The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 27, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' Tte OHEGON STATESMAN. Safcg Oregon, Thnrsday Morning,' February 27 1930
Keynote of Dairymen's Meet at Hubbard.
Statewide Organization is
Basis for Talk; Keen
Interest Manifest
HUBBARD, Feb. 2 (.Organisa
tion wu the keynote of the meet
ing sponsored br the Dairy Coop
erative association at the city ball
Monday evening. 'Two hundred
farmers from the Willamette val
ley between Salem and Portland
gathered to bear the dairy Inter
ests of the state discussed.
The speakers for the evening
were F. E. Jackson of Portland,
head organizer of the association,
and R. A. Nuby of Washougal,
Wash., president of the associa
Not to Oppose Creanierle
In their discussion the speak
ers urged the dairy producers to
cooperate in a movement to bet
ter the market conditions, explain
ing that the purpose of the asso
ciation is not to oppooe the func
tioning of the rarious creameries,
cheese factrlea and distributing
centers, but to work with them In
? order to better the conditions for
both them and the farmers.
Localities were - mentioned
where organization bad proved
beneficial; that where organiza
tion existed prices were higher.
The proposed organization.
hirh la hacked bv. the rovern-
wjit. M,,ti.v,?jtheiiWf
Into units, each of Iwhleh com
radius of 20 miles- The cost of
marketing will be controlled by
the organization and will be plac
ed at a small percentage, and a
fee will be charged for member
hlp. -
Meetings are held at cltleg
where units may established, Hub
bard included among those select
ed. -
The leaders of the organisation
agitate the milk producers to sign
0 per cent for the new move
ment. That Interest was keen at the
Hubbard meeting was felt by the
manyquestions asked the leaders.
Many who were present expressed
their Intention of attending the
meeting held by the leaders of the
association at Oregon City Tues
day. Huleni Leaden Attend
R. W. Clark, C. L. Blodgett, M.
T. Mad sen and D. Saucy, backers
of the Salem organization for co
operation were present and aided
at the meeting by their enthusiasm
in the project. Canby was repre
aented by Herman Lafky, of the
vocational department of the high
school, W, Colvln, Colman Mark,
Henry Kraft, 0. M. Ausve and
i y n
Yf ' V V ;s3
( 15 "Brooks School Youngsters
Coming Six Weeks Work
f "
-1., K
Kalph Elsman, former Brook
lyn, . Y gas inagMnte, who Is
SSSortlJjj fjtt jttafy1 of
their five year old son, Ralph,
Jr. Kktman Is married again.
His first wife, Mrs. Alice Maud
ElMiisn, lives in the east. Mrs.
Beatrice Eluian, No. 2 la now
In Iteno, Nevada, battling for
the custody of their son.
William Fox Finds Bethany
School Active; Rally
Draws Crowd
SILVERTON, Feb. 2C. A big
4-H club rally was held at Beth
any school Monday evening with
seven districts represented with
pig, calf, sewing and cooking
clubs. One hundred twenty-rive
people were In attendance. The
club districts represented were
Bethany, Silverton, McLoughlln,
Evans Valley Porter, Brush
Creek and District No. 7.
William Fox, club supervisor,
was present and spoke on ciun
work. Mr. Fox Indicated that so
often people were not Interested
and knew very little about the
work of the 4-H clubs, but that
ha found it entirely different In
this district where everyone seem
ed Interested "in the elub , work.
He also spoke of this section at
being the home of club work In
Marlon county. The pig club ta
one of the oldest of the livestock
elub, It being close to ten years
old now.
The sheep, pig and calf clubs
will hold a joint meeting March
11. the regular meeting day of
the calf club of which Silas Tor
vend is leader. !
A program was given during
the evening by club members,
each district furnishing at least
t a
Leonard Parmenter.
Clarence Bevens, E. P. Rich and
Henry Hunt of Hubbard had
charge of the meeting, with Mr.
Hevena, the chairman, who Intro
duced the speakers.
Turner Woman Is
Moved to Home
TURNER, Feb. 26. Mrs. Ella
Durfee who had a major opera
tion at a Salem hospital three
weeks ago. was able to be moved
Sunday to the home of her sister
In-law, Mrs. F. C. Gunning where
she will remain until Ehe fully re
covers her health.
The ladies of the Christian
church have organized a mission
ary society with Mrs. E. J. Gil
strap, as leader.
