The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 25, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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    4 PAGE TWO
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salcn, Oregon, Tnesday Morning, Febrcaxy 25, 1933.
omnrnnnwrmnT o -C. ?lPM
ff X ' ', " ; '
I W Ud-UAI; Vlttlllib
Frank McErlane, Chicago's
'Toughest,' Also is Be
$ . lieved Murdered
r ' Continued from Pa 1.)
tli body guard, Tonr Aeeardo.
were absent when their cues
were called in court on charge
ot carrying concealed- weapon.
They bare 'been indicted on the
eame charges. .'
Bands of 11,000 each were or
dered forfeited and capiases were
Issued for their arrest. Had they
- appeared they would bare been
awaited again on rsnd jury In
dictments and forced to furnish
bond of $10,000 eaehi The last
time their case were called In
Jury court their lawyer wen a
The. detective killed today was
- left at the apartment of Joseph
Falloa after a number of other
police, surrounding the place had
been withdrawn, Fallon had been
sought since January 4, when he
was indicted on a charge ot rob
bing a grocery store.
Two Hen Emptr
Gnu at Each. Other
" An soon as Ryan was left alone.
Fallen Jtt raped from a skylight
where be had been hiding. Ryan
attempted to seise him. They
struggled hand to hand, and emp-
- tied their revolver at each other.
Ryan wag shot several times in
the body. Fallon received three
bullet wounda In the body, which
proved fatal.
. Two women, said to be Fallon's
sister and niece, called a tazieab
and assisted bis escape. Ryan wss
taken to a hospital where he died
shortly after.noon.
Another man, Peter Kulick.
was seriously wounded In the
clash between Poles and Mexi
cans, in which SSrnewski- was
killed The body of the latter was
found In the street after the
battle. Kulick, who may die,
pointed out Alphonta Castellano
as the man who stabbed him.
pmmni nnn
obnuuL oru
(Continued from Pace 1.)
suit, walked two miles to arrive
bright and early. Possibility of
baling "a few words" with Pre
sident Hoover brought out grand
pa; and grandma, said she came
because she had eight grandchll-,
dren there. Neither had been In
school house before.
Woodwards Brims; SeVen
Prospective Students
Llotd; Woodward and Mrs.
Wpodward came with seven
young Woodwards, two of whom
were twins.. The mother also car
ried 'a baby In her arms.
The girts were dressed In their
best Cella Buraker. ten years
old, was the only one who wore
hat. Ah orange -poke bonnet,
ft was gay with morning glories
and blue ribbons.
Pretty little Virginia Bnrraker,
not quite six, happily shook her
honey-colored curls when a vis
itor gave her a vanity case. Her
deep brown eyes flashed he
Hgrserently when seveVal older
girls made offers for it.
AH the boys, with the excep
tion of Ray Bnrraker, wore over
alls and heavy shoes. Enthusiasm
- over their teaqber. Miss Chris
tine Vest, of Tosemite, Kentucky,
,.a graduate of Berea college.
Miss West made no effort to
tesch them today, saying she pre
. ferred td wait until their excite
ment subdued. She is expecting
- more pupils soon, with the prob
ability of many older boys and
girls enrolling.
Horticulturist '
And Physician
Passes Sunday
MONMOUTH. Feb. if.. Dr. J.
It. Powell, hortteultlrist and re
tired physician, died Sunday night
at the home of bis sister, Mrs. A.
M. Arant In Monmouth, at the age
n. of 77 years. -He iwaa a pioneer
doctor, practicing hie profession
at Lebanon ahd for SO years at
Spokane until retiring to his wal
nut and filbert orchard near Mon
mouth 10 yean ago.
Dr. Powell leaves one son,
Richard C. Powell, ot Oakland.
Calif., and a- daughter, Cora Pew
el lot Spokane. He la also aur-.
vired by three brothers, P. O.
