The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning. February 13. 1930 PAGE ELEVETf V if V IL; I? S CM ? : 1 I- TJ CL ISXYZZD AOVXXTUIKO fcudisif BfttiflM, pet Hss , T ,- Ms (2 11m altlan charge) Haul f ltd Advertising, per Uoe 10 GWaaifi.d Aivtrtiaiag, cr use S tiaMS tOs Classified A-vertisiss, By lima S times SO 0-e oata, daily Sad Sunday per Hn. s $100 Copy for this page Accepted an tU 4:30 the evening befora publi cation (or classification. Copy r jetved after this time will be run under tho beading Too Irto to classify. HELP WANTED FEMALE wanted Experienced maid for general housework. Phone zos-w. I FOR SALE MlSCeflaneOUS a-uPL-ion ryn.M' '" i - - J Bt aircu eumf Mnb rail 117. nj rZ M - - ru -, .T.-r. c-tA.ti&. i .-.'. Lt k, . , Tall. I ,.,- Tl,n Stnr &-29s SO. lZtn I 15 V ICX I- A HO A Atnivi v -a ' a. s-k .ay li A KlhlVin I FOR SALE All kinds of wood, aTtcckeh . 19S9J. . ' ALFALFA har L Townsend. 10 miles N. of Salem. Mission Bottom. Call 71F32. OAT and vetch hay. M, C. Smith. R. 1, Brooks. Oregon. PORTABLE typewriter, all makes, rew and used. Adders and typewriters for rent. Typewriter Exchange. 421 court street. -tj-ijTjTjTjTjxiqrLrurtJtj"uin.ri , - ' - - - CLOVER, vetch and oat bar. S20. Ernest Rota. K. 7, saiem. VOR 8 ALE Baled straw, 17.00 per ton at farm. Phone 41FZZ. SBASOJfED cedar hon poles and i j . A Asjt m.v ir mifntaPf. i2i!2R? ' V V ' ltr.rlh THOa It BELTS Creswell, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1 aBMaBWaMaaMMasT"iBasWaaa"" EXTRA special while they last, r.ew, small 1930 model pianos, samples from larKa easiern manuiiriiMci. 39S.0( values for $247.50. 12.09 a w . . . ' . . , , lhla week. Only a few to be had at this price. TaJlman Piano Store, a-3 j ; " rriceo. RECLEANED. grey seed oats tor sale. 2c lb. Roy Williams, R. 1, box . Shaw. Ore. W ANTED MisceUaneous v U.Ia. .luwAmnM Af TUT- I ciwif uii vJ. . I riltsre. IL I Stiff Furniture company. I w,..,... '" ""p vtah ir. lj iw u y p:aicn. ivf uii I li-jv. Balance type. No spring scales waated. Phone 1805J. WANTED Convalescent or elderly lidy in quiet home of practical nurse. s7 So. 12th. Phone J602R. MISCELLANEOUS FREE CONCRETE BLOCKS 500 ma. ft. of 6 inch old concrete to be removed rcm premises of new Mate office bldff. Inquire 01 job 01 fio. Row B. Hammond Co. i'OR RENT ROOMS ayn itxiaj''LrxOi'i ivwVi-" FOR RENT Desirable ' Bleeping rooms. Heat and hot water. Garage If wanted. Phone 1390J. WARM room. Close In. Phone K35W. FOR RENT APARTMENTS m.- r,nnrfWM-M--v-i-i- - - - - m Aoartments $16 and $17. Damon Crocery, C39 N. Com'L Desirable 3" room well heated apt TMione 1362M. NICE clean 4 room furnished apt, private bath. 1047 Sq. Coui'L. Fl'RNISHED apt 1333 State. CyeawOsaMaaeaaBiaaaBBBsaaaBaaaB WE have twO nleely furnisledrapart riitnts for rent: one three room, and t ie other t o. with dressing room and Embassador apts.. Phone 1972. Nice front apartment, large rooms, r;.rtially furnished. Call BjBaB-esBaaBaaa mm 4 ROOM furnished apartment, mod- e: n and very close in. Adults. Phone I -. -. -rj-.rrjn.-L I MODERN 4 room apartment, heat, I t::j?z& rar,yPh: . ir. - .a,.0w - 2..2S-R, J-UWI nnfM-i Wi-f 1a m mm Apartment for rent. Inquire 1148 -Ciiemeketa street. ' safwajtsttBtSsS at atatsas ta . sstssttSasBh NEW attractive S room, well heat ed apt. 1580 Center. Phone 111 2M. jtn n -i mioi' " - - ' - - 2 coxy basement room fully fur risaed. Heat, light, water. $15.W. 406 jo. 1 rhnrch. Phone 1870M. I OR RENT HOUSES . ------ .i FOR RENT Bouses nthlS&ed asa mfurnlshed. W - r. i wood 'v. 841 State Street FOR RENT Suburban home. 6 room modern Tbl. iXrage, S acre, if VSod OWNER going sway, choles lot for aUrVWo. einiiiiFoney on dty tmmt-Vr-i ir.fir Pric. taster ale- $225.00. Inquire 1895 South 13thences Md business property St H I'lUII, . . . month. .. LEO N. CHILD- W., Keauors 220 State Street Phono 1717. FOR RENT SXfUNa-yW'tJaiifc m-mmnmMmmmmmm First class rarar- Closs in. K Ftate?manu sa-ixars''' fc fc fc a B a a a FARM FOR RENT tii jprtKS fine home. 1-J crop pay ment plan, water system, electri- city, large, modern dairy barn, only 6 miles of Salem. Hurry If you want this place. See my ' agents. - SEARS TUCKER VflR SALE REAL ESTATE in imn i1 8 Room Salem Home Good Location to trade for acreage. Address 13, care Statesman. & M. SARLE 221 No. High St. Phone 2242. . at eiA 1w s.li11n r rltv JF S-'a vi" j REIMANJTS BARGAINS 5 rooms, full basement, fireplace, furnace, breakfast nook, garage. Mod ern. Unfinished attic . tn w. Sadem. Almost new a . -,J,m hniute. Good black soiL Nice fruit trees, some berries. Good water. Fine view, ira . Three nice, well located tots in eaitiu. n ihisu- . . .