The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 02, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    j "u ; , (bj guests for ,om, time of the I "Unity ,1
HUBBARD. March 1 Dr. P.
O. Riley of the Hubbard JEnter
JTrjse, Will deliver the address at
the Minnesota : club : banquet
which will be held In the parlor
of the First Presbyterian church
In Salem Monday night, March 3.
Mr. Caroline Smolnlsky, Mrs.
"Wilms Leffler and Miss Franc?
Wearer motored to Portland
wEerei iheT attended thr Kebek
h conyentlon of, district one
Wednesday evening.
Prof. J. R. Bidgood, Prof, and
Mrs. Arthur Myers, Mrs. Lottie
Fry. Mrs. Lorena Duncan, Mrs.
Kellie Cornell and Mrs. Adeline
Fields, all teachers of the Hob
bard school, accompanied by
George Bidfood of Portland, J.
Try of Aurora and Mrs. Mattie
Crocker of Hubbard, attended
the teacher's institute at Silver
ton Saturday. Miss Beryl Bloss
er, the other teacher of the Hub
bard school, was unable to at
tend because of an appointment
with an eye specialist at Salem.
Salemltes Visit Rlleys
Mr. and Mrs. George Arbuckle
and Mr. and Mrs. George King
of the Buster. Brown shoe com
pany of Salem were dinner
guests of Dr. and Mrs. P. O. Ri
ley Tuesday evening at the Hub-
Bard Mineral Springs,
Mrs. Jake Ott
called there by the illness of her
father,- who suffered a stroke
about a week ago.
John Smolniaky of the Hub
bard Service store attended a
meeting of the Red and White
tores at Portland " Wednesday
Mrs. E. Mayhew went to The
Dalles Monday o be with her
sister, who is ill.
Miss Mary Goudy is In a hos
pital at Portland undergoing
treatment for her eyes.
Mrs. E. E. Garrison attended
the funeral of her sister-in-law,
Mrs. J. B. Hunt at Oregon City.
Governor Norblad, James Mc
Cool of the Oregonian and Stan
ley Myers were luncheon guests
of "Hy Everding at the Hub
bard Mineral Springs hotel Wed
nesday. Howard Friend, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Friend under
went an operation at Oregon
City, Wednesday. Howard has
been at the hospital for the past
three months for treatment.
Spring's Hotel Foil -
The Springs hotel Is full to
capacity. Among those registered
there are Ira Powers of Powers
Furniture company of Portland,
and Sid Moles of Columbia Optic
al company, also of Portland.
Mr. Powers expects to remain
three weeks while Mr. Noles will
stay a week or longer.
Mr. and Mrs. George . Bidgood
and daughters, Vina and Meneta
of Portland were guests at the
home of the former's brother,
Prof, J. R. Bidgood and family,
Friday evening.
Members of the boys chicken
and pig clubs accompanied by
their leader. Prof. Arthur Myers.
Inspected the buildings and pens
of members, Thursday afternoon,
club day.
Franklin de Lespinaase. a stu
dent at the Portland School of
Technology was home for the
week end. Franklin assisted the
Hubbard high school orchestra
at the play, "Her Honor, the
Mayor . Saturday evening.
O- -O
Orchard Heights 1
0 o
1 Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Starrett.
teachers of Mountain View
school, drove to Newport Satur
day morning where tkev enioved
brief vacation from the cares
of the school room. They return
ed home Sunday evening.
L. Grice reports that his
daughter and- son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs, Arba Martin and fam
ily, are moving from Stayton to
Salem where they will make
their home. Mr. Martin is em
ployed as an electrician by the
Reid Murdoch canning company
at Salem. Mrs. Martin was Miss
Flora Grice and spent most of
her life, prior to her marriage,
in this neighborhood.
.Mr. and Mrs. Bruce-Wallace of
Wallace Road were guests Sun
day of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bouf-
fler and Mrs. William Bouffler
Many Pupils 111
About half the pupils of the
Popcorn school have been absent
the past week owing to an epi
demic of very severe colds.
