The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 25, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tncsday Morning, Febrnary 25, 1930.
Hazel Green Fanners Assist
ing in Extension; Other
Improvements Made
electric line Is being extended
from the- C. A. Kobow place to
the Steusloff farm to the north
west. Southwest the line-runs to
the farm of Mr. Morris,' formerly
owned by Edgar Johnson.
. Residents installing lights are:
Charles Zelinskl, Jr., Peter
Zelinskl, Carl Johnson, Ralph
Gilbert, Archie MeCorkle, Mr.
Morris, Fred Grenqulst. Mrs.
John Van Cleave, A. T. Van
Cleave, Alvin Van Cleave, C. A.
Van Cleave and Mr. Steusloff.
The line will probably be com
pleted by March 1.
Posts are to be set this week.
Archie MeCorkle of this place is
digging the post holes.
Gorden Van Cleave of Monitor
Is doing the wiring for his uncle,
C. A. Van Cleave and cousin A.
T. Van Cleave.
William Williamson has grav
eled his driveway. -
J. A. Zelinskl is repairing the
damage done by the storm to tel
ephone line, being line man for
117 farmer's line 'is placing new
batteries." The Chemawa Mutual
Telephone company will hold a
call meeting March 1 at the hall
sear Chemawa.
"Eat" Club to Walt
The "Good Eats" club of camp
cookery could not hold meeting
planned on account of sickness of
the leader, G. G. Looney. .
Mr. and Mrs. William William
eon are having light attacks of
Peter Zelinski is having resi
dence remodeled.
Mrs. George Dunnigan ' and
small son Billy ol Coquille are
expected for a visit with parents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Davis.
Saxophone Artist Plays
Prof. Fuegy a teacher of violin,
saxophone, instructor of Parrish
school band will give a program
at the school house February 2S
at 8 o'clock..
Mr. and Mrs. Horner were re
cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Woelke. Mr. Horner was Miss
Myrtle Baker when she lived in
the community and attended
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunnigan
were called to Mill City Saturday
by the death of Mrs. Dunnigan's
jincle Mr. Catherwood.
The Memo sewing club bad a
social at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Wampler Friday eve-
Present were: Mr. and Mrs. W,
Rutherford children Daisy, Ed
na. Archie and Dean, Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice Dunnigan and chil
dren Margaret, Dorothy and Har
riett, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Davis
and Miss Helen Sanford, Mr. and
Mrs. Penny, Mrs. Penny's sister,
Mrs. Anderson. A number of
members were unable to attend.
Helen Davis" Better,
Helen Davis, who attends Sil
verton high is able to return to
school after several weeks ill
Orville Luckey has leased 14
acres and B. C. Zelinskl six acres
from G. G. Looney to plant in
Marshall strawberries.
nnd Mrs. J. C. Larson entertained
Friday night in honor of their
daughter, Viola, whose 16th birth
day was that day.. Miss Viola re
ceived many. beautiful gifts dur
ing the evening. Games were
played and Mrs. Larson, assisted
by Mrs. John uopierua ana Mrs
Hans Jensen, served lunch at the
close. v
Guests included Mr. and Mrs,
John Goplerud, Mr. and Mrs.
Hans Jensen. Miss Evelyn Davis
Irl Grace, Elma Anderson, Alvin
Anderson, Virgil Anderson, Nor
man Jensen, Marvin Jensen, An
nabelle Jensen, Walter Goplerud
Charlotte Goplerud, Luella For-
Salem Heights
-Play Booked at
Monitor March 1
Mrs. Charles Sawyer who is in
charge of the S$m Heights dra
matic club's play, "A Family Af
fair" received word today from
C. W. Conyne of Monitor, that
the Odd Fellows will sponsor the
play there and requests that it
be presented at Monitor commun
ity hall March 1. Mrs. Sawyer is
making necessary arrangements
and the play will be presented as
Weekend Visit
With Friend is
Pleasant Affair
Florence Snodgrass spent the
week-end with her friend, Beat
rice Hawley at McCoy. Miss Haw
ley Is attending O. 8. C. this
John Panek and Emmett Mit
chell of O. S. C. visited their par
ents In this city over the week
John Walling was a visitor In
Roseburg, Oregon on Saturday.