-j, -m rA m - al xmntrr Store and Oil station for sale. Good reason ror seu Ing- Three room house with bath. In Wert Salem. Will take good car as first payment , Have cash, buyer for homo In norOt- east part of' city. Price shout $4004, . . m -- w umas enrarr aauuu. Let us write your Money Money to loan. Quick Service RICH L IU-MANX, Raor .. 319 N. High Street Phone 885. ii n n r-irtra-j-ii- " " EXCEPTIONAL OFFERING writes us to sell his Salem property at once. One, a One resident mooa Sell separate. $504 clown, baL to suit SEE Mra. r-i'i-l' 320 State Street siiMt Phone lizi vnx aar. rt OWNER 4 room plastered house $1404.44. Some cash. Xfia ijth ci isst - - - FOR SALE By owner, ' : Bouth Sslem. Income possiDuiue Phone 1742J. - EXCEPTIONAL ?Fl"f;ut mfm wwwwww'e. ?"toW?Si i-??-s'f-- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE vrr inniinnnnrinin ni rcC nifTninrirrnai" SPECIAL. HOUSE BARGAINS Splendid new 4 room atrictly modern house with large unfinished half story, close to schools, pared street . - - m t-m cut m DIIJ t f l wu, Two riant good 4 room houses la fair location and the terms are easy Your choice for $1450 on easy terms. A very nice a room house north east in goed location with a delight ful lawn abundance of shrubs ana flowers. A splendid older type house, very welt built, close In on Court street. with delightful large lot worth 16500 and will consider a small well Im proved acreage close. McGILCHKIsJT PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 10. BEAUTIFUL VIEW PROPERTY Almost new 6 room English type i. i .. i . IWUK Ull llf(7 caai ii wilt Ricu- did view of city and tnts. A real buy $509, OT Will accept good - CBT or vacant lots up to itwv. inu wui please the most exacting buyer. BEE Mrs. Kills with EO N. CHIU5 CO.. Realtors " -jctv (1850. S room bungalow, large lot. line fruit - trees, good garage. SlOO down. $1100. 4 room bungalow. V, basement. furnace, oaK floor tn living room. toilet and hath. 8100 down S2100. 5 room bungalow in fine con dition, large lot, fruit trees ana era Dos. S100 down $2:50. 4 room English type bouse with nook, fireplace, garage, oaa floors. 1109 down. 1250. 6 room English type bouse. modern In every war. S200. down. $S756. a room bungalow, modern In very way, attic stairway. $250 down. 14200. - room bungalow, modern In everyway. Will take two good lots close te urant scnooi as urn pay' ment. StSOo. 7 room English type house. modern in every way. Will trade for 4 room bouse. Salem hSme at 7. A. L DARK 320 U. S. Bank. Bldg. Phono J7. GOOD BUT8 mm 9 ml am a TtTfwlaHnm about 4ft acres finert of bottom Uvnd. mwui , u acres until ui wilwu wuu, baance ,plendid mnnlng water. 1 . f bujirtin. family orchard. 1125.00 per acre. ion ACRES IS ml. from Salem, all I cultivated, fine soil, 2 good springs, I water piped into house. 7 room I home, good bam, chicken house, lam- ily orchard, some farm machinery. $12,000.00. Will take city property UP tO $400;t v: 0 ACRES 4 miles from Dallas, 40 . i r A v. acres in cuiuvuiuu, iumm uuc, barn 30 by 40. 12 acre prunes and other fruit, well and spring. $2750. Term?. SiOOO.OO to loan Insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 TJ. s. Nat l. Bank Bldg. Phono C27 FOR SALE C ROOM modern house large lot. several kinds of fruit, walnuts, dou ble garase, fine location, cheapcall owner 1732. tit. Down for a nice K room bunga low, east front, large lot, some fruit Fr ee IZ10. $30. Down, balance monthly, 5 room bungalow. basement, fireplace. oak floor in living room, garage and Daving. Price S2500. $20C. Down, a beautiful English type home. 4 rooms ana nook, base ment, furnace, fireplace, fine lawn and shrubbery. Close to bus and school. Price 3.a'J. $200. down, 5 room home, basement. garage '.bath, price 12600. $300. Down, new 6 room English type nome. modem in every way, close to school and on bus line. Price $150 Down, 5 room fully modem home ana new $30 per montu, lnciua ing interest. $6j0O. Buys a fine 7 R. home In fine residential district This home is veryxlose In-price cut from $8, 500 tor quick sale. $1500 down. $3aOOVPrlvateimoJiey to loan In- HKLWN JOHNSON Phone 637 320 F. . S: Bank, BIdgv Bargain 10 acre chicken farm, stock and equipment, going