Tig CHI!CO!t STATITELIAltV f sfera, Cregga, FrfgiT ITergf Fe!rrTT t U2ft Local NewsBriefe ' lioas Officer Here O. F. i Tate' Oregon district secretary of the Lions organization, was in Salem from bis home In Portland Thursday and will be a guest at the Lions' luncheon today. He held a conference Thursday, night with State Senator Lloyd Rey nolds, district governor of Lions. He will present plans for the northwest Lions International conference to be held at Jantten Beach July If. He will also visit the Monmouth den on the occa sion of Us Ladies' night program tonight. Mr. Tate is also secre arv of the Oreron Retail Mer chants association and is making arrangements ior . a mercnam s . institute here early In July. Can you use a good light farm tractor? We hare it in the Shaw Ford. Why not put your old Ford car to work? With a Shaw-Trac tor attachment you can do the work of a good heavy team ana it eats only when it works. We can supply the attachment for 1125, and our assembly charge is $45. It interested, write us tor a de scriptive circular. Gresham Ber ry Growers, Inc., State Agents for Shaw Tractor Attachment. Please mention this paper when you write. I Discuss Gym Program The physical education program of the Y. M. C. A. was cussed by the board of directors of the T. at its Thursday meeting, presid ed over by George Hug, city su perintendent of schooU. Speak ers and the subjects they discuss ed for two minutes each were: L. E. Barrick. Tolleyball; William Hertiog, handball; Lee Wood, business men's class; Vernon A. Douglas, health program; Philip Salstrom, leaders' corps; C. Tage, basketball; R. R. Board man, summary. pther' speakers were Tj EL, Kay, Judge ;Q P. Cos how and1 W". I. Staler. Dance Mellowmoon every Sat. Recovers From Injury Flor ence Snodgrass of Amity, who was injured in an automobile ac cident on the West Side highway Decejnher 81, has recovered and ii again able to attend school and gather Amity news for The Ore gon Statesman. Miss Snodgrass held one of the one dollar poli cies issued, to Statesman subscrib ers. She presented her claim for nix weeks of total disability and 1'. is expected she soon will re ceive a check from the North American Insurance company. Meets With 8cHts O. P. V'est, scout executive, was in Dal las last night to meet with scout masters and troop committeemen of the Boy Scout groups .there. The program for the next two months was outlined. West re ports that scouts from the Indian training school at ChemawawlU take their first swimming tests at the J. M. C. A. pool here Sat urday afternoon. The Y. M. pool U always loaned to the Scouts for t':U ptfrp?. . Dollar dinner every night 5:45 to 8 at the Marlon hotel. Freshmen Win Debate The f eshman class was awarded the Tiieta'Alphi Phi cup yesterday when Barney Cameron defeated Hayes Beall. sophomore, in the final of the lntcrclasa debate ser ies at Willamette university. ameron spoke on the negative aide of the Question, "Resolved, that the worKini stuaeui hbsibm chance to make a success In col lege than the non-working stu dent." Two lllrths Report 1T w o tables, each weighing six and a J-alt pounds and one a girl and t'ie other a boy, were born yes terday at the Bungalow mater nity tome. A baby boy, who has amt Harle Neal. Jr.. WIS born yesterday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Earle Johnson, 116 Mar lon street. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kmlth are parents of the baby girl, born yesterday afternoon. Want used furniture. Tel. 511. Address EnclnltU Club Mrs. Grace Crater of Miller's store gave members of the Enclnltls o mimher of interesting facts and tips on spring styles when she addressed the club on fash ions at Us regular meeting, held UH night at the Y. W. C. A. Mil dred Judson Is president of the rtoup. and Mrs. Eric Butler is advisor. Reubens Files Joseph Reu bens, route 8. Oerrais, filed his declaration of candidacy for the office of precinct committeeman for West Cerrais with the county clerk yesterday. Keuoens usieu himself with the republican par ty He has"senred as precinct coxn .niitteeman