The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 07, 1930, Page 12, Image 12

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    Coalition Emcek
r mm
Majority Again Sought After
Ranks Thinned in Re
cent Bouts
' Associated Press Staff Writer
CAP) Undismayed by their de
fiant ob the sugar tariff, leaders
oC the democratic-republican in
dependent coalition braced them
selves today In preparation for
the tffort to stay farther possible
. .1 .J
upsets 01 victories HTUJ wvm
on Important levies in the tariff
Despite three further secondary
overturns In votes during the day
on the chemicals, ell and a paints
schedule, the coalition chiefs be
ttered they had a majority again
prevent the voting t rates on
cement, oil and lumber and to
retain reductions they won on
aluminum and pis iron.
Ito Rranciitrd
Reports were beard of threats j
touneek a reconsideration of yes
terday's vote whereby the duty
ck sugar was increased, If tho
nenate reversed Itself and ap
proved a tariff on cement, but
there also were expressions that
not enough votes to overturn the
' sugar decision were available.
The senate recessed late today
i uasi ivmw iuw iu ievk
James P. Olynn of Connecticut,
wlfo died today.
The republican independents,
fatir of whom left that group to
ot for a higher sugar tariff
were regarding prospective votes
v cement and other commodities
a fc test of whether any "trading
agreements' on rates actually ex
fated. On the other hand, repub
,De&n regulars clung to their stand
that no TOte-Jnggllng was being
indulged In, although some were
Ittellned to be not any too anxious
tor farther Important reverse
lest the "trading" charRes were
' renewed.
Vsw of ScfMU-Mt
Ballets Are Taken
Of the more than 100 requests
tor separate votes only half a
doaen had been taken up to late
im the day and tho remainder em
braced -all thfl mainr cnntpstx.
a Ml tree a wr I n va rwwv t g D sen
This led leaders to express doubt
of" passage of the bill this week.
Of the six votes taken up to
o'clock, three were upsets for
tQo coalition. The present rates
e litharge and red lead pigments
wed in paints were restored,
whereas the coalition had rut
these respectively from 2H to
2 1-8 cents a pound and from
S 5-4 to 2 1-8 cents.
Sodium, potassium. lithium,
beryllium and caesium, which
previously were restored to the
tree list, were given a rate of 25
mwr cent.
Senator Copeland. democrat,
7Um York, attempted to give
enseln another boost from 5 ' to
cents a pound as against Vt
cants in the present law and
house bill but I o?t, 41 to 34.
Casein Is made from skimmed
Bilk and used for coating paper.
Argentina is this country's chief
Senators Develop
Dtffere-iw of Opinion
Spirited debate preceded this
ote. Senator Howell, republican
Independent, 'Nebraska, contend
ed for the 8-cnt rate as an aid
to the dairy Industry. Senator
Blaine. another Independent,
front Wisconsin, argued 5 cents
waa the difference in American
and Argentine production costs
and that a higher lvy would
benefit only tho processors.
After lengthy debate. Senator
Hartwer, republican, Oregon, won
approval of an amendment to
place I on the free list sodium
enlorate, dutiable at m cents a
pound. This chemical Is used to
radicate Weeds and farms and
railroad rlghtu of way.
Rates Hearing
Will Be Held
On March 17th
Hearing of the case Involving
tire ladas trial power ratea and
vara! lighting rates of the TamhiU
Mac trie company, Molalla Elec
trfct company and Young Electric
company will be held la Portland
Itareh IT, according to announce
ment made by the public service
anuaiaaloa Thursday. -
The commission also will hear
am March 17 a complaint relative
h the Industrial power ratea of
Northwestern Electric com'
Bany, as far as they pertain to the
mxf t Rainier.
Our service stands
out because it is dis
tinctive scientific and
sincere. j
A yearly examination
d your eyes is a wist
precaution. May we
examine a ttjom" today?
snana?n .m"''
it) I P"
4 ' ,
, ii ...
uf . '--Ah-
v. 'i'
OS . V
Kovk't soldiers are shown here
the strtictnre to make room for a "new house of culture." It is part of
in itusaian airatrs. Knitting machines bam indastrfously in the halls of the Znamensk Monastery, where
prayer. Ilells whose mellow tones have ceiled the faithful to worship for centuries" are belne crashed from
the metal ran be used for farm implements.
Brush College Prepare
CrrT7ri TTI A
Come one, come all.
Grangers great and small;
There will be a merry time
When a sober fare. will be crime.
Brush College grange la antic
ipating one of the biggest events
in its history' where it gives "All
Grangers night" Friday, March 7.
SILVERTON. March 6 Brush
Creek school children were treat
ed to another birthday serprise
Wednesday when Mrs. J. C Go-
plerud brought over a big four
layer cake all decorated with
hearts and the name of her
daughter, Charlotte. Mrs. Gople
rud appeared with the cake at
the school daring the last recess
period and the youngsters with
their Instructor. Mrs. Martin Doer-
tier, enjoyed a pleasant "tea hour"
minus the tea. The occasion was
Miss Charlotte's 12th birthday.
