaret Klenski.
cup hsttXH ttoasali
btetlersd tCsA set fa at asm
r .
cfstianTxaw tian ha w3 :
sstraiayca frota aaiMa piaci
el salL. Tha En . fa :Snt ' '
Pcato Aro , Given K-.'-r-
r?ii: oi . as iee
r or ? tJvnny morning
-Mra. C PajJasv-director, el
the two forthcoming oae act plays
to be breseated hy the Salesa Dra
ma 'League, has announced, the
east of caaracters, tour In aumber
for the pur -Sunny Morning
written, ay the Qutnterus brotbr
ers. popular Spanish moderns.
The Grand old GeaUeaaaalwtt!
be taken by John H. Sarr, who
did such excellent vork ia "Whap
pfa Wharf. Miss Margaret Bar-
roach will take the part of the
"Bells of Barcelona." The Spaa-
tsb maid win be takes hy Mary
suroary aad '.the Spaafsa yenth
will bo taken by Ivaa White.
Tbs actloa of the play takes
part la a park oa a tunny morn
ing. .:
Cast tor The Old" Lady Shows
her Medals will be anaouaced
e e
Junior Guild Makes -
Change in Meetings
One ot the first orgaalsatlaaa
to annooaca a ehaage la Its meet'
tar plans das to the begtoninsr of
pest Wednesday is that of the Jun
ior GuiioT ox st Paurs Episcopal
church. The Gnfld baa been meet
ing monthly tot tt will meet
weekly daring the lent period be
tween sxarcn a and April so.
The first meeting win be at tho
home ot Mrs. George A, Whits,
Wednesday, March it. tor a 12:
3S o'clock potluck luncheon. Tho
afternoon win he spent la a so
cial way. aad ia eewlar aad at
four o'clock there will be resner
This program win be carried
out during tho six weeks period
with meetings etch Wednesday at
the home of one of the members.
Dale Taylors Are
Dinner Hosts- j
A charming dinner party was i
glTen Wednesday sight at the :
Dale Taylor borne when Mrs. Tay-!
lor entertained in compliment to
tae Birthday or her sister, Mrs.
Kooert Travis or UcHianville.
witha nll.tvifeWJcnVetreM
With a lOW basket Of spring bios-
'' "iioaM, yiu
and yellow. A lighted birthday
cake also graced tho table. Fol
lowing the dinner hour a social
orenlng was enjoyed.
. Covers were placed tor the hon
or guest aad husband, Mr. aad
Mrs. Robert Trayes, Mr. and Mrs.
B. J. Ramseyer, Mr. and Mrs.
K. H. Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Dllleter, Mr. and Mrs, Motrin Ir
ish and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Taylor.
Salem Heights Mr. aad Mrs.
Homer Hunson and children of
Castle Rock, Washington are. vis
iting this week at the home of
Mrs. John Wlckberg.
Mr. aad Mrs. George Wilson
drove to Portland Wednesday to
Ttsit their daughters. Audry and
Mrs, T W. Hammer and son
Mrs. 0. M. Robinson has been
spending the past few days in Sa
lem at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Seldesel whS has been quite
tO, : - 4 .
Valsets The J. O. O. Bridge
club met at the home ot Pauline
Wells T&arsday afternoon. Edna
Mixer sad Velma Hants were the
JuestSk Mable Ericksoa aad Betty
aaders held high hoaors.
mmammmmmmmmwmmmm ' ' ''"''''ssassnaaaaamsa . 1 '"BBaBBBBnBBBvSBmTsnjBjBBnB
ga7 innnnrrrrynrTyTrTnTTr n rrtr-n 7 rr tttt t n rri
New Fasmoon.s for
Uvmg modeb will fashion the newest of Spring's wearables todajr. '
Friday afternoon 2 to 3 o dock; It wUHbe an informal showing of
suits, frocks, coats and ensembles together with' such , accessories aa .
are needed For each mdiviaual costome
Are You Suit Conscious ..... a: ;: V f -1 .
hai better bei jwi intttidia step oat -erith ths test of ths femfeini Jia :-
H csn
Spring; Frocks
of "sctitiwe4 frpcia U oca to ccursd.your adUca iSdTfei VT1
H: mode, SeSSdr ' -??4r?TB 'JOTtssS. r .
Q. When two ladles and a man
attend the theatre togethar
where should tho man sit?
A. He should always sit oa the
outside next to tae aisle, never be
tween tho two ladies.
Q. Way Hkoald the parests ot
a child bo very careful of their
A. Beeaaeo they are settlag aa
example, gad their actions, whe
ther good or bad, are asually
copied by tae caud.
Q. How abottld asparagus be
conveyed to tho month?
"A. Wllb Mm folk.
e . . . e e ' r.
Bertha Junk Darby
There baa boea a ehaage ot tho
meeting place tor the Tuesday
meeting 1 the Ealest Musk
Teaebera aad Bertha Junk Darby
will reeetva tea sawataera at nr
bom oa North Cottage afreet ia
Place f KUxaboth Levy. Mas
Levy and Mra. Darby will be Jeinl
hostesses for this affair.
