The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 12, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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    PAtSB IX
Eastern Star Has
An afternoon f, . 1ride and
raoo marked a happy time for
W - Urt e c group . of . members and
Mends' of the Eastern .Star so
cial ehib at Masonic temple Tues
day Afternoon. - The Valentine
Idea was carried out in the dec
orations of the rbm and tea ta
ble. : -
-Honor j for bridge went to Mm.
John Orr and for "500M Krs. Ka
therlne 'Bemardt held hlsh score.
! Cards were" in 'play' from J
o'clock until 4 - o'clock: Tea waa
served between 4 and R o'clock,
the ten r Uble " wat ' attractively
axranxed with hearts, ferns and
ed taperk-ih jreea holders. Vrsv
Charl PTatt aad Mrs.,Ia.Qlsa.
presided .'at-: the .tepa i
ft Mrs. Florence '.. Parslne bad
hart of the, arrangements for
the afternoon served at. the., tea
hour assisted' by her committee
Hre. Itary, Crawford. Mrs.: Stella
Henry. Mrs. Clarabelle HSaser.
Mrs. Addle Curtis, -Mra, Emma
'Godfrey,- Mrs. Jennie Emmons,
knd Mrs. Elva Daufhton.
'Hubbard Dinner Party
j Attractive Affair
K Hubbard An attractive af
fair of the' weekend was the
bridge dinner at which Mrs. A. J.
Smith and Mrs. Julius Btauffer
were hostesses at the home of the
former Saturday aignc
i Valentines In a color scheme of
' red and white were the motif f for
I the beantif ally decorated rooms
and for the favors,
j Unique place cards made, by
, forming rhymes from the initials
lef the guests, marked tta6 covers
at the table. v - .
Following the dinner, six tables
of bridge were in play with prises
awarded to Mr. L. A. Beckman,
Mrs. O. H. Boje, Elmer Stauffer
aad E. O. Erickson.
, Present were' Mr. and Mrs.
J Lester Will. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Stautfernir, and Mrs. Waldo
i Brown, ' Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Mc-
Slannls, Mr. and Mrs. - George
f Crimps. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Erlck
f son, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Beck
i man,; Mr. and Mrs. Iran Stewart,
( Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Clearer, Mr.
and Mrs. O. H. Boje. Mrs. Neva
j McKeasie, Mr. and MrS.. Julius
i Stauffer and Mr, and' Mrs. A. J.
t Smith. :
t . : . .. -. ;
American Legion
Auxiliary Plans Dance
One of the events of the week
that Is attracting mueh, attention
in a large circle is tho dance which
i being' sponsored by members of
the American Legion -auxiliary.
The date Is set for St. Valentine's
night, Friday, at. Crystal Gardens.
Dancing will begin at t o'clock. v
The. committee in charged is
' headed br Mrs. Chester Moffitt.
and assisting her are Mrs. L. B.
Knaieott, ' Mrs. A. - locnara, Mrs.
Bert Victor and the president, of
the Auxiliary, Mrs. Frank Waters,
is also acting- on this committee;
'The proceeds of the affair will
xerlato ttael nnd.of the child wel-
' fare and h6spltat committee fund.
These two committees hare been
calletfv tfpon for mueh work this
printer and- still have more than
' they have- been able to care for to-
. datev Hour assistance t- ex-service
taen at weir, as. to- families' of ex
! service men. are given- aid. in time
pot "'eed...v v.:
i Tendance. Friday night will he
t. aucemt-old fashioned ball and will
p te-informal;- 'ti-.
' -r!sii- e ;, e 'r.. : . r,..
Mr. and Mrsl Hans Chrlstofler
on were ".delightfully, surprise at
their hoine Saturday evening when
n irroap-of their friendr trailed for
a social evening,: Cards. and music
were eajored the Ilrst. part fit the
evening and ' at'a ' late-hour re-
i iresnmenia. were scrvetr. - 'rnose
1 1
present were Mr.' and. Mrs.. C. W.