Betty Jean Cole is making her
home with her grandparents and
Mrs. W. E. Cole. Betty will at
tend the grade school here..
RICKREALL, Feb. 24 It was
a surprise to the high" school
when a former '.-Titn dent, Cather
ine Pewtherer visited Friday
morning. She has been In Califor
nia for the past month and is now
"staying In Salem. ...
Listen Women! It
Simply Doesn't Paj
To Chop Own Wood
STAYTOX, Feb. 24
Sirs. Dave Mj John suffered
a painful accident Friday
afternoon, at the Commun
ity dub house when she cut
off the end of her left
thumb, while making kind
ling. Mrs. John is chair
man of the Library Week
activities, and as several of
the ladies were going to
work at the club house that
afternoon to get things in
readiness for the tamale
dinner Saturday night a fire
was necessary. 8he was very
plucky about her misfor
tune, and went ahead and
helped Saturday to spite of
ber acrid cat.
m ill i m
Mrs. Riddell, Mrs. Lorence
Chase Washington's Day
for Social Affair-
MONMOUTH, Feb. 24 Mrs.
D. R. Riddell and Mrs. J. B. Lor
ence entertained the Social Hour
club at a Washington's birthday
party at the Riddell home. Many
of the guests came in costume.
and the hostesses were attired as
George and Martha Washington.
Decorations and refreshments
carried ont the seasonal note in
colorful manner.
Miss Kittle Walker of the Home
Economics department of the
Oregon Normal school, gave an
informative talk on table service
methods; Mrs. D. A. Hoag pleas
ed with a humorous monologue,
"The Aspiring Dishwasher," Mrs.
F. E. Chambers sang "Passing
By" and "An Old Fashioned Gar
den;" Misses Mary Brown and
Dorothy Curl, in costume, gave
feature dances, and Helen Sheets,
Normal school student, a reading,
Grandma's Time." Bobby Lor
ence and Constance Riddell in
costume assisted their mothers in
serving refreshments.
55 'TWEES' Ull
HUBBARD. Feb. 24 Regular
band practice of the Hubbard
Community band was held at the
Hnbbard Mineral Springs hotel
Wednesday evening with an at
tendance of 35 members and its
leader. Dr. A. F. de Lespinasse.
Following the rehearsal the man
agement served ice cream sand
wiches after which dancing was
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Hoss of Sa
lem were dinner guests of Dr. and
Mrs. P. O. Riley at the Hubbard
Mineral Springs Wednesday.
Mrs. Ethel Stranahan. grand
chief of the Pythian Sisters, was
a guest of Mrs. Coble de Lespin
asse while In Hubbard.
HAftr. rns-vv r.i, a .r,
Christian Endeavor society here
lr1nr1 with Tjihinh Center in
rnllv at the Inttor nlapn Fririav
evening. A number of officers
from the Christian Endeavor Un
ion of the county were present
to make addresses.
Hazel Green Christian Endeav
or furnished two songs with pi
ano, 2 cornets and guitar accom
paniment. Attending were Rev. Miss
Luckey, Earl, Leonard and Nora
Rutherford, Ernest, Iota and Ce
cil Luckey, La Roy and Charlotte
Van Cleave, Guy Allen and Glen
Looney and Hazel Hufford.
STAYTON Mr. and Mrs. V.
Lyle McCroskey and children came
from Portland to spend the week
end at the J. W. Mayo home.
Felix Wright, who suffered a
broken leg about holiday time, has
been removed fro mthe hospital to
bis home.
The beacon, at Shaw, which was
recently turned on can be plain
ly seen each night from here.
