The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 07, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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Friday llornfag, March 7, 1930
I - - - v T The) 03EG0N STATCSSf AN. Salem. Ortn,
JOHiJ Dili : j-
Herman; Oliver Placed Upon
"Board of Higher Educa-
tion by Norblad
Herman Oliver, of John Day
Thursday was reappointed by Gov
ernor Norblad -a member of the
state board of higher education
for a term of nine years. He al
ready has served one year on the
board. Oliver la one of the beat
known livestock raisers in Eastern
Oregon, and la connected with sev
eral banking institution.
oThe atate board of higher edu
catio was created at the last leg
islative session, and la composed
f nine members; One member re
tires each year. Under control of
the board are the state's five in
atltntlons ot higher learning, in
cluding the University of Ore-.
on. State college and state nor
mal schools at LaGrande, Ash
land and Monmouth.
The law provides that Interim
appointments on this board shall
be confirmed by an- Interim com
mittee ot Senators Marks, Eber
hard. Btrayer and Eddy.
Work of Board
Is Highly Praised -
"1 want to call attention." read
a statement issued by Governor-!
Norblad in connection with Oliv
ers 'reappointment "that only a
year has now elapsed since the
state. board of higher education
was established by an act of the
state legislature,- and only eight
months since It took over Its da
ties as governing body of the. five
state Institutions of higher learn
ing. ; . J
"In that briet time the board
has completed an effective organ
Inxatkn for transacting a large
volume ot business. ad has be
gun a tentative program that gives
promise of accomplishing the pur
pose for which it was created.
"Personally, I am strongly In
favor of a broad program ot high
. er education In Oregon as a means
of developing to the fullest ex
tent the natural resources and the
citizenship of the state. In this
program each ot. the Institutions
bas Its own distinctive contribu
tion to make', and each should' oc
cupy its own field. .
Purpose of Legislation
Ontlised by GoTeraor
Tie purpose o" the legislation
that provided for the appointment
ot the new board and for survey
by the United States office of edu
cation was primarily to place the
institutions of higher learning on
m permanent basis ot support and
development, .such as to Insure
harmony, lcooperation"and tbeac
eomplishment of the greatest good
In service to the state. Based on
results of the survey, the board
of higher education will so doubt
establish a constructive program
for the advancement of. the sever
al Institutions of higher learning.
-The sentiment of the' people in
dicates confidence in the board
and la the ultimate success of Us
program, hence nothing should
- intervene to disrupt or impair it.
"As governor, 1 shall support
the program .of the board of high
er r education. Accordingly, that
the personnel of the board may re
main Intact, and that the insti
tutions of higher learning may
continue to have the benefit of
the services of one of its mem
bers who is nojt only well qualified
to serf e, but represents an import
ant section of the state. I have
been glad to reappoint Mr. Oliver
ai t member of the board."
'Squirrel Poison
Not Demanded
By Many People
' Only three persons called at
the county treasurer's office yes
terday to get the bags of squirrel
poison which have been placed on
sals, there by County Horticultur
al Agent Van Trump. The poi
son has been sacked In cloth bags
and' sell for 40 cents" each, the
price being just what the jnateri
al cost. 'u:.. - ' . : J--Sr-.-Persons
who wish to take ad--vantage
of the poison deal should
get the material as soon as pos
sible, Is tha word given out at
-4be court house. It is said that
the squirrels are out earlier this
jear than they hST been for sev
eral -seasons 'past ; and that "as
soon as the poison la put oat, tat
quicker the relief wlllbe felt.
T I The Chlekea withr; :
"i - Four Pvwmstcln- .
10O Com'L, Tel. B812J a
j pern every - week day --except
Monday , .. . -
-- - - : . "; ; . . . .. ...... . T TM mmmmgmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
MIX :- : ;::?:
fta Wtea snay tvva claimed tie Bf e of Earl Dorland (inset),
Lieut. Carl Bra Ejehwn's mechanic, bat Mr. and Ifrs. Dortand, his
Kwlt,iv1,be?2I?.tt' .TheT are seen here tn thdr home, sitting
befara the radio, atOI hoping U hear ef their boya aiseovery in the
(Special) The West. Stayton
Community club held its regular
monthly meeting Tuesday night
in McClellan's hall.
.After a short business meeting
the following radio program was
put on by the school assisted by
some Of the patrons:
Some magie by Mr. Wood of
Organ solo by Mrs. Ashe; play,
"Taking the Census," by the
school; two vocal solos, "Just a
Wearyin' for You" and "My Lit
tle Gray Home in the West' by
?:r Ired Dickraan. Reading
"Talking to the Baby." by Rober
ta Sphoon; vocal solo, "My Old
Home Town" by Mr. McClendon.
Play, "Turning the Tables" by
the boys of the advanced grades;
vocal solo, "Hard. Hard Luck and
Poverty" by Mr. McClendon; com
edy, "Three ot a Kind," a play,
"The Up to Date Clinic ;" vocal
solo by Mrs. Dick man and last,
but not least, "Alexander's Rag
Time Band" with acrobatic stunts
by Myrtle Ryder.