Wlrts, Mr. tind Mrs. llans Chrlst-
otferson. Barns . Christofferson,
vMr. and Mra. Royal Chrlstoffer
'ton Mr. jaod Mrs. Peter Welke,
:?iiss ' Hasel Welke Biii;e Welke.
JlTs and Mrs.v Waelke,; Miss Eva
"Waelke. Walter . Stryker. Mrs.
-Mary Stryker, Misa Ethel Chap
man, Burns Rexburg, Bottle Rex
1 burg, and Elmo Fry. .
-? , . .
- Mrs. L. C. Hockett will be host-
-ess to members of the North Sa
lem W. C. T. TJ at her home 1802
"North Commercial ' street Thnrs-
- day "afternoon beginning -1
o'clock. The orgar-Uation will
observe Frances WiUard ffay. In
addition to. this the. topic of the
lack ' of proper Canadian . govern
-mint control of liquor questions
n-hlch. affect-this eonntry-will be
discussed, as., well as what the an--ti-prohlblUon.
forces are doing in
vthu country v -Jin invitation is ex-
-' 2ena Mrs. Enola Myers, and
"Mrs. James Clark of Salem enter
tained In compliment to the 4ttrf
'wedding: anniversary of Mr., and
Mrs. Frank. McClench of Lineoln
Sunday at the ; McClench home.
This date also marked the birth.
day of Mrs.' McClench. This 'din
ner Is an annual affair and serves
as a Joint: celebration- for -all the
-birthdays of the families ; represented.-:
Mr. and Mrs.. E. C Hig-
. gins -were - add t tonal, guests for
this dinner. - .
, e
Th HayesTille Woman's club
wlll meet for an. all day meeting
Thursday at the. home of Mrs. Ar
thur Rylander . Miss Case : of
- Oregon State college will be pres
ent to speak about and - demon
strate the making and .- nee . of
sandwiches. ' A 'no-host'- lu.ncb-
eon will b served at noon.-I?
The : WUllngWorkera cUss" et
the; First s Christian church will
meet Thursday at 2 o'clock with
-Mrs. Aw I. Wagner.' at her home,
395 South 15th street. ..-
Mrs. Jennie: Miller .will be
hostess to members of the West
T7ay clnb at her home. 3S1 South
19th street. This will be a busi
ness and social meeUng."""-, .
Oliye M. Doak,
. Just as stunning as can be . . .
but very easy to make . . . this
frock with simple blouse and
pleated skirt. The clever neck
and the ' short sleeves are hound
In contrasting color which is re
peated in the narrow leather belt
Note the straight, French panties
which have replaced bloomers to
great extent particularly with
tailored dresses.
For Pattern 1S37 we suggest
linen, pique, broadcloth, gingham
or pongee, in solid color or white
printed in gayly colored designs.
The binding may be made of fa
bric or of braid. - Red and white
combinations are .lovely.
May be obtained only in sizes
4, C, 8 and 10.; Size 4 requires
5-8 yards of 36 inch material
and 1 : yards braid.
No dressmaking experience Is
necessary to make this model.
The. pattern has" ample and exact.
instructions. Yardage is given:
for every size. A perfect fit is
PitUrmt will b ielivcrvd apa
. receipt f fiftaaa - eata ia ceias
carefally wrmpped r itaaipi. Ba
tut to writ plainly yaar same,
sddrcc.. tyl a amber aa4 ciza
wanted, i
ok is Hlteea ceati, bat ealy .
"tea eeati wkea eraWad witk a
pattern. . Aiinia . ail mil and
- erier te Statesman ' Pattera 0e
'vartBant. 23 West ITth atrcet.
,"- New ' Tark -CJlyi . .