business, Si-'oO. F. L WOOD 311 State Street A man who understands fruit and nut growing arfid who has the ability iZJ!?? ,a,il,,ac,.ro8l1V,.a," t-iirlng such a proposition, providing no can taxe a rinanciai lnteresi in it 'a: c.'ohrnstdt- lD.a1 TToff A Tnana Tneiiro nra 4ai jlo ci iu 4vas auoui uJia,v 147 N. Com'I. St., Salem, Oregon NEW 6 room hou 10 acres, rent apartments. Owner 160 Union FINE suburban 10 A. tract. Will di vide to suit, and build, for reasonable payment down. z5 A. 214 miles Salem, near the Kai ser school. Bell at a bargain and rea sonable terms. Some good coast nronertv. Would . . . . - . , I iraae xor a. gooa nouse in oaiem, tons: I l" l'T iiji i v- Good farms to trade for Salem 1 come property. ii. u. smiki.i s Oregon Bldg. Phone 1T34. street or phone 1113. EXTRA SPECIAL Prices on following Properties $930 Cosy 3 R. house, easy terms ltt A. $1350. - ' 4 R. house, elec. light, garage, good land, not far out; terms. 1100 Down. Price S2100 6 R. house, lights, bath, paving paid. Good Home, Creek Lot A $3500 .home, for 12550. . Has 7 rooms, 19th fit, near State at Snap. Cuoiee ots Paving paid, $400 and up. Fine Farm 14 5 Acret Fully equipped, real snap. $12,2(0. Store. Service Station Stock, fixtures, land and Mdga., do-' Ing a good paying business, nave oin- er interests. Investigate. SEE i BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State Street Room 4. Houses For Wnt. j o $65 GOOD grocery business close In. In-1 vestigate this. 53 A. farm near Rick real I, all in cult., fine dark soiL $80 per A. $1,- 500 down. baL easy terms. Nice 20 A. suburban home near- Sa lem, bldgs., 6 A. berries and fruits, creek, timber, stock, tools, $5000 termSL 5 room bungalow, z lots iruit, gar- '- PERRINE A MARSTERS 211-13 Gray Building EirRANRE Real Estate I : I n J d QM 6 inotl8e for a bigger I hmnt with 7 or a rooms in rignt 10- I mHob. This 4 voosn house rents for I gjo.OS pec month and has rented for i that for very near inree years, ana the five room nouse is our present 1 . i jm . m a.c a a t i terested address communication to box 2377. Statesman. FOR TRADE 4 arood lota In South Salem. wUl sx- changa them ror r p)rron SrrtS 1 a . ian bbs iruthCoU mt&&n0i00Hmj00j0m)fA0 WANT two or three acres eoge SalMii In nfhann for 25 A. near Shaw on pavement 10 miles from Sa- lem. Good buildings. Black soil that Is hard to beat. See me today; - jm. tr. MttArit: I IBS In. commercial traoam aa-aa. j in -.. to al er ex - i .-x.. .n cated a eage, vatae About $7100.84 or le"" ' ?EB JOHN iW. ORR '--' ... No. 12$ New Bligh Bids. MOPE RM aU footsf hotne. vrsll b cated close In and two acres- of land In berries and fntlt, clear, to exchange V SEEJk5HN W. ORk v -No. 12$ New Bligh Bldg: FOR SALE-FARMS ltl A. farm with SO A. fine bottom land. 90 A. in cutttvation. creek tnrougn place, new 7 rm. plastered house, good barn and chicken bouse for S00 hens, elec. this summer. This is priced right at I1S.500 and wUl tafce farm here of 20 to 40 acres suitable for chicken business on an extensive scale. 240 Irrigated farm. B rm. house. own elec. system, large new barn, (4 or loo. equipped for chickens, zi stan chions. $40,000. Will trade ov income ments. WIXUIE PETTTJOHJf, Realtor 175 South High Street TWO GOOD BUYS IN SMALL FARMS 20 H ACRE farm 2 Rules out on paved road, E rm. house, good barn, outbids a, good well, telephone serv ice and electrical lights available. Z acres mixed orchard, bal. cultivated. Price $5000, part terms. zu auhes oi ncn, productive iano. 4 miles out In Fruitland district, part In cultivation. baL. in stumps but can be easily cleared, old set bldga good well. Priced very low at $3000. led n. uiiiLaja Keaitors 220 State Street Phone 1727 FORCED SALE FINE DAIRY FARM 5-Mile Salem. Good Road. 160 ACRES, good land. CO acres cul tivated land and SO acres of fine o runes. Good house and large. modern dairy barn. This place Is a forced sale and Is priced right to sell. ISO acres. $17,000.00. The Improvements cannot be replaced for $11,000.00. If you want a Tnoney maker and a nice country home, see this one, any reasonable payment down, long time on bal ance. SEE SEARS c TUCKER At once. 1 84 South Commercial Street ACREAGE mpmmm0m0A0mmtm WANTED HAVE you acreage for sale? Have you acreage for trade? I have many calls for both. R. A. FORKNER Evenings 23C3J. S20 U. a Bank Bldg. Phone C37. 15 ACRE TRACT IS ACRES and a good B room bun galow, barn and chicken house, on gooa roaa wun running water, all stocked and equipped. One horse. 