PoweU and. J. P. Powell of near
Dallas and Ira C. PoweU ot Mon
mouth! also a sister, Mrs. Marin
tba Arant at Monmouth.
s Funeral service will bo bold
at the Monmouth Christian church
Tuesday, February. 2 5, at 2:01
- o'clock.
Salem GasWar :
Not Yet Sighted
Retail gasolino.nrlees In Salem
' bad not shewn any signs ot flue-
. tnation tin to Monday night. In
eontrast to conditions in Port
land where, a new gasoline war ta
. lnf t: process and motorists are
reaping the. doubtful advantage
ot cut prices. - In the, past few
months "gas wars" elsewhere in
the state have extended their, ef
facts to Salem, but after the last
one an agreement between deal
ers was made which Is expected
to hold them la line. .
-. : . .. ; r '
T.VftVfit TTtm REATtliB
The Vancouver Lions increased
ttat aArnnif nlapa margin' OTer
the third plae eSeattlo Eskimos
. . 7 I A
nare conisjui vj kotui w j..
nt Tlctorv'ovar tha visitors in a
Pacific . Boast - Hockey leagne
game, Tho Lions are now only
two points behind '.- tho leading
Douglae fir ttmbera, alter
Eugene, wero feoaa not onry so eqwai mem mm on i
wereTnetoedly atreager, yraesi tested by B. EL MeAHete,
mocfcanksj at the Pnlretslty of
with the sonesdeo wuefe a
down on thefir
Grant Pupils Make Sand
Figures Depicting Lives
Of Washington, Lincoln
Third grade pupils at Grant
school have bad much enjoy
ment this month in constructing
on their sand table some ot the
things most familiarly connected
with the life of the two noted
men whose birthdays fall la Feb
ruary, Washington and Lincoln.
This work was done as a "spe
cial day" project under direction
pf the teacher. Miss Elva Kls
sen. The half of the sand table de
voted to Lincoln contain the raft
symbolic of that one connected
with the early life of Honest Abe
and also a neatly 'constructed log
cabin, as well as Indians, ne
groes, a cotton plantation and
other articles which history sur
rounds about the name.
More elaborate in the portion
which is devoted to Washington;
D. C. and which shows the na
tional capitol, the famous monu
ment, the Mt Vernon memorial,
Arlington cemetery, a mint and
similar interesting things. Several
souvenirs which have come Into
Mrs. Gesner Dies
u In$anitarium
Last Saturday
Mrs. Dora Gesner, mother of En
Mrs. Dora Gesner, mother of Eu
gene Gesner and Opal esner Of
Salem, died at the Derr sanitari
um in Portland Saturday. Funer
al services will be held at the
RIgdon mortuary here today at
1:30 o'clock, with Interment to
be made In the I. O. O. F. ceme
tery. She was bom at Scotta
Mills on August IS, 1889.
She la also survived by another
daughter, Mrs. Homer H. Hest of
Hoqulam, Wash., and the follow
ing brothers and sisters: Mrs.
Charles Relnke and Lora McGee
of Salem, Richard McGee .of
Grand Rondo and Mrs. George
Anderson gl Dallas.
Hug Invited to be
Coniab Chairman
In recognition of his work and
Interest in the field of health.
George W. Hng, superintendent
of schools here, has been invited
to act as chairman of the educa
tional conference at the normal
school at Monmouth on April 0,
when health education will be one
of the chief topics of considera
tion. Dean W. S. Gray of Chica
go university will be the princi
pal speaker. Miss Carlotta Crow
ley, supervisor of health educa
tion In. the Salem schools, will
also be on the program. .
4-H Membership
Is at High Mark
Enrollment in boys' and girls
4-H club work in Marion county
has reached, the highest figure In
a number ot years, William W.
Fox, club leader, reported yester
day following a check-up of his
books. Exactly If clubs are or
ganixed, with a total membership
ot 1.00S.
This enrollment la divided as
follows: tt cooking eluba, 421
members: St sewing. StT mem
bers; four poultry, 47 embers;
nine rabbit, u memners; xonr
pigs, 27 members; two health, 21
members; three homemaklngv 28
members; and seven rndmdnai
workers. .
