The OREGON STATESMAN S-akm, Oregon, Thcsday Morning, Febrnaiy 20, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN i - i i i f- i 1? in . . mUcm. per Cm. 5 li VIA Himiia .V . Classifies Advertising, per Ilea. 10e Classified Advertising, yer Bm I tiases - to Classified Advertising, dt liae tiesee SOe Ota saoets, sail sad Baadsy p liw i . , , $100 Copy for this pace Accepted, iin tO 0:30 the evenlnsj before pubis, ;atton for claaaiflcation. Copy r seived after thia time wtU be run under the beading Too Ito to classify. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Housekeeper 1555 S. lth. ; - SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Experienced ' radio sales man Imperial Furniture Co. Call morning only, SITUATIO.Na WANTED ajjjuiiOr'wwwirii nirya i a WANTED Secretarial p o a 1 1 1 on. Can furnish excellent references. Write Box 12S.aH, Statesman. WIDOW wishes housekeeping for man or men, city or country or would rare for old people. Beferences. Write Rt. 3, Box 186 or phone 63F12. aaaaaaaaaaeees -- aj.fBwSBa a i oast- LADY wishes rookln. housekeep ir.s. Mothrle!s home. 22T! N. Church. FOR SALE Miscellaneous SALEM Scavenger service call 17. TOR SALE All kinds of wood. A. TCCKER 133JJ. , DADTinr.v frwwHtpriL all v keS: new and used. Adders and typewriters for rent. Typewriter Exchange, 21 Court street. SEASONED cedar hop poles and post split or round any number, ahingle bolts, piling and poles any length: TPrrva ti nsTT.TS Creswell. Oreiron, R. F. D. No. 1 FOR SALE Single day bed. good I. rings, $5. 2 burner electric plate. $2. tiwol sized cabinet. 2 shelves, new en amel, $3.50. Box 37, Statesman. CLOVER, vetch and oat hay. Er nest -Uoth. route 7, box IjJA, Salem. $15 to 20. aTiruifLi.rr'ijiJ' "" u m m sans, fa j i m i i USED Maytag A-l condition, $80. 0. Phone 2142M. W ANTED Miscellaneous 6yinjTru"u i rTTM""i i"rr" ,... . WANTKD Used pianos. In ex change on Radios, phonographs, or fur-utt-ir". H. 1. Stiff Furniture Company. J FOR RENT BOOMS FOR RENT Desirable sleeping rooms. Heat and not water. Garage If wanted. Phone lssej. WARM room. Close In. Phone 58SW. ROOM and BOARD ROOM and breakfast. $15.00. ISO Vnlon. FOR RENT APARTMENTS J- Iiiit:iii.o ay --- ay ' Grocery. 89$ N. Com'!. FURNISHED apt. 1536 State. fw wr hum two ntcelv furnished apart ments for rent; one three room, and ttie other two, with dressing room and bath. AMBASSADOR AITS, fUOOe 1913. VaaVajMayWVaWNArrrrrr FURNISHED three room apart ment, furnace heat, electric range, aaragr, adults only, 1064 Oak street. THREE or four room furnished aputtment. light, water, phone, close In. adults only; $15.00, and $1.00, 111 Mill street Implex apartment, 951 N. Winter. U KM. furn. or unfum.. garage, 412 K 21st or 267 S. Church, phone F0R RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Housea fu.-ulshed and Unfurnished. F. L. WOOD S41 fiUte Street HOUSES FOR RENT v IN all parts of the rlty. fit to $5. BKCHTEL fc THOMASON til State Street Room 4. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE j:i No. High St. mionc ::2. ' A reliable Salem realtor selling city and farm property of all kinds Sp"-ei.-ilist in exchanges of all kinds ol i.roperty anywhere. RE1MANN-S BARGAINS Fine 7 room home on Falrmount J'lil with excellent view. Biggest snap l-i town for $5,000. Some terms. 1 '4 acres in W. Salem. Almost new 4 room house. Good black soil. Nice fruit trees, some berries. Good water, line view. On gravel road. Clood general country store and oil et:uion for sale. Good reason for sell ing. Three room house with bath. In WtFt Salem. Will take good car aa first payment. Iet us write your Insurance. Money Money to loan. Quick Service RICH L. REIMANN. Realtor tl9 Ns High Street Pjione Soa. arajT--i QaWsJilarMii "nrr. "Lf 8 Room Salem Home Good Location ; to trade for acreage. Address 12. care Statesman. t;KD grocery business close tn. In-V.-tigate this. A farm near Rickreall, all In r.-lt, fine dark soil. $80 per A. $1, (41,1 down, baL easy terms. Nice 80 A, suburban home near Sa-J-in. bldga, A. berries and fruits, creek, timber, stock, tools. $j0O0 'Tronm bungalow. 2 lots fruit, gar : $2650. good terms. ' 6 room bungalow. 4 lots fruit, base ment, garage for rent $2o. PEKRTNE MARSTERS 211-12 Gray Building . RANCH for sale by owner. GEORGE A. PERRT Aberdeen, Wash, R- A. Bx --3 FOR SALE by owner, new 5 room Jaue in good location EdW. E. For- Karl. tel. or " LOT. choice corner $th and Bel mont il5. plua baL street aasess- . a a, .lAan -VTh far the 1 no WW. linvavai - ,. - money in Oregon. 10 acres fjdly equipped. Incubator house equipped to hatch 3000 eggs at once: carbide lights in all buildings ro,m house In good shapes good barn full of hay and straw ; family orchard 3 acres Strawberries, wheat all In good JlrTn good rack road three miles from good valley town. All buildings, runs and Other fence in good re lair. 200 Leghorn hens go with place, ill for $4200.00. $1000 will handle this. Com In and ask about it A rood 7 room house tn Dallas near mllL Price $1800.00 or will trade for horn in West Salem same value. 