PACE NTNC OPENS IN SALEM WITH EXCEPTIONAL The OSCGON STATEgglAN. Eilem, Oregon, Taesday Blorabig,' Fcbraaiy ZS, 1930. USED CAR WEEK VALUES FOR SALE Miscellaneous SPECIAL Baby Grand plane bar gain New 1930 model Wurlitxer make $185.00 value, only $335.00. Terms $2.50 per week free delivery. Tour old piano taken in exchange. Bee this Grand displayed In our window. TALLMAN PIANO STORE $85-35 South 12th "A Mile Prnm Hhrh Prices- WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Used pianos. In ex cliang. en Radios, phonographs, or fur. nlrure. H. I Stiff Furniture Company: FOR RENT ROQMS FOR RENT Desirable sleeping rooma. Heat and not water. C a rase if wanted. Phone 13 SO J. Warm room. Close m. Phone 585 W. FOR REN T AFATtTMENTS Apartments fit and $17. Grocery. $99 N. Com'L Damon WE havs two nicely furnished apart merits (or rent; one three room, and the other two, with dressing room and bath. AMBASSADOR APTS., Phone 1973. Duplex apartment, til N. Winter. Preaeott apartments, three well fur nishAd rooms, electric ranee, fine kit' chen. furnace heat, Harare, adults only, a P. Bus line, 10(1 Oak St. $2. MODERN sir room furnished ant. Cloae in. (SO N. High St. Pbome mm Furnished apt. 248 Marion. FURNISHED apt. Call after 4 :00 o'clock. $4$ So. 17th. ' Furn. reasonable. 292 N. WWWWVMM Summer. FURNISHED first floor heated apt. 600 Union. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT -Houaes furnished and unfurnished. F. I WOOD $41 Stale Street 7 room modern house. Close in on N. Hleh. Call 1029W. WANTED TO RENT 5 or S room strictly modern house. Must be In rnA evidential district. Mr. Lara- l.etlrr'Phone 1000. - vnit Ttv.wr I room modern fur nislied bungalow, 1 tnlle out, chicken ceooa. rarden $25.00. Phone isssj. WANTED TO RENT m.n nnnnnivrnv WANTED to rent 5 -room modern bouse in or near Salem Heights. Flione 180F22. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE .n.-Lnjm u-iri-i-i--" " ' ' 5 room plastered house -wun iur- i mt ses Hivirh 16th street. TrirJ S2250.. including- furniture. $50 cash and $25 a. month, - W. G. KRUEGER HI No- Com'l Street Phone 217 mjuwuwMW"irr ' -------- 221 No. High St. Phone 2242. A reliable Salem realtor Be lling city - ..murtii nf all kinds. SDC- cialist In exchanges ot aU kinds of property anywhere. Fine 7 room home on Fairmount Hill with" excellent view. Biggest snap in town for $.2S- Sjwne le,rm9V ltt acres in W. Salem. Almost new 4 room house. Good black soIL Nice fruit trees, some perries, noon ww. .uB on ffrftVAl road- Good general country store and oil station for sale. Good reason for sell- Three room house with bath. In West Salem. Will take good car a first payment. Let us write your Insurance. Money Money to loan. Quick Service RICH I RE1MANN, Realtor 219 N. High Street Phone 865. 8 Room Salem Home Good Location to trade for acreage. "Address 13. care Statesman. anorx-w-.-.-.-.-. - - - - - - RivrH for sale by owner. GEORGE A. PERRY R. A. Box 223 Aoeraeen. ,ttaiu tircT AnnnrtHnitv in ritv for in vestment in home and desirable lots with good view on which to build. room semi-modern plastered resi dence with fireplace and basement and 4x nice lots, south Salem, all cov ered with large fruit and nut trees, on paved street, at a bargain. Some terms. Phone 2235 W. or see Conner, owner. Statesman office. . BUILDING LOT r-i,ni . ar front residence lot. class A district Never before offered for sale by present owner. Price $1000. 