tWiilf MliCM. lM 'ilN. $ - a line snieimesi ikip) , Claaeifiod Ad rtiatBg, ltasw- lOe Clsaaified Adrertiaing, per line tiaaes to Classifies Atrertiaiag, par lias eo m Ob stents, dally aad 8ada pr line : ILM Copy for this page neeepud m til 8:30 the evening before publi cation for classification. Copy r- sel-ed siter this tune will be ran under the heading ctasetfy. Too 1 4(0 to HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED -Women for Vlavl work. -- SALESMEN WANTED O NaA.iC ei WANTED Experienced radio sales man Imperial Furniture Co. Call rnom'nsrs only. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Secretarial p o s i t i on. Can furnish excellent references. Write Box 13S5B, Statesman. LADY; wishes cooking, housekeep ing. Motherless home. 8279 N. Church. WANTED Practical nursing:. Phone 21J or can 1168 So. Liberty, street. FOR SALE Miscellaneous SALEM Scavenger service eall 117. FOR SALE A-klndso wood, i A..T0CKER . 193M.' PORTABLE typewriters, all makes, new and used. Adders and typewriters for rent. Typewriter Exchange. 21 imirt street. SEASONED cedar bop poles and post split or round any number, sbingle bolts, piling and poles any length. THOS. H. BELTS Creswell, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1 FOR SALE Single day bed, good tprlngs, $5. 2 burner electric plate, $3. Uood sized cabinet. 2 shelves, new en amel. $3.50. Box 37, Statesman. CLOVER, vetch and oat hay. Er nest Roth, route 7, box 15 5A, Salem. $15 to $20. VT.rutfHJ-LPUU-Hr l , 1 1 " ...fy. ...... FflR KkT.V 2 In. waerrtn. 4 In. tires. 2V gas engine. Phone SZFS. NEARLY new, $178 smooth top au tomatic gas range. Leaving town. Must sacrifice. Cheap for cash. Terms to responsible party. lhf . tiign, . " SPECIAL Baby Grand piano bar gain New 1930 model. Wurlitzer make only $395.00. Terms $2.50 per week free delivery. Tour old piano taken In exchange. See this Grand, dis played In our window. TALLMAN PIANO STORE 385-395 South 12th "A Mile From High Prices." fjj-uxr"xrLrxr'irwM'M r -a 1 ----- STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets and hooks, logan hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 293 Chemeketa street. SPECIAL Baby Grand piano bar gain New 1930 model. Wurlitzer inako $685.00 value, only $395.00. Terms $2.60 per week free delivery. Your old piano taken In exchange. See this Grand displayed In our window. TALLMAN PIANO STORE 385-395 South 12th "A Mile From High Prices" TVf'mi k TrT far aa1 K?t . St. Helens electric In good condition. Price $25.00. B. F. KUMLER, hS64 FrytajemOjjegw WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Used pianos, to ex change on Radios, phonographs, or rur rrfir H. K Stiff Furniture Company. FOR RENT ROOMS - FOR RENT Desirable sleeping rooms. Heat and hot water. Garage if wanted. Phone 1J99J. Warm room. Close In. Phone 535W. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Apartments $16 and $17. Damon ;Groeery. 899 N. Com'L .. VA w " ) " A WA ws ; . WE have two nicely furnished apart ments for rent; one three room, and the other two, with dressing room and 4ath. AMBASSADOR APTS.. Phone 1972. Duplex apartment, 951 N. Winter. a aa-a a Prescott apartments, three well fur Ytabed rooms, electrie range, fine kit chen, furnace heat, garage, adults only. S. P. Bus line, 1064 Oak St $28.- 0. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Houses furnished and unfurnished. F. L. WOOD 341 State Street " 5 room plastered house with fur nace, located at 565 South 16th street. Price $2250., Including furniture. $50 cash and $25 a month. W. G. KRUEGER 147 No. Com'L Street Phone 217 ArtruxruLrvwvi-M-,-i--i-i' - i- - - - - - 7 room modern house. Close in on N. High. Call 1029 W ------ r '. WANTED TO RENT 5 or 6 room strictly modern house. Must be in good residential district. Mr. Lam Ixfb. Phone 10O0. FOR SALE RE Air ESTATE jjvvTjvvvM'yy'gir,ii, a asiaa. S. M. EARLE 224 'No. High St. Phone 2242. ' A reliable Salem realtor selling city and farm property of all kinds. Spe cialist in exchanges of all kinds of prvperty. anywhere. PPTM1VW9 n ATtfJ ATN Fine 7 room home on Fairmount Hill with excellent view. Biggest snap in town for $5,000. Some terms. 1H acres In. W. Salem. Almost new 4' room house. Good black soil. Nice frait trees, some berries. Good water. rin view. On gravel road. Good general country store and oil station for sale. Good reason tor sell la- i Three room T OUW "With bath,, in Wert Salem. Will take good car as rat payment. Jiet US wnwOW-lunumiHi Money Money to loan. uuick .servica P.ICH UvRElMANN, Realtor 119 N. High Street Phone 865. 8 Room Salem Home-I Good Location 1 to trade for acreage. ' Address 12, care Ststesman. RANCH for sale by owner. UEOKUB A. rtKKJ Aberdeen. Wash. R. A. Box 223 FOR SALE by owner, new S room house In good location. Edw. E. For gard, tel. 1677 or 221SJ. LOT. choice corner 6th and Bel mont $1650.00 plus bal. street assess ment. Phone 2624J. NEW S room house, modern, pave ment and walks in. Inquire 2274 N. Church. BEST opportunity Inclty for In vestment in home and desirable lots With good view on which to build. 