in his ward for sev eral years. Free 2 and 4 p. m. Mar. 1. nf motion nictures. en- tertalninc and educational. Alto 1 package of White King Granu lated soap to those attending. Ha lS BlJSSff Co, 481 . Front St. Baby Bora Arrive Two baby boys were born at the Salem general hospital Thursday when Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duncan, 106 North Cottage, and Mr. and Mrs. M. G. (Mike) Panek, 2185 South Church, beeame w Jrr. baby boys. The Panek child was born at 2:48 a, m. whUe the Dun can babe came at 9 a. m. Women to Debate Both the ngattsre and affirmative wom en teams of Willamette univer sity will 'meet the Oregon State women's teams in non-decision debates this afternoon and eve ning in the moot court room in Walter hall. Patient Returned R. WV Van Buren, who escaped from ,-the state , .hospital early . Thursday morning, was picked up eaJbe street later la the forenoon by city1 policeman and -returned to the hospital. ,-.. r . V Salem Scarenger. Tel. 117 or Italy Girl Ikra Here Mr, and Mrs. William O. Kendoll, 111! North Liberty atreetv are Parents of a bahy girl. Jean Louise, bora February 24 at the Bungalow Ma ternity home. Fox. county dub leader, was In FafrfiSlit WcilnMitar nfvTit af Via invitation of the recently organ- uea grange mere to ten or -n club work, how it is carried on ana its achievements. He report the- Fairfield grange is greatly ln- isresiea in me t-n wore: ana wants' to sponsor some club organ isation. Wlllard Stevens, of the North Howell grange and acting chairman of the Marlon county agriculture committee, and Will iam Teutscn or the extension serv ice of the Oreeon State eollere. were the main speakers at the meeting,, each telling of the grange activities through the agri culture committee. This is Used car week. Look them over then come down to VIck Brothers ,.old stand on High street anil htiv them fnr loan v. i. ueiano, Assignee for vick aroiners. Xew Clin rtera Ttr-lviil Ph 9 ra ters for seven county 4-H clubs wre received yesterday by W. W. Fox, club leader, and mailed out to the leaders. The club and lead ers receiving them: Central How- pll MaMa' Rvlnv olnh Mrs Mabel Martin, leader; SllverFalls uooicery club and Poultry "club, both) led by Mrs. Frances Fields: Mt Innl Rrnvth anil Health club. Miss Rose G. Hassing, lead er; Howell Pcnkin Center Cook ing club, Nellie Beugll, leader; Hubbard Pig club and Hubbard Chicken club, both led by A. V. Myers. Rummage sale will be held by Daughters' of Veterans Friday and Saturday of this week. I'lgh Bldg., ISO South High St. Dr. Warner Rctnrns Dr. Es- tetla. Ford Warner returned yes terday from ortlaai where -.ahe had been attending' the stdtnal meeting of the state tuberculosis association, and before which group she gave an address on the accomplishments of the Marlon county child health demonstration. Dr. Warner will leave Monday night to be in Medford and Grants Pass to participate in a parent education conference nnder the extension division of the state col lege to be held from March 5 to 8, inclusive. Price of Tags to Be Doubled After March 1; Owners Make Last Rush Banquet te Tonight The aV aual Lord Chesterfield ha&auat wfll Km hoM antht at that f,n Belle, beginning t 8:80 o'clock. oy ine mgn scnooi uiri reserves. Hazel McEIroy will be Lord Ches terfield and Virginia Wassam will be Ladr Chesterfield. Echoes from the. recent conference will h riven, with Theresa TJlrleh in eharge of the fagot party, which will carry out so near as possiDie the Greenwich Tillage idea. Music will be furnished bv Gwen Galla- her and Mrs. Elizabeth K. Galla- her, general secretary, will talk on "colonial Times. ' This ia TTaed rar week. Look them over then come down to ; Vick Brothers old stand' on High street and buy them for less. F. O. Delano, Assignee for vick Mrnnv Krpkfir Positions Su perintendent George W. Hug of i the. citv achools is beina souzht out each day now by a number of persons who are seeking teaching positions in tne saiem scnoois I next Tear. He savs that he ex- nects to aee the creatsst flood of applicants in 'March ever to ap