2 cows, ZaO white .leghorn hens, also furniture. Owner going east, all goea tor ttu. Man casn. no trade. See ,W, O. 147 North Commercial Street FARMS 80 ACRES on Pacific highway. north. All under plow, good buildings, stocked and equipped. 1200.00 per acre. One-fourth cash. Balance long terms, 6. 153 ACRES, one-half under slow. full set building, creek, fenced and cross fenced, at $60.00 per acre. 1300 ACRES on stock ranch, good building, all fenced. 15 under plow at fiv per acre. See GEISER with ANDERSON & RUPERT 169 South High Street WANTED REAL ESTATE jaeaBaaaawaa, LISTINGS on houses, lota, acre aees and farms at saleable nricea. ivelly realty Co., 191 Soutn Church street WANTED Is your house for sale? I have buv era ror nouses. Just now 1 need a R. modern home ; also a 6 IL mod era come. It. A. FORKNER Evenings 2363J. 320 TJ.- S. Bank Bid?. Phone 637 Business Opportunities MANAGER of local Auto painting concern needs partner to help handle the inside work, very little Immediate ap'to1 'T- See Fred Ertler. 219 t isa it? ow ecu SERVICE STATION FOR SALE OR FOR LEASE Splendid location, doing good bus iness. Owner wants to take trip. SOCOLOFSKY & SON First National Bank Building lem for lease. See us about this at FILLING station well located in Sa- once. JOHN "W. ORR 133 New Bligh Bldg. No. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS AND CITY REAL RfU TATE. LOWEST INTEREST RATE ISEKT T. JUKI FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. Insurance, department offers roa ex. pert advice sua service in axi linos. HAWKINS 4V ROBERTS (Ine.) TeL i437 306 Orsaon Bids. $1000. to $3000 to loan. Gertrude I , . . . -sc I Deivato Mensv f-n I nsn I " -.--.-- i fakii loans pwmtt of money 1 to loaa on coed farm security. City Loans w are toe oning mruaenuat xn-1 per cent, pins s commission. Hawk s at KooerUL zue uregon uuaing. eatafwaM S V B W - Jm r vtuv larm ivans. c. niw- 341 State Street. LOANS Te men and women steadily ployed ON YOUR PLAIN ITOTE Lowest rates easiest payments. Loans also made on indorsed notes, furniture, pianos and oth er personal property. 20 MONTHS TO PAT AH transactions strictly conf d. STATE LOAN CO. xl2 Oregon Bldg. Second floor, corner State A High. OHce hours 10 a. m. to 6 :30 p. m. TeL 932. , Licensed by state. CITY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Bates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAM ASSOCIATION 709-t First National Bank BldC SSSS? mak ie. r other good security. Repayable PERSONAL. LOANS GENERAL INVESTMENT POHPOBATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1200 wwwwwwwwweeweewe MONAT LOAN EL ult AUTOS -V4J t BB I 'LmmammMmmmwvm. -M Arrange to reduce T zoo seep use car. P. A. RtKn rve Libert St. and Ferrf nana 121 Salem. Ore, MONEY TO LOAN oa real aetata, traes and farms. Best terms, no 4e- I homes and i lay P. H. BELL 219 U. a Bank Bldg. LOANS V? ANTED Private- money for rami a i . -H-.klna 8ber-w laa. - I UVE STOCK, and POULTRY I ,.nnrnni fr-rinnjtrxj"ij-i oi I POULTRY wanted Handle any I .,- time. Kalem Poultry I Co-i i9$ g. High St. Phone 1494. Night 1.(1 KM. - I w . . MM.wwwee I k so rawr i or trnne. xteo oa , - I Columbia. Terms if desired. 1 ' ?FJ2?5rf . 1 '- lis North Hh Street io - I - . . - . ,. - .-. - ieMr4is ri. commercial rnone is ri rrn .m nTpnmg. nw mm nij. TT I CSS nivnkMa ery weVk beting' J-Clf. Phone Lot on No, Hisn. Next to Chy HaB. 133 . Lee s uatcn ery. -. - - - 1 irriiAVirra oppfRTTTNiTY a?"!" T T T . Z - viin nub saiaar sjou duji sells hay. horses, mules, top price ptuo i w j . - w W AJ 1HOJ -la - aouw wm - a'l iiivu . LIVE STOCK and POULTRY FOR SALE 1 doa. Bronze turkm gobblers for breeding. Win trada two gobblers for other stock. BEACH RANCH Turner. Oregon FIXE Guernaev row. T T,in (nah February 20. Gentle In every respect. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Phone 1714. ii"niiii"imi'rxii -u wmiuinnqnr WANTED Barred rock hatching eggs. Any quantity up to S00 bens. use i. atn. mone 27(C t HORSES for sale: Ronta t. Box 7. on Fairview avenue. GOOD farm team for sale, also 1 good single horse, 1 thoroughbred, sad- e nor?e genue for lady. Brooks Ave, 28CS Salem TRADE la your beef cows for real dairy cows. Balance year to pay. iarg6 number to select from. Kelson Bros. Market. 