7 room semi-modern plastered ' real dence with fireplace and basement and six nice lota, south Salem, all cov . red with largo fruit and nut trees, on paved street, at a bargain. Some terms. Phone 223&W, or see Conner, owner. Statesman office. BUILDING LOT '( Choice -east front residence lot. Class A district Never before offered for sale by present owner. ...Fries fUM..Tonna. " W. O. KRUEGER '-' "14T North Commercial Street 4 Phono 217 - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WE have an attractive 4 room bun galow on large lot with beautiful shade trees. Only one block from Park and school. Price $3750, or will accept good lot as part. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors 820 State Street Phone 1727. REASONABLY PRICED HOMES WITH EASY TERMS 2 rm. house and good lot, city wat er and electric lights, hi block of pavement and bus line. Price $6o with yes cash and 910 per month. 6 rm. bouse on large corner lot, some oak trees, small barn. Price 31, 350 with reasonable terms. Immediate possession of 8 Tm. shingled cottage in North Salem, well located on paved street. Price $1909 with $50 down and haL monthly. 5 rm. house in East Salem, semi modern. In choice residence district. Price S2000 with easy terms. KEYS ARE READY to a neat 4 room cottage, good plumbing and elec tric lights, payed street, large lot with creek in rear. Price $2100, cash $100, bal. $20 per mo. nnd interest. LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors 320 State Street Phono 1727 A MONEY MAKER Garage bus iness in near by town, stock $1504 and wl leas building, storage will almost pay for lease, will also sell fireproof building with 7 rm. flat above for $9000 and consider Salem income property or residence. This has paid owner sufficient to retire from active business. SEE US ABOUT THIS NOW. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 South High Street REDUCED FROM $4500 TO $385 6 LARGE rooms; modern bungalow, upstairs unfinished, full basement, furnace, lot of built-lna, double gar age, lot 60x100, paved street. South Salem. $30o. cash down payment SOCOLOFSKY SON First National Bank Bldg. $1800. 5 R. home, fruit, large lot, paving pd. $2700. R.. 2 hardwood floors, base ment furnace, garage, close to good school: terms. $330o. 5 R., furnace, fireplace, base ment, on paved street: terms. $3800. 6 R. English type home, 3 bed rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, basement, easy terms. $6000. New price on fine 6 R. home in exceptional location this home has been priced around $8000; terms. Private money to loan Insurance R. A. FORKNER Evenings 2363J. 320 TJ. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637. ONE acre and 7-room house, close In for sale or trade. What have you to offer? Box 87, Statesman. FOR SALE or trade by ownei- $15,000 Seaside income property, ocean front, for land near Salem. G. E. HICKS. Camas, Wash. TRADE FOR WELL IMPROVED FARM 20 ACRES, good land, close to Sa lem. 10 acres in fine walnuts, balance in fruit Tills place has been well cultivated and trees are fine, also a good house In North Salem. Both places are free of Incumbrance. Will exchange for a ranch an pay some difference. 2 ACRES, 4 R. HOUSE $190.00 down, price $1200.00. has garage, poultry house, good well, only one mile of Salem. This is a good buy. ACRE, $2950.00 $300. Down, good ,5 R. house, with bath, hot and cold water, good well and electric water system, on paved road and city bus line adjoining Sa lem. Better look this over. Spring la coming. 5-ACRES $6,000.00 . TRADE FOR MODERN HOME (-ACRES good land, modern 6 room bungalow, bath, electricity, good barn, fin fruit and berries. Will trade for a modern home In Salem. This place Is only 3 miles from Salem and In fine location. If you want to buy or selL Farm or city property, SEE SEARS & TUCKER 184 South Commercial Street Wa have made 16 deals since Jan. 1, 1930. $1500 buys a house modern through out, really worth $5500, 7 rooms, basement furnace, fireplace, tile drain boards, tile bathroom, streets paved, beautiful lawn landscaped with rockery and stepping stones. If you are looking for a home, better call and let me show you a real buy. The owner of the place has marked It down as a real sacrifice as he is leaving for California. SEE HOMER D. FOSTER 370t State Street Tel. 812. 17 A. 2 ml. Salem, very good soil, new house on highway, $3000. $500. cash and some trade. 20 A. 5 ml. Salem, fair bldgs., S A. fruit. 2 A. berries. 6 A. timber, $3, 700. terms. VALLEY LAND CO. 161 North Liberty $340. ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED & rooms and nook, basement, fur nace, garage, paving and nice lawn, $250. down. . $2500. 8 room plastered home In N. Salem, lot 75x130, fruit grapes and walnuts, on bus line, paving Pd. $200. down. $3000. New bungalow, 5 rooms, nice ly finished. Modern In every way. $200 down. $3500 private money to loan. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637. TO ACRES about 11 miles from Sa lem. Polk Co., practically all In cul tivation. Good 6 room house, large barn. 16 acres of clover and most of crop In. On good road. Price $10,500, clear. Will take 10 to 20 acres in trade .to about one-half value. About 8 acres with 5 room cottage, northeast, close to Salem, practically all In cultivation, berries. Price $3500 clear. Want home In Salem not too far out C. J. JACKSON With J. F. ULRICH CO. 129 N. Commercial Street Phone 1354 12 acre beaver dam soil, poor buildings, 4 miles north of Salem, fine garden land, small payment down, easy terms. 