The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 25, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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- Drama League To
Present Three
The Salem Drama league will
'" do another nnlqne f thing this
'-. quite worthy of the excellent
"things which thia organization
' has offered to Salem little the-.
f- atre followers in the recent past:
'. National Drama league week will
' come during the first of April;
' The Salem folk will present three
'! one-act plays to commemorate
"' this week.
M!s3 Margaret Burrows will
present the Ben Hecht play which
"" has been done so artistically by
a group of high school students
from the Snikpoh dramatic club
on two- occasions this spring. Miss
: Burrowg a also ptesent !ng a one
1 .act. play for the state drama tour
nament at the University of "Ore
gen. 'this spring. . -
" : The drama league will present
two. one-act plays under, tlie di
rection of Mrs.-Lncile Paulas. The
first ls"Tbe Old Lady Shows Her
' Medals" .a p.ay with a prolosue
' and two scenes. It has to do with
"an old "lady, a charwoman, who
- had no son of which to talk with
- t h y other charwomen. - She
"adopts" one from the papers and
talks about him and Chen one
da be appears.
The cast takes four women and.
. three, men. The leading woman
- must ' be slender and the others
may be otherwise, The one man,
the son, must be very tall and
' large. '. and who can manage a
Scotch dialect for he Is of the
, Black Watch. The" other two
characters are a policeman and
a minister.
. . For the other one-act play the
. group has chosen, "A Sunny
Morning in Spain." It Is a very
. pretty, artistic, production. Four
. characters carry the main parts
a grand old Spanish gentleman
a one-time Barcelona beauty and
a . man-servant and a mald-ser-
- Tant." ,
Tryouts for these, paris both
for the first and second plays will
fee held J Wednesday night be
tween the hours of 7:30 o'clock
and 10 o'clock in the chamber of
commerce rooms.
If there is any one In town who
1 1 liW- f 1 .. I .a
- iuu ie Kimrj tuuyci tie muuiu
. arpear for tryout for Gary is
Just through making the picture
. version of this "play.
It is requested 'by Mrs. Paulus
that all folic interested in ap-
- rearing in play work report for
tryout Wednesday night. They
ere all welcome.
Benefit Tea Affair
Planned, by Guardians
The Guardians association of
fr Salem Pamn Vi r ctrla will
v - , w ft ft i a O
i.rcneor a benefit vtea at the
Woman's clubhouse Thursday af-
tsrnoon between the hours of 3
.and 5 o'clock.
The . guardians in charge are
. Sloper, Mrs. Lester Hufstader,
Airs, rioya speer. Airs, miner
Stout, and Mrs. W. J.. Minkie
witz. Girls wbo will" assist are
- Edith Clement, Marian Davis,
j;ta tioasey, Hazel Duncan and
I.yberta Mills.
During the afternoon there
will be a style show of the new
J .filing-" modes illustrating the
' clcthes which will dominate each
occasion. This Is beinr riven by
J Miller's and there will be 20
rabfcls displaying the various
n, les mrougnout me aiternoon.
The Camp Fire girls will pre-
-rcrit musical and special, numbers
. (.v.otwcu uiiciiuiceivua vi idc flu-
i' temoon's activities.
:l : Valsetz The local- P. T. A. met
in the Community hall Thursday
t veaing. The president, Mrs Lola
AViggins, opened the meeting at
. & o'clock. Mrs. H. F. Thomas, the
. 4-.fataii pai B'Miwtrt Thfl flref
- a. QV-VB.U f.MMCT . WU V. a. . T ..a
ia n 9 n TVtA . .a.... a t ...111
,- i; neia iwarca &i. ran. Clarence
T .- ntl wait H..n M . V.
i , a a a . mm a w m
a M a. aa tril Will UalVC CUftlgtJ VI LilC
refrtrsbidents at the next meet-
The P. T. A. will set aside 125
to help pay for the renting of a
motion picture to be presented to
' the school children. The following
."program under the direction of
. Walter Raymond was greatly en-
Joyed: A five-piece orchestra
,2 played several selections; a quar
: . tel. composed of Magnus UHn,
.- Ralph Sanders, Melvin Moan and
7. A. Raymond, gang; violin and
raxophone duet was given by. Mel.
