The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 13, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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M4f A m J mm f
Local News Briefs
Tavenner to Corruis R. w. I - CUmh. Ore imeA A ili
avenner, secondary supervisor weeks' - series of lectures on yen
jn, tte saiem schools ana secre- mansfttst ana spelling methods by
tary-treasurer of the state high Mrs. Clara Pomarey and on metb
aehool principals association, will oda lead by Mlsa Gretehen Kream
be bi Corvallls tonight to attend er. has been arranged tor elemen
an executite committee meeting tary school teachers. Tie spelling
of that group. tCv"A. Howard, group meets each Tuesday at 4
state superintendent," sd Mr. o'clock at the senior high school
fiurgesa of the superintendent's ajid the music instruction .will be
office, will "he In attendance from given at the same hour and' place
6alem, although not members of each Wednesday. Mrs Pomeroy
the committee. Other members of is both heads of their respective
the executive group are: Paul departments la the Junior highs.
Jackson of Klamath Falls," presW The series of atndiea were arrang
dent;. A. Bittner of: Portland, ed by Miaa Carlotta Crowley,
John C. .Johnson of Prineville.
Plans will be made for the annual
Disease Here High Report of
meeting to be held here in Octo- communicable diseases i Marion
Blshob - gpeaksBiahop Titus eH' 01
Y.M.. nt vnHio. ,. 1 exclusive ci turee
county for the week ending Feb
ruary 8, made to the state depart
ment of health shows 62 cases,
cases of tuber-
tnis number, zi eases were
whooping cough; four each Influ
enza and pneumonia, six each
ebickenpox and mumps, two scar-
Methodist church was the chapel teg09 ,n " hospital, Of
caker Wednesday . morning at
Willamette university.' He will be
on the university- campus until
TTflr? 11 ur ,: il AllWmf n as awanfn ' saif
dresses to the reneral nubile an4ilet Dd one measles. There
- - . iaia van aaA -. i
chapel talks, each. morainn.rHeis i .IT. . . v"""a " fv-
masing-.nis ncaoquarters- in-, tne i . ..
",uw. " " preBHieav ww.- -,Bxtia Special While they last,
Tl w' B! xne siuaeais iorpri- r new small ; M3T model noe,
Yate eonferences.
- -c- I samples " f-ronv large- Eastern: man-'
Bii legion - Auxiliary bem SiTSf Via!?t
Hanea- Cratal. Cardans ' Feh. M. IfM-lfe 1
l!niu mniiii aIiI tin, AanHnr. TWiman. rilM
Hag's Cousin Bdes Henry H.
Hug, Oregon pioneer, died Tues
day at LaGrande at the age of
(Store, 3 85-3 6 8o. 12th it.
Mile from High Prices.'
Possibilities Uew Program
Cited by Chairman of
- ' Commission
The state of Oregon faces great
er accomplishments and a happier
ojkton within its borders through
acceptance and careful building
upon the taxation system now
smarted. John Carkin, chairman
of the' state tax commission, said
la speaking on taxation at the
Zonta club luneheon meeting at
the Marlon yesterday
In the 25 years preceding the
last legislature's enactment of
new tax laws and eetbllshment of
the -r full time tax commission,
some ti tax measures have been
enacted by the people through the
Initiative and referendum, Carkin
said. Reason that ' tax matters
have fared so badly In Oregon la
due largely to the fact that taxes
can't be put into a straight Jack
et,' nor Is taxation a thing that
can be rushed ' Into without: care
ful study, the tax expert declared.
s The "present tateiaesv'th"tax
on corporation and bank's; the In
tangibles and: th provision - for
equalisation of property assess-'
meats, are believed by Carkin to
be the beginning of a program
which will put Oregon ahead In
the field of taxation and mean fu
ture development, no less than
the road program worked out
over the last 10 or 12. years has
put the state ahead of all others
i 5
, w
A f r ,C ? o.
:1 ' -f
I 1
If eomflaod til his homo with the
na womem - or west saiem
made a community quilt which
consisted of the names oni ihe
blocks of tho different ladies of
Weet Balem.-
This was presented to am eld
friend,' Mrs W. J Thomas of
Bugs street. . . .