15 acres Setzer district, all in fruit and berries, good buildings, a won derf ul buy. Trade for house in town, or small payment down - and easy terms. I hare some choice lota in King wood Heights, also nice bungalow, splendid view. I can sell yon this property at a sacrifice. See me if in terested. H. C SHIELDS Oregon Building Tel. 1714. 2 very desirable building lots. Ap ply A. Hughes, 383 Jerries avenue. fruit crops, stock and tools, $1760.00. Take residence for part 6 A. tract close In. good bldg. $$, 500 clear; take residence. One A. tract close in, fine soli, gar age house. $1150 good terms. 35 A. farm bldgs., fruit, timber, springs; $4200, good terms. For rent 4 room cottage, $1$. $ room furnished house, $85. 7 room bungalow, double garage, $23. V room bungalow and garage, $21. PERRINB MARSTERS ziz uray Biag. . SPRING'S HERE ! Your Children's Future It AH Depends On You On The Home You Give Them Half acre cosy 4 room bungalow, 290. A. snap $1300. Best of soil. 1 A. 4 R. bouse. Paving, bus 11350. Half JL, best Of soQ, a bldg. $650. A., modern 4 R bungalow, elec tricity. $3000. Mod. home, -Afrult. water sys-tm- lisrht bus line, navlng. Just like city but in country $5000. Worth $.- AM A., R. house. $10$. T A, good land, no bldgs. $1900. t A. best of soil, small bldgs. $1800. Beautiful 25 A. farm highly Unprov ed. Mod. bldgs- X new poultry houses, $6750. Fine 18 A. farm, no bldgs., $1500. 8 A. snap, mod. house. $3500. l i, small house, trait $3001. . The above suburban homes are priced right, all with good terms. No city taxes to pay. Have your own garde, ew, and chickens. Shown by an appointment only. . SRR RGOHTKL or TTTOW ARON 841 State Street Room . FOR SALE Real Estate - -,r-Mii i, i- FINE homo. Well lvtiwl In Rmtth Salem, owner leaving; xmst be sold. Pric $4240.00. Terms. FINE T room bouse, stucco stone tone finish. Well located la North Sa lem. Worth $5,000.00, but $3600.00 fill buy It to settle an estate. $1000. 00 cash. BaL good terms. New five room homo, valued at $3, 200.00 to exchange for auto as first payment A chance to get fine home very reasonable. JOHN W. ORR No. 123 New Bllgb Bldg. EXCHANGE Real Estate MMAMMAMMMMWWWwwWaMwVVwVWi EXCHANGE GOOD building with fine apart ments, bringing good Income, to trade for home in South Salem. Price $10 000. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727. LOOK WIDOW baa hnm twn KlnV. post office. Will trade for cheap place ii w Buuurua. uuen gooa proposition. Let us show yon. BEE Mrs. Ellis With LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors S20 State Street Phono 1727 -------- - --1-1-1- --iii-innririnmijiji I HAVE a modern house in Salem, 4 -rooms, price $3500. The owner wishes to trade for a house- in Albany of equal value. 07 hi ACRES 12 miles from Salem, good house and barn, poultry house, hot and cold water, electric lights, 50 acres cult, 30 acre in crop, 1ft acre orchard cherries and walnuts, five Jersey cows, 1 team, 100 chickaua. plenty of hay, all equipment includ ing wagons, harrows, and plows ev erything necessary to run a farm goes with 'the place at the very low price Of $f 000, and the owner will consider a house In Salem as part payment If you want to get a. farm, oow't year chance. .. " ; 10 ACRES all clear, 7 acres tn cultivation,- fair house, barn. Will trade for a house, in Salem and assume. Clear house, worth $800 in Silver ton. The owner wants to trade this together with 8500 m cash and will assume up to $500 or $600 on a con- iectionery store and light lunch. If you want to get rid of your confec tionery store. nbws your chance. If -you want to buy, sell or trade, SEE Lynch or Wooden with the HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO. 870 hi State Street Tel. $4t EXCHANGE 8 R. modern home, 1 A. ground. 8 blocks of bus, trade for 'Salem home. 10 A. 3 ml. of Salem, fruit and nut trees, stream year around trade for small Salem house. 2$ A. 16 jnL Salem 6 R. plastered house, hi mi. small .town $4500. Would take S A. near Salem. 70 A. This is a fine farm with good buildings $10,500 would take Salem residence or trade for ranch In eastern Oregon. Private money to loan Insurance R. A. FORKNER Evenings 2363J. 320 TJ. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637 RITSmF.SSS nppnTJTTTVTTV Wo have a splendid paying business in good lease on building and the' bwn- c waul mriii uu wilt .isaumQ small encumbrance. Three residences valued at $7200.00 with $3200.00 encumbrance and will take farm in exchange for equity and pay cash difference. We have S room house modern for only $1750.00 with easy terms. A good 10 acre farm close with mod ern improvements for only $4500.00. McGILCHRIST PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 140. hnnaa in Salam Alan a, .0 iraa -rat farm, for city or suburban property. u-nuun i etate street. SMALL acreage close in, well im proved to exchange for 30 to 50 acres good land, near Salem or Woodburn. value about $5too.oo. JOHN W. ORR No. 153 New Bllgh Bldg. Salem FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE 10 acres, S in prunes, bal. in cult, good solL 4 room cottage. barn, $1400.00. 