The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 23, 1930, Page 9, Image 9

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salesn Orc&on, Sunday Morning. February 23. 1330
Society, News and Club Affairs
Olive M. Doak. Society Editor
Church Council 1
To Meet
U is announced by the presi
dent, Mrs. Edwin Nissen that
the Council of Church Women ol
Sslem will meet for an all-day
ce;slon. at the First Presbyterian
urch,- March 7.
There will be an executive
beard meeting of this organiza
tion at the Y. M. C. A. Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. All mem
bers are urged to be there or to
Bend a representative.
Raymond Marriage
Of Local Interest
Word has been received of the
marriage of Miss Dorothy Ferrier,
formerly of Willamette univer
sity, and Hugh Verner Roberts
In Raymond, Washington, Febru
ary 16.
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are now
In Portland. Mrs. Clarence Phil
lips, nee Mildred Tomlinson, en
tertained with an attraetire show
er for Mrs. Roberts in Portland
Friday night.
Independence The Boosters
club dt the Methodist church met
at the home of Mrs. Lee L. Hersh
feerger,, Wednesday evening. The
evening was spent playing games
after whjch refreshments were
served. Those present were Mes
dames Ed Kelly, Elmer Barnhart,
Mary and Carry Smiley, Arthur
Ward, her mother, Mrs. Bawler,
Be Forest, Sylvester. MacConald,
Charlie and Peter Krrie, Cora
Berry, F. G. Hewitt, Naslund. Er-
win Ranton, Kruger, Tom Ray,
Ralph Pitman and the hostess.
Lee L. Hershberger.
Liberty The Liberty Women's
club met in the community hall
Thursday at 2:30 o'clock. The
most important business feature
was the decision to compile and
liave printed a dried prune recipe
This meeting being the fifth
anniversary of the club a special
program was given. Several
numbers wore patriotic- in ob
servance of Lincoln's and Wash-
inglon's birthdays.
A delightful luncheon was serv
ed to a large number of mem
bers and several visitors.
The committee in charge con
sisting of Mrs. Bruce Cunning-
am, Mrs. W. R. Dallas and Mrs.
O. L. Dence were the first officers
of the club.
MILL CITY On Thursday eve
ning Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Allen
entertained in honor of the teach
ers of the Mill City schools.
About 40 guests were present for
this enjoyable evening. Cards
end dancing were the diversions
to the evening and at a late hour
a . delicious luncheon was served
by Mrs. Alien.
O : t O
v: ;.y. .,) Vv -
x v I I I ; I
- 1, V A
".---.J a'
f . " '
Helen Jacobs,
Baa Francisco
rfrl and second
best woman ten
nis player In U.
8., who will rep
resent this conn
try in France,
and England.
Mrs. A. Lindbeck " .
Is Hostess
AUBURN The Auburn Wom
an's club met at the home of Mrs.
A. L. Lindbeck, Thursday. After
the business meeting the after
noon was spent in playing base
ball, with questions used for the
balL Three answered questions
making a tally and three unans
wered questions making an out.
Much amusement was furnished
by some of the questions.
Three guests were present, Mrs.
Milton B. Robinson of Salem, Mrs.
Glen Fiaxon of Los Angeles and
Mrs. H. Frey of Auburn. Club
members present were: Mrs. W.
H. Faxon. Mrs. George Baum
gartner, Mrs. T. C. Morgan, Mrs.
L. Feskins, Mrs. Ben H. Hawkins,
Mrs. Carl Krehbeil and the host
ess. Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck. After
the program a delicious luncheon
was served by the hostess. The
March meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. George Baum-
Federated Women's
Clubs to Meet
ZENA The Polk County Fed
eration of rural women's clubs
will hold its next regular meet
ing Thursday, February 27 in the
W. O. W. hall at Buena Vista.
One of the Interesting features
will be a speech to be given by
Governor A. W. Norblad.
The extension service of O. S.
C. will also co-operate with the
clubs and provide some special
feature for. Thursday. Luncheon
is to be served at noon. Each
member is requested to bring a
fruit or vegetable salad and cake.
