3 r! t, H i I PAGE EIGHT t. : - . - -- If ' k- Events of Interest - A ' Vv r z " ,o w , ,''$Y'l'i iMMMMnMiMHnBBMHHMMMMHMMM': 'mmmmmmmmmvx -.eBxmimuMk mtatm MRS. C. S. McELHINNEY Military Ball Brilliant Event ONE of the outstanding events of the social world for the past few months was the military ball of Sat- urday night, given by officers of the Oregon national guard stationed in Salem, in com pliment to Major General and Urn. George A. White in honor of the recent promotion of Ma. Gen eral White and also in compli - nient to the silver wedding anni versary of the General and Mrs. White. Nearly a thousand people were present at the armory Sat urday night. A large number of , these were from various points of i the state, especially Portland, and from Vancouver barracks. J The armory was -brilliantly lighted and the full ceiling was hung with the various flags of the army and an especially inter esting collection .of flags of the Oregon naval militia, now extinct, but the flags of which were in fu?e on the old battleship Oregon 5 when It was brought to Portland. I'i Around the upper balcony was arranged masses of bunting, the whole presenting an Impressive i and formal setting for the bean ! tifully gowned women, men In evening dress, and the many army ! officers in dress uniform, who gathered there to congratulate v Uajor General and Mrs. White and . to dance. The receiving line which greet ed the guests was Major General and Mrs. George A. White, Got- ernor and Mrs. A. W. Norblad, Judge O. P. Coshow. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Hoss, . Mayor and Mrs. T. A. Livesley, and Captain and Mrs. H. G. Mai 1 eon. , Hosts for the evening were ! Lieutenant-Colonel Rilea, Lieuten ant-Colonel Irwin, Major Elmer Wooton. Captain Willis E. Vin cent; Captain H. G. Maison, Cap tain' Arthur Bates, Captain J. H. , Garnjobst. Captain B. F. Ponnd, Captain Robert L. Wood, Lieut. Harry L. Riches, Lieut. Joe B. Davis, Lieut. Dow H. Lovell and Lieut R. S. Radcliffe. The feature of the evening was the presentation to General and Mrs. White of a beautiful com plete silver set in honor of the liver wedding anniversary. The presentation was made by Chap- lain Gilbert, chaplain of the Ore gon national guards. Chaplain Gil bert introduced Gen. and Mrs. White when they met for the first 7 time in their early history. Another special feature of the evening was a-specialty dance by Emily Ann Kollenborn and Paul ine Zoe Chambers, pupils 01 Bar bara Barnes. Hazel Green The occasion of her birthday anniversary inspired a group of her friends to sur prise Mrs. Edward Dunnlgan. Jr., with an. old fashioned surprise party at her home recently. The evening was spent in playing , "SOO" with honors at the conclu sion' of playing ' going to Mrs. Frank Clark and James Lauder back. . At, a late hour refreshments were served by Mrs. Peter Woel ke assisted by Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Mrs. Lewis Wampler, . and Mrs. Henry Dunnlgan. Those present were the honor guest, Mrs. Edward Dunnlgan. Jr., and Mr. Dunnlgan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark and Mr. and Mrs. mils Lauderback of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. James Lauderback and sons Junior anT Dean of Bethelr, Mr. "and Mrs. Clarence Johnson. Mr. Ivan Buster, Mr and Mrs. John Lauderback and daughter, Jean of Central How I1: Mr. 'and Mrs. Henry Dunnl gan and hildren,! June, Orvllle and Will Dunnlgan, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Woelke and children Hasel and Billy, and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Is Wampler and children Marion Lou and Clinton. V,: -." r . Mrs. G. L. Newton will be host ess at her home. 2190 South High " street for a silver tea -between the hours of 2 o'clock and i o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Members of the Woman's union of the Congregational church and their friends are Invited to at tend. ,Z.. , - ----- Mrs. J. J. Lightner Entertains An attractive one o'clock luncheon was that for which Mrs. J. J. Lightner was hostess at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Nor ine Fick, Tuesday afternoon. Covers were placed for Mrs. Rob ert Aiken, Mrs. Geocge Rose, Mrs. C. D. Gabrielson, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mrs. R. J. Hendricks and Mrs. Lightner. Mrs. Lightner who has been a guest of Mrs. Fick during the winter months left this week end for California where she will Vis it in Sacramento, and Los An geles. Dinner Parties Inspired By Ball SEVERAL gay dinner parties were inspired by the military dance of Saturday night. Some of these parties were given before the dance and