1214 acres, near Hopewell, all In cult, room cottage, barn, outbuild ings, water piped to house, $2500.00. 5 acres all In cult, 5 R. house, big chicken house, good soil on good rock road, $2100.00. W. McLAREN ISO North Commercial Street ACREAGE awv-rfMMi SPECIAL $1900. 6 acres, lhi ml. east of Sa . lem, fine soil, fine building site. Terms. . $4000. 80 acres, 20 A. -cultivated, Um ber for 1000 cords of wood. 7 to R. R. S room house, large barn, garage, chicken house, running water. $3500 to loan. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone $37 WANTED -REAL ESTATE MrwVwVwVMWWwWiMWwWMMwVwVVV FARM WANTED ' Have cash buyer of 80 acre farm with modern farm buildings. What nave you 7 a a vise quick. A. CL BOHRNSTEDT Real Estate Loans Insurance 147 N. ConrL Street Salem, Oregon I have a live prospect who has the cash. He ' wants to buy a five room house in the Oaks addition will not consider inflated values. Any house between $4000 or $5000 Will be con sidered. If you have a house to sell SEE HOMER D. FOSTER 370 j State Street Tel. 842. Business Opportunities look: these up Complete service station and equip ment easily moved. Complete saw mm equipment bar gain. One acre 4 room house small pay ment and balance monthly. See W.- I MeCAFFERTY 810 First National Bank Banding Phono 1056 , MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS AND CITY REAL ES TATE. LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDQ. aa-aaejwaaaaaaaaaaawww CITY AND IT ARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance department offers yoa ex pert advice and service tn all lines. HAWKINS A ROBERTS (Inc.) TeL 1427 201 Orecon Bids. $1000. to $2000 to loan. Gertrude J. VL Page. Private Mcney to Loan FARM LOANS Weary of money to loan on good farm security. City Loans W are loaning Prudential In surance company sooner en city resi dences and business property at (ta per cent, plus a commission. Hawkins A Roberta. 20S Oregon Building. LOANS To men and women steadily era ployed ON YOUR PLAIN "TOTE Lowest - rates easiest payment ; Loans ' also made - on - indorsed notes, furniture, pianos and oth- AH transactions strictly, conf i. STATE LOAN CO. - 212 Oregon Bldg. ' Second floor, corner State A High. Oflce hours 10 a. m. to 8 :30 p. as. TeL 932. Licensed by state. ' MONEY TO LOAN on real estate, homes and farms. Best terms, so de Y. H. BELL Sit U. B. Bank Bldg. Federal Farm Loans, (H per cent P. L WOOD. 841 Stats Street. MONEY TO LOAN CTTY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable RatesNo Delay ctatc sAvmas and oA)f ASSOCIATION WJ- First National Bank Bldg. Pnono 4ST v Severn, Oregon TORSO LOANS MaYjB on fntniture. cars, salaries or th,good eeevrtty. - Repayable monthly. When la financial seed cos us beforo dosing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT , . CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phono 120$ MONRY UOAMSt? on AUTOS Contracts Refhnacod Arrange to reduce your paynoata Too keep the car. P. A. HUOgle Cor. Libertr St. aunt CWrw 1 -innrun 'uvtjuut MONEY TO LOAN $1000 $2000 $3000. SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON 311 State Street Room 4. LOAN? WANTED VAVTnn tVf v. $., Til ' of- loans. Ve -have several applications on nana, nawains at Kooertn. "V SOS Oi rgnw Rider. INSURANCE Don't nearlect your fire lnsnrarMW. Call SEARS A TUCKER, 284 S. Com'L St. and let them tell yon all about insuring your home and house- hold goods. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY POULTRY wanted Handl any amount at any time. Salem Poultry Co.. 8 & High St Phono 2480. Night 2615M. ' FRESH and springer tows for sale or trade.. Red barn at N. Com'L. and Columbia. Terms If desired. NELSON BROS. MARKET 185 North High Street January and February settings. So per egg. Order space now. ' Baby chicks ever? week beginning Jan. 27. Phone 1 331 Ta'e tTafoRZAr FJroy Nash Sales Co. buys and sells hay, horses, mules, -top price paid for good cows. Phone 2864. Route 0, Box 2-C-C. TRADE In Vour beef cows far rwat dairy eows. Balance year to pay. Large 'number to select from. Nelson Bros. Market, 185 N. High. Red barn, N. Commercial Columbia. Pnono 705. HORSES and cows guaranteed as represented. Elroy Nash. Phone 2864. Rt 9. Box 2CC, Pacific highway. FOR SALE Gentle valley raised work horses. Come and try them, 1710 Mission street nruuvtruin FOR SAT.F" Tareav nnwa avwna. fresh, others coming fresh soon. Thomas Little. Turner, Oregon, Rt 1. FOR SALE WOOD DRY fir and oak wood, ml ami fuel OIL Call on US for nricaa. We give good measure, good quality and LARMER TRANSFER A STORAGE Telephone 8181 - --1-1- '- .nMwi fnwn, GUARANTEED DRY Wood coal. Tel. 1$. Salem Fuel Co 762 Trade. THE best wood In the city for the money at Tracy's Fuel Yard. Prompt delivery. Phone 2985. WE have 16" wood on hand an the time. Prompt delivery. 