Jefferson The " Woman's Mia-
sioaary: society of "the Christian
eburih met at the parlors of the
group VFriday. afternoon and .en
tertained the evangelical team
ahd group of new' members. - ' '
The .discussion was lead by Mrs.
S.tR.-Taudy. Brief talks were
made:-by - Mrs; .. Cora v Aupperle,
Mrs, Elisabeth Terhune, and Mrs.
Nettle fihermanr Music was also a
part of the program. Bertha Dil
lon 'and Genevieve Wied sang; a
duet number and.' Miss Wied and
Mr. Oberholtser - played a piano
dnet. Mrs. W. H. Gilmour and
Rev. Stran also rave short talks
The. meeting yas concluded with-
a-pleasant , tea nour.
Waldo Hills Friday evening.
45 friends and relatives gather
ed at "the F. D, Kaser home , to
help thU couple celebrate their.
25th wedding anniversary. I An
aunt of Mrs. Kaser's, Mrs. Bray
ail and daughter of Silverton.
who were among the guests Fri
day evening were also present at
the wedding 25 years ago at
Blackstone, Indiana. A mock
wedding was arranged with Or
vlllo Kaser as groom. Myrtle Tav- bride, Calvin Kaser.. ring
bearer and Veneta Kaser as minis
ter.-- :.-
JLater seven tables of -SOO'
were In play. Refreshments were
served at a late hour. -r
k 5tayton-f Mra. George :H.V Bell
was pleasantly surprised by 15 pf
ner xnenas Tuesaay evenlnx. the
special occasion beings her; birth
day. The evening was spent with
bridge.-High, honors were won by
Mrs. J. W. Mays and Mrs. J.j F:
Potter. Mrs, If. J. Tate and Mrs.
Hattie Licklen, who planned -the
. mm - . . -j
an air servea at tne -tea nour. '
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney
were dinner hosts to "the house
mothers of the sororities of Willa
mette university Saturday, night
Covers were placed for Mrs. Paul
E.' Edwards. Mrs. , Alice H. Dodd.
Mrs. Y. Johnson, and Dr. and Mrs.
Brush College Miss Elizabeth
Lord will speak before the Brush
College " Helpers at their regular
meeunr Tnarsday. at tbe Jiome of
Mrs.- John - Schindler. ; Her topic
win be "Landscape Gardening."
"! GervaUk-: -Dinner .guests ' of
Mrs. L V.: MeAdoo Saturday: were
Mrs. Xlestlne CnUforth bf "Salea:
Mrs Loulse Lambertsen. Mrs-' C
B. Ellsworth and Miss. Helen. Hll-
ler. Spring flowers were, nsed an
decorations : for the table and in
the living room. 'aS :-
: The Leslie Can'Do class will
have an "afternoon", and give a
program Wednesday. February
20.' as' its part of the "Homecom
ing week" which the church will
celebrate next week, T
hd Glub
Society Editor
- e
1 Wednesday - .
Woman' Foreign Mission- .
ary society of First Metho-
"diet chureh,r 2:30 v o'clock,
church parlors. . -
Woman's Home'. Mission-.
ary society. Mrs, Hew. 1337,
Marlon street," :2:lf VcJock..:.
-;. Barbara Trettehle .Tant,
Daughters of Union Veterans'
Tea, between hours of
. o'clock and S o'clock. Worn-.
an's elnbhoose .
.V.Nll dub. hot dish lunch-".
eon. Masonic temple, after-"
noon of sewing. M w&ris-
; ; Presbyterian Missionary
program 3 : 3 o'clock, church
parlors. ' " ,
Leslie- Joint .meeting. Aid
and Missionary meeting, not
luck, dinner. 13:30 o'ejock. ;
Alljday meeting of omen
of Knight Memorial ehnreh.
jBwen Briar elnb wliEh Mra.
Charies, Chaffee, r waUae
madV l o'eloeh.: : - i
- Tbnradaiy - ..
Thursday . club home of
Mrs. C. A. 8pauldlng. .
