The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 28, 1930, Page 12, Image 12

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Tfa OHEGON CTATES1IAN, -galea Oregon, Friiay tTornlny, Febraary M, 1923
Special Services to Follow
Enterprise; Church Sun
day Arranged
DALLAS. Feb. 27 The Com
munity church survey has been al
most completed. The record shows
that there Is plenty of work (or
every cooperating church to do
and the need of this united evan
cellstlc effort.
While the Meade Evangelistic
tarty will not arrive until March
4th, already the campaign is un
der way for 15 cottage and union
prayer-meetings hare been held
ths week. The Union Services of
each Sunday evening of February
have resulted in crowded houses
and a splendid spirit of christian
fellowship has been experienced
Sunday next as come to
church Sunday" should result in
full congregations for all church
; and in anticipation of a con
grega'ion larger than any one
) church building would house, two
great Union services have been
fuanned for Sunday evening,
These services will be held in the
Christian and Evangelical
The Meade Evangelistic party
who are at present hold a very
successful meeting at Ashland.
Oregon will take charge of the
service Tuesday evening. The
party consists of Lawrence A.
Meade, Evangelist. Mrs. L. A.
Meade, director of Young Peo
ple's work, and Harold C. Meade,
director of music and children's
rati mm
w m Wj w u ui m- m i i .is
no us u
WALDO HILLS, Feb. 17. Mr.
and Mrs. P. J. Neuswanger and
children, Dorothy and Harold,
motored to Macleay Sunday to be
present at the birthday party of
Howard, five year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Mader.
Ted Finley was down from the
Silver Falls camps Sunday and
reports considerable snow up
Edson Comstock sold a young
registered Jersey cow last week
lo parties from Jefferson. This
Is the fifth registered cow, Mr.
Comstock has sold since New
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jones of Vic
tor Point, and their daughter,
Miss Gladys of Salem, were
guests Sunday at the Frank Egan
home. Mrs. Egan and Mrs.
Jones are sisters.
Victor Rue is spending a few
days with his cousin. Albert Ner
1son, east of Silverton.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Albaugh.
were callers Friday at the Arch
Ceer home.
Mrs. Dewey Allen and little
on, Kenneth - of Silverton, and
Mrs. Anderson of Salem, spent
Thursday with Mrs. Frank Bowers.
Berry Man Is
Worried Over
Outlook Now
u, Kice, wno has a five-acre patch
of loganberries, says he fears his
vines are ruined. The elbow,
which at this time should be
showing signs of life, la black.
Mr. Rue had contracted his ber
ries for a period of four years at
a fancy price due to the fact
that he grew a berry of excep
tionally fine analiiT.
Just now he is undecided as
to the course he will take, wheth
er to cut back the vines and go on
working them, hoping for better
success next year or whether to
iaxe mem out altogether.
Mr. Rne thoueht the rfnon mn.
would protect the vines but says
ne Deiieves tne first snow was not
deep enough and the cold too in
tense before the second fall.
Monmouth Group, Headed
By Dr. Jensen, Entertains
Friday Evening
were discussed at th rpriai
Tuesday luncheon nt
Lions club, for a ladies' night, to
oe nem r-naay, Feb. 28, for all
service clubs of Polk county. This
includes the Lions Hnh of TnAa.
pendence, and Kiwanis club of
uaiias. Dr. A. S. Jensen of Mon-
moutn. is chairman nt th
gram or entertainment which will
Include . mimical . nnraKa . .
reading br- representative- f ithfc
tbuuus ciuus. uean Koy Hewitt df
mameiie universitv in tn ha
speaker of the eveninr. r.rAa
and dancing will follow the din
ner nour.
A committee was annotated to
sponsor arrangements for enter
taining at luncheon Murrh 4. tiA
Monmouth high school basketball
team, champions of Polk county.
Delmer R. Dewey, president,
MONMOUTH, Feb. 27. Fu
neral services were held at 2 p.
in. Wednesday at the Smith fu
neral chapel for Mrs. Mary Ellen
Alsip, 84, who died Monday at
he home of her son, T. J. Alsip,
"west of town.