349 a 12th. Cobbs A Mitchell Co.. phone 818. FIRST class dry old fir slab, sec ond growth and old fir cord wood. Screened hog fuel and prompt deliv ery. Phone 1542. FRED E. WELLS, INC zsv south Church - - - - - - - --M-ir-iiririnru-uxrxftfvjxn DRY 16-in. old fir, 4 ft fir, oak and ash. Cord measure. C U. Karnaugh, 838 Highland ave., phone 1990. .. 18 in. old fir. $7.50 cord. Phone 26F32. Four Corners Garage. Honest wood at honest prices. Phone 3400. Heyser Fuel Co. FOR SALE USED CARS oaassaaeiaaae - - kfrrfUfirLrU Valley Motor Co. - Buy With Safety - Over 800 satisfied customers pur chased used cars from us last year be cause our prices were lower remem ber we secure used cars for less and at their real value we also handle them in large quantities. WATCH FOR OUR DAILY CURB SPECIALS dur ing the month of February their values will surprise you. Compare these prices: Model A Fordor 550.00 Model A Tudor Model A Sport Coupe Model A Standard Coupe Model A Sport Roadster Model AA Truck Cab Body 6 speeds 1925 Coupe . 450.00 - 495.00 475.00 450.00 - $45.00 - 200.00 -$ 45.00 - $6.00 - 90.00 . 125.00 - 165.00 1922 Touring 1924 Touring 1925 Touring 192$ Touring 1927 Touring 1922 Coupe . 1923 Coupe 1924 Coupe 1925 Coupe 1926 Coupe . 45.00 . 65.00 . 90.00 . 135.00 . 190.00 . 78.00 . 125.00 1923 Fordor Sedan, as is 192 Tudor sedan 1925 Tudor Sedan Ruckstell 150.00 1924 Fordor Sedan 165.00 1926 Tudor Sedan 190.00 Valley Motor Co. Center and Liberty Stteets' . Salem, Oregon Phone 1995 Good Used Cars We list here a few for your appro val : 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 1928 Nash Standard Six Coach 1926 Nash Advance Six Sedan 1926 Nash Standard Six Sedan 1926 Overland Six Coach 1926 Essex Coach 1927 Bulck Standard Coach Wo have a large selection to choose from, come in and look them over; we will try to please you. P. W. Pettyjohn Co. Inc. Phone 1260 BITS Of General Knowledge By W. L. rORPON- . While voxoaa Juus nerer been president rf Lhv Ccdtod GUtes, there la ao legal barrier to pro Teat it. f h FOR SALE USED CARS ISO Bargains at Used Car Center 1926 Bulck Standard sedan Z$845 1928 Bulck Standard Coupe 878 1925 Bulck Master Touring 260 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 250 1925 Chevrolet Touring 160 1926 Chevrolet Coach 250 1927 ecnrysier $0 Coach 850 192$ Chrysler S2 Coupe 550 1927 Chrysler 60 Sedan 685 1926 Dodge Roadster 275 1926 Dodge Delux sedan 450 1924 Dodge touring - 17$ 1929 Essex Coupe 715 1929 Model A Ford Sedan 875 1926 Ford Roadster 1 40 1924 Ford Sedan 185 1938 Gardner Roadster . 125 Coupe 325 1928 Pontiac Coach , 625 III5. S'V" Knight Sedan 350 Willys Knight touring 15 1926 Studebaker light $ coach 425 H Studebaker special touring 17$ 1927 Star 4 Sedan 325 Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED BY VALLEY MO TOR CO., W. L. ANDERSON, O. J. . WILSON. - 1 j - . ruw used car Dep't. of, Marion Oarage Co. 236 South Commercial Street PuZZftTl W ,dlpUy nhow room. 1920-Stndebaker Coach . $47 J928-Bnlck Sedan 1927-Bulck Coupe ... ., ,rr (45 J2-Stud.aker Coups III 192$ Cher. Coach ' " , , 225 19-Chev. Coah 111 927-Studebakr Coupe typo , 476 1925-8tudebaker Coach til 1925-Dodgo TonrtngLlli: 110 Hll Lillys-Knight Sedan . 275 J 92 8-Studebaker 7-presldent 1-1928 Essex Coach . ., , . l.lllt rmriin a .1500 , 460 . 271 . m w 1-1928 Overland 4 Sedan . z .i:z t i ti9 rontiac conne t7 " 1 1 - -i-innanj-LTLrtruL If you are thinking of a Better Car think of Douglas McKay and his Used Cars With an 0. K. That Counts. Remember that the time to buy a better car is RIGHT NOW before the selling season starts Stocks are In better condition 'and prices lower. JJ.IJl011".? cHBe 4850.00 1929-Chev. Sport Cabriolet like -"W Hi BO 1928-Chev. Std. Sedanre. fluted .jar a J2T-Ford Coupe, "Up "top,7r225;00 1926-Chey. Coach ... - 260.00 ISihev. Coupe reduced 366.00 1928-Chev, Std. sedan 835.00 1928-Eesex "late series' 465.00 1927-Ford Tudon -in excellent conaiuon 225.00 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. THREE LOCATIONS: 430 rVm'l Dh... 1tM 58$ Chemeketa Phono 1775-W Lot Next to City Hall on High Street 1927 One ton Chevrolet truck Call 1620-J evenings. Large tires. -... ...... n njryu-u Trucks 1928 Dodga 2-ton, equipped with duals 1928 Chev. Ihi ton 30 inch frame extension. 1929, Ford 1 ton duals, long wheel- D&S$L 1928 Chev. 1 ton standard wheel base. Reo Sales & Service Co. 337 N. High Street WANTED USED CARS a,J-aeeW- lSaMeei CASH paid for Ford- Bfkr Auto. BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry IS Yre. Salem's leading Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer Residence and Store 1610 N. Summer St Phone 811 COL. A. L. STEVENSON auo tloneer, 2B years' experience tn the Willamette valley, for dates or ar rangements pbone Or write. A. I SevensonJCorvaJnish BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R D. Barton National Batteries Starter and generator work. 202 South High. BICYCLE REPAIRING LLQYD E. RAMSDEN Columbia Bicycles and repairing. 287 Cowrt CH1KOFKAC10RS Dr. O. L. SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor. 256 N. High. TeL a7. Res. 2104-J. DBS. SCOFIELD, Palmer Chiro practors. X-Ray and N. C M. New Bank Bldg. MASSEUR and magnetic treatments for an ailments. No more gas pains. Phone 2079W. 320 N. High. CLEANING SERVICE Cent St Yaleterla, teL $227. SUITS cleaned and pressed $1. VAR LEY CLEANERS. 