Unsii aa aa -1 r.aj VaIoam n -v 1
. -. v h u aim icu . a a- low. , (A aj vt-flkl
rolo bv W. A. Raymond: banio
( tu.u vj ernuo rumaiii; soiOS
' bv Ellia Lonheed.
.. v a-. - n-.Ltit. a
W. Hack wood' was the pianist
.. for, the evening. Refreshments
T i served by George March and
. ' Xert Thomas. " : ;
; tiervai . Mr mil Mm Wfrh-
. . t. v. v) ab " U ill BUI
. prise party. by a group of friends
; Wednesday'- erenlnar. - "The CserT-
. ins of refreshments closed a
f:.. pleasant' aocial rejiing.. Those
S present were Mr. and Mrs."; Bo-
, - Vf"? - TailV Wollraii ' m DtiVfAill
, Air. ana Mrs. atesmer Riefert,
Mrs.-Freda Brasses, Miss Mar-
Biownhill of Salem. v - J
Jit. u Alia, ouoiuub oacmeiL,
a fa v a n a .
fMUfM Ml-nil,. XT tot. TTal
v en- wcrnersoa . were among inose
vh a, attended the concert ofLawr
-' ran . haar a laMPirna jbt . a m .imj
land Monday night. ' - ; '
- "- - .- - ..
Trunk - .
. .' ivjpl eaca . arv-rited..: an
1 itiilu frern - torturing paia new
'tesrtjfy to-relier In the uet
f famous fhyaictan's pnacriptloa. Jt
hasla double actioa. 4signI U eaaa
r paia waen yen coinmnc t -
an4 aUtmattlr remove the ea
t roached by ordinary mataoda. It
- deea not depress the heart or injure
th stomach. Sufferer who ..want
- tore reUef try Tmk' Preecrlptlen
today. .It baa stood the supreme test
for at years. Druggists -have t
ews and Club
Ouve M. Doak, Society Editor
Young women ot St. Vincent de. Paul parish give dance
in parish hall in the evening. . -
Pocohontas lodge afternoon of bridge, Odd Fellows
hall two o'clock.
'Royal NeighBori Sewing club all day meeting at the
home, of Mrs: Azzell Hixson, 2175 Myrtle avenue. Potluck
luncheon. . -
Carnation Club, home of Mrs. William Esch, 761 .Mill
street, 2 o'clock. " "
Eastern Star club social afternoon, Masonic temple, rpm
2 to 5, announced by-Myrtle Pierson, chairman. ' -,.;.,'; '-
Business and Professional Women's club potluck supper
Lizzie W. Smith card afternoon, Fraternal temple, hours
2 to 4.
Mrs. J. M. Dever's drama class meets withJier at 1550
Market street, 2:30.
Special meeting of Legion auxiliary at Miller hall at 7 :30
to organize membership campaign.
Sketch class of Salem Arts league, 7 :30 o'clock, fireplace
room of City library.. Costume models from which to sketch. ;
:v -' V- '. e - e "'
- - - " - - "'
Wednesday- ".".
Illihee club, monthly dance, clubhouse.
Leslie emorial women social "get-together" begihing 2
o'clock, at church. Program and tea afternoon.
Mrs. F. L. Newton, silver tea; hosteas at her home, 2190
South High street between hours of 2 and 5 o'clock. -
Father and Son banquet, Knight Memorial church, 6:45
o'clock. f ;
Covered dish luncheon, 1 o'clock, church parlors.
Mrs." Reed Rowland hostess to Adolynk club.
St. Monica Altar society holds finalcard benefit at St.
Joseph's Hall, 8 o'clock. .
Executive committee of Council of Church women, 2
o'clock, Y. M. C. A. All members urged to be present, or send
a representative. ,
Woman's Benefit association, public installation. Wom
an's cjubhouse.
Auxiliary of Patriarchs Militant, I. 0. 0. F., meet 8 :00
o'clock at lodge rooms. - '
. Town and Gown club afternoon, Lausanne Hall, 2:30
o'clock. ' -
Campfire Girls Guardian's silver tea, Woman's club
house, hours 3 to 5. - .
Ladies of G. A. R. to meet with Mrs. Sarah E. Oliver, 340
S. Winter street, for postponed social session.
' 0 . - - Friday- -
Elks lodge dance, Elks temple, beginning at 9 o'clock.