The special evangelistic meet
ings being conducted by Rev. M.
A. Groves of West Salem at
Summit church will close Sun
day with a rally at the Sunday
school hour and preaching serv
ices. In the evening. Much inter
est has been shown in the meet
ings a share of which was due
to the song serrlces led by John
Frelsen , of West Salem. Mr.
Frelsen also sang special num
bers, assisted on several occa
sions by different members of
his family.
Kingwood J
KINOWOOD. March 1 H. B.
Koehler, electrician of West Sa
lem, wired the homes of Jaek
Lynch, Ed Flnley, Mike W aide
spiel and J. B. Smith the past
' week, and Installed fixtures In
readiness for electric service.
The P. E. P. company Is expected
to build the line soon. - -
J. A. Tantls underwent a min
or operation on his head Satur
day. Dr. W. B. Morse was the
attending physician.
Misses Vina and Hazel Em
mett and Miss Edna Page spent
the weekend at . Newport. Miss
Hazel Emmett Is , th teacher of
the seventh grade at West Salem
and Miss Vina Is employed In the
automotive-department at th.e
state house. ; ;
Mrs. Avery Applewhite substi
1 tuted from Wednesday till Fri
day lor Miss May Hale of the
Leslie Junior high-school.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simmons
of BrowntTilla were overnight
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Bernard". Sunday. They returned
- home Monday taking with them
Mrs. Harold Mace and little
daughter, Patricia, who - have
been, guests for tome time of the
Bernards. Mr. Simmons is a son
of Mrs. Bernard and !tfrs. Mace
Is her daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Applewhite
were business visitors in Dallas
Monday and Dr. and Mrs. D. A.
Williams, lured by the fair
spring weather, motored the
same day to Dallas, Independe
nce and Monmouth.
LIBERTY, March 1 Two new
barns are under construction In
the Liberty community, one by E.
Williams, the other by R. I For
rester. Mr. and" Mrs. Raphael J. Bet
tencourt of Roberts are receiving
congratulations on the birth of a
daughter 8unday, February 23. at
the home of Mrs. Bettercourt's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Wil
liams. The young miss has been
named Bererly Jean;
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Dencer at
tended a birthday dinner in Sa
lem Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Wright of
Salem former Liberty residents
called at the J. H. fiasch home
Beck mans Move to Salem
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Beckman
is at SeattlerTT," HSL 'V'
Harlan Judd motored to Mon
mouth Sunday, accompanied by
his grandmother,' 'Mrs.'" Phoebe
Williams who has' been visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Percy Judd." '
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Thomas of
Salem were Sunday guests of Mr.
Thomas's cousin. O. L. Dencer.
Week-end guests at the E. Wil
liam's home were their son, Leon
and Miss Jean Mumford of To
LIBERTY, March 1 Mrs.
Russell Wlnchcomb of Charles
ton, Virginia visited her friend
Mrs. A. L. Dencer. Wednesday. In
the evening they motored to town
where a surprise party was held
In Mrs. Wlnehcomb's honor.
The first prize in the ticket
selling contest for the two plays,
"Top Crest" which is given Fri
day evening and "Billy Disap
pears," which will be given March
7 at the Liberty hall, waa won bv
Wilms West house, with Joe Wil
liams, Jr., a dose second.
Mr. and Mrs. McMurphy and
Juanita Dorman of Fall City vis
ited with their father and grand
parents. Will Dorman and Mr.
and Mrs. M. Dorman.
A full house greeted the play
Top Crest," which was given at
the Liberty hall Griday evening.
Mrs. Emily van Santeen as the
petted young wife and John
Keubier as the young doctor were
probably the most outstanding
altho the other parts were very
ably taken.
