n W a A 0 BY WINIFRED VAN DUZER ( : ;Chptr 17. :- They had not met since Mary's )weddlng and the kitchen buxxed with, excited questions, half, ans wers, questions again. Ere had been Mary's mild of honor and he met Jimmy Stewart only -at the wedding. Now he eaine in ahyly, a likeable gray-eyed boy iwbv kissed ner wnue Mary pro-. tended to be -wild with Jealousy and . said be hoped the would re main with them all summer. "It must be lonesome up la Connecticut. Stay here and show Mary how to t manage a hlgn tepnlnr husband. He grinned at bis wife who told him' sot to worry about Ere. She'll hare a husband of her own one of these days. How's Roger, darling? They were seated In the little breakfast nook which was .rery fcridey with table and chairs painted a bright canary color and. rally colored china. Mary was pouring coffee, making a great could hate said. Tre met some-' one who makes ererybodys else rye. erer , known in all, my : life seem sort of dim and far away someone irho fill all my thought an the world the - sky , and stars". , , She might bare told Mary this. But .out of : the confusion, 3 the shamed regret whleh cerered her like a cloud she would hare had to ay also, "And he kissed me al most the minute we met; I sat up all night with him slept in hit arms . . . . r ;- :' - - & Ere kept silent as she fol lowed the other girl through the house obeying the bride's proud order to inspect ererythlng. , '. It's at least a hundred years old, this part of the : building. Don't you lore the wide doors and the casements? Of course we haren't furnished' It all In keep In with the atmosphere, but we'll do this later a our - chips keep coming In-. ' : - v-v. "It's dlrlne, darling. How happy ceremony , ot.lt, ana enc lookeCLLyou must be this lorely home- up Just In time te see nerrriena's Land the man you we' yon know. Ton could buy It (or a song and , Roger that Is," she amended hastily, "whoerer yon marry would see all that could be done with It." I i But Ere was not thinking ot Roger as they wandered through, the aualnt oM -. building. . There was a tone lirlng room with an enormous fireplace of field-stones and wooden settles at right ang les to the hearth and built-in cup boards running the full length of the opposite wall. And as Ere stood there, smiling a nttle, she had a Tislon of tire biasing up in that yawning grate; rugs scat tered here and there, shaded lamps, easy chairs. And a tall fig ure-lounging in the dimness a sleekly dark head, dark eyes, watching her In the dancing light. : She caught her breath, turned swiftly, went out into tne sun shine. And for the remainder I ft day she set bar mind stub bornly against . the , thought of Kenneth. She . bad been edr enough for one wane; . bo use keeping it up the rest of her lite. They had a late dinner and at twilight were lounging about Mary's comfortable lirlng room. trying to decide whether it would be worth while to make waffles and coffee, or just to retire and sleep for ages before the alarm should' hall Jimmy forth for his day's work in the city, f , : And then 'lights flashed out side as a motor swung to a atop before the gate; an engine roared and died and a dor clammed.-And Mary exclaimed vitli surprise when a light step came; swiftly across the reranda, but Ere shrank down, in her chair, gasp ing a little for her heart was in her throat. Eren before she beard his yolce, gay and laughing, coming through the dusk, she knew Kenneth WU- mer was at the door. . , You're Mrs. Stewart? Gosh. X had a time to find yon! Hope Miss, Reads la around " U was Jimmy who turned on the light. And then Ere must get np, introduce him, make it ap pear they were old friends just as if she were not snaung use a leaf, trying to meet his eyes, tear ing her own away from lis .eager i