The program will begin promptly
at 1:15 o cock. Mrs. Frank Fawk
is president of the Polk County
Federation of " Rural Women's
iraws rmT
tire Swedish. Therefore, he uses
on the set both English and Swed
ish scripts. The English version
is for his contact with his players;
the Swedish is for himself.
H. M. (Beanie) Walker. Hal
Roach title writer, Is having his
troubles translating comedy main
titles into Spanish for the Spanish
editions of Laurel and Hardy,
Our Gang and Harry Langdon
For example. Laurel and Har
dy's new talking film in English;
is called "Mght Owls." spamsn
people, it seems, will not know
what we mean by night owls in
a Laurel and Hardy sense. The
night owls in the comedy are a
couple of burglars, so the Spanish
edition has been titled "La-drones,"
Harry Langdon's new talking
comedy is to be called "The Big
Kick" In English. There again
a . literal translation would be
meaningless to the Spanish-speaking
people. So the Spanish edi
tion is to be called "La Estacion
de Gasolina," meaning the gaso
line station. Harry Langdon is
the proprietor of a gasoline filling
station in the new comedy.
"Los Pequenos Papas," mean
ing The Little Papas, is the Span
ish title of Our Gang's first talk
ing film with a Spanish version.
The English film wU be called
"The First Seven Years." which,
being an American idiom, would
be unintelligible if translated lit
erally in Spanish.
Mushrooms and
Lobsters Eaten
By Movie Folk
According to Hollywood- statis- j
tice. poor lobsters have no chance i
for life if there's a movie star
around. Mushrooms must grow i
fast, too, to supply the demand, j
These are the two dishes chosen i
most often to satisfy the epicur
ean tastes of Radio Pictures'
stars, according to the studio
They eat other things, too. of
course. Their second cnoices run
something like this:
Bebe Daniels. combination
salad; Richard Dix, apple pie
with cheese; Betty Compson,
dainty salads; Bert Wheeler, to
mato soup: Robert Woolsey,
American cheese; Hugh Trevor,
Swiss cheese; Rita La Roy, lots
of bread and butter; June Clyde,
broccoli; and of course Ivan Lebe-
deff would choose Hungarian
Paradoxically, they eat less
when working.
English, Swedish
Script Both Used
Victor Seastrom stands alone in
American pictures as the sole di
rector who has a complete Eng
lish and Swedish script made for
Personality Held
Main Wiing Still
Cecil B. DeMllle was recently
queried as to whether the In
crease in the use of color photo
graphy would change existing
standards of cinema beauty. It
was specifically asked if the addi
tional life-like quality of skin tex
ture and eye pigmentation would
have a part in such a change. De
Mille's answer was: "Personality
Birthday of Talking Film
Celebrated at Hollywood
With Fitting Observances
On Friday evening the men
members of the "500" club en
tertained the women members at
tic home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
JIaseman. Five tables of "500"
ere In Play during the evening.
Luncheon was served by the men
a: Ibe conclusion of card playing.
' The women of the' Leslie Mem
orial church are holding a social
afternoon with a program given
and tea served at the church Wed
nesday afternoon beginning at 2
o'clock. All women of the South
Salem district are invited to at
tend. Miss Haiel Johnson, prominent maid In Salem's younger
tft leaves today for Tacoma
where she will be a guest for sev
eral weeks.
Mrs. Wayne Baker left Satur
dry for Klamath. Washington,
where 6he will attend at the bed
side of Mr. Baker's mother -who
Is very ill at this time.
Hollywood this week is cele-
! bra tin k the birthday or taming
Instead of three baby candles,
17 large ones are placed on the
cake of this form of entertainment.
For. whereas the development
of talking pictures is a recent
step, the idea was created and ac
tually produced in 1912 and a
talking picture was shown to the
public for the first time on reo
ruary 17. 1913, it is recalled by
Jesse L. Lasky. one of the pio
neer producers of the industry.
Thomas Edison presents his lat
est and greatest Invention talk
ing motion pictures, or the cam
eraphone. Variety in Program
The program consisted of a
onA from Shakespeare's "Julius
Caesar." a short lecture explain
ing the device, a violinist, a sing
er and a pianist. The whole was
rinrieil hv the breaking of a
rhlna dish.