pear ior positions. At present ne nas- pracucauy notning open. Reported III Mrs. Grace Min ton and Miss Lillian Manning, of thfl stenne-ranhieal force at the adjutant general's office, axe both out oi the ouice on account of illness. i Mrs. And rtraon Here Mrs. B. E. Anderson of St. Louis was a visitor in the citv. Mrs. Anderson la takine an active Interest In boys' and girls' club work in that district. Dance Mellowmoon every Sat. Mrs. Rogers Died Mrs. Eva A. Rogers, mother of Mrs. May is. rneipa or saiem aiea in fort- land Wednesday at the age or 69 years. Leavinir For South Mrs. R. E Winchcomb. who has been SDend ing some time fn ihtsicity. Is do r.vt be Oregon's gover- planning to leavy faW i rot hferi 2or ff J .1 i; . mearleflfii? ff' 1 fs'fiitcfr am'lrown GkhM Hfra. rviHn Tri Mrs. ladele&a Callin. vallev news editor for The Statesman, has been ill tor the past two days and unable to at' tend her work at tlie ofiice. With onlv a few hours left In which te obtain dog licenses at the regular prices, Marion county da? owners are scheduled to crowd the corridors of the eonrt house today to obtain their if 80 tags before the price is doubled n Tria 1 Teaterdav the recelnta from dog license tees totalise IKS.SO and Wednesday the tag re- t nra a war a i65L80. according to figures compiled by County ciera Boyer. A check on the number of 11 censes issued up to S o'clock yes terday showed that more than 9 1 ao tars had been issued, it i B-rnortori that at least 400 more will be handed out or mailed be fore today is over. Mailing wiu continue until next weeK, u is thought. Occasionally Clerk Boyer gets an application which is written in hnmoraus vein. Here Is one from Ella Finney of Brooks. She writes: "Kind friend You win find enclosed a check tor 22 for mv tn-nenTite OlcotL He was six years old on Washington's birth day, February 22. Poor ienow, nas the mange. I have been trying ou fereot mange medicines but last week I treated him wun saeep dip and he has not scratched since. "RofnrA that, hi life did not seem to be worth 1 2 although he la lna a dear. rood, beautiful fel low, good and noble like his name sake the man w&o wouia rainer Circuit Conn "Vincent m. A. A. Schramm The demurrer to the complaint was argued Tuesday ana eneis are to he submitted. Theodora Bernard vs. Qus Wal ter Comnlaint to collect money due on a promissory note. Vera Boone vs. John Boone Complaint to partition real irop- erty. P.pnrr W. Rnkba v Withsra. Keal and Jordan Complaint to collect on iz nromissorr notts, arrreratinr 880.00ft covered by property In Okalhoma and in Ore gon. Hubbs is suing as trustee tor nota holders. F. O. Johnson vs. O. E. Scott. et al. Complaint to foreclose on a mortgage. Emma. C. Chllders vs. Lane Morely, et al. Complaint to col lect money due on a promissory note. State vs. Ethel Allen Mrs. Al len, accused of shoplifting in the Williams Self Setrice store nere, was called to enter her pie be fore Circuit Jndre Kellv Thurs day morning, but she did not ap pear. It is thought that she has left the eonntv. Stats vs. Dar Sharer Although scheduled to be sentenced Thurs day on a charge of cattle steal ing, Day Shafer was riven a con tinuance until April 18. This waa done because of the trial of Joe Piaer which is due Anril 14. and Shafer la a material witness la that case. K. Schmidt vs. A. E. Burbon- aia An annlication to have this case placed upon the trial docket has been filed with the county clerk. n;iEVY EXPLAINED FURTHER makes his application short, snap py and to the point with ths foi-lwinir- "inclosed -check: For -Udor license: sex male: breed fox terrier: name corxey; re marksdam good dog." In addition to maklnr a return oi the interest on all atate and municipal bonds of other states, resident taxpayers should make a raturn under ths intangibles law and pay the tax on all interest derived from all bonds or securi ties Uaned hv ths stats of Orexon and its municipalities, such as counties, cities, scnooi districts, irrigation districts and port dis tricts, with the exception of rural cedit bonds of ths state, which are exempt. This