others were given after. No host parties were given at the Marion, and in the new banquet room of the Coffee Shop. Many other smaller ones were given in homes. One of thelargest given was the one given by Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Huntington and Mr. and Mrs. Ercel Kay at the home of Mrs. Kay. Covers were laid for 50 guests. Another smaller but no less gay party "was that for which Miss Henriette White was hostess at the White home at 7 o'clock. The centerpiece of the dinner table carried out the idea of Washing ton's birthday with the use of red and white and blue tapers in sil ver holders. Guests for this affair were Cap tain and Mrs. Gordon Stryker, Captain and Mrs. Douglas Bor- rougs, Captain and Mrs. George Dutton. and Lt. Tom Davis, all of Portland; Captain and Mrs. Willis Vincent and Mis3 Henriette White of Salem. Following the dance. General and Mrs. George A. White were hosts for a large bouffet supper party at their home. The feature of this party was the cutting of the silver and white wedding cake which was in honor of the silver wedding of General and Mrs. White. Mrs. White cut the cake with the handsome silver sword presented to General White Thursday by members of the Portland chamber of commerce at a luncheon given by it in compli ment to the recent promotion of General White. A group of maids assisted in the serving. These were Miss Henriette White, Miss Dorothy Moofe, Miss Margaret Wagner, and Miss Virginia Holt. TURNER The Tamer W. C T. U. held their F. E. Willard pro gram and silver tea at the home of Mrs. G. W. Farris Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. E. J. Gilstrap led the devotions, Mrs. W. S Bur goyne of the program committee read the program which consisted of songs and readings dealing with the eventful years of Miss Willard's life. A dainty lunch was served. Those present were Mrs. W. T. Riches, Mrs. M. A. Hill, Mrs. B. Herrling, Mrs. C. L. Standley Mrs. L H. Small. Mrs. J. L. Webb. Mrs. R. O. WItiell. Mrs. H. W, Smith, Mrs. E. C. Bear, Mrs. F. C. Gunning, Mrs. W. S. Burgoyne. Mrs. S. A. Gillett, Mrs. A. L, Bear, Mrs. E. J. Gilstrap, Mrs. A, E. RoberUon. Mrs. M. O. Pearson, Mrs. E. S. Praher Mrs. S. Miller. Mrs. F. Whitehead, Mrs. J. R. Cox. Mrs. H. Crume, Mrs. D. B. Parks. Mrs. R. Lee Thelssen, Mrs. C. W. Sloan. Mrs. N. Edwards, Mrs. C. A. Bear, Mrs. G. W. Far ris, Mrs. S. Girardin and Miss Mary Condit. MILL CITY In place of the annual banquet at which the members of the Woman's dab are hostesses to their husbands, a card party was given this year. The party was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Olin with S3 present for the" 'evening.. Progreeelve "500". was played -at Pjur .tables with Mrs. W.- T. Chesnut and F. R. Olin winning high scores and the consolation prizes going to Mrs. Eva Raines and T. W. Allen At the close of he card games lunch was served by a commit tee composed of club members, The Social activity has shown the marks of spring in its sweep of affairs this past week. It all began with thebrxlliant Subscription club costume balL Then the McDowell club program Monday night in the residence studio of Prof . and Mrs. T. S. Roberts gave a splendid impetus to the present week. One new chapter of a national club, the Delpnians, met "for its first regular meeting in addition to many other social and civic clubs, one of the largest of which was the Woman's club with its special Camp Fire girls program; Mrs. Lloyd Legarie-has inspired several affairs as a farewell to her; Mrs. A. L. Adolphson, Mrs. H. R. Worth, and MrsT George Arbuckle, Mrs. S. J. Butler, Mrs., F. G. Meyers and Mrs. Max Buren, have all been special hostesses during the last week. Two teas have been given, one at the home of Mrs. L. O. Clement as the first one of several affairs to be given by the Woman's club this spring, and the other at the home of Mrs. John Carson when D. A. R. entertained with their annual Colonial tea. The crest of the social wave came with the end of the week invthe military ball for Major General and Mrs. George A. White when several hundred people danced in the flag draped armory. The folk presented today are left, Mrs. C. S. McElhinney, president of the Sigma Na chapter of the Delphian club; center, reading from left is Mrs. H. G. Mai son, Mrs. William Lytle, Mrs. John Elliott, and Mrs. Thomas Holman each as she appeared at the Subscription club Valentine costume ball; and Mrs. John Carkin and little daughter Jean Alice; Mrs. Carkin's home was open for the Colonial tea gyven by the D. A. R. Friday afternoon. 'r'vAr'vW tw.t,s.i5 J.- V- - ' i V'-; - i... infill ! .?f-x s-. 