Mr. and Mrs. Austna VUkln-
ton of - Sll Edgewater street.
West Salem, are rejoicing over
the arrival of a seven and a half
pound baby bey bom Saturday
sight, Mrs. Wilkinson and son are
at thjB Bungalow maternity home.
. Miss Ruth Bedford is having a
musical recital Saturday evening
at eight o'clock in the Nelson
building. Emery Hobson, an ad
vanced student on the piano will
furnish the jnusie for the program.
anti .
Disease Cases
Total 160 Last
Month, Report
' .Exactly 160 cases of commun
icable disease were reported in
Marion county tor the month of
NwreJ men who followed 8eeretar of doo of their own medicine. The double- I I.JltJ, .JTJ?Znr
State Sthnson to SUnmore, EngUnd. where I play ia ghown taJdnt' place on one of the I ncer made at the county health
he was resting over the week-end. sot. a terraces of Warrea House nnit executive committee neeUag
last nigat;
M?., Raaaey la trpm Hillsboro, 1 eBiekenox were most prevalent
Orsen,v -, Idnvins the'nontta wit 4. caM
W. F. Thomas of Huge street ( cases of diphtheria were renort-
1 s ' considerably Improved 1 n led; ten of pneumonia and nine of
health after several days of 111- Influenza. , There were five eases
State Board of Hfealth
Sinus Trouble This Week
Noted Players May Come
Th,n la Ku-alhtltttf ih,t Co 1 ATM
71 years. He was a oousin or loTers of the Shakespearean
George W. Hug. city school su- drama wU, the Ben Greet
perm tenflent. -Henry Hug was jrhve-nAar(n hra.thi
with a group of 36 famUiea sent spring, according to word received I We advancement.
10 SOUUtWeStern Utah in lSOl tO Uv nenrn W Unr aunortn. I Th new (MM nave Ttn ihfliw J nt TiMlth t tta wolv Itunailn urn iV atMtt In the wall. lor-
mlld the Santa Clara settlement, itendent. The nlavers have anlonahlv investigated and are of Ifesued veaterdav. - Save the. atata I tnnatelv. however, most eases of
open date, which Salem has an I such character that they will department: I sinus infection are merely pros-
opportunity to secure, build up Oregon, Carkin believes, f Sinus v trouble is a freauent lent while the mouth of the sinus
Careful guard against sinus i cause actual pressure on the sin-
trouble may prevent chronic ins walls, accompanied by great
colds, points out the state board pain, and may even burst through
He had lived
years, i
in LaGrande SO
Outing Planned Fifteen high
"ichool boys are registered for an
outing at Swim, on Mt. Hood near
iTha intanHhlMt TAiaA a MTifln. I auaav a hrna,i mMh 111
N. K. Mrlrhoir Dies N. E. :r7 " T1Z 'I "Zj. T r ITk
an Inflammation or
sinus trouoio, avoia
'tho w eloped' by
BteleAola-. Brotlaer or M. J. VM- d0pueate each other in any phases! telilTitaMtyT The ro ? tT'iioid"
choir of Salem, died In Portland J nu. .tjl v I 7. v. I . TO . .
G o t or n m e n t Camp, which Is Wednesday afternoon following wTtm 'El t? ZZMmErXh f?? n
scheduled for , the coming week an attack of pneumonia, accord- vT"Cllltb.?n2? don
j v. in i m. i, j , j i mi uun" wu,vm uuu v .to mmt- vut iimw jwBBMco. u j u i win r ipui maae neaa eoiaa less
Y. M. a A. at 5 o'clock Saturday last night. ' Mr. Melcholr had rr'.r " " ,";7r IT " J
afternoon, returning late Sunday, lived in Portland for a number of
They will witness a ski tourna- years. No funeral arrangements
ment which is to be held at Swim have been made.
( Hills have a large assortment
Artisan brill Team. Valentine of Valentine boxes packed with
Program and Dance, at Fraternal their own delicious chocolates at
Temple, February 13, 1930, 8:00 reasonable prices. 12th at Leslie.
o'clock, Roy Mack's orchestra.