103 N. ComX over Buslcka. COSTUMES FOR costumes call Salem Co, $28$ N. 6th. TeL 1947J. EICTKICIANS HALIK ELECTRIO CO. 481 North front at. TeL No. 1. ruuusrs rLSWESa for all - (Mass's, Court st High tU Tat , CUT wlowera, wedding bouquets funeral wreaths, decoratlomi C V. Breithaupt UoHst. $12 State Street. Tel o INSURANCE BECKB HENDRICKS 189 N. High TeL 181 WIIJ-AMETTE 1NSURANCB - . AGENCY 21$ lisasnfs Bldg. Phono No. 982. West Coast Life Insnrancs Cs "Insured Savings.' 80S First National Bank Building TeL 970. H. J. Harder. Dist Mgr. Warren f. powers . Ufa and Camera! Insure art TeL $07. - f0 tT. 8. Banw Bldg. IAUNDR1ES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT TUB WaUUl-Bl -upsx . TsatphoM IK 212 a EOgh CAPITAL CTTY LAUNDRY Tho Laundry of Pars Materials" TV1nbore It. c- It 64 Broodws UATfltESSEif r MATTRESSES RENOVATED by the Capital City Bedding Co S30 North CapitoL Called for and deUrereA AU worlr maranteed. Tel. .1t MUSIC STOIlLi FOR RENT Now seal Stiff Fsraitoro Compsny. GEO. C. WILL Pianos, Pawno grapaa. sawing saachloea, sheet msafe ana piano studies. Repslrtng phonov graphs and sowing SasausS. I$f State stroeu PAINTING Kalaomino 82. to $5. per room, also Interior painting reasonable prices, Tel. 1763J. Faye Thompson. PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN Asams for boose decorating, pa perns aging, tinting, sto. sT$MMrM wot k rrvfij1-, PLUMBING PLUMB INXI sag gesersi repaJr work. Graber Pros, 16, So. LTberty T-t. 660. PRINTING w ewawwoe phleta, programs, books or any kind of printing. caU at the 8tatesmaa Printing Department til 8. Cmmer- rial Tel sea. . RADIO 2fOR every psraoss, for every para. AH standard efses of Radio Tubes, TOFF ELECTRICAL 8HOP. $l Court St- Tel 41$. ROOFING 8CLVE- your roofing difficulties with Pioneer Yosemlts rock ssrfsced ahlnglea, Carlton Pioaosr Roofing Co. 170 NTPront. Tet. 48V. STOVES Cook with Rockgas Paclflc Rockgaa ffr. I'eL 1227 STOVES and stove rsssklig. Stores for eaJe. rebulU and repaired. All tods ofwoveawUfeajDa, fancysnd hooka, Salem Fanes sad 262 Chemefcets street. XAILOl-3 D. H. MOSHER Tailor for men and woeaew.- 4T4 Owrt-St' rRANSFERS CAPITAL City Transfer pa. 124 Stats St TeL 922. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get onr ?atee. TRAVEL Bonded "Limited" stages. San Fran cisco $12.00. Seattle $3.50. Only Independent Line Lincoln Stages Depot Bllgh Hotel WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED, WATCH RBPATR tNO or money back. THE JEWEL BOX. 1T8 N. TJbarty Balem ' New First National Bank Building Directory Fourth Floor DR. L. R. Bttrdotte. optometrist, 40$ First NafL Bank Bldg. TeL tit. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY i . RECXS A B4DRIIKa 289 N. High Tel. 161 JOSEPH BARBER REALTY CO. 800 Grey Bldg. Phono TOO F. O. DELANO 20 N. Church - ToL 2820 a M. EARL8 824 N. High St TeL 2242. HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO. 8701 Bute St TeL $42 W. H. GRA BENHORST A CO. 124 & Uberty St. TeL 819 GERTRUDE A M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage TeL, 1188. SOCOLOFBKT A SON 804-8 First Nat Bit Bldg. TeL 976 a. F. ULRICH 189 N. Commercial TeL 1254 r. t WOOD 441 Bt Tel T4 NOTICE TO CREDIT iRS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned, by an order of the Connty Court I r the State ot Oregon, for the County of Ma rios, duly made and entered on the 8th day ot February, 1939, wag appointed administrator of the Partnership of E. Cooke Pat ton, Hal D. Patton and Lillian E. McCully and that he has qualified as such administrator. All persona having claims against aaid .estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, as required by law, to him at his office, 340 State Street, in the City of Salem, in Marlon County, Oregon. Dated this 15th day of Febru ary, 1930. HAL D. PATTON, Administrator of the Part--nership of E. Cooke Pat ton. Hal D. Patton and Lillian E. McCully. First Publication Feb. II, 1930. Last publication March IS, 1930. BERT T. FORD, Attorney for Administrator. F. 15-22-M.1-8-15. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN that by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion duly made, rendered and entered o record In said court on the thirteenth day of February, 10, ROSE E. GWINN was duly appointed as administratrix of the estate of JAMES A. GWINN, deceased, and that said Rose E. Owinn has duly qualified as such administratrix. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present th same, with proper vouchers and due verification, to said administratrix at 214 United States National Bank Building. Sa lem, Oregon, within ix (I) months from the date of the first publication ot this notice. Dated and tint published the fifteenth day of February, 1930. ROSE B. OWINN, as Administratrix ot the Estate of James A. Qwinn, Deceased. CARSON & CARSON, Attorneys for Administratrix. F.1I-J2-M.1-I-15. r NOTICE OF BOXD 8 ALE" Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until the hour of 7:30 o'clock 9. m., on Monday, the 3rd day of March, 1930, and Immediately thereafter opened by the Common Council of the City ot Salem. Oregon, at the eity hall In aaid city, for bonds of the City in the amount of Seventy Thou sand Dollars, described as follows: City of Salem Sanitary Sewer Bonds in the amount of $70, 000.00 in denominations ot $1,000 each, being dated June 1, 1121, manuring serially In numerical or der at the rat ot $5,000.0 en ths first day of June In each of toe- years - 1030 to 1949, inclusive, said bonds to bear Interest at the rate ot tour and one-half (ttf) per cent per annum, payable semi annually. : These bonds are part ef aa 1s- sue ot dated. Jane 1. 