The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 27, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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AH Women's Groups Urged
To Send Detegation to
Portland Friday
DALLAS. Fefc. SI All wo
men's elnba affiliated with the
Oregon tut federation are urg
ed to appoint -two delegates, one
the president, to attend a district
meetlnr nf tha innntf In the
fifth district to be held la Port
land. Friday snornlnr. Febroarr
SS. at 11 o'clock. The meeting.
This meeting has been called br
Mrs. jonn Baiiantyno f Bliver
ton. first rice president, of the
fifth district whieh was organised
la Salem, October 29. Sirs. Sey
mour Jones who was elected pre
sident at that time, is not able to
aerrA nif thi meetlnr fa allt
for the purpose of electing offi
cers, and holding of the semi-annual
meeting of the district, pre
paratory to making a report at
the state convention in May.
Federated Jnhs la tha tnUn-m
ing counties are eligible to send
aeiegaies: Marion, foih, .yamnm.
Clackamas. Mnltnomah. Wash
ington. Columbia, Tillamook and
. DAYTON. F. 26 The rr
toq, M. E. Sunday school .held its
election of officers last wieeV. fin
account of bad weather the board
.meeting had been postponed sev
eral times.''
The following officers were
elected: Miss Lena Stilwell, su
perintendent; Mrs. Elsie Smith
Varmington. assistant superin
tendent; Ellis Hadaway, secre
tary; Mrs. Cora Hole, treasurer;
Mrs. Eva, Baxter, chorister; and
Mrs. Cora Hole, pianist.
Teachers; Mrs. Warmtngton,
Junior girls class; Mrs. Gertrude
Goodrich, Junior boys class; Miss
Flossie Herring, primary class;
Mrs. Erma Webster, beginners
ciass. Mrs. Winona Xickerson
and Miss Einor Herring were
elected librarians.
DALLAS. Feb. 26 The estate
of the late H. L. Fenton has been
appraised at 115.000 in real es
tate by Frank GHlam. E. C. Kirk
patrlck and Frank Coad. There
was a small amount of personal
property. Mr. Fenton who left Ho
will has n0 heir besides his- wi
dow. Mrs. Fenton was already the
owner of the home property oa
the corner of Jefferson and Court
streets, and two other houses. She
also receives the Income from a
$1,00 war insurance policy left
by the son, Carl B. Fenton, who
died ten years ago.
Fred Toner is administrator of
the estate.
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Photograph shows Colonel Lindbergh dbasseaibUng glider after
landing safely in the Tehachapt moatains wheta an ailerosi
fell off.
JEFFERSON, Feb. 21 (Spe
clal) Wrd was received here
today of the death of Mrs. Nelilo
G. Reeves; for many years a re
sident of this city. Ja an auto ac
cident at Salinas, California.
Mrs. Reeves was born in La
th rop, Missouri, in 1875. She
moved to Jefferson at the age of
15 years, and remained here until
12 years ago when she moved to
Los Angeles. She is survived by
two sons, Howard Clement of Los
Anegeles, and four brothers, Wil
liam Lynes of Taloga, Oklahoma.
Charles of Estacada. Harry - of
Portland and Earl of Jefferson.
Funeral services and Interment
will take place in Los Angeles.
No details of the accident were
reported here.
DALLAS, Feb. 2tC D. Starr
of Portland, chairman of the
atate board of higher education,
was In Dallas Monday, having
been called here by the serions
Illness of his brother. Arthar P.
50th Anniversary Attended by 10 Children
SILVERTftV OR nr.. ..! xr, nu ru
-" - aiu cuu "UOi iUlbUOCI UUCU
- - ' M - pr AJ 1 . .
cicuraiea meir outn wedding' anniversary here Monday.
ir ucijit in vi tea 10 me ranmanuei cnurcn where
airs, uisen came in on tne arm of her oldest son, Isaac of
vw4 oiiu met ner nusoana at me altar.
Mr. Olsen was attended br fonr A
oz nts soaa, Alfred of Portland.
Alvia of Klamath. Mliton Borlen
of Estacada. Royal of Portland.
lira. MUton Boylen of Estacada
acted as matron of honor for ner
mother, while Miss Hanah Olsea
of Silverton was maid of honor.
Two daughters-in-law, Mrs. Otto
Olsea and lira. Rndolnh HImb.
were bride's maids.
