-I CIRCULATION ; Dally S'varat elatrlsetfsa fr k WEATHER Ckmdy today; - uaettJed Frtdayi moderate ,temjtem tnrca, : Max. , trnpenUve seals r,orry .SB. g Aftrsrs dally Mt aM S.JSO Wedaeoday 8Tl mla. 43? I wiad west; rats S; rmr 8. . .. - . i - ,j FOUNDED' 1831 SEVENTY-NINTn TEAR Saka, Oicsob, Thursday llcralnr, llxrch f, 1939 Na.2S 'Action Approved by.Official Vote of Congregation - At Prayer Meet long Controversy in Baptist Church Now Apparently Brought to End . . f . . 'A, surprise, and apparently the Ittt-'one la the bc. tu sprung upon the congregation of the First Baptist church at the regu lar business meeting held last aiffct, when Rer. Robert L. Payne ubmltted his resignation. The resignation wafe accepted by a cte of. 71 for and 2 against. Klnteen blank ballots were cast. Payne, who has been the center f long and heated eontrorersy at the church, offered his resig nation early la the meeting, ask tog that acceptance of it be made as nearly unanimous as possible, and that his friends in the audi ence east blank rotes. The resignation is effectlre the Ust day in March. In submitting It, Payae said he was taking the best step for harmony ia t the church and requested Thir It be accepted In order ibat the church membership might once more pull together. Payne Declares Step Will Prore For Best The pastor stated to a reporter after the meeting that he earnest ly desired that the church group remain together, and that he had takea the step to sate the congre gation from splitting again, for with him, Payne, still In the pul pit, such a course was imminent. 8. A. Hughes stated In the meeting, and his assertion was re iterated by H. F. Durham, that the -group Interested In getting Payne out of the pulpit here had effered him $700, a sum which they figured would be due at the end of the month. It was made clear at the session that Payne Jiad made no insistence on a mon cy consideration. Details of the fl sal financial settlement were not arranged at the meeting. After the rote, Payne requested church letters for himself - and members of his family;-stating Xhat he asked these at that time that neither he nor his family might hare anything to say in matters of the church for the new year or In selection of his sue- essor. ' Final Plea Made To Congregation At the prayer meeting follow ing the business session, Payne made the following plea to the congregation: r "I want to say this word, that regardless of everything that has happened In the past, may we this month try to do what we can. If yon will hold me, I will try to do the very best preaching, by the kelp of - God. It Is possible for me to do. "You will soon be planning your next year's work of the church. I am going to try the kest I can to bring messages from the gospel. I trust that neither friend or foe will bo guilty of .further agitation. Let It be closed book. "May we spend this time that la left: la our Sunday school. nrayer meeting and ln.eujureach- lng service. In helping Ur get the .work as near as we can for my (Turn to page 2, eol. t) Board Products Firm Raising Capital, Report Encouraging progress toward completing the financing et the Western Board Product company being made, according to local men -who haTe interested them elves la the Teatare. A recent : development has been the discov ery that an even more favorable -market tor the company' prod ' acts Is available; than was at first fe.Aiti :tv - s. P&ttaexi. who rlginaMy proposed establishment mt tfie piant aere. . i ti nlan In. to make oaner board of flax by products, which ! are bow pracucauy sow i i . Tcrh tha financial la i completed, a plant which Mr. Put- taert formerry r operated at oaa . Francisco Win DO movea nere. Negro Or a tor Impresses Audience With Talk Here ' 1 An audience which packed the audltortum of the First Methodist church here Wednesday thrilled to the message of Dr. Lorunao H. King, noted negro' orator, as fee brought an lmpassloaed message f the work of the Methodist ehureh ia assisting the aegroes of America in. their spiritual re- eneratlon. - For mora ,thaa ai our. Dr. Xing,, who is editor of the Southwestern Christian Advo cate at New Orleans, held his au dience witlt 4 message whleh com bined incisive ;a n a lysis a is d thought with, a fervent and'deep: eated emotional plea tor the re demption f the aegro. . ; Hla addresa brought to a close a men's council for Methodist men from an parts of the valley which was held here throughout the dcp. "The aegro has beea drawn, to tha -Methodist church.", said the peakrn-rbeeauM. John Wesley fmphaaixed la kfs doctrine - the Battle Won by Tardieu Cabinet .: :.