1929, authorized by Ordinance No. 2547, passed by the Common Council on June S, 1929, and of which issue the first $30,000.00, only was sold under authority granted by the provisions or Ord inance No. 2557, passed by the Council on July 1, 1929. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for two per cent (3) of the par value of the bonds. The approving legal opinion ot Teal, Wlnfree, McCulloch ft Shu ler will be furnished the success ful bidder. The right Is reserved by the Common Council to accept any or to reject all bids tn the interest of the City. M. POULSEN. City Recorder, Salem, Oregon. F,l-20-21-22-2J. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned, by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ot Mari on, duly made and entered on the 8th day of February, 1930, was appointed administrator of the Estate ot Lillian E. McCully, De ceased, and that he has qualified as guch administrator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, aa required by law. to him at the law office ot Ray L- Smith la the First National Bank Building, in the City ot Salem, In Marion County. Oregon. Dated this 15th day of Febru ary, 1930. HAL D. PATTON", Administrator ot the Estate of Lillian E. McCully, De- CO fiS$3ij a First Publication Feb. 15. 1930. Last Publication, March 15, 1930. RAY L. SMITH. Attorney for Administrator. F.15-22-M.1-8-15. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned, by an order ot the County Court ot the State of Oregon, for the County of Ma rion, duly made and entered on the 6th day ot February, -1930. was appointed administrator of E. Cooke Patton and Hal D. Pat ton, doing business under the firm name ot Patton ' Brothers, and that he has qualified as such administrator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, as required by law, to him at his office. 340 State Street, ift the City of Salem, in Marlon County, Oregon. Dated this 15th day of Febru ary, 1930. HAL D. PATTON. Administrator ot the Part nership of E. Cooke Pat ton and Hal D. Patton. First Publication Feb. 15. 1930. Last Publication March 15, 1930 BERT T. FORD, Attorney for Administrator. F.15-22-M.1-8-15 . NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed I., the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ot Marion, her du ly verified Final Account, as Ex ecutrix ot the last will and testa ment and estate ot Robert A. Wit- zel. deceased, and that said Court has affixed Tuesday, the 11th day of March, 1930. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 'M., of said day, as the time, and the County Court Rooms in the Court House, at Sa lem, in Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections there to. Dated at Salem, , Oregon, this 8th day of February, 1980. ALICE wrrzEL, Executrix of the estate of Robert A. Witzel, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Salem, Oregon, Attorney for Executrix. F8, 15, 22, Ml, 8. ADMIX ISTR ATRIX NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned, by an or der of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marlon, duly made and entered on the 31st day of January. 1930 was appointed Administratrix of the Estate ot C. A. Luthy, Deceas ed, and that she has duly quali fied as such Administratrix. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, as required by law, to her in the City ot Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, within six months of the date ot this notice. . Dated this 1st day of February, 1930. MINNIE A. LTJTHY, Administratrix ot the Estate of C. A. Luthy, Deceased. JAS. G. HELTZEL Attorney for Estate Salem, Oregon Date ot First Publication: February 1, 1930. Data of Last Publication: March 1. 1930. F-1-S-1&V32 M 1 Saltm fMets rrcsa trans Wholesale Qsetatleaa Orsaburrlas. bos a Apples, locals t Bonn Beauties 1 n Jeaatasa Grinea Ooldea Yellow He-teas , Delicieas, extra (aaty 8pitenVerfv extra User Bananas, lb. -, , , ' Dates 1.2 S 1.7 JI.75 .$.75 07H Dremedarr, 88, 10-os. par. aa Cone's Pitted, -ease aa : Texts Orapetrait 6.00(a7.60 5 Comb Beasy, sew crop 4.00tjSJ9 , Oraagea, Xavsls eo s -- loo. lts'e ISO'S Z 27C'S . r ; v too ttS's 852's ' .14.25 ; .4.7$ -5.O0 : Jt.69 .7.58 .8.00 .$.00 .8.00 , .$jso; 288'S Ceeeaaata, sack , : yetattfcl -I Waetesale ' Qaetatls Breasels Sprouts; lb. , 'n. OaalUlewe. f-" Celery. CkUt; crate .. .so 1.85 i 7.60 '. 