5l V ' 1 rT' - "-i - "' " ' ' i h MEMBERS FROM THE SUBSCRIPTION CLUB AS THEY W. C. T. U. Institute Holds Session The Marion county W. C. T. TJ. institute aesembled for an all day meeting Thursday with a pro gram beginning at 10:30 o'clock and a lunch served at noon. Mrs. Nellie Gunning of Turner had charge of the devotions, follow ing which the W. C. T. U. pledge was given. Dr. Clara Ingham of Portland, gave an Interesting and educa tional talk on health and sugges-.i tions concerning W. C. T. U. work. She made special mention of a visit she had made to the Childrens Farm Home at Cor vallis, during which visit she noted the excellent management and training given the children housed there. . Mrs. Mary Charlton gave an ex cellent talk on- the making out of - reports. Mrs. Charlton also an nounced the death of G. L. Bu- land, husband of Mrs. G. L. Bu- land, W. C. T. U. state director of legislation, a matter of sincere regret to the institute. Mrs. Ada Jolly, state president. gave an inspiring talk on several branches of the work and partic ularly f dvised a more general use of the Union Signal by plac ing it in public places, where it might be more generally read. Mrs. H. F. Shanks offered the noontide prayer at 12 o'clock af ter which the lunch was served and a social good time enjoyed until 1:30 o'clock. The afternoon session was be gun with singing under the lead ership of Miss Byrnes. Mrs. Jolly conducted a .round- table talk during which several interesting facts were brought out. Mrs. A. H. Dean3 of Wood- burn and Mrs. Helen Prescott, president of North Salem union, gave informative talks on the narcotic situation. Miss Helen Byrnes gave experiences of her visit to theY. P. B. convention in Denver, Colorado. Rev. Barry, pastor at - Stayton, gave a few minutes of earnest talk that was much appreciated. Mrs. jolly spoke briefly on organisation work and the institute closed with song and prayer. Among the out of town Visit ors from- the various unions were: Mrs. Jennie McClelland. Turner; Mrs. A. H. Deane, Laura nice, Mrs. Waldron and Mrs. Hartong, of Woodburn; Mrs. B is. Hollingsworth. of Pleasant View; Mrs. Helen Prescott,; Lor- ena wayman, A. A. Hadley and Alta Hoekert of North Salem. All went home feeling that much had been gained throughout this in stitute work. st. rAuL A birthday party was given at the home of Charles Pelland, Wednesday evening. Tpase present were Theresa Ernst, Iron Blosser. Raymond and 8ylvester Smith. Kenneth Smith, Helen Feishweiler. Eleanor Leith. Agnes and Laurence Van, Lester and Norman Ernst, Marie and Frances Eder, Rose MarieFaber, Peter McDonald, Cornelius Mc Carthy, Lester Bunning, Helen Rasmussea and Elmer Gooding. MONMOUTH Miss Florence Johnson, 5 Instructor in public speaking at the Normal, was Pleasantly surprised when the group comprising the senior play cast, gather informally at ,her apartment - t . ... Winegar Faculty Women's;; home, following re hearsal,- to remind her that they had not forgotten her birthday anniversary. Songs and ' a pleas ant interchange of conversation were Interspersed with - - refresh. ments: - - - OREGON STATESMAN, Salem in Social - Musical - Club Circles -:- Olive M. Doak, Salem Camp Fire Girls Group Gives Woman's Club Program "VNE of the delightful programs of the year was that V which the Salem Camp Fire girls sponsored at the regu lar meeting of the Salem Woman's club Saturday at the Woman's clubhouse. Mrs. W. J. Minkiewitz, leader of the organization, opened he program with an explanation of the Camp Fire work. oliowing her was Jean Hew- itt with a piano solo. "Indian Lullaby" was sung by Char lotte McKeen, Geraldine Peterson, Opel Ecker and Margaret Albin. Marjorle Tryon and Virginia and Kathryn Boyle. Mrs. Berdell Slop er accompanied them. A dramatization of the "Legend of the Canyon of the Colorado" followed. Esther Cook whs the reader. Parts in the dramatization were taken by Josephine Ander son, Vael Rogers, Barbara Ames; Frances Decker, vlolinst; Betty Minkiewitz, flutist; Doryce Ross, pianist. Elva Sehon and Dorothy Burke gave a minuet number, accom panied by Ethel Balderee; Edith Clement gave a reading; piano solos and Violin numbers were given by Gwendolyn Hubbard and Doryce Ross, with Katheryn Mish ler accompanying. A playlet. "What the Camp Fire is Doing." was given. Those taking part in this were Roberta Mills, Doris Hyday, Peggy Minkie- witx, Maxine Schomaker, Sedonia Keith, Maxine Stout. Louise Brown, na Mills, Phyllis Keith, Eleanor Chadwick, Helen Millet, Marjorle Schomaker, Virginia Meyers, Ruth Roverts, Ruth Mas- sey. The Camp Fire program closed with thee whole Camp Fire group singing "Mammy Moon." Mrs. Mae Gingrich, who is do ing special work in interpretative Indian readings and plays arrang ed and directed the "Legend of the Canyon Of the Colorado." During the business meeting of the club Mrs. R. B. Gabriel was taken in as a-new menrter. Theilate of-the celebration for SOCIAL CALENDAR - - Monday " . Standard Bearers. Mrs. Carl G. Doney, 838 South 12th street. 