Coxttottcnct, "
Yen a apptecisM W eBoAai
Samoa and saedsnet oana, The
1 Iwilirc shm
ifcvaR matt.
GstiIbi admainsv
AlOaoahrsMe EwfcTaePal -
OMFna nMLtf.M
. tnfnM - it.McH.tS
Amsnt Satow, bu,
. . .
- 3 yiLL'S ,eA8eQS-QUfl3II
jeaia sexvieo en Ljr-ea U-.a, ir
possession ot members ot the
class ''have been brought from
home and included in this sand
table presentation ot historical
events. .
The third grade pupils have
also recently finished. In connec
tion with their geography eta
dies, an interesting story, poster
depicting the events which befell
a tree front the time it la felled
until it: is shipped to foreign
ports, the finished product This
fwork was done almost entirely
by 'the pupils, with only a few
hints from the teacher. A half
hour each day for a week was
devoted to tho work. Project
work Is most readily started and
eagerly finished, by the pupils,
says Miss Missen.
A new project In geography la
juaf'belng started, and is known
eiHhe museum project. Its main
purpose la a study pf building
The students in the room are:
Betty Anunsen, Vivian AspinwaU.
Alice ' Barkus, Margaret Barrett,
Loretta Beall. Arthur Boyle,
Beasla Broylea, Jack ' BurrU,
Margaret Carmlchael, Donald
Doughton. Jeanetto Graber.
Glenn 1 Hockstetler, Margerlen
Howard. Robert Gritton, Lorehe
Lathrop, Davis Lilninger, Max
Llphant, WUlson Maynard. Ger
ry Mnlkey, Eldon McCulley, Sam
uel Orcutt, Oscar Paulson, Mar
lowe Simmons, Arlynn Thrapp,
Wilfred Watklns, Mabel Steven
son, Wflbert Fin den, Ray Daw
son, Bernice Elgin, John Hayes,
Raymond Tocom, Viola Kayser,
Marvin O'Brien, Robert Parrent,
Coo Roberts and Verden Thomp
son. '
SHANGHAI. Feb. 25. (Tues
day) (AP) As a result . ot a
rising tide ot animosity against
Harold Lloyd's talking motion
picture, '.'Welcome Danger, the
Paramount corporation, distribu
tors of the film In the Orient, to
day withdrew the production from
showings at local theatres.
The action followed a protest
ot tho nationalist government
against further presentation ot
the Him in China by the Shang
hai district Kuomlntang political
party headquarters in response to
students' demands The Shanghai
Kuomlntang members viewed the
film as "subjecting the Chinese
to ridicule, also comprising Insult
to tho Chinese nation." The por
tion of the film which especially
aroused the anger of Chinese stu
dents, causing them to stage a
demonstration at a theatre here
Saturday, was portrayal of sup
posed underworld life in San
Francisco's .Chinatown and Chin
ese ophra ranggUnx
Last Showings Tonight
"IN up. NEXT noosr
Tha spookiest, funniest.
Mystery Thriller yet
Jask MulhaJl - - Alke Day
Also ;
Patbo Sownd News In Dwtch
Colored Novelty, 'Big Thmo
Charlto" Talking Comedy
Ann Pennington, Arthur Lake-,
Sally Blane
Fun - Songs - Daneea '
Do theco three
ft Qaeck fewer wrbicK ctootroys
1i Upca bowrels and tree your system from .
the poisons of constipation. 3: Tone the tys
tern and bu3d m truJ waik of emergw to pro
tect health. HITa Cascara Quinine does
these 3 thing at once . That why
wo can oaiejy any HilTo etopo coldo in :
day-rquica complete - reliel .without up -
Hollywood District. Resident
, Drafted for Campaign
by Large Delegation
CCeotianed from Pace L)
: He has been a resident of Sa
lem for If years. In 1117 he or
ganised and headed the Butter
cup Ice Cream company, which
was , the predecessor ot tha
Western Dairy Products company
In Salem. Prior to that he bad
operated ' a- commercial eider
works, and after selling out his
Interest in the" Ice cream com
pany he engaged far a time 'la
the real estate business before
opening his present establish
ment in Hollywood.