Birthday treats have become
quite the thing at Brush Creek
school. The parents of children
who have birthday falling .on
school days very nearly always
New Kind of Salts
Taking Country By Storm
They Revitalize the System
Keep Body in Splendid
It doesn't take long for Amer
icans to wake up to a good thing
-only a few months ago Krus-
chen Salts were introduced into
this country and the welcome
news of their superior goodness
aid iwttt rejuvenating power
traveled so fast that at on time
the supply was many carloads be
hind the demand.
All of which goes to prove that
Americans know good salts when
they Uke them and want their
meads to benefit also.
Kruschen Salts art takes tor
their health bulldlag valua all ov
er the world they are the big
gest selling medicinal salts la
Great Britain today.
Kruchea Salts are different
from other salts Kruschen la tlx
salts, la one the very aaaae atz
salta that nature pit into the au-
maa body . at the .beginning of
ereatloa ead demand yoa keep
theta there or your health wont
bo as good aa U should be. , .
; Tfnllke moat - ealts Kruschen
taut simply a taxaUva It that's
I i m ii ht irtu hi in iir 1"' - J
.. i . .i ii i in ii 1 1 i i nill Hi i nam i i I
V P " H V':
1 in" . ' - .' ' ' "9 :
carrying irons and religions decorations from the Himonoff Monaaterr.
Great Event for Friday
TO nnmfTI))
Brush College grange is noted
for its sumptuous 6:30 o'clock
suppers and all former members
and those who are now members
are cordially invited to the sup
per Friday night and the follow
ing evening of stants and games
and a general good old fashioned
social time.
appear on the scene some time
during the day with a treat. The
school Is not large and the chil
dren are sot many in number, but
all of them seemingly take a great
deal of interest in the school
work and none of them try. to find
excuses to be absent from school.
In fact some parents report that
they have difficulty in retaining
their children at home when they
are really too sick to attend.
Extradition of
Spencer Ordered
Governor Norblad Tuesday
authorised the extradition of JJ
W. Spencer, who la wanted in Lin
coln county. Waah., on a charge of
fraudulently obtaining bounty
money. Spencer is under arrest la
It was alleged that Spencer sold
wllcat hides in Washington which
he obtained la Oregon.
Induce Youthful Activity
uonaiuon rree rrom .m
all yon want any old kind of salts
with any hind of a label will do
but ta thai all you want!
When you take Kruschen .Salta
yon not only stlmulste yonr bow
els, liver and kidneys to function
naturally and perfectly, but. you
supply every Internal organ.
gland nerve and fibre In the
body - with nature's own revital
ising and rejuvenating minerals.
A bottle of Kruschen salts that
lasts 4 weeks coats bat tie at
Perry's Drug Store or any drug
store lq America Uke one kaix
a teaspoon la a glass or not wat
er every morning before break
fast in Just a tew day tnaoi
ence changes to activity and UZe
grows brighter. -
Before tho bottle is 'empty
roull teal years younger eyes
will pflghtea step grew apngnt.
lier. yoaH sleep somad. enjoy
yoar meals and after a hard day's
work youll bo ready tor whole
some recreation one million
Americans know all this ask
your druggist. - -
f I ' ', lit
II. . ' r v. i
the Soviet jforernment's drive to
Eugene, March 6 (Special)
1500 points in sports at the
A A. banquet tomorrow eve-
mag in in men s aormuory. miss
Moshberger won her sweater, sym
For Week-End Selling
Look over this list of standard merchandise and save money on
your spring needs. These lots are limited. The price will move
them quickly.
About 50 Heavy Galvanized Reed Tubs. Size Two measure 22 inches diameter.
Wood handles and wringer clamps weighs 8 pounds. Extra special value
Heavy Reed Copper Boilers. These have wood handles,
full weight copper. We have sold thousands of them for
purchase makes it possible to sell this lot for
Size 8
Size 9
Only .
A well finished full weight grey granite bucket fun
less and no seconds. While this lot lasts they go for
Pipo Wrenches for Less.
ran own a good one for
10 Inch size
Only ',
14 inch size
Only ,
18 inch size
Paly r
We have a fme dean
We boy the bet seed
Moscow, nrior to th razinsr of
relegate religion to a minor place
pious MoseoTitee once kneeled in
their towers and melted so that
bol of winning 1000
points, last
CORVALL1S, Ore., March 6
(AP) Spurred on by a win over
Univerity of Oregon, varsity
swimmers at Oregon State are
training hard for a return meet
with the Webfoots here March 8.
A Few
Lot No. 1
Lot No. 2
Lot No. 3
Lot No. 4
You can't af ford to borrow
these prices:
new ctock of BULK GARDEN SEEDS
possible. They are the cheapest.