1.7S .7S i j2 r JJOI. 2 pisses,- lees V ttt Passaips, lb. , RaUbagaa, Ibv feaae-e. agatablaa, pr - CarretS ;. t. . , . Beets " "' Tarcip'- - ? Radishes Paraley Oaiaaa - , .90 ' .00 90 : 60 80 eo ? u Jl.00 ATS otU Gar lie. Is. Caluersia Teaaatoee. hur . Oaieaa Takiaaa, lobo -eai Ltuaee - VEHJ I'JIUl BROAD CAST SPEEOil Stations and Wave-Lengthg ' , KGW. Portland, 483.6 metersf 620 keys. . KGO, Oakland, 379.5 metersf 790 keys. - KOMO, Seattle, 309.1 meters S 970 keys. KEX. Portland. 254.1 metersf 1180 keys. Captain R. P. Hobson of Span ish war fame will talk over the radio today between 3:45 and d on the harmful effects ot drugs. KGW will broadcast his speech. The latest symphonic work of Charles Wakefield Cadman, "Or iental Rhapsody" will be played by the orchestra conducted by Walter Damrosch from 6 to 7 to night over KGW and other NB0 stations. Popular concert music will be played in the remaining programs ; of the evening. LIBRL ISSCK ARGUED SAN FRANCISCO. ' Feb. 21. iAPk The annerfar ennrt bars was asked tnda tn detarmlaa i whether it Is libelous to call,. white man a negro. BIORE CHURCHES CLOSED OMSK, Siberia, Feb, 21, (AP) Four additional ehnrchei in scattering Tillages near ' hero were closed today and converted into schools and workers clubs by. the authorities. . Caliloraia. Imperial Valley 4.33 5.04 sacraaeoto 4 ffff Cncnmber. hothnaa. i.10 te l.SS Cabbage, lb. .4H-05, Kbabarb. hot coate Peas. Calif. .14 O-Ib. box .2.75 to 8.7S - as o$ i Greea Peppers, lb. Hobbard Seaatk. lb. Marble-sad sonata Pampkina. lb. .0S os 04 Daaiss Sans&k Sou them Yamt, 50-U. box Artichok.i, doiea .8.50 .Ut lotatoea. local Taklma. per cwt 2.7$ to 2.00 reeds (Retail Quotations) CaU meaV 25 lbs. 8.$$ Scratch, loa n as Corn, whole, toa Cracked and ground -till raa, toa - .44.00 .46.00 $4.oe .14. OO 54.00 58.04 15 ran, rba Eg ash 666S6S .66668. With milk SCO (Baying Price) Extras afediuna -SS Poultry (Buying Price) Start Rooiteti, Heavies . Mediuma 12-1S .OT 20-3S a7-t$ old Batterfat (Bnyiag Price) Butterfat -8$ .40 Wholesale Batter Prints . Cartons Setter (EeUll QuoUtiona) Print i . Cartons .43 .44 Grain and Hay 1 Baying Price) n1 inja ires 16 S6"" i iwa hesfjBi Oata, eray, bu. White, bn. Rarley. toa Hay, Retain Pries Oati and retch CloYer .50 .4T .83.00 18.00 to 84.00 .16.00 to 24.00 Alfalfa .22.00 to 80.00 -tressed -teats (Baying Price) V ee!. too . Hogs, top Wool and Uohahr Medina) Coarse , Lamb's wool .1$ .89 .87 JSS General Markets HAT PORTLAXD. re Fob. 20 (AP) Hay baying price: eastern. Ores a timothy, $20.5021: do Talley -$19s 19.50; alfalfa, $1819; rlorer. $14; oat key, $16; sin. $7$ ton: selling prices $3 at or. POKTLAUD BKAZ-T PORTLAND. Ore., Fob. 20 (AP) Wheat futnret: Mar. in "in no Mar H2U H2t ia Jut 114 111U, 8ept. 114 11 113 Caah ,r . i n - VI. R.a flam, hard whir. 1 H- ,:. weatera white, $1.00; hard Wlater, northers spring, western rod, $1.01. " Oata No. 2,-SS lb. white $83. Barley a-a jo. o fas. torn. Ma. s, eastern ir.llow .hinm..t ass nn i r.-n - standard $30. DATBT PORTLAVT Or. V.K an i Predate ezebaage, set prices: batter: t r 44 itk.ta &3 . : - - - -. - . - . . f 1 1. mtma . . firata 39. Lrri' f-..i . v, . m, - fresh ntediams 28. UVXSTOC Cattle and cWe. Qootabry steady: as-, eeipta. cattle 75, calref 10. f ; J!?,-.iI:i0P ,b- U"88 good 1L2S12.00; medinm 9.5011.S$: emamon 7.50 0.50. Heifers, good 10.00 ' 4S10.50; eoounea to ButeHam T.OOtrlO.OS. 1 Cow, good 0.75(10.50: de eoai-Ms to medium 6.25 Q 8.75; de lew cotter 3.500 a a a n. .ti . . . . . z7 aarunaa xeiOflee) S.OOU Caleee, medium to choice $.50 10-4: call to common S ftoesKft vi milk fed, good to ehoiew 10.50 d 13.50; "" .omp.h, nut to coa imm-- 7417.60. Hegs. Steady; receipts 250. . taaa weia-ts lO.SO-lll.SO: Hat. - ll.eo11.89; light lights, 10.T5ll.1a; xac.i-r aowa. y.vun io.qd. Biaubtsr pig, l0.S0il.25. feeder sad atoekar ! A KAOill SA . m , ssswa-tommaaj . Soft er sUy koga aaat raaetiag lags excluded ia abere qaetatieae.) fihean asd link. a. - eetots ff. " l.Laoibt- good to ebeles OO.TSQlOe; . S4 ta 92 lb., e.504l 10.25: ea : w w.i j -, an weignts. eeea Mv Tearhsg weUiers 60 ta a.SB. . 1 So. a a n.. a aa a . weight, tan sal nassnis 3.00044,0. POarJUri, Ore- Teh. 10 (AP) ZiZ22mtTtmr mil e east). 82.30Q2.4.0 wt, deUrerad PorVUad. leas 1 Per coat Butterfat, station,, $a; track, 8lt; deCreries is Paitlsad, 8$I Poultry (bnyiag prie) airro be beas erer 4, lf. $32e;' aaodiasi beas, 3H to 4 lbs- Tl 32.; light. t-lbeVi 34; Pelia decks, 4 lb, sad. erer, S8e; colored docks,- 18(3 30e; tar--; keys. Ko. 1. 803Se; No. a, 25a; cans. fetatsea Oaaaa sa, e. grade, $8.35 fir 1.40 p cwL , CCOAOO Cr-AtaT -OHICAAOO. reb. -ft (AP) Pasal bilities el wheal at test (baa a dollar s -bnahel la the Caited Btstee this- saassa fa-ad ' opreaalo aaaong'.C ease- wbsa t -tiads .4ey, t-:--? -- . . ita tbe aur-et aere fTerwaemrea sy i top-Iota tellrng sad tkowiaf .12He a buah-i Arop aiaes last week at reeah of aerere enr-Ua-a f traaa-Atlaatic ' baying, eeatpariaeas ' ware elsealatad ' howinr that Urerpeol - wkesV prieaa wero alaaoaa ith csaaaeaeieay.Jfar SI. 108, sod that Ch ! sen y of wheat said then i M eeaU. --Tay was the foarth- eenaecatiTe day that wheat valaas aallaaaad. - uanuav wr air I' sberp aes of waea prieoa, bat tke cloea here waa aerr i ir to $e a bs hel tower taa a yesterdays liaiaa. Co e-MMd saebaaayd te e aigher, wh aaU varr-m fioaa.t-Se deeliae ae -tH e advance . - . t,