John L. Lau has been here vis
iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
C. Lau. He was recently dis
charged from the eterans hos
pital in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fery are
home from a six weeks trip to
The severe wind storm, early
Thursday morning, removed a
large section of the tin roof from
the Gehlen store building. Some
bad leads resulted.
Ed Hahn. of Jefferson and
Frank Hahn, of Alturls, Calif.,
hava been here to see their motn-
er, Mrs. M. J. Hahn, who is still
at the hospital as the result of a
naralvtic stroke.
A nrorram was held at the par
ochial school February 21, and
the boys and girls who are in the
4H club displayed an assortment
of school lunches. The six best
lnnchAs were chosen and later tne
children and visitors wero served
some of the same goodies as those
in the lunch boxes.
to I cancer of the liver. His son.
W. H. Trask is seriously 111 at
hi. home, with what la thought
TJoTd Trask Is here from The
-AMITY. Feb. 24. Louis Pat
t.rsnn nt McMlnnville spent Sat
urday in Amity visiting his sls-
( ttitfta Patterson wno u a
student at Amity high school.
- iurrv.' rh 24. Mr. and
un P.. A. Fuller spent several
laat week at the beaeh. They
report there was nice weather at
Newport, ; -
New Salem Heights Leader !
Takes Over Work Tonight;
Daiton Resigns
H. F. Zinser. chairman of the
Boy Scouts troop committee has
announced that C. W. Bartlett of
Salem Heights, has been elected
scoutmaster in . this district fol
lowing the resignation - of Ken
neth Daiton. The next meeting of
the scouts will be Tuesday eve
ning at the community hall, when
Mr. Bartlett will take up his do
tles. All . member of the Boy
Scouts wanted to. be . present at
the reorganization , . the . regular
date of meeting may be changed.
Mrs. J. Feidler has been, quite
ill for the past few days!
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Sawyer and
daughter, Bonnifell spent Sun
day at the home of MpSawyer's
parents, Mr. and "Mrs. Charles
E. E. Pruitt, contractor, is
busy this week remodeling Mr.
Hamilton's grocery store.
George Pro and family, Mr.
and Mrs. G. F. MacMillen of Hol
lywood visited Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pru
STAYTON, Feb. 24 A Urge
attendance was present Thursday
afternoon at the Women's Com
munity club meeting. A program
consisting of a vocal solo by Mrs.
Martin Fery of Salem, instru
mental solo. Miss Jean Cladek of
Salem ; vocal solo, Mrs. .Fred Hot-ting-er
and dance by Miss Hatel
Murphy were enjoyed. Mrs. J. W.
Mayo and Mrs. Mattie read inter
esting incidents in the life of Ab
raham Lincoln. Martin Fery, law
yer and retired Unitarian minist
er of Salem, made the address
of the afternoon, and he chose
Lincoln as his subject.
The committee in charge of the
afternoon were: Mesdames C. P.
Neibert, R. G. Wood, E. J. Bell,
Avery Murphy and C. A. Booker.
Coffee and cake were served and
a silver offering taken for the li
brary fund.
MONMOUTH. Feb. 24 Mrs.
B. F. Butler and Mrs. David Rid
dell entertained the members of
the Wednesday afternoon club
and their husbands at a "600
party Friday night at the Rid
dell home. Six tables were in
play, honors going to Mrs. Mina
Cornelius. James Gentle and
Carl Iverson tied for the gentle
men's high score. Gentle winning
In the draw.
Present were: Mr. and Mrs.
James Tilton, E. M. Ebbert, Fred
O'Rourke. E. C. Cole, F. M. Roth,
Lelghton Smith, Butler, Riddell,
Iverson. Gentle, Mrs. Mina Cor
nelius, Mrs. Velma Smith, Mrs.