ruling was announced by the state tax commission here Thursday following a conference with the' etlnrnev renera.1 and Ktndr of ths laws and court deci sions of various states in which the Intangible tax law is In oper ation, a. "A earsf ul stndv was mane of the various laws relating to the issuance of state and municipal hnnda read ths commissioner's ruling, "but no tax exempt bonds have been found except tne Ore gon . rural credit bonds. "The Impression that state and municipal bonds are exempt prob ably was due to two assumptions. "First, because tne ieaerai in come tax exempts the obligations. "First, because the federal in come tax exempts the obligations of a state or municipality there of, and second because assessors have not heretofore generally taxed state and municipal bonds. "The Oreeon constitution does not exempt municipal bonds and there Is no statutory provision exempting the income of state or municipal bonds from taxation In Oregon, except rural credit bonas. "Therefore, interest from , all state and municipal bonds, except Oregon rural credit bonds, wheth er Issued by the state of Oregon or any of its municipalities, as wejltai : jiterest from state and municipal -bonds of other states, should be returned ana is taxaoie under the Intangibles tax law." NOTICE TO CRJSHtORS vnnrv! tb ncnisnT nnraar. that ar an nrdei the ConntV Court of te Stat of Oregon for the County of Marlon, duly mane, rendered and entered of record on the fourteenth day of February, 1830, ETA UGHTUNuSk was duly appointed administratrix of ths eatata af ELSIE KOOP. de ceased, and that said Eva Kight- Unger has amy quauiiea as sucn erimiafstratrlx- All nersons havinr claims against said estate are here by required to fp resent tne same with proper Touchers and due veri fication to said administratrix at 214 United States National Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published the twenty-first day of February, 1330. HVA KIGHT LINGER. A Administratrix for the Cstare of Elsie Koop, De ceased. LYLE J. PAGE. Attorney for Administratrix. F8 1-8 8-M 7-1 4-11 WIIB NAMED IU Dance Mellowmoon every Sat. Woman Inlured Mrs. C. C. Avery of Marion Buffered from cuts, bruises and shock as the re sult of an automobile collision at State and 12 th streets Wednes day forenoon, according to a re port filed with the police Thurs day. Her husband, who was -driving the car la which Mrs. Avery was riding, claimed the other driver. IT. Laneseth. waa to blame for the collision as he did not stop before entering the through street. Elks Dance Friday Nits. Feb. 28. Come.an'd brmg a friend. Lesving Office Today Miss Mildred Thrlr. statistician with the Marlon county child health demon stration for nearly four years, will wind np her work tonight and Is planning to leave Salem Tuesday for Portland, where she will visit a short while before going to her home In Modesto. Calif., where she will stay tor some time. Mrs. Mildred Flagg. also of the statis tical department, finishes her work here today. Office Status Told A district attorney annotated ta succeed sn incumbent who resigns, holds of fice only until the next election, according to a leeal onlnlon hand ed down by the attorney general here Thursday. The opinion was reauested bv Grant J. Williams, district attorney of Currey county. HnaVv HIerade babr chicks. Get your early layers and friers today. Make a profit. Salem's Petland. Phone 666. Judges Shifted Circuit Judge J. IT. Camnbell of Clackamas coun ty today was assigned by Chief Justice Coshow of the atate su- tsvHA AAit-v fA Yir1r1 it Alt 14 In TTnAf I yicuiv vvui vvu River county next week in place of Judge Fred Wilson, juuge u so n will spend part of next week in Salem. ID CLUB BEST Winners in the advertising contest conducted by the Salem Ad club have been announced by Willard Marshall who had eharge of the competition. First place went to Heinx K. Eymann, 44 North winter street. He anbmltted a cleyerlv drawn advertisement. Evmann came to Salem only a year ago. having studied art ror a numoer or years as a boy In schools in Germany. ins nnxe was iiu. Second place and a prise of 85.00 was awarded to Rev. S. B. Slater, Route two, Turner. Third prize was wen by M. Allen North up, 212 South- Cottage street The wnrd waa S$.EA Honorable mention went to the following persons: Mrs. G. H. La Velle, 955 Marlon street: Miss A. M. Luthy,. 