Mary Ellen Dedder was born
June 24, 1845, in Grant county,
Wisconsin, where she grew to
womanhood. She was married
December 8, 1863, to A. H. Al
sip, and they settled in Decorah,
Iowa. Removing later to Ta
coma. Wash., the family home
was maintained there for many
Mr. Alsip died February 10,
1912. In 1925 Mrs. Alsip came
to Monmouth to reside with her
on and daughter-in-law, who
survive, also four grandchildren,
and five great-grandchildren
Rev. L. H. Willard of the Mon
mouth Evangelical church offi
ciated at the services.
AMITY. Feb. 27 Mr and
Mrs. Sam McClure of Pleasant
Mill, Ohio, are visiting at the J.
R. Snodgrass home for a few
days. These Ohio folk
weeks in Arizona, three weeks at
Long Beach, Calif., and four weeks
at the home of Mrs. McClure's
sister, Mrs. E. B. Rench at Seat
tle. While they have been In Ore
gon but a few days, thev like our
climate here and scenery as well
as any place where they have
Committees Plan Work for
New Year; Girls and
Boys Both Work
WOODBURN, Feb.' 17 The
new committees which will fnne
tion during the next school year
have been chosen by the president-elect
of the student body of
Woodburn high, Kenneth Glllan
dert. The activities committee Is
Edith Sbrock, chairman, Ralph
Nibler, Jessie Sims, Pat Courtney,
Wiavo Lenon, Grace Shrock, Mrs.
Waivo Lenon, Grace Shrock, Mrs.
licity committee a Klizabeth Mill
er, chairman. rtonaM rv t..i
Gulss, Harold Gnstafson, Gelta
Mae Hunt, Gorda Klamp and Au
drey Wiencken, advisor. The fi
nance committee is Jane Yergen,
chairman, Marie - Thompson
Blanche White, Henriette Chap
elle. Glen Wilson, Justine Hunt,
Imogene Fobert, P. E. Rohner,
faculty advisor. The chairman of
the nominating committee, mem
bers of which are elected at the
beginning of the school year, la
Harold Schooler.
Fiber Hansen
Wedding Is Set
For Saturday
ST. PAUL. Feb. 27 Louise
Faber and V.ictor Hansen of New
berg will be, married Saturday by
the Rev. George C. Chabot of St.
Jerry Antish and Mrs. Susie
Bunning and children, Wallace
ami Dorothy were visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Faber
over Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Bertha Selfert of Ryder
wood, Washington is now making
an extended visit of a few days
at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Caroline Faber.
800 Chicks in
Turner Woman's
Brooder House
1 TURNER, Feb. 27. Mrs. S. A.
Riches has her new brooder
house in use this week having re
ceived a consignment of 800 baby
chicks. Mrs. Riches has been
making a specialty of chickens
for egg production for the past
three years, keeping several hun
dred hens.
HY is it that so many
men magnify the difficulties
of making wills, creating
trust funds in short, plan
ning wisely for their fam
We can show you how,
with our help, it can be made
very simple
A fifteen-minute talk
with our trust officer will,
we feel sure, help to clear up
the obstacles which have de
terred you from making
your will and arranging for
the orderly and intelligent
settlement of your estate.
Ladd & Bush Trust
SILVERTON. Feb. tfl T)rr..
society of Trinity ehurch has
mmam pians lor a big birthday so
cial to be held at the church so
cial rooms Friday evening. Invi
tations have been Issued to all
church members , and ta muiT
friends of the socUtor. : rwn
tltations contain little bags'where
in are to be placed pennies to the
amount of the years of the ncr-
son receiving the Invitation.
The committee wishes it tn h
known that anvon in lnnM
at the party. A program will be
given, a number of which to be
tarnished by each month.
Sewing Club Is
Organized With
Heights Women
' . j, x m .
A few women of Kalrm TTivita
met Friday afternoon at th
home of Mrs. Reed
organized a sewing club to be
known hereafter as the ."Chaten
seaux club." The next meeting
wiu do neiq Thursday, March (
at tit home of Mrs. XV XX Craig.
'- Mrs. George Wilson of Salem
Heights, who has directed many
plays here and elsewhere, la di
rector la charge of the new play
elected by the dramatis club as
oaa of the series fa the year's
program. Ths title of the new
play Is -Mix Well and Stir, a
comedy fall of laughs. Mrs. Wil
son reports that the play. Is well
la hand aad "will be ready for
presentation soon. Ehs will an
nounce the date later.
AMITY, Feb. 17. Mr.:Mable
Wash of Hopewell was a weekend
guest at the home of Mrs. Mary
Mrs. Floy White spent several
days in Corvallls visiting at the
home of Dr. C. R. Matthls and
Mr. and Mrs. Van Natta of St.