Belle McKnlght and Mrs. Mary
Lee Butler. Refreshments sug-
Resting- the George Washington
hlldaT vere erTed at cl086 of
Prtllr Cni1T1ff1
To Ban War to
Meet March 3rd
MONMOUTH. Feb. 24 The
Polk county eouncil for the pre
vention of war will meet at the
Independence training school
building at 8 o'clock Monday ev
ening, March 3, to elect orncers
for the coming year. People in
terested are invited to attend.
Doctor and Wife
Donors of Books
AMITY. Feb. 24 Dr. and Mrs.
Claude Matthis of Corvallis gate
to the Amity library 37 books.
This kind gift is appreciated by
the Amity people.
The Amity library was organ
ized about a year- ago and has
proved a decided success. It is of
much value to the high school
students as well as the townspeople.
The appointment of
Henry J
of the
. Western Business Security Company
. 805 First National Bank Buildin?, aa
Salem Representative for the
American Trust Company
89 4 th SC Portland, Oregon
Departmental f1 homao f eatmrfaag First Mortgage Gold
Bonds with isutallnaest privilege' v
Characters Well Taken
Comedy, 'Her Honor,
the Mayor
HUBBARD, Feb. 24 "Her"
Honor, the Mayor a three act
conmedy, presented by the Hub
bard woman's club at the city
hall Saturday evening won gener
ous applause from the large au
dience present.
Characters la the play were:
Lester P arm enter, candidate for
mayor, who becomes the mayor's
husband; Ivan -Stewart; Hon.
Mike MIGood, political boss, who
becomes the hired girl; R. C.
Painter; Clarence Green way.
Eve's brother who becomes the
village groom; J. R. Bidgoovl;
Eve Greenway, Lester's fiancee
who becomes the mayor, Mrs.
Merle Stewart; Mrs. MeNabb, suf
fragette who becomes a naval of
ficer, Mrs. Ida Garland; Doris
Denton, an athletic bud who be
comes the fire chief, Mrs. Kath
leen Beckman; Rosalie Myers,
chujn of Doris who becomes a mil
lionaire, Mrs. Margaret McMan
nls; Eliza Goober, the "cullud"
cook who becomes chief of police,
Mrs. Neva McKenzle.
Orchestra Entertains
The Hubbard high school or
chestra directed by Dr. A. F. de
Lespinasse and assisted by
Franklin de Lespinasse. Clarence
Berens and Ralph Holbert play
ed for the entertainment.
Mrs. L. A. Miller accompanied
by Miss Anita Bevens at the piano
was the vocal soloist of the ev
ening. The play was In charge of the
following committees: general.
Mrs. Maud Bidgood, chairman;
and Mrs. Margaret McMannis as
sisted by Mrs. Sadie Scholl;
ticket sale, Mrs. Blanche Brown
and Mrs. Ella Stauffer; ushers,
Mrs. Louise Grimps, and Mrs. An
na Stauffer and candy booth,
Mrs. Ellen Carl, Mrs. Sadie Rich
and Mrs. Audrey Wells. The can
dy booth committee also had
charge of the decoration of the
Many out-of-town folk were
present and freely praised the
merits of both the play and the
Amity Library
Sponsor of Play
'AMITY. Feb. 24. The library
is sponsoring a play which will
be given in Amity on March 14
and March 16. The play is under
the direction of Guy Nott and
the cast, which is made up of
town people, is working very
hard to make It a success.
Are You As
Guilty As Mel
Stomach Sufferers
Worst Offenders
r" you suffer from stomach dis
orders you ought to realize that
you are guilty of that unforgivable
fault a foul breath.
The tongue and mouth is nothing
more than the upper end of the in
testines and stomach, and when
undigested food starts to decay and
ferment within it produces a repul
sive odor that is expelled thru the
mouth. Mouth washes are of little
help in these cases. You must clean
out the source of the trouble. To
bdp get yaur stomach into ibap quickly,
t&rt today to eat more fruit and vegetables
tad cut dowa oa the excessive oat of meat,
and egs. And be aore to get a bottle of
Tanlac at your druggiat. Tanlac ia just
about the beat atomach dcaaaer and
te builder you can take. Evea the first
Settle will do wooden in ridding you of the
tecum alat ion of poisonous waste la the
aomach and intestines that ia causing bad
treath, gai and constipation.