1467 South 13th street: Dorothy Lucas. A n m s- vine: Deiphine savage, 257 South Winter street; L. C. Rogers, Routs ons. Salem. The winning? advertisements which were written by the con testants, were on aispiay at me merchant's forum at the Elks' club temple Wednesday night. 8ALEM STUDENTS JUDGES UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, Feb. 27 (Special) Several Salem students are acting as judges in tne annual intra mural song contest. III! PROBlfNl IS TOLD IN IK HERE Obituary Dance at$ Hasel Green Sat. niaesM rases Resorted Two leases ef communicable diseases. the only ones In the county at nreaest. have been renorted to the county health office. One Is a diphtheria case at Brooks ana tne other an adult typhoid case at Silverton. A school child has the diphtheria. Rhlnwrvrk Pictured Moving pictures shotting the recent wreck et the Admiral Benson on rea cock Spit at the mouth of the Co lumbia river, were shown at Bligh's Capitol theatre last night and will be seen at snows mere continuing through Saturday night. Athlete visitor -Fred Harrison. who was a halfback on the Ore gon Normal school football team last tall, was in Salem Thursday on his way home to southern Ore gon. A broken Jaw surrerea some time ago caused him to drop his work at the normal scnooi. rAtv'a faee sawder 29c. Mavis face powder 8e at J. C. Penny company. The aa Tnursasy- iuui ing Coty'a face powder at S9c wat incorrect, ntnit Taaued O. F. Johnson received a permit from the city building inspector. Thursday call ing ior alteration o mm Ing at 461 State, street, at a cost of $2,000. Carl Bahlburg has the contract tii ' v. K. Beratnan. t,..A Ae the machine ahOD at the Milt school, baa been at homi i the past two days on accouni w attack of lariuenxa. rmtmm fna Tm RST h MrS. B. C. Richards will leaTe - thli morning for a visit in Long Beach, Cuf. e.ti w,aJt Smith of !tAfiaTwi waa fined 8T.S0 In muni cipal court here Thursday on a 'charft ot speeding. Crastenberg Curtis V. Crastenberg died In this city Feb. 28, age 81. Hus band of Mrs. Edith Hardy Crast enberg; father ot David Victor; hrother n Will nf finnVina Fn neral services Friday, Feb. 28, at i:sq o'cioeg irom tne Kigaon chapel. Rot. Slmms officiating. Interment In Lee Mission ceme tery. Rnonev Mrs. Martha W. Rooney. age 48, ot 776 North Summer street, llt here VaXmif 41 Wife ef IVred A. Rooney. mother of Hil da, Waldo and Aim Rooney; daughter of T. B. Wedel ot Sa lem; sister ot r. F. Wedel and Ben 1. Wedel, both of Salem and Mrs. Elizabeth Schrag. ot soap Lake, Wash. Funeral services Saturday at 1:20 o'clock from the Rlgdon mortuary. Interment Lee Mission cemetery. Moore Mrs. Mary L. Moore, 62, died February 26 at the home of 967 Leslie street. Survived by tour daughters: Mrs. W. E. Morris, Tr A. V Wnolrldffe and Mrs. W. A. Cunningham, all of Camas, Wash., and Mrs. C. H. McCullan of Salem; three brothers. C. C. Cates and J. R. cates of saiem sad Chariot Catea of Misaonrl: also. 15 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Fnaeral ssr- i mi er x n m. Tiaay. 11 ina Vint Vtantfa ehnrrh In Cam SB. Wash.. Rev. Llage officiating. and interment u ins t isuer wrnr tery there, under direction or Clough-Taylor mortuary. Th.r. is Tin iinne for the future of the Indian except he adopt the white man'a civilization, u. a.. Lipps, superintendent of the Cbe- mawa Indian Training; kuwi, told the Salem Zonta club at its luncheon meeting at the Marlon yesterday. Llpps added that he did not mean to maae a .an r ta. Tndlan. hnt rather that he must become assimilated Into the routine life of the country. adopting the white man s ways and at the bum time retaining the best in his own nature. At present there U compara- Ilttla. mlvinr of fullblOOd Indians and whites, Lippa said, al though he freely predicted that the time will come