'lerms. W. O. KRUEGER " - 147 North Commercial Street . Phone 217 A MONEY MAKER Garace bus iness In near by town, stock $l00 and will lease building, storage will almost pay foe- lease, will also eel! fireproof building with 7 rm. flat above for $9000 and consider Salem income property or residence. This has paid owner sufficient to retire from "active business. SEE US ABOUT THm NOW WINNIE PETTTJOHN. Realtor 175 South High Street ONE acre and 7-room house, close In for sale or trade. What have you t offer? Box 87. Statesman. SjgWjSSsSSssSS ' " ssBWsSssSsassm -TRADE FOR . . WELL IMPROVED FARM 0 ACRES, good land, close to Sa lem. 10 acres in fine walnuts, balance h, fruit This place has been well cultivated and trees are fine, also a otwwI house in North Salem. Both pieces are free of incumbrance, exchange for a ranch an pay difference R. HOUSE Will some $100.00 down, price $1200.00 has rnrage. poultry house, good well, only line mile of Salem. This is a good U. ACRE. S2950.00 $300. Down, good 5 R. house, with .... k.t iwi mid water, good well and electric water system, on payed ZZT -m -Mv hni Una adjotaing Sa- ilTr. nttr took this over. 8ptis is COmln- f-ACRES $$.000.00 m rainn FY MODERN HOME 5-ACRES good land, modern 4 room bengaloWXbath. electricity good barn, ftae fruit and berries. Will trade for 1 modern home in Salem. This place to only miles from Salem and in fine location. If you want to buy ar sell. Farm or ptois"eTrs tucker OAnth rnmm4r(,lal Street ! We have made I $ deals sines Jan. 1. 1930, tisa imiti a house modern through' ot" really worth $5500. . 7 rooms. k.umnt furnace, fireplace, toe drain boards, tile bathroom, streets " . . haantlflll kw LUldSCaDed m-kcrr end stepping stones. If reu are looking for a home, better ii tot m .how voa a real dot. The owner of the place has marked m down as a real sacrifice as be is leaving for Calif omla- KK nnin?n r FOSTER ' 4u' state Street t Tel. tit. iseew rm . - ACRES about 11 'wues from Sa lem! Polk Co., practically all In. cul I m housec terse bero. 14 acres of cloTsr?l most of crop In. on two raw. Will take 10 to SO acres la trade ta about one-half value. v., a mrm with B room cottage. northeast close to Salem, pjrtlcaUy sJl In.eulUvaUon, berries. Price $X 00 - clear. Want borne in SalenY not too -tar out. c.JACKgoN ' 12$ K. Commercial Street Pbone 1354 FOR SALE Real Estate ' $$400. ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED i rooms and nook, basement, fur nace, garage, paving ana nice lawn. $25. down. $2500. 8 room plastered home in N. Salem, lot TsxlSO. fruit, crapes and walnuts, on bus line, paving txL 3200. down. $$000. New bungalow, 5 rooms, nice ly finished. Modern in every way. $200 down. 33300 private money to loan. MELVIN JOHN SOX $20 U. S. Bank Bid. Phone 637. FOR SALE or trade by owner I15 0ftn Seaside income property. ocean front, for land near Salem. G. E. H1CKJS. Cam as, wasn. FOR SALE br owner, new 5 room house in good location. Edw. E. For ward, tel. 177 or 2215J. 50 A. farm, 45 in cult, bldgs.. fruit, crops, stock and tools, f 7a0.00. Take residence for part. A. tract close in, gooa bldg. 13,- 5AO clear : take residence. One A. tract close in, line soil, gar age bouse. 1150 good terms. 33 a. rann mags., iruii, iimaer, springs; $4200, good terms. or rent e room cottage. room furnished house. $85. 7 room bungalow, double garage. & room oungaiow ana saragr, ,.v. PERRINE sc MARSTER8 212 Gray Bldg. . . trrw. linme. well located in South Salem, owner leaving, must be sold. trice lerms. FINE 1 room bouse, stucco stone- tone finish. Well located in North Sa lem. Worth $5,000.00, but $3400.00 will buy it to settle an estate, iiooo. 00 casli. Bat good terms. rw flv room home, valued at $3.- 200.00 to exchange for auto as first payment. A chance to get fine home very reasonable. JOHN W. ORR No. 12S New Bligli Bldg. - NOW IS THE TIME TO BLY AND AVOID HIGHER SPRING VALUES A REAL BUT Awaits you In ths modest ' home of 4 rooms located close to Willamette university large lot paved street mod ern plumbing p laatered throughout Price $1600. Pay down $250 and take im . mediate possession. NEW BUNGALOW Built less than 2 years ago 4 rooms with breakfast nook paved street close to bus and within 7 blocks of Leslie Junior Algh schoeP garage Price H50. THINK of IT $100. down will give f you possession. XOX RESIDENT OWNER Says to reduce the price $650 and sell 4 room bun galow built about 5 years ago and in good condition gar age fireplace, large sleep ing porch paved street large lot with attractive shrubberv and good lawn Price NOW $2100. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY a small payment down and the balance like rent. OUR BEST VALUE In a moderate priced home Is offered you in this neat 6 room bungalow built about 5 years ago and In excellent condition cement basement furnace-laundry trays gar ageeast front "lot OWN ER A WDOW AND WILL SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE Price $200. A Real buy $250. down and the bal ance on any reasonable terms. SEE L. E. Oberer WITH W. H. GRABENHORST k. CO., Realtors 134 South Liberty St. Phone 615. WE have a splendid farm witu small Improvement, 11 acres, all tillable but about 19 acres oi gooa oak timber, the price is only $8000 and you can use a Salem home or a small business lor money, vte nave 2 four room houses worth $2300 each and a 5 room house worth $2600.00 to trade for farm, prefer unimproved land up to $5000. A fine SO acre cherry and prune orchard worth $8, 000 and will consider Salem home. A splendid going business, fine es tablished trade, good long time lease, will sacrifice. MeGILCHRIST Sc PENNINGTON 209-10 U. a Bank Bids. Pbone 14$. EXTRA SPECIAL DISTANT owner writes us to seU Ms home here at once. Will accept $300 cash for his $1900 equity in neat 4 room bungalow located on good corner lot, basement, furnace and garage. This is a real pick-up. Total price $2609. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1737 FOR SALE Beautiful home, over looking Salem 3 acres bearing fruit : trees. room moaern oungaiow. f,- 600.00. Terms Phone 1693J. NICE 3 room house on back large lot Lights, water, shower, woodshed. earn re. Fruit nut trees, ravea street $2000 if taken at once. Owner tear ing. 241 N. 20th street LOOK THESE UP SOON 10 ACRE Improve fine chicken ranch. $2000.00. terms or exchange 10 acre apple orchard near Eugene ex change new room ana beta, moa ern home terms. List vour property with W. L. McCAFFERTT Phone 1054 $1 First National Bank Building TWO HOMES OF MERIT A nearly new completely furnished North Salem ultra modern 5 room home $4200.00. A 7 -room South Salem exceptionally well built, nearly new modern home. Lot 70x156 It lsxecepuonai value A. C BOHRN8TEDT Real Estate Loans Insurance ! 147 N. Com'l. St. Salem. Oregon EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR TRADE Calif. 4$ A. 1m- roved for Oregon property. H. R. ehrinc, Strathsaore, Calif- Rt 1, Bex 3lT. KM ALT. arrears dose tn. well Im proved to exchange for 30 to 60 acres good tend, near Salem or Woodburn. Value about JOHN W. ORR No. 123 New BHgh Bldg. Salem GOOD subdivision property very nee te Salem In extra, good location. $15.000.00 : will trade for sees un proved farm In valley. EVAN S tn State Street Phone 19$L REAL FARM 55 A. IT miles from Salem on good road and location. 3000 bearing fruit trees. Best of condition, uooa ouua rns and equipped. Vill consider good apartment buflding, hardware or general mer chandise stock. Price $11,500.00. See - at --R P. GRANT lift N. CotnT. Phone 243JM. V-'LV-qlrj EXCHANGE tofS otlhVgfTor lor S acreage near Medfora or Asniana. , SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors $20 Slate Street Phone 1727 AN EXCELLENT RANCH BUY ti ACRES, all the best of dark loam soil, II In cultivation. 