Continued from Page I.)
then will real stability be acalev
e. Conditions on all sides would
be greatly benefited and difficul
ties Ironed oat to a large meas
ure of contractors will organize
and cooperate, Herron aald.
Bushnell explained phases of
tho building code, and particu
larly those which have been the
hardest to enforce, however, on
the whole local contractors and
builders have cooperated wonder
fully la fulfilling . provisions of
the code, ho said. He outlined the
toning code, which Is the founda
tion and ground work tor the
building code.
) Faulty fireplaces caused three
tires in Salem in January, Bush
nell said, adding that the code's
requirement M regards fire
places will be rigidly enforced, aa
will also the demands la -placing
Uon, essential features In ventila
tion, essentia features in sanita
tion, must not bo overlooked In
designing buildings, - and these
features too mast comply care
fully -vita the code's minimum,
the inspector warned,
i Nearly halt tho buildings In
Salem have poor and defective
electrical wiring, whieh should
point tho moral that tho nubile
should see that wiring is in the
bands of responsible parties. In
stead of just anyone. Compliance
with the electrical code is an
other phase of the inspector!
worn wnich la - being carefully
EUGENE, Ore., Feb. 24 (AP)
: The trust of Oregon football
guidance passed definitely under
the rule of Dr. Clarence W.
Spears today when he met the
1930 Wbfoot varsity at McAr
thur court to outline a spring
practice program for the opening
ot the season In September. The
squad received equipment, but
actual field work will not start
until either Wednesday or Thurs
Additions to Oregon's sched
ules probably will be announced
soon. Jack W. Benefiel, graduate
manager, has opened negotia
tions with several teams, among
them, Utahf Santa Clara, Gonta-
ga, uiympic club of San Fran
cisco, and an unannounced east
ern team, but baa been awattfnr
the., arrival of Dr. Sneara before
finally signing for any games.
apears already has had brief
conferences both with Benefiel
and with Virgil D. Earl, director
of athletics. '
KANSAS CITY, jreh 24 Mat
Continuing its record shatter
ing ascent, tho merenrv rosa ta si
degrees hero at 2:11 p.m.. today,
ftvo degrees higher than tho pre
vious all time February record.
z Q Q Q.
Ajj Talking
Ttrspbomo Acts
and Xewt
thincjo at enco
reaiacance and uscreasea dangetv
Sf P
Firemen aearcbing tte ebarred.
Brockton, Ilass poornonse n wzacn unw v
inmates were owrnoo vp wwx
m ininraJ wkoat a was deatrored Vr
am to six
WALLACE, Idaho. Feb. 24.
(AP) A drowning and a mine
accident whieh claimed two lives
today, brought to six in six days
the total of accidental deaths in
tho Coeur d'Alene mining re
gion. John Shubert fell 150 feet
n the constitution mine and was
killed, and Gust' Erickson. Morn-.
lng mfne leaser, broke through
the ice at Black Lake.
Shubert. fellow workers said.
apparently forgot tho location ot
cnute, stUDoea nts toe on m
wooaen grizziy ana piungea
mrougu a noia just large iuuusui
to clear bis body. He has been J
shoveling muck all morning.
Stopping to adjust his lamp be-
ero quitting . ha walked across
a stops In some water and stum
bled. His companion. William
Leash, followed behind hiin in
the darkness without falling.
Erickson was visiting a friend
at Black Lake for fishing and a
rest.- He broke through the Ice
ot tha lake and was dead before
aid reached him.
Sunday two men were killed
when a cable snapped In a Sun
shine mine shaft and hurled thetn
140 feet. Last Wednesday two
Tamarack miners dropped 185
feet to their deaths when two
laggings gave way.