First Spiritual church benefit program, 1420 N. Fourth
street, 8 o'clock.
Sons of Veterans and auxiliary, patriotic program, 8
o'clock, Women's clubhouse.
Mrs. Charles Spauldmg,
efit tea.
Everready Birthday club
Shipp, 1630 Saginaw, 2:30.
w m
Women's Relief corps regular meeting, Miller hall, 2
Campfire Girls treasure
D a yt o n T he Pleas-
ant Hour Reading club is holding
its .-.nnual "Guest Day" at the
home of Miss Katherine Barnard
today The following program
is arranged: Roll call will be re
sponded to by membe.'s and
guests giving the place ot oirin
and any Interesting history con
nected with the place; sing by the
club; impromptu debate; two vocal-selections
by Mrs. Walter
Jackman of McMinnville; read
ing by Mrs. Andrina Matches; a
one act play. "Rocking Chair
Row" by six . ladies . of the club;
and closing, a lovely lunch has
been prepared for late afternoon.
.-'- : - .
' ' .
Gervals Mr. and Mrs. .Joe
Wargnier entertained their card
club on Thursday evening. High
scores , went to D. Cannard and
Mrs. Charles Deming. Members
present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Deming. Mr. and Mrs. F: Runcorn.-,
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Can
nard, Cecil "Denser, John Eaton,
rri Bover. and Andrew Strong.
Refreahments were served at the
close of the evening.
A general invitation to. all aux
iliary members of the American
Legion who are Interested in
membership work to meet at Mc
Cornack hall Tuesday night at
7:30 o'clock, is being sent out.
Further work for the membership
campaign is being planned for
that night.
Q. When is it considered all
right for a woman to take a man's
arm? . .
A. It is all right when a lady is
blind, infirm, or crippled, or in a
tnrbn lent crowd. .
' QWhat should "a man do with
his coat when at the theater?- .'
A. He may fold it and keep it
on his lap. .or place it on the back
of the chair. . ; .1 .
-QHow much time may be
spent at dinner?
A. NoUiaore thaa an hour and
a halt - ; -. .:;-. -.
Tczy is
information regarding your, individual -problems of skin and "
contour must.eee her today. - - " ' . 3 : ' .
vf i . -- ''. j-"":- " " -;'-- ." '
.'al.-- 'T-"'bTlt Iptowp ppprts.nlty.-' - -- L . -
S'i- ;s" . ,:, iT He. Beeatywlse- nd 9iak tlrc aeoet of It v
its N. Liberty;; ,
, -
hostess at Women s club Ben
session, at home of Mrs. John
hike, Saturday morning.
Mrs. Marietta Davis was elect
ed president by the Sewing so
ciety of the Sons of Veterans Fri
day at its regular meeting, at
the home of Mrs. Louise King.
Other officers elected, were
Mrs. Mettie Schramm, rice pres
ident; Mrs. Florence Shipp, sec
retary; Mrs. Clara Thorp, Adams,
treasurer; and Mrs. Louise King,
press correspondent.
Thos? present for the after
noon included Mesdames Clara
Thorpe Adams, Dae Stafford,
Margaret Fessenden, Wayne Ba
ker, Mettie Schramm, Gertrude'
Remington. Dorothy Shearer, Ida
Miller, Florence Shipp,. Lizzie W."
Smith, Emma L. Prescott, Mary
Etta Davis, Ida Troglio. Lulu
Boring, Helen King, Don Baylor,
and the hostesses, Mrs.' Eber
hardt and Mrs. King.
, Scotts Mills Miss Grace Dun
agan entertained with a Valen
tine party at her home Saturday
evening. The evening was spent
in playing games and dancing af
ter which refreshments were
served. Those invited were: Mr.
and Mrs. Otis Shepherd, Ray Mc-
Killop. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shep
herd, Vaneta Haskins, Dale and
Emily Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie
MeKillop, Dorotha Glenn and
Carl Shepherd, Frank ie Shepherd
Margaret, Jack Taylor, Mrs. Er
nestine Philips of Kalama, Wn.,
Mrs. C. A. Dunagan. Mrs. C.
Reed, Averitt and Grace Duna
gan. " .-
SCOTTS MILLS A number, ot
people from , here attended the
Marion county visitation , of the
I. O. O. F. lodge In Monitor Sat
urday night.