PRATUM. ' March 1 Landie
Franz, young son of Rev. and
Mrs. J. Franz, has been suffer
ing for about two weeks from
swellings in both Jiis ears which
had to be lanced. He is now Im
proving some, but his tempera
ture is still above normal.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Sipes have
the honor of entertaining two
sisters and a niece of Mrs. Sines
from Illinois. Mrs. Lizzy Seavey
and daughter Bessie and Mrs.
Jennie Ankeny left their com
fortable home in Illinois about
February 1. After .three days
they landed in the sunny south
in the city of Los Angeles. Tues
day Vvenlng they . arrived here
and are enjoying themselves Im
mensely. Their friends here hope
they will enjoy their stay here so
mueh that when they leave they
will go and bring the rest of the
family and make their stay per
O -O
Pleasant View
V :
Earl E. Cook returned Wednesday
to the La Comb district, where he
is engaged in digging strawberry
Alvro Neal of Klamath Falls,
visited the forepart of the week
at the home of Hugh Cook.
M. A. Cook of LaComb. made a
short visit at the homes of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook
and his brother Earl E. Cook.
He also visited his cousin, I. N.
Howe of Salem, returning to his
home Tuesday, accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Howe.
Miss Augusta If one, it saeaher
Northampton, lbs wwrkbxsj
measures the time by the star,
Blgelow, the astronomy H
hour. '
mt tXft
fly v- tiT;vl. . ;
f Y f. " - v - -
:" v t
u. ...... 1 -t
lO Oi : : ' I .-. '
AMITY. March 1 Mrs. E. T.
Baker and a small son - and
daughter who have been residing
Un Salem hare moved back to
Amity after an absence of about
a year. " - . ;
Mr. and Mrs. George. Patty
were Salem business .callers Fri
day. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Snodgrass
spent Wednesday afternoon at
Carlton visiting with their
daughter, Mrs. R. B. Heartman
and small son, Richard.
Repairing Phone Lines
The West Coast Telephone
company have a erew of men sta
tioned at Amity who are in stall
ing new telephone poles and re
pairing the telephone apparatus
in general in and around Amity.
They plan on being here about
three months.
AMITY, March 1 Mrs. Rachel
Stuart who has been residing In
Washington, is visiting with her
sister, Mrs. Millie Stimpson in
this City.
Oran Stimpson of Washington
Is visiting bis mother, Mrs. Millie
Stimpson here. Mrs. Stimpson Is
82. years old.
Mrs. Mary Wanglus, who has
been on the sick list for several
months. Is able to be out . and
around again.
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Thom
as of Amity, who are spending
the - summer with, their ; daugh
ter, Mrs. W. S. Fuller -and hus
band, are guests At ' the W. E.
Taylor and C. A. Fuller homes.
A. W. -Newby spent- Tuesday
and Wednesday In Portlan
where he attended a special
meeting of the Rebekahs.
Henrietta Richter. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Riehtef, Is
irery ill with a severe case of
TURNER, March 1. Mr. and
Mrs. Mayro McKlnny were In Mon
mouth Tuesday to attend the fu
neral of Dr. J. M. Powell, a rela
tive of the family.
Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Riches are
enjoying a new Chevrolet coach.
Rev. W. S. Burgoyne announces
special services for the M. S.
church to begin March 11. Evan
gelist A. Hughes will be in charge.
Born to Mr. and Mrs.. A. E.
Spencer Wednesday a nine pound
son. Richard Irwin.
Mrs. Blrdine Rawlings of Port
land is a guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Mayro McKinny.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Bondspent
Sunday in Portland at the home of
their son, Alvln Bond and wife'.
The Methodist Air society will
hold a silver tea Thursday after
noon, March f, at the home of
Mrs. C. A. Bear, with Mrs. Bear,
Mrs. K. C. Bear and Mrs. R. O.
Witzell as hostesses. All ladies
cordially invited.
Mrs. W. S. Burgoyne gave a
birthday party for her young
daughter, Ruth, Tuesday after
George Given is spending r few
days at the home of his son, James
In Portland.
TURNER, March 1 Mrs. U. K.