wnen me iuh Kinnii mdian will he a verr rare speciman on account of the mix ture of fuiibiood ana nsn ores Indians. Of the 6.060 Indians la Oregon, about a half are pure stock, but It all these were scat tered and intermingle, time im pression would be msde on the million inhabitants. The problem at Chemawa Is et er to fit the Indian so he will be come an acceptsble part ot socie ty; to teach the Indian to be self supporting and to do the common things "Just a little better" that be may adopt ths wsys of the white, still retaining the best in his own nature. The Indian has i a good mind, but It hasn't oeen developed, Lipps toia tne group, pointing out too that e bjusmo tamnerament is foremost In the Indian, and evidenced by his con stant love of touches or cow, exemplified la his clothing and handiwork. Lipps also told something ot the foundation of the earliest In dian schools, the secoed ot which was Chemawa. Ellis Speaks at Medford Affair Thursday Night W. P. Ellis. Salem attorney .Melallcaa la lit lilt V CSSCI. was In Medford Thursday night to address a meeting ot chamber .a .,!. yeereaeetatlvea from western Oregon relative to freight ..ii.MiAn eases now Bending Wore the interstate commerce commission. , Ellis appeared at tne nearmns wa an in a-fnn II. i:. ibil mi rv- presenting the cities of western Oregon. The fourth secnon or western Oregon railroad tariiis w the one la quesuon. kuis point ed out In his oral and written ar gument that Interior f reigni argu ment that interior freight rates are discriminatory and retard the growth ot interior towns. In some Instances tnree times as ugu rates exist between Interior and port towns as between ports al though the nauia are no. snore than . cne-aau aa long. Considerable discussion pro and con is being voiced on the Willamette campus since ths sub mission of an amendment to the student constitution restricting women's suffrage in the election ef the May Onsen. Ths amend ment has passed Its first reading. Under the proposed amend ment women will neither nomin ate nor elect the Queen, but the nnm inatinna shall be made from "among the members ot the sen- iti. a,i. hv nnnnlar vote of the men. The three girls receiving ths highest numoer or votes snsu kAonma candidate for Office." One week after nomination, it is proposed, the men will cast their ballots, ana piuraiuy tomj shall elect. The same amendment was de- faated last veer hv hoth the men and women of the student body, hnt due to ths alleged noli tics re sulting from sorority affiliation, a spirited attempt is being made to pass the amendment this year. Publishers Pay Visit to Salem For Few Hours TB. B. Brodie, publisher ot the Oregon City Enterprise, with A. C. Cage, publisher of the Angora Goat Journal, were noin viswor in Raiem for a short time Thurs day on their way to Oregon City from a business trip to corrains. Mr rtredla accomnanied bv his wife, leaves in a fortnight for Washington, D. C, where he will take the oath as united states minuter ta Finland. State department plans call for a course of training at ine capi tal fee mlnlntsrs. Mr. Brodle has reservations on ... . at aa niK the Leviathan ior Apru i. in land is 16 hours by boat from the European coast. I Belcrest Park Activities Get Under Way Soon LEW NOW TOTALS NOTICE TO CREDITORS vnTir.R ts HEREBY GIVEN. that by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon ior the County of Marion, duly made, runitoral nn1 entered nf record in said court on the thirteenth lit- nt Vehrnary. 