Helens, Ore., spent Sunday here
at the home of Mrs. Van Natta's
sister, Mrs. A. E. Murphy.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watt of
Vernonla spent Sunday here at
the home of her father, A. B.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Barner and
daughters, Beulah and Norma of
Alsea spent the weekend visiting
with Mrs. Barnes sister. Miss
Annie Newby.
Miss Bertha Munkers was a
weekend visitor in Salem at the
Ralph Williams home.
l 19 I
If glasses are needed,
be sure they are cor
rect. Our experienced
optometry assures ac
curacy here.
Let us examine your
eyes today.
'Ws- - v -
' i I"
Students Busy With Prac
tices for March 7; Opal
Dickey Has Lead
WOODBURN. Teh. 17 The
school will present the clever op
eretta, "Jerry of Jericho Road,"
In the high school auditorium.
jjarcn 7.
The leading role, that of Ger
sldine "Jerry1 Bank, Is taken by
Opal Dickey. Atvin Rogen plays
opposite her. The other leads are
taken by Lura Frederick, as San
dy Bank, Jerry's cousin, and Alan
O'Day, Charles Bartos.
Other members of the cast in
clude: Jessie Sims, Donald Covey,
Peggy Sadler. Nona Otlen, Royal
Hastie. Bernard Cole and Al
bert Lemcke.
Helen Washburn is the Instruc
tor for the dance numbers and
How One Woman lost
3 "
20 Pounds of Fat
Lost Her Double Chin
Lost Her Prominent Hips
Lost Her Sluggishness
Gained Physical Vigor
Gained in Vivadotisness
Gained a Shapely Figure
If you're fat first remove the
C&118C !
the mineral salts your body or
gans, glands and nerves must
have to function properly.
When your vital organs fail to
perform thelp-work correctly
your bowels and .kidneys can't
throw' off that' waste; .material-
before 'yoa ; 1 realise lfr you're
growing hideously fat! .
Try one half - teaspoonful of
KRUSCHEN SALTS in a glass of
hot water every morning In 3
weeks get on the scales and note
how many pounds of fat have
Notice also that you have gain
ed In energy your skin Is clear
er your eyea sparkle with glori
ous health yon feel younger In
body keener in mind. KRUS
CHEN will rive any fat person a
Joyous surprise.
Get an 85c bottle of KRUS
CHEN SALTS from Perry's Drur
Store or any leading druggist any
where in America (lasts 4 weeks)
If this first bottle doesn't con
vince you this is the easiest, saf
est and surest way to lose fat it
you don't feel a superb Improve
ment in health so gloriously en
ergetic vigorously alive your
money gladly returned. Adv.
SAfflgEfflDAy WILY
IFEEE tt Eveffy ESfiMe (SounaQiag
Suntt uni? SttattSonn Sea a (Dai?.
ii y
ffw a Onsa
All the latest
Goodyears are here
at Low 1030 Prices:
Double EoQlm
iVecr Heuvff Duty
Standard Ail-Weather
Christopher Columbus, Benjamin Franklin,
Robert Fulton they took a chance and found
something better. And there's no telling
what you're missing in tires until yoa make
comparisons. Doesn't a tire that has proved
itself EXTBA-good enough to lead in popu
larity for 15 years, at least deserre a try?
Pat on a Goodyear next timeget the low
down on this question of which kind fa best I
the loir-priced, big valae, New Style Pathfinder
Fan Orersixea quality possible beeaoae of tie
casta Goodyear enjoys by ballding aiere taaa ef
an tires sold fa America, Freeh 1930 "firsts" care-
any BMvated lif etisM gwaateed backed by ear
year remad service.
Fall Oversize Balloons Big Oversize Cords
.$ 6.30 30x3 ft Cord $ 5.30
. 7.00 31x4 Cord 9.40
. 8.85 32x4 CmtA 10.10
- 9.15 33x4 Cord, 10.60
. 10.95 32x4 ft Cord 140
. 13.20 33x4 ft Cord 14.85
Tubes also low priced
We'll Qladly Inspect Your Tires
Freeand Inflate Thcnu Drivebu
Guaranteed Tire Repairing Estimates Free
- Uuttr Ban & haiti ate aitcd);
TrfejAdo. t J Ncith Ccsaaaal tt Ceater
Aatrey Wiencken wiH operrUe
A. A -
u cosiaming. Virginia Mason,
dramatic eoaeh at the high
school la training ths young ac
tors In their speaking parts.