took. - s s i , How ebarmlar and poised Tae was, coming fa here tike this, tak ing both her hands bending oyer them tn a half mocking, halt ten der way. On, she was proad of him, proud in spite of her shamed mtmory. And Jimmy liked him on the instant anyone could see this though Mary was so amas ed as to be a little bmsk. r -Mr. wnmer?" she repeated as Ere spoke his name. "Not the artist?" - . Kenneth turned te her laugh ing. ' made a low bow. "Glad - to bear I'm net, a stranger. And of course X know you; Ere told ma a lot" She felt an nprush of de light that he should make it seem, so casual, so exactly right. But after a time she' grew embarrass ed . again and announced she meant to go into the kitchen that rery minute and make the waf fles they bad been talking about. No she didn't wish any help they were to sit and talk and when ererythlng was on the table she would let them .know. Time to catch her breath out there in Mary's big kitchen as she slipped into a bungalow apron, brought flour and salt and all the things that go into waffles. How strange ererythlng was! She'd hat expected him to seem dif ferent; she'd hara expected some thing et the taiai contempt aeons him Roger showed those- girls ap home who trailed back and forth erenlngs in front of the Mansion House, ogling drummers who-sat with their feet on the porch raO. Of course the knew little ot worldly ways; she nerer bad been out of the Connecticut Tillage ex eeotlnr her short Tisits to the homes of friends who were little more sophisticated than herself; Perhaps she was wrong; perhaps Kenneth didn't despise her after all . . . : She had set the taMe la the alcore and was standing at the tore flushed by the heat and with all the little curls fluttering like small flames about her forehead. when suddenly he was there be side her.. He had slipped In and closed the door, and now he swept her into his arms, kissed her as he had done that night under the willow. "Did you think you'd get away from me so easily Ere. Rushing off without so much as goodbye? Why, darling? "Why did you do thatf "Ken She hid her face against his lapel, clinging to him while the waffles turned gold and then brown and finally began to erisjr In as alarminr way, .fKen,! I thought you'd nerer want so see me again. Truly I didn't mean to do as I did drop asleep wee war. What your friends must bare ihought! I oh. Ire been so mls- erabie ashamed--' - Ha nut his hand beneath her ehin, raised it so she had to meet his look. She saw astonishment in his face, amusement too, but mostly incredulity. 'Why, you darn kid! - Ton thought lordy, what a little stiff-neck, you are. In The Lane, too listen to Ken, Tonnxster. Ton get orer that, you hear? Park old ironsides limber ud aet human if you're going to be my girL Ton are? he enquir ed earerly. I Half laughing, half crying, but with a song in her bean she whis pered, "Yes, I'm going to be your girl. Ken. Tea, thank, you, rm going to be your girt But Mary , had something to say about that. (To be continued) VISIT IX MI TITLE POINT DALLAS. Feb.! 12 Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Pemberton left Sat urday afternoon for Myrtle Point to look after matters connected with their dairy ranch in that sec tion. They are expected to return by Tuesday. ran DIME BBMKOS CHICAGO. Feb. IS (APJ Mrs. Irene Castle - McLaughlin, one time famous dancer stood crying, helpless to aid, as - she watched 99 dogs ahe had, be friended, burn to death in a tire that destroyed her kennels . tor homeless canines, known as "or phans of the storm. Apparently, authorities said, the fir was of incendiary origin. - - ; Only SS dogs were eared des pite frantic efforts of Mrs. Me-: Laughlln, the caretaker, firemen and neighbors. Most of the ani mals in the haren 'were derelicts