' 1
BROOKS, Feb. S The high
er grades of the Brooks public
school which are under the su
pervision of Principal Wayne
Harding and Miss Letts Wallace,
have ehosen as their officers In
their "Climber's Club" for the
next six weeks the following: pre
sident, Billle Coffindaffer; vice
president. Vera Ashbaugh; secre
tary and treasurer, Benlah Otto;
Monitors tor cleaning the school
yard, Eddie Arata and Lewis Ful
ler. Leo Ramp and Arthur Susee;
flag monitors are. Tommy Ogura,
and Shirley Auant, health monl
otr sare, Irene Sturgls and Clif
ford Wright; desk monitors are
Billy Bishop and Frank Tschida;
monitors for cleaning the school
yard, putting np the flag, tor
health and cleaning desks are ap
pointed each week. Albert War
rls la bell boy.
"Climbers" Make Money
Th Climber's club made $11.30
ejllng papers and masaglnes,
which they expect to use buying
baseball equipment. Bobble Ramp
Is yell leader and Evelyn Arata
has been elected as assistant yell
AUMSVILLE, Feb. It. "The
Road to the City" Is the student
body play being presented at
Aumsvllle high school Friday
night at t o'clock. Between acta a
high school orchestra will play.
Students In the rait of the play
are: Edward Hankel, Merle John
son. Walter Getchel. Wilbur Tripp,
George Fowler, Rose Earley, Maria
Ulsel, Lucille Ruethers, Tlssie
The play is being directed by
Mrs. Ella A. England.
DAYTON, Feb. 2 John Shier
man. Jr., from Seattle, Wash.,
has been spending the past ten
days with his wife and parents.
Mr. Sherman is connected with an
' S 1 . 1 1 Hi tli i I ? ; ; i
annual meeting of the Polk Coun
ty Holiness association was held
in the Methodist church Tuesday.
The morning session opened at 10
a. m.. andat noon a basket lunch
ana not annas servea oy me la
dles of the club was enjoyed.
A business session waa held
from 1:S0 to 2:00 in the after
noon, followed by the regular ses
sion. Rev. Bimmi. pastor or
Highland Friends church of 8a
lem, was the speaker.
leader for the base ball team
and they have been practicing
Principal Wayne Harding, and
bis assistants Letta Wallace and
Doris Wood attended the teach
er's Institute at Silverton last Sat
urday. This is the first of a
series of three institutes. Toe
second to be held at Stayton and
the third to be held at Woodburn.
Mrs. Carl Aspinwall and family
have as their guest. Mrs. A spin-
wall's mother, Mrs. Robert Hayes
of Tillamook.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gray
Hosts on Sunday; Other
Folk Have Guests
"Top Crest?' ior
Friday Night at
Liberty District
LIBERTY, Feb. 2. A play
which promises to glre two and
one-halt hours of laughter to peo
ple who see It, is booked for Fri
day night, February 28 at the
Liberty schoolhouse. The title is
"Top Crest."
airplane manufacturing company , The entertainment Begins ai
of Seattle. Mrs. Sherman Is m 7:10 o'cioca: in tne evening wun
ployed In the Dayton school this lan orcnestra preiuae nemg given
year. ; I before the play.
MARION. Feb. 20. Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Gray entertained
Miss Dorothy Gray, Ralph Wig
gins, of Seattle. Mrs. D. B. Gray
and Ned Thomas of Los Angeles,
Kenneth Gray of Corvallis and
George Wilson of Marion with a
dinner Saturday. Mrs. WarfPn
Gray returned to Seattle Sunday
United Motor company. Miss Gray
before returning home will visit
relatives and friends in Portland
and Salem, expecting to be gone
two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geverts,
owners of the Hollywood farm
near Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs.
L. R. Thurman and daughter Lois
May of Vancouver, Wash., were
Sunday guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Eliy Plckard.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hobbs ana
Albert Mitsner were Sunday
guests fit the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Gentery In Albany.
Mrs. Wayne Barber returned
borne Sunday from Halsey where
she spent the past week Tuning
with her parents.
Lee Smith and son Harold mo
tored to Philomath Saturday to
viait Mr. Smith's mother, Mrs. J.
D. Smith who is In poor health.
Archie Rankin came over from
Taft for a Sunday visit at home
Archie likes his work fine with
the exception of the bath be re
ceived Friday when he fell from
a log into the bar.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brlggs
came down from Portland for
Sunday dinner at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Smith.
KINQWOOD, Feb. 21 Mr. and
Mrs. F. L. Bennet with their
daughters, Mary and Roberta,
and their son, Woodson, were
dinner and all day guests of Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Applewhite Sun
day. Th Bennets live at Tan
gent. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and
Mr. and Mrs. Applewhite were
classmates at Oregon State col
lege, but this was their first
meeting in 23 years.
Miss Florence St. Pierre had aa
her guest Thursday, Miss Marie
Sebern of Salem.
Mrs. Robert Clarke of North
Salem spent Thursday at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Charles
Adams, Mrs. Clarks. who was for
merly Mamie Hillman, made her
home with Mr. and Mrs. Adama
during her high school years.