Brush College Helpers, at-
ternooa meeting . with Mrs.
John Schindler. - .
Ladies auxiliary Patriarchs
Militant, I. O. O. F. hall, t:00
Thursday club home of
Mrs. C. A. 6pauldlng. 4 .' '
,. Willing . Workers class;
First Christian church, 3:00 '
o'clock,' with Mrs. A. D. Wag-
ner. 395 South 15th street
. Ladies Aid. of-St. John's
Evangelical Luthern church,
Mrs. Alfred Laue, 12 N.
Cottage street" "
C .Hayesvllle Woman's club,
with Mrs. Arthnr;Rylander; .
all day session; Miss Case to
speak on. 'nutrition." , "'
. Mrs. rjennie Miller hostess '
-to-Westway club at her home
351 South 19th street, 2:00.
o'clock. ,-..-
: Thursday -
, ' North Salem W. C. T. U.,
with L. C. Hockett 103
North Commercial street 2
o'clock. . ,
'Golden Hour club, 1 o'clock
luncheon with Mrs. J. Ray
V Pembert on, social afternoon
FrMay .
Mrs. L. W. Gleason, host-
.ess to Friday bridge club,
..for Valentine party.
V Daughters of -Veterans, 8
o'clock; Woman's clubhouse. .
St Valentine's party for
Juveniles of the Neighbors of
Woodcraft lodge at Fraternal
temple, 4 o'clock. -.. .
' Wisteria club dance, Cas- -tillian
West Circle of Jason Lee
church, Sirs. J. A. Kaighln.
1211 . 'North Commercial
street. .'--' ' . ". f f ;'".
' " American Legion auxiliary
dance," Valentine ' affair, f '
o'clock, Crystal gardens.
Saturday '
Annual "Open House" at
Lausanne Jiall.
. Woman's Relief Corps, 2
o'clock. Miller's hall.
v s a a . a re
Gerrais During the - social
hour which followed the regular
monthly meeting of the: Eastern
Star'' Friday 'night a radio "hour
was- featured. J.'- S. Harper acted
as - MraVf -Clara Jenes gave a talk
on Eastern Star' work; Mrs.- Ed
Smith; and :' M T. A. Dltmars
eachf gave a reading; Misa" Fern
Wadsworth,' rtwo - vocal numbers.
Mrs. Katie Sturgla," a coming song
playing rber own accompaniment;
and". Mrs. Claire Ellsworth.' and
original, poem, which , brought In
every officer. Refreshments were
served by j Mrs. . t George Ramp,
Mrs. Clara Fuller; and Mrs. Guy
AspinwaU." The- St Valentine
Idea- war :a.rried' ut; in .the table,
decorations and favors.
- , - - - - .- - - -v. .
- Scotts 'Mills ; A': surprise party
was. held ff' at the George; k Rehey
home Friday", evenlngr .Progressive
500" was -played Until ;s a late
hour when delicious refreshments
were"8enred.; Those. present were
Mr; and. Jdrs. C. Dr. Hartman. Mr.
and rMrs.-. J.": N. Amundson, Mlss-j
Beatrice Amundson, Miss Helen
Amundson, Mr. , and Mrs. - Roy
Whitlock, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Her-'
igstad. Miss Violet Herlgstad, Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Greshong, Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Saueresslg, George
Thomas, Miss Corinne Moberg
and Mr. and- Mrs. George . Helvey
and children.