but a few were thoroughbreds placed there for the winter by their wealthy owners. Prostrate and hysterical. Mrs. McLaughlin later rexealed that she had recently receired anony mous notes threatening the kennels. Statesman subscribers can se cure splendid accident protection for Sl.ee per year. MICKEY MOUSE By IWERKS face go scarlet. It was not the blush ot a girL feeing teased -about -an ld beau and Mary, who was romantic, sensed mystery. Adreature. se crecy, sudden, sweeping emotions . all the things she had missed In her own rather commonplace courtship and marriage she im agined behind tho color that went flaming in Ere s face. And she began to chatter about tother things, telling herself the mystery could wait.- They would hare a long talk the moment Jimmy left for the city. Ere .would confide ererythlng just as - she always had done all their lires. ' f ' But Saturday passed without a word) that Mary ached to hear and a long April Sunday mored slowly roun dthe clock. And It was not until Sunday, night that Mary be gan to suspect the cause of her guest's restlessness, her frequent spells of silence, the sudden starts "tie gare as If brought suddenly from deeo sleen. ' For on Sunday night Kenneth .Winner came. it- was a lasy day, that long 'April Sunday with gently fly away breeses pufflnr ont of no where: with white shies of clouds sailing the deep blue orerhead and a fortune in the golden eoln of dandelions sprinkling itself erer the rreen relyet of the old farmhouse lawn. Ere helped Mary with break? fast, with the dishes afterward. with "picking up" stm later. glancing at the . sturdy, . rather square little figure ot her friend. feeUag the kindness of bine eyes. wondering all the time -why she did not tell what was in her heart. It would hare helped so. It she Ere broke oft Quickly and the blue- eyes : surreyed - her - first, sharply and then with pity. Of i course Ere and Roger had quar- reled why hadn't she thought of It sooner? Naturally the poor kid was hurt.' unhappy- She put her arm around Ere. beran to lead her out to the road and on beyond a enrre toward an-1 other farmhouse, a low Dutch co lonial building which was desert ed and would have been melan choly but for the flowering shrubs which -surrounded it. ."Ereryone has misunderstand ings,' Mary began 'tn a soothing tone. "Even Jimmy and I why, we almost .decided to call it all off the day before the wedding!. But things come right if you lore enonah truly this Is so. YouTl I see. And she garo Ere a pat. smil ing in a knowing manner, feeling she bad formed an alliance wiin Dan Cupid himself in the interest i of her friend. But Ere was thinking. "Oh you bellere that! You beliere It be cause yon don't know wnat can happen, what auiy. terrioie things you. yourself, might do! not er erythlng can come right. Not eren It In lore oh. simply ail were 1 is!" For now she admitted it to her self: she was in lore with Ken neth WUmer. That -was way sue , had let him-kiss her. It was why ahe kept putting oft her de parture that night, stopping for another half hour and another tm It was too late. She murmured "Well " and Mary giggled and said they most look at the old house; 'Ire got the gorgeousest plan about It. Listen; why conldnt you lire here some day? When well f Cross -Word Puzzle ' Bi; EUGENE SHEFFER I , Ji b If I U jp j T j10 111 is mw "I55"- i!IZ j ; W - ...I..., HO TZfrW 2 V3" t-lfll!if-l!l- P M i l &4 1 1 1 r . HORIZONTAL, 1 What b the capital and ehlef , pertef i!m rkiliaybM Uaads? 7 WTsat HftoMtk Ceatary aa tUr wrote Merte eArtWI IX la what ItaCaa city wee Cel .kmlMrm? IS The brch of what ceasldered a syssbol at 14 Stm m periormanee. ;;: 15 What ItaBaa dty was m . . S ... fZTl&ts a 1S&3? SttSchdeSntte artkle. (.a sj.kiht ftu mm 1 Ufa. 20 Who was the Greek . , . of dawn!1"" . . : 22 Short for Edward. fiS Repast. J 2J NegatiTe. ' 27 Terminal part of the no. Sm mi tiTI doaat - tW aMH M fi I tka Kow Yerk TM1 UWaryT tl Slight deprexsiona, 82 Burden. It SomeUilDZ rizU that balds things tegeuas, 27 Secluded narrow vaaeya. 