Mrs. A. L. Applewhite substi
tuted Friday for Miss June Pbftl
pot, head of the science depart
ment at the Salem senior high
school. Miss Phlllpot was inca
pacitated by a severe tall which
resulted In her being obliged to
carry her arm in a cast.
Mrs. Ray Ferguson underwent
a major operation last week at
the Good Samaritan hospital tn
Portlanl with Dr. Coffey as the
officiating surgeon.
Hmeh! "Hy" Wins
Another Honor; He
It Boy9 1 Namesake
HUBBARD, Feb. 26 A
evea pound boy arrived at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
H. Vow Eases early Monday
morning. Tbe parents have
named their oaly so Hy
after the popular "Hy
Evcrdlng, who la at the Hb
bard Mlaeral Sprlagt to re
store hie health.
The other children, three
little girls, of the Vest Ease
family, like many others
have creased the path of and
know the cheerfal
oeity of Mr. Everding.
What might 'have been a serious
accident occurred Saturday even-
ne as Dr. O. L. Scott, accompan
ied by Mr. Siegmund, Yarneil and
Carlson of Salem, were coming to
Scotts Mills to attend Odd rei
lows lodge.
As they were driving down tne
h ill toward the Morley bridge, a
car coming toward them with
glaring lights, which blinded Dr.
Scott, forced his car In the ditch.
The ear turned over.
No one was burt and mne
damage done to car only, a bent
fender and one broken window.
Willard Club Is
Very Active
WALDO HILLS. Feb. 26.The
Willard Women's clnb met Thurs
day with Mrs. Dan Hillman. Tbe
following program wasenjoyed by
ia members and four visitors.
March 7 is the date selected by
the club for their 5e baiaar to
be held in the Waldo Hills club
house. Lovely refreshments were
served by the hostess.
OERVA1S Monday evening,
March 10. Very Rev. Father
Thomas of Mt. Angel will deliver
a lecture here on his recent trip
through Europe. He will also tell
of his meeting with Theresa Neu
man, young woman who has
sprung Into prominence because
of her weekly transition into a
Christlike appearance and who
has been interviewed and seen by
countless thousands while in that
Father Thomas comes here un
der the auspices of the Knights of
Columbus of Mt. Angel and also
through the solicitation -of mem-'
bers ol that order .who are resi
dents of Gervais. The lecture is
open to the public and no charge
for admittance is made. The
speaker Is said to be one of the
best in this part of the Hate, and
all who can should arrange to
hear him.
The community club held Its reg
ular meeting Friday evening and
gave the following program to a
crowded house:
Orchestra music: the Dow fam
ily; vocal solo: Bobbie Drake;
accordlan music: Joe Schlndler;
piano solo: Lois Coomler: darky .
skit: Mrs. L. A. Esson and Eva
nell Esson; vocal solo: Mrs.
George Vinton: reading: Daisy
Bump; Vaudeville acts: Messera
Powell and Herr from Silverton;
music: Joe Schinller; speech: Sam "
Brown; music: Dow'a orchestra.
Instead of enduring staffed head, ache,
or a sore, red smmc, check that foU.
Take HiiTs., Gives, sfe. aNBrf
one-third the usual time because h tftope
cold 3 ways...l:CheckfeTer..2i Opens
bowels, do griping ... 3: Tones system.
Safe, easy to take, always effective.
True to name Guaranteed Stock, Noble
Prune, Mazzard Seedling Cherry and
Leading varieties of Trees.
25 Years in Business
Sales yard east end Armory
Phone 1775-M
A. J. Mathis, Prop.
Two UldwQ aye 0
Saturday night will wind up the AUC
TION SALE, as the estate must have the
stock closed out by then. It will pay you to
attend the last two days of AUCTION as
we must dispose of everything in the store
by Saturday night, including all of our PER
OISE and BULOVA Watches in Men's and
Ladies'; all grades. Everything must go re
gardless of cost.
GgSimraiiiniG FffMoy ott
We will offer the public a real treat. A
The packages contain merchandise up to $25
among them will be Diamond Rings, Gold
Brooches, Cuff Links, Scarf Pins, and
Pearls, Sterling Silver. Pieces, Leather
Goods, Art Goods and other merchandise
too numerous to mention. It will pay you
to come and take A GRAB FOR $1.00. You
may be the lucky one to get at watcHor a dia
mond. In order to clean up our stock by.
Saturday night we have decided to give the
people of Salem the biggest bargains they
ever had.
AU5nKr OiJJLEO- AI? 2:CO oed 7:S0 WAIT
J. H. PLANT, Auctioneer in Charge