Little Marraret Olsen and Tiia.
na Dayle, granddaughters of tao
bride, were flower girls, and Al
ien ouen, a grandson, carried a
prayer book Instead ot the ring.
played by nine-year-old Olivia Ol
sen, a grand daughter. Mrs. Jas
per Dnllam sang a solo, which
Jonas Byberg accompanied at the
Guest of Lou Am Them
Following tha chnrch reception
Mr. and Mrs. Olsen help open
nouso at their none Monday after
noon, iney received 109 guests.
Mrs. Sara Jorrenson of SilvertAB.
who was an Invited guest 60 years
ago, was present at Monday's festivities.
Mr. and Mrs. Olsen were mar
ried at Decorah, Iowa, and came
to silverton 12 years ago. Mr,
Olsen is 74 and Mrs. Olsen is 7.
ah or their children were pres
ent at the golden wedding. They
were Isaac of Iowa; Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Olsen of North Bend, Mr.
and Mrs. Milton Boylen of Esta
cada. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Doyle of
North Bend. Alvln Olsen nf TCl.m-
fath; Mr. and Mrs. Rndolph Olsen.
Air. and Mrs. Royal Olsen and
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Olsen. all of
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ol
sen and Miss Hannah niaen nf KM.
verton. Ten grandchildren were al
so present.
(APj Two additional days have
been allowed the vt niMnHii,
modification and repeal of the
eigaieenta amendment.
5 x - i
I .
y, 'it
Deaolb caarded by Papa , peBeemn a ha was taken from tha
Vatican tnbunaL He was the first to come before that Jndidjd
kodj and received a ssntcacs ef thm months hiiallfor tnbbtera
to bead ita own priaie the caipritwrne seat to the Re Pjfrjr!.
8COTT8 MILLS, res. ti Mr.
and Mrs. J. O. Dixon and family
rlstted Mr. and Mrs. Merle BeoU
near CotUge Govs over ths
Mr. Davidson af Portl vtsftl
d Mr. and Mrs. George Haymes
weanesaay evening.
Mrs. Glean Haynes who has
beea vialtta her Mruiti a
Mrs. Clareaee Cole near Rosebnrs;
ww pan inrss weeks, returned
nome anaday.
Wias Nell Klnae a lM4l.a
IUlt.edJr Parents, Mr. sad Mrs.
4. n. luaser, at crooked Finger
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben DeJardln
nalted Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schoe
ehar In Mt Angel Sunday.
Allan BeUinger of Salem visit-
o ais mother here Sunday. .
Auburn Farm Is
Rented to Two
Portland Women
AUBURN. Feb. 25 Roy Ham
uier aaa reniei nu noma near
Mitchell's service station to Mra.
Scouton and Mrs. Clark ot Port
Clanda DoIim and !! .r
Kansas City, Missouri, are Tiait
ing st the home of Henry Dohse.
They expect to locate la Salem
in me near future.
Mr. and Mra. W W t.u.
after living, on the Ryan farm for
two years, are moving to the Ar-
noio piace near Turner. Mark
Morgason aad Pay WlUonghby.
who make their home with them,
will be missed at th
Silverton Shop
Makes Ready For
Spring Opening
golag an extensive change In Its
interior arrangement.
Zetta Schlador. ha
this , establishment almost five
rears era. aald ri tiia
that she hoped to hare it all com
pleted, for SHvertoa's big , spring
onenlnar wbleh has k&i nf..
for Saturday. March 1.
. jsoitt airs, scuador and her as
sistant. Miss Rmmi timi.
Oregonfans and hare both attend
ed Sllrertoa schools. :
Lincoln Club tb
coin Commsnitr elab will ueet
la tat Lincoln school homs Fri
day night. February 18, at g
The entertain
Mrs. R. Hi Rabla oTri arM
Arrin Madsen and Jeanne Smith
are preparing a varlad program
which will be of much interest.
itors to friends In this commun
ity hart beea numerous during;
the past week.
Mr. and Mra. Kd ffentt nf Van.
couver, wasn, and Mr. and Mrs
Ainn Thornton or Dallu were
week end guests at the J. A
Campbell home.
Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs
urvuie ivurxs on tsunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Seihert Walker nf
Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rfmb-
stead of Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Howard ot Amity and her
mother. Mrs. Gna Von Onarnnr nf
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cplson and
Grandpa Bones and Mr. and Mrs.
uirenzo tmson were guests of
William Crook and family la Me-
jamnvuie sunaay. Mrs. crook pre-
nared dlanar far 4& niMti
birthday dinner tor her husband.
, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell
ealled on Mr. and Mrs. Mas Flan
ry In Salem, Sunday afternoon.
Miss Georgia Flnley of MeMinn-
Tui was a ween and guest at the
Levi McKea hoaaa.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Gilson at
tended the basket ban gams in
uorraui Saturday evening be
tween Oregon and Oregon State.
Mr. and Mra. J. a ttmh .
family attended tha fcaaVa hn
toarnament in Monmouth Fridav
evening. C. S. Stults is coach for
wa uetnei team who played and
won a game that evening.
New Warehouse
Is Going Up For
Firm at Dayton
DAYTON. PaV 9ft Th irp
hardware mbdut la havfntr
large ware house built extending
irom tne store back to the alley.
Chaflea filmier la hnav with ka
excavatlnr and lavlnr fm
the building which will be rushed
aiong as zasr as possible. Mr.
URen baa a aromrlna hatlnnu In
the hardware Una which eertaia-
ly demands more floor space for
displaying his Increasing stock ot
macninery. .
Masquerade Ball
Draws Zena Folks
ZENA. Fh. 2 a t(r and
Mrs. Niles R. Holland aad daugh
ter Laverns or zena, attended the
masquerade ball given by the
Danish lodra at McMIbhtUU ri.
arday night They were guests ef
r. ana wrs.. Hirry uausen Of
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Crawford
and two daughters Alice and Wil-
Relief from Gas
Stomach Pains
.The doctors teO us that 90 per cent
of all sickness is due to stomach and
bowel troubles. Von cant be wen if
your digestion is bad; you are likely
to get sick unless you relish food and
digest it properly.
. Tanlac has a wonderful record as a
relief from digestive troubles, evea
those of years' standing.
Local people, many of whom yen
know, are highly endorsing Tanlac.
For exampleMra. Ellen White says.
"For years I suffered from indiges
tion. I got no relief from anything
until I took Tanlac After my fourth
bottle, I feel like a new person and
hare a floe appetite."
If to nanffar fpAn mi., t-
the stomach or bowels dlsslness,
nausea, constipation; or torpid
liver: if yon Have no annatita.
can't sleep and are natrons and
u run gowb. vera need Taalaa.
l is good, mire medietas, mada
of roots, herbs and barks, fiat a
bottle from your druggist today.
Money back If It doesn't help yoa.
Accept no substitute. Adr,
ma, were Sunday visitors at the
home ot Mrs. Alice Simpson of
Lincoln and her house guest,
Mrs. W. 8. Waterberry of Port
land. Mrs. Waterberry is a sister
of Mrs. Simpson snd Mrs. Craw
ford's aunt
FALL6 CITY, Feb. 26. This
week Clarence and Harry Sulll
ran earns td Falls City from N-
balem. They, plan to work for
Willamette Lumber company.
HUBBARD, Feb. 2 L. A.
Miller, manager of Hubbard lum
ber yard, atteaded the 27th annu
al convention ei me western ne
tain Lumbermen's association
held at Spokane. Wash. The con
vention Tas a three-day session
closing with an elaborate banquet
Saturday night
Mr. Miller, a member of the as
sociation, had ah opportunity to
hear many prominent speakers
who discussed important sub
jects. Mr. Millar found the display of
building products Interesting snd
An eixht-coutf e faanouet held
Saturday evening was the gala
event of tne convention wun the
Western - Retail Lumbermen's
"Follies' the feature of the en
Aa aanrenira nf the ronvn-
'tlon. Mr. Miller has three cute
wooden toy dogs painted black
and white, the courtesy, of Pine
Craft White Pine Sash comnanv.
TITO NER. Fh. 2S .ITVnd dA
Veries of Pratum was a visitor in
Turner Sunday. He, as president
of the Marion county Sunday
schools. Is making final arrange
ments for the county convention
in March to be held at the Chris
tian church in Stayton.
Mrs. Cornelia George spent the
weekend in Aumsville with her
friend, Mrs. Fitzpatrick.
