The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 27, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    t.GO.M,Ma;i . -v-- ..- PACE FIVE
M ii , , 71 iminiPirnn innrni nx..AiirTixr. nnnniTii iiiuimnu
juuccu iNcws jorieis t UUU,IBM1U
' ill nnrrxim rnnimnl
Ten" Rotary History T h
history of Rotary International,
which celebrated Its 25th birth
day Wednesday, wu outlined at
the meeting of the Salem club at
Ita weekly luncheon by R, O.
Snelllng. He stressed the Impor
tant part the northwest has had
In the development of Rotary,
mentioning that the Seattle club
was one of the first organised
and the Portland club was tenth.
The Salem club la No. S72 and
there are now S2S1 clubs. The
five ' principles of Rotary were
formulated while officers attend
ing an International convention
at Portland in It 10, were on a
boat excursion from that city to
The Dalles and return.
Can you use a good light farm
tractor? We have (t in the Shaw
Ford. Why not put your old Ford
ear to work? -With a Shaw-Tractor
attachment you can do the
work of a good heavy team and It
eats only when It works. We can
apply the attachment for $125,
And our assembly charge is $45.
It Interested, write us for a de
scriptive circular. G res ham Ber
ry Growers, Inc., State Agents for
Shaw Tractor Attachments. Please
mention, this - paper when you
W. V, Women Win Florence
Decker and Lillian Beecher or
the Willamette university wom
en's debate team proved that the
modern diversion of woman from
the home to business and indus
try Is not detrimental to society
end were awarded a critic judge
decision over the women's team
ot the University ot Utah in the
Waller hall ( auditorium last
night. George Barryman of Mon
mouth gave the decision. Grace
Anderson and Irene Sheranlan
were the affirmative speakers.
Dblfcy dnncr every nlgfrt p. 41;
to at; the !MaVlU . hotel.; ; rf ,
Plan Hospital Aid The Salem
General Hospital women's auxil
iary has established headquar
ters In the former Bank of Com
merce rooms, and is preparing
to conduct a campaign to raise
$6000 or f'000 to assist in the
hospital, this amount being ex
pected to compensate It for the
cost of charity cases accepted
during the year, It was announ
ced at the Rotary club luncheon
Wednesday by F, G. Iieckebach.
Ilutler Going South Eric But
Kr, mannper of the local West
t ern Union offices, has received
' word to report In San Jose, Cal.,
for enrollment In a course in op
eration of the Simplex machine
' at the Western Union school
there. Butler plans to leave Sa
lem March 8 and will be in the
south until the latter part of
Want used furniture. Tel. 511.
Marlon County Stands Third
Marlon county stands third In
Oregon In number of Illiterates,
with 117. 367 of which are in
Salem, the national advisory
council has advised County Su
perintendent Fulkerson. Oregon
has- 1,317 illiterates, 3,926 of
which are in Multnomah county.
Umatilla county ranks second.
Former IWkleuU Visit Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. MeN'ulty visited
here briefly yesterday while on
their way to Seattle from Klam
ath Falls, where they have been
living. McNulty was employed In
the local Western Union offtee
for some time about six years
"Safety First" play by Labish
R. N. Fri.. 28th, M. W. A. hall.
Chemawa, 15 and 35c.
Seeks Vm-le Word as to the
preseat whereabouts of his uncle,
Nicola Damato, believed to be In
the Salem vicinity, is sought
through the local chamber of
commesce by Sebatino Scala
Whose address is 339 North Eliz
abeth street, Haaelwood, Pitts
burgh, Pa.
Visit Western ' Union E. F.
Dodson of PortUnd, where he is
with the plant department of the
Western Union, and A. L. John
son of San Francisco, division In
spector with headquarters in San
Francisco, were Wednesday vis
itors at the local western Union
Free 2 and 4 n. m. Mar. 1.
Two reels of motion pictures, en
tertaining and educational. Also
1 package of White King Granu
lated soap to those attending. Ha
11k Electric Co., 461 N. Front 8t.