-:--TM ::.f-'.r--v-:...: . .'::;v:::?-i:-:'.:'.:r:- 1 f ' , ,- " 'v ' it 1 's " x , V , W ' r ' C I Andre Tardieu, French premier. whose recently formed caotaet successfully foaght Its first battle la the chamber of depu ties yesterday. OF III MIOllES High School Students to Be Requested to State Ex act Situation An apparent about face in Prin cipal Fred Wolf's assertion thst secret societies are not running the election to fill the unexpired term of yell leader at the high school. Is seen in his own admis sion that he Is considering asking every candidate to make a state ment, prior to the election Friday, that he does not belong to a se cret order. Although Wolf volunteered to the paper no more Information than that he was considering making every candidate, at every election, make the declaration that he or she does not belong to a secret society, suggestion was made to him that he call the pres ident candidates to his office this morning and request them .to make such a statement in their campaign speeches to be given at the assembly today. Wolf's few words On the matter are taken to mean the suggestion was favor ably received. As a matter of fact, one of the candidates Is known to have been presented with the idea yesterday, and to have virtually admitted he is a frsternity member by retort ing to the proposal that he could hardly be expected to tell his fel low students a lie. Wolf, when told by a States man reporter that high school stu dents were admitting freely that the secret orders were out to con trol the Friday election, merely laughed the matter off, saying he knew-the secret societies were not mixing In at all. A further development In the minor election was seen yesterday, with circulation of a petition to place the name of Bruce Cooley, present senior class yell leader, on the ballot. Cooley Is an avowed "barbarian," and has taken a consistent stand against secret so cieties while in school. This move Is generally construed to mean that the non-secret society stu dents are out to have a say in who shall be yell leader. Zonta Club Be Host When Encinitis Meets The Zonta club will entertain members of the Encinitis elub, young business girls' group, at a dinner meeting at the Marlon ho tel this evening, beginning at 15 o'clock. , A special program has been ar ranged for' the event, and will in clude solos by Lena Belle Tartar and Miss Nellie 'Schwab; a line dance by pupils of the Barbara Barnes school of the dance; a one act play, "Suppressed Desires" by members of the Encinitis elub; and the address by Judge O. P. Coshow. Fatherhood of God aad the Broth erhood of Man. This doctrine ap pealed to the lowly aegro, always a member of aa oppressed race aad poor. "This race was also attracted to . the teaching that God is per sonal, supernatural, a God ot mystery. God to our race," de clared Dr. Kiag. "is mora than man yet knows Him to be. He Is mora than a mechanical explana tion of an integral and unifying process behiad life." r 5 Criticism was made of the sec ular preaa which : was attacking the Hth amendment. X believe the day will come when soma as tute, analytical attorney win lead the way to indict papers in tha United States which are dally dis torting the truth about an amend ment to our constitution" he de clared. " " '"''.""'.'-- ; . At tie game time. Kin praised I (Tarn U paf & col. 41 police ay TOPUTDOWII Communist Disturbances Anticipated in Numerous Parts of Globe Moscow Headquarters Said To Have Ordered Huge Demonstrations By The Associated Press Police of eities throughout the world today were prepared to quell any disturbance which com munist adherents might plan la response to a call for "demonstra tions" Issued by, the trade union International at Moscow. New York and Philadelphia will allow meetings. If orderly. Chicago has ordered "no par ades." This Is because the nolle commissioner had been told "the paraders have-been asked to arm themselves with knives and black jacks to attack, the police." :- Berlin. Paris, Riga and Prague have forbidden communistic dem onstrations. Communist Papers Ordered Suppressed Ia Csecho Slovakia two com munist newspapers were suppress ed and no' meetings will bo per mitted. Police of Prussia and Es tonia are on the