Spring Weather
Brings Out Bugs
LINCOLN, March r- (Special)
The wamv. weather has set the
bees an& bugs to work, especially
Mr. Cream Producer:
We earnestly solicit your personal deBTery of cream
at our plant. m
Portland delivered prices.
Yonr check while you wait.
' Courteous and efficient treatment.
Also butter, cheese and skim-milk powder at spe
cial patron prices.
MaffEfflsi 5i?GOEuaGi?j7 X
2(0 S. CommerdaJ St.-- . l Saka'
Large Honey r
Cream Cake 49c
For this Saturday only - - ; .
Regular price 60c ,
Give our Saturday Special a regular place
on your Sunday Menu
The Salem Bakery
445 Court Street
:'-', l'iJ"i-'"i'y.-
- rr. t.-
the garden bugs. Most every one
In the Lincoln community has
planted early garden, staff such
as peas, lettaee, radishes, onions
and some have planted early pota
toes. -
Governor Norblad, said-Thursday
that bo had not yet decided
who he would appoint as bis pri
vate secretary to succeed Miss Be-,
atrice Walton, who has ' resigned
to take effect March 16. Governor
Norblad declared that he origin
ally sought out a well known
newspaper man, hut that he de
clined to accept the office when
his employer Increased his salary
175 a month. The man favored by
the governor also was said to be
a short story writer, from which
he derives compensation In excess
of that paid by thestate for the
services of a private secretary.
The governor also , announced
that he had not yet made np his
mind who he will appoint to suc
ceed Ben Dorr is ot Eugene as a
member of the state game com
mission. He Indicated, however,
that the appointee would come
from southern Oregon.
MONMOUTH, March (. (Spe
cial) Coach Larry Wolfe, who
has been in California for several
days on a business trip, returned
to Monmouth this morning.
. TeL S54
KEW-TOBK, March f (API
With a fresh decline In enen
market credit rates to levels re
garded as clearly indlcatlnr a
lower federal reserve rediscount,
together with a cut In the bank
ot - England -rate, professional
traders bid up more than a score
ef leading Industrial shares to
record levels for the recovery In
tooaya stock market only to
learn after the close of the market
that the reserve directors, at their
weekly meeting had left the re
discount rate unchanged at a four
While the stock market made
good headway, the index of to
leading issues risjng nearly two
pomta to a ivzo peaa, u aid not
display the marked buoyancy that
it freauenUy has In the past of
substantial cheapening of credit.
The weekly brokerage loan total
showed an increase of $14,000,-
0. -
The electric equipments were
notably strong. General Electric
aad.AIlia Chambers rose a couple
of points to new peaks, and West
isghouse Electric rose more than
five points to close to its best
ItSf level. The domestic and
Porto Rieas sugar stocks gained
two or three points tn response to
the senate's approval of a higher
sugar tariff. U. 8. Steel gained
about four and American CanN
two. Bendlx, Goodyear, engineer's
Public Service, Stone and Web
ster. Missouri Pacific and Van
daium mounted two to four points
to new 1(30 tops.
(AP) His life despaired of twice
last month by attending physi
cians, William Howard Taft con
tinued today to resist successful
ly the ravages of disease.
Drs. Francis R. Hagner and
Thomas A. Claytor said their 7S
rear old patient had shown fur
ther Improvement during the last
24 hours. More rest and greater
ability ta take nourishment has
brought the former chief justice
back temporarily, at least, from
the critical stages of last week
when .the doctors - said death
might be. a matter ot hours.
Re stlB. Hen dangerously 111,
however. 4
While a fundamentally power
ful heart has permitted him to
fight off a complication . of dis
eases,, fear is held of a strike that
might, suddenly break down the
resistance of the former chief
It was this eventually of which
the physicians warned when they
said at the beginning of his latest
improvement that this life span
was indeterminate unless a sudden-relapse
came as a result of
the hardening ef the arteries.
Be Insured against Travel and
Automobile accidents, take out
une ot the Insurance policies Is
sued to Statesman subscribers.
I 1 were concurrcxt in try a soerjcautnority. Kead " - - - ira
,r Wsfindinfattheleft , , " V': " !
mv imrn
Because the negro race was the
only race Invited to enter the
United States without tho oppor
tunity to decline the invitation,
the American people are obligated
to give the negro a chance te do
his best in Industrial and educa
tional fields, said Dr. Lorenzo H.
King, noted negro orator of New
Orleans, in an address on "Race
Adjustment before Willamette
university students Wednesday.
Since one tenth of the total
population of the country is col
ored a . satisfactory adjustment
between 'the races is essential and
unless the negro "Is assimilated
and integrated into the life of the
American people" a state ot bol-
ill ADIlU
That's just another way of telling yog how easy
it is to make perfect coffee with the new Golden
West CofTee Maker.
Put your Golden West coffee in the Maker, pour
in jumprng-boiling water, let it "drip" for 5 min
utea l and the result will surprise and delist you,
, Science has kmc proclaimed the Tirtuca of drij
I $ cofiee but heretofore drip systems have been
'more or leu expensive. Not to with the Golden .