4 room houae In West Salem. A 0ood buy at $1100.00. See A. V. White with J. F. ULRICH CO. 129 North Commercial Street LOOK LOOK 3 $ioe) iwwh ' ' Special low price on following prop erty for Monday. Tuesday. A cosy Cud tew. 4 room MWgaiOW. t,iwn mu ESnx tolte? ewSSectrle lights, gar geTtoem houae. Price cut to $15. Also a Fine Lot i Good location for $25$ cash, . With, coxy 4 ft. "1xt. Boa lino teWiTwSl 4 worti It 41 State .Street - Roam . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ISO AC ft km la Torquay, Canada, worth 13.000.00 ; wants small place la valley. 171 Acres of good fine timber. 2 H million fc $7500.00: wants a garage or residence in Salem. Evans at STEGNER'S 275 State Street Phone 1981. FOR SALK 5 acres, close In, or trade for house in town. Inquire at 2047 McCoy avenue. NEW t room house, modern, pave ment and walks in. Inquire 2274 N. Church. BEST opportunity in city for in vestment in home and desirable lota with good view on ,whleh to build. 7 room ecminiodrn plastered resi dence with fireplace and basement and six nice lots, south Salem, all cov ered with large fruit and nut treea, on paved street, at a bargain. Some terma Phone 2225W, or see Conner, owner. Statesman office. BUILDING LOT Choice east front residence lot. class A district. -Never before offered for sale by prewtit owner. Price $1500. Terms. W. G. KRUEGER 147 North Commercial Street Phen 217 A 8NAP 5 room houae on paved street, only $S0O.OO, with $100 down, balance on terms. 5 room hou.e. 2 lots, prl?e $2000.00, wants clear acreage. Splendid 50 acre farm near Salem, good house, fair outbuildings, worth $73M. wQl take Canada land up to $S4eee. Well Improved 5 acres on highway close In for only tZlZt on reasonable terma Two good 4 room houses and good 5 room house with furnace, value $7, 200.nO, encumbrance $S20 00 : will take farm up to $5000 and pay cash differ ence. McGILCHRTST tc PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Bank Bhig. Phone 140 LOOK THESE UP AT ONCE ISO acres Lemhi valley, Idaho alfal fa ranch for valley property. 275 acre valley farm and fruit with drer for sheep ranch land. 5 acres near Salem improved and terms. Service station, store and lunch room on Pacific highway exchange. New five room modern home, fire place and furnace. 5 lots at Huber, Ore., on Florence highway exchange. SEE W. L. McCAFFERTY No. 310 First National Bank Bldg. Phone ieac 44rfA4444 LISTEN WE have an attractive 4 room bun galow on large lot with beautiful shade tr4es. Only one block from Park and school. Prtee $3750, or will accept good lot as part. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727. REASONABLY PRICED HOMES WITH EASY TERMS 2 rm. house and good lot, city wat er and electric lights, i block of pavement and has line. Price $600 with $25 cash and $10 per month. 5 rm. house on large corner lot, some oak trees, small barn. Price $1, 350 with reasonable terms. Immediate possession of S rm. shingled cottage in North Balem,well located on paved street. PriaW $1900 with $50 down and bal. monthly. 6 rm. house in East Salem, semi modern. In clKlce residence district. Price $2000 with easv terms. KEYS ARE READY to a neat 4 room cottage, good plumbing and elec tric lights, paved street, large lot with creek In rear. Price $2100, cash-. $100, baL $20 per roo, and interest. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 Stat Street Phone 1727 A MONEY MAKER Garage bus iness in near by town, stock $1500 and will lease building, storage will almost pay for lease, will also sell fireproof building with 7 rm. flat above for $9000 and consider Salem income property or residence. This has paid own4?r uffieient to retire from active business. SEE US ABOUT THIS NOW. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 Sooth High Street aTaMMMaaajwaaea.taa. REDUCED FROM fliOO" TO $3850 1 5 LARGE rooms, moiern bungalow, upstairs unfinished full basement. rurnace, lot or Duut-ins, aouoie gar age, lot 60x100. paved street. South Salem. :suo. casn oovn payment. SOCOLOFSKY ft SON First National Bank Bldg. $1800. 5 R. home, fruit, large lot paving pa. $2700.-6 R, 2 hardwood floors, base ment rurnace, garage, ciose 10 $3300. 5 R.. furnace, fireplace, base ment, on aved street; terma $3g00. 6 R English type home. 3 bed rooms, narawooa iioora. lunwct, 47ir-orl -tA haaom,inf tfftflMV tpmS. 86000. New price on fine R. home in exceptional locaiion iui iiumw has leen pricsed around $8000; terms. Private monev to loan Insurance R. A. FORKN'FR Evenings 2363J. 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637. n aprv.