Warehouse Man Hero E. L.
Hcminger, of the Lake Labish
district where he is a large onion
grower and warehouse man, was
transacting business here yester
day.. Rominger says, his ware
house la filled with onions for the
time being, due to a drop in the
onion market. Incidentally, he
reports quite a few oniony were
Pep Rally Held A pep rally
was held at the high school yes
terday In anticipation of the game
this week end. The special .rally
was enltved by a. short skit from
"Pomander Walk" Techno elub
play whtch 'win be given Febru
ary 20 and 21 here under, direc
tion of Miss Cecil McKereher,
coach, and Miss Ruth Brautl,
club advisor.
Want used furniture. Tel. SU.
Delegates Seated The follow
ing delegates presented creden
tials and were seated as members
of the Salem Trade and Labor
Community Night Planned
Community night observance will
be held Friday night, beginning
with a-potlutk supper at 6:30
o'clock, at the Castle
of sinus trouble,
Both right and left nasal eavt-
one's resistance to disease Is of
the greatest Importance. Fresh
ties have connections with these I air about 70 degrees Fahrenheit
Appeal is made by the Associat
ed Charities for at least one bed,
United I which is needed in a home where
hollow spaces in the bones, called
accessory nasal sinuses. In the
cheek bone, the sinus is large and
Is commonly called the "antrum,"
in the bone over each eye there Is
a smaller eavlty called the fron
tal sinus. But a similar sinus, call
of a proper degree of moisture Is
an essential to indoor living.
Some persons are "forever
catching a cold" In spite of good
ventilation of a proper tempera
ture and proper moisture. In such
persons the proper circulation or
ed the sphenoid sinus, exists be- I the blood is often interfered with
hind each nasal cavity, deep in I by mechanical causes such as
th. haul a tha etrnll iaVn thu i . I - m a.
Brethren church. A program will there are nine people and mily nai: , ZfiZ-u i
iv 150 vmoir in'r I twn tuwi. x th. lPrrowu, V nTiaeai cavity at Basal passages by a deflected na-
follow at 7:30 o'clock, feature 'of two beds. Two of the seven chil-JK'im fS due to a eollection of ;,T Er E in7
nett Hill.
Mrs. Mae Young, Charities secre- I, " V
. ... .v - l-n j I Bill us.
obstructions may be so large as to
tarv. savs she is esneciallv desir- . .... I project across ine nasai cavuy
Elford In Newberg George C. Uns of setting in touch with anv- " !? .,0 unrsiana now and cause a chronic inflamma-
Elford of the Cooperative Realty one wbft mieht kne n -itr-. boil ?n "nammaiion or tne mem-Ttion. Head eolds from mechanical
and Sales company was attending
to business matters in Newberg
Speeding' Charged E. J.
Burnside was arrested Tuesday
night by local police on a charge
of speeding. -
For guaranteed repair work.
Fitzgerald Sherwin Motor Co.
Wagner From Oregon City
J. G. Wagner of Oregon City was
transacting business here yesterday.
Johnson to Loe Angeles Otto
F. Johnson, 125 West Lincoln
C C. Pare, who las been at
torney with the state Industrial
accident commission tor the past
nine years, died yesterday morn
ing at the residence at Ti 9 Breys
avenue at the age of 7year. He
had been 111 fer some time, hav-
ng suffered a heart attack and
for the five days previous to
death was ill of pneumonia.
Funeral, services will be held
at rl o'clock . Friday at the
Clough - Taylor . chapel. Rev.
George Swift officiating and as
sisted by Rev. J. C. Tibbetts. Fol
lowing the services hero the re
mains will be taken to the Port
land crematorium.
Mr. Page came to Oregon in
914, setting first at Ashland
where he practiced his legal pro
fession for a few years. He also
spent five years In California be
fore coming to Salem. He was
born in Cmmansburg, New York,
67 years ago, and was a graduate
of Cornel university. He was clerk .
of the federal court in Alaska
from 1105 until coming to the .
west ocast .
Mr. Page was a member of the -
Presbyterian .enure la Salem and
belonged alee to the Masonic ,
lodge at' Crumansburg -and fha
Alaskan brotherhood, the fifte -
aa Odd rellows,
nesa recently.