A good program was given L.
R. Carter, past grand master, -of
Portland, giving the address of
the evening. The next meeting to
be held March 22 at Scotts Mills
.Merle Tucker of Saa Francisco,
is the guest of hit sister, Mrs.- Lu
cille. Paulus and his mother, Mrs;
Ed ' Miller. Mr. Tucker came that
he might be present for the birth
day of Mrs. Miller. :.:
...... . - . . ...
'- Mrs. Reed Rowland "will be hos
tess to members of the, Adolynk
club Wednesday afternoon. -
Five arsJ i
From Now
y How will you look -
It ckpetads entixtly upon you and the ;
care you givetoue.awi now. . '-
yon Jasttchance to consult '
-' - authority. ? . i
the personal representative ot, -Helena Ru- :
bineln, will-complete her visit at'thia
store today. Thus those of you who wish -'
& Hunt
" : - J .
Unique Program Is
Given Saturday
One of the - most pleasing pro
grams which has been given un
der the general sponsorship of the
Institutions department of the Sa
lem Woman's clnb was that pre
sented by atadents bf Carol Dib
ble, andena. Belle Tartay at the
TubertnIois hospital Saturday
night. '-"':-; ;; -1
The. STOup'Vf Vocal nambers
antLreadingi" wthre ansaally well
presented -and was '-enthusiastically
received by thi aodience.
'Those who went f rim Salem to
hear the- program - were Mr. and
Mrss H- J. Ostlind,and son, Jack;
Mrs. Ray Farmer, Mrs. O. Cle
ment, "Mrs. Panl Johnson, Mrs.
Graham and Mrs.'S. M. Endicott.
The program was as follows:
The Little Hatchet Story .'.R J.
Bardette '' - '
Doris Unruh
A Word teethe Wife James
Montague.- -
Dorothy Alexander
An Over Worked Elocutionist . . .
Mrs. H. G. Carl
The House- with Nobody Jn It . .
Joyce Kilmer .
Joy of the Hills . .Edwin Markam
- Anoka Coates
How the Great G nest Came . .Ed
win Markham . ?
Mrs. H. G. Carl
The Dentist and the Guest . .Ste
phen LeacOck . .
Edith Clement
Msic Booth Tarkington
Julia Johnson
Paul Revere . . H. w. Longfellow
Edith Clement
Columbus ....... Joaquin Miller
The Dreamship ; . Eugene Field
Doris Unruh
Bells of the Sea, . Arthur Lamb
Friend O' Mine . . . Wilfred San
derson Kennetth Abbott
Misa Miidred Abbott, accom
panist. Birthday Party
lrrients Husband
Mrs. Georee Johnson
ed in compliment to her husband
on the occasion of his birthday
oaiumay nignx. cards were, in
play at three tables. Honors for
the evening were awarded to Mrs.
C. H. Peterson. Mrs. S. Kight
linger, J. Ackerman and C. H. Pe
terson.' Guests for the fVPninc worn
the honor guest Mr. Johnson and
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Doe, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Ackerman, Mr. and Mrs.
Ackerman. Mr. and -Mr r w
Peterson, Mrs. S. Kightlinger,
Mrs. O. L. Scott, Patsy Scott and
Mrs. Johnson.
Dallas Members of tlie 1
matrons class of th Mothnitiot
church were entertained hr Mm
Oscar Holmes . at her home on
court street, Tuesday evening,
February 18. Two papers were
reau, one on jfimerson s success,
Dy Mrs. Kuth Norris. and a bio
graphy of Emerson hv ti-o J i
iam Murray. Those attending the
meeting were: Mrs. Wiley Car
penter. Mrs. J. M. Warroll TUr.
Cecil Riggs, Mrs. Forrest Holmes,
Mrs. uoiton Stinnett, Mrs. For
rest Martin, Mrs. Carrie Turner,
Mrs. Jenson. Mrs. Mn rrnv Mr.
Norris and the hostess, who serr-
ea reiresnments late In the eve
ning to the assembled guests.
Gervais More than nn hnn.
dred tickets were sold fnr tha
benefit card nartv riven h th
St. Rita's Altar society at the
community house Wednesday ev
ening, seventeen tables of "500".
and seven of Pedro were In play
during the evening. Prizes for
high scores at "500" were taken
by Mrs. J., A. Ferschweiler and
John Adelman, Jr.; those for Pe
dro were awarded Mrs - Eder and
Adam Weisz. Visitors were pres
ent from Mt. Angel, St. Panl,
Woodburn and other nearby com
munities. - .