23 stump and brush pasture, running water, woven wire fences, room house, barn, granary, nog house, poultry house. $8900, A cash, balance to suit "S0COLbFSKT ;SOH " First National lank BvUdtaf EXCHANGE Real Estate TRADE $100.00 equity In five acre tract on Garden road for used car. Inquire at 2080 Market Street. -WANTED TO TRADE MT modern 7 room two story bun galow, fireplace, furnace, garage, large lot. located in Fair-mount di trict beautiful view. $1000 under priced. Too large, want trade for cloae in acreage. Price $$000. What have you See my agents LOUIS BECHTEL or GEORGE THOMASON 341 State Street Room I. - AUTO FOR LOT . GOOD Nash coach. What have you? SEE BECHTEL OR THOMASON 341 State Street Room 4 ACREAGE IDEAL POULTRY FARM 80 ACRES miles out on good -road, 20 acres cleared, part in crop, balance in timber - and pasture, 3 springs, drilled well, small house, good barn, chicken coops, woven wire fenced. An ideal place far chickens and turkeys. Price $5000 with reasonable terms. ANOTHER CHOICE 20 acre tract of rich, productive land 4 miles out on good road, close to school, part In cultivation, baL easily cleared. Old set- bldgs.. good well. This plaee Is worth. $5000 and can be bought for a short time for $3000. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 172T. $1350. 5 acres ! mL east of Salem. fine sou, good building site. $1900. C A. Um mi. from Salem, finest of soil, easv terms. . $$750. 2 A. mi. from Salem, all fine soli, farm buildings. 10 A, yr. old filberts, all cultivated. S500 down. $1900. 43 A. just off Pacific highway north. large barn, all cultivated, best of eolL Terms. 100 A. 2H mL off paved road, large farm DuiMings. lanuiy orchard. running water piped to house, all In crop, excellent laying tract; $120 per A.; will take Salem res idence. 50 A. 25 cultivated. 11 A. hops, bal ance timber. New 5 room bunga low. 70 A. Good farm buildings, fine soil. all lays weu. Would trade for eastern Oregon ranch. Private monex to loan Insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 TJ. S. Bank Bldg. Phone $37. FARM SACRIFICE A fine dairy farm with improve ments alone worth $5000 : can be bought for the sacrifice price of $, 000. 87 H ACRES, woven wire fencing. silo, two barns, good house and other buildings. On rock road close to Sa lem. 6 MALL CASH PAYMENT WILL HANDLE. Some trade may be accented, see the owner. 515 N. Summer street; Phone 3$4W. 12 acres, beaver dam soil, voor buildings, 4 miles north of Salem, fine garden land, small payment down. easy terms. 25 acres Keizer district, all m fruit ! and berries, good buildings, a won derful buy. Trade for house in town, or small payment down and easy terms. I have some choice lots in Klng- wood Heights, also nice bungalow. I splendid view. I can sell you this property at a sacrifice. See me If In terested. H. C. 8 HI ELDS Oregon Building Tel. 1784. 3 ACRE 8NAP Close in Modern Suburban Home 5 large rooms, bath, elec. lights, water system, garage, barn, hen house. fruit Best of rich dark loam soil. Im mediate possession. A rare ; pick up. SEE BECHTEL OR THOMASON 341 State Street Room Business Opportunities BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 1 n service station offered by large cor poration. Investment necessary. Ph. 2102. P. O. Box 107. HONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS AND CITY REAL ES TATE LOWEST INTEREST RATE& BERT T. FORD . FIRSTS ATIONAL BANK BLDG. CTTT AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offers yon ex pert kavtce ana service in au lines. HAWKINS ROBERTS (Inc.) TeL 1427 105 Oregon Bide: $1000. to $3000 to loan. Gertrude J. M. Page. Private iftcney to Loan ITAttlf LOANS Plenr at BB0B to loan on coed farm security. City Loans We are loaning Prudential In surance company money ea city resi daneea end huslnase Drooertr at 5 It per cent, pins a commisetoa. Hawkins at Kooens. zee uregon muwis, - LOANS Te men and women steadily em ployed ' ON- TOTJB PLAIN nOTB Lowest rates easiest payments. Loans also made on indorsed notes, furniture, pianos and oth er personal property. . 20 MONTHS TO PAY All transactions strictly conf i. STATE LOAN CO. 218 Oregon Bldg. m , Second oor, corner State ft High. Ofice hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. TeL 932. Licensed by state. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate, homes and farms. Best terms, no de lay. P. H. BELL 319 V. & Bank Bld. Federal Farm Loans. 6 per cent. K. 2a wood. 141 utate street CTTT AND TRACT LOANS Reasoele Rtes--Ne Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAM ASSOCIATION TOt-S First National Bank Bids. 41 - ssiisss, uregon PERSONAL LOANS MaDS on furniture, cars, salaries other good security. Repayable monthly. When (a financial sjeef see us oefore dostns a loan. . CORPORATION First National Bank Bide Pbone Its MONRY LOAJfSH? Ott AtTTOS) Cnntrarts Beftnaupe! -Arrange to reduce year peysattv Ten keep the erne. . P. A. FTKK1 3sr. Liberty flu nasi ftrr Pnone 111 ialsss. Ore. MONEY TO LOAN 141 State Street Room LOAMS IT ANTED I loans. I on tuind. Hawklne $ Rider ' IBS MAN Don't neglect your fire Insurance. n scabI A TffllER. 184 8. Coral, St. and let them tell yon all hold yooda. I LIVE STOCK and POULllR POULTRY wanted Handle any amount at t any time. Bal em romtry B&h 84. Phono 3410. Night Co.. sot m. 241SM. Utjrj-ij-Lnririrvwi-w-i-.'i''V- - - - - FRESH and springer cows for sate or trade. Kea Darn ar n. uni. swm Columbia. Terms If desired. ; - 135 North High Street Elroy Nash Sales Co.. buys ' and sells bay. hoi-sesvmules, top price paid tor cooa cow, rnetse see. . Bex 8-O-C .;-.-.:V...,:x FOR SALE USED CARS 1 A Select Lot of Fine Reconditioned Cars on our Show Room floor. Fitzgerald-Sherwin N. LI be re ty at Chem. A complete selection of 7& Cars to choose from A partial list below 1923 Buklc Standard Coupe .$825.00 192$ Bulck Standard brougham 875.00 1927 Buick standard Sedan 725.00 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 425.00 1924 Chevrolet Coupe 235.00 220.00 145.00 425.00 305.00 i2 unevroiet ijoacn 1925 Chevrolet Touring 192$ Chrysler Sedan ltZ Chrysler Coupe 192$ Dodge Roadster 1924 Dodge Tourinr 275 00 175.00 192$ Dodge Delux Sedan 450.00 1920 Eseex Coach, overhauled 1 1939 Model A Ford Sedan 575.00 1929 Model A Ford Coach 450.00 193$ Model A Ford Conpe 495.00 1928 Pontlac Coach 505.00 1927 Pontiac Coupe 325.00 1925 Willsy-Knlght Sedan 370.00 1920 Studebaker light coach 425.00 1927 Star 4 Sedan $25.00 Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED BY VALLEY MO TOR CO., OTTO J. wn.soN, W. L. Marion and Liberty. Phone 1027 Open Evenings and Sunday's. Used Car Dep't. of Marion Garage Co. 235 South Commercial Street Used cars en dlsolav at show room. Phone 362. 1926-8 tudeoaker Coach $475 i -9-oaten eeaan . 1927-BuIck Coupe 1928-Studebaker Coupe 1924. Chev. Coach 1925-Chev. Coach 1927-Studebaker Coupe type iz-?uaeDaKer (joacu lz-UOde Touring 1925 Willys-Kniarht Sedan 1928-Studebaker 7-pre'sdent 1-19Z5 jssex coach- l-iszs uveriana s ... 1-1925 Overland 4 Sedan l-is.i fontiac Coupe Telephone 362 for Demonstration LIVE STOCK and POULTRY CUSTOM hatchtne. asocial nrlco on January and February settings. 3c per egg; Order space now. Baby fhlcks every week beginning Jan. 27. Phone 1332. Lee's Hatchery. TRADE in vour beef cows for real dairy cows. Balance year to pay. Iirge number to select from. Nelson Bros. Market. 185 N. High. Red bam, N. Commercial. Columbia. Phone 705. HORSES and cows guaranteed as represented. Elroy Nash. Phone 23$4. Rt. 9, Box 2CC. Pacific highway. FOR SALE Gentle valler raised work horses. Come and try them, 1710 Mission street f Uit MALJS Jersev cows. some fresh, others coming fresh soon. Thomas Little. Turner. Oregon, Rt 1. FOR SALE WOOD DRY fir and oak weed, eoal and fuel Oil. Call on us far prices. We give good measure, good quality and good, service. LAKMER TRANSFER STORAGE Telephone 3131 GUARANTEED DRY Wood coal Tel. is. Baiem iruel Tz Trade. THE best wood In th cityfarvthe money at Tracy's Fuel Yard. Pr delivery, raone zs WE. have II" wood on hand all the time. Prompt delivery. 4 8. 