-j fino sutU. eood Imnrove- ments, no incumtirance, to exchange tor larger rancn. xo iu,uuw. a Dcni r-TPr V TITTY TN CITY" PROPKUTY. strictly modern. good locatim. ff-ee me in nri cw daya H. r. SHIELDS 228 OREGON BUIIJ3INO ONE acre and 7 -room house, cloae n fnr Elite or trade. What have YOU to offer? Rot S7. Statesman. EXCHANGE Real Estate LET'S TRADE Here Are Some Good Ones 14 acres, good 6 R. house, electric ity and water system, new barn, 3 good poultry houses, 3-A. bearing fruit, some berries, small creek. Nice place about 5 miles east of Salem. Wants a house in town or a small tract north on highway. 33-ACRES. most . all In " bearing fruit and nnts : has best variety ap riles. neaxs. -neaches. walnuts and fil berts, only 6 miles from Salem, has. . . i. j i n-iii I good nouse, Uixril. V.ll-&1U5 liuu.-c . m . exchange for small ranch for chickens I and cow, close to baiem. 150 acres 'Tillamook dairy rancht new 6 R- bouse, barn with 25 stancheons for cows. Poultry house, real dairy farm; trade for place near Salem. 223 acres. 2 good R. houses, large ham, 2 silos, river bottom land, haa 35-A. crop, alfalfa, oata and veatch, running water, 2 cows, 24 head young stock. Tractor and aU implements go. Exchange for a smaller ranch close to Salem up to $10,000.00. SEE SEARS ft TUCKER 184 South Commercial Street WMW44WMV44VVW44VWVWi LARGE HOUSE Furnished. In come $50 month: also 4 rooms for owner want valley property. 2215 Carter Street Baker, Oregon EXCHANGE GOOD building with 6 fine apart ments, bringing good income, to trade for home in South Salem. Pries $10,- 000. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727. LOOK WIDOW has home two blocks from post office. Will trade for cheap place near suburbs. Offera good proposition. Let us show you. SEE Mrs. Kills with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 tmfmrifs00 immi00f0mi000k EXCHANGE C R. modern home, 1 A. ground. 2 blocks of bus, trade for Salem home. 10 A. 3 mL of Salem, fruit and nut trees, stream year around trade for small Salem bouse. 25 A. 14 mL Salem R. plastered house, mL small town $4500. "Would take 6 A. near Salem. 71 A. This is a fine -farm with good buildings $10.500 would take Salem residence or trade for ranch In eastern Oregon. Private money to tkwut Insurance R. A. FORKNER Evenings 23S3J. . 320 V. & Bank Bldg. Phone (37 A REAL FARM SS A. 17 miles from Salem on good road and location. 3000 bearing fruit treea Best of condition. Good build ings and equipped beyond expectation. Will consider good apartment building, hardware or general merth andise .stock. Price $11,500.0. Bee me it one, , H. P. GRANT ' ISO N. Com'L Phone 2192M. FOR SALE FARMS FARM FOB RT3NT 101 ACRES 45 A. ctilt., baL fine pasture timber. Fine creek, good bldga Rent to Oct. $17$ cash. On paved highway. See BECHTEL OR THOMASON 341 State Street Room 4. NICE 9 acre Improved ranch 3-4 mile from Gerrais. family orchard, berries and nut treea. all tillable. Im provements consist of 4 room house, garage, wood shed, and cellar. Build ings all new. Owner tmaMe to. work, must sacrifice at $1800.00, $500.00 cash, balance terma. - P. J. MORITZ with H. C SHIELDS 2? Oregon Bnttrting WANTED REAL ESTATE FARM WANTED Have cash buyer of 80 acre farm with modem farm buildings" What have you? Advise quick. A. C. BOHRN STEDT Real Estate Loans Insurance 147 N. Com'L Street Salem. Oregon 7 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS AKti CTTT REAL ES TATE. LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG aaeeNamrfaMieamamjaaaaarfa CITT AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable Our Insurance department offera yon ex pert advice and service in all llnea HAWKINS ROBERTS (Inc.) Tea. titl SOS Oreson Bldg. $1000. to $3000 to loan. Gertrude J. M. Page. Private tiOaney to Loan FARM LOAN Plenty of money to loan on g'vody farm geeuriry. City Loans W4 are loaning Prudential in surance company money en city real' dencea and business property at 6 per rent, plus a commission. Hawkins ft Roberta, Id Oregon Building. FEDERAL farm loans. F. L. Wood. 341 State Street. LOANS Te men and women steadily em ployed -ON YOUR PLAIN IlOTE Lowest rates easiest payments. Loans also made on indorsed notes, furniture, pianos and oth er personal property. 20 MONTHS TO PAY All transactions strictly cont'd. STATE LOAN CO. 212 Oregon Bldg. Second floor, corner State A High. Ofice hours 10 a, m. to 6:30 p. m. Tel. 932. Licensed by state. CTTT AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATES SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 703-$ First National Bank Bldg. Phone 467 Salem. Oregon PERSONAL LOANS MaVK on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly. When in financial need res us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bide. Pboae 1200 MONAY LOAN EL OTt AUTOS (Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce soar payments, Yea keep the ear. P. A. RtKJfirH Oor. Liberty St. sad Ferry Phone 111 .alem. Or MONET TO LOAN on real estate, homes and farms. Beat terms, no de lay. P. H. BELL 219 U. S. Bank Bldg. LOANS WANTED WANTED Private mrmay for farm loans. ? have several applications on band. Hawkins ft Rotorta. I no, J0R Oreew RldaT. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY POULTRY wanted Handle any amount at any time Salem Poultry Co., 399 S. High St. Phone 2490. Kight 2S15M. FRESH and springer cows for sale or trade. Red barn at N. Com'L and Columbia. Terms If desired. NELSON BROS. MARKET 185 North High Street CUSTOM hatching, special price on January and February settings. 3c per egg. Order space now. Baby chicks ever wwk beginning Jan. 27. Phone 1331. Lee's Hatchery. 4i4l4Vm4VW4WW Elroy Nash Sales Co. buys and sells hay, horses, mules, top price paid for good cows. Phone 2864. Route 9, Box 2-C-C. TRADE In your beef cows for real dairy cows. Balance year to pay. Large number to select from. Nelson Bros. Market, 185 N. High. Red barn, N. Commercial. Columbia. Phone 705. FOR SALE Extra good Guern sey Jersey cows, all to freshen this month, Cromley Broa Phone 50F12. HORSES and cows guaranteed as represented. Elror Nash. Phone 2864. Rt. 9. Box 2CC. Paciric highway. FOR SALE Gentle valley raised work horses. Come and try them. 1710 Mission street. FOR SALE WOOD DRY fir and oak wood, coal and fuel oil. Call on us for prices, We give good measure, good quality and good service. LARMER TRANSFER ft STORAGE Telephone 3131 W44V44VW4V4 GUAAANTF K DRY Wood coal Tel. 1$. Salem Fuel Co.. 752 Trade. THE best wood fn the city for the money at Tracy's Fuel Yard. Prompt delivery. Phone 2985. rV4VW4W WE have 16" wood on hand all the time. Prompt delivery. 349 a 12th. Cobbs ft Mitchell Co.. phone $13. FIRST tlass dry old fir atab, sec ond growth and old fir cord wood. Screened hog fuel aad prompt deliv ery. Phone 1542. FRED E. WELLS. INC 280 South Church DRY 16-in. old fir. 4 ft. fir. oak and ash. Cord measure. C U. Harbaugh, 838 Highland ave, shone 1990. 16 In. old fir. $7.50 cord. Phone 26F32. Four Corners Garage. Honest wood at honest prices. Phone 3400. Heyser Fuel Co. PERSONAL I will not be responsible for biOs contracted by anyone except myself. Dated Feb. 1$, 1930. tTlla Dearlng. FOR SALE USED CARS If you are thinking of a Better Car' think of Douglas McKay and his Used Cars With an O K. That Counts. Remember that the time to buy a better car is RIGHT NOW before the selling season starts Stocks are fa better condition aad prices lower. 1927 Pontlac Coupes $350.00 1929-Chev. Sport Cabriolet, like new 685.00 1928-Chev. Std. Sedan r e- dueed 495.00 1924-Chev. Coach . . 250.00 1026-Cher. Coupe reduced 265.00 1926- Cher. Std. sedan ; 335.00 192$-Essex "late series" - 445.00 1927-Ford Tudore in excellent condition . 225.00 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. THTUCE LOCATIONS: 43 No. Com'L w ll2. 63$ Chemeketa Phone 1T76-W. Lot Next to City Hall on High Street FOR SALE USED CARS Valley Motor Co. -Buy With Safety- Over 300 satisfied customers pur chased used cars from us Isst year be cause our prices were lower remem ber we secure used cars for leas and at their real value we also handle them in large quantities. WATCH FOR OCR DAILY CURB SPECIALS dur ing the month of February thelr valoes will surprise you. Compare these prices: Model A Fordor. Model A Tudor ModerA Sport Coupe Model A Standard Coape Model A Sport Roadster 550.00 450.09 . 495.00 475.00 450.00 545.00 200.00 -f 45.00 45.00 . 90.00 125.00 . 165.00 . 45.00 . 45.00 . 00.00 . 135.00 . 190.00 . 78.00 Model A A Truck Cab Body 6 soeeda 1923 Coupe 1923 Touring 1924 Touring 1925 Touring 192$ Touring 1927 Touring 1922 Coup 1923 Coup 1924 Coupe 1925 Coupe 1926 Coup 1922 Fordor Sedan, as Is iv zt ruoor aeoan 125.04 19!S Tudor Sedan Ruckstell 150.0 1924 Fordor Sedan 165.00 1924 Tudor Sedan 190.00 Valley Motor Co. Center and Liberty Stteets Salosa, Oregon Phone 19 95 Now Is The Time -Prices are advancing n good need cars. Buy now and save money. 1927 Pontlac Lands n Sedan 1923 Nash Standard Six Sedan 1921 Nash Spec. Coups 1926 Nash Light Six Sedan 19! 7 Buick Coach If yon are in the market for a good used car you owe It to yourself to investigate our stock. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. S65 N. Commercial Phone 1210 150 Bargains at Used Car Center 1926 192$ 192$ 192$ 19!