UNIVKRSITY ob nnv.rm-H.
Eurene. Feb. 2? rsiMtHsi ph
Keedham, of Salem, was the out
standing yearling man on the
frosh swimming team la the meet
wun xne kooks last Saturday. He
took first nlaee for th fnuk in
the 40-yard dash, and In the 220
yara rree-style.
MONMOUTH. Feb. 27. Dr.
Clarence G. Stem, ehiropratcor,
who has maintained an office here
for the past four years, is mov
ing his family and his office
equipment to McMInnville this,
week, "where he will opea ib N
flee. His successor at-MoamoBtoi
Is Dr.' IJoyd L. Hockett, chiro
practor at Salem for the past lg
Dr. Stem has been active in pro
fesslonal and social life at Moo
mouth, serving as present adja
tant of Monmouth Post of ths
American Legion; and auperin
tendent of the Christian cnurchj
Sunday school.
Doctor Hockett, who is an al
umnus of the University of Ore
goa and ex-Willamette student
begin his work here Wednesday,
Little Girls' Coats Reduced
Coats of Half Wool Velour
An adorable style for lit
tie girls who like to be
chic. Half wool velour
with contrasting plash
collar Neat stitching.
Sateen lined and inter
lined. An Important
clearance value.
Flannel Coats
Petite Models
Low Priced
49c $1.98
Jannty hats with a dah of
youth that will delight
school girls. Felt or velve
teen hats and part wool
tarns. Real bargains.
S- round yoke with !hh
ring makes this a ' can
Jnjg style. Of all wool
flannel with astrakan
cloth collar and cuffs,
lined and interlined.
Priced very low for our
final clearance sale.
Unusual Shoe Values
For Women
$2.98 to $4.98
Several smart styles from
which to choose- Includ
ing dressy cut-out ties
and one-strap slippers.
All reduced for clearance
$1.69 1. $4.98
Trim, comfortable ox
fords designed for grow
ing feet. Made for hard
wear. Exceptional bar
gains. .
98c to $3.25
Such unusual values at
these low prices. Dura
ble Goodyear stitch
down chrome leather
soles. Spring heels. In
black patent or beige
Chiffon Hose ; :
This low sale price makes
these sheer chiffon hose
sensational values! Pure
silk to top. Reinforced silk
covered feet.
Men's Shoes
Guaranteed dQ CQ
for 6 Months PJ0
Wards Six Months Work
Shoes are the very best
quality leather and are
guaranteed to give at leant
six months' service.
Ward-Built Kitchen Cabinets
Save Steps Save Time
A kitchen in Itself! Six
lovely colors . , . porce
lain enamel table top 48
Inches wide. Compact . . .
completely equipped.
proved by 8 famous in
stitutes. Use Only As You Pay
Only S 1.00 Weekly
For Any 110 to 120 Volt
Electric Iron
Priced o J
Low at
High class In every way!
Mica element wound
with genuine Nlchrome
wire. Tip-back rest.
Wrinkle preventing edg
es. For any 110 to 120
volt current.
Pioneer Overalls
Now to
Very important clearance
values that you cant afford
to miss! Made of durable
2:20 white back blue den
im and cut full. -
Bargains for the Home
' :'f Only
! 8
.Onfjr $2 Weekly
Electric Washer
Reduced 077 Ef A
to Sen at Ol I.DU
A low priced electric
washer that does every
thing that highest priced
washers dot See it wash
as clean as quickly
and as safely as washers
at any price. Finer con
struction and . new Im
provements thai will de
ug&t you. 10-year guar
antee. An arresting
value! ,
Gas Range
SurprUfBsrly low-priced
hi this reliable, attractive
gas range.- Practicallv
flair- enaaeled. Body is
Armeo rwst-realsSg
ted. A. O. A. tested and
Colorful Rugs
$31.25 $48.50
Attractive Axmlnster rags
whoso low prices yoa can
to longer resist 1 Rkh col
ors and distinctive designs
in long wearing; rugs. -
Food Chopj3ers
Priced for Clearance
$1.00 t. $1.98
Will cut fine, coarse, or me
dium fine by ritHmg lever.
Small family size. Real bar
gains : for -thrifty" house
fefofe1?1 V SsJem, Oregon I
- V