185 N. High. Red barn. p.. uommerciai. I QlumftlA. Knone 7es. FOR SALE WOOD DRY fir and oak arood. csaal and fuel oIL Call on us for price. We give rood measure, good Quality and good service. f.ARMKR TRANSFER STORAGE Telephone till GUARANTEED DRY ToL IS. Salem Fuel Cau 72 Trade. THE best wood tn the city for the money at Tracy's Fuel Yard, Prompt delivery, fnone zii5. WE have If- wood On hand an the time. Prompt delivery. S49 a 12th. Cobbs s: Mitchell Co, phone 112. FIRST class drr old 'Or atab. aeo ona growm ana oka nt cara wooa. Screened bog fuel ana prompt, deliv ery. Phono 1542. 2Ss South Church DRY lC-tn. old Cr. 4 ft. fir. oak and ash. Cord measure. C U. Harbaugh, 35 uigmand ave, pnone 1990. fir. $7.50 cord. Phono 26F33. Four Corners Garage. Honest wood at honest prices. Phono 3400. Heyser Fuel Co. LOST and FOUND FOUND Keys. Owner mar have same by paying for ad. leu n. uhilds CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 FOR SALE USED CARS Used Cars With No Regrets There Is no danger In your dealings with us. Honesty is our creed. No Misrepresentation Tou can buy cars here with com- plete safety and satisfaction 1930 Hudson Sedan, new car, never been run -1350.00 1930 Type Hudson Coach, like new . -$975.90 II is vi tappet a Con v. coupe. like new in every respect 1(5.40 1927 Chev. Imperial sedan, a dandy car A-l 425.00 1927 Pontiac Coach, extra good, can't beat it for the monev 425.00 1926 Ford pick-up. A dandy car ror light hauling A-l 1B.00 many otner late moaeis in our siock, pncea irom aiu.uv up trades and yoor own terms within reason- Open nights and Sunday s. State Motors, Inc. IIUDSON'-ESSEX-PACKARD Corner Chenieketa & High Phone 1000 Valley 'Motor CoT - Buy With Safety - Over 800 satisfied customers pur chased used cars from us la9t year be cause our prices were lower remem ber we secure used cars for less and at their real value we also handle them in large quantities. WATCH FOR OUR DAILY CURB SPECIALS dur- ing the month of February their values will surprise you. Compare these prices : aiouel A roraors. oau.uu Model A Tudor 450.00 Model A SDort Coune 495.00 Model A Standard Coupe 475.00 Model A Sport Roadster 450.00 Model AA Truck 545.00 Cab Body 6 speed3 1925 Coupe .. 200.80 1923 Touring -t 45.60 1924 Touring 1925 Touring 1926 Touring 1927 Touring ss.oe 90.00 125.00 165.00 192 Coup . 45.00 1923 Coups 1924 Coupe 65.00 90.00 3.o J 1924 Coups 190.00 1923 Fordor Sedan, as is 78.00 1924 Tudor tedan lz&.uu 1925 Tudor Sedan RucksteU 150.00 1924 Fordor Sedan 165.00 192$ Tudor Sedan 190.00 Valley Motor Co. Center and Liberty Stteets Salom, Oregon Phone 1993 Now Is The Time Prices are advancing on good used i car. Buy now and save money, I 1427 Pontiac Landau Sedan 192$ Nash Standard Six Sedan 192$ Nash Spec. Coupe 1926 Nash Light Six Sedan 197 Ruirk Coach If you are in tne rnaricet tor a gooa used car you owe it to yourself to Investigate our stock. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 N. Commercial Phone 1264 REPOSSESSED '29 Chev. coach. run less than 5000 miles. Had good care. Reliable party can buy it for outstanding balance and as little $50.00 down. , ASK ror BUKKtAiu, v. fj. mgr. At McKay's cherolet Co. Phone 1802 430 No. Com'L St 530' Chemeketa Qfld Used Car. Lot Next to City Hall on N. H igh St. is where you'll find I ' f : McKay's Used Cars 1.ri4-4- AM l VT Th. vv it,iii -ai v. iv. aiitaTel. 1783J. Faye Thompson. Count-v. Bvy Now While Prices! phonb glknn Adams tor boM m l - nsMftinnsinf lll tL Are low ana selection m. W W an W W M w Qood. I Here's one of our best buys. Typo ord Tudor in excellent cone dltlon : has had the best of care. 4 new tires, upholstery, body finish ete in tip top shape. Well equipped with extras. A snap at - -$245.04 i sa-cnev. voupe, omy ran azuv '28-Chev. Coupe, O. Kd '27-Chev. Landau Sedan . ;:U '27-Chev. Coupe. O. K. d S34.44 '24-Chev. Coach O. KJd 345.44 254.44 28-Chev. Coupe O. K.'d . -Z9-Modei a aora Koadster. Ws have m good aelectlon of Fords ii kb new I open and closed models I i 4ji3mo ft good sssorttfteA of ton j I truc-a and delivery cars. I B,t -L---, Cl a,f.nta4 McKay Chevrolet Co. . i i Km r srorarer uur i ivm uons: v., i r " . - I - c. ra.h wt - rn - - - - - . - - ..a. 149V . VOtttt, Bk - uuu. FOR SALE USED CARS Trucks 1129 Ford IK ton dual tires, length- mrtmA Trmmm 1ST, imat. ,1M m-N 1929 Chevrolet 1H ton with semi-trail-1 er attachment, also 12 ft body. 192$ Chevrolet IV ton S2zC in. tmm 1929 Chevrolet 14 ton with 1H yd. I gravel body. szx tires. 