48 Artifleax , ' . . W.WVkk m of Isaac aeU Us blrtkrUht JacebT . 44 rjtah Cabhr.V . 45 Owed as a debt. 47 Beam. -, ' . 49 Note of the seale. 60 Pronoun. ' .... G 2 Sword with earred hlade. 'BSPlace. 54 Penetrate. 55 A singer. , , , ig Demands. C Less &Slato. ;--'V:;:VlOTCAiW;;: 1 Trt?. 4 Within: S What V.-ho Is lie Crat tJ- rprlsst IMfUMtd in too sV-.'hat U ti part cap fcy the t lowest fesaale veieel. 9 Svmbol for lithhna. 10 Eggs. - - la Become saua tnreogn compas aion. 14 What k the ssbaiag part el - this tsrat waning a oUeg 17 Finds the sum of. 21 What Eagfeb Pt wrote the ede begiaaiagt 0 wild wad wtad, thoa breath at A 24 la Heater, what dirinity hei ' charte of tha pClars wkkb 9 T:!fhp. Of ttrVkt-MMHI T1IOM H . AcMtcerma the highest pemkt 8P j Smart blew.- , 21 Imtesue aammv eLni 1m . . .j---. SS Who was tVe leader el tha 24 Uixed type. , , 8-U?nalitj. , - ' y 2P Jit. - ' 41 I!ipe apart. - 42 Island belorrfes te CJreece. 48 One wha utUzea, 48 Plane auifsse -- 51 Finish. . 5 Hawaiian food. gdsftuatsfir. .: HcrrrTJi b tha terdiy! csxs!a aslsrieata I -TO j - gg 'TOLLY AND HER PALS" "A Case of 'Shear Necessity" By CUFF STERRETi cocoAiywsl M'emmsi&wfrs &-T mo hair. atAU- & tH fS'J BECAM&OP?(TH& KlWXHy s 1 BTTE:R. THAM THIS j J f SccapS TXJRH4lR??(H4.,R'cin5 i f TERRiBue -- (1 X SCISSORS . - a mtir ' TIIJJEs THE TOILER 'Ererybod jfc Ouf By RUSS WESTOVEH yoo Dtaop m foe a secom OM VoUR. WfY TO V-UflCU I ALU H6HT(? -TWAMVCS A t-OT.?. TOODLEOO, a-n J 1 1 trrr. , . H 1 OH, MAC,VWR A DEAja. to comb ever VMIUU VbO VUATCHOWfc omCfe FOR A HAUF HOU( WHlLH GQ TO LVNCHt MB. VUHlfPUB IS HOMB. VUVTH A COllt SHOVO a r IT TilUeJ HSLP CAM m IK tOt Mc? IT'S ome cyci-ocK AMth TnULtTS ISNiT BACK UUMCH, TO O J Hello, operator - felMQ.30NBS,VUHPPLe AMD COMPAiay AOA1N THERE Must bs ome ONE THEfJE I UTTLE ANNIE BiOONEY Dos Heaven" L -, By BEN BATSFORQ y ( AAOSr C&rCHNUf, M V P64R - - XlS HE y I'LL SHOW VOU TO J f oka t tuao Follow a& Jmm . i. T, . . , . . . .. ... Tcc . zz&kzo - vtxvae looww suell! Aft AiAfT TW5 rue ateiA&srzAcssMi. BVESZ. SEBJU IAI dXJA MUOLR - . . - . . m. tmm Sil I X NEVER KVEUf HWM IWta vimaii tw 'luact O0C BVJT WOW X Hitom rr memjs aaiv pooch IIWI OW UCK. fO r y I UXN. &lRG uviw tm UPU of tsiUEY x'll eers sooha P&OB. 'UTTLB. LOGS VbOXL IHShXX ..NOUT4fTb TUB STREET AHO sf. lETMmvsa.'axi kuock voo back umt rmZgTX - SISZLL HOSPITAL! At IT r hem? weot&t'T'THE'ioDs iaA . MRS. MEANrrS QgttH4AJ ASVWU y AJKB , Tb CtTT AM EVETUL ' OH . ruts place? -twe wauLAwr: S. l ft , t . .'.--tZL. E. '.PLACE: WLESS TWEV SAW ITg PARADtGBf ilf , '""i!trttt' TOOTS AND CASPER "Forewarned Is Forearmed' By jrr.iY r.iunFHV m ArrruaiLV vmaoetecit ixmr VJOWTf. Toanr . 'ABOUT THAT 11 La Ave IT -TO FAPAT, htO TBECETVCD FKCNIJr.lt 4 DON'T KNOW WHAT. ;bua KrfSTEOlOUS fl H irAMS. r8UT , t laTrtaiENlX" &CtVHCr MT8 l V tfU. HANDU& THB fO&Hts TO CALL TO einrUATVJM. HTS'S YOU MSnT MOHSWfl 5K4T M3. QQo6a AU3EADT AN9 I CAVT g x erer e fw w js (CAM!. I4 - . 1 TMR4IT -rtW t TflQTft, OUT tNl ALMOST WORWED ? " i TO HERE.! MB AJO IM M ; tOENTrrr; so let him comts! I WANT THE LOW-DOWN; I CAN'T STAND suspense. a a aAa e "V 1 VAt vouu MmN rAa.i k2Q.OOa2 AND HOT WHO MS r? AM! NOW 142 VttlTEO' ; t THAT HE1.U 4nE MS THTA - - fr. QALANCe OF THE M0K5YWAT. 7. 14 COMlurTn ME.VMEM Ha' ,3ES MtL.THAT PUTMC ? 1 1 svt! vtwekes no? wonst. k I know of; K3 tviutt ui II ft ll 11.11 ma s2v zrJKzmt ttll scts t V.r:j IT3CDMS5I lcvn--" .... M.wimiMiiiii'lbl'M'Ni 'ttCT AUDNZvALS.KIrHI. lU I ir 1.-4. - ! BJ5rr nslDQOADl ITLCT "THtT j 4 - " - '"-