Miss Jean Peterson, former
resident of West Salem, has been
ill for the past five or six weeks.
of mumps, 15 of whooping eough
and 29 of ehlckenpox. Eleven
of scarlet fever; four of tubercu
losis; two each of measles, ve
il hMB MKrW tn hr in. I "oral diseases and bronchial
have a mastoid operation. Thisls P"0BlV nd one. j
w ninr i Raiem wt leeping sickness, meningitis and
her senior year at Salem high
school, from where she has been
absent for some time because of
this Illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Gerth
The meeting held last nfght at
the health center hero marks the
first. session of the new enlarged
of Th. Gerth ch grocery of Jgf SfT th9
UsnitoF-fUAkt!f -WfmM.lty halth unit. Seven members.
guests Sunday at the home of
representatives of each contribut
ing agency to the health program,
now sit on the committee. Mem
Miss Lottie MeAdams and Mrs.
-"J a.M6o v. V.- .V.
Mrs. Mary Billings of Plasa rl 'JZL .Sl. iT
v.. .iM. . v resentatlves were: Judge J. C.
street has been ailing at her home
recently with heart trouble and
other ailments.
The community club Is making
plans for a very lively meeting
Siegmund, chairman, represent
ing the county; Ellis Purvino of
the city council; Frank Neer of
the Salem school board; Mrs.
Brazier Small of the Marlon
lJWE fS'JSSr "un'ty public' heaTth oc7aon;
tee working on the program.
The West Salem Ladies Aid is
making plans for the Red Bird
tea to be held at the home of Mrs.
Jack Gosser of Kingwood avenue
Wednesday, afternoon. All ladies
are cordially Invited to attend.
The ladies working on the af
ternoon entertainment are Mrs.
I Silverton schools. The two mem
bers from the Mill City and Gates
I school districts were not present.
SILVERTON. Feb. 12 Mrs.
August Elton of the Brush Creek
Jack Gosser, Mrs. Dicklson, and district is getting along very well
""' . v-a Tlnlnar ,K noool aovKv I . . ji
and mattress, or either.' which I " . " iouirucuons ro recugmwo oj a snared, as the need in ; W wu tae mvmsnuies aooui competent pnysicli
. ' ..... Ithe small mouth or a Sinus and .traction as well as hrontcallv
Contrihntlons received br the I tQOS f8 U more or ,ee tempor- Inflamed tonsils and adenoids
Charities yesterday included: WU- Iff e,owir' Soon the lining of should bo removed for the pre
liam Gahlsdorf, $2; Salem Malt J1"18 iBUa becomes Inflamed and ventlon of head colds: To avoid
shop, $1; cash, 21.; C H: Fake, J Prfnao secretion is thrown in- head eolds, and perhaps eonse-
35 M. C. Findley, 5; William l r1 l" i c:ar hum, iquent sinus trouoie, so tar as pos-
MeGUchrist. 2S: Melvin Johnson, I Dtlt utw ehanging to pus. If this jsible avoid contact with persons
$1; B. F. Pound. 91; W. B. An- 1 flpd eontlnues to collect. It may I suffering with eolds. particularly
wnen tney are sneezing ana
coughing. Preserve your own
health and resistance by carefully,
observing the laws of personal
Mrs. Guy Nugent.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fisher of
Third street motored to Lebanon
Sunday where they visited Mrs.
Fisher's sister, Mrs. T. L. Sher
od. Russell Fisher who was very
low with pneumonia recently is
following her recent operation at
the Good Samaritan hospital -at
Some time ago it was feared
that Mrs. Elton was suffering-
TTom cancer, but attending physi
cians pronounced her ailment tu
mors, one of which was removed
considerable improved now al- un"n "e recent, operation. The
though he. is not yet able to re- other will be removed before Mrs.
coundl Tuesday night: Ellis MiQ- I street, left last night for a short
er. electrician; W. M. Barnes, trip to Los Angeles.
derson, 91; James Brownson. $1;
W. G. Krueger, $1; R. H. Baileyr Dt,Ii fUmU,
groceries, 15; E. J. Dewnell. $1; KaDDlt IslUDS tO
cash, 60 cents; Thos. D. Kay, I s , f . .