Crowd Out When
Salem Players
Come to Hills
goodsized crowd greeted Rer.
Stover and his young players from
Salem Friday night Everyone is
enthusiastic In their praise of the
evening's entertainment.
Rer. and Mrs. O. I. Hustoft of
Astoria were weekend guests at
the K. O. Rue home.
Ardls Egan motored to Portland
last Thursday to see his doctor,
who pronouaeed Ardls as getting
along fine.
Toner Bcsy .With
Progress d CUcssp
TURXER, Feb, 26-Fc
ty ef the members of the
Christina chares met Sa tar
day for work at the church,
giving the building a tbor
flnaatng aad Improving the
lawa aad flower beds. Water '
pipes were laid ' from , the
Davis water system aearby,
preparatory for summer irrigation.
DALLAS, Feb. 26 Silas Or
chard, a resident of Dallas, eigh
teen years sgo, died February 24
in Albany, jwhere he has been
making bis home. Mr. Orchard
was la the real estate business la
Dallas. On leaving here ho mov
ed to Corvalli. and later New
port, where he followed the same
business line. He was something
of a character about town. He
never married. He was buried
in the old part of the Odd Fel
lows cemetery la Dallas beside
his parents Wednesday at 2
o'clock from the Hinkla Thom
as chapel. His age was given as
82 years.
Turner Men go
To Dairy Meet
TURNER, Feb. 26. The offi
cial board of the Turner dairy,
association met Monday for an
important business meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. George Nader
man and two children of Salem
spent Sunday at the parental W.
A. Martin 'home. The family for
merly resided at Turner.
nfiii is
m school paper
The first edition of the Margold
News was published Friday by the
an ataff at TndAnenripnr Mrh
school. Tha eonfa ml tha arw
nrnri T Af nltft. aft mtnAmtm Ti a
Bauer is now nnblished everr two
weeks in a magaxIno4iko form
with the outside cover a colored
Oa the news staff are the fol
lowing students: Genevieve Pe
terson. Rnth Wilson. Maria
Dodge. Lowell Eddv. Lewis Keiir
Gertrude Schooler, Irene Bush.
Ernestine Smuey. Mrs. H. Dix
on. Mr. P. E. Robinson, Celesta
Cnthbert. Anna Louise Worton
Frances Garsllno, Elizabeth Ba
ser. . -
WALDO HILLS. Feb. 26 Tha
nlav. "On Ionea Train to be riv
en Saturday by the young folk
of the waido huis community
dub promises to be rery in ter
es tinr. The data vat ehanpM
from Friday to Saturday because
of the firemen's dance in Silver-
ton Friday night. -
Reports are received of an amai-
ing treatment that epileptics
state has proved succesful In
stopping their attacks. R. Lep-
so. Apt. 63. Island Ave.. Milwau
kee. Wise, has been unnnlvinp-
sufferers with this treatment. He
now wishes to reach all those
who have not been helped and to
do so Is making the startling of
fer of a generous treatment free
to all sufferers. Anyone afflict-
Fed : should, write for this free
treatment at once.) glrrng ago.
Forsytbia (Golden Bells) the earliest flowering shrab
Dentils pink spring blooming shrub
Evergreen honeysuckle vines
3 Husky Shrubs for $1.00
Reg. 60c Shrubs
Gooseberry and Currant bushes, 3 for 25c
Watch for oar Wednesday-Tharaday Specials
S40 X. Liberty '(aear Cowrt)
that you would use
if you were to bake
-mmfm ' mm . mm -
SPENDING t half day In the kitchen
toiling over a batch of bread isn't
necessary any more. But, supposing you
wanted to do it, what would yon provid
for the task? Wouldn't you want a sack
of the best western-milled flour you could
buy, milk for vitamines, pure shortening,
first quality salt, and sugar, and Fleisch
mann s yeast. ..all thoroughly mixed and
leavened and baked to a rich, golden
Of course you would ! You believe there
is nothing too good for the health and
enjoyment of your fatnily. And youd
give a lot of care to the' baking of that
batch of bread. rWeD, that's cxaclly the
reape for Hillman, Snowflake Butter
RfHlts speak for themselves.
InafuUpound and a half loaf, ie Just the
nght economical size for the average
family. Ask yorir grocer for it today I v