1929 Dodge 1 ton long wheel base,! ures, auais m rear, tour speed transmission, also- 4 wheel 1 hydraulic brakes. Reo Sales and Service 337-347 North High Street .aoa y ... m1 J cncvroic coacn, win UKewwa t nAWTi rarrrvanf halanaa aastv 1 a,wru uajur-iit wsiiivc ramj terms. See Art Wilson, at Douglas Mc Kay Chevrolet Co. 430 N. Com'L Phone 1805. 150 Bargains at Used Car Center 192C Buick Standard sedan 192S Buick Standard Coupe 1 92 Buick Master Touring -$ j . 350 I i: Chevrolet coupe 125 Chevrolet Touring 259 1 ISO i3 cnevroiet coach 1927 Chrysler 50 Coach 250 350 1S2S Chrysler 52 Coupe 1927 Chrysler CO Sedan 192 Dodge Roadster 192$ Dodge Delux sedan ... 1924 Dodge touring 650 1 - issex Coupe 1929 Model A Ford Sedan 192C Ford Roadster 1924 Ford Sedan 1922 Gardner Roadster 13 z 1 pontlac Coupe 1928 Pontlac Coach 1925 Willys Knight Sedan 19Z4 winy a Knight touring 192C Stude baker light C coach 1924 Studebaker special touring 175 1927 Star 4 Sedan 325 Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED BY VALLEY MO TOR CO., W. L ANDERSON, O. J. W 1LSON. Marlon A I.lbertv Phone 1027. WANTED USED CARS Trr'Trr T" "J, .-r BUSINESS DfRECTORY AUCTIUNEEKS F. N. Woodry 1$ Yrr. -Salem's leading Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer Residence and Store 1610 N. Summer 8L Phone 511 COL. A- L. STEVENSON au- tioneer. 28 rears' exnerlenra In th I Willamette valley, for dates , or ar rangements phone or write. A. L. Stevenson, Corvallts. Oregon. BAYTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. Btnon-Natlonal Batteries Starter and generator work. 242 South High BICICIJ- KEFAlRiNG I LI-OYD E. RAMSDEN Columbia I Bicycles nn1 repairing. 87 Court. CHIROPRACTORS Dr. O. L, 8COTT. PSC. CnlrODractor. 254 N. High. TeL 7. Res. 2104-J. DRS. SCOFIELD, Palmer Chiro practors. X-Baj and N. C M. New Bank Bldg. MASSEUR and magnetic treatments for all ailments. No more gas pains, Phone 2079W. 330 N. High. CLEANING SERVICE Centir St Valeteria. tel. 2227. SUITS cleaned and nrsased 81. VAH. I LEY CLEANERS. 193 N. Com'L over I Busfeks. COSTUMES FOR costumes call Salem Co- 226C N. 5th. Tel. 1947J. E1J-CTKIC1ANS HALT- ELECTRIC CO. 461 North front st TeL No. 1. FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL orc-on Olsen-s. Court A High St- TeL 0L CUT Flowers, weddms bou duets 1 funeral wreaths, decorations. C F. I ixreKnaupt, Uorust. six stats Btrsst. I Tel 980 INSURANCE BECK - HENDRICKS 181 N. Hign TeL 1$1 WILLAMjETTE INSURANC AGENCY 214 Mssonio Bids. Phone No. 98$. West Coast Life Insurance Co "Insured Savings." SOS Flrat Kationa.1 Bank Build Inst TeL 87s. H. J. Harder. Diet. Mgr. WARREN F. POWERS life sad General Insurance Te'. 607. nt p. 8. Bank Bldg LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDEK LAUNDRY I Telephone 25 .13 a High CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY The Iuindrr of Pure Materials" Telephone 15 1SS4 BrosdwaT MATTRESSES MATTRKSSKS RENOVATED by the I Capital City Bedding Co, 8010 North CapitoL Called for and delivered. All worg gnaranreeq -rei ia MUSIC STORES mn Drwr xj- hum. EL U 1 8tm Fwmltnrs Compsny. grS wuJSttS ajdv, i,"r4f su PAINTING Kalaomins S3, to $5. per room, also InUrlor painting reasonanie pne PAPER HANGING a . - . " . -. - 22221, S - PLUMBING FTrsri4 aad general repair 17 1 work. Grabaar Pres. 144 Sex U berty I T-4. its P1UHTING mm rtationeri. card obsb- phleta, irograms. book or any kind of ormtlna. call at the Staiea aaa - - . jepa m sat. sta & Tel sea. RADIO VflR a mm CS5 275 450 175 715 675 149 185 11s J25 e?5 250 195 4S for otstf parse jitul All otorndard aizea of Radio EOT" JECTR1CAL SHOP. 33s Ooert B 1. .w . ROOFING 80X.TB yoor dlfflc Pioneer Yosetnlte rock irfaeed sbiag B. 174 N. 1 C rttoa nonasr rtoonng Front. TeL 4 IT. ox. STOVES Cook with Rockgas - STOVES aad stover rsBtrtest 8ts for sale. nW nasi reoaired. Lav ta uVaLa and lJeaa 8-aa-S sad $sve) egks. 242 Chemeketa street. TAILORS D. H. MOSTTBTR Tailor for women. 41 Coort 8t TRANSFERS i CjIPTTAL atv Tranafer Co. 221 State St Tot 9 XX. DistrlbutlBg. for- I wbtbuibi bob lour rates. WATCH REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIR- ren or money back. THE JEWEL BOX, 17 J N. Liberty. Salem. O L REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY DIVIVB am OaVntViUbaVa n HIbvH Tml fit " " JOSEPH BARBER REALTY COT 90S Grey Bldg. Phono TN F. O. DELANO $90 M. Church ToL $$ & M. KARLE 224 N. High St. TeL 2242. Hftuin? n tmsTca m $70. Stats St. TeL $49 W. H. GRABENHORST r CO. 124 8. Liberty 8t TeL 119 GERTRUDE . m. PAGE (492 N. Cottage TeL 1136. SOCOLOFSXY eV SON $04- First Nat Bk. Bldg. TeL 97$ F. ULRICH 129 M. Coinmerclal Tel 13S4 P. U WOOD 1 141 Stat ft Tel 794 New First National Bank Building Directory Fourth Floor DR. L. R. Burdette, optometrist. 