910; cash, fi; W. Cohen, SI; I UCt UpVOTtVLTllty
amis. VHMica v. i fa, n
Yeaton, groceries, 8.80; k a
i Clement, 95; and a friend, $1.
To Attend Meet
truck drivers; A. W. Peebles, la
thers Prank Crosier, building la
borers; Frank P. Marshall, bus
iness agent for the council.
Rhodes Retired Silas Rhodes.
wo has been a janitor at the lo
cal postoff Ice for the past 24
years, has been put on the retired
list. Rhodes has been in ill health
Visiting Day at
Turner Grange Is
I ! West Salem
lo -o
Members of the 4-H rabbit club
nroiecta la Marion county have
been extended an Invitation to I Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Greene and
meet with the Marion county children were visitors In Bheri-
Rabhlt Breeder's association at dan Sunday at the home of Mr.
the regular meeting to he held at Greene's brother,
the T. M. C. A. here at 8 o'clock Mrs. L. K. Davis was an after-
rt Ta 4laJ BiAiamAm mt I TnAcnflw Blffhf ranrain 11 Tnia aaa, arnaw mi fha hrtma Af her
lnt(TPstinP KvPTlt the residence, 77$ Breys, at the; arrangement has been made with j sister, Mrs. I. TJ. Thomas of Edge-
" ago of 57 years. Survived by
the association by William W. I water street
TURNER, Feb. 12.
- , 1 widow, Florence; daughter Vir- J Fox; county elub leader, and bo- I Miss Chroml of Sclo was a vls-
and lor the last. two monthshas grange "Jf-8! services Friday at 11 ; o'clock cJubs was mailed yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Greene of Pla-
Deeu auauie u wvra a. m ovmv I uj . iubu- usual ui.ciuik iiww ou..k.T.,ln. I Til nrocram will na rirpn or I..
... . W , A m m . I - V n -n - .MB V"-aJii; , aaawa. 1 1M ltUUCi
oincev e re8iui i , j iu we i. w. y--;. .. Rev. George Swift officiating, as- to problems of special Interest to Tae Women's Foreign Mission
w iciotAyf T i n Titthotta - ra. i ine vouna raonii arowers. ana
intr am o -mw mnrm ranraian r n r ivsw s . a a .
mains will be taken to the Port
land crematorium.
Itlnar Haw and renreaentativea
"1 shall not bo' responsible for ( were nresent from each trance
bills charged to my accojint, ex- 0f Marion county. Short speech
cept those contacted for by my- es were given by a number of
self." Myrtle B. Arneson (Mrs. L. those present on a variety of help
A. Arneson), owner of Inspiration fni subjects. The leading topic
Point on Garden Road. Salem, of Interest for discussion seemed
Oregon. jto be. "Should Oregon have a
Iliantam9,tt mcninrf" Urt. P.thl
wui neprm riaj i Gulvin. lecturer, nn
Affair- by the saiem tteignts and sixty Ave sat down to a din
community elub were not enough Ber of the kind that grangers I V 'Z'J
will include discussions of mar
keting, care of rabbits, and dls-
JSSIJLa Pendence, February 12. John
Winfield Brooks. 81. Survived
ease control. The spring rabbit I Dt,e'
ary society will hold their next
meeting at the homo of Mrs.
Floyd De-Lapp of 29 1 Gerth ave-
show will also be considered
W. B. Morse, local physician
Ethel Denton has gone to vis
it relatives In eastern Idaho, and
she. will be gone until fall or
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ramey and
turn to school.
Mrs. Edward Becken and
daughter Irene of independence
were all week visitors at the
home of Mrs. Becken. mother,
Mrs. J. T. Hunt of Second street.
Mrs. Hunt has been ailing with a.
cold. The Beckens have now re
turned to their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Deryl .Bradford
have rented the house belonging
to Mr. and Mrs. Merle Clark of
Ruge street. They have rented
the house furnished as Mr. and
Mrs. Clark are making plans to
leave for 'California where Mr.