Denyer entertained Wednesday In
honor of her husband's birthday.
A few friends were present for
an early dinner, and 26 were
present for the evenings enter
tainment. Retresnments were
served at a late hour.
McCOY. Mareh 1 Beatrice
Hawley spent last weekend at
home, visiting her parents. Miss
Hawley is a student at O. 8. C.
Miss Florence Snodgrass of
Amity waa a weekend guest of
Miss Beatrice Hawley.
Citizens here are to sorry to
hear of the death of Mrs. Eva
Rogers of Portland. Mrs. Rogers
spent much of her time at the
home of her" daughter, Mrs. J.
W. DePries, who Is a resident of
this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brooks
and daughter, Mona, were Sun
day dinner guests of Mrs. Paul
ine Domes.
Visit Waldo Finn
Henry White and George My
ers of Tillamook were business
visitors of Waldo Finn on Thurs
day. Both men were looking for
registered Jersey -cattle,
Myrtle Davis visited her friend
Mrs. Dora Butterick of . Amity,
el cmse of el Emit CoSsst,
en tie trsnsU Imrtrjmsn which
Under tie Utelase of Kiss Eanlet
West Salem News
WEST SALEM. March 1 Con
rad Fox of West Salem, went to
Shaw very recently, where he at
tended a funeral of an old friend.
Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Wallace of
Third street were Sunday guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Bennet of Brooks.
Mr. and Mrs.- Peter Swirert of
Salem had as Saturday night
guests. Mr. and. Mrs. Conrad Fox
ofaWest Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. George Steward
of Edgewater street motored to
Eugene Monday, where they at
tended to business.
Mrs. C. C. Flshback has been
confined to her- home with the
flu the past week. She Is mueh
better now and able to be up and
around. Mrs. Fishbaek's home
Is on Edgewater' street.
Cooking; School Meets
The West Salem School Cook
ing dub held Its regular meeting
Tuesday evening at the home of
their leader, Mrs. W. R. Peterson
of third street. Winston Gosser
and Tommy Grier did the cook
ing at the meeting. x .
Mrs. Charles Ferguson and
two daughters, Muriel and Nellie,
oi Grand island spent two days
recently with Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Rose man of the Edgewater Con
fectionary. Mrs. Ferguson is . a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Rose-
Mrs. Ida Boas of Salem, a for-
f Woodburn
WOODBURN, March 1 Mrs.
A. E. Austin and Miss Emily
Hlndman visited Mrs. E. G. Em
mett of Newberg, Wednesday
afternoon where Mrs. Austin at
tended a committee meeting of
the D. A. R.
Misses Pearl and Hazel Emery,
visited their mother, Mrs. Bessie
Emery of Vancouver, Wash.,
over the week end.
Representatives of the Home
Re be kah lodge No. 68 of Wood
burn at the Rebekah district
convention and banquet In Port
land last Wednesday were" Mrs.
George Beach, Mrs. A. Nendel,
Mrs. Ed. White, and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Wright.
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Amos Bonnicker last Satur
day evening were Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Goldsmith Dr. and Mrs. F.
Hutchinson and Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Wilkinson. The evening
was spent In playing "BOO" and
at the conclusion of the game.
delicious refreshments were
Friends of George Beebe will
be glad to know that he is re
covering from his recent Illness
and able to be out and enjoying
the fine weather of the past few
Mrs. Ralph Foote and Mrs.
Lei a Bennett of Garibaldi and
Tillamook returned to their
homes Wednesday after visiting
their father, O. A. Nendel, who
has been ill with pneumonia, for
some time. They took Mr. Nendel
home with them where he will
rest while convalescing from his
recent attack.
Miss Rachel Shroek has ob
tained employment in Portland
and left Sunday for there to be
gin work.
Raleigh Van Cleave returned
last week from Chicago where
he has been attending school.
He will not resume his studies
until next fall.
Mrs. Leona Aldrich was the
guest of her sister and husband,
Rev. and Mrs. Henry G. Hansen
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and rMs. Dwlght Parr and
smau aaugnter. Virginia, were
week end guests of Mr. Parr's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Parr.