ThU urogram was of the first
experiments . in talking pictures
and was made simply. A phono
rranh record was selected and
then the recording artist was pho
tographed until the synchroniza
tion was as near correct as pos-
Rihle. At that time, closeups had
not come into popular use and It
difficult to read lip move
ment in a full-figure shot.
Reviewers received the pre
miere without enthusiasm.
Actors Observe Day
In Hollywood today, two per
sons commemorated the birthday
rt talk in e- nictures with amused
Both happen to be working as
actors in the same picture, por-
trarinr character oarts in "The
Texan." Paramount s companion
ate nlrture to "The Virginian," in
which Gary Cooper plays the title
vj. When one passes his piaie
lor a second helping, should he
Itpve his knife and fork on the
street in New York. They sat In
the orchestra pit, out of eight,
and each of them played several
different characters, reciting
lines as the films proceeded for
its length of a reel.
Apfel became one of the first
directors of pictures when ne
joined the Thomas Edison Film
company in New York in 1911.
"Edison sent for me in New
York to come to West orange,
New Jersey, where his experi
mental laboratories were locat
ed," Apfel recalls.
Studio In Tent
"Our studio was a large tent
Here I staxed the lirst tailing
picture scene, a tableau of the
orison scene In '.Faust. js.rne
Torrence. who was a great singer
made his screen debut in this. He
sane the 'Mephisto role. Lillian
Snellinf. of the Metropolitan
Onora. romnanT. sang me Mar-
merit' Dart ana ueorge ieon
Moore, a tenor, was the nero.
'Our method was cruae, as l
look back today. It consisted of
camera which was connected
by a wire pulley to a pnonograpn
machine back of it, thereby
curine synchronisation.
'A huge horn extended xrom
the recording machine over the
heads ot the players, out ol
range of the camera much as the
microphones are used today.
"We were limHed to seven
minutes since this was the capac
ity of the disc record and we bad
to rehearse carefully because the
scene must be perfect in action
and timing."
Aofel left the Edison company
shortly after his session in talk
ing pictures, and in 1914 Jesse
L. Lasky sent him to Houywooa
to direct a number of Laky's first
Standard Beaers
To Meet
The Standard Bearers of the
First Methodist church will meet
at the home of Mrs. Carl Gregg
Doney Monday evening for its
regular meeting.
Hostesses for the evening will
be Elizabeth Wetherell, Agnes
Morris, Dorothy Taylor. The
lesson will be on Korea and will
be given by LaVada Maxwell,
Doris Hoogerhyde, Fay Colwell,
Fern Colwell, Dorothy Moore, El-
va Sehon and Mildred Wampler.
Seastrom speaks English per- is more Important to the nims
fectly, but he prefers to work out ' than pores o primegn'.f
his interpretative notes in his na- i than pores or pigment."
47 Years' Practice Taught
Dr. Caldwell
about Men
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Frink of Cor-
vallis, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Boles of Portland were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe this
past week.
Claire Geddes of Seattle, grad
uate of Willamette -university of
1927 is a guest of Alpha Phi Del
ta this weekend.
Mrs. A. M. Gray of Corvallis Is
the weekend guest of Mrs. Grace
Gladys Unger, one of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer'a
"ace" writers,
has been given a leave of absence
to go to New York for the comple
tion of negotiations to stage a
new play she has lust completed
for M-G-M. Miss Unger has just
completed the dialogue of "Ma
dame Satan." Jeanie MacPher-
son's new original story which
Cecil B. DeMllle is to make as his
second talking film.
DR. CALDWELL loved people.
patients and tried to improve
their ways of living. His obser
vations over a long period of
time convinced him many people
were ruining their health by a
careless choice of laxatives. Then
he determined to write a pre
scription which would get at the
cause of constipation and correct
ft quickly and safely.
How successful his efforts were
ia best shown by the fact that the
prescription he wrote back in
1885 has become the world's most
popular laxative! He prescribed
a mixture of herbs and other pure
ingredients now- known as Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, in
thousands of esses where bad
breath, coated tongue, gas,
headaches, biliousness, and
lack of appetite, or energy
showed him that the bowels
J n I
1 1 !
j aTlG, !