'Study classes of Salem Woman's club, 2.-30 o'clock at Woman's clubhouse. Mrs. J. CL Nelson, book reviews at 2:S0 o'clock; Dr. F. G. Franklin, current events at 3:30 o'clock. Wednesday Illihee country club, monthly dance, clubhouse. Leslie Memorial women social "get-to-gether" begin ning 2 o'clock, at church. Program and tea afternoon. Mrs. F. L. Newton, silver tea, hostess at her home, 2190 South High street between hours of 2 and 5 o'clock. Father, and Son banquet, Knight Memorial church, 6:45 o clock. Covered dish luncheon, 1 o'clock, church parlors. Thursday Executive committee of Council of Church women, 2 o'clock, Y. M. C A. ' All members urged to be present, or send : representative. - Woman's Benefit association, public installation, Wom an 8 ciuDnouse. - - - Friday Woinan!s,Bible. class of H: Baker; 545 Court stfeeC ' Oregon, Sunday Mondng Fcbnmy 23; 1930 Society Editor APPEARED IN THE VALENTINE COSTUME BALL. the burning of the mortgage on the clubhouse has been set for March 22 at which time all the past presidents and past trustee members will be hostesses. A pro gram will be given at this time in which the history of -the club will De sicetcnea ana tea win also oe served. It was announced that the sec ond benefit to be given by the club women in preparation for the confederation meeting here in May will be given at the home of Mrs. Charles Spanlding, February 28. The committee assisting Mrs. Spaulding will be Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, general chairman, Mrs. Walter Spaulding, and Mrs. Roy Mills. Mrs. J. M. Jelderks added to the program of the afternoon with three poems read from Ethel Romig Fuller; and Mrs. W. B. Johnston charmingly presented two interesting studies of French pictures. Tea followed the program. Mrs. E. C. Cross and Mrs. F. Elliott poured at a daintly arranged table sparkling with spring flow ers, and silver candlesticks con taining yellow candles. Members of the social committee whose chairman was Mrs. Ralph Cooley. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roaeman enter tained for dinner at their home on South Liberty street Friday night In compliment to Miss Mil dred Darr, Miss Hilegard Erpel dlng. Miss Madalene Erpelding. Music and a social evening was enjoyed during the evening fol lowing the dinner hour. -m First Methodist church, Mrs, J Herbert Hauser Home Scene of Jully Party One' of the jolly Washington birthday celebrations was the party for which Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Anunsen and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hauser entertained Fri day evening at the Hauser' home on Steward street. The guest rooms were artistically arranged with tokens of the patriots birth day and .history. The serving ta ble where lunch was served after a pleasant social evening had for its color scheme red and white. Those present for this evening were Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Kafoury, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mohr, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hudkins, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Doughton, Prof, and Mrs. T. S. Roberts, Mrs. George King, Mr. and Mrs. Harland Broek, Mr. and Mrs. Anunsen and Mr. and Mrs. Hauser. Mrs. Floyd Speer, guardian for Tamliwaya Camp Fire girls, en tertained this group at her home recently with a Valentine supper at o'clock and with a jolly so cial evening following the dinner hour. Covers were placed for Gretchen Spencer, Grace Bailey, Beverley Swart, Mary Francis Entress, Alda Speer, Margaret Gillette, Thelma Godfrey, Janice Murray, Dorothy Decker, and Floy Speer. KINGWOOD Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith, Thurs day were Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pearce of Redmond, Oregon. They drove from Woodland, Calif., where they had been visiting two brothers of Mr. Pearce, George T. Pearce and Lot C. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Pearce went from here to Portland Thursday evening where they, will visit other relatives un til the first of the week when they will return to their. farm hone in central Oregon. Proud Mother! Richard Dunham. . of lt8 Clay St, Topeka, Katfsna. is the picture of health. No wonder his mother says: "I am. proud as can be of my little hoy. He's always bright, active, robust. . "I give California Fig Syrnp a lot of credit for hit -wonderful condition. I have used it with him for every little upset or cold. It always has him back to normal in a? few hoars." When child shows, by bad breath, coated tongue, biliousness or feverlshness, that the little bowels are clogged, yon know the system heeds prompt cleansing. California Fir Svrun does the work quickly and gently. In addi tion? It helps tone and strengthen weak bowels and stomach. So It gives lastimr helo. . -- The word California marks the genuine; the pnre vegetable prod net -ovea oy cnuaren ana pro nounced safe and effective by doe- lora. Adv. I - C - V v - J f.M tftj ttS si i ? -"-r , . : a - J prt 1 1 T 5? & K & , , i ! v J : If i- S f Kss MRS. JOHN CARKIN AND Senior Party Is Jolly Affair Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Franklin were hosts to group of the senior class of Willamette university at their home following the college basketball game at the university Friday night. The evening was spent in giving readings, singing college songs, and Dr. Franklin' showed a group of his travel pic tures, and marshmallows were toasted over the fireplace. At a late hour refreshments were serv ed by Mrs. Franklin assisted by Miss Katherlne Everett. Those present were Miss Kath erlne Everett, Miss Marjorie Mill er, Miss Helen McPherson, Miss Helene Price, Miss Frances Mc Gilvra, Miss Mildred Yvilkerson, Leslie Manker, Stephen Mergler, Paul Geddes, and Joseph Silver. Farewell Party Compliments Miss Ihrig MISS Cecil 'MeKercher and Miss Helen Brlstow were hostess for five tables of bridge at the Gray Belle Friday evening in compliment to Miss Mildred Ihrig who will leave soon for her home in California, after having been a member of the Ma rion county health demonstration for many months. Bridge was In play at five ta bles in the Chinese room of the Gray Belle. Yellow fowers and greenery made an attractive col or note for the party. Miss Ihrig was presented with a guest prize and high score for the evening was won by Miss Merle MeKercher. Guests were: Miss Ihrig, Mrs. George Hug, stella Ford Warner, Miss Mary Eyre, Miss Beryl Holt, Miss Char- lotta Crowley, Miss Carolyn Buo do, Mrs. Gertrude Smith, Miss Claudia Plank, Miss Ethelwynne Murton, Miss Ada Ross, Miss Leah Ross, Miss Beatrice Geiger, Miss Flora Brown. Miss Alta Kershner, Miss Lillian Davis, Miss Merle McKelvey, Miss Ola Clark and Mrs. Harvard Maclnayre and Mrs. Herman Kehrli. both of Portland. Mrs. J. C. Nelson will mMt members of the studv class or th Salem Woman's club at the club house for two book reviews Mon day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. She will review "The Tragic Era" by Bowers, and "Marching On" by Boyd. At 3:30 o'clock Dr. R. G. Franklin will conduct the study ciass of current events. AAjsS sags 1 . S2BE r DAUGHTER JEAN ALICE Miss Meyers Is Bridge Hostess A, PRETTY affair of Fri day evening was the par ty complimenting Miss Vivian Stoltenberg when Miss Max ine Myers entertained with bridge in her honor at the Frank Myers home on Che meketa street. Daryl Myers, brother of the hostess is tbe fi ance of Miss Stoltenberg. At the conclusion of cards. Mrs. Jerome Hansen. Miss Yvonne Smith, and Miss Phyllis la i re ceived high scores, and a pm.-t prize was presented to M'.is Stoltenberg. Mrs. Al Adolph, Miss Yvonne Smith and Mrs. Frank Myers as sisted the hostess in serving at a late hour. Forrest Lloyds Are Dinner Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Lord ot North 5th street entertained with a dinner Friday night in compli ment to Mrs. Margaret Lloyd, mo ther of Mr. Lloyd, on the occa sion of her birthday. Covers were placed for Mrs. Margaret Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe, Miss Katheryn Rowe, Harvey Lloyd, George Lloyd, Mrs. Grace Thompson, Miss Gay Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fink and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Lloyd. The Woman's Benefit associa' tlon will meet" at the Woman's clubhouse on North Cottage street for installation of officers Thursday evening. Mrs. Julia V. Ward, state field director of Ore gon will be the installing officer. Othe? state officers are expected. Refreshments will be served fol lowing the installation. The pub lic is invited to this installation. Mrs. E. A. Adams was hostess to mempers of the Mizpah class of the first Baptist, church at her home Thursd"'- - 'ead of the Miipah cla Jason Lee church. ' occurred through the .he part of the secreta. Members of ilia lllehee club will dance at the clubhouse Wed nesday in the regular monthly dance which the club enjoys. u ... X 1