FAIRVIEW. March 1 An ex
cellent program was given at the
school house Friday evening.
consisting of piano solo, Miss
LiU Waters; violin duet. Miss
Jeanette Scott, Cleo Seeley, Doris
Ross .accompanist; vocal solos.
Miss Mary Kaufory accompanied
by Miss Helen Kaufory; reading.
Miss Martha Jean Dixon; tap
dance Elra Sehon and Dorothy
Kellogg with Mildred Halseth at
the piano; reading, Mrs. Helen
Larson; veeal solo, Kenneth Ab
Mr. and Mrs. Royee Allen of
Roseburg are here for a few
days in the interests of their
prune ranch.
"Mr. Neal of aClifornla has pur
chased the farm adjoining the
BIrdsal , place and is building a
new house and other buildings.
r. L. Morse.- . F. Benson, of
Fairview and M. Balch of Salem
left Thursday for Newport and
other coast points. They expect
to be gone several days and to
do some fishing.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams
of Portland were visitors at the
home of R. R. Dent, Thursday.
Mrs. James Pate of Jefferson
and Mrs. Irene Palmer made
shopping trip to Portland Satur
day. .
, FAIRVIEW, . Mareh 1 Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Harris called
at the John Harris home at Loon
ey Butte Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hampton
and B. Pack were Sunday visit
ors at the home of R, R. Dent.
Fred Morse returned from
Wells, Oregon, Saturday. He has
been employed on a dairy ranch
at tnat place..
Charles and Alonxo Sims,
Clarence and Chester Smith, all
of Stayton, were visitors' at . the
Carter home Sunday.
;M. E. Dunkle of Independence
called at the J. O. Farr home
Miss Nadlh Hargln was
week-end guest of Aleen Dsy.
Program Gives ;-
A program was given Friday
atening at the scboolhouse. It
was vaudeville. There were pi
ano solos, violin solos, xylophone
numbers, dance numbers, vocal
solos and readings. -
Clifford .Smith and family
spent last week at Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harris
mer resident of West Salem, was
a recent caller at the home et
old friends. Mrs. Matilda White
and Mrs. Rath Thomas of Edge
water street. . .
Mrs. F1'trick Is now staying
at the ! '.0f aer daughter.
Mrs. Blov-.,.' Mrs. Bloom Is car
ing .for Mr- mother who is now
in. .. , ;
Mlsss.G-rude Keedham who
Uaeb & at Hillsbora re
cently with her parents,
Mr. and 'Mrs. F. O. Needham of
second street. -
Blithday Celebrated
Mr.' and ' Mrs. Roy Finster of
1045 Skinner street were din
ner guests Sunday at the home of
Mr. Fluster's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Finster of Marion. The
occasion was to celebrate the
birthday of Mrs. Harold G ret lin
ger of CorvaUls. Mrs. Gretzlnger
is a sister of Roy Finster. A very
good time was enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thomas of
Rage street were Sunday dinner
guests of their son and daughter-in-law..
Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Thomas of Skinner street.
Joe Finster of Marion, is now
staying In West Salem with his
brother Roy Finster of Skinner
street. Joe is staying here so he
may attend to his . work as .me
chanic in the Mariop garage la
Salem. .
spent Monday evening at the
home of George Goins at Jeffer
son. Mrs. George Palmer and Miss
Stella Hartley spent Tuesday
with their mother, Mrs. Hartley
at Aumsville.
Mrs. Etta Leatherman of Port
land has been spending a few
days at. the Turner home.
David Peregoy Visitor
David Peregoy, a former res
ident of Fairview is visiting old
friends this week. .
Miss Margaret McAlpine was a
school visitor Wednesday.
Lawrence Paek is confined to
his home by an attaek of chicken-
Ramona, Delores, and the other
members of Spanish IV cave a
clever program for the high
school assembly.