alert for disturb ances. Athens reported that commun ist proclamations request work men to create disturbances and demand a labor form of govern ment. Stockholm police have forbid den street demonstrations but have Issued permits for three open air meetings. St. Louis was warned that "a demonstration St. Louis weuld re member" would eventuate. Police expected no .trouble but were on the watch. Western states mining districts planned no special precautions. Representative Hamilton Fish of New York yesterday Introduced a bill In congress calling for an investigation by the house, of communist party activities In the United States. Champion Debate Team Chosen at Contest Tonight Championship debate to deter mine the winner of the middle Willamette district of the state debating league will be held to night between Corvalls and Salem high schools, each having won the title in their respective sections of the district. The. local affirmative, Fred Blachford and Eleanore Hen derson, will vie with the Corvallls negative at the high school audi torium here at S o'clock tonight, and the local negative, Gertrude and Norman Winslow, will engage the Corvallls negative there. Vera D. Bain, superintendent of Woodburn schools, will be the chairman of the debate here. Bain is district debate manager. Judges will be from Willamette university, and at Corvallls the Judges will be from tfie public speaking department at O. 8. C. The district champion will eater tne state euminationseries. Business Group To Stage Meet Here Tonight A young men's business and professional organization which was recently organised in Salem has announced a meeting for this evening at : 30 at the Gray Belle according to an announcement made by their president, Walt roarer. This organisation, sometimes known as "Arphan Annls." was organized recently with the pur pose of fellowship among a group ot young business and pro fessional men of the city. They or iginally planned to associate with the national organization known as "Actives" but this plan has act neea accepted and It is a o w thought that they will act locally without national connection.' Hoop Tourney Advertised by Chamber Group A special committee to give publicity throughout the state to the fact that Willamette univer sity Is host to the annual basket ball . tournament the middle at March, was named Wednesday by J. N. Chambers, president of the chamber of commerce. On the committee are W. L. Phillips, M. C, Findley and James H. Nicholson. - t , - On Mareh 17 at the regular ehamber dinner, the members of the Salem high school basketball team aad Hellls Huntington, their eoaeh- will -be , ruesta. - "Spec" Keene, coaeh. at Willamette wal- fcrsity, will also be' a guest. -: - - " frrrusox aidk decs r- LONDON, Mareh C (AP) f TnursaayjMrs. : reari , uemart t atenonanher to - Secretary O State Stlmson, died in St. Georges hABTiital mmrhr tala 'morula from injuries suffered in a fall front a sixth floor window ot the Uayfitr total, icse cH Opposts Self for Job ca . Gone Comsdtaca Edward Flascckl ef West , Salem, wbe recently reeeiv & the tadorsement far a member of the state game commleakm from both the PoDc and Martom cowaty portamen'a orpunHafioa, Wednesday faformed Gover nor Norblad that he did awt think ft would be fair to ap poiat a fommisskmer from either of these counties. PUsecki pointed owt that one member of the commis sion now Urea ia Portland, while another resides at Mc Minaville. For geographical reasons, PUsecki said, the third members of the com mission should be a resident ef son there Oregon. The" new member of the commission, to be appointed by Governor Norblad, will succeed Ben Dorru of Eu gene, who resigned recently to act as field representatire for Charles Ball, candidate for governor. PUsecki has been active in sportsmen's circles for a long time and served for two years as president of the game protective association. He previously lived at Dal las but recently moved to West Salem. Plasecki la an attorney. 