- PainU rPlumbxns - Machinery
235 N. CoMemal
A dinner meeting of the execu
tive board of Cascade Area Coun
cil, Boy Scouts of America, will
be held Monday evening, March
10, at the Market building confer
ence dining room at 5:5 o'clock,
announces O. P. West, scout ex
ecutive. The meeting has been
called that the executive commit
tee might hear a radio address on
Scouting to be given that evening
by President Hoover in commem
oration of the 20th anniversary of
the founding of the Boy Scouts
of America.
President Hoover's address will
be broadcast and will be received
here at 6 o'clock. The president,
together with his entire cabinet,
is sponsoring a big dinner confer
ence at the Hotel Willard in
Washington on that evening.
As soon as the national pro
gram is completed, the local ex
ecutive board will go into session
to consider several urgent prob
MILL CITY, March 5 Fire de
stroyed the farm home of Sir. and
Mrs. Thomas Barnes early Sun
day morning. The building was
completely destroyed as was the
greater part of the contents. It
is presumed that the fire was
started from a defective fine. Mr.
Barnes had arisen rather early,
started fire In the kitchen stove
and had then gone to the barn to
do the chores. Mrs. Barnes has
been quite ill for some time and
was confined to her bed. She
heard the fire and getting to the
kitchen endeavored to attract Mr.
Barnes' attention. This was quite
difficult as the wind was blowing
and in the opposite direction from
the barn. He finally heard or saw
the fire and hastened to the bouse
but too late to save anything ex
cept two pillows and a trunk.
The house was partially cover
ed by insurance. Mr. Barnes will
start rebuilding, immediately.
Fire Truck
Bought by
purchase of a new fire truck was
authorized at the March meeting
of the city council which was
held Monday evening in the
council chambers. Besides this
truck, 500 feet of new hose were
also added to the local fire
The new truck is very similar
are well finished and
$4-50, but this special
12 qt. size. Seam- AQr
a pipe wrench when you
to the one already owned by the
department with the exception
that la has a ISO gallon water
tank to accommodate la ease of
country calls. .
No other . business of any Im
portance was transacted at the
Little Chats
About Your Health
In his book "Roughing
Mark Twain tells of being lost la
s storm and without knowing it
of traveling for hours in a cir
cle and finally learning that all the while he
had been but a very short distance from
camp and friends.
People who rely on self diagnosis and self
medication also very often travel In circles
In that they make no headway until their
course is properly directed by a physician.
You can best travel tbe road to health
when your doctor acts as your guide.
As we specialize in prescription work we
are always prepared and ready to give real
service in that respect.
Capital Drug Store
405 State
j J . JJl" " 1 1 ii mi 1 1 1 1 1 in TKJzJtZ--:tZ -U 1 1 '" " nl hlj
847 Court St.
Inmates of Eastern
Institution U Be
Radio has been brought to the
1000 inmates of the eastern Ore
gon state hospital through the in
stallation, just completed, of a
battery of 21 dynamic loudspeak
ers ted from a single stock model
Bosch console radio receiver. .
Completion of the work, which
involved the stringing of a mile
and a half of wire, waa announced
yesterday by Ray Elliott- of the
Electric corporation or Portland.
Bosch radio distributors. Three
days were required to make the
Installation. Mr. Elliott said. J.
f!xell, chief engineer of the hospi
tal, assisted. - ' . - .
Marked- improvement in the
condition of some of the patients
was noticed at once, according to
tho superlnteadeat of tho hospi
tal. Dr. UeXary. Even tho mors
restless ones calmed down per
ceptibly sad listened to tho pro
rrams Familiar., tunes brought
tears to some eyes. Nearly all
showed a marked Interest In the
educational, broadcasts.
Tho hospital, vhjca Is located
ta Pendleton, depends oa KXSW
for most ef Its programs ta , the
daytime, though KSI. KOA. and
KHQ. can be received wtta more
or., toss clarity. . y
Tho .tastallatloa Is tho tourtk
whlek has been completed ta this
sUte ky the Bosek radio dlstrl-
(- I 11 111 ' ... .
SI vi --Try
M $ " i 7 -
I v . " s.-ir"4'
fWi$x I l - ' v- v-, n
Argeatlaa "Hoards' 8crap Iroa
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina.
(AP) -Exportation of scrap Iron
and steel is prohibited under a
presidential decree in an effort to
aid the development of an iron
and steel manufacturing Industry
in Argentina..
f LV J
Only the Best
Phone 488
Entertained Tkreegh
butors. Tie other tnatUntiece
are the tuberculosis koapiUb) at
The Dalles ssd Salem and tie
Girls Training school ta Salem.
The Boech radio U eoU ln Sa-
by tko Eott Eleetrie Company.
r S47 Court St, ..
'f' ii
. V
' ' ' :