Tne class sang "My Song of the
Nile," "Moonlit Waters," and
'Ramona" in Espanol.
The civil leagues are again in
operation at the training school.
The children felt a need for the
league and said they would like
to again have tneir league as It
fills a need in the school. Offi
cers elected for the boys are: pre-,
sldent, Paul Carey; vice presi
dent Max Gelllm; secretary, Ed
ward Dunkle, athletic head.
Tburlough De Forest; play
ground, Leonard Ranton; vigil
ance, John Johnsburg, and for
the girls, pres., Joan Anderson:
vice-pres., Berle Keely; secretary,
ataxias Arey; atnietlc head, Al
doris Gorsllne; playground, Ros
abella Sly; vigilance, Joan Dick
inson. The committee are all verv
busy working for the good of the
For several weeks the eighth
grade hare been making house
plans. First they made a plan of
their own house and then a mod
el plan. The latter were submit
ted to judges, and as a result
Joan Anderson's model plan plac
ed first, Henry Qulnlng, second,
and Paul Casey, third.
it takes in arithmetic and civ
ics,. In that arithmetic they are
planning the budget. They have
3,000 to spend for the house
and lot. They have suDDosedlv
bought the house lot and will
now actually construct, plaster
and finish a small house to the
plan of Joan's model one.
Mr. and Mrs. James Clark of Los
Angeles, Calif., who have been
spending a few days In Independ
ence, wniie here sold their prop
erty on B street to W. E. Jewell,
blacksmith. The Clarks were
former residents here and are re
turning to the sunny south with
in the next tew days.
J. S. Bohannon and wife have
returned from Long Beach, Calif.,
where they have spent the winter
months. They are now located at
their home on Second and Mon
mouth streets.
W. G. Wiley is now manager of
the J. C. Penney company store.
coming here from Roseburg. He
is well pleased with the territory.
BROOKS. , March 1 Preach
lng serrlces will be held In the
Brooks Methodist church on
Sunday evening at 7:46 o'clock
with the pastor. Rev. W R. War
ner In charge. Sunday school will
be hel on Sunday morning at 10
o'clock. Regular Epworth league
meeting Sunday evealgn at f:45.
Worship theme will be "Jesus
and the Woman at the Well."
Misg Ellen Hacklt, who has
been quite ill the past week with
la grippe Is improving.
Miss Lavon Harris, daughter
of Mr&thd Mrs. Sylvester Harris,
who ha been 111 with diptheria,
is getting along nicely.
A. E. Harris has been M. the
past jceek but 1 better at this
. - - -' v ' ' " " : ' --. SERYICS
Berries to and from an Hospitals. esBttarhms, Trains and Homes
to sick tar injured , , - '.i 'y .
Phone QQQ'imytime
Stayton j
STAYTON March 1 Mrs. H.
A. Beanchamp has returned from
Portland where she was the
guest . of her sister, Mrs. B. '
Mulkey. .
Mrs. Harry Humphrey, who
has been ill he past two weeks
with flu, suffered a relapse and
Is again -confined toher bed. Her
small daughter. Anita Mae, is
also 111 at present.
Mrs. Glen E. Fox left Thursday-
for Portland to spend the
weekend with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave John Sr.,
were here the last of the week
from Corvallia visiting their son,
Dave, Jr. - -
The J. L. Jordan family moved
this week Into the ! house they
recently purchased south of A. S.
Watters. f
. Lodge Draws Crowd
The regular meeting of the
Masonic lodge was largely' at
tended. Visitors from Lebanon,
Molalla, Dallas, Woodburn, Sa
lem, Sllvertoa and Scio were
present. These were for the most
part employes of the Mt. States
Power company who were doubly
interested in the- conferring of
the master mason degree upon
an employee of the company. It
was a friendly gathering with
boat 70 present. An excellent
supper waa served.
Mrs.. E. G. Siegmund has been
here this week from Garibaldi,
visiting relatives ' and friends.