5IU1 HIGH'S II Former Ouster Rescinded by School Authorities After Conferences Held Rvrnn Mills, veil klnc at the hlsh schoor. has been granted permission by Principal Fred Wolf to return to scnooi again. T.M11. wa ordered out of classes more than a week ago by Wolf when the principal caugni mm eutting his gym class. This of fense was the fourth for the same thing, and Wolf declared on the fourth time Lillie was done wun Salem hieh. Tha nrincioal trans ferred his credits to La Grande high and advised him to get into school there. LUlle's return to school comes after several conferences which his mother, who 1b now living in eastern Oregon, held with both Wolf and the city superintendent Reaamisston, aitnougn won naa atstsd thst h made no formal suspension in the case, was grant ed with the understanding that the student make no more mis steps in the matter of school dis cipline. LUlle's student body membership and his position" as student body yell leader were forfeited. T.UU la th SAtAnd conaecutivs yell leader who has been repri manded for transgressing school discipline, Gerald Simpson, last Wear's eheer leader, havinc lost his Job and student body privi leges lor a scnooi onense. Advertising Is Discussed Here To Rotarians "Reputation and repetition" are the secrets ot business success through advertising, J. F. Brum baugh, vocational training pro fessor at O. 8. C, told, the mem hers ot the Rotary club at Wed aesdays luncheon. The principle ot advertising is display and demonstration, the speaker said, and he declared un truthful advertising to be worse than useless. Giving the public an opportunity to inspect one's mer chandise Is a valuable point in selling, based on a- psychological principle that "people love to fool With other people's property;" he said. Advertising must be contlnu ous to be effective. Prof. Bram- baugh declared. O'Hara Is First With Completed Petition on File David O'Hara, present alder man from the fifth ward, has tne distinction ot being the first can didate tor any office in the city to file a completed petition to have his name placed on the bal lot Jn the May election. He la running' for reelection. His petition la also unique in that it bears it names, a record number for any candidate for the council in the memory, ef . Mark Poulsen, city recorder. Tha pe tition was filed Wednesday. George W. Averett Wednesday tiled original declaration of can didacy for the. two year term on tha council for tha fourth ward, to succeed B. B. Herriek wto van elected by the council. Mr. Aver ett lives at ..Iff Richmond ave nue. , . . , Hug h Appointed By Health Group Further reeognitloa ot the work I whleh George W. Hug, city school m m a . m a supenntenuenK, is soma; in - ui field of health edueatloa was re ceived by Hug yesterday in the fornv of notification that he bad been elected to' active member ship la, tha American " Public Health association: The' society is organized (or the protection, aad perpetuation ef public - health and has headquarters in New Tori cyt r - - - n DICK III CUSS Formal Announcement Made By Marshfield Man of Entry in Race Governor's Job Sought Upon Basis of Past Record n This State Charles Hall of Marshfield state senator from Coos and Cur ry counties, formally announced his candidacy throughout Oregon today for the republican nomina tion for governor at the primaries. May II. Mr. Hall said he would file with Secretary of State Hoss within the next few dsys. At the same time Mr. Hall an nounced that he would support very definite statewide politics, including highway program com pletion, reorganisation of sUte government, economy In state government and a readjustment of tax assessments. The senator pledged himself to support conser vation of fish and game resources. He said that if elected he would favor state-wide enforcement of the prohibition laws, which he characterised as "an executive problem requiring enternal vigil ance." Oregon's Development Stressed Mr. Hall's platform calls tor a nniting of all forces In the state looking toward Oregon's detelop- ment. "If elected I should feel the chief executive has a specific man date from Oregon citizens to urge increased energy, greater vision and enhanced courage on the part ot all citizens looking toward Ore gon's progress. I ask Oat Oregon discard Us "Inferiority complex" and tell the entire world the truth about the state. In such a program tne governor can take an effect ive part with entire propriety." Friends of Mr. Hall in urging that he make the race have point ed to his business and political f recora as one wmcn wen quali fies him for the office of gover nor.