18th. Cobba A Mitchell Co., phone 113. FIRST class dry old fir slab. ond growth and old fir cord wood. Screened hog fuel and prompt deliv ery, fiione 1U4Z. 280 South Church DRY le-ln. old nr. 4 ft fir. oak and asli. Cord measure. C U. Harbanch, sss Migmsaq ave pnone isse. II in. old fir. $7.60 cord. Phono 2SF32. Four Corners Garage. Honest wood at honest prices. Pnone $400. Heyser Fuel Co. DRY fir and maple. Phone 1028M. LOST and FOUND LOST Bull dog called Bozo wear ing a rea collar. Reward, can M4J. BITS... Of General Knowledge ' -By W. L. GORDON The air lino distance from No York City to Los Angeles Is XUs soiles, tai rsvllroaji distance, till nues. . 71 45 45 225 175 4T5 tta 110 7S 1530 450 375 . 175 S7K. otnpt -x - m4i FOR SALE USED CARS I 1 - - Used Car Week in Salem Now is the time to buy Dealers Overstocked - - Must Sell Find what you want listed here Never before such a selection at such prices. Reliable Used Cars - A Reliable Dealer Take Advantage of Salem's- Used Car Week - - - at BonesteeJeMotor Co. - '24 Chrysler 58 Coach refinished. 4 new tires guaranteed car '28 Pontiac Coach Car in excellent condition shows unusual care. '2T Chev. Coach Very Utile mileage i ; 29 Dodge Victory Sedan 4 new tires reconditioned guaranteed car '15 Dodge. Sedan leather upholstering; Car in A-l condition. Guaranteed. '2$ Dodge Coupe .guaranteed car . '24 Dodge Touring , , '2$ Chevrolet Touring 25 Star Touring A varied offering of light cars coupes tourings sedans and roadsters. Guaranteed Used Trucks $425 - $2,30 1 Ton, ltt, 2, A Ton. Bonesteele Motor Co. Greatest of All Used Car Sales at State Motors, Inc. 1930 TYPE HUDSON COACH New guarantee and service fsso.oo 1930 TYPE ESSEX CHALLENGER per month. 1980 ESSEX CHALLENGER SEDAN. $38.87 per month. 192$ NASH SPECIAL SEDAN. $225.00 931 WHIPPET $ CON. COUPE. Rumble seat. Run less than 10,000 miles $130.00 down ; bal. $20.98 per month. 1938 ESSEX COACH. $150.00 down; bal. $16 34 per month. 193T PONTIAC COACH. $175.00 down, baL $17.91 per month. 193T Chevrolet Imperial Sedan. $110.00 1988 Hupmobue Sedan. $300.00 down ; We have outstanding values In SOMS, BUICKS, N ASHES. ETC rUKUs FKOM SZft.OS up. No cash needed for many of these car to turn In. State Motors, Inc. HUPSON, ESSEX PACKARD Open Nights High A Chemekela n over twenty-eight and Used Cars, never lection of used cars to Otto J. 388 North Commercial Street Bulck 2 pass Coupe 1928 Bulck 2 pass Rdst 1918 . Bulck 4 pass Coupe 1928 Stude 3 pass Coupe 1928 .. Bulck t oass Coupe 1928 Bulck 5 pass Sedan 1327 Bulck 5 pass Sedan 192$ Bulck i pass Coupe 1927 Bulck 2 pass Coupe 1927 Oakland I pass Sedan 1927 . Bulck 2 pass Coupe 1927 Buick I pass Sedan 1924 Bulck T pass Sedan 192$ . Essex 2 pass Coupe 1929 . Dodge 6 pass Sedan 1925 Buick 5 pass Touring 1923 .. Ford 5 pass Sedan 1924 Oakland 5 pass Touring 1925 Cadillac I pass Sedan 1920 Ford i pass Touring 1924 Bulck 7 pass Sedan 1923 Stude I pass Touring 1924 Star t pass Rdst 1927 Olds. I peso Cos eh 1025 Buy With Safety Look - Look - A good To make Used Car Bargain Week reputation for best values Offer ten wonderful bargains' In used transportation At Remarkable Sacrifices None, of these Bargain $50 and some See them today at our Used Streets. 1921 Ford Coupe, t excellent tires, spot McM, windshield swipe 1120 Ford touring 1910 Uoonse ready to so 1921 Ford Roadster Itlft license speedometer and spot light 1931 Ford Touring 2 new rear tiros 1980 license. 1122 Bulck I cyl tourinr high paint 1821 Velle tourhur 198ft license Good side curtains. 1128 Overland Toeu-tosBalloon tires bummers. 1928 'Overland Roadster Pickup box 1921 Star Roadster A bargain We bare a special late model bargain to offer each d.-ty. See them on the lot Valley Motor Company Salem, Phone 199$ FOR SALEUSED CARS 185 9 tires, original finish like new. New car down; baL $44.87 per-month. COACH. Like new. $200!00 down. $30.25 -r?" New never run. $275.00 down; baL v. down; baL $21.18 per month. down; bal. $1S.