-My success' with Betty.' Jean
Isn't Just luck," says -Mrst;D, H;
Keating, 131S Hays St, San An
tonio. . "It is due . to a plan. - -1
"She has escaped the ill-effects
of colds and upsets because, at
the first sign of a cold: of bad
breath, coated tongue or teveriah-ness,-1
open her bowels with Cali
fornia Fig Syrup. She loves Its
taste and 1 like its gentle, thor
ough action,';. ;jt--i .-:'.Tr'r-ir
v-. Mothers' . by thousands - praise
California Tig -8yrup ; For fifty
years --physicians have ndorsed
this- pure "vegetable product. - It
tones and strengthens H btomaclr
andr bowels; -stimulates appetite:
encourages : digestion - and assim
ilation.- Its; use' helps- make- sal
low, listless children .rosy-, and
energetic. .
v Look - for the name California
when : buying.. That ' mari- the
genuine;: safe .for Infanta, effec
tive for Children in their teens;
Afternoon Tea Is
Planned For
C r Thursday
A delightful afternoon .tea Is
planned for Tuesday, at "- which
time Mrs. Foster Cone and ' Mrs.
Gordon Wilson will be hostesses
at the home of Mrs. Cone between
the hours of three and six o'clock.
Invitations : have been sent out to
00 maids and matrons of Salem."
Thc tbesai ?4f spring will be
carried out in the decorative note
for the guest rooms. Mrs. Cone
and Mrs. Wilson : will receive at .
the door; .Assisting about tho
rooms and with serving will be
Mrs. Henry Sehmall, Mrs.; Frank
Deckebach, Jr.; Mrs. Wallace Car
son, Mrs. Wiyiam Benham, ;and
MtssJ Rovens: Eyre. T:;,;,
V Frestdtntrit- the 4ea' Uble dur-
flBg the ' afternoon3 will be , Urs.
JSmes; Fbiteir and Mrs wauer
J'i- -- -.. ir.H. r "
Mountain J -P.
T. A. to Entertain
ning of Friday, February 14, the
Mountain View Parent-Teacher
association will give an entertain
ment and supper, to which the
public is invited.
. A two-act play, entitled '.'A per
plexing situation," will be .given
by home talent. Six women and
seven men comprise the cast . In
addition to the play, there "will be
a girls' string - quartet, and the
Harmony, male Quartette of Sa
lem, will furnish vocal numbers.
Miss Ruth. Starrett -and Miss Dor
othy Thomas, also of Salem, will
give . a costume dance, and Miss
Margaret . Smart will contribute
Instrumental numbers.
- A nominal "charge, will be, made
for the program and for the sup
per 'which wlll .be served from 0
o'clock .'till 7 o'clock. The pro
ceed 'will be' applied on payment
of the kitchen equipment of the
new school . basement.
World Wide Guild at
McCallister Home
Miss Ruth and Miss Janet Mc
Allister - were ' hostesses to mem
bers of the World Wide Cnild and
Its counselor, Mrs. Gregg at the
McAllister home Monday evening.
This was a regular business meet
ing with a social hour following.
The study period topic was a dis
cussion of the book, "Jerusalem
to ' Jerusalem."
Those present were Mrs. Gregg,
Lois -Cochran; . Carol Stoddard,
Mercedes Horton, Ellen Hemen-
way, Doris Pickens, Lourain
Gregg. Alma Willis, Alice Zielke,
Mildred Taylor, Tommy Alexan
der. Edwlna Baker, Dorotha
Pickens, Virginia Buirgy, Zelda
Harlan,-and "Miss Ruth and Miss
Janet McAllister. '
St Paul. Miss " Marie Zorn en
tertained her sister, Catherine;' by
giving her : a surprise ' birthday
party. ' Clever games, tricks and
dancing were features of the eve
ning.'. At a : late ' lunch favors
marked -1 places for the . hostess,
Catherine Zorn, Wlnnona Jette,
Ray - and Eleanor Segnln, Ray
Brown. Robert Gribble, Helen and
-Arlene Simon, Ivon -Blosser; Ben
and: Bill- Benhorst !'Ida. Eaton,
Mr. and . Mrs. Arthur Buyserie,
Laurence Vande.;WIele; Mary
Kaufmanni 'Elmer '-Gooding : and
Rose Marie Faber: -
In War
aiid in
1 ' i
A Strong Ally
Is Half The Battle
.The First National Bank
in Salem IS "a "strong
. .tflytf It-has led. the. .way
-In developing ? an - out-'
Stan dinjr , community
banBno; -institution: :: It
V 'endeavors to be more to
; its customera JandJ the
' entire community, than
a" mere - eleannsr . house
The First National Bank
;s the Ad Vriting Contest
k. -: . - ' ; vr roe an aaveruaeneens mooub mny owm
ness ccajcem:wlKe .advertising appears; to
V fT either local newspaper -during -the" week! .ef
"- February t to 15. Use your own ideas. Write
v " ,4 - as many ads as you Hke' Tbenend ordeliver.