- Starting without resources at 21, when be came here from west ern Pennsylvania. Mr. Hall in 28 years has successfully engaged, in the drug, orchard, telephone and banking businesses. In the latter fields he has- operated large en terprises from which he only re cently sold his control. For three terms he has been state senator. In community and statewide chamber of commerce work he has been very active. As chairman of the roads and high ways committee in the senate when major construction was be- (Turn to page 2, col. 4) Salem Elks to Pick Oiiicers Tonight, Word Officers are to be chosen to night to lead the Salem Elks club for the coming year, according to William Paulus, exalted ruler, who at the next session yields the gavel to his successor, Howard Hulsey and Charles Knowland are the candidates for the position of exalted ruler. Other candidates are: esteemed leading knight, Harold Eakln; esteemed loyal knight, Leroy Gard, esteemed lecturing knight, Frank Cain, A. Warren Jones, Armin Berger; secretary: H. J. Wledmer; treasurer; Carl Arm strong; tiler: Otto Ammann; trustee: H. H. dinger ; represen tative to grand lodge: W. H. Pau lus; alternate representative: Charles R. Archerd. Miss Waltorfs Successor to Be Named Soon Appointment of a successor to Mlsa Beatrice Walton, who will retire as private secretary to Governor Korblad on March IB, probably will not be announced until Saturday ot this week. This was indicated by attaches ef the executive department Wednes day. Friends of Governor Norblad expressed the opinion that the appointee would be a Portland man. who has bad considerable political experience aad is well known throughout the state. - Miss Walton announced yester day' that she'would enjoy a much needed rest, aad bad ao Idea of going to Europe as reported in press dispatches from Astoria. Tom Kay Neutral In Governor Race V, No support for aa especial can didate for the .republican nomina tion for gorenor is to be given by Tom. Kay. the state treasurer re emphasised -Wednesday in- aa in formal interview. - "No matter who ia elected, it will bo my duty to serve for sev eral -yearn aa a member, ef the board ot control and it would be ambarassing for jne to stand, for any one of the candidates," Kay saldL. . . 1- '- -;.- RATE BOOST REFUSED f WASHINGTON if at r e h ' S- (AP) The senate .tonight reject ed -without a' record vote a pro posal to increase the duty an Y "V Candidates Ask Governor's Job rt ? - - : . j ' - - -VM l . i .v;. 1 tlOj, - .. ... X ' "J I V S' , ) v, .-i .:.4''-as. 17. L. Corbett (above) and diaries Hall, former colleagues in the Oregon state senate, now opponents In the race for re publican nomination for gover nor. WOI WILL START UPON FILTER PUT Excavation to Begin Today Is Announcement by 0-W Company Chiefs Excavation for the Oregon- Washington Water Service com pany's filtration plant will be started today by crews employed by C. W. Devil bias, it was an nounced Wednesday. The power shovel which will be used was being fitted up that day. The difficulty over the city council's failure to pass the ordin ance vacating the unused alley through the water company's property was Ironed out Wednes day when ten members of the council agreed to pass the ordin ance at the next meeting, follow ing an investigation ot the cir cumstances. One of the points on which the aldermen were not clear when the ordinance came up for final con sideration Monday night had to do with an old brick sewer which extended down this alley to the mill stream. It was stated at the time that it was still In use to some extent, but the aldermen who Investigated Wednesday were told by Paul Wallace, former head of the Salem Water company, which owned the same property, that the sewer had not been used for 20 years. Mr. Devilblss Wednesday con ferred with local representatives ot organised labor and arranged to emptor such workers as will be needed in the constuctlon of the filter plant, directly through the eentral labor council, thus gir lng assurance that all men em ployed aside from the ; superin tendent and two or three "key men." will be residents of Sa lem. He also save assurance that in sofar as possible, materials will be purchased from local firms. It developed wedn-saay mat there was considerable sentiment la labor circles against the city council's delay in granting the va cation of the alley In question, as tending to prevent the possibility of employing a considerable force of workers on the filter plant pro ject. Willamette Wins Another Debate Willamette won Its fourth vic tory over Whitman college Wed nesday night when the women's debate team was given a two to one Judges decision over Whit man's women. Katnenne iteming aad Catherine Ogdea. Marjorle Nelson and Lillian Beecher-spoke on .tha affirmative aide ot tha question, 'Resolved, that the mod ern diversion of women from the home' to business and industrial occupations In detrimental to so ciety." " : The Judges were Martin Ferrey. Norborae Berkeley .. aad Miss Grace Smith.