$ 1924 1927 1928 1927 1924 1924 1924 1929 1929 1924 1924 1923 1927 1923 1925 1924 1926 1924 1927 Buick Standard sedan Buick Standard Coupe Buick Master Touring $645 , 875 350 Chevrolet Coupe 260 160 250 350 $50 485 276 460 17S 715 675 140 185 13$ 326 625 350 193 Chevrolet Touring Chevrolet Coach Chrysler CO Coach Chrysler 62 Coupe Chrysler (0 Sedaa Dodge Roadster Dodge Delux sedan Dodge tourinr Essex Coupe Model A Ford Sedan Ford Roadster Ford Sedan Gardner Roadster Pontlac Coupe Pontlac Coach Willys Knight Sedan Willys Knight touring Studebaker light 6 coach 426 Studebaker special touring 175 Star 4 Sedan 325 Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED BT VALLEY MO TOR CO.. W. L. ANDERSON. O. J. WILSON. Marion ft Liberty Phone 1027. 1- - -1- -i - -i-ii-nnririnoj-innnfirwww DEMONSTRATOR 1929 Chevrolet Coacli Run only 00 miles new car guarantee. Sub stantial discount c an be handled for small down payment or trade In your old car. Ralph Parker. 1802 at McKAY CHEVROLET CO. Residence Phone 771. --- - - -I,- -inn nr in no r ri.njwxnji Used Car Dep't. of . Marion Garage Co. 235 South' Commercial Street Used cars on dlsnlav at show room. Phone 362. 1926-Studebaker Coach 1928-Bulck Sedan 1927- Bulck Coupe 1928- Studebaker Coupe 1926 Chev. Coach 1925-Chev. Coach . 19! 1 -Studebaker Coune tyn 1925-Studcbaker Coach 192.1-Dodge Touring 1925 Willys Knight San j9Z7-Uoige Sedan, 5 Pas. . 1928-Studebaker 7-presldent 1-1928 Essex Coach 1-1926 Overland 6 1-1925 Overland 4 Sedan . 1-1936 Pontlac Coupe 4W44WMWMW Used Cars With No Regrets No Misrepresentation You can buy cars here with com plete safety and satisfaction. 1930-Tyne Hudson Coach $975.00 192S-Nash 2 dr. sedan. Lota of extras A-l . 675.00 1928-Wliippet Six Conv. coupe A dandy Sport car 645.00 1927-Chevrolet Imp. sedan new paint, rubber and motor good 425.00 1926-Essex Coach worth more a dandy 235.00 1925-Ford Coupe A-l 165.00 Open nights and Sundays. State Motors, Inc. HUDSON-ESSEX-PACKARD Corner Chemeketa Sl High Phone 1000 WANTED USED CARS m Mt9W9fk CASH paid for Fords Biker Ante, BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry IS Trs. Salem's leading Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer Residence and Store 1610 N. Summer 8c. Phone 611 COL. A. T STEVENSON auc- tfoneer. 26 years cxparienc In th Wlllamett TsUley. for Uea sr ar rangements pnone or wrtte. A. , Stevenson, CorvsJlls, Oregos, BITS... Of General Knowledge By W. L. CJORDON- 3 The Libtrty Bell was cracked om beiac tolled at te tleftUi of ?oan Marstun la. IS35. $475 . 795 645 695 225 17S 475 345 110 275 375 1500 450 876 ... 175 875 BATTERT ELECTRICIAN K. IX nanam Wirtisat Batteries Starter aad generator wsrk. 302 BICTCLE REPAIRING LIOYD K. RAMSDEN Columbia Bicycles and repairing. 387 Court. CHIROPRACTORS Dr.aU SCOTT, PSC. Chiropractor, 3(6 N. High. TeL a 7. Be. llfcLl. DRS. SCO FIELD. Palmer Chiro practor. X-Ray and N. C M. New Bank Bldg. MASSEUR and magnetic treatments for all ailments No mors gas pains. Phone 2079W. 330 N. High. CLEANING SERVICE Cent r St, Yaleteria, tel. 2227. SUITS cleaned and pressed $1. VAR LEY CLEANERS. 19$ N. Com rer Bostcks. COSTUMES FOR costumes call Salsm Co. 1266 N. 6th. TeL 104 7 J. ELECTRICIANS HALTS ELECTRIC CO. 461 rtarth frawt st Trt. No. 3. FLORISTS FLOWERS ITIB AU. OUen's. Court ft High IBt Tel. $L CITT Ftawrnra. aredrflnar Ihmmiim tm rawer! wreaths, decorations, C F. Brelthannt. florist- ill Stals Sinai. Tel 3S0 EN5UKANCE BECKS ft H&KDRICKS 169 N. Higa TL 161 WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 21S Maaonla Bids. Phsa No. Ml West Coast LK Insurance Ca "Insured Savings." 365 First National Bank Building TeL 970. H, J. Harder. DlsL Mgr. WARREN F. POWERS Lif and Oeaarml Inainar. Tei. 607. 319 U. 8. Bank Bldg. LAUNDRIES THB NEW SALEM LAUNDRY TUB WKIDBR LAUNDRY Tsasphstw 36 113 & High CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Thi Lanndnr ml Fur Malariabr Telephone 16 1244 Broadway MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED by the Capital City Bedding Co. 1040 Nsrtb CapltoL Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed Tel. 19 MUSIC STORES FOR RENT New pianos. Stiff Furniture Company. H. U GEO, C, WILL Pianos, Phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet mnare rad piano arsdlsa, Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines. 433 Stat atreet. Salem. PAINTING Kalsomine $3. to $5. per room, also Interior painting reasonable prices. Tel. 1763J. Faye Thotnpaon. PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN Adams for bouse decorating, paperhanging. tinting, ste. ReliiHle wnrkmnn PLUMBING PLUMBING and general repair work. Graber Proa, 164 80. Liberty Tl 650 PRINTING FOR STATIONER!, card a pem phleta programs, books or any kind of printing, call at the Statesman Printing Department. 216 8. Commer cial Tel ROO. RADIO FOR every purpose, for every purse All standard sizes of Radio Tubes. E'OFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 346 Court SL. Tel 4 88 ROOFING SOLVE your roofing difficulties with Pioneer Yosemite rock surfaced shingles. Carlton Pioneer Roofing Co. 170 N. Front. Tel. 487. . STOVES Cook with Rockgas STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets aad hooks, logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Worka 282 Chemeketa atreet. TAILORS D. H, MOSHER Tailor for men and women. 