403 First Nat'!. Bantt Bldg. Tel. 118. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Last Will and Testa ment of Harold S. Tower, de ceased, has been duly pro-en and l admitted to probate in the Conn for Marlon County, and the un dersigned Abie R. Tower has been appointed Executrix thereof; and that letters testamentary hare Issued to her. All persons having claims against the said estate are here by notified to-present tho same, duiy verified and with the prop er Touchers, to the undersigned Executrix at No. 707 First Na- Itional Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the first pub lication ot this notice; said tint publication being made the 30th day of January, 1930. ABIE R. TOWER, Executrix. CUSTER E. ROSS. Attorney for the Estate. J30, F6, 13, 20, 27 Saltm Markets neas rr-fts (Wbolesalt Qootattont) i Cranberries, box .4.50 .1.60 .1.50 .1.25 .1.25 Applet, locals """"" i.? rM Sn,7 ,d" Yellow Kewtont .1.75 Delicious, extra fancy SpittenbeTgs, extra fancy Bananas, lb. Dates DTomedary. 56, 10-os. paga. -.2.75 2.75 07 .8.50 .4.75 Coaa a Pitted, eaaa Texas Orapefrnrt 6.00 fif 7.50 5.0005.15 8.75 Comb Honey, saw crop Lemons, Calif. Oranges, Karala OA m .4.25 .4.75 .5.00 -6.00 .0.50 .7.50 .8.00 .8.00 ..8.00 -6.50 100'i Z . 126'a 150'e 17S'a 200'B 216't 252'a S88' Ceeoannta, sack ecatablea (Wholeiala Qaotatioat) Brntaels Spronts, lb. .20 .1.85 , - .7.50 .1.75 .8.75 i veiary. vaui cmo I vo. j Bpiaaca, local, crate ratsnipa, is. .OS R-tabagma, lk. .02fc Bnncked vegetables, par dos. bunches- Carrets . Beets Tnrrhia Badiakas - Parttay JO Onions - n.rlir 11 California Tomatoes, lug Oniont, Yakima, Globs , 5.00 2.75 0214 Local salons. Io. O- WASHINGTON VARSITY CREW TRAINING I I I ties w Witt CUIfoi-is 8 OskI. At Tl-rk-aosL bw The wsrslrjr. wMch f ws llaea B ea 44m JU a Xohatmw aa fisaty sdnUt, ; Genii AJeora, a; cmtMm mwwrm d-tis. dow; r- imtr ua-Oi vUr-csmmsV aaa Lettvoa Calif or sia. XaiBerial TaUsy 4.15-5. OS BaeraBaato 4.00 Oaeaatbera. bataaaae 1-10 to l. Cabbage, lb. 04-oa Rhabarb. hot boats Peas. Calif. ... 14 3.75 S5 08 .03 OS 04 20-Ib. box , 1.75 te GreeaPappera, lb. Hubbard Seaatk. lb. atarbleheas afsasa Praokiaa. lb. ., Daaith Squash Soothers Yams. 50 lb. box 3.50 Artiekakaa. doiaa -.. 1.50 Potatoes. Jocal' , 02 H Yakima, per cwt 2.75 to $.00 Feeds SetaO QooUtlom) Calf meaL 25 iba. Scratch, toa . 1.2S 50.00 .41.00 .46.00 S4.00 .34.00 54.00 -58.00 Cora, whole, ton Cracked aad groaad . Mill raB, ton , Braa. ten Err math 6666666.- .66666. With aul Eggs (Baying Price) Extras Media tat Poultry (Baying Price) Start 12-15 07 20-23 .17-20 Roost ei a, old Heavies Mediums Baf.erftt (Baying Prices) Wholesale Batter Batterfat Prints Cartons -36 .89 -4 Batter (Retail Qaotatioat) Prints . Carton .43 -44 Grain and Hay (Baying Price) Whett, western red - -..l OltJ Soft white, ba .- 1.03, 0ts. gray. bu. 50 White, ba. 47 Barley, ton 32.00 Hit, Retain Price Oats and Tetch 18.00 to 24.00 CloTr 18.00 to 24.00 Alfalfa 2'J.OO to 30.00 Dratted aats (Baying Price) Veal, top . 16 Hogs, top 15 Wool aad Mohair Mediant Coarse . Lamb's -80 -27 Z5 root General Markets HAY PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 12 (AP) Hay buying prices: ; easttrn . Oregon timothy, $20.5021: do valley. $! 19.50: alfalfa, siaw i: ciovar, io; oat hay, $16; ttraw, $78 ton; selling prices 82 more. PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 12 (AP) Wheat futures: Open -U6H High 116 tB i:o 120 Close Mar. 116 120 H May Jul. 119i -.1204 120 ; Sep. .1194 119 119 Cash markets wheat big Eend Wm- ttem, hard white 81.27; toft white. Western white, $1.17; hard winter, northern spring, western red, si. 15. Oats No. 2-38 lb. white J34. Bar leyNo. 2-45 lb. B. W. 838. Corn No. 3 eastera yellow; shipment $37.50. Millrun-itaudarj $30.50. PRODUCE PORTLAND. Ore., I'eb. 12 (AP) Milk raw milk (4 per cent), $2.30( 2.40 cwt., deliTered Portland, less 1 per cent. Batterfat, station. 3e; traca, aoc; delivered in Portland 3Bc Poultry (buying prices allTe, lieaTy hens over 4 lbs.. 2 5 g 26c; medium hens, 2 to 4 lbs.. -l22c; light, nnder 3 lba., 18(al9c; springs, arer 2 lba24e; Pekin ducka, 4 lbs. and over. 28c; colored duck, 1320e; turkeyt, No. 1. 