- ' i EXPENSES FUND ASKED ; WASHINGTON. March B. (AP) President Hoover today asked congress to grant f 150.009 for expenses et the American del egation at the London Naval con ference tn addition to tha 1100 die aHoved originally. VISIT HERETO SEEK SUPPORT Organization to Be Formed In Salem to Back Port land Candidate Quiet Campaign Being Con ducted; Stand on Office Building Related Paying his first visit to Salem as a csndldate for governor H. L. Corbett of Portland spent yester day calling on friends In this city. Lsst evening, his campaign man ager, Floyd Cook, arrived and will spend the day lining np an organ isation in support ot the Corbett candidacy. Mr. Corbett had to re turn to Portland for an engage ment in the peninsula district. The former senator is making an extensive personal canvass contacting as many voters and party leaders as possible. His campaign has had little bally-hoo as yet. Now he is perfecting an organisation to make a real drive ror votes In the little over 10 days remaining before the pri maries. He has been active ever since his announcement a month and a half ago. and will continue active in furthering bis candida cy in the remaining time. BIgh Hat Harry" Designation Belled Genial and affable In his man ner, and entirely comfortable in both dress and deportment, Cor bet quite belles the "high hat" deslgnstlon which one editor at tempted to apply to him. He has a frank approach which Is engaging and a readiness to make his posi tion clear that is convincing In its manner. His campaign Is laid out on the plan of building up steadi ly rather than "flashing in the pan." Senator Corbett's life-long resi dence in the state and his service in the legislature have given him many contacts with Salem folk and he spent most ot the after noon calling on old friends and getting a line on the local politi cal situation. Realising that Sa lem Is the second eity in sise in the state, and that the governor through his residence here and through the support of many of fice-holders has enjoyed a pre liminary advantage, Mr. Corbett plans to organise a real campaign committee here which will tunc tion actively In his behalf. Salem Residence Planned If Elected When questioned about some of the reports which had been cur rent In Salem to the effect that if elected he wduld continue to re side nesr Portland, Mr. Corbett scoffed at the idea. "A man could (Turn to page 2, col. I) Gram Files For a Reelection On Basis of Record C. H. Gram, state labor com missioner. Wednesday filed witn the secretary of state here his candidacy for reelection. "My record of 12 years as commission er Is your guarantee of efficien cy," is the slogan adopted by Gram. He promises the voters an Impartial and economical ad admlnistratlon. Gram, is a re publican. C. H. McColloch has filed for the democratic nomination for circuit Judge ot the eighth Judi cial district, comprising Baker county. He has served as Judge there tor six years. "I will perform the duties of the office in the future as in the past," reads McColloch's slogan. Oreg OH Arretted cn Chcrze cf Kid Tr e naptng t other; rem JDlieiSee . W ins Wr exiling Ucteh KIDNAPING CHARGED ASTORIA, Ore., March I (AP) Richard Ray King, mem ber of the Portland volunteer po nce, and his wife, Ella, were ar rested hero, today as they drove their automobile onto a ferry to the Washington shore of the Co lumbia river. Telegraphic war rants were ' received hero from Portland charging Mr. and Mrs. King with three counts ot kid naping Kahum A. King, 7S, Rien ard King's father . BOB KRT8E WINS " PORTLAND, Ore., Mareh. I (AP) Bob Erase, Portland heavyweight grappler, : pinned Charles S track, -8U11 water, Okla-. noma, two out of three falls here tonight to win the main event of the wrestling card. Kruse weigh ed in at 10S, Strack 114. ;7- a - Kruse won the first fall, in It minutes St seconds witn a wrist lock, - S track evealag it up In fire minutes whan he put Kruse down with a back trip and body press, t f The final fall went to Kruse in It -minutes, an r, airplane , spin dropping Strack, -: i 6. n. o. 