$4 per month. bal. $35.G9 per month. other cars too. such as DODOES, IIUD- high grade used cars if you have and Sundays. Phone 1000. years of dealing in New have I had such a fine se offer the public Wilson $875.00 875.00 915.00 815.00 875.00 $75.00 . 950.00 665.00 135.00 626.00 725.00 645.00 $85.00 715.00 450.00 150.00 375.00 60.00 235.00 185.00 376.00 265.00 Used Car for $50 or less a success and to further establish our Cars are priced at over as low as $25. Car Lot corner at Liberty and Marlon radiator type; toBoean windshield rood Oregon Open Efenlns, FOR SALE USED CARS WWwrMWrrwWrVrwrwVwM Trucks 192$ Dodge 2-ton, equipped with duals 1J2S Chev. 1H ton 30 Inch frame extension. 'ijy 1929 Ford 1H ton duals, long wheel- base. " 192S Cher. 14 ton standard wheel- base. Reo Sales & Service" Co. 337 N. High Street Used Cars of Exceptionally Good Value 3 Ford Delivery -Ford Roadster .$ 50.00 - 75.00 23 23 Ford Touring 24 Bulck Roadster 25 Ford Coupe 80.00 150.00 125.00 150.00 145.00 145.00 525.00 04.00 400.00 450.00 750.00 750.00 '26 Ford Touring 24 Ford Roadster . 25 Ford 2 -door Sedan 29 Ford Coupe ii Jewett De Lux Sedan Cadillac Sedan 7 Hudson Coach 29 Pontiac 2 -Door Sedan 29 Pontiac 2 -Door Sedan 25 Stude Tour. California top. Real car 700.00 Wood-Wheaton Motor Co., Inc. OA KLAND-PONTIAC DEALERS JiO N. High. (Former location of Capitol Motors) Phone 2125 Make Us An Offer! We are going to dis pose off the following cars at sacrifice prices in order to avail our selves of more floor and lot space, for spring business. Do not hesitate as these cars are going to be sold. And the best offer takes them. These are not O. RVd cars, but will be in running order. Ask for the car that appeals to you by stock number. Stock No. 979-22 F. B. Chev. Touring 981- 24 Ford Del. 982- 23 Overland Touring 1037-23 Willys-Knight Tour. 1056-23 Overland Touring 1073-22 Ford Sedan 1075-20 Ford Touring 1090-25 Chev. Touring 1117-24 Ford Delivery 1199-23 Ford Coupe 1234-23 Gray Sedan 1251-23 Ford Coupe 1233-21 Ford Tour. ,1258-23 Ford Tour. 1255-24 Chev. Tour. 1264-23 Ford Road. 1271-22 Chev. Touring 23,000 miles 1181-24 Ford Touring, '28 type body 1205-24 Cleveland Tour. The above cars will be at Mc Kays car lot next to city hall on High street. For better cars, visit our used car store at 30 Chemeketa street Phones J 802 -.1425 McKay Chevrolet Co. 430 N. Qom'l St. GUARANTEED USED CARS Thorough reconditioning and a guarantee of sat is taction lias made our used cars the best buys tn the valley. We have at present a very small stock of exceptionally desirable merchandise. A trial will convince you of the super values offered. 1927 Stude c u. sedan, mecnanicauy O. K. Paint and upholstery good. New rubber. 1927 Chrysler 60 Sedan. A much bet ter value than tne average lignt naw ear. 1928 Dodge Victory Coupe. Complete- . ly reconditioned, rtyarauiie brakes. Rubber 40. New sport paint 1926 Chrysler 52 Coupe with hydrau lic brakes ana generally In line condition. 1924 Bulck Standard Coupe. Com pletely reconditioned and repaint ed. All new rubber. W. L. ANDERSON, Inc, 340 Marion Street Salem, Oregon Central Oregon Distributors for De Soto 6s and 8s Phone 121 Open Evenings . Good Used Can We list here a few for your aDoro- vai: , . . 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 1928 Nash Standard Six Coach 1021 Nash Advance 81 x Sedan f- 192$ Nash Standard Six Sedan 1921 Overland Six Coach 1026 Essex Coach 198T Bulck Stendara Coeeb Wo bars a Urn selection to choose from, come ta oad look them over; we win irr to mease Tea. we win try te please you. A small deposit wu hold the car yon seieet P. W. Pettyjohn Co. Inc. Phone 1240 ANTKD USED CABS CAS FBI aw Sillrer - note. BUSINESS DIRECTORY . ATJCT1LLN EEliS; F. Ne Woodry it Yrs. Satan leadhnt .Auctioneer one Kvrniture Dealer ; Residence and Store lit N. tbjamner ac Phono 111 - COL. A. U Kl'KVENSON anc- Kooeer, 21 years . expsrienco t WUIametto valler. tor eatea ee rengements phone or " write. A. the sir 1 Btsveaeoa, corvalue. BATTER T ELJCCTRICLAN R, D. Hi rlon National RstterlM Starter and generator work, 343 BICYCLE REPAIRING LIOTD B. RAHSDEN CohrmbSa Plcydee and repairing. 