Tanlac must fcdp you or money back,
it your druggist.
s '
Monmouth Youth Quickly
Captured After Theft of
Hardware Merchant' Car
Prompt recovery was made
last week-end of a Ford coach
belonging to. J. fi. Winegar,
Monmouth "hardware merch
ant, which , was stolen from
the curbing in. front of his
home at about 7 p. m.
Following a tip from Mon
mouth school boys who saw
the car leave the curb, Win
egar accompanied by George
Cooper, fire 'chief, and Fred
Lofting and Cecil Guthrie,
firemen, drove west on a lat
eral road and intercepted the
SILVERTON, Feb. 22 Mrs.
Mario Buness. who will leave
Monday for Holstein, Iowa, was
the inspiration of a handkerchief
shower Friday afternoon at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Anna
K. Jensen. Mrs. Buness received
a .number of beautiful handker
chiefs. Attending the surprise were
Mrs. H. L. Foss. Mrs. Gilbert Un
derdahl, Mrs. M. J. Madsen, Mrs.
L. C. McDonald, Mrs. Hans Jen
sen , Mrs. Oscar Satern, Mrs.
Adolph Haugen, Mrs. Edwin Hat
teberg, Mrs. V. 8. Madsen, Mrs.
John Moe, Mrs. Silas Torvend,
Mrs. C. L. Benson, Mrs. Arthur
Gottenberg, Mrs. Glenn Howe,
Mrs. Clara Baltimore, Mrs. Jel-
"Coming events
cast their
shadows before"
m sV ja.m m fH I
By refraining from over-Indul
; gence, if you would maintain
the modern figure of fashion
Women who prize the modern figure with its subtle,
seductive curves joa men who would keep that trim,
proper form, eat healthfully but not immoderately. Ban
ish execssiveness eliminate abuses. Be moderate
be moderate in all things, even in smoking. When
tempted to excess, when your eyes are bigger thanySur
Stomach, reach for a lucky instead. Coming events
cast their shadows before. Avoid that future shadow
by avoiding over-indulgence if you would maintain that
lithe, youthful, modern figure
Lucky Strike, the finest Cigarette a
man ever smoked, made of the fin
est tobacco The Cream of tho Crop
"IT'S TOASTED." Everyone knows that
heat purifies and so "TOASTING" not
only removes impurities but adds to
the flavor and improves tho taste
YouKThroat Protection against Irritationaqalnst couflte
Be Moderate! . Don't eopardize the modern form by drastic diets, harmful reducing girdles, fake reducing tab
lets or other quack "Ianti-farw remedies condemned by the Medical profession! Millions of dollars each year are
wasted on these ridiculous and dangerous nostrums. Be Sensible 1 Be Moderate! We do not represent that smok
locfcy Strike Cigarettes will bring modern figures or cause the reduction of flesh. We do declare that when
tempted to do yourself too well, if you will 'Reach for a lucky' instead, you will thus avoid crrer-lndulgence
in things that cause excess weight and, by avoiding over-indulgence, waraif modem, graceful form.
- ' . . '- . ----- ' - -
TUNE IN The Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra, every Saturday night," over a coast-to-coast network of the N. B. C
0 1M0, The Aaasricaa Tefcacca Cs. lUra.
Winegar car which was-' be
ing driven by Wallace Pow
ell, Monmouth boy.
Powell offered little re
sistence and was turned over
. to Constable Verde Schrunk
who placed him in custody of
Sheriff Hooker at Dallas.
Missing from the car were
tools, a spare tire and the
certificate of ownership.