Scotts Mills Mr. snH Mr.
Hugh Magee of Ashland visited
relatives here .over Sunday and
attended a joint birthday dinner
at the home of his mother- Sun
day. Those whose birthday was
celebrated, which occurred during
the week were Mrs. Sarah Magee,
Mrs. Milton Magee, Mrs. Robert
Speaker, and Mildred Magee. Mr.
and Mrs. Magee returned to Ash
land Monday.
165 N. Liberty St,
a 1C P. Club Guest
At Billeter Home
Mrs. J. F. Billeter and Mrs.
J. D. Taylor were joint hostesses
t the home of Mrs. Billeter Fri
day evening to members of the
G. K. P. clnb. The guest rooms
were delightfully decorated with
a profusion of spring flowers.
The evening was spent In a
social manner with games and
sewing. At a late hour a dainty
two-course luncheon was served
by Mrs. Billiter and Mrs. Taylor.
A feature of the luncheon hour
rwas the presentation of a lovely
birthday cake to Mrs. W. P. Fos
ter. Special guests for this evening
were Mrs. Guy Irwin, Mrs. L. B.
Carter, Mrs. E. J. Ramseyer, Mrs.
Charles Davis, Mrs. Jerald Billi
ter, Mrs. Barber ef Idaho. Mem
bers present were Mrs. Newell
Williams. Mrs. H. H. Harms,
Mrs. O. H. Pickens, Mrs. Kather
ine Middleton, Mrs. W." F. Foster,
Mrs. H. F. Gile, Mrs. W. J. Nel
son, Mrs. Billiter and Mrs. Tay
lor. Elks Lodger Plan
Grand Dance
The Elks lodge, is giving an in
formal spring dance ' at the clnb
building Friday at nine o'clock.
All Elks 'and their friends are
invited to enjoy the event. An
excellent orchestra-has been se
lected and-secured so. good music
will prevail.
As a special feature- for the
evening several prizes are to be
awarded. The dance committee
consisting of Armin Berger,
Grant Day. Jack Johnson and Ro
bey Ratcllffe have already spon
sored several interesting dances
this season.
Oak Point Tfce Oak Point.
Women's Service club met Thurs
day at the club room with 21
members present. Following the
business session a program was
given. Miss Neva Fletcher and
Miss Pearl Eyre gave piano num
bers, and Mrs. Joe Rogers, and
Mrs. Jess Walter gave interest
ing talks. "WhafA Farmer Can
Do to Promote Peace," and "What
Young People and Children Can
Do Toward Peace." These were
followed .by general discussion,
and are the first of a series of
talks arranged by the program
committee. Hostesses for the day
were Mrs. Homer Zile and Mrs.
Webb. Miss Neva Fletcher was a
The Oak Point club members
expect to' attend the Rural Fed
eration of Women's clubs to be
held at Buena Vista Thursday,
February 27.
Dallas Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Eak
in entertained the members of
the Tuesday evening "500" card
club at their home. Tucday eve
ning, Feb. 18. Guests for the eve
ning were: Mr. and. Mrs. Earle
Fulgham, Mr. and Mrs. R. S.
K reason, Mrs. Blanche Eakin and
George T. Gerlinger. Members
were: Mr. and Mrs. C L. Crider,
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Vassall, Mr.
and Mrs. V. C. Staats, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Stinnett and the" hosts.
Mrs. Vassall received the prize
for high score for the members,
Erie Fulgham for the guests, and
the door prizes went to Mrs. Stin
nett and R. S. Kreason.
Gervals Mrs. T. A. Ditmars
entertained a party of friends Fri
day evening in the Marthaler
home honoring Mr. and Mrs.
John Marthaler. High scores in
card games went to Mrs. Martha
ler and Charles Zerzan, and the
consolations to Mrs. F. W. Ma
honey and T. A. Ditmars. Lunch
was served after the games, Mrs.