'wins' debate 'jA EUGENE,- Ore-H March f API Upholding the " negative sid of , tha question: "Resolved, that world peace demands demo blMsattoa. of all armed forces ex cept those needed for police pro tection " the debate team et tha Oregon - EUte Agricultural col lege defeated the .University, of Oregon here tonight by a a to a decision of the Judges.;-. i- A Ml TOM is ImM Leaders Rally to De fend Eighteenth Amendment Facts Are Distorted by Wets, Declare Witnesses By CECIL B. DICKSON Associated Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON. March 6. (AP) Advocates of prohibition today vigorously s nailed the ar- gumenta of antl-prohibltleaists tor repeal of the 18th amendment before the hous Judiciary com mittee. In the first day of their allot- . ed seven days, the dxys presented , four witnesses who attributed to , prohibition general prosperity. improved conditions among work ing classes and a better environ ment for the growing generation. They insisted thst evils attri buted to prohibition by Its oppon ents had been exaggerated and that Isolated Instances had ' been taken as indications ot general conditions. Ford and Edison Send in Telegrams Two of the outstanding Ameri can drys the prohibitionists hoped to present nenry rora sua Thomas A. Edison expressed to the committee lu the form ot tel egrams to Samuel Crowtber, ef - Bayside, Long Island, the first witness, their unalterable opposi tion to repeal of the dry laws. Ford expressed a conviction that the "sane people of the na tion" would never see the 18th amendment repealed, while Edi son said he felt that "prohibition Is the greatest experiment yet made to benefit man," and that it " was strange to him that some ' men ot great ability and stand-, lng "do not help to remove the ' curse of alcohol." Although the drys, headed by Mrs. Lenna Lowe Yost, lfgisla- " tlve director of the Women's . Christian Temperance " Union, ' planned to present six witnesses, today, the cross-examination of the four was continued at such . length that the testimony of the others was put off until tomor row. , Prominent Authorities Present Testimony After Crowther, who is sa au thor on economic subjects, tbe '. -committee heard Edward Keat- . ing, editor of "Labor" and a for mer representative from Colo rado; Dr. Danie 1 A. Poling of New York, general director of the J. C. Penney foundation and pres ldent of the World's Christian , Endeavor Union; and Henry M. Johnson, lawyer and business man ot Louisville, Cy. Crowther explained be had made a survey of Industrial con ditions under prohibition for ted Ladles' Home Journal and said he had found the laboring classes had increased their bank ac counts, improved their home con ditions and purchased automo biles, radios and other luxuries of life out of money which for merly they spent for alcoholic beverages in the corner saloon. Industrialists Quoted As Prohl Advocates He presented statements from Industrialists to show they felt conditions had improved greatly, but. under cross-examination bo conceded some unemployment and uncertainty as to whether (Turn to page .2. eoL t) PnrtltmA Frretnai enA Wile naping Father; . PorucnaeT CORVALLIS, Ore., March (AP) Gordon Winks aad Cullen Wrist, varsity debaters et Oregon State college, won the unanimous decision of three Judges over Ar-. thur Potwin and Eugene Laird et the University of Oregon here to-. night. . , BLEACHERS COLLAPSE PORTLAND, Ore.. March 8. (AP) rive students were in jured, none seriously, today when. a temporary- bleachers on which they were assembled : to hate class picture - taken, collapsed. The tire, - all ' students of the . Northwestern .School ot Com . merce, were treated at various hospitals for bruises and sprains. , i' TOURNEY IX BOLE PORTLAND, Ore, March S. . (AP) Too many free ticketa for - te Paelfle coast amateur bewias championship tournament at the auditorium here February IS and 1 March 1 put the Multnomah elan, sponsor of the event, in .debt, James 1. . Richardson, manager, told -the city council today in re questing relief from $S8I rent do- - -manded by the, city for the eadi torlum. r- --j ' CHARGES DENTED -' EUGENE, Ore., March S. (AP)- That "charges against the State Game commission regard- . . inr its lack of. enforcement et . state game laws were absolutely without foundatlon.was tne stare meat made" here today; by Ben Dorris, recently resigned membe-A of the commission, -