Powell is thought to be one
of the boys implicated in the
theft of Rev. L. H. Willard's
car, stolen February 9, and
recovered by. Marshfield au
thorities. Monmonth Woman Is
Slowly Recovering
From Bad Fractures
Mrs. A. J. Shipley who sus
tained fractures of both legs
Thanksgiving day, when the
Shipley ear enronte to Sa
lem was struck: by a motor
ist travelling In the opposite
direction, was brought to
her home this week from a
Salem hospital where she
has been since the accident.
She is still in a cast, and
will be for some weeks, bnt
is making satisfactory im
provement. mar Refsland, Mrs. Ole Satern,
Mrs. Hans Thompson, Mrs. P. N.
Jacobsen, Mrs. ehris Ennevold
eon. Mrs. Anna K. Jensen, Lillie
Madsen and Alice Jensen.
rnnrx s.
- w,iW
"Xk , - 'X ' Ji -t !
p MIW(. V V ' 'vffl i
' If ' ' - '
X. cT J- V-N?1' vX s ' v ,'&&
Former Presidents of Wood-
burn Organization Stage
Beenfit Supper
WOOBURN, Feb. 24
Martha Washington benefit sup
per held in the St. Luke's Catho
lic hall for the library was a huge
success and the Wccdbarn. Wo
men's club w.ho sponsored the
affair-will be able to contribute
much more to the fund than they
have for soma time.
Past presidents of the club
whose names now appear on the
list of members were the recep
tion committee. They were: Mrs.
A. E. Austin. Mrs. H. L. Gill. Mrs.
F. W. Settlemier, Mrs. L. 8. Mo
chel, Mrs. W. D. Simmons, Mrs.
E. N. Hall, Mrs. Hiram Overton,
Mrs C. A. Parr, Mrs. Eugene
Moshberger, Mrs. Eugene Wohl
heter. Miss Carrie Waterbury.
Mrs. Ivan C. Beers, and Mrs. C.
C. Geer.
Music Appreciated
During the supper, music was
furnished by Mrs. Joe Richards,
Miss Rose Richards and Mrs. C.
C. Geer.
After the supper was served a
program was given consisting of
a piano solo by Miss Rita Beck
er, reading. Inei Smith: chorus,
girls from the St. Benedict's
school; minuet dance, Misses
Mable Halvorson and Thelma
Anonby; minuet dance, primary
pupils and two one act plays pre
sented by the Drama League,
"An Awful Mistake," under the
direction of Miss Ruth Holt, with
.vv -j . BFTagsann ' I li
$?? . K"X.V" - - " 1,1 I It
7 wXSJ r
Misses Veda Nendel," Georgia A l-;
bee and Ursula Moshberger In the
cast and "The Bean of Bath," di
rected by Miss Blanch Campeaa
with Miss Claire Campen. Doctor
Fitzgerald and Barney Predeek
In the cast.
Children Take Part In Ex
tensive Program About
George Washington
Washington's birthday program
was given at the grade school Fri
day afternoon. It was well attend
ed by all the people of RickrealL
First on the program was the prK
mary. and second the upper
grades. The program was as fol
lows: Primary band, led by Elsie -EW
lis: Briar rose drill by primarj--
class; George Washington play;
George Washington. Billy Auerj'
George's father. Holt Fox; .Betsy
Ross play, Betsy Ross. Jean Crup-.
per. play. "Spirit of February
Ruby Schmit, George and Mar
tha Washington, Verlin HamiR
ton and June Fox; Lincoln, Ralph
Christenson; Henry Longfellow'
Gilbert Aimer; Oregon, Esthee
Newfeld, Wilma Middleton, Mrs,
Wodrow Wilson. Esther Llnchit
Susan B. Anthony, Verda Heder
son, the page. Donald Ross; Thos..'
A. Edison, Walter Linchied; WiR
liam Harrison and Sherman, Don
aid Orippen. and Clarence Schmity
Daniel Boone, Elbert Ragsdale
Lindbergh, William Rowell, James
Lowell. Merton Cavel. "Stat
Spangled Banner" by upper class,
Recitation. Donald- Ross.
f "