Advertising is
Discussed at
A particularly interesting dis
cussion was enjoyed by those at
tending the Y. M. C. A. forum
Monday evening. The topic of
discussion was advertising and
each one present was asked to tell
what kind o fadvertising appeal
ed to him most and what kind
made him buy things.
Newspaper and magazine ad
vertising seemed to be the pop
ular choice although some pre
ference was expressed for bill
boards, window cards, handbills,
window displays, radio and di
rect mail; but nothing bu critir
cism was offered for moving pic
ture advertising.
The meeting was presided over
by R. E. Kittredge. president of
the forum. Nearly 40 were pres
ent and all took part in the dis
cussions. "ASGEL MARRIES
(AP) Theba Crawford, noted
evangelist and former "angel ofi
Broadway" was married at the
First Congregational church here
today to Ray Spllralo, San Fran
cisco oroser and t polo player.
They left immediately for a mo
tor honeymoon tour of Califor
to tho
tnto a slnso elensra.
ItysoXt Jnst for Toe,-
in . "-tW-J
II 1 !
bor f My neart,- rSaaith.7
.xltis OUD ETT3-naIIeb
Jab," "Sametmses rsn Hap.
py, Nothing Cemld Do
ruins ef ' the
earrrinr many
earning? structoro.
The Call
North Capitol street. North Salem
Today "The Saturday
Night Kid" with Clara Bow.
Wednesday "The Hole in
the Wall" and Manhattan
Thursday "The Hole In
tho Wall" and Manhatten
Frldar The Glorious
Trail" with k- uunni
Stat btwa High aa4 GbarcA
Today - Edward Everett
Horton in "The Sap."
Thursday "So Long Let
ty." GRAND
Kerta Hi betwaaa Cemrt ana State
Today "In the Next
Room" with Jack Mulaall,
Alice Day.
Wednesday "Tanned
Legs" with June Clyde.
. Friday "His Captive Wo-
man with Milton siRs and
Dorothy McKaill
Hign, betwteo Stat saA Trsda
Today "Hit tha Deck"
Jack Oakie and Polly Walker
Don't forget the musical com
edy at the Fox Elslnore which be
gins today. "Hit the Deck" has
been holding, attention of folk tor
a long time both on the stage and
now on the screen. It is a stu
pendous production, the outstand
ing characteristic of which is its
delightful musical effects,
"The Sap" la all that it is said
to be, only you can't put Edward
Everett Horton into words. The
best way to Interpret him Is to
laugh and do that long and yes.
even loud, for he is so ridiculous
that he makes you forget the re
straints, of polite society.
e e e
Two pictures will be seen for
the last time today Clara Bow
In "Tho Saturday Night Kid"
which la aa Interesting picture
with high spots of superior acting,
and "In the Next Room" with
Jack Mulhan and Alice Day. It
is exciting and the voices are
Albany Man to
Address Salem
Ad Club, Word
A. W. Metxger, president of tho
Albany Advertising clnb and man
ager of the May Stores, Inc. la
- Continuous 2 to 11 '
.Inspiring spectacle . , . Got
. Klshty choi suwa vroIUsur ta-
irii ill
ovor tacladed 1 I
Ooenedy 1 I
hat eznr. 1 1
Uetroi 11
oenia Now H
New 11
.--vi -. .-J
and nolko wore aided br drfliaas la
of the inmates to safety from the
that city. Is to speak to thw Sa
lem club hero Thursday noon on
the subject: "Common Ground."
Mr. Metiger, as a merchandise
man, will speak on the problems
of merchandising and advertising.'
Several members of tho Albany
club will accompany him to Sa
lem. Several weeks ago an exchange
of sneakers between tho Salem
and Albany clubs was arranged,
the Salem president going to the
Linn county city to speak.
rain freed or
PORTLAND. Feb. ti (AP)
The district attorney's office to
day announced an Indictment
charging John R. Nesbitt, elderly
real estate operator, with larceny
in connection with the resurrec
tion of S 17.0 00 worth, or suppos
edly destroyed bonds ot a recalled
interstate utilities company Issue
had been dropped as a. result of
the freeing by a jury of Howard
Polley, jointly indicted.