5033c; No. 2 25c; culls, 20c; lire. 1820e. Potatoes remt, e. I, graoa, fj.iosa 8.40 per cwt. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore Feb. 12 ( AP) Cattle and ealvet. txtremeiy weas; ra ceipta cattle 100, caWet 10. Steers 1100-1300 lbs.. $11.00(911.50; good 11.0011.75; medium 9.50611.00: rnmmnn 7.50 (Si 9.50. Heifers, good 10 to 10. SO; common to medium 7. 00 (g 10.00. Cowt good 8.500.00; common to me dium 7.00 10; low cotters 8.5006.00. Bulla (yearlinzt excluded) 8.0048.50; cutter to medium 7.00 ft? 8.00. Calvet me commoa 6.00 8.50. Ytalera, milk coBimoa 6.00 (ii 8.50. ealert milk fed, good to choice -0.50 12.50;. medium 8.50 10.50; cull to common 6.50i8.50. Hogs. Quotably steady; receipts 2o0. Heary weight, 9.5011.00; medium weight, 10.00 11.85; light weight, 11.0011.85; light lights, 9.7511.85. Packing sows, rough and trnoota) 8.50 & 9.50. Slaughter pigs 10.00(10.75. Feed ar and ttocker piga 10 10.75. (Soft or oily, hogs aad roasting pigs excluded ia above quotations). Sheep and lambs. Quotably steady; re ceipts 850. Lambs, goed te choice $10,505(211; medium 9.5010.50; all weights, com mon 7.509.50. Yearling weatbera. 110 lbt down, 8.50 8.50. Ewes. ISO lba. dowa 5.00.60; 120-150 lbs. 4.00 & 6.00; ail weights, eull aad common 2.00 6 4.00. . DAISY PORTLAND, Ore- Feb. 12 (AP) Product axehango, nat prices: Butter: extras 88. ataadarda 85, Brinae firsts S4. firata 83. Egga: fresh xtrti 81(82, ttaadards $0, Irtsa me- stums 2829. -i. tte1r Ktotto sad vitk t tfaeat tw-iwanV Fft W, Ue XI sbJU BssUes aUrted tkslr t9SO t?,?? Htm UsUct UUs 7W otfter twaf wma i w -,rs capeauns ay saa as a looicea sa - Dirk ttAtXL 72 G0wtV-wea. viiacaia uav$s as saa as w CONCERT OH BIO Stations and Wave-Lengths KGW, Portland, 483.6 metert; 620 keys. KGO. Oakland, 379.5 meters j 790 keys. JOMO, Seattle, 309.1 meteri;" 970 keys. KEX. Portland. 254.1 meters) 1180 keys. The U. S. army band will be heard In a one hour concert broad cast today from Washington be ginning at 1 o'clock, Pacific coast time. This concert may be heard over KGW. Portland: KOMO. S. attle, and KGO. Oakland. Gaity marks the concert donna; the Standard Symphony hour from 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock. The concert may be heard oyer KQW. and other stations ot the NBC net work. The following Is the pro gram: Overture "Fra Diavolo" Auber Two Irish Numbers: (a) Irls-sJnne from County Derry Grainger (b) Molly on the Shore Overture "Merry Wlea or Windsor- NlCOUI Two Numbers for String Orches tra: (a) Heart Wounds (b) Last Spring Grieg Murmuring Zephyrs Jensen The Bee Schubert Valse: Wine, Woman and Song Btraus o Liberty LIBERTY, Feb. 12 Tuesday evening the cast for the play "June Time" met for a good prac tice and social evening rat the home of Mrs. Ted Gordon. Bill Berndt motored to Corval 11s Saturday evening. While there be visited with Dale Dasch who is a sophomore at the Ore-, gon State college. E. Hansen of Albuquerque, New Mexico, is yislting at the Bruce Cunningham home. Mr. Hansen is looking for a location. The Raynor family who nay been living on the Rae place hare moved to Salem. Leonard Graybill of Seattle, Washington, ylsited with his sit ter, Mrs. Ray Cleveland over me week end. Mr. Graybill Is a spinner in a woolen mill at Seat tle. Ray Ruggles made a combined business and pleasure trip to Til lamook last Saturday returning Sunday. Mr. Ruggles states the weather was cold and rainy. The roads were yery good. -o I McCoy McCOY , Feb. 12 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Domes and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Domes parents, Mr. . and Mrs. George Richards. Mrs. Millie Stevenson who has been ill for the past week Is im proving. Albert McCrow Is hauling hay from Henry Domes' farm. Mrs. Gladys Schooler took load of seventy dressed turkeys te Portland Tuesday. Miss Beatrice Hawley of the Oregon State college was a week end visitor at the home of ber mother, Mrs. Fred Jennings. Miss Winora Finn visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Flan oyer the week end. She had as her guest, Miss Doris Whitaker. Miss Marjorie Walling of Sa lem was a week end guest ot Miss Mona Brooks. The homes of Frank Brooks and Lester White are being wir ed for electricity. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson visited their son, William Peterson, at the stats tuberculoses Hospital Snnday. o f J- war TV17. a. Mr MJV riupaai a-aa -