Clambers I
i yv V"7 r?K ' K rVT7 FZ
y vyj ii ii ii ii Ji i vm
i M IF i
of men, women or children were
sluggish. It proved successful in
the most obstinate cases. So men
liked it. Old folks liked it because
it never gripes. Children liked its
pleasant taste. And everybody is
pleased with the gentle way it
accomplishes its purpose.
By 1888, 4he demand for this
laxative was so great that the
doctor permitted it to be bottled
and sold by drugstores. Todsy
yon can obtain Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin from any drugstore
in the world.
Da. W. B. CaldwelCs
A Doctor Family Laxative
which nary cooper piy iu rs TI
role and Fay Wray the feminine f 3 JJJJJg MlirStS
Latest Novel
Yes. Used silver should
be placed on- the table
V -'
q Should a woman thank a
xn.-n for a pleasant evening, after
attending the theater.
A. No. unless he has in some
wcy inconvenienced himself. In
rtier to be with. her.
Q. On what occasions should a
xr.n wear full dress?
A Full dress is worn at an
opera, a ball or formal evening
entertainments, an evening wed
ding, a dinner where formal in
vitations have been issued, and at
certain State functions.
Guy Oliver and Oscar Apfel are
the actors.
Oliver worked in a "talking
Dicture" before they actually
talked and Apfel directed the first
taivincr nictures which carriea a
thread of a, story.
Read Players' Lines
niivor'a part was played 22
. 1 - 1 a
years ago. He ana nis wiie uu
been acting on tne stage ana wi
iver got the idea of having living
persons talk witn me picture
which was being snown. .nr. nu
Mrs. Oliver and an actor named
Hodges made their deout ai me
Premier theatre on rourceenm
' 1 1
- " vr .iPar1rer. ef New
To Be Filmed
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer announc
es the purchase of talking picture
riahts to Fannie Hurst's latest
novel. "Five and Ten." which has
been amone the leading sellers on
the fall fiction list since its pub
lication by Harper's In September.
"Five and Ten" has also had a
very big sale in England.
No announcement as to director
or players for the film version of .
the book, has yet been maae. -
at a New Low Price!
Beauty and Economy
If you think beauty culture is
''expensive" if you think it
requires "too much time"
then you owe it to yourself
to bring your problems to
Miss Sartain
The Personal Representative of
Helena Rubinstein
Mlsi Sartain is planning Beauty Budgets to please the;
busiest women and the most limited Income. Her visit
here Is limited to only two days. Monday and Tuesday, .
February 24th and 25th, Be beauty-wise and take Im
mediate advantage ot this rare opportunity.
Fully Guaranteed
Powerful suction removes all dirt 14 inch nozzle.
Moatingbrush to pick u threads and lint Oiless
bearings--neyer needs oiling. Large, easily emptied
dust bag. Swiveled attachments $6.00.
Several beautiful seta in breakfast nook
furniture table and four chairs.
One in old rose regular
price $19.75 ttlA QC
One in blended green.
regular price
$26.50 now.
regular price (1 i 07
One in gold and black,
regular price iOC Q7
$48.75 now. pUeOI
One in red and black.
regular price
$39.75 now.
regular price t0 1 Q C
If you are interested at all, these
. are real bargains.
We still have a number of those attractive
chamber suites
At Half Regular
Price Plus 10
Think of buying a bed, vanity, chiffonier,
bench, mattress, and spring six pieces
in French grey, beautifully finished for
$63.25! Another in Ivory and green
bed, dresser, chiffonier, mattress and
spring, for $55.00. See these suites.
If you are interested in a Wilton or
Axminster rug, now is your time to make
a handsome saving on quality rugs, just
half the regular price, plus 10. We still
have a nice assortment to select from.
If you need anything in furniture or
rugs, and we have what you want, you can
make a big saving. 1KI us asu dl
North High Street
We nave but a limited number of those sturdy rd
green card tables, at 98e. GET YOURS QUICK!
. i
Vull lixxUS resirt?
JM V. liberty
TeL 7
, the patrietie society.