West MakeaC Its selling price is only One Dollar
The Golden West Coffee Ifaker uies rejular
r Golden West CofXee, no special grind is needed.
It Is o .6eap capacity and so constructed (hat
perfecr result Mchtalned wither nhtt cloths -1
or lter papers. Remeniber. t .
and if your rrgnlar crocer is out of stock, write
Closset & Dcvcrs, Pordand, Oreson, and 70011
receive one promptly through yoar procer. ' :
bctbre cjtTering the Golden West CofTee Maker
- oar eofTee experts risidlytested its results, which
werecoftemfea in try a sdennnc
hie findinsi at the left. : J ,
sherlsm and communism as well
as a decline la culture and a tend
ency toward atheism le apt to re
sult among the members of his
race, ho stated. Ho pointed oat
that the difference la color was
not sufficient to -exdue them
from tho educational and occupa
tional advantages, and from tie
Influence of Christian idealism.
Dr. King was one of the speak
ers at the Methodist Brotherhood
council Wednesday. ;
County P-T Body
To Gather Friday
Marion county district ot Par
ents and Teachers will meet Fri
day, March 7, at f o'clock in the
AnmsviUe Jiigh school. Mrs.'
William Brlce of Portland, presi
dent of the Oregon Congress of
Parent-Teachers, will give the
(Si aU-
aumority. Kead
mala address.'" ' 0. s
W. lW "; Fox. : Marton"; county
school supervisor, will give ":a
short talk-eef the 4-H club work
In the county. All parents and
teachers who - are Interested ' In
child welfare work are Invited to
attend. - - . .
The Romance of
' Coffee V
We are told that dining
the 14th and 15ih century.
the coffee drink was a pop
ular brew among the church
men. After roasting, the
beans were crashed in a mor
tar with pestle and then
boiled with, water which was
consumed grounds and- aH
At the beginning of the 16th
century. law was passed tar
.the Governor of Mecca pro
hibiting the use of coffee.
After a number of years, the
Sultan of Cairo ordered this
prohibition law revoked and
the official reapocalhle lor.
the appalling conditions re
sulting from his law, was tor
ture&to death after being: eg
posed as "an extortioner and
a publie robber.--
,t is interesting .to note, la
view of our present prohibition-problems,
that although
an attempt was made to close
coffee houses, the authortttes
throughout the country, find
Ing it useless and perhaps
difficult to enforce the law
and to destroy the custom ef
coffee drinking, winked at
violations of the - law, took
bribes-and allowed coffee. to
be sold privately. BUnd
Pigs," and "Speakeasies
quickly came into existence
and coffee was sold and. con
sumed behind closed door in
back rooms, much like the
present custom of dispersing
Uouor which prevails through
out our own country at this
mot: and. of course, the va
rious phases and methods of
coffee bootlegging were in
dulged in. This was enough
to reestablish the coffee
houses by degrees, and after
many years of. lawlessness
and agitation, the prohibition
law was repealed. Long be
fore the end of the 16th cen
tury, Italian, Dutch, German
and French travelers returned
to their homes with strange
stories about the new drink
of the Orient. . Before 1700,
the novelty of the new coffee
drink spread throughout the
Old World. Coffee houses
were opened In England. Hol
land, Germany. France and
Royal coffee "famed for Ha
flavor Is packed f er as by
Alexander BaUrt and Co
when yea bay Eoyal yea ie
ot pay for expensive lithe-
graphed cane.
Pound ...
is: ....$1.15
Uellow Blend Coffee QCfW
25c; 4 pounds for.... 7Qa
Oregon WSm - 9?r
1 cans .............Oy
aoe onarga corn
Sale price, t cans.
Red or White Beans, OJJc
JtMm ee e e e "w .
Cranberries, , -
pound Lajy
S6...... 31.00
Baby Clams, 15c, ggg
Genuine Metwunk
Marine - Elliott Complexion
Soap, regular for 25c
Corn. . Peas, String Beans,
SpagBetti, Solid Pack TO-
We are tn no way connect
ed with any chain store. When
we make a dollar we spend it
right here at home and it
does not go back . to Wall
street and -you always get full
weight t Damon, too. Doat
forget your friend the little
Corner Orocer, wherevervlJS
Kgga tae and. 280,.
-A .Aecerding 'toSiaa!, .
Candy Bars and . "tf.
Oum. a for lUt-
a lbs.
iat a firti n
Get ready er the
Carrots and Parsnips " n g
Apples, box, dlelU
Lettuce, large - - ;
.Heads ,...r...
" The above
-.. - Far-
Oat of deference to the farm
ers of Marion county, we dls
continue advertting c 08eo
marferlne. -
y -' - TXATUUS v
Creamery v, -J OQ
; , '
Grade A MCk.
.8 lbs. of ,
IWtth orders of wther : ;
- . Grwerie fimit.
- ?
"C J7. Coal 'rteis" X-2--i
Vl 4ever (lU arias X