- C -your Atrtes'w-'AdrWrlUng;Contest,T in. care.
'" - -ci the First National bank, in Salem. You may
..'.'S wla one ef three easa priaes.- -
. . f x ... .
Saleni FoltAre ;;
Pleasant ViewMr. and Mrs.
L C Morris -entertained , r large
erpwd at their spacious eoantry
home .Saturday eveiang. The ever
nlng was .spent Is dancing by the
younger; 'group, , and , tlsitlnf hy
the elder members 'of the, crowd."
- At a late hours a delicious Inneh
was served. , - . :
. . Those present were Mr; and Mts.
W. C. Morris and daughter Ruth.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 'Russell.
Mr. and Mis. .William-Morris.
Fred Luke. Mr. and Mrs; John
Schilling, and son. Gene. Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Whitehead, and children
Norman" and ' La Verne. - Mr. ; H.
Peets. of Turner. Miss Mary Fell
era, Ben .Whlpper.CarL Whlpper,
and afrs. 'Sam Drager. of Salem,
Mr. : and, Mrs. Lloyd Jar. an, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl E. Cook, Mr. and
MrSv. Frank Cook and daughter,
Leone, M. A. Cook and daughter
Marian,, of La Comb, Ore Louie
Hennis. Mr: and Mra. Walter Mill
er, .Mr. and Mrs. 'Howard Huns
aker and children Junior. Mary.
Esther and. Morris, Miss Myriam
Hall of Salem, Roscoe Portef . Mr.,
and;Mrs. W. H. Erx,"Mr; and Mr
Roland;. Jo Morris, 7 pres!ce
Stockman"" anal " siHrrtdrrrs, f of
Portland Miss Esther Cook, -'Salem,
Clifford. Evan's, Charles Van
Valkenberg and the host and host
ess,. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. "Morris. - ,
-. " .- ; .
. -a. . - , , . .
Leslie Women Will
Entertain Today
There will be a 12:30 o'clock
potluck luncheon at . the ..Leslie
church today .'with members of
the Ladles aid and the Missionary
society in charge. " ,
Following the luncheon meet
ing the Missionary society will
have a regular - business session
with the president, Mrs. . A.
Rhoten presiding. Mrs. Charles.
Lucas will have charge of the
scripture lesson and Mrs. B.' E.
Otjen will have charge of the stu
dy lesson., Mrs. Otjen will be as
sisted, by Mrs., W. J. Linfoot and
Mrs. ' E. D; Proctor. .
The Ladies ald will have, its
business, session immediately, fol
lowing that of the Missionary, so
ciety. . St. Paul. The Lady Foresters
and their husbands entertained at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Hlller, Saturday, in honor of
their 25th wedding anniversary.
The evening was spent 1 playing
"500." Mrs. Hlller and James
Gooding ; received first prises.
Lunch was served by the ladies,
after whtch the group ' presented
Mr. and Mrs. Hlller with a' silver
. Dayton The Pleasant ' Hour
Reading club met at the' home of
Mrs. Jennie Murphy Friday.' Af
ter ah Interesting roll call of pa
triotic stories came the usual
study -period. Plans were made
and' committees appointed for the
annual guest day, February 21,
to be held In the home of Miss
Catherine Burnard. This Is the
main social event of the year for
the reading club.