Push Member Canvas A
large number of legionnaires took
part .Wednesday night in the
opening of an intensive member
ship canvass which Is designed to
raise the total of paid up mem
bers in Capital Post No. 9 to 800
by March 1.
To Address Zontas Oscar H.
Lip pi. superintendent of the In
dian training school at Chemawa,
will ten of his work at the school
In an address before the local
Zonta club this noon. The club
meets each Thursday at the Mar
lon. Rummage sale will be held by
Daughters of .Veterans Friday
and Saturday of this week. High
Bldg., 130 South High St.
-Most FUe ClaimWorld war
veterans must file any claims
they may have for disability In
curred while la wartime service,
on, or before April f, officer of
Capital Post No. 9, American Le
gion, have been notified.
,U ted Furniture i 'L
JmB SUM, Fsed Faraitare
Tfeparnnent ;
' SanWSawnwWC
Club lfecta The flalmn fiar-
den club will meet for itm nrntir
monthly meeting Monday night
at a o'cjock in the chamber of
commerce rooms with Ira Gabriel
son as special speaker. Mr. Ga
brlelson will bring with him a
collection or auaes and a lantern
with which to Illustrate his lec
ture. In answer to request from
Salem Garden elub member will
show several slides of eastern
Oregon Penstamon, a plant 1 In
wbleh considerable interest Is
centered. Mr. Gabrielson . Is a
member of the 'government biol
ogical survey.
Baldwin built more pianos dur
ing 1929 than the next two or
three makers combined. One
fourth of America's output were
Baldwin made. There's a reason.
See Baldwin planes- at- Tallman
Piano store, 986-395' 8ooth 12th
street, factory distributors.
Art Display Seen An Interest
ing display of art work and home
decoration suggestions Is on ex
hibition In the Marion hotel, SIS.
today and Friday. This display
brought here by Mrs. John Od
son. Interior decorator ot. Spo
kane, Washington, Includes some
choice examples of original Jap
anese prints, wood block art, a
few etchings, fine laces and even
some tapestries and draperies' for
the home. Mrs. Odson Is meeting
those Interested in discussing dec
orating problems and the art of
buying tor the home this after
noon and Friday afternoon.
Freshmen Give Program
Tiiree musical numbers were
presented by members of the
freshmen class of Willamette
university In the regular chapel
service. Bernlce Rlckman sang
"O Little Maiden" by Strickland
accompanied by Miss Marjorie
Odell, 1 Miss ' Frances Laws placed
MacDowelt'e ''Froht ' an Indian
Lodge"; students closed their
program with a trumpet .solo by
Ralph Morrison which was a se
lection from the opera Sampson
and Delilah.
Chicken dinner and program at
Salem Heights hall. to 8 Friday.
Student to Kt-e Skit Two
bkits, one advertising the Tecbne
art club three-art play, "Poman
der Walk," and the other the
wkatlng party which the junior
chamber of commerce Is sponsor
ing at Dreamland ring, will fea
ture the regular weekly high
school student assembly during
the home room period today.
Campaign Committer Meets
Preliminary plans for the annual
Y. W. C. A. budget drive to be
made for one week beginning
March 31 were made at a com
mittee meeting held yesterday
afternoon at the Y. W. Mrs.'
Rex Sanford Is general chairman
of the campaign.
Encinitl Group Meets The
regular weekly meeting of the
Encinitls club will be held this
evening at the Y. W. C. A. Mil
dred Judson is president ot the
Hyer Promoted C. L. Hyer,
who has been ticket agent in Sa
lem for. the Oregon Stages tor
several years, has been promoted
to the position ot manager of the
Albany offiee, effective March 1.
Bicycle Stolen Ned Hale, 754
South 21st street, reported to the
police Wednesday that bis bi
cycle had been, stolen from In
front of the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday
F.Iks Danre Frlriav Nitp Feb.
28. Come and bring a friend.
DiscuMt Gym Work The gym
nasium program of the Y. M. C.
A. will be discussed at today's
meeting of the Y. directors.
George Hug will preside.