1980. ESTON M. WILLIAMSON was dnly sp pointed as executor of the last will and testament and estate of LEAH M. WILLIAMSON, deceas et and that aaid Raton M. Wil liamson has duly qualified as such executor. All persons having claims aealnst said estate are hereby required to present ths same, with proper voucners anu due verification, to said executor t 911 United State National Bank Building:, Salem, Oregon, within su () montns rrom tne date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published the fourteenth day of February, 1930. , ESTON M. WILLIAMSON, As Executor of the Last fWilli and Testament and Estate of Lean M. Williamson, Deceased. CARSON & CARSON, Attor neys for Executor. F. 14-21-28- M. 7-14. QUARTER MILLION City View Cemetery Established 1803 TeL 226 Conveniently Accessible " Perpetual care provided tor Prices Reasonable PeU'rest CUjmM ivith perpetual "ear . fast test mantes from tbe leart of towm r Tmnrevsmsnt of the lawns on v. aniA area nf Belcrest Mem orial park aa well as the plaat lsg of shrubbery In several areas Is on the list ot March activities planned by that organisation, J. II. Laidlaw said Thursday. On the chapel foundations laid 1... .11 Ik. ehenel Itself will bO constructed. Contract for this work will probably not be et un til the return of W. A. Laldhiw from California some time this spring. Tntanrihles taxes collected un until last night aggregated near ly $250,000, according to a state ment Issued by the state tax com mission. The time for paying the intangibles tax expires March 1. Based upon the experien": oi other states ths state tax com missioners said that the payments during the next two aays proosoiy would double those ot Wednesday and Thursdar. In case this holds trus the returns from the intan gibles tax will aggregate between 1400 000 and 8500.000. It was said that there were a number ot large returns yet to be receivea. Both the Salem and Portland offices were deluged with persons desiring to pay their tax. More than 800 letters containing remit tances were received at we isa lem office of the tax commission today. As a result of the conges tion in the Portland office rein forcements were sent there today to assist In the work. Members of the commission saia tt. at the fact that taxDarers will be subject to penalty and Interest after March 1 does not mean that payments will cease on that date. Investigators ior tne stats v commission who hare access to the federal Income tax reports ana other information, will start ths work of checking up on alleged delinquent i early In March. It was estimated that tne aeiin auinet payments would total not less than 8200,000. . . The Intangible! and excise tax lawa were enacted st the 1929 a. ww m tt w llalatlve aeaales. and ars in operation In Oregon this year for the first time. NOTICE Wttlff la hereby riyen that I have impounded the following de scribed dogs in compliance w the provisions ot Ordinance No. iini tnwir tine mouse cuiui : ava, . v . . w w - maie t hniidnr. Ons female bird dog., Irish setter and Span iel. The above described aogs win be killed It not redeemed by own ers on or before February 29, 1989, as provided in saw ora-lnance. W S. 1AJW. strsst Commissioner. TlataS r.hrnin fa. 1S80. rz,z,zi,is, SALEM VARIETY STORE Stock of Notions, Variety Goods located at Salem, Ore., will be offered for sale by sealed bids. Bids will be opened at 11 o'clock on March 3rd, 1930. This stock inventories 89610.00, fixtures 91390.00. Certified check for ten per cent of amount of bid must ac company bid. Stock may be In spected Feb. 27-18, Mar. 1. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. The Adjustment Bureau, 471 Pit- tock Block, Portland, Oregon. F. 24, M. 2, Inc. Expert Motor Reconditioning- amA lymtilH. vara, innu "- '--i with the most modern and p I t date Equipment G. A. Raymond Machine 8hop 425 Chens. St. ffcoae 8 FINEST TORIO J QC READING LENSES VO Eyeglass Insurance and thor ough examination Included. THOStPSONrGLUTSCB OPTICAL CO. 110 N. 0sserclal 8. VeRcnt: Utcd Furnituro 3U lOS, Used Fnmitse y . TJrfartmeBi AUCTION SALE OF NEW AND USED FURNITURE AT 871 If. Com!. Bt. Os Saturday March 1st tt 1:30 P. M. CosevrisisK off I new Lanf raagt bedroom farnitare, dining roosst xsro tare, Irvine rooan fsawnrs. crockery, Axnuasier itn.ww haae . hardwood MdSS UBUSWt bedsteads; fee boxee, S C3 chick Ott breoaera, smew, e. v -. ; trhie te e Mel sale owlBS. tw the fact that tbe stenv l l be remodelled. Tbe abore to cssly av vkartlat list. Cash. -er lersss can be arranged. fl. F. Wcodry & Sea AUCTIOSKK1S8 ' ,lUte Downtowsi rboM T5 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE! STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY. Department