4 74 Court Bt ' TRANSFERS CiiPITAL City Transfer Co. 224 State St. TeL $33. Distributing, for warding and storage oar specialty. Get our .-ates. . TRAL Bonded "Limited" stage. San Fran cisco $12.00. Seattle $3.50. Only Independent Line Lincoln Stages Depot Bllgh Hotel WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIR- fNO or money back. THE JEWEL BOX. 171 N. TJbtV saiem New Rrst National Bank Building Directory Fourth Floor DR. L. R. Burdette. optometrlst, 43 First Nat'L Bank Bldg. TeL 116. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY i WF" cas m HENDRICKS tit N. High TeL 161 JOSEPH BA&BKB REALTY CO. 300 Grey Efldg. Pboa f$0 F. O. DELANO 2T0 N. Church TeL 3630 M. EUWRLB 224 N. High St. TV 2343. HOMER f) FOSTER BALTY CO. 370 V. Stat St, Ts. 641 W H RRIRBNHOH-T COL 114 8. Libtrtv st TeL 616 OKRTRUUW A : 33 . N. Cottage ro Tel. X1S6. MiCOLOFSKY ft SON 304-6 First Nat. Bav Bldg. TsL 6T6 - A. r. tTLKOCTH 12$ M. Coaimercial Tsf, 1SS4 r. wood 441 Star t Ta4 7 Notice is hereby giren that the Bdersignea bag filed with the State Bankiig Board of Oregon annlleatian for license to enaraee in the business of inai a loins of money or of peivftaal credit or tm the pswnbromerago business, tnder the Frorlsions of Bctiona 6308-21, inclnsire, Oregon Iws. Oregon Flntnce Corp .TWtlason .'c Bldr, Saletn, Ore. nt-I.(-lS Salem Filarkets (Wholesale QastaUaa) Cranberries, box j Applet, bseals Rome BeantiM .4.50 -1.69 J.50 .L25 tJ6x Jonathaa Grimes Golden Tellew Kevtoaa Delicious, extra fancy Spitzenbergt, extra faaey Bananas, lb. Uat Premedary, 36. 10-ox. pkgs. Coae's Pitted, ease . , Texas Grapefruit 6.00tS 7.SO Comb.Honey. aew crop Lemons, Calif. Oranjea, Kavelt 80 ' 100'a 128'e 10's 17' 200's 216'e S.00QS.3S 3.75 .4.25 .4.75 .6.00 -6.00 .6.50 .7.60 .8.00 .8.00 .8.00 .6.50 252's 28' Cocoaaats, sack sets bias (Wholesale Quotations) Brassel Sprouts. Ib. n Caalilower. Calif. 1.85 Celery, Calif., crate 7.50 Dot. 1.75 Spio4jh, lofal, erst. Parsnip, lb. 8.75 OS .02 KataBagas, lb. Bnncked vegetablas, per dss. baaches Carrots 00 Beets 00 Torrip yn Radishes Parsley - 80 Onions , 60 Garlic. n. T California Tootatoes, laj Oefeiia, Yakima. OloVa Local aaioas. Ik. , Lettuce 5.00 2.76 CaUfernia. Imperial Yalley 4.25-5.00 Saeraneate 4.00 Csveaaibars, hotheose . 1.10 to 1.6S Cabaaee. lb. 04 H -Oil, Khabarb, hot bouse Pess. Calif. 14 75 to S.75 SS 06 OS 06 04 20-lb. box Greea Peppera, lb. Hnbbard Squash, ft. Msrblfheld sqaara . Panpkiaa lb. . ... Daaish gqoavh Southern Yams. 60-lb. box Artichokes, dozes .3.50 .L50 Potatoes, local 02 H Yaktma, per cwt 2.75 te 3.00 Feeds (Retail Quotations) Calf meal. 25 lbs. - .,. 1.25 Scratch, tea " m Corn, whole, tea -.44.00 Cracked aad rronnd 46.00 $4.00 34.00 Mill roa. ton Bran, ton Eft- mash B666668 6666C 54.00 With sallk 68.00 Zgrs (Bayina; Price) Extras Mediums .28 I.altry (Bayinp Price) Sues 12-15 07 Reostera, Id Heavies Mediums .. 20-23 .17-20 Butterfat (Bnyinf Pricas) Butterfat .. .86 Wselesale Xntter Prints . Cart oaa -80 .40 Batter (Betell QooUtioBs) Prists . Cartoae .43 .44 Grain and Bay (BayiAg Pric.) Wheat, westera red - Soft white, bn ..94 ..OS Oats, eray, bu. . .50 .47 White, bu. Barley, ton .32.00 Hay. Retain Price Oata and vetch 18.00 te 24.00 .14.00 t 24.00 Clover . Alfalfa 22.00 to 30.00 Dressed Keats (Buying Price) Veal, top , IS Hogs, top 15 Wool and liohair Medium ..80 .27 25 Coarse Lamb's weel General Markets HAY PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 19 (AP) Hsy -sayiasj prices: eastern Oregon timothy, $2O.5021; do valley. $19 19.50; alfalfa, $1819: rlover. $16: oat bay, SIS: straw, $7 iff 8 ton: selling prices $2 more. POSXLAKD GEAHT PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 19 (AP) Wheat futures: Open High Close Mar. 1124 112H 111 May 116 116 112 Jul. 116 110i 114 NOTICE OP BOND SALE Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until the hour of 7:30 o'clock p. m., on Monday, the 3rd day of March, 1D30, and immediately thereafter opened by the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, at the city hall in said city, for bonds of the City in the amount of Seventy Thou sand Dollars, described as follows: City of Salem Sanitary Sewer Bonds In the amount of $70,- 000.00 In denominations of $1,000 each, being dated June 1, 1929, maturing serially in numerical or der at the rate of $5,000.00 on the first day of June in each of the years 1936 to 1949, Inclusive. said bonds to bear interest at the rate of four and one-half (4) per cent per annum, payable semi annually. These bonds are part of an Is sue of $100,000.00 dated June 1, 1929. authorized by Ordinance No. 254 7, passed by the Common Council on June 3, 1929, and of which issue the first $30,000.00, only was sold under authority graated by the provisions or Ord inance No. 2557, passed by the Council on July 1. 