P o n 1 sen Improving M ark
Poulsen, city recorder, expects to
resume his duties Friday, having
recovered sufficiently from his
recent Illness.
Glbbard In Portland Arthur
Oibbard was attending to bus
iness matters in Portland yester
day. He Is assistant postmaster
Clare Le Speaker Clare A.
Lee, state Insurance commission
er, will be the speaker at the
Lions club luncheon Friday noon.
his topic being fire prevention. ,
Jersey Club Meet The Ore
gon Jersey Cattle club will hold
an all day meeting at the Salem
chamber of commerce rooms
For Expert
Truck and Tractor
Motor Reconditioning;
G. A. Raymond Machine
25 Cbea. St. PfcOM S
Relieves all your eye
Price 50c
Schaef ers
The Orlgjtnnl TelW Front and
fUaJv MiMdal fifceM at Sales.
ISO J. Com rilal '
. Phone urt;;
Penalar Agency ;
Eighty Attend Session Here
Last Night to Consider
Best Advertising
Sound business advice was
mixed with pleasing entertain
ment to form an enjoyable eve
ning for 80 8alem businessmen
who attended the second annual
advertising fornm sponsored by
the Salem Ad club Wednesday
night at the Elks club.
Joseph R. Gerber, president of
Gerber and Crossley, Portland ad
vertising agency and Carl Thune
saan, sales manager of the Mc
Morran and Washburne depart
ment store at Eugene, were the
principal speakers, both men
speaking directly and forcefully
on merchandising ot goods.-
Gerber, stressing the distribu
tion problem of the manufactur
er, titled his talk. "Building a
Market ' ot Tour Own." while
Tbnneman spoke on "It" as re
lated to merchandise.
Small City Industry
Has Real Field
Industries In small cities can
become oaks as successful as In
dustries in large cities If the men
wbo manage them will develop
markets, Gerber said.
Because of the dependence of
the community upon the success
of Industrial plants and the farm
ers, the men at the head of man
ufacturing enterprises are charged
with a deep responsibility, Ger
ber declared.
"Their success depends upon
their ability to makret their pro
ducts and too tew producers r re
building markets of their own
which will Insure their success
and the success of the communi
ties in which they reside."
Rafehl BnHdinn" H
nitA TA.lb1 . ' ! I t ' 1 1 r i
Gerber explained that It is pos
sible by knowing intelligent sales
methods and by a proper analysis
and proportioning of production
costs, to take a naked Idea and to
built It In a few years into a gig
antic enterprise, serving people In
every part of the United States
and in foreign countries. Gerber
said that sales costs could well be
be placed at 20 per cent ot tne
selling price of a manufactured
article If volume wan sufficiently
increased to permit low manufac
turing costs. ;
Thuneman strewing the retail
aide ot merchandising said the
problem of the merchant was to
select "It" goods. A large quanti
ty of goods purchased he termed
as "It" goods while other mer
chandise was deemed in the low
er category of "if" goods.
Markdowns Cat Into l
Profits Says Speaker
Thuneman said markdowns
averaged more than six per cent
of the sales of average stores,
while profits did not reach two
per cent on a -recent survey of
stores of the mmion-oonar saieo
He nolnted to intelligent ad
vertising as one extremely etfect-
. hub rnnAm
in the hands of customers. Sales
costs in reducing markdowns
more than Justified the outlay,
said Tuneman.
The speaker stressed the need
of rapid turnover, based on a sci
entific study of proper selling
prices, proper purchases ot slses
and qualities most demanded by
the customer.
Maaon Introduces
Speakers at Dinner
The dinner speakers were In
troduced by Arthur Mason, chair
man of the Ad club committee in
charge of the banquet. Associated
with Mr. Mason In arranging the
forum were P. C. McDonald, man
ager of the Rogers Paper com
pany, who also arranged an Inter
esting display of local printing;
Willard Marshall, in charge of a
local advertising contest; N. v.
Elliott and Ralph Kletring.