She was met Jn Portland -by her
son, J. L. Siegmund and wife.
O. O
GERVA1S, Mareh 1... Sister
Monica and Sister Catherine, who
came to attend the funeral of
Miss Minnie Nlbler, a sister of Sis
ter Monica, returned to Port
Townsend the middle of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Sawyer
and children, Donald and Eva of
Sllverton were recent guests at
the parental home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Sawyer.
Miss Hazel Seely, who Is In
training in a Portland hospital,
spent a part of the week at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Joe Scheihle spent the
week with her aunt, Mrs. E. Ir
win In Portland.
Last Rites for Mrs. Welch
Rev. H. L. Graflous was called
to Aurora on Tuesday afternoon
to officiate at the funeral of Mrs.
Margaret Welch.'
Prof. J. Carl Stewart, athletic
coach of the local high school, was
in Portland Thursday afternoon to
attend a hockey game between
Portland and Vancouver, B. C.
M. J. Mahoney, mall carrier on
route two, was In Portland on
business the first of the week and
Frank Roeser substituted for him
The St. Rita's Altar society will
give another of its popular par
ties at the parish hall next Mon
day night. A dance will follow the
card games.
Mr. and Mrs. William BraBsel
and daughter moved to Woodburn
on Monday.
DALLAS. March 1. Twenty
Dallas Kiwanlan members and
their wives went to Monmouth
Friday evening for a dinner with
the Lions club followed by a pro
Maurice Dalton, C. L. Crider, F.
J. Craven and H. G. Black spent
several days the past week fish
ing at Pacific City.
Erie Fulgham of the Willa
mette Valley Lumber company, at
tended a lumbermen s convention
In Longview Wednesday and
Thursday. Mrs. Fulgham accom
panied him, and visited the C. S.
Kellers' at Prescott.
Mrs. Oscar Hayter spent Fri
day in Portland attending the
meeting of the third district of
the State Federation of Women's
clubs, of which she is the record
ing secretary.
Mrs. A. B. Robinson of Inde
pendence was in Dallas Wednes
day attending the meeting of the
Wednesday bridge luncheon club
Pain and Itching
from mm 0
it nesi
Don't put up with pain
ful piles another day
or hour.' There is posi
tive relief, very often
for the very worst ease
Pyramid suppoeitoriei
are designed to stop the
pan and
itching. Pyra
mid. Remember
the name, and
woo can -soon
Sergei your piles
In other worda
suffering from
piles k needless.
Just say Pyra
mid to any
druggist; sixty
cents. : '.
VlaM m m a baa bdr
a, fsstpsid, sad satfawy toss,
SjeMHsfofft sVsM afsM
of which she is a member.
4 Tontf Patterson Very DX
Mrs. F. A. Patterson, who was
called to Spokane two weeks ago
by the illness of her son, reports
that he Is still In a very critical
Mrs. Belle Blake of Portland,
has been the house guest tor the
past week of Mrs. H. L Fenton.
T. C. StockwelL of Portland, has
been the house guest for the past
week of Mrs. H. L." Fenton.
T. C. Stockwell has had a new
refrigeration system installed, in
his soda fountain, new floor cov
ering put down and is making a
number of other improvements.
Miss Bertha Parsons and her
brother, George, who were injured
in an automobil accident near
Co mills last Sunday night, are
reported as not beln gseriously
A. W. Palmer, who has been
seriously ill for a number of
weeks, is greatly improved at tbis
: : : O
o o
RICKEY, March 1 A number
from this community attended
the play "Pomander Walk"
given by the Techne club at the
Salem high' school Thursday eve
ning. Kathleen Fitspatrick was
one of the cast.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hum
phreys will have as weekend
guests, Mr, and Mrs. B. Wester
ing of Portland. -
Those from this community
who attended the play given by
the Auburn dramatic club, under
the auspices of, the grange at
Macleay, Saturday night, report
that the club certainly can put
things over big and that the
grangers are a hospitable bunch.