Clark Is Intending to work. If he
gets work they will stay indefinitely.
Miss Marie Sawatsky of Third
street was a Tuesday afternoon
visitor at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. Thomas of Ruge
Mrs. Croshaw and daughter of
Liberty were visitors with Mrs.
Croshaw's daughter, Mrs. George
Begosian of Ruge street. They
came Monday night and stayed
until Tuesday. .
Mrs. Charley Warm's children
are ill. It was necessary to call
the doctor for the children Sun
day evening.
David Garrison of Ruge street
by following children: Edward
WUI Repeat aiay rro presen- i Gulvin lecturer nreslded daring I " , V " v I ana menvoer ol tne eiaie Doard or 1 ramny visited m iMewoerg oun-
tations of the play ?The Family tve. Droam hour. One hundred iSS,,rf; a p health, departed Monday on a day at the home of Mr. Barneys
to accommodate all who wanted 4re ned to.
to see ft, or else there were a lot The W. C. T. U. will give their
of folk who want to see It the annual F. E. Willard program
second time. It will be repeated at and Silver tea at the home of
9:15 Thursday night. Mrs. G. W. Farris, Wednesday at
M , . 2:30 p. m. n February 19. All
Clinics For Today Edward Leo, ladies are cordially Invited.
RusselL school physician sua , c Bear. drove up to Craw
William A., Gervais; Louis N., triD t0 Southern California, Ari- father. G. W. Ramey.
Corvaills; Mrs. w. M. - Hemng, i fona and flnallr to Chicago where I R. A. Ramev visited at the home
H., Bay CIty. liin wm anrspn in nnxt-arroAiiatA i nt lila hrnthatr. H f RuiM of
Funeral services Friday at 1:30 I Btnfl h win th u.,n .iin. I rrKlv-l ait Foot fSa Am. a w mfirn In 2?.
. , . I j a wm vaa v mmmtmj V Va A UM VaB BV Va W V. 1 W j 9 -
ouoca rum w- Ai8uv ih- le on tne way back to Salem,
ary. Interment at Gerrals ceme- Diannlng to be awar for about
tery. itwo months. Mr. and Mrs. T. C.
Patterson of Portland will airom-
mnr , r : nany him. and Mrs. W. A. Cusick
... a M i.. " ,m ' m I V"" aaaaa,, auiw auaa. ti. a. vuiu
Minnie F. Stegner, wife of II. 1-m n. U in th nart . far
the county health unit, will eon- fordsriii, Saturday evening to JJlJf Angeles, where she will visit
duct a cunic at ins jwuj i tne home jol bis brotner, F. vl. i ":' n.i.i. I
school today. Vernon A. Douglas, Bear. He returned home Sunday I "".. "
county health bfficerm hold accompanied by his mother. Mrs. r.;. w.Vii
iters and St. Paul. I home in Indiana, making an ex-
- tended visit with her two sons
Fire Damages : Garage -Fire and famlUes.
caused by a defective flue caused T B. Funston happily sur-
-II V ian.a. a ViA PhaiTT f!lt ia V
garage on South. 22th street Wed- wb, A. and N. Jones and their Memorial park.
nesday forenoon,-Tne aowHrwaiWlTea of near coiiax. wasn..
fire department answered t h e I drove up for a tew days' visit.
Holly Funston, a granoson, is
also a guest at the Funston home.
hagen. all of St. Paul, Minn. Fu
neral services, will be held Friday !
at 2 o'clock at the CIongh-Taylor !
ehapel, with interment in Belcrest !
City View Cemetery
Established 1803 Tel. 12SO
Conreniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided tor
Prices Reasonable
We Rent
Used Furniture
3all 2193, Used Fanalture
1 .'
181 N. High
, alarm.4 . ' j c .
- We are receiving It Inch Inside
and slab mill wood mixed. 25.501
per cord from car. Have a ear
in " Phono your orders at once.
Cobbs A Mitchell Co. 349 S. 12th.
Phono 913.
PUua . Archery- Claow Forma-
MONMOUTH. Feb. 12. -W. t.