M. J. Mahoney with Miss Vera
Short assisting the hostess. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
Zerzan, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Ma
honey, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Ma
honey, Mr. and '-Mrs. Freeman
Marthaler, Edward Ditmars,
Freeman Marthaler, Miss. Vera
Short.' ;
Jessie F. Bush and Marjorie
Walker will present several of
their pupils in an afternoon musi
cale in Portland Sunday, Febru
ary 23. Those being presented
are Elizabeth Smith, Veta Len
non, Mrs. Mary. Rudolph, Arthur
Chambers, Flavia Downs, Amy
Stein, Vera ' Jean Huber, Jean
Hewitt, Rachel 'Pemberton, Jack
Bush and William Bush. The af
fair is invitational. -
Mrs. John Hunter, who has
been spending the past six weeks
in Los Angeles returned to her
home Sunday.
e .,e
New Spring ; mod
els just arrived., '.
Special attention
m t . . ' ...
given to fittings. '
.... .
. fit .v
Mews 'of &
Aids Brain to
aJ ,, la a.-
- .1
.W'1- -v .ftS-l,
v.Ja6' aj " ' a
vt "a. y" fry
The story of a twenty-one year struggle against the handicap ef
blindness and an effort to continue the practice ef law through
the assistance ef his wife was related by Senator Thomas D. ScbalL
of Minnesota. He said the first thing very man who loses his
sight thinks of is to quit, and added 'that the love and tender nnder
tanding of his wife enabled him to conquer his difficulty. Picture
shows favorite pose $1 Senator Schall with inset ef bis Mhelpmate'
lira, SchalL
" -v,: a
rheir excellencies Benito Mussolini of Italy and
Chancellor Johann Schober ef Austria cement
Italo-Austrian friendship at their momentous
meeting in the great salon of the Venezia Palace
in Rome. The signinc of an amity pact between
Noted Banker Attacks
Dry Law Hypocrisy
Colonel Grayson M.-P. Murphy,
aoted New York banker, declared
diat he doesn't know a single busi
aeas man, banker or railroad
executive who does not violate the
prohibition law, . while testifying
before the House Judiciary Com
mittee at its hearing en modifica
tion of the Eighteenth Amendment,
Los Angeles
r . - I '
ia aa
" u
f:V.:::y:JtS", 1 J".-:W,
a aa -a - J S -
A Mt aaa ' x " .
' ,a ' V ' " .
i -v.:.; v
..! -"-- .
s i"' :. - :
l fa V
-i ,
Former President f Calvin Coolidge and Mm,
Ceelidge en their anivml tn .Los Angeles, Cat,
were; gives most roujiar welcome by crowd
Replace Sight
f.. -
Ua. V
, - a a-
aa a aa a
" "a S - ai
. a Aa av
-' T
-.' a.a-.a.XMV
f" "a- 'a ?
Breaks Alpine Barrier
1 ! Say.-JjjaaaSft- 'J
' aaf i
'gtf1 y.mzJ -dtntr" v - u
i a? f-t
Whiskey for
' a - ' '. ' '
r V'..-a.
- -.-.,.:. ;',.:,.
greeted them
, A a ? aM C' a" .
ai Ta- X
- -
I x a. -ft- I
Still Highest Raiiltins
Indoor Poloist
Vxi.rt.-n aO '
T v aa-
,aa a-
.K a1., .a,aaa f
f a -..-'
Winston Guest, famous interna
donal pole player, according te the.
recently announced revised hand:-,
saps of the Indoor Polo Associa
tion, still remains the lone ten-goal
exponent ef the Indoor game?
Earle W. "Hopping and Lieutenant!
McDonald Jones have been ad-'
vanced from seven to eight goal
4 aV (A-V ,J
- : .... J
the two nations on opposite aides of the Alps ia
considered to represent milestone in the rela
tions that have many times been a cause , of
grave concern in the past.
Colds No Crime
Miss M.
Louise Cross,,
national chair
man of the
Woman's Mod
eration Union,
tells the Honsm
that the ma
(fority: of the
T'Xrtoen cannot,
neitade to be
''titve it is a
crime to "add a
tittle brandy in
making mince
pier" or to
"administer a
hot lemonade
,wi a little -whiskey
to a
member of her.
family who is
suffering with
m bad coldr
( InterutfoaaS
Ex - President
i 1
a a J. .
v J i" '
a a" " .
ef toi'Angelertizens whe
at the station.
aVV V i