1929. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for two per cent (2) of the par value of the bonds. The approving legal opinion of Teal. Winfree, McCulloch ft Sh ti ler will be furnished the success ful bidder. The right Is reserved by the Common Council to accept any or to reject all bids in the interest of the City. M. POULSEX. City Recorder, Salem. Oregon. F.19-20-21-22-2S. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN That the Last Will and Testa ment of Harold 8. Tower, de ceased, haa been duly proven and admitted to probate In jthe Coun ty .Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and the un dersigned Able R. Tower hag been appointed xeeutrtr thereof: gad that letters testamentary hare issued to her. All. persons having claims against the said estate are here by notified to present the same. duly verified and with the prop er vouchers, to the undersigned Executrix at Ko. 707 First Na tional Bank . Building, . Salem. Oregon, on or before six montha from the date of the first pub lication of this .notice; said first publication being made the 30th day of January. 13 ABIE R. TOWER. - . Executrix, "CTJSTR E. ROSS. t- Attorney fer the Eatate.- jst, rt, ii. st. 17 1.75 2.75 2.75 07 6.50 4.7S PROMOTED o o 3 "V - v e 1 ? h s j I - r Mm-Si sa TT BSBBBSSSBBBSEBgjBBSJBSBW Because of the elevation of Charlee E. Hughes to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Solicitor-General Charles E. Hughes, Jr is to ear render his job. It has been re ported that young Hughes is likely to be succeed etjf by Charlee P. Taft, of Ohio, eon of the re signed Chief Justice. Sept. 117 117 114 lash grain: wheat big Bead blue stem, hard whit $1.21; soft white, westers white $1.10: hard winter, northern sprint, estera red, $1.08. Oats Xe. 2-38 1. white $34. Oats Xo. eastern yellow, shipment $36.00. Millrua eastera yellow, ahipment $36.50. Millran star.dari $30. DAISY PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 19 (API Produce exchange, net prices: butter: extras 36, standards 35. prime first!, 84. first 82. Ergs: frrxh extras Sl2, fro ib mediums 28&C9. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Ore Feb. 19 (AP) Cattle and calves. Wuotably steady; ra cipts, rattle 50. Steers. 11 1200 lbs.. . $1 l.OOCr 1 185 ; troed 11.2512.00; aaedinm .50 11.25; ronaon 7.50(0 0.50. Heifers, good 10.00 q 10.50; common to medium 7.00910.00. Cows, food 8. 75 (o 9.50; do common to medium 6.25(aS.75; do low cutter 3.50 6.25. Bolls (yearlings excluded) 8.00 8.50; cutter to medium 7.00 8.00. Calves, medium to eh6iee 50 ff? 10.50; coll to common 6.00 tj 8.50. Vsaltra, milk led, fcood to choice .10.50 12.50; medium 8.5010.50; cull to common 707.50. Hogs. Steady; receipts 850. Heavy weirht $10.00 11.25; med ium weights 10. 50(n 11.60; light weights, 11.6011.85; light lights. 10.7511.75. Packing sows. 9.00& 10.00. Slaughter pigs, 10.50011.25. feeder and stocker pigs, 10.50 (i 11.60. Soft or oily hogs and roasting pigs excluded in above quotations.) Sreep asd lamhs. Weak, euotsby steady; receipts 850. Lambs good to choice $9.75 10.50; 84 to 02 lbs., 9.50 (S 10.25; 92 lbs. owa. medium .(XI(S9.7'; all weights, com mon 7.50 fr 9.00. Yearling wethers 6.50 (S.8.50. Kwes. meditrm to choiee 5.00 0.50. 120-150 lbs. 4.00 6.00; all weights, call and common 2.00 4.00. PRODUCE PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 19 (AP) Milk steady raw milk (4 per rent), $2. 30(52. 40 cwt., delivered Portland, less 1 per cent. Butterfat, station, 34c; track, S6e; deliveries in Portland, 88c. Poultry (baying prices) alive heavy hens over lbs.. 25 (3 26c; medium hens. 2tt to 4 lbs.. 21 (a 22c; light, under thi lbs., Ift(al9c; springs, over 2 lbs.. 24c; Pekin ducks. 4 lbs., and over, 28c; colored ducks. 1820e; tur keys, Ko. 1. 30 33c; Ko. 2, 25c; tulls, 20c; live. 18W20c. Potatoes C-ems. No. 1 grade, $3.25 8.40 per cwt. CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO. Feb. 19 (AP) Bis breaks, of 6c a bushel in wheat prices st Winnipeg, together with virtual collapse of export demand, severely jolted the Chicago wheat market today. itushes te sell oat and stop losses ever- whelmel th ewheat pit near the end of the day, forcing Chicago values down "nearly 6 cents to a new bottom price record for loaning money on wheat as collateral. Giving special Impetus to the smash were London dispatches current asserting that hand-to-mouth buying by European importers would continue un altered. Chicago closing quotations on wheat were nervou., 3 He to 4e a bushrl lower than yesterday's finish. Corn closed 1 5-8c ta 1 7-8a 2c down and oats "i 5 8c to 11 l-8c cff. E TO CHICAGO. Feb. 19, (AP) The first