. Helps With Minstrel
R. Raymond is helping In the
minstel that is to be given by the
West Salem community club in
the near future.
The Wm. Sheridan family will
entertain Portland friends Sun
day. The 4M club will meet at the
home of the vice president, Mrs.
M, M. Magee, Wednesday, March
A number of reels of Interest
ing and Instructive pictures of
Oregon scenes were shown at the
school house by the state game
commission Saturday night.
N. Fryslie Is .building an addi
tion to his barn.
A total of IK13.I2 has been
paid to Statesman subscribers In
Accident Insurance Co. These
claims were paid on the 11.00
policy Issued to Statesman sub
lou have a Doctor's
Word for this
IN 1875, an-earnest young man
began to practice medicine. As
a family doctor, he treated many
eases of constipation. He soon
saw the harm in common purges
and began to seek something
better. Out of his experience
was born a famous prescription
now in wide use.
This prescription was written
thousands of times. It proved an
ideal laxative ibr old and young.
Children like Its pleasant taste.
Older people Ske it because it
doesnt gripe or cause discomfort.
It is a mixture of fresh herbs
and other pure faigTedients;
thoroughly effective for the
most robust of men. Stimu
lates the normal muscular
action of the bowels. So Its
use will not become a habit.
As people saw how marvel-
A. U. Cloagh
r a
y Lady
205 S. CKurch:
I : North Santiam :, ,
O Pt'L
NORTH aiVTUU Maml. :1
Otto Tripp Is here from Holly
wood. Calif., for a visit at the
home of his parents, Mr. land v
Mrs. R W. Tripp. ?
Mrs. L. Develia is very ill with
pneumonia. She -Is at the home of ,
her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
Davjs. . .
Araen Hammer and wife of
Salem spent the week . end wit
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Bernice Mack is HI at her
home here with plural pneu
monia, .
George Ladwig HI
George Ludwig, who under
went a major operation a ' few
months ago. Is again under the
care of a Salem physician.
Announcements have been re
ceived here of the birth of a .
daughter. February 1 5. to Mr.
and Mrs. Leon T. Haley of Seat
tle. Wash. Mrs. Haley wQl be re
membered as Salmi Wuorf, e, f
former teacher here.
Sunday guests at the J. 8. Mc-.
Laughlln home were Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Shattuck of Dallas..
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Porter and
Mrs. Ethel Gibbon of Salem: :
Mrs. Gibbon has just returned -from
San Francisco. Calif., where
she has been as millinery buyer
ror snipieys. .v
O- -O'
Scbtti Milla
Mr. and Mrs. J- E. . .Sauereuig
were In Salem Monday on busi
ness. Mrs. W. P. Shutt and Mrs. R.
A. Lawrence were shopping in
Salem Thursday.
O. W. Myers and J O. Dixon
made a, business trip to -Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gooch have
returned to their home at Duns
muis, California, after visiting
with their daughter, Mrs. L.
Woodford and family for several
Mrs. E. R. Laurence wss a
Sllverton visitor Thursday after
noon. Little Reuben Miller of Mt.
Angel Is visiting his uncle and
aunt Mr. and Mrs. Reuben De
OLTMPIA. Wash., March 1.
(AP) Auditor C. W. Clausen
was criticised by Governor' Ro
land H. Hartley today for keeping
his nephew C L. Clausen on the
state payroll for three months
while they were both In Califor
nia the greater part of the time.
ously the most sluggish bowe
are started and bad breath, head
aches, biliousness, feverishnesv energy poor appetite, etc,
are relieved by Dr. CaMwelTg
prescription, it became necessary .
to put It up ready for use. -
Today, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin, as it is called, is the
world's most popular laxativer
All drug stores have the generona
bottles. The product never varies)
from Dr. Caldwell's original
formula. So you can take it with,
confidence r give it to the
youngest child.
Da. W. B. Caldwell's
A Doctor Family Laxative
J. Dale Taylor
A - arinnt -
1 k
- -N. :,