Morrison who suffered a stroke
last week which rendered him
partially helpless, is critically III
a ila farm liana Antbeaat of
tlon of a class in archery at the t0 w ln tare of a nurse.
Y. M. CI A. has been proposed He has been in failing health for
and a meeting to determine the ,ome tlme, but only recently be-
amount of interest in the ; sport tane unable' to attend to his farm
will be held sometime ne weea. i chorea.
Hartley i Visits J. C. Hartley,
farmer of the Jefferson district.
was a Wednesday business visitor j
in Salem. Hartley reports that his
wife is euite seriously 111,
Dollar dinner every night 1:41 j
a .t IVa Ua,1m kltlal ;
Celery TjsJon MeetsThe an
nual meeting of the LaWih. Mea
dows t Celery anion was held at
the Salent e ham ber of commerce
auditorium Wednesday. .
Dolph Hanks, age 52, died In If
this city February -12J rormer I m
k..Sa. ZE'" I DeltrciSt iflemonal
neral later from the CIough-Tay-lor
Eyeglass Insurance and thor
ough examination included, v
110 N. Commercial fit, - -
For Expert
Truck and Tractor
Motor Reconditioning
G. A. Raymond Machine
- Shop "
425 Chena, St. Phooe 8
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
Jawf tea sahnites from ftte
heart of towa -'
- Speeding Chsaed-rQwen 611
etfap.was arrested by elty traf
tlc , officer Wednesday forenoon
Fruit Growers!
We ihave sosae r geed Jt:ft.
Maaaard Seedliag Cheiiies a
few Noble Fruaee and ether
varieties ol :-IMt aad jlfot
Sales yard East Side Armory
- -t-
'S3 Tears ta
Repeated by
A Family
At Salem
Heighti Hafl
Thursday, 15th : .
, , C- . , f -
DamH Mi-a It! '
i A rtot fua '
Cartala Stlw -
Positive Relief for Head
ache Neuralgia, Backache, Excel
lent in pains of Rheumatism
and sciatica.
Put up by
Emil A. Schaefer
Res. Pharmacist
Price 25 Cents
Only at ;
The Original Yellow Front and
Candy Special Store of Salem.
185 N. Commercial
Phone 107
Penslar Ageacy
pisses inn
I West Stayton
Prank Bowen has rented the
Miller ranch and will move there
in the near future.
James A. McDonald of Salem
was a 8unday caller at the Gibson
Rev. Mr. Stewart of Albany
was a caller to the neighborhood
Friday. Ho ia the Presbyterian
Miss Helen Hankie and Howard
Gilbert were married at Shaw
rebraary 2. They will make their
homo on Mr. Gilbert's farm when
they return from the coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Do Long
and children of Marion called at
the Condit-Dennem home Satur
day. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nlple were
Turner shoppers Thursday.
They are rapidly getting the
road back in condition after the
freese. There were some very
bad places.
Fresh Shipments
Arriving Daily
lanner Transfer Co.
Beautiful heart boxes to
select from
AO Quality
' .Lai
blrwaift.77rcrnj- I
STORAGE that is .
safe Is. the -only
kixid that interests
- you. . Fireproof,
daniago-proof tor-
rage is the kind.of
, aervice :you- git
I here. And 'peedy, ,
- dependable mtmng. "
I i ;.-! I
To Adalts Callint; at Our Store
Autographed Photo
Bear Him With a Phiko
itmimk coif rnrg
A 7 Tube Screen Grid All-Electric
Balanced-Unit Radio
In thebeautiful nine Ctnuole Uodd
Only with Philco Babmced-Unil
Radio eaa yon reproduce such
ciiarmins voice a that of Maurice
This new Philco Console with the
wooderfial new Philco 7-Tuhe Screen
radio History, we confidently bclleTe.
rower, clstonce, pure tone aharp
selecthrity auor ndim for, less
mumtj than e?er oCercd before.
1 ' ' rf
toouur tiMJs.
ijS iimm ij Sj'i It &mSm.
f SSl iSl itSdlaaarf mj
SwaUsW MsaVnf
n a charge of speedias oa yr-
. ;. T. .tO Ossgsa ; - '