Ths speaker for tha evenlag
will be Mrs. Otto Paulas. Her
topic hae not yet heea announced.
. e e .
Silver Bell Circle
Postpones Meeting
SUrer Bell circle. Neighbors of
Woodcraft, will not bare its re
galar meeting Friday sight be
cause of the special meeting for
the Grand Guardian in Portland
which will be attended by the
officers and team of the circle.
SUrerton Mrs. Pearl Davis
was hostess Taesday afternoon to
the members at the Loyal Bereana ,
at bar home oa Coolldge street
Members whose names ' began
with C or D formed the enter
tainment committee. A short
business meeting was held follow
ed by a social hoar.
over 39 members enioved the
afternoon at tho Davis home
wUek blF attractive
br boaeaeta r fliw.r.
iwettiiini ia Trees
Sales Yard 27S S. Hlsha OpposlU Tick's Garast
Salem, Oregon
yoa gttcned with mode that his doss tha wxsseslj - d't'
lhat: tophau 4e;ScuIbtaied"Sflho&
-is"' -"v V
"r ' V3a I
Y. M. C A.: PiLIara
Given Friday .V- ' -
The program lor tba T. If. C. A.
Friday sight program win bo ail
muslcaL These programs gtreaat
S o'clock ia the T. M. C A. band
Ing at I o'clock Friday nights. Is
open to the public. .
Tbe program totiigbt will be as xot
JRebcrt Brewa
Plane solo .
-Leon Thorntea
jaiaabeth Smith
JSilU De
VloUa eole ;
Harp solo .
Numbers by
.Jeaa Adams
XUsabath Smith
a raythaa erehaetra:
... , Raymond and Doris
Elect Officers
Members ot the L. T. L. dab.
aa organixatloa of youag folk bo-
tweea tho ages f seven aad If
years and from the membership
sf an churches, win meet at tbs
first Methodist dmrth Saturday
aneraooa at X:XS o'clock.
Thm saeetiag wiU be for the
purpose at electing atneersu. All
members are requested to be
.m e e - -. .
Mrs. Paul Fugata ot Aberdeeo.
Idaho, Is s guest at tbs hemes off
her sisters, Mrs. A. T. Woeipert,
ana mra. r. D. Yelgt. for a
days while Mr. Fugate Is aftehd-
ing the bankers convention In
e e e
Mra, Hector Adams, aeeomoaa-
led by her small daughter, left
Saturday for a months visit ia Los
Angeles, San Francisco and Oak
land. 1
e e e
Mr, and Mrs. O. E. Martin ot
Independence, and daughter. Mrs.
Leo Whiteomtf of Tillamook were
the guests of Mr. aad Mrs. C M.
Charlton Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smith ot
Center street are entertaining
their ahaghter, Mrs. Vera A. Me
ns Qt Nespelem, Washington, this
e e
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bishop of
Portland were week-end guests ot
Mr. and Mrs. C P. Bishop.
Franqoettt Wtlants, bit
Roots. Mice for TP
the parkin?..
Mazzard Cherry
Bartlctt Pear
Peaches, All
A Nlea Vaxietj ot
Other Trees
Noted Rhapsody J
7Ut Be Played
" :AtKGO Studio
Stations aad Wave-Lengthe
" KGW; Portland, ItS.f meters.
120 keys. .
KOO. Oakland.' S7t.g metersr
790 keys. '
K0M0, Seattle, JOt.l meterst
f7 keys. J .
KEY. Portlaad. 1SS.1 meters:
11S0 keys. ' - '
Ia the musieal program over
KCO. Oakland toalgat from :ie
to 10, Lislta famous piano solo.
"Hungarian Bhapsody arranged
for a combination of violin, 'cello
other eelectlona ot aserit Maria
I aad piano will be heard along with
uuotjn, conirajio, will grag;
Cutstorth Back
On Mail Route
GERVAIS, Marcb (Special)
J. K. Catstortb. who ssffered a
break or the femur bona of his
right leg last May when he fell
from the root ot bis besss while
painting, waa able to retam to his
duties as rarel mail carrier on
route S Saturday. Ted Nlbler,
who substituted for Mr. Cuts
forth. wtU devote his Urns to his
Berry xat
MONMOUTH, -March . (Spe
cial) Mrs. F. K. Murdoch, wife
of the manager of the Monmouth
creamery, who recently underwent
an operation, tor appendicitis at
a Salem hospital, is now at home,
aad making rapid improvement
She Is secretary of the Monmouth
P. T. Av sad was able to attend
the March meeting held last night
and take charge ot her official
Sold ea E-Z terms. a
- -i
".i v
1M lev Qgb y I
Good food j&ezicles koad I heclth" -"
V " j( - in' 11
- aj. r- : V- . -. 7-
-. - - x v ' - ' - 1 - s -.., -. ; vr -. - - - - - - . . - . -