The . DeMoss musical organiza
tion, originally of Oregon, fur
nished appreciated Instrumental
and vocal numbers for the meet
Wttaent optrttloa et km ef
329 Ortfoa Bldg.
High Grade Furniture
275 Sooth 15th St- 2 Blocks South of Stale
Friday, February 28th, 1:30 P. M.
Consisting- of
1 lovely wabxat dining reons salt tadadtaf nuuntve extcasJea ta
ble, buffet and t diners wttn tapestry seats, this is a set swttable
far any hesne an the very latest ta style aad design; 1 green aad
ivory bed reean ssdte eananlete with eeO swrsng and amttreaa, 1
vtloar overstaffed daveaaert fast fiko now: 1 vekmr verstatfed.
reeker. fast Uto new: 1 walnat recker wKfc vekmr spring eta
ttke newt 1 wafaeftTeeker with snenatr sarin csaatoa. like
1 att eak reefcarTI'rMd ftrsrr beds wit eott sarin aad seat
t good txlS Azauaster rags, 1 good txt fdt base Uaokam rag, 1
eak library table, I fir library table, 1 fleer buna, 1 fir augaatae
sack ah stand taate, 1 child's eak rocker. 1 reand far extenatea
table. bew beok walamt ttafch afcMrs, 4 eak dtaen, 1 eara taMe,
t drop hand, 1 drawer Stager sewing aauhlae, I geed tvery dress
on, 1 good eledris washer, 1 good ahoaagrapk aad recards, t eet
taa pads, 1 ironing beard, I breakfast table, 1 extra good Calenfal
taage, bwffiat shelf aad French tea, aOe 1 efl heater, 1 atoto
leeklag ghnw, S narte heme canned fratt, t gatv. tana, 1 beUer
tad wash aeari, 1 Ckk paaa, t aOxtar towfc, 11 eieetrkj glebes,
i heater and atee. gardes rake, sea asaCsf fork, bfwasn, mop, I
Kr. A K. Jem-
Tcxi etch cost tzzzx
away- afranaaher taexabvaa
aad every sterdny afterasaa
Mew aad Used rarmttara, WO
Opposed to Hoover Offer
To Turn Over Public Land
The tentative proposal of Pre
sident Hoover made last year, to
turn the surface rights of the va
cant public lands back to the
state for the benefit of the com
mon school fund, wat discussed at
the Rotary luncheon Wednesday
by. Lynn F. Cronemlller, deputy
auto forester. Mr. Cronemlller
stated that the proposal did not
Inclul the national forests, na
tional parks. Indian or similar re
servations, but Insofar as this
stata la concerned, consisted of
over 11,000,090 acres ot the pub
lic 'lands located mostly in south
eastern Oregon, that have, from
misuse and abuse from overrat
ing and neglect of the federal
government properly to adminis
ter them, become so depleted that
they are almost worthless. The
expenditure of a sum ot money
far In excess of any return from
grasing fees woull be necessary
to place them In their former pro
ductive condition.
"On of the important factors
to be considered," stated Mr.
Cronemlller, "Is the effect this
proposition would have on fed-
Cms tenters
Curtis V. Crastenberg died In
this city Feb. 25, age 21. Hus
band ot Mrs. Edith Mardy Crasten
berg; father of David Victor;
brother of Will ot Spokane. Fu
neral services Friday, Feb. 28, at
1:80 o'clock from the RIgdon
chapel. Rev. Sims officiating. In
terment In Lee Mission cemetery.
h.jMra. Martha! 'W.1 Jftoene y, age
lt43,j)l 771 tdrth summer street.
died here February 25. Wife of
Fred A. Rooney, mother of Hil
da, Waldo and Alma Rooney;
daughter of F. B. Wedel of Sa
lem; sister of P. F. Wedel and
Ben F. Wedel, both of Salem and
Mrs. Elisabeth Schrag, ot Soap
Lake, Wash. Funeral announce
ments later by W. T. RIgdon and
Mrs. Mary L. Moore. C9, died
February 26 at the home at 967
Leslie street. Survived by four
daughters: Mrs. W. E. Morris,
Mrs. A. E. Woolridge and Mrs.