No. 8. State Bank of Hubbard, Hubbard, Oreron. a Corporation. Plaintiff, Tl Cora Pangborn and J. B. Pang- born, uerenatnis RirMMOVB To Cora Pangborn and J. K. Pangborn. Defendants. TV TTTB! VAMB Off TITE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the nlafnt filed aralnst ron In the I ahnve entitled anlt Within fOUr weeks from date ot zirst puouca tlon of this summons, to-wlt: with in four weeks from ths 21st dsy of trehrn err. 1B30. and If vou fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in ita complaint herein as follows: IVir a In A r men t - aralnst TJ- fendanta for the aum of 8 1.1 8 0.89 - and interest thereon at the rate nt T eee eeet. n.r annnm from ;he 12nd day ot Tuly 1921. until1 paio. ior ijfte.ee attornsrs xses tor insutnunf . Fiainuira - rirsi earns of anlt? for ths farther sum ot 8818.08 and interest there on at the rate ot 7 per cent, per annnm from the 4th daw af De cember, 1919, until paid, for the sum of $100.00 attorney's fees far instituting Plalntirrs second cans af anlt. torether with its easts and disbursements Incurred In this suit. For a decree declaring the pre mises as described in Plaintiffs complaint, to be the same identi cal premises as defectively do- serlheri la ths two martraxes which this suit la brought to fore close, directing the sale or said described premises by the Sheriff of Marlon County. Oreeon. In the manner provided by law for the sale of real property on execu tion, and the proceeds arising from said sale apply to the pay ment of tbe expenses of making a 1.1 sale enats and exnensst! of this suit, attorney's fees, Interest and principal due PlalnUtS That any party to this suit ray Become niirAKor at aatif Kale "and the purchaser thereof be let lnt pos session of the same from ine oaie of purcnase, wmcn premises described as follows: - Beginning at a point on tbe Southeast boundary of First Street in the Town of Hubbard, County or Marion, State of Qregoa. sixty feet from and directly opposite of the Northeast connr ot IiOt numbered One (1) in Block num- v bered Four (4) in ths Town of Hubbard, and running-' thence Easterly 69 feet parallel and in a direct line with the 8outhwest boundary of "E Street to the Westerly boundary ot the County road, now the Pacific Highway;" thence Northerly along, the West erly boundary of said Pacifia Highway Five Hundred and Twen- , ty feet to Its intersection with the di,hwat llbaundlfia of "G" Street; thence Westerly along tha Southwest boundary r "i wrwi 14 feet to its intersection with the ' Southeast boundary ot irs Street: thence Southerly along tha ,t Southeast boundary of First -Street Five Hundred and Twen-i i ty feet to the place ofTeglnnlngr all being situate in the Town of v Hubbard. County of Marion, State ; -ot Oregon. This summons is serveu upon . . v .nkiin.tiAn fn. fnnr me. cessive and consecutive weeks In ? The Oregon Statesman, pursuant . to an order of the Hon. u. a. hp t Mshan. Judgs of ths above en- titled Court, made and entered on ; the 20th day of February. sw. . the date of the first publication being February 21st, 1980. and the late of last puDiicanon aisrca B.ia.aea ZlSl, UJV. 3 II. OVKKTOW. Attorney for Plaintiff, . Address: Woodbui . Oregon. F.21-28-M.T-14-11 ; New Foundations lire essential to the eucces3 of the New Frocks. Styl and Coafort . Goarnnteed by Arebart&Alurich CORBET MAKERS 429 Cowrt St." Week-End Surprise Jelly Beans assorted and all black 16 ounces for 16c Two lbs. for 25c Only at Schaefer's DRUG STORE TbeOrlglnal TeUow Front and Candy Special store ef gaiena. 185 N. OomiMrcial Pbone lt Penslar Agency jj opml cum TP w HARLBY-DAVID80U Opon Hougo Saturday, March 1st COM3 and Mag e frlsad. Saturday all dsy and ell eve ning nsdonsl Hsriey-Dsvid-aoa Open House 4ay. SaStl SaS fcaWSf, SSaSdTff HaSeSi yesoMSMts is imh M.iHwe.sMde Helir Psrfflsa Use ele AH tlsss ef ass! saves s- la yfJ7i?sif tnt lamTVsrisssj aalia nia iaaa eaaa aaaaaacaaaa aeaanal Come end Brtng a Friend . Harry W. Scott 14TB. Tbe Cycle Ktva! ! JO) It? : WtuitedClcza Rtii for "a STxpo3 mr.rh:nerye xliscieZ