Woodburn. The Ladles' So
dality of the St. Luke's Catholic
church will give another of their
popular Qances In the St Luke's
community hall Thursday night.
- Monmouth T h e engagement
of Miss Marguerite Blake and
John Phillips, both members of
the senior class of Oregon Nor
mal school, announced recently; Is
of interest to their, many friends
on the campus. . . Miss -Blake's
home Is at Seaside. She is presi
dent " of Arnold Arms student
home. . --
Mr. Phillips, outstanding ath
lete of" the school -was awarded-
for.; the . depositing and
) lending of money-. It
;does?J?d Wlways will,
loolc to 'the lest? inter-
estf vt
frienlds :in every legiti
- mate. wy. -1 Above' all,
this bank: endeavors to
be a FRIENDLY ally. .
" i . A.l f- T
r- assiBBiaBaaw'eX " "
the president' cup for being the
most yaluablf ntillty member of
the 122S team. His home la la
Portland where he was" graduated
from Franklin high - schooL
Both; will be gradaated . from
the Kormal with the June class.
Knight Merrtorial Plans
Luncheon Meeting
Today the women of the Knight
Memorial church will meet at the
church for an all-day. . meeting.
The) morning will be given over to
sewing. At 12:20 o'clock lunch
eon will be served. The afternoon
will be occupied, with an address
from Mrs.. Kellogg, returned mis
sionary from China,
f Hostesses for this affairVill be
Mrs. Fern Dougherty, Mrs. Ash
by, Mrs. MeCane, and Mrs. Phil
lips. '
Scotts Mills Miss E. Ray
craft and" her senior Spanish
class entertained the freshmen
Spanish class . Friday evening at
her home. The evening .was spent
in playing games after which re
freshments, were . "served. The
sen tors, are Margaret Geren, Or
ris Keebaugh and Frank . Shep
herd: tha fmhmta am Mar and
Corrine Moberg;.deO Sauereaslg,
LeNoel - Mjrers,': Fidelia ani Ger
aldine Fry.Della as d " Leila Hilton.-
" ' - 1 . "
Dallas -The benefit bridge par
ty given by the Dallas members
of the D. A. . R. Saturday after
noon was a financial success, just
a little less than 140 being real
ized. Fifteen tables were in play
during the afternoon. About 18
Salem matrons motored over for
the event.
- Gervals. Guests - at the Sam
H. Brown home this past week
were Mrs. -Violet Chessman, Dean
of women, at Pacific university,
and Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Mount
and two daughters and R. E. Es
son of Sandy. .
r . . : ; : : : 1
t - For old and young Clever, Comic, and Artistic, '1
I And for the Valentine Party! 1
I We have everything needed to make it a distinguished ft
II III l e,n a I f w
Spring fashions in New Wash Frocks not an ordinary type of ' . . r
house dress, but as individual as can be. -New styles, new pat- J ('Ols?
terns, new materials and
priced at :
Orr .oaHOUSE dresses ot.og
Printed Percales t
Spring ".k Patterns again,'
and washable too. Many
colors and designs, .all
36 inches wide yard
A. i
255 R
I Liberty;
Rcbekah ' ' I.
Enjoys Luncheon .
-The membership contest lunch
eon - given Monday night by; the
losing side la -. the membership
drive which the Rebekah lodge
has been working on tor the past
few weeks proved a delightful af
fair. A large attendance from the
local lodge was present In addi
tion there were many guests from
out of the city. - i-
Out of town visitors were Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Pounds. Mrs. Emma
Sloper, all of Stay ton; Emll Ver
haeghe. of MUwaukie; Mrs. Hasel
Rayburn and Mrs. trrace Fairing
ton of Newport: Mrs. Gladys Case
of Silvarton; Mrs. Eda Hammack
and Mrs. Clara Shields of Gervals;
Mr. Henderson- of AstosJa;
M. P. Club Has . .
Luncheon Meeting
Mrs. Fred Gibson and Mrs. Ed.