W. A. Cunningham, all of Camas.
Wash., and Mrs. C. H. McCullab
of Salem; three brothers, C. C.
Cates and J. R. Cates ot Salem and
Charles Cates of Missouri; also
15 grandchildren and three great
grandchildren. Funeral services at
2 p. m., Friday, at the First Bap
tist church in Camas, Wash., Rev.
Llnge officiating, and Interment
In the Fisher cemetery there. Un
der direction of Claugh-Taylor
mortuary. .
City View .Cemetery
Established 1803 Tel. 1200
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
Merest itlemorial
w iparfe "SEP
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
fast ten minutes from 'be
heart of town
lizaoot inrtai
BVNs Woodix
I Aaetsaa Sale at the F. X. Weeery
gt, every Weaaaaday eight at F. U.
las F. H Private Sales naay ex
sleete far Isav leasee all
sasf s BAira cssa
eral reclamation rn Oregon. The
reclamation act was designed pri
marily to reclaim government
land In the western- public land
atates, and one essentia require
ment ot feleral financial partici
pation in construction of Irriga
tion projects, is that federal land
b irrigated, thereby encouraging
land settlement and the develop
ment of farms through the home
stead laws. Irrigation of private
lands that might exist under the
project la an incidental matter.
"Should title to the federal
lands pass to the state, it would
mean that federal reclamation ac
tivities under present laws would
cease. There would be no Owy
hee or Vale projects under con
struction with their combined es
timated expenditures ot $22,000,
000. Furthermore the reclama
tion fond la n revolving fnnd, the
settlers paying back the cost of
construction over a period ef for
ty years. Other Incomes to the
fund are from the sale ot pub
lic lands and the revenues derived
under the oil leasing act. Ore
gon's equity In the fund would be
lost through passing title of pub
lic lands to the state. It has been
suggested that this objection to
the exchange could be remedied
through the federal government
retaining title to all possible re
clamation projects."
The speaker also called atten
tion to the fact that the waters
ot numerous streams rising in
pubic lands of one state were us
ed to Irrigate farms In other
states anl hence water conserva
tion and prevention of soil ero
sion becomes a national and not
a state problem, for none of the
states could be assured of a unifi-
i ! '!!, I . . 1 , 1 1 1 ' ( i i ' ' 1 I l . ' 1 .' 1 1 i .1 1 ' It) ! i
i ill ' f 'Mfilt . ' ,,'( i ".l'il "Hti t? i i . nvi:: ;t t- !jh,;u
Moderation! trprTnra '
v' ""isai I
i ' " if "Coming events J .
ftf -vf; a ( cast their - j"
u v lrr:ir shadows beforo" j
I v. .... .S'.. --. ..... f
v:' -,S 1-
'V J
ii L, ; ; ....
a m a ..::: n w n m esafc.
r 111 I s ' f V M i
i : "it
iYour Throat Prefetlioii-Tcn cinst irrllarion cflgf nst counne
Be Moderate! . . Don't Jeopardize the modern form by drastic diets, barmfal redacing girdles,rfake reducing tab-.
lets or other quack and-fa? iemeiiecerideiiioed by theMedical profettioo! Millions
' wasted- on 'these' ridioojoos and dangerous nostrums. Ber SenslbU! Be Moderate! - We do
ing UKlcySrrrks Qgaxcttet will bring modern figures oxj Cause the reduction of Adah. ' we do oeciare mat wnea
tempted to do yourself too well, U you will "Reach for a Lockyt instead; yoa will thus avoid cnrer-indulgenco .
in thingsrthat ctkxctad'jMum by'avoidiiig iover-isdalgence, maintain a .modern, , graxei form. '
' TUNE INr-Tbe Lucky Strike' Dance Orchettra, every
. :
Women ot the Salem Hospital
auxiliary are busily at work at
tempting to give a clear under
standing of the feeling ot the
public toward the coming cam
paign for . funds tor the General
Hospital which will begin March
The hospital has been built
through the ceaseless efforts of
a comparatively small number of
Salem people and tbe pride In
building which they have taken
so far was shown In an interview
with T. B. Kay who during the
building of the central unit of
the hospital was sn untiring
worker. Questioned about his
feeling concerning the place of
the hospital in tbe community,
Mr. Kay said:
"A city Is Judged by its public
institutions. Salem needs to get
behind the hospital not only to
serve the city's own needs but to
serve those of outlying territory.