The state alleged Polley. form
er chief engineer of the American
Bank building here, removed sev
eral bonds from a furnace In the
bank building after they had bees
thrown to the flames and distrib
uted them through Nesbitt.
Polley was arrested at Eugene
EUGENE. Ore.. Feb.. 3 (AP)
The annual miner sports car
nival of tho northern division ot
the Pacific Coast conference has
been definitely-cancelled tor this
1 Wi.lMtt.' J
As soon as you realize you've taken cold-take some
laoieis ot uayer Aspirin. Almost before your head
can stnff-np, you feel your cold is conquered. Those
acnes ana pains you felt coming on will goon subside.
neiiei is almost instantaneous I Even if your cold
has gained headway, and your temples throb and your
yery bones ache, these tablets will bring prompt relief.
It is better, of course, to take Bayer Aspirin at the very
first sneeze or cough it will head-oft the cold and
spare you much discomfort. Get the Tannine, with
proven directions for colds and headaches; neuralgia,
neuritis, sore throat, and many important uses.
First Impressions
May Be Latihg"
but with carbon paper "you
want the last impression
to be as good as tKe firct-
Order a supply of our 1
Real Good Carbon Fiper NOWl
!. ' - --- ' - v ;r.M
v .
Speedy Delivery .
: Phono 340 . 1
A delegation ot 20 members
from the Silrerton and tho Sa
lem Girl Reserves accompanied
by Mrs. Elisabeth K. Gallaher, se
cretary of the.Salem Y. W. C. A.,
Mrs. George Moorehead, Miss
Pauline Rickll. Miss Syble Wells,
Mrs. W. Dunn, attended the con
ference in Vancouver February
11. 22 and 22.
It is reported thst at least 200..
girls were in attendance at the
Junior high school where the ma
jority of the sessions were held.
Mrs. Robert SandaU of Seattle,
Washington, was tho chief speak
er. Her first address opened the
conference Saturday morning..
She spoke on the topic of "Artists
In Living" and" tils set the key
note for the entire conference.
Special meetings were held ia
which the elements of a success
ful life were discussed by vari
ous groups in informal and interesting-
. surroundings in the
homes. of. Vancouver members.
Luncheons, banquets, and "get-to-gethers"
were also features ot
the conference.
The conference leader was Win.
abetb McDowell, a Reserve from
Portland. Officers from the Salem
and Silverton groups in atten
dance at this conference were Ha
zel McElroy. president of the Sa
lem high school Reserves; Ruth
Johnson, president ot the junior
high school group; Doris Hatch,
president of the Silverton, junior
high Reserves;, and Margaret
Shaw, president ot the senior
high school Reserves in Silverton.
The Salem and Silverton dele
gation had charge of the first
hoar ot tho Saturday morning
program tn Vancouver.
Algerian Visitor
To be Deported
Upon First Ship
Ezran Eery, 81, who applied
for shelter at the police station
here Saturday night, will bo de
ported to French Algeria on tho
first boat leaving for that port,
according to announcement made
here Monday by Boyd Reynolds
of the Immigration department.
Eery told the officers that ho
arrived in San Francisco on Sep
tember on a French ship after,
having been smuggled aboard by)
an Englishman, who had taken jl
liking to him.
He was on his way to Portland,
when his odd appearance attract
ed the officers.
Mrs. L. Mullen ot Willamlna Is
a house guest this Week at tho
home of her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wallace
ot Wallace Orchards.
Jk 4f-f srf s-si-
V-' yV.J.
!S a
A $
afeforttand team and five ahead oc
tte Eskimos.
"i-A-. . '' - ;r- : - .a. - " . "hsnBSjBwoaii