two chapters of former President Coolidge'a history of the United States in 500 words will be submitted to the "publish ers" May 1. Mr. Coolidge advised Gutzon Borglum, one of the "publishers" or to be more exact, the "press man." that the cantos dealing with Washington and J efferson would be completed by the end of April, Borglunr- advised his of fice here. Mr. Coolidge's history Is to be engraved on the fact of Mt. Rush- more in South Dakota, and will become a part of the national memorial under construction there. Borglum. the sculptor, ts supervising the work. Collosal fig ures of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt will be hewn from the rock of the 1, 090- foot mountain. The Mt. Rushmore commission. publishers" of the Coolidge his tory, have been advised that nor mal erosion would not remove the huge letters of the text for 5,000 centuries. 00 STO BE HEADY SOON j METZ APPEARS AT INQUIRY 1a ARMY BM PUB FOR 010 HOOKUP, 4 Stations and Wave-IienirTha KGW. Portland. 483.6 metera? 620 keys. . KGO, Oakland. 379.6 metergf 790 keys. KOMO, Seattle, 309.1 meters? 970 keys. KEX. Portland, 254.1 meters, ' 1180 keys. The V. 8. Army band. Capt. William J. Stannard. conductor will play in Washington from 1 to 2 p. m. and may be beard over KGW. Vernon Bartlett,- commentator of the British broadcasting cor poration, will discuss the naval -parley at London from 2 to 2:20 and will be heard If conditions permit, over KGW. : The Los Angeles Philharmonic orchestra. Dr. Arthur RodzinskL conductor will play from 7:30 to' 8UI0 tonight, and may be heard over KGW. and other NBC sta tions on the coast. The follosring ' is their program: . Slavonic Dance No. 1 Dvorak Chanson d'Autrefois Jierne March "Tsar Saltan- Rimsky-Koreakotf Pathetic Symphony Tschaikovsky (a) Allegro con grazia (bl Scherto and March Solos for Viollncelld. with .., orchestra (a) Elegte ...Faure. (b) .Serenade - Glasounoff Hungarian Dances, Nos. 5 and 6 Brahma t Dreams Wagner ' Ballet Music "Prince Igor" Borodin Plans Made ! To Refinance Fox Film Ok NEW YORK. Feb. 19. (AP , Two alternative plans designed to rescue the Fox Film Corpora tion from its financial difflcultee, both advanced by factions oppos ing the continuance of William Fox as he directing head of the concern came to light today. ' Stockholders will meet March -6 to act upon the plan proposed . by a group of bankers and favor ed by Mr. Fox "to issue $65,000. 000 worth of securities. The meet ing was called at the suggestion of Federal Judge Coleman, be fore whom receivership hearinga have been held. The notice to the stockholders revealed that Halsey. " Stuart & Co., former bankers Of the corporation, who opposed the plan favored by Mr. Fox, also sue mitted a plan of refinancing. r According to the notice to the stockholders, the Halsey Stuart plan contemplates the exchange of both class A stock and class B stock for new common stock, all of one class. The plan, the notice Btate, would eliminate the present voting power of class B stock of which Mr. Fox personally holds 51 per cent, and also would re quire deposit of all new commoa stock under a voting trust. , ,"" The notice stated that Mr. Fox would riot consent to the plan. The other alternative plan came from Wiufield Sheehan, and Saal Rogers, vice presidents and di rectors of the Fox corporation. The propose to raise $40,000,000 through the sale of debenture ia sues and the remaining necessary -funds through sale of 825,000,000 of new common stock. Brook's Youth Is Happy Over New Family Arrival BROOKS. Feb. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Molsan of Portland are the proud parents of a baby boy born Februay 12. Mr. Molsan la a son of Mrs Mary Moisan of Brooks and this Is their first child. Miss Majel Lowe Is visiting re latives In'Napa, California, she ex- pects to remain a month. Miss Lowe was accompanied to Califor nia by her uncle and aunt. The Brooks school children en joyed a Valentine box at the school on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Clara Michael of Portland was a guest the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ramp. Mrs. Michael left Sunday for San Francisco, where she will : spend several weeks visiting her -son. RETURNS TO LOS AXGELE8 BRUSH COLLEGE, Feb. 19 Joe Himmel who has been visit Log his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lou ts Hemmel of Brush College' left here Tuesday enroute to his homo in Los Angeles. Joe Himmel Is In the banking business In Los . Angeles. t Herman A. itetx, head oA the General Dyestuffs Corporation ' v i , 'it of New York testifying bo. fore the Senatf Lobby IarestU t gation Com 1 mittee. On tbO( mtand hi is aaid to bare " recalled firing campaign con jtributionsjot Senator WilU lam H,.King (Dm Utah) to ' Samuel Rus- sell. Senator KJmga aecre ; iarjk ,v