The hospital aa an institution at
tracts many folk to Salem from
nearby towns. A noticeable num
ber of the doctors on the .hospital
staff are doctors from out of
ed state policy of watershed pro
tection that would Insure them
against serious erosion and sub
sequent silting of reservoirs.
It was suggested that inasmuch
a the federal government was the
steward ot this Immense tract ot
land, and that through neglect
has permitted it to deteriorate to
such an extent as to necessitate
the expenditures of large sums of
money before It could be made
productive again, that the govern
ment should undertake and carry
through tbe rehabilitation of the
lands before making any definite
plan tor their disposal.
fx? :" evu'. 'i
town who are affiliated with the
hospital fa order that their pa
tients may have the benefit of
Standardized Institution."
The on hundred women who
have undertaken . to secure f unda
to further the advantages given
to Salem through the general hos
pital set a good example to the
men of the city according to Mr.
Kay, and all should respond to
this campaign In a sympathetic
Circuit Court
State Industrial accident com
mission vs. Hsrry K. Fvans Vol
utary non-suit has been taken in
this case.
Edith L. White vs. Bertis Hayes
White Suit for separate main
tenance. Plaintiff demands 1100,
a month, alleging that she has not
been supported for some time. A
divorce Is not asked In the peti
tion. A. C. Loo ml i vs. A. J. Wheaton
Complaint to foreclose on a
mortgage has been filed.
Roy Livingston vs. Benesteele
Motor Co. An amended com
plaint has been filed. The case In
volves tbe purchase of a motor
Lad Teaches in
Mother's Place
FAUS CITY, Feb. 20. Be
cause bis mother, Mrs. Mabel
Hatch waa 111, Willard Hatch act
ed at substitute teacher Tuesday.
Eyeglass 'Insurance and thor
ough examination Included.
110 N. Commercial St.
Men who would keep that trim,proper foxm,womenwho
prize the modern figure with its subtle, seductive cunres
eat healthfully but not immoderately. Banish excessive-
liminate abuses. Be
things, even in smoking. When tempted to excess, when
your eyes are bigger than your stomach, reach for s lucky
Instead. Coming events cast their shadows before. Avoid
that future shadow by avoiding over-indulgence if you
would maintain that lithe, youthful figure.
Lucky Strike, the finest Cigarette a
nian ever smoked mado of tho fin
est tobacco The Cream of tho Crop
ITS TOASTED' Everyone knows that
heat purifies and so "TOASTING" not
only removes impurities but adds to
the flavor and improves tho tasto.
Saturday night, over s coatt-to-coast
:':t:?';, - ' - ..'itu" t.V.-' r -:
Salem'a first exclusive rabbit
meat shop will open this morning
at 110 South Commercial street,
under direction of Mrs. Robert
Schaef er, who has conducted a
rabbitry at Turner tor the past
four years. Mrs. Schaefer will
cater to both the wholesale and
retail end ot the business and
will also handle milk. She says
she will pay more for rabbits
than most local buyers and that
she hopes to help strengthen the
market here.
Mrs. Echaifer keeps around
410 New Zealand Reds and
Whites, and also Chinchillas In
her rabbitry,, which aha will con
tlnue to run la connection with
the store. She has won a number
of prises on her stock at the
state fair, aad these oa nearly
everything she haa exhibited
Sbaefer s
Rabbit Shop
UO 8. Coml
We handle fresh dressed
Open every week clay
except Monday-
refraining from
moderate be moderate in all
67 dollars eaca year srs
sot represent that smok
setwoik of Ae N. B. C
Ctsah thsdaarlesa Tsaaceafa, 1