38yCourt. . CHIROPRACTORS Dr. aL SCOTT. FSC, ClHroprector. 255 N. High, TeL e7. Rest 3104-J. DRS. SCO FIELD, Palmer Chtre praetors. X-Ry and N. C M. New Bank Bids. i MASSEUR and magnetic treetmeata for all all men ta NO more gas pains. Phone 2079W. 330 N. High. CLEANING SERVICE Cents- St Valet eria, teL 1837. SUITS cleaned and nreesed 8L TAfW LEY CLEANERS. 193 N. Com'L eoe Bustcks. COSTUMES FOR costumes call Salem Co 22M N. 5 th. Tel. 144 7 J. ELECTRICIANS HALIK ELECTRIC CO. 411 North fVont et. Tel. No. 8. FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL Olsen'a. Court A High BL. TeL $0L CUT ' Flowers, areddins? funerai wreaths, decorations. C F Breltnaupt ftortsL 512 8tate Street. Tel si INSURANCE BECKS A HENDRICKS 181 N. Hlgo TeL lit WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 2IS Masonic Bldg. Phono No. I IS. West Coast Life Insurance Co "Insured Savings." 205 First National Bank Building Tel. 970. IL J. Harder. Diet Mgr. WARREN F. POWERS Life and Ganml IiuumM Te!. 407. 319 U S. Bank Bldg. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WE1DSR LAUNDRY Telephone 21 113 8. His CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The Laundry of Pure Mater tale" -Telephone 185 H4 Broadwei MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED by ths Capltat City BeddinS Co, 3020 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. AS work n is ran teed Trt MUSIC STORES FOR RENT New pmsjOS. H. I Stiff Furniture Company, GEO. C WILL Pianos, Phono. graphs, sewing machines, sheet muse ana ptano sroaies. Kepairtns pttono. graphs and sewing machines, 433 State treet. saiem PAINTING Kalsomlne $3. to $5. per room, also Interior painting reasonable price, Tel. 1743J. Faye Thompson. PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN Adams for decorating, paperhanglng. tinting, at. nMidme wnrwnw. PLUMBING PLUMB INCl and work. Graber Pros, Ti cso general repair 144 So. Liberty. PRINTING FOR 8TAT10NERX. cards. pMets. programs, books or any kind of printing, call at the 8tatesmse Printing Department 311 fl. Com me r clal Tel Bon. RADIO FOR every purpose, for every parse All standard etses of Radio Taken, St.. Tel- 488. ROOFING 80LVB your rooflna- difficulties with Pioneer Yosemlte rock surfaced shingles. Carlton Pioneer Roofing Co. lie w. fTont Tel. 4S7. STOVES Cook with Rockgas Pacific Rockgas Co. TeL 122T 8TOVKH and Sm. tiMlrlnr ftm for sale. rebuLt and repaired, AM kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets and hooks iogaa hooka Belem Fence and Stove Works, 262 Chemeketa ntreet. TAILORS D. H. MOSHETR Tailor for i 474 Court St. TRANSFERS CJPTTAL City Traaefer Co. tZl State Bt TeL 938. PlsUibwtteg. lev werdlnc end storage our specialty. Gel eor I-stes TRAVEL Bonded "Limited" stares. Cisco 11 1. bo. ueauie SS..S. Only Independent Une tineoln Btajres Depot Btlrh Hotel WATCH REPAIRING fTTI AltA Nricicr WATfB RFTWAna. fNa or money heek. THE JKWKb BOX. 4T2 N. lifbarty WELL DRILLING WELL drfuinc. Sanitary weR. Xf rkgauon weiu Test and bias botes. w. a. ninwi si amae,- XJ Demsejroe-JPhone78. flew First National BsnSc Building Directcry DR. L. R. Burdctte. evtemetrteL 403 First NatX Bank BJdC. TeL lit. REAL ESTATB ' DIRECTORY : BECUI St HENDRICKS lit N. High Tot. lit Joseph harbbv ttuAtrr co. tNOMfBUsV rhemwTSf r. a ptXAJco 290 ML KARLBT 114 It Hbjh St. TeL 2141 HOMER D. 370 V- JRmto FOSTaU RJSALTT CO. St. TeL let W. B. ORAB2CNHORST 4k CCA - 114 & Uberty St Tot. eis QERTRUPBiJ. 412 M. Cottase . " ftAOB) , TeL 1111 SOCOLOFSXt m ntMfrr. 04-S First NeA. 8k, Bids. TeL t7 . jr. CLiuca mm. 144. I $14 r. u wood 141 et t i