Pratt were special guests for the
luncheon and card afternoon given
by Mrs. Wayne Henry and- Mrs..
M. C. Petteys at -the Elks s club
Monday afternoon.
Valentineaymbols and v pussy
wIHows made an attractive lunch
eon . table "where-: covers were." plae-
1 ed.. for, tke special . gneats. . Mrs.
Gibson and Mrs. Pratt and lub
members Mrs. Ernest W, Beter
son. Mrs. -Lou Grote, Mra.. Frank
Crawford, Mrs. V. Lt C bson. Mrs.
Bv X. Beechler, "Mrs. . Charles
Pratt, Mrs.: Ralph. Allen. Mrs.
Arthur Uttley,- Mrs. M. C. Petteys
Snd Mrs. Wayne Henry.
.' .
Mrs. Mason Bishop has return
ed to her home after having spent
several weeks in the hospital fol
lowing a serious operation.- Mrs.
Bishop Is said to be -improving
rapidly. '
Mrs. Charles Chaffee will en
tertain members of the Sweet Bri
ar, crab at her home on Wallace
road this afternoon beginning at
2 o'clock.
colors. A generous $L95 value
..: ' : . . -
Washable and New in Style
Fancy Hose
Children's rid Misses'.
3-4 English k Rib i hose
with Fancy top all sizes
-Chapter. -A.- Bv; t the?.; P. E. o.
Sisterhood met at the home . ot
Mrv William -Dillon Smith Mon
day night for its' regular meeting.
A special Founders. Day' program
waa presented. Special guests for
the evenlar ---were i Mn. - Walter
Smith. Mrs. C A. Sprague and Mrs.
Beldin, a guest in Salem from
Nebraska. . "-': , v
e' e . a j
The Ladies: Aid "of St, , John'a
Evangelical Lutheran church will
meet with - Mrs. Alfred Laue at
her home, .125 North Cottage
street,. Thursday afternoon. Mrs;
Adolph Mackaben will assist Mrs.
Lane. ;3 . .
... . . - . -.
Mr. .and Mra. "t . rSaven, at
Baker, Oregon; fowesrlsltfaar at the c
home ot Judgn nd ISIreVJohn L.
Rand and at the home -of Mr. a nd
Mrs. J. T. Anderson of the Moore
apartments. Mrs Anderson' 1 a
sister of Mr;Boweu: --- - . ' v v
... ; -.---.;-er7f.- -r:-t-;.-
-. Miss Ruthlta Hof fnelf entertain
ed with a luncheon lit thr home iot
her parents, Mr.' and -M rs.; Et M.
Hoff nell Saturday afternoon with
a one o'clock laacbeo in compli
ment to a grdnytthe younger
set. -"' V A".':
';:- -'-'-T.;--- .a.-.- "' .
' ' The ; West : cirela. thef Jasoia -Lee
church jwilt meet at -the home .
ot Mrs; J. A. Kalghin, I2St;Korth
Commercial street : for an .ajter
sooi ( sewing-' All women of
the church and friends are lnvit- .
ed;' ' rV"'--"'
. e-.:e-....
' -Dayton The- Ladies Aid- soci- .
ety of the- Evangelical church
held its monthly quilting and
potruck dinner -last-Thursday in
the church.
lilt wAlU uttr
wiH haal y aa at griai s. av atfaar
Ueawkl. OaaaalaaaeiataateUTaai
ahm R. Uaa a St iaa aad It vaa ara
a fee SMaaT win se saxaaoaa.
Perry's Drug Store
but only
3 for $45
. . Blankets .
Single-1 Blanket of
course, ' but 1 decidedly
pretty and colorful, only
' .... ' : . . -v"
V-r Salem .?;;
b . Portland
PlSF Wiri